Science topic

Yoga - Science topic

A major orthodox system of Hindu philosophy based on Sankhya (metaphysical dualism) but differing from it in being theistic and characterized by the teaching of raja-yoga as a practical method of liberating the self. It includes a system of exercises for attaining bodily or mental control and well-being with liberation of the self and union with the universal spirit. (From Webster, 3d ed)
Questions related to Yoga
  • asked a question related to Yoga
5 answers
To Respected, Sir/ Madam I want to draw your attention towards the diabetes eradication program. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and it is not correct by any Medicine, Substitute, Yoga or Exercise. If possible please tell me. In our body first diabetes1 comes and after some time it changes into diabetes 2 I request you and your team, Please read my book Your Health Is In Your Mouth English Hindi I want your company Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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No, Metabolic disorder not fully cure by yoga, medicine, But if we maintain daily routine, exercise ,control BMI, and intake appropriate food then we can overcome our problem mostly and delay our metabolic complication and we can use herbal medicine (less side effect) to control complication.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
2 answers
Complete Treatment of Diabetes (Very briefly).
Formulated by Sumeru Ray (Maharishi MahaManas)
If no internal organs are severely damaged then complete recovery is possible through this treatment. There are no side effects of this treatment. However, without sufficient knowledge, consciousness and desire to gain health, this treatment method of mine will not be effective. 'I will just take medicine and be fine'. This way of thinking must be abandoned.
It is a four-pronged treatment method. These include:
1) A nanomedicine specially made from human pancreatic gland that will heal the pancreas. Another nanomedicine associated with this will protect patients from autoimmune disorders.
2) A combination of herbal medicine that will heal the liver, gallbladder and digestive system.
3) Meditation and Nidra Yoga should be practiced regularly in the prescribed manner to gain mental well-being. Along with that, light exercise should be done regularly.
4) Autophagy or fasting should be done every fifteen days. Or to fast every night.
Although I created this method long ago, I never tried to establish it. Because establishing a new medical system requires a lot of effort and spending a lot of money which is not possible for me at this age. If any powerful person and organization come forward, I am ready to help them on condition. thank you
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Proper exercise guidelines are there for the diabetic patients to overcome the complications.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
1 answer
Keywords that may be inspire your thoughts:
1. Fulfillment
2. Purpose
3. Raising consciousness
4. Enlightenment
5. Retreat
6. Temple
7. Ancient
8. Cosmic
9. Awareness
10. Wisdom
11. Awakening
12. Love
13. Joy
14. Peace
15. Past Life Regression
16. Astrology
17. Yoga
18. Pure Food
19. Happyness
20. Emotional Intelligence
21. Psychic Intelligence
22. Conscious leadership
23. Nature
24. Shared purpose
25. Natural technology
26. Gift economy
27. Inspiration
28. Energy
29. Innovation
30. Creativity
31. Relationships
32. Experiences
33. Inner world
34. Harmonious Civilisation
35. Meditation
36. Excitement
37. Music
38. School
39. Work place
40. Online Platform
41. Framework for retreats
42. Documentary
43. Books
44. Podcasts
45. Core Community
46. Global Community
47. Healing the past
48. Guided meditation
49. Wellbeing
50. Life force
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  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
how the yoga increasing incretin hormone levels along with mechanisms?
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Did you find the answer?
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
how yoga is affecting the epigenetics and is there any mechanisms available?
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This was a pilot study we conducted some time ago but was the first in the area at that time: Preliminary indications of the effect of a brief yoga intervention on markers of inflammation and DNA methylation in chronically stressed women | Translational Psychiatry (
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
Hi all,
I was wondering if there is any study about Yoga or Pranayama practices and its benefits over heart rate variability. It's very important for my current study.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Mr. Rodriguez
Search for publications by Cláudia Fetter.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
1 answer
Teacher: I feel so exhausted all the time
Central Office: Have you tried yoga or running or meditation?
Let's stop telling teachers to do yoga and meditate (UNLESS that’s what they want and choose to do). Instead, let’s advocate for making teaching a sustainable career!
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Yoga, running and meditation were very valuable energy balancing activities throughout my academic life.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
2 answers
I need to analyse the effect of Yoga on quality of life in drug addicted individuals
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These are free versions.Questonaries are in English ,if you want in Hindi get it translated.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
I'm a yoga teacher and MAPP student looking to write my dissertation on the links between yoga practice and flourishing/wellbeing. I'm in the very early stages of looking at this topic.
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Hi I am an RAD lecturer and embarking on an MSc in mental health and wellbeing in Education at Bucks. I am researching this year the relationship between creative practice and good mental health (flourishing) through creative improvisation in the dance class with older learners as opposed to traditional dance class lead and follow example which is most usual
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
I am working on an interdisciplinary research at the intersection between clinical psychology and yoga practice as a cultural phenomenon in the Western world.
What I want is to eliminate the confusion and potential for mental suffering from the practice of yoga in the West.
The theme of my research is the experience of the awakening of kundalini in groups of yoga practitioners. The research is qualitative and follows three directions:
a) to prove the existence of the phenomenon for the western clinical psychologist, in order to have a correct understanding.
b) an emphasis on social vulnerability that might occur during the phenomenon (including vulnerability to abuse)
c) A psychodynamic understanding of how yoga practitioners signify this experience.
I am still building a questionnaire and an interview guide and I am trying to integrate the most important dimensions of the psyche (defined in psychology therms) involved in kundalini experience.
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The most important psychological dimension is that, you are originated from Adam. Whose main focused was to safe humanity, kindness, helping others without any personal benefit.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
5 answers
Our paper is about adaptations of practices from the East in the West, including yoga, mindfulness and other forms of meditation. We are looking for references that support that practices are compromised when not applied in full. This could be because of people or organisations 'cherry-picking' what suits them while ignoring the philosophy in which they are embedded, or other examples that have been soundly explored, or a related theory.
Thanks in advance, scholars!
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The use of antibiotics might yield some examples. It isn't always wise to stop a prescribed regimen once symptoms are gone since the infection itself may not be completely gone.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
104 answers
Mysticism is often treated as the opposite of science. But is it? Please see
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Yes, it does: in fact, current biomedical technology has made it possible to visualize brain images when a subject is in a mystical trance or meditation ("Definition, Philosophical and Scientific Bases of Mysticism", by Raúl León Barúa
DOI:, it has even been related to Quantum Physics ("Quantum physics and mysticism not ensino de ciências", by TR Rocha, TM de Carvalho, CM Felício - Research, Society and Developmen, 2020 -
  • asked a question related to Yoga
9 answers
kindly provide list of physiology/ yoga journals with no publication charges indexed in pubmed/scopus/WOS/DOAJ.
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  • asked a question related to Yoga
32 answers
I’m a student of philosophy and religious studies. I’m also someone who practices mindfulness techniques to deal with stress and the effects of some permanent physical injuries. I’ve been impressed by how mindfulness has improved my life, and I’m interested in learning more about its history, how it works, and how it affects others. As part of a research project, I’m asking mindfulness practitioners some basic questions about their relationship with mindfulness to better understand how people use, understand, and benefit from their practice.
If you’re interested in participating, please complete my short survey and feel free to pass it along to others. It only takes about 3 minutes since it consists of just 3 demographics questions and 4 questions about mindfulness. It is 100% anonymous and will not ask for any contact information. The survey closes at 5PM EST on April 2nd, 2021.
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This is really interesting, important and good questions for researchers consumption.
Keep it up !
  • asked a question related to Yoga
10 answers
we all have our own thought and experience regarding yoga and meditation, we all know it's a miracle unexplainable to those who do he/she feel it.What's your view regarding it.
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Yoga ( योग ) in a broad sense means a set of various spiritual, mental and physical practices developed in different directions of Hinduism and Buddhism and aimed at controlling the mental and physiological functions of the body in order to achieve an individual's elevated spiritual and mental state.
"Meditation" means "union with God." The word "yoga" also means "union with God", when an individual spirit soul unites with the Supreme Soul, completely focuses on God - her mind, body, heart, her entire being are given to God without a trace.
When one reaches the perfection called trance or samadhi, his mind, engaged in yoga, is completely withdrawn from material activities. Thanks to the purity of the mind, such a yogi acquires the ability to see his true self, and it becomes for him a source of joy and happiness. In this joyful state, he experiences unlimited spiritual bliss, enjoying transcendental senses. Having established himself at this level, a person never deviates from the truth and, having reached this state, realizes that nothing more can be achieved. He is never troubled, even in the face of the greatest calamities. This is true freedom from the suffering arising from contact with the material world.
Regards, Sergey
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
I work in an adult day health program as a yoga therapist. I also sing. The program is a certified music and memory program, some of the clients are musicians. I am noticing the triggering of musical memories during our chair yoga classes and I am curious if yoga could be used in memory health in combination with music.
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I am a yoga therapist who will be (as soon as quarantine ends) working in an adult day health program that is a music and memory certified site.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
15 answers
It's matter of big discussion that traditional medicine may play key role in management of Covid-19. Recently, in India, Ayurveda and Yoga has been included in National management protocol for asymptomatic n mild cases of Covid-19.
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Holistic management is a key concept in management of any ailment. Even WHO acknowledges the varied spectrum and dimensions of health. Aurvedic medicines have been accepted even by the Westerners and stood the test of times. In addition allopathy has borrowed much from traditional medicines. Yoga is also a great supplement to other therapies as it focusses on physical fitness as well as breathing exercises which further improve our respiratory system. Moreover allopathy has not provided yet any concrete evidence of management and are recommending only hit & trial therapies or symptomatic/supportive management. Therefore it's a great initiative to include such alternative system of therapies for the management so that we can enrich our arsenal for the fight against this pandemic.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
2 answers
During the period between 2010 and  till date we encountered  only one case of bullous pemphigoid. We treated the case with Wrightia tinctoria extract. There was disappearance of signs and symptoms in 12 months of treatment. No signs and symptoms appeared  after discontinuing treatment for one year.and six months. The patient was advised healthy dieting and maintain healthy life style.
No smoking, no drinking, no soft drinks or juices with preservatives, no animal protein, regular excretion of waste body metabolites through  sweat, urine, stool and breathe. Regular physical activity preferably exercise or Yoga. Fasting in sleep. Maintain positive emotions, meditation and Yoga
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According to the international expert consensus(Ref: Murrell DF, Daniel BS, Joly P, et al. Definitions and outcome measures for bullous pemphigoid: recommendations by an internationalpanel of experts. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012 Mar;66(3):479-85. ), complete remission means absence of new or established lesions while the patient is on/off minimal therapy for at least two months.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
51 answers
Can the coronavirus travel to the lower lungs during deep breathing exercises, such as during yoga?
There’s no evidence that yoga breathing facilitates the virus going into the deeper parts of the lungs. Once you’re infected with the virus, it’s going to spread in your airways. The way you breathe or don’t breath won’t play much of a role.
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During COVID-19 pandemic many patients along with exclusive symptoms, developed depression, anger, anxiety, the suicidal tendency as well as confusion. In addition to the invention of vaccines and medicines researchers have been trying to find alternate sources for prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The experts have also worked upon proving the role of Yoga and meditation in improving physical and mental health during this global emergency. It was found from a study that people with chronic lungs and heart disease are at greater risk for severe cardiovascular and respiratory complications from COVID-19. Simultaneously, practicing Yoga and meditation regularly has resulted in significantly improved performance also in co-morbidity conditions. Ref:
However, there is no evidence of transmission of infection to the lower lungs due to yoga, rather yoga and meditation are helpful in improving cardiac and pulmonary performances.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
I am investigating effect of yoga therapy on cardiovascular response to stress. There are two groups- Control (with no yoga intervention) and Yoga Group. They are tested in two conditions "Resting" and after "Stress" (IHG Test) over a period of 4 weeks. Variables are SBP, DBP, MAP, HR, RPP.
I have run the doubly multivariate analysis separately for "Resting" and "Stress" conditions, that is, Control Vs. Yoga group for resting condition and then again for Stress condition.
Data presentation is as follows,
Group SBP0 SBP1 SBP2 SBP3 SBP4 DBP0 DBP1 DBP2 ........
Is this a proper data presentation to run doubly multivariate in GLM Repeated measure analysis in SPSS?
Questions to be investigated are-
1. Whether there is an beneficial effect of intervention (yoga therapy) on CVS parameters leading to group difference- Between subjects effect in Resting And Stress conditions
2. Whether there is "Within Subject effect" of time factor?
3. Should I also test the interaction effect, Time*Group? What does it indicate if it is statistically significant?
Is my approach to run the analysis separately for Resting condition and Stress condition correct?
Can anyone help me to explain what are the relevant tables to be included in reporting results as regards above three questions?
Are there any illustrations available which are similar to my study?
Please guide.....
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No idea towards your question sir.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
It has many 'Karma" or activities to be Hindu such as yoga, aasan, sanskar, puja etc. but people seem not internalizing all these at present.
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Unfortunately, in the time period we live in, people's devotion to religion decreases. I think that the advancement, facilitation and cheapening of technology, communication and transportation affect this. There is no place on earth where religion is felt strongly and does not spread to other areas. It is very tempting to try to transform the dominant religion into culture, to make money through it, and finally to seize the power of the state and determine a permanent policy. However, there are many drawbacks to making religion the center of physical life. First of all, different fields have different rules. The values ​​and rules of politics, economy and culture are very different. Directing them on the axis of religion will not be effective and will have an exclusive effect on a segment of the population. For example, in the context of India, the pursuit of such a policy for Muslims would be exclusive and would ultimately not achieve the intended purpose.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
20 answers
Several scientists came with the finding that Practice of Meditation increase the alpha waves production, is it the only finding we have till date or any new findings are there?
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Please go through the following RG link and PDF attachments.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
17 answers
Is there any method described in any form of yoga to enhance the immune power of human body?
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  • asked a question related to Yoga
10 answers
Backache are of several types, like related to the muscles, vertebrae or spine. What may be the possible Yoga therapy for all three types of Back-pain?
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  • asked a question related to Yoga
16 answers
Few Days ago during International Yoga Day (21st June) some of the news channels came with the debate whether one should practice Surya Namaskar or not? The question is relation to the answer of that debate whether Surya Namaskar is related to any religion or it has some scientific bases?
Surya Namaskar is the combination of 12 Yoga postures. Several articles emphasize  that it is useful for physical fitness and hormonal balance. 
Is there any scientific study over it which proves the statement?
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Surya namaskara helps reducing body weight in obese persons.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
I am starting a corporate wellness program in Israel and would be interested to study the effects of my program, perhaps with someone who is already doing research in this area.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
9 answers
India is going to become or has become the world capital for diabetes. A country which has a high value for traditional medicine and the seat for Yoga has suddenly seen itself as the world capital of Diabetes and heart disease.
Most blame it on life style but even a short look back into the lives of Indians in the past the Family values were high and had a joint family.
But today the nuclear family itself is unable to withstand the stress of family and as a result has seen more conflicts within the family.
Very easy to say Im a diabetic but its also sad to see families after families succumbing to the gene of diabetes.
who will end the chain?
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Physical inactivity, dietary alterations, obesity, stress and stronger genetic factors in Indians are some of the reasons behind high incidence of diabetes in India.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
7 answers
Yoga therapy is gaining popularity now all over. Is there any evidence based study to prove whether practice of Yoga improves our immune system?
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Please also take a look at this useful PDF attachment.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
12 answers
Parkinson's Disease is a seerious issue now days.
Yoga may be a way of manage this problem. What yoga practice should be provided to them?
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The results of recent review found that practicing yoga helped improve functional mobility, balance, and lower-limb strength in people with Parkinson's disease. In addition to improved balance, flexibility, and posture, participants experienced a boost in mood and better sleep quality.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
I'm conducting an exercise intervention with office workers. The intervention will include Yoga classes and one to one coaching. I will be looking at the effects of the intervention on two dependent variables: 1.walking
2. the amount of time workers spend standing.
I have a control group and a treatment group. Walking data will be measured using pedometers, and standing time will be measured using a self-report questionnaire.
Am I right in thinking that a two-way unrelated ANOVA is needed to test for difference between the groups?
Thanks in advance
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MANOVA is also a good option and the you see the interactions between variables.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
6 answers
benefits of yoga include?
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In eastern philosophy, Yoga is literally union. The last phase of Ashtanga Yoga is Samadhi where practitioner attempts to unite with the ultimate source.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
28 answers
What is the take of modern science on ancient sciences like Vedas, Puranas, Yoga, Ayurveda etc? Do they qualify as science? Why and Why not?
Has western colonisation of the world influenced the way which knowledge we qualify as science, even years after these countries gained independence?
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World Health Organisation has recognized ancient AYUSH system (and its parts- Ayurveda and Yoga) as science. World is celebrating International Yoga Day. It is funny to see scientific scholars of 21st sanctuary still questioning the scientific basis of Ayurveda and Yoga.
Ancient wisdom like Yoga, Ayurveda and the like are proven scientific sources of knowledge as they are based on time-tested theories proven by observation, trial and error and experimentation. Number of facts narrated in these ancient texts are scientifically proven/validated now-a-days. We have several published evidences in reputed Journals in this regard. Based on this traditional knowledge several scientific advancements are being made.
Though available tools/techniques/few school of thoughts are not compatible to understand and prove some of these ancient hypothesis/theories. Different school of thoughts should come and work together to fill this gap in knowledge and explore these ancient facts for future benefit of mankind.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
9 answers
Do you know any intervention program that performs aerobic exercise with teachers to improve their wellbeing or similar variables related to your health (stress, anxiety, burnout, depresion?
There are numerous intervention programs that use techniques like yoga or mindfulness but I have not found one that is based on aerobic exercise.
I am conducting research on the subject and I would like to document myself. Thank you.
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There is a new comprehensive health promotion programme for primary school teachers in South Africa (including exercise and fitness). Maybe if interest. See
  • asked a question related to Yoga
12 answers
The Integrative Medicine is gaining popularity and acceptance as it consists of many healing therapies to treat many diseases. In mini form it is existing in India as Ayurved doctors always prescribes medicine, diet, yoga, meditation, mantra etc. but the present emerging IM is covering many existing therapies so domain is wider. There is need of a post-graduate course of general integrative medicine open for all medical graduates. As it advances the specialty integrative post graduate course may be introduced like integrative cardiology etc.
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please checkot my web site
and read about salutogenesis e.i. medicine of health = integrative or holistic medicine
  • asked a question related to Yoga
2 answers
What type of memory in humans gets better after 10 minutes of yoga or tai chi?
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There are various reports about cognitive abilities being enhanced following short term yoga sessions. The domains studied in cognitive abilities are working memory, spatial memory, response inhibition, attention etc. But the effects of yoga depends upon with the type of intervention.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
7 answers
Concerning my recent discussion to write a research proposal for my PhD degree. ‘Subject Insomnia.’ After undertaking some limited research into this problem. It is recognised that anxiety, depression, and stress are the main contributors to this illness.
Yoga can be a way forward in relieving the symptoms of this health issue.
I have just signed up for some Yoga sessions at my local gym. Its early days, but I hope to prove that Yoga can help me to relax while monitoring my own sleep patterns. I have attached a link to the ‘kundalini Research Institute’ for viewing. It recognised that there is much more research needed for the benefits of Yoga.
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Look into Yoga Nidra. Yoga can assist in relaxation leading to sleep and help improve sleep behavior.This link is from the VA website.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
If we know that headaches can be caused by the tension of muscles of the neck, shoulders and head, stress, medication, poor nutrition, alcohol, hormonal imbalances, constipation, low blood pressure ... then the detection of the cause and its removal is the right path for resolving headache problems.
One of the totally natural approaches are asana yoga exercises.
The basic principles in the yoga are deep breathing and extraction of the spinal column. "Yoga helps relieve tension and relieve stress, which are the main causes of headaches. By practicing asanas, the brain is supplied with more oxygen, thereby reducing or eliminating headaches." - Lynn A. Anderson, Doctor of Naturopathy and Yoga Teacher.
There are and many other natural solutions that help to eliminate tension and reduce the effect of stress, and thus prevent the onset of headache: in short: strict adherence to all known health-appropriate life habits, ie abandonment of everyday familiar unhealthy lifestyle, tobacco smoking first, alcohol consumption and nutrition to canned foods, combination of goat cheese and red wine, ... consumption of organically produced foods, rich water magnesium or from the addition of regular low-dose magnesium tablets in tablets ... avoiding staying outside during extreme atmospheric circumstances ...
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Dear Ivan and Ashish,
Your quality discussion raises the quality of the questions I have asked and I am very grateful to you for this. I believe that the common text will be useful to many, and who suffer from headaches and those who deal with her treatment.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
26 answers
All you know that by the efforts of Indian celebrities and the positive results of Yoga has made it a global phenomena. Similarly, do you think that Ayurveda has the potential to go global like Yoga.
Your views are solicited.
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Dear Dr. Mahesh Kumar,
The answer to your question in short is yes. Please have a look at this useful ResearchGate link.
Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Yoga
75 answers
To make aware our colleagues about the benefits of yoga, I am asking this question.
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Mahesh Kumar provides us with a reminder that a healthy mind needs a healthy body. Most of the time!
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
I'm looking for text that mention female practitioner of hatha yoga, or special asana or pranayama related to women.
When it comes to physical practices one might find differences in instructions.
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Thank you Apar Saoji
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
My hypothesis is that practicing yoga provides body and mind consciousness and therefore improves the ability of regulating one's emotions and behaviours by acting on the inhibitory control.
I plan to set an experiment with children aged 5 as this is the best age for acting on the development of their executive functions, but in reality this will depend on the class level I will be affected to.
Therefore, I am looking for any research made on this subject (no matter the age of the subjects).
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I am working with my team on Effect of Yoga and Meditation on Inhibitory Control. I am going to present the results in Conference on The Science of Consciousness (TSC,2018)April 2-7,2018, in one of the concurrent sessions. You can please access the abstract at the link :
The subjects in the study include three level of mediationists (i) Novice meditators (ii) Intermediate Meditators (iii) Advanced Meditators
Age range is 15-49 yrs.
I will publish the paper within couple of months and let you know.
Meanwhile, the following paper may be useful:
Effect of Yoga and Meditation on Mindfulness and Consciousness
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
We have EKG and respiration data recorded using ADinstruments. Could anyone suggest the steps to assess the cardiorespiratory synchronization ratio?
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Hi Apar,
no problem. I do not have personal experience in this field, but I'm quite sure, one of the authors of the linked chapter will help out in case you face any difficulties. They are active on RG, too.
Best of luck!
  • asked a question related to Yoga
5 answers
We are trying to assess the relaxation following yoga techniques. Can anyone suggest a tool to assess subjective levels of relaxation?
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Measurement of cortisol levels and changes in heart rate and blood pressure
  • asked a question related to Yoga
1 answer
Hi, Our team is curious if your EPYQ tool is ready for implementation or testing with other reserachers. Our team is interested in conducting follow-up studies from our current RCT.
Tracy Oosterbroek
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Hi Tracy,
What kind of tool are you exactly looking at? If you share details, our team could be able to help.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
Deep breathing and body postures (e.g. yoga poses) can cause a beneficial massage-effect on visceral organs (e.g. thyroid gland, pancreas, intestines)?
I've heard this in many yoga schools, and they added that this is an essential mediator of the effect of yoga on health (even treating mild hormonal diseases were suggested to be possible).
Yet, I failed to find any scientific results. Do you know about such work?
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Hello This is a mistake of translating. Deep breathing is a great way to breathe and exhale through the nose and counting.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
4 answers
During the period between 2010 and September 2017 We treated over 1500 psoriasis cases. There was disappearance of signs and symptoms of psoriasis in many cases after discontinuing Wrightia tinctoria herbal usage for  a period of 5 to 7 years. The patients are advised to follow healthy dieting and healthy life style. No smoking, no drinking and no soft drinks or juices with preservatives,. Night fasting in sleep. No animal protein. Maintain regular physical activity preferably Yoga or exercise. Regular excretion of waste body metabolites through sweat, urine, stool and breathe. To keep positive emotions and to meditate.
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Professeur honoraire Faculté Libre de Médecine de Lille.
La manifestation clinique comme la disparition du psoriasis dépendent de si nombreux facteurs, qu'on simplifie l'étude de son étiologie en évoquant "l'environnement", "la prédisposition" les "HLA...", quel qu'en soit la clinique, puisqu'il peut être cutané et/ou arthropatique, sa définition anatomo-pathologique étant l'abcès de Munro et Sabouraud.
Il en est de même pour l'eczéma, ou "les eczémas" qui ont pour caractère commun la spongiose, alors qu'il est lui aussi en équation avec une pathologie "interne", l'asthme...
  • asked a question related to Yoga
2 answers
I am interested to commence Laughter Yoga in an inpatient psychiatric setting. I have read articles regarding LY in other settings though not an acute psychiatric unit.
Any information would be much appreciated!
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You have certainly broached up a very interesting issue.I hope that the following links can provide you with the targeted literature:
Best of luck,
R. Biria
  • asked a question related to Yoga
2 answers
Dear collegues,
How could I analyze all available data about retrospective racing performance in FEI Endurance rides?
Could this "handicap" be used in a case-control study as well as in a cohort design?
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Thank you, Mrs Hood! We are talking about racing outcomes of horses undergoing a Endurance season. We have a wide amount of variables related to racing performance and thus the purpose is to qualify each horse based on the whole available data.
In a case-control study, how could I use the whole data to assign each group? 
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
There have been controlled studies on yoga for adolescents, but I am not aware of comparable studies for younger children.
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Thank you both for your replies.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
8 answers
Is there any research into the benefit of combining yoga postures with meditation, neurologically?
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Dear Terry,
Try this and good luck for your research!
  • asked a question related to Yoga
7 answers
Hyper acidity is a common disorder now a days. Yoga is a well known management system of this problem. Various Yoga therapists suggest different package for the same. I am in the search of the best package of Yogic Practices.
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Sometimes, especially for those who ingest large amounts of food, it happens a stomach dilation, and this produces a tessues relaxation, and a consequent bag, which never empties completely. You can empty when making flipped. In fact, the patient suffering from this disorder, after a kapalasana, feel nauseous just for pouring the stagnant liquid and gastric acid. A washing stomach, fasting morning, ingesting 6 glasses of hot water and salt, and a few moments of practicing for Uddhyana Bandha rinse the stomach, when rejecting the hot water outside, cleans the stomach from stagnant liquid. This eliminates the acidity caused by the stagnant liquid. You must have to be careful of brush your teeth carefully after the vomit, to prevent that the stomach acid eroding tooth enamel. Of course or the patient starts to eat sparingly, to restore the correct form of the stomach, or he have to redo Vamana Dhauti at least once a week
  • asked a question related to Yoga
8 answers
Some of the Yoga experts suggest neck rotation in the problem of cervical spondylitis, whereas some suggests not to perform this practice. Can we get the right answer?
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Very good points. This is the way to avoid the upper cross syndrome.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
7 answers
Practitioners and professionals of Yoga claims that practice of Yoga improves the digestive functions. How can it be measured whether the digestion improved or not?
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Dear Kamakhya,
that is intresting :).
But from a scientific point of view, it first needs to be clarified, that an experiment never can "prove" a theory. Experiments are only able to say, that (in this case) the opposite is unlikely...: It is unlikely that Yoga does not improve digestive functions, however this is not precise, I think it gives you a gist.
And the way it is done is:
Define a "Manipulation" or "independent variable": for example invite two groups of people: one group makes yoga for half an hour in your laboratory, the other group only sits there for the same amount of time. Make sure, that "doing Yoga" is the only difference between what is happening in both groups.
Define "improving digestive function" - this is your dependent variable. I do not have a clue, what this could be: maybe the quality of the stool. Whatever it is, it should be a plausible indicator of the quality of digestive functions. Maybe we have some physicians here :)
Now you can do diffrent things.
1. Forget the groups, but analyse the stool before doing yoga and after doing yoga. In terms of quality there should be an improvement...
2. Invite those two groups, and analyse the stool only afterwards. There should be a difference then, to "reject" the hypothesis, that yoga does not improve the digestives....
3. Do both.
Make sure, that no one you invite to participate does actually yoga for herself regularly. The idea of testing is to have the highest possible control for causal effects. Namely, your manipulation is the only systematic source of possible differences in the digestive functions. So think about other explanations too, and rule them out.
Funny thing, let me know the results ^^
Best, René
  • asked a question related to Yoga
10 answers
Some Yoga Gurus says that practice of Kapalbhati is useful for all the practitioners whether they are Hypertensive or not. At the same time some Yoga experts says its not good for them.
What should be the right answer?
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Dear Amnah Abdullah 
Thank you for the reply. Can you please arrange the article for me?
  • asked a question related to Yoga
10 answers
Several Yoga studies shows a significant change in respiratory parameters. As the respiratory and cardiac activities are interrelated, there must be some impact of Yoga practice on Cardiac parameters. Can we just control our Blood pressure i.e If someone is hypertensive he can reduce his BP, but if someone have low blood pressure can he improve it through Yoga?
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Dear Kamakhya kumar,
Yes, yoga (with slow and paced breathing) may elicits beneficial changes in cardiovascular health through Cardiovascular reflex control system. With my research experience on hypertension in elderly, we have demonstrated that yoga can control Grade-I hypertension not associated with CV risk factors (RCT). We have also shown that yoga can improve age-associated vascular dysfunction, reduce sympathetic overactivity and oxidative stress. We are now working on to understand underlying beneficial mechanism. We do not know, whether Yoga based approach is sustainable in individuals with hypertension associated with CV risk factors such hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia. You can find my articles on RG. 
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11 answers
I am interested in all kinds of accounts (even single-case studies) and particularly in the specific effects of combining such verbal and non-verbal practices. 
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I think your question is interesting because interventions such as yoga can extend the imaginary field , reflection and mentalising among other things.
It's interesting, because I think that many of the mental health issues today have to do with it .
  • asked a question related to Yoga
37 answers
I collect Data about yoga if some one has informations about it
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--- India celebrated June 21, 2015 as International Yoga Day -- 177 countries celebrated ---
Yoga is becoming more and more popular because it’s not only a fantastic meditation practice, but it’s also a great exercise regimen for all ages.
Other than using caution with some positions, there aren’t many disadvantages to Yoga. However, there are plenty of benefits for nearly anyone, regardless of your age. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons of Yoga:
Pros and health benefits:
1. Yoga increases strength and flexibility
2. Yoga works on the whole body. 
3. Yoga transforms your flabby muscles.
4. Yoga is a natural detoxification process.
5. Yoga can alleviate pain.
6. Yoga relieves stress.
7. Yoga harmonizes your body and mind as one.
8. Yoga stabilizes emotions.
9. Yoga works well on arthritic areas.
Some cautions:
1. Use caution with Yoga headstands.
Some optometrists have warned that Yoga headstands could lead to glaucoma, but there haven’t been enough studies on this to draw a firm conclusion.
2. Be wary of Dahn Yoga.
Dahn Yoga is a Korean Yoga idea, whch may be nothing more than a sales pitch to get your money by putting the word “Yoga” in there. It seems to include a lot of counting and chanting with no focus on breathing.
3. Use caution with Bikram Yoga.
Bikram Yoga, also known as “Hot Yoga”, is performed in a hot room. Some doctors say this isn’t good for your body, while others say it is. You can avoid this controversy by simply sticking with the basics.
 In summary, practicing yoga with a trained instructor can benefit your mind, body, and inner self. With yoga, you’ll be able to relieve stress, strengthen your muscles, and promote your health and well-being.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
11 answers
I am unable to find published clinical studies regarding:  In the female older adult (65 & older) will aerobic versus anaerobic activities increase cognitive function?  Aerobic act- meaning cardio exercises (aerobic exercises, running, step-machine, bicycling)  Anaerobic act. - meaning yoga, stretching exercises (tai-chi), playing cards, Sudoku.
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All 'anaerobic' activities listed ('...Anaerobic act. - meaning yoga, stretching exercises (tai-chi), playing cards, Sudoku...') are not anaerobic, some cannot even be regarded as physical activity. To be classified as anaerobic, the intensity of the activity should be high enough to activate predominantly anaerobic metabolic pathways (phosphagen/alactic, glycolitic/lactic), i.e. above the anaerobic threshold (above max lactate steady state). I am not aware of any studies on this topic...
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
Most of the available cognitive assessment tools are for abnormal people.
I am trying to grade the cognition in normal people.
I am interested in doing research on effect of yoga on cognitive abilities in normal population.
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It depends on the outcome(s) you are hypothesizing.  There are all sorts of batteries you could use that are designed for typically developing adults, e.g., Wechsler IQ tests, Kaufman assessment batteries, etc. for overall cognitive ability.  But maybe you're wondering about potential changes in attention or memory, or nonverbal reasoning, in which case you would look at other measures that focus specifically on these abilities.  (There are no risks of ceiling effects unless you are somehow anticipating that your sample is either atypically gifted or that yoga will have a very large effect, as these tools are normed on reasonably large, representative samples.)
  • asked a question related to Yoga
5 answers
The season has came for colds. Several people suffer repeatedly with cough & cold. What may be the treatment in Yoga Therapy?
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Yogic kriyas are useful. Practice of Jalaneti (nasal wash by saline water), Sutraneti (inserting catheter in the nasal passage) would help in nasal allergy. Also the practice of Pranayama would enhance immunity to combat cold and cough. Link for a possibly useful paper is -
  • asked a question related to Yoga
60 answers
Yoga, or what passes off as Yoga in the western world, is a $30 billion industry in the United States.. People of all ages contort themselves into positions like 'downward dog' and believe that they are doing Yoga. Due to the limitations and failures of modern allopathic health systems, increasingly people are turning to alternative and complementary eastern health systems in the hope of a cure for their mental and physical ailments. Capitalist tendencies are quick to capitalize on this ignorance/demand and quick to offer a number of services and goods(gadgets) to fool the consumer even further.
All the Yoga texts state that Yoga is a mental process to achieve equanimity, mental poise, stillness of the mind, 'Chitta vriddhi nirodaha'. 'Asana' is mental balance and stability in whatever you do in life, not a physical pose to hold for a convenient time, or at a convenient place(studio). How come its so far away from the truth when it comes to western understanding & practice of Yoga? What has been "Lost in Translation"? If individuals continue to choose the 'juicier' parts of Yoga philosophy(for example the health benefits) and twist it to suit their own convenience in the name of 'freedom' (due to the munificence of the original seers who sought no exclusive rights and patents) and ignore the ethical, spiritual, human, environmental and disciplinary parts, is there a danger of Yoga losing its meaning? By only taking the parts we want, isn't the very purpose of Yoga lost? Why bother calling it Yoga at all and add to the deepening confusion everywhere? Should the charade of the emperor's new clothes continue or an attempt made to define the science for what it actually is?
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1. Yoga is not ancient Indian philosophy. It does not belong to anyone, or to Hinduism. It is the heritage of all mankind who have arose from a single source. The geographical, cultural, political and demographical entity known as India now, received it & practiced it to preserve the science of Yoga faithfully. Other inheritors lost it, while India preserved it as a sacred science, recognizing its essentiality. But all mankind are the inheritors. You have the same right as anyone from India has over Yoga. This is probably difficult for Americans to comprehend in the times of cutthroat copyrights, intellectual property rights and patents. The ancient seers of Yoga never claimed patents(not even signing their names, preferring to remain anonymous)and gave the science to all the children of mankind, saying that they themselves received it, proclaiming 'Loka Samastha Sukhinoh Bhavanthu"! May All Worlds be Happy! This is long before any religion even came into the picture.
Yoga is 'open source', but please don't misinterpret and use it to misguide humanity to make your own living. Using wisely, responsibly, remaining true to its actual content is a way of showing respect to the 'original' giver.
2. It is not based on the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Patanjali is a seer who organised & codified the science into sutras, terse aphorsims, in the recent past, recognising that in the age of Kali, man's limited intelligence is liable to lose the science altogether. It is not even known if he is a human being as he is usually depicted with the lower half of his body coiled like a snake(pic). The snake is a representation of Time in Yoga. He is also known as the Lord of Time. In the Bhagavad Gita(circa 3200 BC), Krishna states that the ancient science was lost many times in the hoary past and every time He descends to deliver the same science to Man to subjugate evil. The science of Yoga is the original 'Operations manual' of man. It is the 'Science of Man'. We descended from a source and the way back to the source is Yoga. The path and the goal is Yoga. 
Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a recent (15th century )abridged work that lays emphasis on the physical posture part so that the main goal of Yoga is achieved without bodily interference.
3. I would rather not comment on the level of absurdity Yoga has been misinterpreted by commercial interests in America. Cherry-picking is both harmful and counterproductive. What would happen if the government let people cherry pick the American constitution and interpret it according to their own comfort zone?
4. There's no mud slinging going on here, only concern that the 'adulterated ' version may become 'mainstream' and the truth lost forever. Blowback effect ?
5.On the contrary, this is an attempt to prevent people from getting hurt by clearing the air. Are you stating that the "Ignorance is Bliss" mode, status quo, is Ok? Am I throwing a spanner in the well oiled sham?
  • asked a question related to Yoga
3 answers
One of my friend wants some help with a study titled "A study of the effects of yogic intervention on eating disorder cognition among adolescents".
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Thank you Lasse Bang, Thank you so much for your clear answer. I am also thankful to Mariana Sierra, for the submission...!!!
  • asked a question related to Yoga
5 answers
Practice of yoga improves the physical health. There are a number of studies available that prove the efficacy of yoga as therapy. Can someone practice it during spinal cord injury?
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Any injury can be treated with yoga and CAM effectively. Time and nature of intervention, would depend on the type of injury. Divine association can also make the patient feel comfortable.  Yoga and Asanas may be correctly practiced with concurrent use of other CAM medicines also. Surgery may be an aided requirement. Diseases may be treated with multidisciplinary approach, all that is required is a perfect coordination between them.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
15 answers
Yoga experts claim that meditation can transform the personality. What is the mechanism of this?
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Dear Kumar,
To answer your question, a brief note on Evolution of Consciousness. Consciousness evolves from initially the Mineral Kingdom to Plant, to Animal, to Human. There are three higher states above the human kingdom. As consciousness enters the human kingdom in the form of a packet of Energy(Soul), it is again subject to Evolution by nature. In Man, there are three states.1. The Animal Man 2. The Human Man 3. The Universal Man.
1. The Animal Man still retains the qualities of the previous Animal Kingdom where Sense gratification rules primarily. The Animal Man lives only for himself, he is sense-centric and tries to aquire everything his senses demand. He is happy when succesful and unhappy when someone is faster than him in the acquisition. When he is unhappy, for the first time he realises that others too can be unhappy and sad. When it pains, he realises that others too can be affected by pain. Then for the first time he learns to SHARE. Nature places problems and obstacles in his path to make him evolve into the next stage.
2. The Human Man. The Animal Man has now evolved into Human Man. He has learnt to share and give but only conditionally. He divides people into "ours" and theirs". He helps only those who help him and only "his" people. His actions are motive driven. He twists and justifies his actions/means to suit the ends. Majority of Humanity is in this stage. Nature creates problems selectively to make him evolve higher to the next step.
3. The Universal Man is a rarity. He sees the Universal soul in everyone and gives/helps all. He acts only for the welfare of All. He has full confidence in the magnanimity of nature to provide him with what he requires, and goes on helping society, working hard and fulfilling his duties towards the Body, the Parents, the Siblings,the Spouse, the Children,the Society, the other kingdoms(mineral,plant, animal....),the Teacher,the Seers of wisdom. He is purely Yoga in action.
All this takes millions of years normally. Yoga is a technique to accelerate this evolution and modify the personality and behavior from animal/selfish states to Universal/Love state in a short span of time.Like taking the escalator instead of the stairs. The Yogi practices a technique of breathing which drives Consciousness(Kundalini) lying at the base of the spine(Muladhara chakra) to successive states of higher consciousness in different Chakras(Energy Vortexes). This brings about a change in awareness/consciousness which reflects as personality and behavior change in the external world. Thus from Sinner to Saint, he evolves and his personality transforms.
Hope this helps to answer your query.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
16 answers
see above
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Dear Shayne,
I am pleased to know that you are interested in this question. You have your good reason for not believing that Surya bhedana paranayam can eliminate pathogens. I am not interested to forcibly persuade you to believe what I think is possible. I will try my best to provide some evidences which is directly or indirectly concerned with the question.
Pharmaceutical company and Western Governments invariably want that ‘Human beings should surrender before pathogens without realizing own divine power’, so that selling of drugs continue, Scientists can enjoy luxurious life by researching ...etc etc.
I wish to share some facts & findings, which has led me to believe in capability of Surya bhedana paranayam to eliminate pathogens –
1. First I should quote the source - Surya bhedana cleanses the forehead (frontal sinuses), destroys the disorders of vata, and eliminates the parasites / microorganisms, and therefore, it should be performed repeatedly. Hathayog pradipika 2.50. Perhaps you know that Hathyog Pradipika is ancient yoga text authored by Guru Gorakhnath . As you have mentioned about Chakra, this means you have good knowledge of Yoga. As you know Yoga is one of the six philosophies established by ancient Rishis/ Yogis. Human body is great instrument which can be employed for various objectives based on senses. Beside relaxation (as u wish to restrict the limit of Yoga !!!), Yoga is a royal path for Self Realization, Yoga is the best philosophy / path to reach God / Soul. If you have not read the book “An Autobiography of Yogi” [by Pramahansa Yogananda], then I recommend you to read it. Can you voluntarily stop the beating of your heart ?? Similarly how can u eliminate Chakra (=Ghost) ?
2. Secondly, we should try to understand whether the study of microorganisms was prevalent in the country of yoga – India or not. The answer is ‘yes’. Ancient Rishis, Yogis, Ayurvedacharya knew about the existence of microorganisms in nature and also about its detrimental and its beneficial characteristics. Rigveda, Atharvaveda, Puranas and many other ancient Sanskrit texts gives detail description about microorganisms. This is not an exaggeration or borrowed knowledge from internet or book, I have myself researched for more than 12 years on this subject, after completing my post-graduation in Microbiology [Thanks to our Universities who never taught me this Traditional knowledge !!!!1] and wrote two books [viz.- ‘Vedic Microbiology’ and ‘Revived History of Microbiology (Vedic to Modern)’]. What I want to say is that ancient Yogis has certainly tried and tested and came to the conclusion that Surya [Surya=Sun (is destroyer of microbes); Right Nostril)] Bhedana [piercing ] paranayama eliminates the pathogens, and they mentioned the finding in the ancient texts. The breathing pattern can be altered from left to right or right to left or both through the practice of Pranayam. [More than 10 years back when I suffering from high fever in viral infection, I have reduced the temperature of my body just by doing pranayama !!! Am not lying]. There are evidence where people suffering from Cancer have cured themselves by Paranayama.
I will share more information....
  • asked a question related to Yoga
11 answers
As Kapalbhati is a Shatkarma Kriya (cleansing practice) and Hathayogic texts states that cleansing should be done first and than Asana - Pranayama etc. But generally Yoga instructors instruct between the practice. Why don't we discuss it and reach on to a conclusion?
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Although Kapalbhati does involve respiration, it is more action - developing the abdomenal and respiratory muscles, with focus on cleansing, of course, and not so much focus on expanding prana. Practicing Kapalbhati prior to pranayama, one learns to control the muscles of respiration which can enhance practice of pranayama. However, practicing pranayama prior to Kapalbhati can clear nadis and enhance Kapalbhati.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
6 answers
I am currently interning with a nonprofit organization called Street Yoga. We team up with social service agencies to provide yoga and wellness classes to at-risk and homeless youth. We are in the process trying to develop our program evaluation and are trying to find reliable instruments to measure how well our program helps participants. We would like to measure how well our programs help participants with resilience, reduction of trauma, self-esteem, self-awareness, but with that in mind, we are still in the beginning stages of figuring out exactly what constructs we want to measure. Does anyone know of instruments that are already being used to measure similar programs or yoga therapy programs? Or what constructs are being measured?
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Hi Greta,
You mention that you're studying homeless 'youths' but I was curious what age? A lot of the generic health and well-being scales are validated in adults so be careful to use measures that have been validated for your age group. Normally 16+ is ok for adult measures, but there's a few child versions too.
Questionnaires like the Warwick-Edinburgh Well-being Scale, or Percieved Stress Scale are pretty well validated and easy to complete. I'll be using these as part of my investigation with adolescents and mindfulness practice.
Hope the Street Yoga goes well, sounds like really valuable work.
  • asked a question related to Yoga
15 answers
Although 21st century man has made incredible strides in medicine, science and technology, if we look at the international tables for morbidity, mortality and happiness then what we see (particularly in the urbanized materially wealthy western world) that despite increasing our longevity, it is apparent that we have not made similar progress in increasing our happiness or our levels of mental, emotional and physical well-being i.e. mind and body management.
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One of the deepest Taiji educational aspects (but also effective care instrument) is given by the sensitization toward a more complete and complex perception of themselves.
The fact is that a singular quality of taiji lies in putting the person able to work on his physical and emotional balance as a unit, within a holistic dimension of teaching and learning.
In our cognitive development the "sense of agency" represents a kind of experiential mediation towards a first stage of self-awareness.
In this perspective, the action is also seen, in a broader sense, as a process of self-discovery and self-shaping.
The Imagery or visualisation used in Taiji are tools for searching your personal awareness on the movements, postures and gestures. It is a strange mix of sensory informations that is better not to try to control too. Should remain in the flow of experience.
Use the Imagery in taiji means working on the ability to feel, to perceive with the "internal view" the qualities of movement and of postures.
At the start levels of learning it's difficult because the student is focused on visual and spatial component of form. Later with the development of Neigong becomes essential, according to my experience, stimulate the ability to imagine and feel yourself also in terms of proprioceptive and kinesthetic learning.
The repetition can be a double-edged sword!
Strengthens existing connections, what has already been learned, but not opens to new knowledge. Unless you can introduce small elements of novelty and changing with each new iteration.
I think about this reflection more in terms of awareness of movement in the practice of martial art and only in second instance as self-awareness and healing aspect.