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Questions related to Web Browsers
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
I am looking for the questionnaire items used to assess the technology acceptance model (TAM) to evaluate our developmental study which is a web -based game. Im specifically looking for the questionnaire that has been validated already. Does anyone know where i can find these? Badly need for my thesis for me to graduate. I already did an extensive search on different web browsers but no luck yet. I hope you can help me guys please 📷📷📷 thank you in advance!!
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Kezia Marzan re: validated technology acceptance model (TAM) questionnaire items [I am not a specialist] but this may be of use:
First, you will likely have to perform / develop your own specific validation as ‘found’ items may not have cross-validity in a new setting or context.
Second, be diligent and track and cite all the sources that you use in finding, adapting, and developing your items. Give credit to those who developed items and tools, even if they are 'open-source.' In the future your items may be 'borrowed' or 'adapted,' and you will appreciate being acknowledged.
  • Check this discussion and attached resources here on ResearchGate:
  • Conduct an Image Search: focus with different keywords, and then follow to the source items, and check and extract potential text. Example image search:
  • Check similar research, find the available items or data in appendices or request more details on questionnaires from corresponding authors:
  1. Gagnon MP, Orruño E, Asua J, Abdeljelil AB, Emparanza J. Using a modified technology acceptance model to evaluate healthcare professionals' adoption of a new telemonitoring system. Telemed J E Health. 2012 Jan-Feb;18(1):54-9. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2011.0066. Epub 2011 Nov 14. PMID: 22082108; PMCID: PMC3270047. &
  2. Husin M, Rahman NA, Bujang MA, Ng SW, Juval K, Hwong WY, Sivasampu S. Translation and Validation of the Questionnaire on Acceptance to Telemedicine from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for Use in Malaysia. Biomed Res Int. 2022 Apr 20;2022:9123887. doi: 10.1155/2022/9123887. PMID: 35463970; PMCID: PMC9020140.
  3. Jiang, M. Y., Jong, M. S., Lau, W. W., Meng, Y., Chai, C., & Chen, M. (2021). Validating the General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-Learning: Evidence From an Online English as a Foreign Language Course Amid COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. &
  4. Sallam, M., Salim, N., Barakat, M., Al-Mahzoum, K., Al-Tammemi, A., Malaeb, D., Hallit, R., & Hallit, S. (2023). Assessing Attitudes and Usage of ChatGPT in Jordan among Health Students: A Validation Study of the Technology Acceptance Model-Based Scale (TAME-ChatGPT). JMIR Medical Education, in press.
  6. Silvestre, E., Miranda, A. M., & Gutiérrez, V. F. (2022). Validation of a Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Dominican University Students. Revista semestral, 31(60). &
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
My recent project in university is to develop a car OS using the available open-source kernels. The testing and development board for this operating system will be Raspbery pi, I need to know which of FreeRTOS or Zephyr is the right choice for this project?
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You do not need a RTOS for infotainment.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
6 answers
Imagine that I am interested in re-analysing a .csv document publicly available on the OSF, e.g., Is there anyway I could directly access that file from R using something analogous to data <- read.csv2("", header=TRUE, na.strings="NA")?
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A bit late to this thread, but you should be able to use: "data<-read.csv2("", header=TRUE, na.strings="NA")"
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
I am trying to run a simulation in lammps that contains 1.8m steps. When I run it by mpi(with 4 threads) each processor use about 1.4GB memory. The memory that have been used increased by time. I eliminated all of the outputs(thermo and dump files) but memory usage did not change. 
1) Could it be memory leak ? the problem is with lammps or mpich2?
1) How could I reduce memory usage? Is there any command in lammps that do this?
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Hello Mr. Alireza Ashrafnia. Did you find the answer to this problem? I facing similar problem.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
I would like to run RFM Analysis using R. Can anyone give me script of RFM Analysis using R programming?
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Hi, I also need R code to run RFM Analysis. Could you send it to me, please?
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
The computing model is based on computer networks like the Internet, which provides a new model for the supply, consumption and delivery of computing services (including infrastructure, software, platform, and other computing resources). "Cloud Computing" is a combination of two words of computing and cloud computing. The cloud here is a metaphor of a network or network of vast networks, such as the Internet, that the ordinary user does not know from behind the scene and what follows it happens (as in the cloud), in computer network diagrams, the cloud form is used to represent the Internet. . The reason for the cloud's likeness to the Internet is that the Internet, like its cloud, hides its technological details and creates a layer of abstraction between these technical details and users. For example, what a cloud computing software provider provides is online business applications that are provided to users through a web browser or other software. Applications and information are stored on servers and provided to users on request. Details are hidden from the user's perspective, and users do not need to know or control the technology of the cloud infrastructure they use. [1] Computing is the translation of the word "Computing", which is used in some texts instead of computing computing and processing. Of course, calculation and processing are not equivalent to this word.
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Related to distributed systems, you can also refer to my research paper "Cloud IoT as a Crucial Enabler: a Survey and Taxonomy" which can be reached by clicking at the following address:
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
8 answers
I am trying to run the STS on some data I've created and am having a rough time getting the UNIX code to run on my windows computer, if anyone has an application that can run the STS that would be immensely helpful.
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Good day.
Has anybody found solution ? I need some application in Windows to provide NIST tests.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
5 answers
I need Ox Metrics that has installed G@RCH package. But i've not still found it in the internet. Where should I download it ? Anyone please tell me or provide me the link
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Hi Anwar,
I am facing the same problem with you, FIEGARCH model is still not available in R python or any software. Could you share your method by OxMetrics by which I can refer to it and build my own by python? Thank you, and looking forward to your reply.@ Muhamad Anwar Sanusi.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
6 answers
Has anyone run into a problem with micro checker? I have loaded one genepop data set micro checker and it was successfully loaded. But when I try to load another genepop file that has much more data, micro checker refuses to load, despite the fact that this second file run successfully in genepop.
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This is old, but since I have helped people with the same problem several times already I'm going to leave my answer here. Rohit's answer works because the problem is usually with the line endings and/or other unseen editing options in the file. Always edit such files in proper programming editing tools, such as Komodo Edit, and, with Micro-checker, beware when using other operational systems such as Linux or OSX to edit files, micro-checker only reads files with Windows line endings. So if you edited the files in linux or someone sent you files and you are using their files check in the file preferences whether the line endings are Unix line endings or the Windows line endings. I haven't encountered the same problem in other population genetics tools, however, similar effects can happen with the tab. Some input files have to have all tabs removed and replaced for spaces. Good luck to everyone reading this.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
hello everyone, recently I am facing a small problem in python ?how to open satellite image in R  studio or python?
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  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
I am really new in this area. When I import  N4BiasFieldCorrection from nipype.interfaces.ants, it works well. But when I run the python code, the problem shows : OSError: command 'N4BiasFieldCorrection' could not be found on host chenruideMacBook-Pro.local Interface N4BiasFieldCorrection failed to run.  Anything else I should import or download ?
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Nipype only gets you the interface to third-party software such as FSL and ANTS. You do not get the software when you install nipype. You can try to run N4BiasFieldCorrection on your prompt and it will give you the same message: command not found.
Please install ANTS in your local machine!!!
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
8 answers
Web of Science owner Clarivate Analytics has purchased a start-up company whose web-browser extension tool helps researchers to find and access journal articles they have legal access to, with one click and even when off campus. The tool, created by the firm Kopernio, is already freely available. Clarivate will integrate it into its Web of Science subscription package.
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Hi Abdallah,
I think it will be very useful. Much of my manuscript writing activities and corresponding literature searches are performed away from my office. So, for me, the ability to peruse muliple collections through one access point would be convenient.
Have a great day!
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
3 answers
Assume is blocked by Canandian government and Canadians are unable to access the website either through IP addresses or domain name. And VPNs are banned as well so Canandian citizens cannot use VPN as they want. I want to help them.
I am thinking using WP viewers as "proxy servers". A WP viewer voluntarily becomes a proxy server (using webRTC javascript code invluded in WP pages). Next, A Canadian's web browser will find a list of nearest proxy servers to access WP.
It will be practically unblokable as it means the Canadian government will have to block the internet to do so.
Now, how can a Canadian find a list of nearest proxy servers? An easy solution will be to host a signaling server. However, this solution is not "unblockable".
I then did research on Blockchain. I found that native client installation is required. This is again "blockable" as Canadian government can ban the client the same way they ban VPN. I want everything to be done using a web browser.
Your ideas, or links, or book names, or anything is highly appreciated!
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Privatix powered by P2P VPN Network on Blockchain.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
17 answers
I am interested in finding out the frequency of updates in several websites from a central point instead of scanning every page and link for dates or contacting the owner.  I have tried Wayback Machine but I'm not sure crawling information is the same as updates.
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Just open the page in question, then type
into your address bar.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
5 answers
I am trying to bulk download MODIS LAI data. In the website they have this message:
In order to serve the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC) user community more effectively, the LP DAAC recently transitioned from FTP to HTTP for ASTER and MODIS downloads.  The HTTP updates are designed to increase performance and improve security during data retrieval.   Users of LP DAAC data should update any automated scripts for LP DAAC data retrieval.
HTTP bulk downloads require different software than FTP.  To download bulk data via HTTP successfully, users should consider the following options for downloading large amounts of data from LP DAAC HTTP servers:
uGet Downloader is available as an Open Source app for GNU/Linux and a portable app for Windows.  More information on uGet can be found by clicking here.
cURL is free and open software that compiles and runs under a wide variety of operating systems.  More information on cURL can be found by clicking here.
Please contact LP DAAC User Services for more information on downloading data via HTTP.
I downloaded and installed the uGet software but I do not know how to actually download the data. Does anyone used this before? How it work?
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Thank you everyone for the tips, however I solved my problem using
I hope that this can also help you.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
11 answers
to detect infant cry using webcam 
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Prashanth Kolaneru: Thank you very so much sir, now i am doing with only sound analysis. How to start initially. to decompose signals. Thanking you in advance
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As I have mentioned before, take a few seconds from your signal source stream and create a continuous DFT - a spectrogram. Identify "bright" sections within it. They will give you information about the base frequency, its mean amplitude and its duration. Make sure that you use a library that is capable of identifying resonant segments or signal components (in case of moving/sliding frequencies and harmonics in case of non-sine signals). Than, extract these sectors as structures described with duration, frequency, start time, total band width). You can also scale these values from 0 to 1 for simplicity. Time 0 to 1 will correspond to 0 to 10 seconds of the sound packet (0 to 100%), or to the maximum amplitude detectable by your microphone (also 0 to 100%) or 0 to 1 as in 0 to 100% of the total detectable sound frequency range in case of the band width (15Hz to 20KHz). I suggest applying a logarithmic transformation for this last value into 0 to 1 range and not linear. Now that you have these, you can write an algorithm to sort them by total volume within the spectrogram (multiply duration, mean amplitude and band width of the segment). Keep the start time aside for now, but keep sorted by its structure's volume value. When sorted, take N values with most volume and their start times included as well as the 4th value. Use these N*4 as inputs of your neural network. If there are less than N values in total even before sorting, make the rest all zeroes for inputs. Now, train the network with a data set you've prepared and see how it works. This is the simplest outline of the procedure you can do. Note that this is really the simplest possible solution and should be expanded when the time comes for a real-life application. There are many other kinds of signals you can take as inputs, but these are the easiest to extract from a sound signal stream.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
Is there a quick way to configure the input file for the TIE-GCM model in such way, that the output will be provided as a global representation of parameters in the fixed LT frame? 
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ok i solved my problem by writing simple procedure for output files.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
3 answers
can any one suggest me some free download links for downloading HFSS and CST simulation tools.
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thanks for your valuable suggestions mr.Ahmad sajedi bidgoli and Mr.Siddhant Sahoo, i will use this.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
Hi, have generated a PCA plot using MorphoJ, however, when i try to generate a CVA plot i get an error message.
Is there any particular procedure required after generating PCA plot so that CVA plot can be generated.
Kindly assist.
I have tried to follow the manual but in vain.
Kind Regards,
Nelly Ndungu
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It might help if you post your error message. a CVA and PCA are different analyses, so you should be sure to actually perform the analysis before trying to open a plot. Also, in MorphoJ you have to select the right data node in you project overview before choosing an option to do any type of analysis/plot. Another thing that comes to mind, for a CVA you need some kind of grouping variable (as, and this is where CVA differs from PCA, CVA maximizes the variation between groups rather than among individuals). So maybe you do not have group assignment for your measurements? On a more general note, MorphoJ is fantastic software for several types of analyses, but does not have the greatest graphical output. You can consider outputting the CVA scores (did you actually do a CVA and fail to produce the plot or not??) for your individuals and plotting them in a different program. Excel would work if you want a quick view of the data. I am big fan of R/ggplot2, but that is a bad bad recommendation if you have no experience with R ;)
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
MapReduce + GPU Computing 
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Mostly distributed computing based platforms like Spark or Flink are considered as a big data platform. GPU's came under parallel processing and use high-cost infrastructure. Big data platforms are generally considered to use cheap commodity hardware. Therefore, I don't think GPU's are big data platforms.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
6 answers
I am a Windows user, want to use a software which is provided in Fortran. Can anyone compile it so that I could use its compiled binaries.
I would appreciate for it and properly acknowledge.
Thanks in advance!
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The matter has been resolved with the kind support of the developer. Thank you all anyways!
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
Dear all,
Recently, i have been interested in NGS
I want to analyze the NGS products (fasta, Bam file, SAM file) with linux open source program such as SAMtool, bowtie. It's not easy to learn from self-study.
Is there a lecture (video clip) training the programs on the internet?
I'd like to learn whether it costs free or not.
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If it still of interest:
RNA-Seq Data Analysis Workshop (09 - 12 October 2017 in Leipzig, Germany) and they have much more..
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
8 answers
What do i change in the text document when i get the error
"Reading from text file 'trial.txt'.
Problem with the text file: Line 1 contains less than two entries:
Note: A frequent reason for this problem is that the file contains delimiters other than commas or tab stops.
Errors occurred in the reading process.
The new dataset could not be created."
Afterloading the .txt file into the morphoj software.
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This problem is normal when you are trying to open a file that was digitized in TPS Dig in MorphoJ and when you are creating the project, you DID NOT select the option TPS in filetype...
By default MorphoJ when you create a new dataset the filetype is text, change it for TPS and the problem should be solve!
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
Can anyone help to have a good title for a master student in web programming or web applications, or any link if you think that we might get good idea from it? Regards One of my friend asked me to help him to have a good proposed title for his master dissertation. He interests is in web programming and web applications. Anyone could help much appreciated. 
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Dear Lester, 
Fortunately we sort it out this issue now. You right I know it is too generic but he said I will be happy to work on any title within this area. Best Regards 
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
5 answers
P4 is a Python package for maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis of molecular sequences., it  is also a phylogenetic toolkit. Recently, I was trying to install p4 on Linux.  I downloaded the source file from, then I tried to install it using, the commands are as follows: unzip
python build, after I typed the second command, error message is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 15, in <module>
raise ImportError("You will want to install the future module, probably via 'pip install future'")
ImportError: You will want to install the future module, probably via 'pip install future'
  Then I tried to check the version of python on linux, I find the version of Python is Python 2.6.6. I also found the future module ( is on the linux platform. I add the path of to PYTHONPATH in the .bash_profile.
Then I tried to install the p4 package again, the same error message appeared.
Does anyone can give some suggestions for me? Thanks very much for any reply!
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You seem to have a clash between python 2 and 3. First, make sure, you actually run (only) python 2. Most systems have both installed these days. You can check with 'python --version'.
Also try to use pip to install future. You should use the suggested command with sudo: 'sudo pip install future'
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
I have ChIP-Seq data I have been analysing with Homer. I wanted to do Irreproducible Discovery Rate (IDR) analysis on my replicates. So I downloaded the homer-idr and IDR program onto a MAC OS X. I have installed both but IDR will only work when I remove homer-idr. When i have both installed and I launch python from terminal:
it gives me the info for homer-idr not IDR. When I remove homer-idr it gives me the correct info for IDR. Both have the same package name if that is my issue.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Cheers, Ben
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Hi Charlie,
Cheers. Will do!
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
Is it possible to connect multiple UAVs through IP and configure multiple routing protocols on it?and what would be the best wireless module for it.
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  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
I'm using a Bayesian Network for Determine a disease risk factors in GeNIe software
My modeling has 26 nodes, every node has only two state, and The nodes of the network are defined from expert opinion. Anyway my target node has a 25 parent node!
 but Unfortunately in Start Modeling and After determining variables and relationships, I Face with two errors: 1-  Genie 2.1 Academic has stopped working: a problem caused the program to stop working correctly: windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available
2- in target node with 25 parent node, when I want open node properties window, I face with error that “Out of Memory”
Thank a lot
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Hi Farzaneh,
Your problem is caused by the amount of information that reaches the target node, provoking a collapse in GeNIe. This problem is frequent when using large datsets to learn the probabilistic value of each node and the network structure (arcs dedendencies) is elicited by an expert. Expert elicitation sometimes tends to use an excess of arcs converging in the final node, which recives such a large amount of information that inference process becomes impossible.  
Possible solutions ?
- You may try to reduce the number of arcs converging in the final node. Try first only those nodes you think are the most influential. Increase progessively the number of nodes until the program collapses. Reduce the problem domain.
- Expert elicitation when defining nodes dependencies can be inaccurate and/or redundant. Try some supervised learning algorithms in GeNIe. You may find that the nodes converging in the target node are now probably far less than expected. Moreover you could discover new causal dependencies among other nodes giving you a deeper insight about the disease problem under study. 
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
Hi All,
I'm looking for high precision GPS/GNSS modules which are accurate in cm range. Does anybody have any suggestion?
Kash Olia
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It has the resolution in meter not cm.
Have you heard about Piksi Multi from Swift?
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
I have tanner tool which supports 250nm technology model libraries. I want to carry out the circuit simulation at GPDK 45 nm library. Can anyone suggest me how to to this?
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Thank you, Ms. Sahani. I will try your suggestion during the simulation.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
I'm doing research. I want to Modeling Indonesia Composite Index using FIEGARCH model for my undergraduate thesis. I followed the steps to get Ox Interface to work in R in the internet. The steps outlined on this paper : ( But when I run my syntax in R there was errors on R output. My error output :
Ox Console version 7.10 (Windows/U) (C) J.A. Doornik, 1994-2014 This version may be used for academic research and teaching only Link error: 'packages/Garch6/garch' please recompile .oxo file to match this version of Ox Error in file(file, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command 'C:\Ox\bin\oxl.exe C:\Ox\lib\GarchOxModelling.ox' had status 1
2: In file(file, "r") : cannot open file 'OxResiduals.csv': No such file or directory
Could someone please help me. How to solve 2 additional warnings messages 1 and 2 ?
Thank you. Any help would be very much appreciated. 
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Oh your problem is serious. I am sorry. There is no solution anymore. And I am not sure if you want to do a complicated hack.  :-)
I found that asked on many more portals with unfortunately no success:
As the error message states, there is a version mismatch between R and the package you tried to use. This can happen once in while - after many years now. But a quick search on google offered some other ways and packages you could include.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
4 answers
I have a quantity of packet (data) to transmit with bluetooth using MATLAB, is there a possibility to know the energy consumed by this radio module for each packet?
(I will send the (1st) package I will have its energy and that I send the (2er) package I will have its energie ....)).
Thank you for answering me .
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Thank you for your reply. 
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
I am working on a project that requires me to use RDKit for the descriptor calculation. I have made all the modules required for the tool to work using RDKit. 
Now, I am trying to call RDKit in a xampp based web server but I am unable to do so. RDkit does not run on the web server. 
I am using a shell script to activate the RDKit environment and run the python script. 
It is working properly when I run this script in terminal but it is not running on the web server. 
The script is as follows: 
source activate my-rdkit-env
python << "EOF"
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import Descriptors
from rdkit.ML.Descriptors import MoleculeDescriptors
nms=[x[0] for x in Descriptors._descList]
calc = MoleculeDescriptors.MolecularDescriptorCalculator(nms)
suppl = Chem.SDMolSupplier("input file")
des = []
for m in suppl:
if m is None: continue
f = open('output', "a")
X = calc.CalcDescriptors(m)
Any help would be highly appreciated. 
Thank you
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Hello, one solution could be to use the apache module mod_wsgi so you'll be able to host your python app to your apache web server. Another solution could be to use AMPPS instead of XAMPP.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
I have about 400 .cif files that I'm trying to turn into .str for use in other programs. The issue is that none of them have Wyckoff positions, making automatic conversion impossible. I'd really rather not have to input them all manually.
Any ideas?
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Thanks for your answer.
It was the BGMN format I was looking for. I've managed to talk a software engineer in my group to just make one. Seems the source code for most of what needs to be done is fairly easy to come by, it's just about stitching it together and making it as bug-free as possible.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
My another project is based on detection of location of spoofer. For this IP traceback technique will be used. Please send some supporting articles along with the implementation, development and testing part of the project please. Thank you.
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  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
Can someone help me to find a software convert fastq to fasta archive?
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Dear Mr. Axel,
This question is already discussed on research gate as given on first link below.
In addition to this, if you are using python then a script to convert fastaq into fasta is given on github (Second link below).
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
2 answers
I use getarg subroutine  in my FORTRAN program to call file names and related parameters from command line itself. I would like to print the whole execution command in my output file, so that the output file contains the information about what ever input file and parameters I had used to generate it. Is there a way to do that?
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Thanks a lot Jerome.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
3 answers
I am actually trying to extract  data from SEC Edgar filings, however I see that building parsers for each form is quite exhausting, in addition not all those filings are of same format even though they are from the same form say for eg. 10k filing. 
I am intrigued if some one can direct me in the right direction.
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Hi Trinadh
You might want to think about textual analysis tools. You could start by running a simple word frequency count to get an idea of the frequency of words within the reports. You could use the linux command line to get you started. Simple tools such as head, tail, wc, grep, tr, sort, sed, cut, uniq and awk can get you a long way in a very short space of time. You could also write some simple Python scripts to carry out these tasks. Python will run on most O/S, is simple to programme and very fast in operation.
However, at the high end of the spectrum, you could use a tool like GATE (written by the University of Sheffield) to perform full textual analysis of any kind of text. You can apply your own list of keywords to the text, or you can use the tool to develop a keyword list based on the contents of the files. It provides you with a POS tagger and many analysis tools which can allow you to understand the sentience of the content of the file. This is a serious tool, and not recommended for amateurs, as there is a steep learning curve. You will also need a thorough understanding of Natural Language Processing to get the best out of it. I have added a link for the GATE software to let you see what it can do.
I hope that helps.
  • asked a question related to Web Browsers
1 answer
Can anyone help me please by giving example of Job Design, Job Analysis, Job Description and Job Specification.
You can also describe them in brief. But, the example is very necessary to me.
Thanks in advance!
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Start by calling it an opportunity (which conjures conveyance and adventure) instead of a job (which conjures baggage and drudgery).
Then find out from the source why the opportunity has been created.  The full answer to this question should include everything you need to describe the opportunity.
Once you have the reasons in hand, remember that you are writing an advertisement and not a design specification.  You want to entice people, not discourage and turn them away.
Avoid stating absolute requirements for the position, as the aggregate of more than 2 or 3 uncommon specialties is likely to exclude everyone on the planet and turn away many a qualified candidate.
Tell the candidate what they will be doing.  Start each bullet point with an action verb, e.g.
  • Create design drawings.
  • Contribute technical criteria.
  • Collaborate with users to write easy-to-use software.
Use keywords in bullet points to attract the desired talent without adamantly requiring specific skills.  That makes for better ad copy and avoids turning away good candidates before you get a chance to interview them.  No matter how specific your needs, given a reasonably good fit with a person's education, the hard fact is that most of what employees need to know is learned on the job.  Given the right general background, a candidate can do just about anything you need them to do if they can read and listen, comprehend what they read, see and hear and act on that comprehension.
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6 answers
How can I solve this problem?
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Many thanks to you Greta, I did what Santika suggested and it worked
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4 answers
selenium used for web testing. Is it better or Mocha javaScript tool is better.
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this link is useful
List of AJAX Automated Testing and Debugging Tools
I think  OpenQA and Selenium are the popular testing tool that it is today. Selenium helps with functional testing of complex AJAX apps, but there isn’t an equivalent for load testing,  BrowserMob, a new type of load testing service.
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2 answers
my university lab have a spectrophotometer with this properties:
shimadzo UVmini-1240 UV-VIS spectrophotometer build in japan
but this device hasn't a application for build graph. I need this application: uv data manager any version!
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Mr. Jafari,
There is needed contact with the Company-distributor. 
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2 answers
While I am uploading dat file in CMPR software, I don't see any peak list in my index menu. So I am unable to continue further for peak indexing. How to solve this issue?
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Robert Wahlstedt@Thank you very much for your suggesion. Actually, I am using window 7.
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2 answers
As you know the goal of timed release algorithm is to send a message into the future. Specifically I need the source code of this algorithm for the implementation of cluster formation in Wireless Sensor Networks.
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3 answers
Does anyone know the best data repository to upload Supporting information (PDF) from a microbial ecology paper just accepted for publication?
All the repositories I have visted are for data (e.g. FASTA files...), but I haven't found any for figures and tables.
Thanks a lot
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Thanks Shawn.
I will have a look at it
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3 answers
We would like to find a freeware software tool which analyse besides the written code also the remarks in the code which replaces a Detailed Design document. (floating licenses).
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Thanks Bruno.
I will check this tool.
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7 answers
I have a docking results of one protein and one ligand in .maegz format. I need to visualise this result in discovery studio visualiser. But DS visualizer doesn't support .maegz format. So how to convert into PDB format??
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Go to the 'project table' (CTRL+T) and select both the protein and the ligand. If you right click you will get an option to"merge" the structures. You need to save the merged structures in PDB format.
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2 answers
Respected Sir,
I need some guidance of you which I request kindly.
Sir, I would like to know about "fotf gui" where I need to find out lamda and mu values of a transfer function.
Please guide me how to use this gui environment of fotf...
Thanks & Regards.
J Gowtham
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Any software you need to learn in practice.
If there is no time for this, it's easier to develop yourself.
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3 answers
Is there any new hot topics in java programming language, i have i report on java and for that i need new topics in java?
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You might like Image Processing in java with Webcam Capture, OpenIMAJ, JavaCV, etc. If you are interested High-Performance Object Detection might be a challenge with cameras.
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4 answers
I would like to know if is it possible to find any imap or pop3 JavaScript client not dependent of NodeJS. I would like to develop a email client in pure JavaScript. It is possible using websocket?. Also include this project in a cordova/phonegap project. I have tried with some components like emailjs, node-imap, imap-simple, but at some point I can not include it into the project due to its dependencies of node package such as net for instance. that´s with a proper solution is a standalone JavaScript implementation. So it is available? bests
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I used the following to send emails:
Here's an example:
import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
public class OperacionesCorreo {
public boolean enviarEmail(String para,String asunto,String mensaje){
boolean estado=false;
final String PassWord="your_pass";
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
properties.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
properties.put("", "");
properties.put("mail.smtp.user", Username); // User name
properties.put("mail.smtp.password", PassWord); // password
properties.put("mail.smtp.port", "587");
properties.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
Session session = Session.getInstance(properties,
new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication(Username, PassWord);
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(Username));
new InternetAddress(para));
//Message sent
}catch (MessagingException mex) {
return estado;
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2 answers
Hi everybody
I'm new in Python, I would like to do time series analysis on Sentinel-2 images. Is Pandas or Geopandas the more suitable libraries to do it?
Thanks in advance!
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you will also need to do some image processing using opencv, etc., and matching images across time, to see changes in geolocations.
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4 answers
    I am new to cytoscape and have limited bioinformatics experience. I am having trouble importing XML file generated from STRING into cytoscape 3.4.0.
It is showing
Loading PSI-MI 2.5x XML File
you must have a non null JAXB source.
However,I have created network using .tsv format but computer getting hanged while performing network analysis.
Please help.
Please help.
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thanks very much Lakshmi Ma'am.
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2 answers
I have tried to georeference an google earth image and rectified it in .tiff format using ARCGIS. But for further processing on that image, I tried to open it in Python using PIL library. But I am unable to open the image. Can anybody help me in this regard? Is any other library in python is required?
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Depending on what you need the image for, I usually use GDAL to open and then read them as numpy array for processing.
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3 answers
Hi All , 
I am trying to read few csv files for some text mining assignment. 
I have used this command to check the # of files in the working directory:
length(dir(path="D:/Shivi/R Project", all.files = TRUE)). This results to more than 220 approx. 
I just need 3 files from these to use for the text mining purpose however if i use:
docs<- Corpus(DirSource(directory = "D:/Shivi/R Project")). this reads all the 220+ files. 
Kindly suggest how can i achieve this feat. 
Thank you. 
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if using just read.csv, no additional package has to be loaded.
## create file names and full paths
file_names <- c("file1.csv", "file2.csv", "file3.csv")
file_paths <- file.path("path/to/dir", file_names)
## read in the files, with each data frame as one element of list
df_list <- lapply(file_paths, FUN = read.csv, sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## not obligatory: name the list elements (the data frames) using the file names
names(df_list) <- file_names
## when reading in csv-files, it is important to assure that the separator is correctly set - here "\t" - and that strings are NOT turned into factor types but read-in as strings - stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## check the correct reading using the str(df_list) command.
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19 answers
I am new to ORCA and I just ran a shown test in a tutorial. However, I got an error as follows,
"ORCA finished by error termination in ORCA_GTOInt"
Please help to resolve it.
Thank You.
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You probably need to add the ORCA directory to your system path.  In case you are using linux: 
export ORCA_DIR=/directory/where/you/have/ORCA
In windows it is in Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced > Environment Variables > System variables > Path  and then edit
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3 answers
I used poretools to convert all the fast5 files into one fastq file (each nanopore read was stored in one fast5 file). Why is the number of reads in the fastq file after converted less than the number of fast5 files?
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Mr. Taner Arslan and Mr. Joseph Crispell,
Thank you for the answers. I have the same thought with both of you. I had already searched the algorithm of Poretools to understand how it works before this question was created. But I did not get any desired result. Perhaps I will request the answer from the Poretools's authors.
Thien Ha
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2 answers
How to use diamond on a linux server & on windows laptop? In simple explanation please & command? Thank you
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Hi Daniel, thank you for answering, actually I meant the alignment program, I apologize for the confusion.
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3 answers
No details are required.
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@Zaki Brahmi
I was asking in regards to the project "Discrete Event Simulation for health care management" that I began following. It is not a general question for ResearchGate. I asked what they were considering as a software simulation platform for DES in health care.
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1 answer
namenode is not starting it will give Error :Error while running command to get file permissions, inform me how to set the file permission in windows.
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Dear Vikas, 
Can you please specify what problems you are facing during installation?
You can check the following links for a step by step guide for setting up Hadoop in windows
In case you still find problems let me know the errors you are encountering (screenshot of the errors will help me in investigating the issue)
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1 answer
I am using text wrangler to import DNA sequences into MEGA7, but every time I insert a new sequence to the alignment, a warning message pops us "Invalid character found. Continue?". If anyone can offer me any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. 
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You might have "gremlins" and/or unwanted spacing lurking in your TextWrangler text file. I think that this text editor has a "zap gremlins" feature. You can also find examples of code online for stripping out invalid characters or spaces from text files.
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9 answers
Dear all,
I am working on Hot spring metagenomics and we have Ion torrent data. The size of data: 214 Mbp. We want to upload assembled data for IMG/M ER. Now IMG accept only assembled data. Which assembler simply works on my data in window based PC?
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I would also suggest you to go with Meta-velvet, as suggested by Ms. Garima and Dr. Umashankar.
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I use OpenSuse 13.2 and I am interested in performing chemical quantum calculations.
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If you're interested in pure QM, there's really no need to make clusters (unless for the reason of using a queueing system, which helps in managment of jobs or for larger storage). The reason is that QM jobs usually scale pretty bad with the number of processors, and it rarely makes sense to run any jobs with more than 16 cores. Even if I use a cluster for QM calculations I usually limit my self to 8 or 16 cores and make sure that they are on the same node, to make the speed optimal.
There is currently a number of very fast and quite reasonably priced (well...) processors with 6/8/10/12 cores and you can build very officient double-processor machines using them, which should handle most of QM calculations.
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7 answers
Python has nice features (object-oriented, cross-platform… metaprogramming, metaobjects; it can be used with NEURON and with software for medical imaging).  
   Major implementations of Python are: CPython, IronPython, Jython, MicroPython, PyPy.  IPython is a good programming environment (created by Fernando Perez, a Colombian physicist).    Both gnuplot and matplotlib can produce many types of different plots.  
   Having many tools, OSs and programming environments, it is hard to determine what can be the best one in order to plot in a MATLAB-style.  
  Thank you in advance if you can give some suggestions about any one of these questions:
   1.    What is the best tool for plotting in Python (in a MATLAB-style) and how to download it?
   2.    What can be the most accepted tool for scientific journals (e.g. computational Neuroscience, Neuroimaging)?
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Dear Juan Fernando, 
Definetly matplotlib. Instructions for different systems and a gallery can be found in 
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5 answers
Dear Professor
I am interested to join this project. Kindly consider. 
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I think that it will be possible to cooperate in the near future. I would be specially interested if you are interested in VLSI simulations and implementations using VHDL and Synopsis.
I would appreciate if you can tell me somethiing about your research interests and achievements.
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I'm at the end of finishing python and now want to learn Sci-kit learn. I would like to start with basic syntax and then practical examples.
Is there any online course / website / learning material is available from where I can learn step by step and create a strong base? Any suggestion will be appreciated.
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Thanks for your reply
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I would be interested to learn about current research efforts to assess the quality of these widely used devices for scientific research
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Bon jour Philippe.  Il a été un long temps puisque nous étions ensemble à Météo France.  There are a number of automated micromet station networks in the western states of the U.S. used predominantly for irrigation scheduling and management.  One of the major networks is the AgriMet network and it is administered by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise office.  The Bureau of Reclamation has a data quality protocol and all data are run through this protocol.  I do not know about data quality control for other networks in the western U.S.  
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Do you want to develop a web application that can obtain details about the web browser? If you are using the Django web framework for Python, you can use the Django User Agents package from
The browser sends some information within an HTTP request, and you can write Javascript to obtain the other information and pass it back to the web server.
If you want to develop a desktop application, you can obtain Internet Explorer settings from the Windows registry, for which we have the winreg Python module. Firefox settings are stored in a prefs.js file. You can similarly find the location of the settings for other web browsers to read their settings.