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Vocational Education - Science topic

Vocational (technical) education is an education that prepares trainees for jobs at various levels from a craft or trade to a professional position in engineering, accounting, nursing, medicine and other heath practitioners, architecture, pharmacy, law etc. Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic, and totally related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation.
Questions related to Vocational Education
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
1 answer
Employability skills refer to the skills or abilities possessed by an individual so as to be employed in a particular field. TVET graduates are products of Technical and Vocational Education and training Institutions. Economic development is the process of enhancing the standard of living and financial stability of the people living in a given area using a variety of strategies. It entails taking calculated risks in order to boost competitiveness, promote growth, and build a robust, dynamic economy. With the goal of constructing a sustainable and inclusive future for communities, this cooperative endeavour includes a wide range of initiatives, from workforce training and education to job creation and infrastructure development. The ability to maintain this economic development therefore makes it sustainable.
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Employability skills for TVET graduates in Nigeria during uncertain times include adaptability, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship.
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TVET graduates perceive the incorporation of technology into their educational programs. It delves into their attitudes towards technology and its role in their vocational training.
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The views of TVET graduates on the use and integration of technology in the classroom are critical to both workforce readiness and the quality of education. In an era of rapid technological advancement, technology integration into TVET programs has become indispensable. Through the use of e-portfolios to track each student's progress and facilitate communication and collaboration, it contributes to the improvement of TVET quality. Furthermore, it is believed that the integrated approach of incorporating ICTs into teaching and instructional design will revolutionize TVET.
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9 answers
The United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (and 169 targets) are quite rightly ambitious and all encompassing - but what do we know about how organisations are building into their practices, systems, policies, especially in relation to their learning and development activity?
These are the practices that during learning, can embed and develop relevant knowledge and skills related to sustainability.
We have recent work which gives us clues about how sustainability can be embedded in the context of education, e.g.
But, what do we know about how we might go about integrating the 17 goals in training, coaching, or other learning and development activity?
What are the tensions of doing this in organisational contexts?
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ان تحقيق اهداف التنمية المستدامة من اجل تحقيق اهداف بعيدةالمدى
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
Are Project (or Challenge) Based Learning (PBL/CBL) specially indicated for vocational training students? Any other methodologies suggested for this type of education?
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An integrated approach that harmonizes individual and group, theoretical and practical, assignments and projects, and that also includes local education/organizational and community vocational context can work well. The instructional design usually involves a teaching/training distinction, with educational institutional staff, for example, teachers, doctors, engineers, psychologists, nurses, becoming more theory orientated the longer they are employed.
Concerning vocational training methodologies, as in all educational contexts, many dynamic systemic, contextual factors will need consideration. These include student numbers, instruction level, e.g. graduate or postgraduate, instructional design, teaching resources, etc. Other factors needing consideration include state, region, local stakeholder, and community needs. Initial consultation with important community stakeholders should establish vocational training needs and methods at the outset. Particularly as concerns vocation, students should be doing what they love and where they feel they can make the most contribution, so student and project selection by teachers, as well as student selection of projects becomes important.
As in all education, staff-student relationships are crucial. In adult vocational education, by definition andragogic companionship concerns responsible, moral support and guidance by mature adult teachers, guides and mentors. Willing, motivated and committed community members, not employed full time by the particular educational institution, are a great resource in the provision of special knowledge, experience, skill and expertise in vocational/project fields. They add practical realistic instruction, especially if students have part-time practicum placement in the community before graduation. In this way, there is mutual feedback between educational organizations/institutions and the surrounding community, as well as the creation of placement opportunities for graduates. Some sort of intermediate internship program assessed by community stakeholders as well as staff of the education/organization can provide a valuable bridge during vocational training.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
73 answers
University graduates work in various companies and at first, find it difficult since what they learned is of very little or no help in the new job. The work is very specific and very little of it is covered in the university curriculum. Should universities focus more on job-specific skills or continue with academic education? what are the consequences?
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Yes, University should do that................
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
20 answers
What are the determinants of the development of vocational education, training of people working professionally and e-learning?
In my opinion, education, including adult education, university and vocational training, will develop mainly due to the fact that the economies of individual countries are changing faster and changing, the structure and meaning of particular sectors, branches and fields of activity in national economies, in In highly developed countries, industrial branches of the economy are transferred to countries with lower labor costs, in developed countries information, IT and ICT technologies are intensively developing, as well as Internet information services, etc.
As a result, labor markets are changing, new branches of services are emerging, new vocational professions are created in the field of Internet information services and advanced data processing in information systems.
People are increasingly changing their jobs and profession. A small part of the society throughout their lives work in one company, in one profession, in one area of ​​the host activity, in one profession. People are increasingly moving towards faster and faster changing national economies, changing jobs, businesses, cities, etc.
Therefore, people have to retrain and become more and more educated. Increasingly, adults use training and post-graduate studies to obtain a new profession, a new profession and a new interesting job.
On the other hand, universities and schools of continuing education and vocational education adapt their educational offers to the changing labor market, to the changing demand of employees employed in specific companies, at specific positions. Universities and schools, observing the rapid development of Internet information services, create study and training offers conducted via the Internet in the e-learning system. It is a convenient form of training for people primarily adults, working and often living outside a large urban agglomeration, in another city, town, village, etc., than a university city.
Do you agree with my opinion?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What are the determinants of the development of vocational education, training of people working professionally and e-learning?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Best wishes
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Dear Debra,
Thank you very much for your contribution to our discussion. You pointed out important issues regarding Education 4.0. Yes, the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic has greatly influenced the development of Education 4.0. Thanks for the link to your publication on the subject: Infusing Education 4.0. Characteristics in TVET Delivery: Responding to Industry 4.0. in a Higher Education Caribbean Context.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
8 answers
By the policy, all vocational programs at the Senior High School are practical oriented programs. Therefore, students who after going through such programs should be able to acquire the prerequisite skills and knowledge that would help them secure some basic jobs. On the order hand, we don't see that in our SHS graduates. The question now is, does the problem come
from the curriculum or that of teachers?
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The opportunities for graphic design are few compared to other opportunities and may be further curtailed now due to developments in society and in the Corona Covid-19 pandemic
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
17 answers
The objective of Industrial Training is to prepare students for future employment in their chosen discipline. Industrial Training allows students to practice/experience what they have learned in the university by joining a company for a period of at least 8-10 weeks. COVID-19 changed this practice and "online industrial training" replaced the actual working environment in a company. How effective is this training?
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Dear Mahmoud Moghavvemi Something is better than nothing! To my opinion, online training is not so much effective as the traditional "learning by doing" training.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
4 answers
I am currently developing an investigation about the processes that connect job training with labor insertion in the industrial sector of Ecuador and Colombia. And I have found in my literature that there are many productions both about vocational training and labor insertion, but as separate fields, and I would like to know if perhaps I am omitting some reviews or research that has connected both poles of the process of access to the labor world in the industrial sectors. I am interested in reviews at the level of Latin America mainly, but if there were analyses of this connection in other places I would be interested also at the analytical level. Thank you very much, colleagues.
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Alexander Amézquita Ochoa your request is very precise and we hardly find adequate answers. There are interesting insights in these articles:
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
Dear Friends,
I am currently Working with the Central (India) and State Government on efficient and effective delivery of short term skill training and TVET/ Vocational Education programs.
*I am embarking on a Phd in Sociology and I need suggestions and directions from the group on how to proceed with finding literature on the sociological perspectives of TVET/Vocational Education programs.*
*Suggestions on the directions and themes of my proposed research would be most welcome.*
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Коллега, добрый день! Высылаю научные труды по вопросам профессионального образования
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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I wish to make the technical educational experience of my students richer. I also wish to empower my teaching staff, made up of tradesmen, more effective in the classroom.
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I am very late to this but wonder if this report might be helpful if you are pursuing this question:
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
6 answers
Human capital theory studies usually assume that experiences are translated into knowledge and skills. Vocational education is more experiential and experimental.
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Thank you !
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
36 answers
what are the key performance indicators of faculty member in technical education? How to measure?
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Clarity of explanation + associative/ problem solving skills + ability to answer students' questions on material outside the immediate curriculum.
As to how to measure them - it is subjective, I guess. Based on students' opinion. :)
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
20 answers
COVID-19 has changed the way we work, live and learn. Most educational institutions have moved to some type of alternative education provision. Research into in the impact of the disruptions and challenges on educators is currently being conducted at the University of Southern Queensland. We are interested in how the changes have impacted on your anxiety, work engagement and self-efficacy.
We are looking for Educators from around the world to complete an online survey. The participants should be educators could be from any education sector e.g. Early Childhood, K - 12, Higher Education, Vocational Education and workplace trainers.
The survey takes, on average, approximately 5 minutes.
If you are willing to help us by completing the survey, here is the link:
We are using a snowballing technique to gather more participants so feel free to pass on to colleagues or your professional networks.
This research project has ethical approval from the University of Southern Queensland (Human Research Ethics Approval Number – H20REA103).
Our sincere thanks in advance for competing the survey, should you decide to do so. Your input into this study will be extremely valuable.
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The big problem now the plagiarism is done by our students. How we can measure students not plagiarism? The impact is low self-regulated learning but they learn for plagiarism, I am teaching secondary school.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
4 answers
Hi everyone, in the field fo virtual reality the interaction is strongly different to another well-known situations, for example in web. As you can imagin the immersive environments needs a change of perspective so the point of view is totally challenging.
Could you help me with this?
I mean, did you read some other interesting contribution in the field of interactivity?
In vocational training is crucial to have intaction with tools and with the machinery. Especially learners feel more confortable with practical exercises.
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It seems to me that there is no direct answer to your question. However, you can see the papers that describe the performance in virtual reality, as well as the embodiment.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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I'm looking for theories or models regarding the enhancement of employment opprtunities of rural women.
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As per my knowledge, there are Prosser’s Sixteen Theorems on Vocational Education, you may get help from these theorems.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
4 answers
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I would suggest you work on the above-mentioned topic using Prosser’s Sixteen Theorems on Vocational Education.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
6 answers
Please do advise on the valid Journal / editors that i can publish my paper. Tq
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Tq @Riyan Arthur
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
Background and Significance
"Creative thinking – regarding idea creativity – is not a mystical talent. It is a skill that can be practised and nurtured."
- Edward de Bono
The above shows how creativity is a skill that can be practised and increasingly crucial for the survival of the Organization in rapid and changing times. Either innovate or perish is the single mantra for the Companies of 21st Century.
To understand the Skill Development system, the Skill Development Model of India has been studied. Singapore has been ranked as the 2nd highly skilled country of the world in the year 2015-16. So for understanding the model of a highly trained state, Singapore's Vocational and Technical Education model is being studied.
Skill Development System in India – The need of the hour.
India has a huge advantage by having a young workforce between the age group of 15 to 59 years. As a result of the high demand for the skilled workforce in the world, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship was formed. It lays down the goals the results. The Ministry works in closely with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). The sole purpose is to fill the gap between the skills demand and supply by boosting the skill development initiatives.
In India, the skill acquisition is by both formal and informal. Both the Public and Private Sector focus on providing formal training. The GOI is looking at the Public and Private Partnership (PPP model). The Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) are run by the government and is a significant channel of gaining Vocational training in the country.
The “Competency assessment of Workmen Employees - Skill Matrix” is being done at our FRP Plant. The format or Table below shows the skill levels held by individuals in the team and the gap between them.
Skill Matrix is one method of recording the existing skills of a team and any gaps where development is required.
It helps to review the Training needs at the Individual and team level. `
The Skill evaluation for the FRP Plant is given for reference in the next page. The department has been mapped for each worker for different Functional. Behavioural and General Skills and the desired Skill gap is evaluated. These gaps are further bridged by imparting proper and appropriate training. At Hindalco FRP Plant, the instruction is given utmost importance. Many of which are Hands-on training and some of them are Managerial and Leadership skill development training.
The Skill Matrix is one of the most simple, but highly effective tools available to assess the training needs of employees. The Skill matrix helps us in:
• Identifying the skills required, i.e. Functional & Behavioural for each job/position.
• Assess the current skill level of an employee holding the position or performing the job
• Identify gaps in skill within the team.
• Assess the training needs
• Build commitment to the development of new or desired skills.
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Dear Vijay
I am interested in this as a topic for a number of reasons, both from a creativity perspective and also from a skills perspective. I see in your original post /question that you say "...on the next page" which leads me to think that this post is actually an abstract from a paper /conference or similar(?) As such it is hard to see what it is you want to discuss /debate, or what question you are posing as this seems a statement of fact.
If you can ellaborate further what it is you are looking to discuss, in particular, then I am sure that the RG community will oblige.
Best Wishes
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
5 answers
What is the project method? What opinions do you have about it? Which experiences - good or bad - have you made with it?
The project method is one hundred years old now. That's what many believe, because in 1918 William H. Kilpatrick published has famous article entitled "The project method: The use of the purposeful act in the educative process", which started a lot of project initiatives all over USA.
However, as (Knoll 1997, 2012) points out, the project method is much older. It may be as old as the rise of vocational education and training, going back some 400 years ago in the Middle Ages in Italy.
Do we re-invent the wheel over and over again? It seems so. We are masters in inventing and adopting new names for apparently new practices, which - when looked upon carefully and critically - are just the old ones in new clothes.
Nowadays, the project-based method is part of what is called authentic learning approaches. And again, this is as old as the master-apprentice or master-disciple relationship which was once (and still is?) widespread over the old and new worlds.
Nevertheless, I ask you to ponder a little bit about your knowledge of and experience with the project method, and share your thoughts with us.
Link to authentic learning on Wikipedia:
Link to apprenticeship on Wikipedia:
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
Currently I work for SENA (National Apprenticeship Service) in Colombia and I made a thesis work for my masters degree about vocational education and training in Colombia. In this country VET processes are having a huge transformation, since the colombian government is turning this public institution as part of tertiary education or even higher education. As a result, we are having lots of questions about the nature of VET institutions and how we can evolve in this technological advance.
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Dear colleague, thank you very much for this question! I am not personally working with South America. Yet, as one of the founders of the IRNVET network (and as a co-initiator of this ResearchGate project) I would like to draw the attention of my colleagues to your concerns and questions. I have in mind Michael Gessler who has just carried out an evaluation project in South America and Lazaro Moreno Herrera who is starting a new project. And they might have other colleagues in mind.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
9 answers
Greetings Dear Scholar, we humbly invite you to assist us respond to the following academic research survey on improving the Technical and Vocational Education Programme in developing countries. They are four short surveys of three questions each. The links to the survey form online are listed below;
Please share this email with your friends and colleagues in the TVET to respond to the survey. Even if you are not a Nigerian TVET scholar, you can as well respond to the survey using your country's experiences or ideas or what works in your country.
The deadline for the responses is 12th August, 2018.
Thanks so much
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you can as well read my paper on fiscal and physical planning: challenges and way-forward in VTE colleges in Nigeria. the paper will wide-open your view about your question
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
10 answers
There are people who would like to see the kind of high school-to- industry and business integration of apprenticeship programs.
Are any of our RG community working to bring apprenticeships to the US that are as coordinated with industry and business as those are in Germany?
How can this be achieved in the US?
What obstacles are there to creating such apprenticeships?
Do you have research in this area to share?
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Having served as an educator in the United States and in Europe, I would suggest that we might consider clearly defining the term apprenticeship within the context of the US. For example, there is a legal difference between and Apprenticeship (with a capital A), which pertains to a formal agreement with trade and business organizations (and is protected within US labor law), and informal apprenticeship, and an internship when it comes to High School aged students in the US. If there might be a bit more information I might be able to more appropriately respond as this is an area where I have experience. Thank you for your consideration.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
7 answers
At the University of Southern Queensland (Australia), Michele McGill and I have been using a case approach to teaching students enrolled in a graduate degree in teacher education (i.e., those aiming to qualify as a registered school teacher). Our model entails the presentation of a short narrative that captures important features of teaching practice (e.g., assessment, differentiation, motivation) and relevant constructs and theories (e.g., behavioural, social constructivist). Each case is followed by a set of reflective questions and readings that can be used to link theory and practice. This activity is followed by an online discussion forum in which students share their reflections and raise additional questions to generate further discussion with one another. Our research explores the effectiveness of case pedagogy in terms of student learning outcomes and engagement in learning.
What is your experience with case pedagogy and its effectiveness?
Our case book is:
McGill, M. & McIlveen, P. (2012). Unpacking the case: designing for learning, 2nd ed. Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, Australia. ISBN 9781442560956.
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I hope you consulted the seminal work of Robert K Yin, Case Study Research: Design and Methods 5th Edition, SAGE. This source will give you a clear direction what specific case design you must employ for one or multiple-case studies (a case studies in a case study). You indicated that your model entails the presentation of a short narrative that captures important features of teaching practice (e.g., assessment, differentiation, motivation) and relevant constructs and theories (e.g., behavioural, social constructivist). Your model will be multiple case studies with different issues emerging that will bring a more detailed, rich description of your sampled students' narratives. There must be constructive alignment of themes, sub-themes and categories emerging from features of TP. Different phenomena that will emerged from the narratives will also bring out other dynamics from the data sets. What I see is a rich thick description of student voices emerged on the features. These data sets will keep you busy for the next three to five years. When finish with one set of data more recommendations will be emerged for further inquiry.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
8 answers
This is a qualitative research study and basically targeting African schools. novice head teachers and principals in either primary or secondary schools.
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Thanks to all who have contributed to this research problem. I wish to concur that an effective leader is the one whose practice is engrave on the interests of the followers.Leithwood & Jantzi, (2000) as cited by McBeth (2008)posited that leadership practice is shaped by the followers' reaction to the leader's practice which in turn shapes the practice of leadership. Leaders should therefore avoid overlooking their followers.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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The lab should be able to house grad students (PhD pogram).
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Dear Aized,
You can also explore to have some simulation packages such as Arena, Automod  s etc for simulating the FMS.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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I want to research studies on networked classrooms and distance education learning environment。I want to find instruments on this field,could anyone recommend some instruments? Thank you!
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  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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I adapted some measuring items from various sources to measure formal, non-formal and informal education. However, my supervisor perceived the adapted instruments are suitable for survey and not experiment. Any tips on differences and perhaps links to instruments for experiments are welcomed. Thanks in advance :)
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We calculated the ECTS credits earned from research and development project to measure the integration of research and development into education. That is important in innovation pedagogy.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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i.e. teaching, compiling a handbook/reader, setting up a bibliography?
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Testing the system?
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
15 answers
Dear Gloria:  I'm working on this topic. Can you please recommend bibliography on this?
Thank you very much in advance.
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(In reply to Carl's third contribution) I  agree that a major difficulty  that learners have with writing is their failure to take into account the target reader. I also agree that part of the problem is that some learners do not write well even in their own language. In fact, in my experience, this can be a major problem with Spanish learners at undergraduate level and is reflected in the decline in the overall quality of journalistic writing despite the recent proliferation in masters in journalism. However, in my work as corrector of articles. I have encountered cases of university teachers whose writing styles work well in Spanish, but do not fit entirely with general or genre specific conventions in English. 
By making students aware of the similarities and differences between writing conventions in the mother tongue and the target language, translanguaging has the potential to address both issues: the difficulties of learners who do not write well in their own language and those of learners who need to acquire the conventions of the target language.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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The research investigates factors (gender, educational level, cost, type of occupation) which influence the perceptions of parent towards vocational education and its influence on the development of human capital in Jos-North Local, Government, Nigeria.
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 Okay thanks. Is there any other means which can be recommended?
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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Thank you all
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  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
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for instance, a model for enhancing skill acquisition among students
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What steps do I take if aim of my research is to develop a model for addressing an educational issue?  For instance, a model for enhancing skill acquisition among students
Depending on your research problem, research objective(s), research questions as well as the model you want to develop, following are 3 suggestions:
  1. Quantitative Research - if there is adequate research on certain constructs / independent variables (IV) from literature review e.g. Intrinsic motivation, social economic status, peers rivalry etc, you can develop a conceptual framework / research model to point those hypothesized IVs to the "Student's Skill Acquisition" construct / dependent variable (DV).  After this, you can perform data collection & the needed analyses to test the hypotheses.
  2. Qualitative Research - you can perform some in-dept interviews, observations etc. with students or students' parents etc. to discover a new model why & how some factors under-research that contribute to "Student's Skill Acquisition".
  3. Qualitative then to Quantitative Research (Mixed Method Research called Sequential Exploratory Design) - this can be continuity of research from the above #2 whereby after you discovered some factors contributing to "Student's Skill Acquisition" & you want to generalize the model to entire population of students in your country etc., then you can perform a quantitative research as depicted in above #1.  This model developed in option #3 will be more solid as it gone through the rigor of both qualitative & quantitative research.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
10 answers
Is there any researcher interested in agricultural vocational training for students with special needs ?
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Dear Richard Zigler, Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
32 answers
Sometimes in undergraduate programs, there are core courses that all students have to take regardless of their specialization within their undergraduate programs. But, I have found that the early childhood students are not as focused as the other students in Primary School Education or Technical Vocational Education. Consequently, group work becomes very challenging as expectations for group behaviours are not the same among the different programme groups. How do you handle the mixed groups with different levels of maturity and focus in one class? I'll appreciate your contributions to this challenging situation.
Many thanks,
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Dear Dr  Ferdinand 
Teaching students from variable cultures an countries is a true challenge. The teacher must have a high knowledge in these cultures and countries to avoid discussing hot topics and to concentrate on what it is acceptable for all and united them. If you look in life there are many things acceptable to all and do not cause enmity and hatred. If the teacher could do so, I think he will succeed with his students.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
17 answers
In my research, I am measuring employees' perceptions of how their managers create conditions that support professional growth and how the employees perceive their growth motivation and commitment to the organization. For this purpose, I found Growth Oriented Atmosphere Questionnaire (GOAQ) developed by Ruohotie. However, I would like to know if there are other similar questionnaires or instruments designed for this purpose. Can you please guide me to find these alternatives. 
Nokelainen, P., & Ruohotie, P. (2009). Non‐linear modeling of growth prerequisites in a Finnish polytechnic institution of higher education. Journal of Workplace Learning, 21(1), 36–57. doi:10.1108/13665620910924907
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This may not be what you are looking for, but I wonder if the employer has created a competency map and shared that with employees would be an indicator. Though some see that as an excuse to put all of the "growth" or development on the back of the employee to do on their own time and expense.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
12 answers
What I'm looking at is whether there is a strong correlation between graduate attributes in higher education and what employers want from graduates there and the employability skills in vocational education and what employers want of those graduates.
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Sorry for late response - I have only just joined this group. I have developed an employability development portfolio based on some focus group research that I undertook to establish what employers want from our students - to try to make sure that what we were doing I Higher Education linked with what was expected in the workplace. The tool I have developed is used with our pre registration students from the school of Health Sciences. I have also edited a book which may have some useful pointers and references - Taylor (2016) How to Develop Your healthcare career Wiley Publishers. The Higher Education Academy also has some useful documents re employability.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
7 answers
Recent work on craft by Sennett, Crawford and Marchand (cited in the attached review article) point towards the possibility of healing the divisions between theory and practice, the intellectual and the manual, the vocational and the academic in systems of education.  I am currently exploring these possibilties (actually revisiting earlier work) with the aim of enhancing the status of vocational studies and I would welcome any suggestions from colleagues which might assist in this task.
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Dear Terry, you might recall that I faced similar challenges in my work on VET in SMEs. After several years and more research, I came to the conclusion that the most and best that I could do was to 'bridge', rather than 'heal', these two distinct aspects of the topic under scrutiny.
We could exchange further views on this, if you wish, by email, on:
I look forward to hearing from you kindest regards,
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
11 answers
I am trying to determine the training needs of Technical and vocational education (TVE) teacher trainees with regards to Education for sustainable development (ESD). First I would like to ascertain the perceptions of TVE teacher educators and TVE teacher trainees regarding their understanding of the concept of sustainable development. Since perception is subjective and varied, interviews appears to be the best approach to explore, however use of interviews will only be feasible for the teacher educators, but not very feasible for the teacher trainees due to language barriers and a very large sample size. The challenge hence is in developing a questionnaire that can adequately measure perceptions of ESD, or instead measuring attitude towards ESD. My question is, is there a way to develop an ESD perception questionnaire that can be measured on an ordinal scale or is ‘Attitude’ a better measurable construct than perception in this regards. Thank you
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You might want to look into the work of prof. Arjen Wals; he is one my colleagues and very active in this topic.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
9 answers
Dear colleagues,
I wonder if any one has experience in developing models for vocational education due to the changes in context, e.g: social conditions, migration in economy, etc.,. What constraints to apply the new model successfully and the findings.
Thanks for your concern!
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In our research group we developed a model for competence-based vocational education. It probably suits your interests:
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
7 answers
What is conceptual framework in vocational technical education?
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A conceptual framework is the model or theory on which you base your study. 
For example, my work in computer assisted language learning is based on a conceptual framework of Constructivism.
Depending on your study, you might have more than one model or theory that plays a role in the goals, design, or analysts of your study. 
But a conceptual framework is not just a rubric.  It is the concepts or ideas on which your study is based.
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3 answers
the role of vocational education in curbing youth restiveness
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A different view on this is vocational education if taught right can be the solution itself for restiveness, providing students a gateway from the traditional school option. Some school districts have that option for high schoolers in the US. There is probably stats on graduation rates since offering that option.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
8 answers
I'm looking for qualitative and quantitative research documenting the impact of service or service learning on vocational/calling development in undergraduates.
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Thanks, all! You gave me rich resources!
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
6 answers
Here I refer to European understanding on Vocational Education, Vocational Training or Vocational Education and Training (VET). I use these as umbrella concepts that include both initial VET (for young people) as well continuing VET (for adults).
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A popular forum is UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>. It is not research focused, but it often lists research questions that receive multiple answers.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
6 answers
Does anyone know studies, projects or initaitves in this field?
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We are currently working at a research project called EDUWORK that does exactly that.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
11 answers
"Gesundheit und Pflege" is a study program in Germany in which pre-service teachers are trained to teach in Vocational Schools the Health and Health Care Science. One of the aims of my study is to find out whether evidence-based practice was implemented to the "Health and Health Care" teacher program in Germany. Can you recommend me any paper which explores and explains the program overall and its aims. German papers are also welcome. Thank you!
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Dear Nilüfer, 
attached you find an abstract about this research. Unfortunately this is only published as book: Pflegespezifische Kompetenzen im europäischen Bildungsraum. V & R GmbH.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
11 answers
I am attempting to pinpoint any perceived gaps in the literature in the field of Autism studies, and my focus is on the self-efficacy of vocational learners within an organizational change context. It would help to know if there is a correlation between the use of video games and higher levels of self-efficacy within this population.
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Yes. There are a number of videogames that seem to help with autism, and even some studies have shown that kids with ASDs respond better to video modeling (for teaching social skills) works better than in vivo modeling. There are a series of studies by Parsons and colleagues that looks particularly at virtual environments and social skills training. I'll add some citations below.
There's also a game called "Let's Face It" developed by Tanaka and colleagues (2005) that teaches accurate emotion recognition in facial expressions. There is also a game called TeachTown (Whalen et al, 2006), which teaches receptive language, social understanding, attention, memory, and other early skills for kids with ASDs.
There is lots more as well, but this should get you started nicely.
Parsons, S., Leonard, A. & Mitchell, P. (2006) Virtual environments for social skills training: Comments from two adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder. Computers and Education, 47, 186–206.
Parsons, S., Mitchell, P. & Leonard, A. (2004) The use and understanding of virtual environments by adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 449–466.
Parsons, S., Mitchell, P. & Leonard, A. (2005) Do adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders adhere to social conventions in virtual environments? Autism, 9, 95–117.
Whalen, C., Liden, L., Ingersoll, B., Dallaire, E. & Liden, S. (2006) Behavioral improvements associated with computer-assisted instruction for children with developmental disabilities. Journal of Speech and Language Pathology – Applied Behavior Analysis, 1, 11–26.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
I am working on my doctoral monograph this semester and part of it is a survey investigating the opinions of college-level professors of violin and viola, and teachers of young violin or viola students about instrument setup (i.e. chin rests and shoulder rests) so that it can be made comfortable according to the individual student's body, minimizing the likelihood of performance related injury. <br />
I was wondering if anybody would be interested in completing this survey. If yes, it is available at the following links:<br /><br /> (if you are a college professor of violin or viola)<br />
or<br /> (if you teach at the pre-college level, or adult amateurs)<br /><br />
The deadline for the purposes of my monograph is February 26th, and completing it should take about 5-10 minutes.
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The photo above shows a good example of inappropriate support, overtightened neck muscles, and tension habits that can lead to injury. It was me a couple of years before I got injured, when I was trying to play without a shoulder rest; maybe I used a substitute, but it was too little support anyway. :(
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
Does anyone know any vocation questionnaire to measure pedagogy or pedagogy skills to previously used?
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This is from the company I work for:
It may be relevant and the web page includes lots of information.
Note: This product is not from my department, and therefore I am not in the position to answer questions on it. But, the web page has links to questions/answers and people.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
4 answers
Working on a special issue looking at vocational education and training at the secondary level in the Western Balkans and we want to include an article on the Roma.
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Topic is very interesting. In fact, Roma population has been quite an under-researched population for a while and recently has gained traction and momentum. While I am not very much aware of any research of VET programs for Roma population, here are some articles that speak about their background which should help you identify historically their occupational status and maybe hint you on where to focus more specifically:
Roma education in Europe: practices, policies, and politics
Miskovic, Maja
Troumpeta, Sevastē
Roma : A Minority in Europe
Stauber, Roni
Vago, Raphael
Czech republic-support work integration of the roma minority through vocational education program and counseling project (podpora pracovni integrace romske men iny prostrednictvim odborneho vzdelavaciho programu a poradenstvi). (2013). MENA Report, Retrieved from
Good Luck!
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
9 answers
I'm also looking for studies, which focussed the effect of e-portfolio use on the developent of critical thinking or meta-cognitive skills.
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  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
4 answers
How important is it for clinical facilitators to role model professional behavior?
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As program director, I must strive to model the behavior that I expect to develop within my students.  Therefore, I have certain communication components that are incorporated within the curriculum to emphasize the importance of proper professional and ethical communication and behavior.  My evaluation tools not only evaluate the clinical competencies of the students, but also their ethical and professionalism as it develops throughout the months of study.  I have added another tool in which the student evaluates their clinical instructor on the same set of professional criteria, in order for oversight of proper instruction to occur.  That has been most effective, since the clinical staff knows that they are being evaluated as well, which has really raised the bar on ethical and professional expectations.  I hope this helps! 
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
4 answers
Could anyone direct me to any current or recent research and/ or articles with regard to TVET in Sri Lanka? I would also be interested in articles discussing how development theories (dependency, capability, etc.) relate to either TVET or Sri Lanka.
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and also: and follow relevant links
In the former site, following its link to publications, I saw two highly technical publications (in engineering and medicine) one of them only an abstract presented at AIT, Thailand. The same cite provides information about the training programs available.
I presume that you are only looking for articles regarding the TVET process in Sri Lanka, but not the technical papers coming out from such training. Good luck!
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
6 answers
Please, see attached document.
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You might want to look into the work that is done by some of my colleagues. In our group we have developed a model to assess competence-based education in Dutch VET. This model is grounded in constructivist learning theories such as cognitive apprenticeship, and is also validated by teachers and experts. For more information see the work of Renate Wesselink and Lidwien Sturing. The same model is also used in Uganda (research by George W. Kasule) and Indonesia (research by Zainun Misbah). I hope this will help you further.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
Do you know studies that indicate an influence of workplace characteristics (e.g. tasks employed to apprentices, company size, personal instruction and guidance, social integration, etc.) on vocational competence development?
I wish to collect such studies for a potential meta analysis or - if not available - for developing a coherent instrument.
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Hi! You may take a look for these if appropriate for you.
Lars Lindholm
1. Training Therapists in Evidence-Based Practice: A Critical Review of Studies From a Systems-Contextual Perspective
Rinad S. Beidas and Philip C. Kendall
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
Volume 17, Issue 1, pages 1–30, March 2010
Fostering implementation of health services research findings into
practice: a consolidated framework for advancing implementation
Laura J Damschroder, David C Aron, Rosalind E Keith, Susan R Kirsh, Jeffery A Alexander,  and Julie C Lowery
Implementation Science 2009, 4:50
3. Developing and Testing a Model to Predict Outcomes of Organizational Change
David H. Gustafson, François Sainfort, Mary Eichler, Laura Adams, Maureen Bisognano and Harold Steudel
Health Services Research
Volume 38, Issue 2, pages 751–776, April 2003
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
6 answers
Research and practice show that generally counsellors must be resilient, have deep knowledge of their field and experience on working with various types of clients implementing different theories. However, as far as I am concerned little is known about specific characteristics, skills, training and attitudes career counsellors should have to be effective at their work with clients, especially within the context of globalization, career uncertainty and complexity. What do you think about these issues according to bibliography and your experience?
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Good question: Specific to your question, counsellors should profile their clients and know all critical factors about their current clientele; understanding the ever changing industry and job expectations (i.e currency, context and relevance); and skill wise, counsellors need to be aware that not all clients can think independently, based on their abilities and how long they struggled with the their counselling issue and will need a helping hand or "lets walk together kind of approach".
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
2 answers
Boundary crossing is an interesting concept in cultural historical activity theory. Development of individuals and communities takes place around boundaries. What are the tools and activities that teachers and educators can stimulate to promote boundary crossing and thus development, especially in vocational education?
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here are two partial answers: Bakker, A., & Akkerman, S. F. (in press). A boundary-crossing approach to support students' integration of statistical and work-related knowledge. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
Bakker, A., Groenveld, D. J. G., Wijers, M., Akkerman, S. F., & Gravemeijer, K. P. E. (in press). Proportional reasoning in the laboratory: An intervention study in vocational education. Educational Studies in Mathematics.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
This is the subject of my research and I would be interested to know of similar research being undertaken. Mine is focussing specifically on the English Vocational Education system and how aspects of it might be replaced by an Edtech model but I am also doing fieldwork in India.
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I am interested in expanding the conventional association of technology as tools, hence incorporating the three functions of computers [tools, media, and social actors] from Fogg’s (Fogg, Cuellar, & Danielson, 2002; Fogg, 1998) triadic taxonomy, and by compounding these three technological roles with Chi’s (2009) three types of learning activities [active, constructive, and interactive].
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
18 answers
In England we have developed the term 'dual professional' to cover the identity of a vocational teacher as teacher and as being formed by their occupational expertise (seen in a professional affiliation or in mandatory CPD (rare in England)). We have yet to fully embed what concept means, but it is used to raise awareness of the links to employers/industry and to support the professional identity of vocational teachers, particularly in FE colleges. My question is asking how others may see the identity of a vocational teacher, their professional profile, and their position within a vocational system.
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Thank you, Parul. Interesting that you say that ownership of the design of the course is important. I wonder how much 'ownership' lecturers should/can have? In England we are moving more to employer designed courses rather than teacher designed. And there is an issue of course specifications and how far they are owned by teachers as opposed to awarding bodies (and even governments!).
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
15 answers
My current research is dealing with is "Do young adults today have the necessary skills to enter the workforce?". My focus is rural and small towns in one of the poorest States in the country. My focus is on an eight county region the represents most of the diversity within the State. What is the best way to notify young adults that I would like at least three or four participants to participate from each county?
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Another option is to contact potential participants via community/vocational college. I've taught young adults for 10 years at an Australian TAFE institute (similar to US community colleges). Many of these students are undertaking courses to develop skills for employment in various sectors. There is usually a mixture of those who are unable to find employment because of a lack of skills and those who have employment but need to improve their skills.
In Australia the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth ( has been doing similar research for a number of years by following young adults trajectories from school into the work force.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
33 answers
I am interested in hearing personal experiences of people in technical professions (education or in environmental sciences) or course developers that have used blended (eLearning and live instruction) and eLearning-only modules for job training and continuing education.
Were learning outcomes for eLearning only comparable, better, or worse than blended environment? Why? Suggestions for recent, relevant journal articles would be of interest as well.
**Clarification: When I say e-learning, I am interested in the asynchronous type, self-paced, which includes automatic assessments and has interactivity throughout.**
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A lot depends on the quality of the e-learning modules and their purpose. Unfortunately, there are examples of industry or educational institutions using e-learning modules more as a method of checking a box. If they are truly interactive and allow the option of researching questions as they come up e-learning modules can be a great tool for introducing new information or practicing techniques. They also may work well for introducing nuanced change to a technology for which the student has a good foundational understanding. It is important to remember that for most technical education, the goal is that the student will be able to use the new knowledge to complete some sort of tangible project. Unless that project exists only in the virtual realm, some sort of non virtual component is needed to reinforce the learning and give confidence to the learner.
While I have used excellent asynchronous e-learning modules, I favor a blended learning approach as both a student and an educator. Human to human observation is an important component of both teaching and learning processes. Electronic communication such as Skype is second best.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
2 answers
“The protean career is driven by the person, not the organization, based on individually defined goals, encompassing the whole life space, and being driven by psychological success (rather than) objective measures of success such as pay, rank or power. It is a career in which the person is (1) values driven in the sense that the individual’s personal values provide the guidance and measure of success for the individual’s career, and (2) self-directed in personal career management—having the ability to be adaptive in performance and learning demands.”
Another result of these changes is the move towards more ‘boundaryless’ careers, which involve a sequence of job opportunities that go beyond single employment settings. It involves the breaking down of traditional boundaries (for example job boundaries of specialist functions and skills), organisational careers which progress independently of well trodden career paths and the social boundaries separating work and family roles.
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Hello Anh!
First, I think you should conceptualize protean, boundaryless and traditional careers not as individuals' traits and types but more as social and career trends which are determined by various financial, psychological and social conditions and the forms the work organization takes from the period of industrialism to the one of postmodernism. If I were you I wouldn't struggle to find out which types of careers people follow. Alternatively, using a qualitative method as interviews with a small sample could be a useful way to discover the career experiences of several individuals asking about their work routines, the work values which they consider to be more important for them, their incentives, the change and the variability of jobs they have done, the relationships at the workplace. Also, about the ways work and life roles are intertwined. Perhaps, the themes that would emerge from questions like these - and many others of course- could help you construct a questionnaire in order to capture several activities and behaviours related to the career types indicated by theory. However, I suppose that in case your goal is to make a typology of careers based on participants' responses you would need a very large sample and a clearly quantitative method.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
3 answers
How is a qualifications framework established?
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The President just signed the Executive Order to institutionalize the Philippine Qualifications Framework. We have to start the work.
  • asked a question related to Vocational Education
22 answers
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I would not think that UK is the most successful country in vocational education. Many countries like Germany, Singapore, and United States are doing well in vocational education compared to other parts of the world. The challenge remains that there are people who still view vocational education as an education for the misfits of society, dummies, and people from low socioeconomic status. This is true to some extent, but not everyone in vocational education is in those categories. Vocational education has evolved in several developed and developing countries,and I think it can still evolve for the better as long as it (vocational education) is valued by people in the world to be one of the alternatives to take to be successful in life.