Science topic

Thinking - Science topic

Mental activity, not predominantly perceptual, by which one apprehends some aspect of an object or situation based on past learning and experience.
Questions related to Thinking
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2 answers
this interview of Hamelink by @Tabe Bergman made me think again, one important question or query or a topic or an issue.
Over the last 30 years or so, Derridean philosophers, or social scientists /this includes also a major portion of so-called 'postcolonial' trends/, seems to have formed a formidable following. It is an extremely large sect. Their attitude to Derrida is really a pseudo-religious.
Hamelink obviously failed to establish a school in Amsterdam, and from what I understood, he is part of a critical rationalist trend, broadly speaking, one we often relate to anylitical and post-Marxist (and republican) trends. Obviously, "Habermasian" following was not established, or even if it is, it is of such a minor influence (SOCIOLOGICALLY, in academia) that is nearly negligible.
I discussed on this once with M. Kettner, asking him to whom I should write to seek a funding, or position, if I really sincerely wanted to promote a discourse-ethical frame of theorizing. Prof. Kettner was not able to point with his finger to an instituion - of course, there is one something in Frankfurt, but, I wrote to them, and I never received a response.
Why do you think that is the case? I think this is due to 'vanity factor' that is widespread in academia. When you tell them, well, there may be several different versions of discourse-ethics, they kind of retreat, they dislike your position. :) Habermasians too operate on the basis of some primordial, 'father'-figure pseudo-theological thinking. And tend to think of 'discourse ethics' as 'a major German export', which is, of course, nonsense with a very bad cluster of consequences. (My colleague from Chicago De Paul once remarked at a conference: "To German philosophers, 'it was stated by Kant or Hegel' still counts as an argument.)
All of this leads me to the following, of course tentative conclusion: Derrideans are much more skillful with social organizing, and with the basic forms of academic solidarity. They really act like sect-members. This does not apply to 'Habermasians' (Or Apelians, which is historically more accurate). In other words, as human beings, we are all egocentric, proud, and like any mirror-image. It's just that some philosophers, and social scientists, may be more supported by the external environment (the late-capitalism factor with a super-liberal credo which is postmodernist including a large military-industrical-farmaceutical sector in US and Europe), and also may be more skilfull with compensating for the weakness of their arguments by the sheer 'loudness' i.e. 'spread' of their voice.
Any opinion on this is welcome. Thank you for your feedback.
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I had one perhaps interesting discussion with Frederik van Gelder (in my inbox here) which I here share in the public interest. Perhaps other researchers would profit from it.
FG: 'it was stated by Kant or Hegel' - To this day, this seems to me a better point of departure for any discussion whatsoever. On just about anything. (Leaving out of account whatever is of a technical or scientific nature that has been discovered since their time. Ditto for the empirical world since their time.) I challenge you to falsify this statement - without recourse to pre-Kantian theology or metaphysics.
there is no need for me to falsify anything. Also, the way you put it, it is incomplete. Are you still fascinated by 'Das Sein und Das Nichst ist eins und dasselbe.'?
And I expected you would comment on the 'Habermasean' following.…
FG: That an ad hominem, a non sequitur, and a trivialisation of epistemology all in one go. Not really 'Habermas'-level at all.
PD: No, it is not. That's a section from Salmon, a very basic Logic textbook. And a quote from Hegel.
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In most of the literature I am reading at the moment, the abbreviation μg m−2 h−1 is used to express mean annual fluxes of greenhouse gases. I am confused by the "h" and supposed it stands for "hour". But I find it a bit strange that annual rates are given per hour and think I am missing something...?
Thanks for your answers!
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The unit for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rate is typically expressed as mass per unit of time, most commonly in terms of:
  • Kilograms per hour (kg/h)
  • Kilograms per day (kg/day)
  • Metric tons per year (t/yr or Mg/yr)
For example, CO₂ emissions might be reported as kilograms of CO₂ per hour (kg CO₂/h) or metric tons of CO₂ per year (t CO₂/yr).
When expressed in micrograms, the unit for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rate is typically given as:
  • Micrograms per second (µg/s)
  • Micrograms per minute (µg/min)
  • Micrograms per hour (µg/h)
  • Micrograms per day (µg/day)
For instance, CO₂ emissions might be reported as micrograms of CO₂ per second (µg CO₂/s) or micrograms of CO₂ per hour (µg CO₂/h).
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
Hi ,
in my study I will compare the effectiveness of Al generated feedback and traditional feedback in writing lesson.It will be a quasi-experimental design,but l have 3 classes not two.What should I do? Is it better to work with just 2 classes? I just worry about the sampling size one class consist of 25 students. As there is no random choice in quasi experimental if I add the third class, then if l am right I can not divide the students into a control and experimental group. While I was designing the study first I decided to apply a true experimental design,but l thought that it could be unethical or not generalizable so I changed my mind. I hope I am on the right way. Can you share your thoughts with me?
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Having groups of equal sizes is the most efficient from a statistical perspective, but is not necessary. Sometimes one chooses unequal sizes for pragmatic reasons, such as to help encourage cooperation from people who might feel they are missing out on something.
However, like David L Morgan I don't see what the problem is with an experimental design. If it's unethical to impose the treatment in an experimental design, then it is unethical to impose it in a quasi-experimental design (unless you are giving people a choice, and that would be undesirable because it would bias the samples).
I am curious how you plan to administer the study. For some types of studies, it make sense to divide the students by classrooms (it is hard to teach half the students one way and half the other way). However, when providing feedback, that seems doable on a student-by-student level, in which case you can randomize students within classrooms, allowing equal distributions across both groups.
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1 answer
Ideas can easily expire if you don't write them down immediately or take action towards them. what is the estimated time for ideas to survive ideas in your perspective?
--------writing discussion-------
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Your question contains an ambiguity. Do you mean writing down an idea so as not to forget it, or publishing an idea before others publish the same thing (or before the idea becomes obsolete)? Concerning publication of ideas and theories: There is no general rule. History of science shows that sometimes an idea is published nearly in parallel by two or more researchers because the time was ripe for this idea. In other cases, a published idea is ignored or unnoted by the community and gets accepted only many years later. It is always wise to publish as soon as possible.
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5 answers
Most couples who rate their sex lives highly say they are proactive in sex. They think about when, where and how they’ll have it and think up new things to try. (Tracey Cox)
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Thanks Anatolii and Petro for your suggestions. These sound very politically correct so as to be acceptable to women no doubt. However, no women are contributing here. Men are inhibited by women's dislike of erotic scenarios. Kink, sensual pleasure and emotional connection are all acceptable to women due to their lack of arousal with a lover. I have tried vaginal fisting and anal sex, which are the only two forms of stimulation that produce a physical response. However, the psychological element of using fantasy is missing, which means that the climax is much less rewarding than masturbation. Men are likely to enjoy explicitly erotic sex play that is not mentioned in your suggestions but variety is certainly important for both partners. Women however ultimately will also want quickies sometimes because if sessions are always extended they will resent the time spent.
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I'm thinking of how to increase biomass to replace plastic and industrial waste.
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Increasing earth biomass and replacing plastic and industrial waste are crucial for creating a sustainable environment. Here are some practical steps and innovative techniques that can help us achieve these goals:
Best Practices for Increasing Earth Biomass
  1. Afforestation and Reforestation: Planting new forests and restoring degraded ones to capture more carbon and boost biodiversity.
  2. Agroforestry: Mixing trees and shrubs into farms to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and provide additional crops.
  3. Sustainable Agriculture: Using farming practices that protect soil health, reduce chemical use, and boost crop yields.
  4. Cover Cropping: Growing cover crops during the off-season to prevent soil erosion, enrich soil fertility, and add organic matter.
  5. Perennial Crops: Cultivating perennial plants to reduce soil disturbance, improve soil structure, and store more carbon.
  6. Wetland Restoration: Reviving wetlands to enhance water quality, provide wildlife habitats, and store carbon.
  7. Urban Greening: Creating green roofs, urban forests, and community gardens to increase urban greenery and improve air quality.
  8. Soil Health Improvement: Using composting, mulching, and reduced tillage to boost soil organic matter and microbial life.
  9. Biochar Application: Adding biochar to soil to improve its health, increase water retention, and sequester carbon.
  10. Conservation Tillage: Minimizing soil tillage to maintain soil structure, reduce erosion, and increase carbon storage.
Novice Techniques for Replacing Plastic and Industrial Waste
  1. Biodegradable Plastics: Plastics made from natural materials like cornstarch that decompose naturally over time.
  2. Mycelium Packaging: Packaging made from mushroom roots that is biodegradable and sustainable.
  3. Plant-Based Polymers: Polymers derived from renewable plant sources that can replace traditional plastics.
  4. Recycled Materials: Using materials from recycled products to create new items, reducing waste and conserving resources.
  5. Edible Packaging: Packaging made from edible materials like seaweed or rice, which can be safely consumed.
  6. Compostable Plastics: Plastics that break down into non-toxic components in composting environments.
  7. Algae-Based Plastics: Plastics made from algae, a renewable and biodegradable source.
  8. Bamboo Products: Fast-growing bamboo used as a sustainable alternative to plastic and wood products.
  9. Hemp Fiber: Hemp fibers utilized to create sustainable textiles, bioplastics, and building materials.
  10. Circular Economy Practices: Designing products and systems to continually reuse, recycle, and regenerate materials.
  11. Waste-to-Energy: Converting industrial waste into usable energy through processes like gasification or incineration.
  12. Green Chemistry: Developing chemical processes and products that minimize or eliminate hazardous substances.
  13. Bioplastic Films: Thin plastic-like films made from biodegradable materials for packaging and other uses.
  14. Plastic Eating Enzymes: Using enzymes that can break down plastic waste into harmless byproducts.
  15. Eco-Bricks: Building materials made from compressed plastic waste, used for construction purposes.
Examples and Real-World Applications
  1. Afforestation in India: The Miyawaki method, used in many Indian cities, involves planting dense, native forests that grow quickly and support local biodiversity.
  2. Agroforestry in Africa: In Niger, farmers have integrated trees into their fields, which has helped improve soil fertility, increase crop yields, and combat desertification.
  3. Sustainable Agriculture in the US: Farmers in the Midwest are adopting no-till farming practices to protect soil health and increase carbon sequestration.
  4. Mycelium Packaging: Companies like Ecovative Design are creating packaging materials from mushroom roots, offering a sustainable alternative to Styrofoam.
  5. Biodegradable Plastics: Companies like Novamont produce biodegradable plastics from renewable resources like cornstarch, which break down naturally in the environment.
  6. Waste-to-Energy in Europe: Sweden converts nearly all its household waste into energy, reducing landfill use and generating electricity.
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2 answers
Do you think the use of virtual reality with dyslexia students is good?
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I used AR and VR with students who wanted to learn a language before, and it was amazing. But I am not sure about using VR to students who have dyslexia. Anyway, very interesting question!
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Philosophy in the conventional meaning of the term came to an end with Hegel’s dialectics. Because, if the aim of all previous philosophy was to find the final, absolute, ultimate truth of the world; the ‘Mind of God’ etc.; Hegel’s dialectics has convincingly showed that such an aim can never be achieved. "The Infinite - As a Hegelian Philosophical Category and Its Implication for Modern Theoretical Natural Science":
Philosophy in the form of dialectics has to become an integral part of the positive empirical sciences (related to human social/historical practice, technology etc.) that originated with primitive man. But what was previously unconscious and rather instinctive, dialectics after Hegel becomes a consciously scientific method of acquiring positive Knowledge of the history of Man and the World, actively changing the world to progressively narrow the contradiction between the two, but without any end, ever. As Engels said, “What still independently survives of all former philosophy is the science of thought and its laws - formal logic and dialectics. Everything else is merged in the positive science of nature and history.' Anti-Dühring,
But what’s of post-Hegelian philosophy? If natural science, in spite of its phenomenal achievements still finds itself begging at the door of theology, it has the satisfaction of seeing philosophy sink lower still. Modern philosophy maintains (as Engels put it) a pseudo existence in the state appointed academia, where, position-hunting, cobweb-spinning eclectic flea-crackers occupy the chairs of philosophy. Instead of looking for profound truths in the wide world of nature and human society like their predecessors, these namesakes either work openly as the apologists of monopoly capitalism or look inwards to “self” (existentialism) or to language(linguistic philosophy) etc. ad nauseam to hunt for absolute truth.
Stephen Hawking is absolutely right when he says: “In the eighteenth century, philosophers considered the whole of human knowledge, including science, to be their field and discussed questions such as: Did the universe have a beginning? However, in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, science became too technical and mathematical for philosophers, or anyone else except a few specialists. Philosophers reduced the scope of their inquiries so much that Wittgenstein, the most famous philosopher of this century, said, ‘The sole remaining task for philosophy is the analysis of language.’ What a comedown from the great tradition of philosophy from Aristotle to Kant!”. S Hawking, “A Brief History of Time”, Bantam Books, p. 174-175 (1990)
But it is modern natural science that is hiding its bankruptcy and confusion under the mystery of mathematics and like an ostrich is burying its head in the sand of causality and determinism. The philosophy of Heraclitus, Epicurus, Hegel, Marx and Engels means nothing to it. Modern natural science, has come under total subjugation of monopoly capital, and has dishonoured the great tradition set by Copernicus, Galileo and Darwin. A natural science, which was once inspired by the revolutionary bourgeoisie and created these giants of science, has now become a lap dog of reactionary/regressive monopoly capital. Modern natural science wants to bring back the absolutist and obscurantist science of feudalism to serve the interest of moribund monopoly capital. It is churning up a “complete theory” of exquisite mathematical beauty and of absolute validity for all eternity; a theory, which has no empirical foundation. Like modern philosophy, present day natural science has reduced its scope to mere application of the absolute truth it has attained in the realm of nature. Only those facts that conform to this truth are of interest to science, those that do not, remains in the realms of the Creator or at best are Kantian “thing in itself”. Thus, we have not only a “comedown from the great tradition of philosophy” but a comedown from the great tradition of natural science too.
G.W.F. Hegel said, “All that is real is rational; and all that is rational is real.”; but with the important qualification, “The reality proves itself to be the necessary in the course of its development.”
As Frederick Engels extrapolated on Hegel’s dialectical statement, “… so, in the course of development, all that was previously real becomes unreal, loses it necessity, its right of existence, its rationality. And in the place of moribund reality comes a new reality capable of living — peacefully if the old has enough intelligence to go to its death without a struggle; forcibly if it resists this necessity. Thus, the Hegelian proposition turns into its opposite through Hegelian dialectics itself: All that is real in the sphere of human history, becomes irrational in the process of time, is therefore irrational by its very destination, is tainted beforehand with irrationality, and everything which is rational in the minds of men is destined to become real, however much it may contradict apparent reality of existing conditions. In accordance with all the rules of the Hegelian method of thought, the proposition of the rationality of everything which is real resolves itself into the other proposition: ‘All that exists deserves to perish’ *”. "Ludwig Feuerbach"
It is obvious that the monopoly capitalism of the present time, with its parasitic economic, political, military etc., domination of humanity and its decadent ruling idea based on concocted mathematical theories of physics (and cosmology), has become vulnerable to conscious and active resistance and CHANGE!
"New Physics -The Negation of Einstein's Theories of Relativity The Real Phenomenology of Space-Time-Matter-Motion":
*The words of Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust:. “Alles was entsteht, Ist wert, daß es zugrunde geht!”
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After the 18th century the western world decided they no longer need of philosophy since now science can take over and explain things. In the 20th century and moving into the 21st we have very little new discoveries we are waiting for some new intelligent computer to gove us the answers
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Updated information of my thoughts and activities.
This is meant to be a one-way blog, albeit you can contribute with your recommendations and comments.
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Thank you for the comments received, but am no Mother Theresa!
Freely giving has limits. Investors are expecting to be paid.
As I declare in the funding section, the work was supported by NMA, a private company in California.
Their investors expect a return. Disclosing publically a part of what I do, NMA hopes to better protect what is not disclosed.
NMA does not want the Internet to be an exchange of postcards, where information can be read, written, and overwritten by anyone-- even robots can do it now!
There is more value for NMA and everyone honest in a secure Internet -- which is doable, according to contrapositive logic.
And there is voting, that we can do securely and privately using the Internet, but needs legislation for elections.
Now, the Internet is not secure -- and that is the opportunity for the investors of NMA.
Security has to move on from obfuscation--AI can break it. Your valuables are all at risk with RSA and PQC. We know, we discovered digital QC.
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I try to send papers to everyone who requests one and have a 93% rating. For over a year, I have received notices from ResearchGate that I have 18 open requests, including from a particular person. When I click to open them, they display only the 13 old requests from 2016 and 2017 that I never answered because I didn't understand how to do it then. But the current ones are not displayed. Why? I think it's too late to answer the ones from 2016-2017 but I do not want to indicate that I refuse them. Can they simply be deleted? Maybe they are somehow blocking the new ones that I will answer if I can see them.
Thank you.
James L. Bernat
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The difference in numbers is propobaly the difference between the number of users who requested (18) and the number of your publications they requested (13). See "Research you sent" in for the positively answered requests, and "Open requests" for the requests not yet anwered. I do not see any possibility to delete requests, but I am sure that these old requests do not have any influence on incoming ones.
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4 answers
I'm doing establish the cell line with selection marker puromycin(Sigma Aldrich). After transduction to HeLa cell using lentiviral vector which contain tet-pLKO-puro vector, I treated puromycin 0.5ug. I made puromycin cell media mixed with DMEM(10% FBS, 1%P/S) and puromycin. Also I changed puromycin cell media every 3-4days. But cells were all dead. So I mediate the puromycin concentration to 0.1ug. Also the cells were all dead. And then I mediate the puromycin concentration to 0.05ug. After treated puromycin concentration 0.05ug, the cells were all dead. So I extract genomic DNA from HeLa cell which transduction with lentiviral vector and doing PCR for detect puromycin resistance DNA sequence. The puromycin resistance DNA sequence was exist in HeLa cells.
I don't think the cells were dead because of contamination. Does anyone who can suggest successful puromycin treatment protocol?
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Hi, I encontered the same problem. Did you figure out why? Could you please kindly share it with me? Thanks a lot in advance.
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7 answers
It is generally believed that time dilation and length contraction is a geometric effect, is there anyone has tried to explain the time dilation and length contraction effect in a geometric way?
Albert Einstein is said to explain the time inflation effect in this way:
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove for a minute you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity."
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In addition to the above responses, i want to mention that it is generally agreed on that length contraction is a real effect (see e.g. Bell's spaceship "paradox", and the twins "paradox" can be easily solved by drawing the worldlines of the twins and play with different accelerations.
A very good book for both beginners / non-physicists as well as confused experts (that very well know the math but have trouble with the interpretation / meaning) is "Philosophy of Physics: Space and Time" by Tim Maudlin (
Also, a look into the historical debate / correspondence between Newton, Leibniz and Clarke as well as Mach is worthwhile.
All the best.
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3 answers
The idea is: intuitively any thing, developed as a programming application, can be considered, directly or indirectly a component of some human activity: in some cases they describes/modify/substitute procedures of some kind of process, or an object, on which a human being acts, or a tool used for some kind of action, or it is related to some environment, where human activities take place, or a tool, working for humans, applied for achieving some human needed result.
On the other hand, Psyche is in the basis of all human activities (except those related to basic biological behavior), and in the human activities structure all their components are systemically related.
What do you think?
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Sai Sampath V L Kuricheti You have asked a key question.
Here there are two "moments".
-The framework is the model of human activity. It means, an abstraction of the human activity, including the essential relations among its components. And what are those components? i have in mind the active agent in every activity (the human subject, the agent who acts), the object on which the subject (material or ideal, including artifacts, situations, feelings, etc ), the tools mediating the actions of the subject on the object; the procedures or methods followed by subject for mediated (by tools) actions on the object; the external conditions where all these interactions take place (physical and socio - psychological conditions), and, finally, the result of the activity, it is, the modified object. Any problem, needed of a solution, can be described in terms of that categories. Consequently, any problem needed of the Computer mediation, can find its requisites expressed in terms of that categories and their relations.
-On the other hand, I assume (in fact it's not me, it is assumed in the foundations of several Psychological theories), that Psyche has its origin in the external material activity, it is its dynamic reflex (both directly and indirectly, by means of the -semantic based- communication in the last case), but, on the other hand, the Psyche is the "ruler", the guide, of external activity, they are in a dialectic interaction, and can take place thanks to the fact that both, external, material activity, and the internal, psychological, have the same structure ( that which is going to be used as a framework). Consequently that model of the human activity has to take into account the the psychological aspects of the activity, be founded on their principles.
Regarding use cases, I can tell about my own experience. Several years ago I had to model by ontologies the preferences of students in virtual learning environment. After a long study of possible candidates of preferences definitions, I consider the understanding of preferences as it is assumed in Rational decision Theory: a preference is a kind of choice.
Considering than choice take place in the context of concrete activity, I assumed that preferences are internal choice, made by the human subject. The question is: the choice of what. Here, given that every activity has the above mentioned structure, a preference is defined as the internal choice made by the subject of the activity components (structural moments). Specifically I followed the psychological activity structure define by a Russian Psychologist, follower of the Activity Theory (the classical one, because currently there are several trends, the most known in the European context -and in part of the American one-, is the Scandinavian Activity Theory).
Details of that processes can be found in at least to journal articles, an in a PhD thesis, that are accessible here, on RG (the drawback, for not Latin readers, is that they are written in Spanish, while the activity theory based description of the human structure, applied in the research, as far as I know, are published only in Russian).
Now I'm trying to figure out what other researcher think on it, or what other approaches they have applied or created.
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4 answers
I am trying to obtain the instrumental broadening from my XRD equipment, and before buying a LaB6 NIST standard I wanted to try the KCl method from Scardi et al (1994). This method consists on sieving the KCl and treating it thermically to obtain a useful standard.
Regarding this I have two doubts:
  • How can I check if the KCl sample I have analysed is suitable for the instrumental broadening removal?
  • Do you think this procedure (done in the paper for a Bragg-Brentano geometry) is suitable also for GIXRD?
The software I am using is the HighScore Plus.
Scardi, P.; Lutterotti, L.; Maistrelli, P. Experimental Determination of the Instrumental Broadening in the Bragg–Brentano Geometry. Powder Diffr 1994, 9(3), 180–186.
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Khagesh Tanwar thanks! I'll check it out, sure Si NIST standard is a good choice for my research.
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1 answer
I don't know.
Warren C. Gibson. “Modern Physics versus Objectivism.” The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2013, pp. 140–59. JSTOR, Accessed 14 June 2024.
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Wolfram physics is a mathematical abstraction, far from real physics.
Her criticism in my book: Pages 38 - 48:
Nastasenko V.(2023) Initial Quanta Level of the Material World and Substantiation of Its Parameters. India. United Kingdom. London Kolkata Tarakeswar. BP International. – 65 P. ISBN 978-81-19491-00-1 (Print) ISBN 978-81-19491-01-8 (eBook) DOI: 10.9734/bpi/mono/978-81-19491-00-1
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6 answers
I conducted a tensile test to analyze the strength of a welded joint and to implement an FEM model. Due to the high hardness of the base material, slippage between the grip and the base material was anticipated, so an additional jig was fabricated for the test. The specimen consisted of two base materials, each 50 mm wide and 120 mm long, connected by welding, with a total length of 240 mm. Since the strength of the welded joint was expected to be weaker and its area smaller compared to the base material, the deformation was anticipated to be localized to the welded joint.
In the test results, the specimen reached the fracture point after a total deformation of approximately 6 mm. However, as expected, the actual specimen exhibited deformation localized to the welded joint, with less than 1 mm of deformation (a difference of about 5 mm). Initially, I thought this error was caused by slippage between the grip and the jig, but after reading Han Lu's question, I reconsidered.
Han Lu's Question
1) If there was no slippage between the grip and the jig, is it reasonable to think that the difference in deformation between the specimen and the test data(almost 5 mm) is due to the deformation of the machine?
2) If the deformation in the test data includes the machine deformation and thus cannot be trusted, can the maximum load be considered a reliable result?
3) Given that the length of the welded joint is quite short, should I consider using DIC or an extensometer to obtain accurate data?
In conclusion, the test was conducted to implement a model for FEM analysis, but I would like to know if such data can be used to create the model.
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Hi Minseong,
Thank you for your reply with the explanation of the need for the strength of a tack weld.
I have worked on the structural analysis of welded joints for many years, including the use of FEA.
Will your final CAE model be made from brick elements? If yes, will you have a fine mesh that is able to predict the stress distribution in the fillet weld? And, if so, will you predict the tack failure when the peak stress (or strain) is equal to a critical value. Or, will you determine the average stress in the tack weld and compare it to the measured strength in the tests?
Also, I assume that some tack welds will experience both direct and shear loads. It seems that your testing only applies a direct load.
You might find that previous work on fillet welds would be useful, for example:
Effect of loading angle on the behaviour of fillet welds
Fillet and PJP welds
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Thinking of the Elections coming up worldwide in 2024
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In the context of Africa, politics play a crucial role in influencing the entrepreneurial climate of different countries on the continent. The political landscape, government policies, and the level of political stability can greatly impact entrepreneurial activities and the overall business environment.
you might want to read more.
Autio, E., Kenney, M., Mustar, P., Siegel, D. and Wright, M. (2014). Entrepreneurial Innovation: The importance of context. Research Policy, 43(7), pp. 1097-1108. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2014.01.015
- This article explores how government policies and initiatives influence entrepreneurial innovation and the context-specific nature of entrepreneurship.
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4 answers
As a manufacturing company, what do you think is the recommended budgetary system that can be used? And do you think using multiple budgetary systems would establish a balance and efficiency in business operations and cost management?
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The recommended budgetary system for manufacturing companies is a Standard Costing System. This system involves:
  • Setting standard costs for material, labor, and overhead expenses
  • Tracking variances between standard and actual costs
  • Analyzing and adjusting variances to optimize production costs
Other suitable options include:
  • Zero-Based Budgeting: Starting from a "zero balance" and justifying every expense
  • Activity-Based Budgeting: Allocating costs to specific activities and departments
  • Kaizen Budgeting: Focusing on continuous improvement and cost reduction
The best approach often combines elements from multiple systems, tailored to the company's specific needs and industry.
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1 answer
Hello everyone!
I'm working on some problems in Natural Language Processing. Now I've been working on Stance Detection. I have an idea but I'm not sure either it's useful or not.
I want to use RTE data (labels: "entailment", "contradiction", "neutral") for training Stance model. I think "entailment" and "contradiction" labels in RTE and "support" and "deny" labels in Stance are equivalent respectively.
I wonder if you think so. if not please give me some reasons for it.
Thanks alot in advance.
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Well, Stance Detection and Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) are crucial tasks in Natural Language Processing, each addressing different objectives. Stance Detection identifies the attitude expressed in a text towards a specific topic, classifying it as in favor, against, or neutral, and is particularly useful in areas like social media analysis and opinion mining. In contrast, RTE determines the logical relationship between two texts, categorizing them as entailment, contradiction, or neutral, which is vital for tasks requiring deep language understanding such as question answering and summarization. While stance detection focuses on sentiment and contextual nuances, RTE requires logical reasoning and semantic analysis. Both tasks, though distinct, are essential for comprehensively understanding and interpreting human language.
I hope you will enriched with this brief feedback!
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7 answers
How do integrating online games into classroom settings can have a significant impact on the development of problem-solving skills and critical thinking among students with different learning styles?
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Very interesting issue,
This raises a fantastic contradiction between Montessori and Waldorf sorts of education. A PhD to be held upon that may be very interesting!
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Dumbphones are based on basic synchronous wireless communications rather than the VOIP used in smartphones apps, like WhatsApp....which is far cheaper.
Do you think that advertisements for dumbphones are seeking more earnings in this version of mobiles (which uses the synchronous portion of the mobile nets) ?
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Not necessarily. Advertising for dumbphones can be about more than just increasing direct sales and earnings. Here's a breakdown of the goals for dumbphone advertising:
  • Maintaining market share: Dumbphones still have a niche market, especially for those who prioritize long battery life, durability, or a simpler user experience. Advertising reminds this existing customer base that these phones are still available.
  • Reaching a specific audience: There are people who may not need or want a smartphone, For example, children, older adults, or those working in specific industries might be better suited for a dumbphone. Ads can target these demographics.
  • Building brand awareness: Even if someone isn't interested in a dumbphone now, seeing ads can keep the brand in mind for the future. This could be relevant if they need a backup phone or a simpler device for a specific purpose.
  • Promoting specific features: Dumbphones can still offer some desirable features like long battery life, physical keyboards, or strong radios. Ads can highlight these aspects to attract interested buyers.
While some added sales are always a benefit, dumbphone advertising often focuses on staying relevant within a specific market and reaching a target audience who values the unique features these phones offer.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
4 answers
I read this amazing paper - African Languages and African Literature Cecilia A. Eme & Davidson U. Mbagwu DOI:
My argument is this: I strongly think that every African author is an individual with their own aspirations. Why would any author go through the pains of learning to write in African languages when they have a rich language like English for their stories?
I strongly think African authors are trying to do the work of the anthropologist. A novelist's job is to entertain his readers with interesting fictional events. I have never seen British authors coming together to write in old Shakespearian English collectively. That kind of English is lost and remains in old literature. Why should African languages be an exception? If we wish to preserve our languages in written form, let Historians and anthropologists do the job, not novelists.
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Everyone writes in the language he believe, he belong to.
The rest belongs to the "commercial aspects" of the publishing market.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
7 answers
I'm thinking to do some optimisation of geometric parameters using OpenFOAM to find 'best' design - for a non-profit project. Thinking of using CFD in combo with Machine Learning. Basically a massive parameter sweep using CFD then using those (hopefully) empirical results to predict in-between results via ML. Has anyone tried this before?
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Hi Nick Howlett, we used DoE-based internal combustion engine piston geometry design generation, ran CFD simulations to understand the ICE performance and emissions for each geometry, and then used ML to train the models on the empirical correlations between the piston geometry parameters and ICE performance and emissions. Using the ML models to further optimize the piston geometry to maximize performance and minimize emissions further. We used CAESES to generate different piston shapes based on the SOBOL sequence and Converge CFD solver. The ML framework used a SuperLearner approach developed in-house using Python and R languages. We further co-optimized the effect of boundary and initial conditions along with geometry. For more details, refer to our works
(PDF) Co-optimization of piston bowl and injector for light-duty GCI engine using CFD and ML (
(PDF) DoE-ML guided optimization of an active pre-chamber geometry using CFD (
(PDF) Machine Learning and Response Surface-Based Numerical Optimization of the Combustion System for a Heavy-Duty Gasoline Compression Ignition Engine (
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Hi everyone,
I am trying to design an experiment on how hypoxic environments affect antigen expression in cell cultures. Currently my lab only have T150 flasks with filtered caps and the best way i can think of is to occlude the filtered cap by wrapping it with 3 layers of parafilm.
Another way I can think of is to use a airtight vacuum sealed box. I would like to know if there is a better solution for creating a hypoxic environment for cell cultures?
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Depends of what kind of hipoxic treatment you desire to start:
chronic hipoxia, cyclic hipoxia or continuous hipoxia.
I assume that your study is directed to human cells. Even in that case, you need an oxymeter to determine the levels of O2(g) in your incubator.
An analog of hipoxia is cobalt (II) chloride. Here are some publications:
1. Wu, D., Yotnda, P. Induction and Testing of Hypoxia in Cell Culture. J. Vis. Exp. (54), e2899, DOI : 10.3791/2899 (2011).
2. Muñoz‐Sánchez J, Chánez‐Cárdenas ME. The use of cobalt chloride as a chemical hypoxia model. J Appl Toxicol. 2018;1–15.
Another way is to buy and hipoxic chamber, but their are quite expensive.
Hope that can help you.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
I think there is no direct option to plot gain versus frequency in CST. kindly give solution
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Murtadha Shukur Thank you very much sir
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8 answers
The field of systems neuroscience is feeling pretty good about itself. Volumes have been written on all the successes over the past half century, yielding many Nobel prizes. Some distinguished recipients have included David Hubel and Thorsten Wiesel for their work on the visual cortex and John O’Keefe, May-Britt Moser, and Edvard Moser for their work on the hippocampal formation. It is commonly accepted that the best worked out system in neuroscience is the visual system of primates (Schiller and Tehovnik 2015). Here are some sobering statistics, however. Of all the muscles in humans, only 12 are devoted to the control of eye movements for vision with the remaining 700 or so being dedicated to other behaviors. Furthermore, in a recent study that used electrical stimulation of 1,162 and 659 sites, respectively, in the neocortex and subcortex of humans(Sarubbo et al. 2020), it was found that up to 6% of sites were dedicated to oculo-visual functions. The majority of sites mediated skeleto-motor movements and somato-sensation (i.e., 49% and 37% for neocortex and subcortex, respectively) and language (i.e., 47% and 51% for neocortex and subcortex, respectively). The remaining sites (i.e., 3% and 6% for neocortex and subcortex, respectively) were involved in some aspects of cognition (see Footnote 1).
Accordingly, when a professor is talking and moving about delivering his or her lecture, expect some 96% of the neocortex and 88% of the subcortex to be engaged. In a recent study on locomoting mice it was discovered to the surprise of the investigators that much of the neocortex was active (Mausell et al. 2019). I am certain if these investigators had been studying subcortex in locomoting mice they would have found a similar result (see Footnote 2). Should we be awed that our most successful field of study, visual neuroscience, has been working at the tip of the iceberg, i.e., at 6%. On a more positive note, this 6% focus can now be used as a guide to how the neocortex and cerebellum, which represent over 95% of the neurons in the brain (Herculano-Houzel 2009), process the remaining behaviors to finish the work of Hans-Lukas Teuber (1916-1977) (Footnote 1).
Footnote 1: Some in cognitive science believe that the study of cognition (i.e., thinking) needs to be detached from the execution of body movements even if the movements are a consequence of thinking: reading, writing, speaking, painting, singing, dancing, and so on. Chomsky (2012) believes that ‘thinking’ is an exclusive human attribute and that its expression through language should never be conflated with communication. This mind-body apartheid has prevented cognitive scientists from fully embracing the comparative neuropsychological-neurophysiological tradition espoused by Hans-Lukas Teuber (1916-1977), the founder of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT of which Noam Chomsky was an active participant.
Footnote 2: It has been known since the time of Sherrington (1906) that much of the brain is involved in movement control (Vanderwolf 2007), and in the case of humans, in movement and language control (Kimura 1993; Penfield and Roberts 1966).
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I responded to your email before I saw this reply. I would be pleased to quote you on the point, but I need a citable source; that is, one that the readers of my encyclopedia entry could verify if they chose.
Thank you,
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
I think physical = material + logical.What do you think?
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Physical º physiological º psychological :::: º IS (stands for) IDENTITY
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2 answers
how do I properly construct the structure of the compounds ? I think the issue in the optimization process
can someone guide me on how to do that correctly
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Thank you Fabio Biffoli
I approach your time to help me
So, I need to do frequency calculation after optimization, but if I get reasonable results how can be sure on how far that result is accurate? Since the idea here is to do an estimation of Eg for a number of binary and ternary ChGs compounds and finally try to have an empirical relation for Eg. I am quite lost could you refer to similar work or can I contact you?
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3 answers
I am trying to use the linear finite element method combined with the Newmark method to calculate the dynamic response of a floating frame system. I don't want to use the modal superposition method in this code. So I build an equation of Md2x/dt2+Kx=F directly where F presents the external force. The stiffness matrix is established from the Euler beam.
The origin frame structure is a square that has a side length of 15 m and the cross-section of it is a circle whose diameter is 0.7m. A constant force of 1000N is set on the lower side of the square frame. When I set one of the points as a fixed point, the code seems to run well as shown in Fig.1.
However, when I make the frame a floating one, the beams start to deform unexpectedly as shown in Fig. 2. The length of the beam becomes much larger than 15 m. I think the stiffness is strong enough for such a structure as it hardly deformed in the fixed scenario.
I wonder if there must be a fixed point or if something else should be considered in solving the dynamic response of such a floating frame system.
Thank you for your reply.
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Key Points:
  1. Floating vs. Fixed Frame:In the fixed frame scenario, a point is fixed, providing necessary constraints that prevent rigid body motions. There are no fixed points in the floating frame scenario, which means the structure can freely translate and rotate.
  2. Unexpected Deformations:The beams deforming and appearing much longer than 15 m indicates that the system might be experiencing rigid body motions (translations and rotations) that are not being properly constrained or handled.
Potential Issues and Solutions:
  1. Rigid Body Motions:In a floating system, you must account for the fact that the entire structure can move as a rigid body. This means you need to handle translational and rotational motions separately from the deformations.
  2. Adding Constraints:Even for a floating frame, you often need to introduce constraints or use techniques to separate rigid body motions from elastic deformations. This can be done by fixing a reference point in space or by using a floating reference frame that moves with the structure's center of mass.
  3. Mass Matrix (M) and Stiffness Matrix (K):Ensure that the mass matrix (M) correctly represents the distribution of mass in your system and that the stiffness matrix (K) accurately represents the structural stiffness. For a floating system, ensure these matrices account for the rotational degrees of freedom as well.
Specific Solutions:
  1. Use of a Reference Point:You can fix one point to act as a reference to separate rigid body motions from structural deformations. This point should ideally be the center of mass or another strategically chosen point.
  2. Implementing Rigid Body Mode Removal:Implement a method to remove rigid body modes from the system's response. This involves separating the rigid body motion (translations and rotations) from the deformational response.
  3. Check and Correct the System Setup:Verify that the mass and stiffness matrices are set up correctly, especially for a floating frame. Ensure that the Newmark method implementation correctly handles both the translational and rotational degrees of freedom.
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1 answer
I've been using Mendeley Desktop for many years and love it. But since I upgraded to Sonoma, Mendeley Desktop keeps crashing. If I double-click anything or if I use the "copy as" function (which I use to insert references), it just crashes and I have to force quit and restart it.
Is anyone else having similar problems and is there any way around them? I want to keep using Mendeley Desktop (and I dread the thought of migrating everything to another platform), but this is becoming too bad.
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yes, same here, but hope to use mendeley reference manager soon
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3 answers
Media Imperialism, this is a phrase on negative note, this is about negatives of negative groups of people. People with immoral thoughts and nature, the groups and individuals ill play with fake, by falsify they apply excessive force, and with exaggeration they kind of create atmosphere of intimidation effect to create misleading impact.
Fatema Miah
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Thank you for raising this topic of discussion.
This is a problem of the whole world today. Media is being used to develop opinions. The problem is that it is being done against some monetary consideration. What is most interesting is that many successful people in the media are not from the world of media today.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
Many researchers use the term of effect or impact but I think the have to use only relationship. What is your opinion?
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In my understanding, an effect is the result of an action; the term relationship Abdalmuttaleb AL-sartawi refers to the inter-action of effects, i.e. it deals with a more complex interplay than the basic (more simple) category of an effect.
Hard sciences are successful because they deal with the soft problems; soft sciences are struggling because they deal with the hard problems.
— Heinz von Foerster
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3 answers
I discovered that some people creates inadequate numbers of posts/questions related to the same field. These posts look like a scam. I reported several cases to RG administration and received the answers like that "thank for bringing us an attention," "we'll take appropriate measures," etc.
One of the recent example is the posts of Rk Naresh. He created 13 posts on May 24, 15 on May 23, 17 on May 22 and so on. He created totally 8975 posts and gave 11921 answers. All his answers are to his own posts. This is definitely "self- talking." I consider such a behavior as a misuse of the RG platform.
What do you think about such behavior? I guess that we can create a "Hall of Fame" of the most famous people in creating posts in RG forum? What is your opinion?
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Dear Yurii V Geletii , we had recently a Hall of Shame. I would not change a name. The number of questions of this champion is 8975. For example, my number of questions is 50. He is chasing the high RI score!
Another problem is fact that most of his contributions are copy/paste plagiarism. When you tell him, he deletes posts.
As You say, "This is definitely "self- talking." I consider such a behavior as a misuse of the RG platform." I support this conclusion. I have never met a member of ResearchGate who has such behavior.
Please, visit the following research question and detect his behavior.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Are there any suggestions for quantitative and qualitative measures of the components of epistemic thinking (according to the AIR - Apt epistemic performance model)?
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Could you rephrase your question?
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
I'm excited to dive into this topic and explore the opportunities and challenges that the gig economy presents. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic, and I'm curious to understand more about how you think this shift will impact our work lives.
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This is an interesting area of research as the future direction of the economy and new source of employment opportunities will increasingly come from this sector.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
I'm working with Zeolites as electrode materials that exhibit battery-like behavior in three-electrode configuration. So, I did plots of peak current versus v1/2 used to calculate the slopes for the oxidation and reduction peaks. Now, I'd like to determine the diffusion coefficient from the Randles-Sevcik equation. The equation is:
ip = (2.687 x 105) n3/2 A D1/2 C v1/2
I've some questions:
1) I used 6M NaOH electrolyte, then, 0.006 mol cm-3 is the C for this equation? 2) I used Ni foam (1 cm x 1 cm), so, 1 cm² is the value of A? I don't think 1 cm² is the correct one to use in the equation because I think A is related to electrochemically active surface area. How can I determine ECSA? 3) What is value of n? I think n is the number of electrons involved in redox processes such as Zn2+ – e- → Zn3+ here n is one or not?
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The following paper might be helpful for you. Please check it out!
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3 answers
If there's one question designed to irk everyone and stop them in their tracks it's 'How do you know?'
Its pseudo scientific gravitas has done more to destroy the West than anything else apart from yoga.
How do I know?
One can even do it to oneself to over self-check one's thoughts.
So the question is not just 'How do you know?' but also how does one deal with the question 'How do you know?' AND the questioner.
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Maybe Peter Stott this is of interest to you and your query:
Chochmah is practical knowledge; how to do things: How to drive a car, how to tie your shoes—things you can learn and teach. Binah is knowledge of relationships: Putting A and B together, logical reasoning, even intuition. Da’at is experiential knowledge: How you know you’re alive, how you know God exists, how you know that 1+1 = 2. This knowledge cannot be proven, only experienced.
When you tell a child not to touch the stove because it’s hot and it burns, you’ve given him chochmah. When the child sees a pot on the stove and figures out that it might be hot too, he’s using his binah. However, when he puts his hand on the stove (Ouch!), he now has da’at!
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1 answer
I am wondering if anyone in industry or academics has found an easier way to search for academic groups with specific expertise. Are there any programs or websites available that help make this search easier? I am looking for an academic group with expertise in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production. I have used SubtiWiki, but the list of professors is incomplete or too old. Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated. ChatGPT has been not too helpful either.
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Thank you for raising this question! As a formulation developer, I'm excited about the prospect of contributing to academic groups with specific expertise, particularly in areas such as Bacillus subtilis enzyme production.
While there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, I've found that a combination of strategies can be effective in identifying relevant research groups. Here are a few suggestions:
1. **Academic Databases**: Utilize academic databases like PubMed, Web of Science, or Scopus to search for recent publications related to Bacillus subtilis enzyme production. From there, you can identify authors and research groups actively publishing in this area.
2. **University Websites**: Explore the websites of universities known for their expertise in microbiology or biotechnology. Many universities list faculty members and their research interests, allowing you to identify professors leading research in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production.
3. **Conferences and Workshops**: Attend conferences or workshops focused on microbiology, biotechnology, or enzyme production. These events often feature presentations by leading researchers and provide networking opportunities to connect with academic groups working in your area of interest.
4. **Professional Networks**: Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or industry contacts who may have connections with academic researchers in this field. Personal recommendations and introductions can be valuable in establishing connections with relevant research groups.
5. **Online Communities**: Engage with online communities and forums dedicated to microbiology, biotechnology, or enzyme production. Platforms like ResearchGate or LinkedIn Groups can be useful for connecting with researchers and exploring potential collaboration opportunities.
I'm very interested in joining this initiative and contributing my expertise as a formulation developer. With [X years/months] of experience in formulation development, I bring a deep understanding of formulation design principles, process optimization, and quality control. I am passionate about translating scientific discoveries into practical applications and am eager to collaborate with academic groups to advance research in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production.
I hope these suggestions are helpful in your search for academic groups with expertise in Bacillus subtilis enzyme production. Feel free to reach out if you'd like further assistance or collaboration.
Best regards,
[Tarun Parashar]
  • asked a question related to Thinking
2 answers
RG citation score is frozen.
Anyone noticed that with his/her profile?
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My score has been frozen for a few months now! Is there any update on this issue?
  • asked a question related to Thinking
2 answers
Currently, there are numerous blood biomarkers that have been linked to fractures and increased fracture risk (for example, IL-6). Considering the current evidence, which ones do you think are the most promising?
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Jos Wielders Thanks for your answer. While classical markers such as CTX and P1NP have their utility, they have often failed to predict fractures, especially in older populations. This is why i am asking for the most promising
  • asked a question related to Thinking
7 answers
I think so because
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In general, instincts may contribute to some forms of tribal knowledge, such as basic survival instincts, but not all tribal knowledge can be reduced to instincts. The distinction lies in the source and nature of knowledge: instincts are innate biological tendencies, while prior knowledge is independent of sensory experience and can be known through reason alone.
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3 answers
Einstein's Other Theory of Everything -
This video fascinates me – I’ve watched it about four times so far. Albert Einstein may have failed to develop his Unified Field Theory simply because he was born a hundred years too early. Getting born later would have allowed mathematics like base 2 maths (binary digits), topology, imaginary numbers, and Wick rotation to reach a sufficient level of maturity. He could use his famous intuition and curiosity to include these in his UFT, and there would be no need to put all his eggs in one basket by relying solely on equations. Then again, Wick rotation may never have been developed without Special Relativity … so Einstein might have been born at the right time.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Buchert in France suggests the universe could be a doughnut and that no Big Crunch is required for an oscillating doughnut universe – the cosmos contracts, then it starts expanding again and a new universe is born. What would the universe do if it wasn’t a doughnut but was the similarly shaped Mobius strip? Would its dynamics be the same? And what if the Mobius shape wasn’t on the cosmic scale of billions of light years? A popular science book I read (“A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking) says that quantum spin really tells us what a particle looks like. For example, all particles of matter have a spin of ½ which means they must be completely rotated twice (720 degrees) to look the same. You have to go round a Mobius twice to return to your starting point. I think this suggests the Mobius might be on an infinitesimal scale compared to the universe and might actually be a fundamental constituent of every particle of matter (indeed, of any particle with mass). If bosons are also composed of Mobius strips, there would be a supersymmetry between fermions and bosons in which their basic composition is identical. Photons might be simply made of trillions of Mobius strips while more complex gravitons might be made of trillions of units where two Mobius bands unite to form a figure-8 Klein bottle.
The particles would gain their mass, not from the Higgs field, but by following a 1919 paper by Einstein which asked if gravitation and electromagnetism play a role in composing elementary particles. The gravitons resulting from the Klein bottles and the photons resulting from Mobius strips could interact, producing momentum and pressure interpreted as mass. The matter particle’s quantum spin of ½ would be a result of the photon vector’s spin 1 being divided by the graviton vector’s spin 2 (William Rowan Hamilton defined his 1843 quaternions as the quotient of two vectors). Interaction can also produce 2/1 which is the quantum spin of the graviton. An assembly of countless gravitons might form the intense gravity of a black hole. Gravitation and electromagnetism alone could make the Unified Field. The strong and weak nuclear forces aren’t necessary to do this since photon-graviton interaction could produce the forces’ bosons. If the Mobius is a fundamental part of all fermions and bosons, isn’t that just a different way of saying it affects the entire universe (without being billions of light years in size)?
Let’s imagine the Big Crunch of a hypothetical oscillating cosmos doesn’t proceed all the way to an infinitely dense singularity (which it can’t if the universe is a doughnut or Mobius band). This is reminiscent of another sentence in that popular science book. Hawking said singularities and boundaries don’t occur in imaginary time. So the universe would have no beginning or end. It seems to me that imaginary time could possibly be an integral part of the universe. It would be part of the Mobius loop making up each of the particles (massive or force-carrying) in the universe.
At the start of the 20th century, physicist Max Planck assumed that electromagnetic radiation can only be emitted or absorbed in discrete packets, called quanta. He thought of his discovery as nothing more than a math device … a kind of trickery. Einstein developed his explanation of the photoelectric effect from this “mathematical convenience”. So it appears entirely possible that another supposed mathematical trickery (Wick rotation’s imaginary time and y-axis) will find practical application in the future.
Imaginary time might be represented mathematically by the real + imaginary numbers of Wick rotation – and it might be composed of the ones and zeros of base 2 maths encoding not only mass and real time on the x-axis but also dark matter and imaginary time on the y-axis. In physical terms, the mass and dark matter are produced by the curvilinear, rotating gravitational and electromagnetic waves of curved space-time. Binary base-2 maths’ string of ones and zeros also encode the Mobius, which can be seen as a loop possessing a twist or as a twisted string.
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Dear Rodney,
my book is in Russian but this is not much better for you, isn't it? However, this book has English content and conclusion. They are enough detailed to understand general logic of the the book.
But all my short publications in RG are in English (sometimes - also in RRussian or Ukrainian).
  • asked a question related to Thinking
10 answers
My paper has been published in European Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, vide Volume 4. No.6 ( 2023)
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I have today submitted my new paper on Fermat's Last Theorem to some editor.
May 19, 2024.
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3 answers
Ablation of the cerebellum does not abolish locomotion in mammals (Ioffe 2013); it merely induces atonia: body movements become clumsy with postural and vestibular deficits, which is related to the negation of both proprioceptive and vestibular input to the cerebellum, which encodes where the body is with respect to itself and the outside world, i.e., with respect to the gravitational axis (Carriot et al. 2021; Demontis et al. 2017; Fuchs and Kornhuber 1969; Lawson et al. 2016; Miles and Lisberger 1981). Animals have difficulty crossing a balance beam following complete cerebellar damage and the righting reflex is interrupted. Consciousness, which is a declarative attribute, is not affected following cerebellar damage (D’Angelo and Casali 2013; Petrosini et al. 1998; Tononi and Edelman 1998). As with cerebellar impairment, following neocortical ablation, locomotion is not eliminated but the sequencing of movement is severely affected (Vanderwolf 2007; Vanderwolf et al. 1978). Stepping responses can be evoked in spinal animals, but with a total loss of balance and muscular coordination since both cerebellar and neocortical support is now absent (Audet et al. 2022; Grillner 2003; Sherrington 1910).
Following a stroke that affected the left mediolateral and posterior lobes of the cerebellar cortex (including the left dentate nucleus), it was found that the subject (aged 72), a (right handed) war correspondent who had been versed in seven languages, could no longer communicate in his non-primary languages (see Fig. 1, Mariën et al. 2017): French, German, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, Hebrew, and Dutch (in the order of having learned the languages before the age of 40). Before the stroke, the subject used Dutch, French, and English regularly. After the stroke his primary language, English, remained intact. Most significantly, the day of the stroke, all thinking in the second languages was abolished (see Footnote 1). One day following the stroke, however, the French language returned. Nevertheless, the remaining secondary languages were abnormal. Reading was better preserved than oral and written language, likely because reading is dependent mainly on scanning a page with the eyes and having an intact neocortex for word comprehension (fMRI revealed language activations in neocortex and in the intact right cerebellar hemisphere, Mariën et al. 2017). Speaking and writing, on the other hand, are more dependent on the sequencing of multiple muscle groups, a task of the cerebellum (Heck and Sultan 2002; Sultan and Heck 2003; Thatch et al. 1992). When speaking or writing in a non-primary language, English words would intrude. The naming of objects and actions verbally was impaired, and writing was severely disrupted. When high-frequency visual stimuli (objects, animals, etc.) were presented visually (1 month after the stroke), identifying an object with the correct word surpassed 80% correctness for English, French, and Dutch, whereas it remained at under 20% correctness for German, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, and Hebrew. Since the execution of behavior depends on loop integrity between the neocortex and cerebellum (Hasanbegović 2024), it is highly likely that damage to the cerebellum undermined this integrity such that the least overlearned routines—German, Slovenian, Serbo-Croatian, and Hebrew—were disturbed. Note that a functional left neocortex (of the right-handed subject) with a preserved right cerebellum was sufficient to execute the overlearned languages—English, French, and Dutch.
Based on our understanding of cerebellar function, if the entire cerebellum (including the subjacent nuclei) were damaged in the subject, we would expect that even English, the primary language, would be compromised, and most importantly, the learning of a new language would be rendered impossible, given the dependence of behavioral executions (and learning) on intact neocortical-cerebellar loops (Hasanbegović 2024; also see: Sendhilnathan and Goldberg 2000b; Thach et al. 1992). Thus, thinking is affected by damage to neocortical-cerebellar loops, which concurs with the behavioral findings of Hasanbegović (2024).
Footnote 1: Self-report by the patient about the day of the cerebellar stroke: “I was watching television at my apartment in Antwerp when suddenly the room seemed to spin around violently. I tried to stand but was unable to do so. I felt a need to vomit and managed to crawl to the bathroom to take a plastic bowl. My next instinct was to call the emergency service, but the leaflet I have outlining the services was in Dutch and for some reason, I was unable to think (or speak) in any language other than my native English. I have lived in Antwerp for many years and use Dutch (Flemish) on a day-to-day basis. I called my son-in-law, who speaks fluent English and he drove me to Middelheim Hospital. We normally speak English when together. I understood none of the questions asked to me in Dutch by hospital staff and they had to be translated back to me in English. My speech was slurred. I had lost some words, I was aware of that, but I cannot recall which words. I made no attempt to speak any of the other languages I know, and in the first hours of my mishap happening, I do not think I realized that I had other languages.” (Mariën et al. 2017, p. 19)
Figure 1. Human cerebellar cortex. The mediolateral and posterior lobes are indicated. The mediolateral lobe of the cerebellum (right and left) is part of the cortico-frontal-cerebellar language loop (Stoodley and Schmahmann 2009), and cerebellar grey matter density in bilingual speakers is correlated with language proficiency (Pliatsikas et al. 2014). Typically, the innervation of the left neocortical language areas is strongest to the right cerebellum in right-handed subjects (Van Overwalle et al. 2023). Illustration from figure 8 of Tehovnik, Patel, Tolias et al. (2021).
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Ευχαριστώ για τα καλα λόγια, thank you for the words of encouragement.
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4 answers
We have been getting this black dots in our cell culture. But it is not affecting pH of media (no color change observed) until 4 or 5 days. Cells are attaining morphology within 24hrs but once the black dots starts to aggregate it won't reach confluency. We sort of think it is mycoplasma. Do anyone has same experience ?
  • asked a question related to Thinking
4 answers
I have a somewhat unusual study design where I need some advice on power calculation.
Between subjects, I have:
Exposure A
Exposure B
Exposure A+B
And I have measures obtained before and after exposure.
Now, this could be treated as a 3x2 design which gives a numerator df = 2. But that seems inefficient and I need to answer my research question with as few participants as possible. One could instead see it as two between subjects factors - exposure A (yes/no) and exposure B (yes/no) - which gives a numerator df = 1 and hence should allow inference based on a smaller sample. As I understand it, this option will essentially equal an approach where the effect of each between subjects factor is tested controlling for the effect of the other. I'm only interested in the main effects of the between subjects factors and the two-way between x within interactions. When I run preliminary analyses (RM ANOVA in SPSS) on the small set of data I have so far, these seem to yield the same test statistics for the effects of concern regardless of whether I enter Exposure B as a second between subjects factor or as a covariate.
I use G*Power for power calculations but there I can only specify the between subjects design in terms of the number of groups, as with the 3(between)x2(within) option. To get a power estimate for a 1df between subjects design I have to enter that I have 2 groups, corresponding to the case where Exposure B is treated as a covariate in a 2(between)x2(within) design. But then I have no way to consider the impact on power of the "covariate"? Is there a more appropriate way to estimate power for this analytic approach?
I will be very grateful for any thoughts on this!
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you could consider consulting with a statistician who can perform a power analysis tailored to your specific design using statistical software like R or Python. They can help you set up the analysis to properly account for the complexities of your design, including treating Exposure B as a between-subjects factor rather than a covariate.
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4 answers
I am doing my undergrad thesis that requires me to do PCR-RFLP analysis on DNA that I extracted from some blood samples. Initially, I was using the Qiagen mastermix for the optimization of my entire process using just 6 samples out of 100 samples. I successfully completed my optimization step, and got my desired results for those 6 samples. Once I have the measurements of the entire process i.e the amount of mastermix, forward priner, reverse primer, DNA template, and nuclease-free water along with the optimum annealing temperature for my selected primer, I proceeded on to doing the exact same thing on the remaining 96 samples serially. But I started encountering an unexpected error. For some reason, I started getting a faint band in my negative control(which only has nuclease-free water and no DNA template). At first I thought any of the reagents were contaminated, so I conducted a series of PCR reactions where in one I would use a freshly new mastermix, another time a fresh made working solution of primers and also an intact nuclease free water. In every PCR, I am getting a band in my negative control. Today I also tried using a mastermix of an entirely different company i.e. Takara Bio, but got the same results. I am just frustrated at this point. Can anyone help me figure out what is happening? How can I troubleshoot this and complete my thesis!
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Have you tried thoroughly cleaning you pipettes?
  • asked a question related to Thinking
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The hippocampus is necessary for the consolidation of recent memories, but the neocortex is important for the archival storage of these memories. This is borne out by studies in both humans and other animals (Frankland and Bontempi 2005). Replay during sleep, particularly during slow-wave sleep, is believed to be involved in the consolidation process at the neocortex (Dickey et al. 2022; Wilson and McNaughton 1994). Recall by mice of remote memories activates the prefrontal cortex, the frontal cortex, the anterior cingulate, the retrosplenial cortex, and the temporal cortex as evidenced with 14C-2-deoxyglucose (Bontempi et al. 1999), and expression of activity by the genes, c-Fos and Zif268 (Maviel et al. 2004). Initially, the hippocampus is thought to integrate information from distributed and independent cortical modules that represent various features of a task and then these features are fused to produce a coherent memory trace by strengthening connections between areas (Frankland and Bontempi 2005).
Imaging studies in animals have shown that hippocampal activity is suppressed when spatial and contextual memories are being recalled (Bontempi et al. 1999; Maviel et al. 2004), i.e., when stored memories are being combined with ongoing behavior. As well, the retrieval process is believed to utilize non-NMDA/glutamatergic circuits in the hippocampus (Nakazawa and Tonegawa 2004; Riedel et al. 1999). When neocortical memory is inconsistent with a new hippocampal memory, the hippocampus is re-activated to upgrade the stored neocortical memory (Frankland and Bontempi 2005), much like what happens for memory at the cerebellum: when there is a mismatch between the sensory inputs flowing via the mossy fibres and the inputs from the inferior olive, the learning process is reinstated [i.e., the complex spike firing is put outside of the 0.5-2 Hz window to alter simple-spike discharge, Loyola, De Zeeuw et al. 2019; Mukamel, Schnitzer et al. 2009; Tehovnik, Patel, Tolias et al. 2021].
For the sake of simplicity, it is best to think of neocortical memory as ‘sensory’ and cerebellar memory as ‘motor’, with the former having a sensory bias (i.e., visual, auditory, somatosensory, vestibular, gustatory, olfactory, interoceptive) and the latter having a motor bias, represented by proprioception which is the sensory counterpart of ocular and skeletal movement (Chen 2019; Gibson et al. 2004; Tehovnik and Chen 2015). Cerebellar parallel fibres (from the granular neurons) interconnect the neocortex with the cerebellum via descending pontine information from the neocortex and the ascending thalamic information to the neocortex. Such loops of information are engaged for the execution of all behavior (Tehovnik, Hasanbegović, Chen 2024), even though reductionists have disconnected various component of the cerebellum to suggest that the cerebellar nuclei and the brain stem can operate independently of the cerebellar cortex once learning has been finalized (e.g., Miles and Lisberger 1981; Sendhilnathan and Goldberg 2000b). Such a contradiction (not that different from the ‘wave’ vs. ‘particle’ contradiction in physics) can best be appreciated by what happens during the generation of normal behavior: learning is never finalized since the minute you wake up in the morning, the brain is being subjected to new adaptive forces. And if you don’t believe me, try going to work with the exact same thoughts (Hebb 1949, 1961, 1968) as you had yesterday. We can all agree that on each day our brain experiences a newness that alters consciousness while preserving the historical record of self.
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You cannot enter the same river twice, but the river remains a river
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5 answers
When I analyzed grades of undergraduates, some course taught via online platforms, their grades are lower than the physical lectures.
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Anita Z Goldschmied Thank you, I agree with every word in your post. Especially with "If anything, experience dictates that theory should be the part that can be taught online effectively, depending on the subject and some other factors, a few listed above." Yes, this is my own experience too. So I try to combine online (80%) with face-to-face (20%) when teaching.
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I want to know more about mineral deposits.
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yes I agree
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3 answers
Can I change my reality with my thoughts and what is stopping you from turning your invention idea into a reality?
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Thoughts have the power to manifest your reality because they send strong signals to the universe, and these signals create subtle changes that radiate out into our lives. It's like sending a message in a bottle out into the ocean. You can't see the changes occurring, but they're happening at a molecular level. Meditation helps you change your thoughts, not because it actually changes them, but because it helps you become aware of them. Many people are oblivious to their thoughts and feelings: They don't realize if they're angry, tense, or sad. Then they spread and project those emotions and wonder why there are issues. Reality changes when perception changes. This means that if you want a more positive reality; change your beliefs to be more positive. Be more optimistic. When you change your beliefs, you change your reality. It all boils down to one simple truth: What we think and believe dictates what we experience. It's crucial that we're mindful of these thoughts, or else they become destructive forces that undermine our happiness and cause us misery. I mean, it's so easy for thoughts to run away. Our minds aren't passive observers, simply perceiving reality as it is. Our minds actually change reality. The subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives because its function is to store and retrieve data. Make sure you write down your plan it’s very unlikely to become real while it exists only in your imagination. Read Action Plans, Business Requirements Analysis, and The Straw Man Concept these have tips on which elements to include in your plan, and how to make sure you don't forget anything. One of the most important characteristics of an innovative idea is that it solves a problem. True innovation adds real value to those who use it. In other words, an innovative idea helps improve people's lives.
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So, I want to extract bone marrow from mice for an experiment, but I don't need all tens of millions of cells that I would get. So I was thinking that I could freeze down the left over cells for future use. I would want to eventually culture the cells into eosinophils with SCF/Flt-3 and IL-5 media. But I've never frozen down freshly extracted bone marrow (or anything, actually) and neither has anyone in my lab. What would be the best procedure for this?
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Yes, you can.
Fresh bone marrow cells may be counted using the hemocytometer, and then centrifuged for 5mins, at 200 x g at 4 ºC, and gently resuspended in freezing media containing 90% FBS and 10% DMSO. You may freeze 4-6 x 10^6 cells/ml/cryovial by gradual freezing technique at-1ºC/minute maintained in a -80ºC freezer for 24 hours and later transferred to a liquid nitrogen tank.
Later, when you need these cells, you may thaw the cells by a quick-thaw process wherein you quickly transfer the cryovial containing the cells to a 37 ºC water bath until just the tiniest ice crystal is left in the cryovial which usually takes 1-2 mins. Do not vortex the cells. After thawing the vial, immediately transfer the cell suspension to a large volume of pre-warmed growth medium (~10 mL/1-mL aliquot of cells). Centrifuge the tube at 700rpm for 5 mins, discard the medium, resuspend the thawed cells in fresh culture medium. Culture the cells in an appropriate culture vessel.
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Im asking this to get understanding of what the experts think is research topics that is easy for me to do when i get to honours .A topic that needs research to be done .Im writing a concept and will attach it to my Hons Biokinetics and Hons Sports Sci application .I want to write this concept on a topic that a Bio and HP student can work on so if i get into either honours programme i can just get going with my research .Instead of writing two concept notes i just want to write one since it will be my first time writing it .Im going to write it up in my june holidays before semester 2 starts so i can apply to honours with it .Any advice would be appreciated
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
When preparing an article, you cannot change geographical names, species names and especially similar words in methodology. Can you share your thoughts on this issue?
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Is sustainable development or social capital essential for Africa's socioeconomic transformation? Despite widespread preaching of sustainable development by institutions like the United Nations and NGOs, tangible progress has been lacking, akin to an overdue pregnancy—quantitative rather than qualitative. Is Africa still in need of this gospel or what it requires now not just sustainable development but robust social capital to achieve lasting socioeconomic transformation. My thinking. What is yours.
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A sustainable community is one where the people can meet their needs using their time and skills, and the energy, resources, and ecological funtions of the land that they are co-stewards of, in perpetuity. All forms of ‘sustainable’ require the community context. Acheiving sustainable development does not automatically lead to a sustainable community. I would suggest the whole world eequires sustainabilty, rather than sustainable development.
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5 answers
Just as in the human animal, and even more often than in the human animal, petting among the other mammals is primarily, although not exclusively, male activity which is directed toward the female. As in the human species, it is the male which is more likely to be aroused psychologically and usually before he makes any physical contact. (Alfred Kinsey)
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Logic and common sense are fundamental to science. I provide explanations where others have nothing to say. I use logical reasoning where others use tiny samples involving 10 women to define the sexuality of millions of women worldwide. Sexology seems to be about politics rather than science. Of course, men don't agree with me. Men's objective - to obtain intercourse is directly opposed to women's objective - to avoid it if possible. The fact that men are much more confident to define women's sexuality for them is evidence of the battle that any woman has to present the female perspective. Men simply don't listen.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
4 answers
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Are all interesting people missing in heaven? Mark Twain thought that many of them would be: "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."
  • asked a question related to Thinking
8 answers
Who do you think is the most famous, or rather influential, person in human history?
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2 answers
I am a student from Vytautas Magnus University. I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis on decision-making styles and divergent thinking. I read your article about adapting its decision-making to another language. I wanted to ask, maybe you know which order the questions of the questionnaire are supposed to be in and could tell it to me?
Thanks for Your response in advance.
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences
Vytautas Magnus University
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Questionnaires often begin with a few "demographic" items that are easy to answer. After that, there are substantive questions, with the remainder of the demographics at the end.
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2 answers
# 126
Dear Alessio Ishizaka · Enrique MU
I read your paper
What is so special about the analytic hierarchy and network process?
My comments
First of all, I want to congratulate you for your extensive bibliographical search about AHP and ANP. I am impressed by the number of authors you mention in your paper, and by your comments.
However, it is only a bibliographic search enumerating papers written on AHP and ANP, but there is not a single line that justifies these methods, other than mentioning the large number of papers published, which is undisputable, and by far more than other MCDM methods
Obviously, you are an advocate of the method and wanted to make its virtues known, but you do not even mention its drawbacks, that outperform several times over those good attributes it may have. You mention multiple applications of AHP, the same as other methods that are not ‘special’, and no mention is done on AHP abundant limitations. Therefore, your analysis is biased.
Technically, AHP is a descriptive process, and as that irrational, considering that it is based on intuitions, very useful in many aspects of life, but normally useless when applied to serious MCDM scenarios, and thus, assuming that the DM judgements are applicable to real-life, and to thousands or millions of persons, against common sense and something that nobody can accept.
AHP is based on the wishes and moods of individuals pursuing what they perceive or feel, without reasoning, which is natural in many instances of our life, instead on addressing on what it ought to be as in normative rational methods, which not coincidently constitute the largest number of MCDM methods. In my opinion, AHP may be appropriate to personal decisions like selecting a restaurant or a site for and you say that it is due to easiness of uses and a vacation, but it has no place in complex scenarios. Simply, it cannot manage them.
However, as you mention, it is the most used MCDM method, due to its easiness, which is true, and to its rigorous mathematical base, which is false.
AHP is probably the easiest MCDM method to learn. The DM determines the criteria, alone or with experts, but curiously, without considering the alternatives they must evaluate, and then compares two criteria at a time and assign a value according to his intuition, and that is all.
Even if he does not reason ‘appropriately’, that is, transitively or consistently according to percentage, the software refutes him and -suggests’ a correction. The DM has no alternative but accept, as a robot, it does not matter if he agrees or not.
What the DM does not realize is that a decrease, for instance from 7 to 6, is not minor, due to the ratio or logarithm scale, the method remains silent about that. Please, correct me If I am mistaken.
In addition, one wonders, and AHP does not explain it, why the DM must be coherent or consistent in his/her estimates? As an example, if you must select among three restaurants A, B and C for dinner and comparing quality and price, and you already determined that for you, quality is three times more important than price, and for that reason, close A, that is, you prefer to lose some money to get a gain in quality.
Now you compare A and C and finds that C has also a good quality, but at a considerably lower price, and you decide that you prefer to lose a little quality, to get a gain in price. That is, you reversed your priorities.
Finally, comparing B and C you reach the conclusion that both have good quality and good price, so it is indistinct what you chose
Consequently, A>B=C>A, there is not transitivity here. And what is wrong with this analysis? Nothing, just human decision. This elemental example also shows two AHP errors.
First, it considers that weights are constant. As you can see, they could not be, and
Second, criteria depend on the alternatives, not the other way around. If you do not have alternatives, it means that always, and for everything, i.e., houses, trips, careers, cars, food, furniture, etc. you prefer quality on price.
A>B=C>A, does this mean that you must respect transitivity?
In AHP, it does not matter that the DM must judge on items on what he may not have the faintest idea, like comparing cost with contamination, cost with public health, or cost with manufacture, and thus, assuming that he must be an expert or knowledgeable in each area, or posses the expertise each stakeholder has in the company that owns the project. I think that you will agree that this is something hard to digest.
In my opinion you should explain which were the advances in AHP that you mention. Which advances, using fuzzy, or becoming hybrid with other methods like TOPSIS or DEMATEL, to name only some of them?
When you consider these serious hidden shortcomings. it is natural that people select AHP; it makes practitioners believe that complex problems can be solved by intuition. Reasoning, researching, consulting, examining? What for? That is unnecessary as per AHP standards. One of the things that bother the most in AHP it is the lack of rational explanations.
What happens if the scenario demands using Boolean notation, i.e., 1 or 0, or if there is precedence between alternatives, or if criteria are interrelated, or if some alternatives are exclusive and other inclusive, or if a criterion establishes conditions on another? According to AHP the solution is easy: Just disregard all of these irrelevant and annoying characteristics of the problem.Don’t worry, simply, ignore all of them; nobody will notice, because the results cannot be validated, since there is not a yardstick to compare to, and also because many journals’ reviewers will accept that and approve the manuscript, something extremely frequent.
Just read the abstracts of problems ‘solved’ by AHP in Scopus on in the Web. The most common is that they disregard something that Saaty said very clearly and in writing: AHP works only - and with reason - with independent criteria, something difficult to find in most real-life projects. Just for that simple fact most AHP solutions are invalid. By the way, it is very easy to prove that Saaty was right in this.
This is the reason of the ‘success’ of AHP. Nobody will discuss it, as nobody rebutted me when I denounced these things along my eight years in RG, and after 270,380 readings of my questions and answers, and 2,277 contributions as of today, according to metrics from this platform.
Curiously, along these years nobody rebutted none of what I assert. Extract your own conclusions.
AHP was useful back in the 70s, but now it is history, ANP, based on the same principles and arbitrariness of AHP, is however a little better, because it is more realistic although very difficult to understand, and also assuming some inexistent concepts such as impact and feedback, and that were never explained by Saaty.
AHP violates System’s’ Theory by claiming that one of its greatest advantages is the decomposition of a problem. True, for understanding it, but not for solving.
You cannot maximize or minimize a criterion independently of the others, because a problem is a system, and as that, it must be solved considering everything at the same time. It is as studying the performance of a car selecting independently the best engine, the best transmission, the best tires, and the best style. It cannot be done separately, due to the fact that the aerodynamics of the car, its tires, its transmission, electronic and electric system, etc. are input to design the best engine. Sounds reasonable?
However, this is what AHP does, and that ANP improvedby using a network.
I guess that Saaty understood that AHP was faulty on this regard, and then decided to correct it by developing ANP, and in so doing burying AHP, and this took place more that 30 years ago.
AHP is the most used MCDM in the world? Absolutely true, but why?
Because it has managed to convince people that real-life problems can be easily solved by intuition, as for instance complex problems like regional planning, or deciding by intuition that photovoltaics cells are better than wind turbines to generate electricity.
They are only technical issues, why to bother with them?
AHP is a system based on false assumptions such as:
1- You can compare two different criteria, that is legit, but what you cannot do is assign a value to those preferences. How for instance, do you decide that tenderness is say three times more important than love? This comparison is fantasy.
2- AHP assumes (Saaty words), that trade-offs are equivalent to weights. Both are completely different concepts and not interchangeable.
3- AHP assumes that what is the mind of the DM, can be applied to the real-world. This may be true only in his / her imagination, and convinced because AHP quietly equals them.
Explanation? No, what for?
4- On what grounds AHP assumes that criteria weights are constant? This misjudgement can be easily demonstrated, as I have done many times in RG
5- To say nothing that the DM is reduced to the role of a robot, when a formula instructs him/her to correct him or herself
6- Where is the rational in using compensation, that means that increasing in 0.5 human health is compensated by a proportional decrease in land use or in paving roads? This is a disparate.
7- Who says they these trade-offs are lineal? Only suppositions and because they were normalized to sum 1.
8- What axiom says that the DM may vote for hundreds or thousands of people? Quite the opposite, the Arrow ‘s theorem just addresses this issue and of course denies it, calling this action a dictatorship.
9- Even the so-called fundamental table is dubious, because it is a poor imitation of the Weber and Fechter law relating incentives increases with log responses. AHP happily assumes that the value in criterion C1 on C5 or ratio importance, equals to incentives increases.
10- Can you imagine using AHP or ANP in simulation where you have to change parameters hundreds of times? It would be a nightmare.
11- How useful can be a method where the criteria must be independent?
I can continue, but this is enough to prove the falsehood of AHP.
I have been many years in RG and since the very first date I commented AHP, mentioning these very aspects. If I were wrong it would have been natural that scientists and practitioners would have rebutted me. Again, I never received a rebuttal. Why?
For obvious reasons: There are not responses to them.
I want now to address some specific points of your paper:
1- In page 2 you say “development of the theoretical foundations of the AHP”
A researcher may have as many theories as he wants; the problem is to demonstrate a mathematical as well as common sense foundation, both absent in AHP, other than the Eigen Value and geometric mean. All other are only assumptions like results from pair-wise comparisons, trade-offs equivalence to weights, need of transitivity, weights that can evaluate alternatives, sensitivity analysis using the ceteris paribus principle, existence of feedback in ANP. etc.
None of them are mathematical, and many rejected by scientists
2- Using fuzzy AHP? What for? To improve arbitrary values?
3- In page 3 you speak about modelling, possibly the most important aspect to be considered in MCDM. It appears that the meaning and importance of modelling is absent in AHP, where it reduces to putting values in a matrix.
Modelling means to represent as close as possible a project or scenario in a mathematical format or matrix. Since I speak based on facts, I will put some examples:
a) How do you model in AHP, that alternative A4 must precede only alternatives A1, A2, A3, A9?. This is applied anywhere as in manufacturing, construction, health cate, etc.
b) How do you model in AHP, that considering alternatives A2 and A7 they are exclusive, i.e., it is one or the other, therefore, one of them must not be in the ranking. This is usual in road projects, for instance determining the best route between two cities.
c) How do you model in AHP that a criterion such as heavy snowfall may alter another criterion as maximum speed in a road, or in other words, the speed criterion depends on the heavy snowfall criterion, only when a certain value is reached. Used in hgh mountain highway is comparison with lower-level routes, of in modal transportation.
d) How do you model in AHP that an alternative must comply with a certain number of criteria? For instance: A6 and A8 must satisfy at least these four criteria C5, C7, C8 and C14. A common question when analyzing urban planning
e) How do you model in AHP, that if alternative A7 is selected, also A1 must be selected?
Found in sewerage networks
f) How do you model in AHP that a certain alternative must forcefully be in the ranking? Typical of projects already initiated or for pollical reasons.? For instance, a promise made by a candidate to major before elections
g) How do you model in AHP that out of 89 environmental indicators, the DM wants as a result only 25 to analyze. Used in selecting indicators
h) . How do you model in AHP, that when you reduce indicators, the resulting indicators in the final result must incorporate as much as possible the information contained in the alternatives not considered in the ranking? Used in urban and regional planning
i) How can you use the same criterion with two different means? For example, in providing water to a housing complex you need to establish a minimum and a maximum limit simultaneously, in such a way for the software to work within these limits?
I have many more questions like these most of them encountered in real-life problems in my life and all of them addressed using MCDM methods. Could you please consider answering how would you model them in AHP or even in ANP?
I will be grateful for your answer
I my humble opinion, it is evident in analyzing these real-world scenarios that AHP was not designed to solve complex problems, but perhaps I am mistaken of did not understand the power of AHP, and for this reason I ask for your answers. Using your own words, which are then the morphological ways used in AHP to solve real problems?
4- In page 7 you cite “I get it, it is like going to the optometrist who asks you whether you see better with one lens or the other; except that there is the additional question of how much better can you see?”
This known example reminds me another from Saaty relative to determine areas of geometrical figures. Both examples are biased because in both cases you know the real result which allows you to make comparisons. As you know, this situation ss inexistent in MCDM
5- In your page 8 you make references to rank reversal in AHP
Yes, it was discovered in AHP, but later it was discovered that it is common practically in all MCDM methods.
In my opinion it is an unavoidable phenomenon related not with the MCDM methods but due to geometrical reasons. It was nothing to do with inconsistencies.
I would love to discuss this subject with you publicly or privately, either in RG, email, or WhatsApp.
Nolberto Munier
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I was recently watching a lecture on EM (lesson on E fields from sources with density λ) at a US university. (As a masters holders on general pedsgory&learning, something rare for a physics background, i think I can have an opinion.)
Things that impressed me.
** accuracy, linear logic and causal progression, clarity, simplicity.
** he pointed on magic word i.e keywords, which helps student focus and he thereby centered his lesson i.e it was not unrelated parts
** elements of the lesson reolicated standard physics skills practices such as identifying symmetry, taking limit fsctors for derived expressions, step by step construction of differentials and integration
**he dramstized lesson i.e unexpected simplifications or cool /fancy results
Things that didn't.
** he assumed students are familiar with polar coordinates
** he started with an expressions of coulimb's law& E fields definition without reasoningbits origins (maybe previews class?), so many students were lost
** he used a very plain pedagogical plan: develop a few laws in previews lesson and do applications of them, in volume, thinking students will get dragged into the bottom line physics.
** the importance of the main skill, finding exact expressions for E fields, was soaring in the levels of mandatory with no hint to possibilities knowing it opens, novelty it enables, so to motivate them to endorse the skill
I know teaching physics is not an easy task and maybe each teachers can master a few facets of it but not all. This teacher passed the minimum for me. But overall, his ommisions, if they reflect the general situation, show that students could be learning more if they were absent and that we should sdmit fault and revamp the field.
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Para incubar aprendizajes en una materia teorico/practica como la fisica se requieren dos elementos. 1. que el estudiante tenga una base adecuada de dicha asignatura en la educacion pre universitaria y 2. que el docente que imparta dicha asignatura en la universidad tengas las mejores herramientas pedagogicas para despertar interes en los estudiantes hacia dicha asignatura
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I will try to dry a 50% ethanol solution to obtain my dry extract. When I tried to have a 3rd party remove the solvent from my 20mL sample using purely the rotavap, they told me there was difficulty in drying it so I was thinking of only removing the ethanol such that I can safely lyophilize it. I was thinking of concentrating the sample to around 10% of its initial volume such that even if there's still some ethanol in it, I can simply dilute the extract with water to avoid any problems in the freeze dryer.
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Ethanol and water - as I am sure you know, form an azeotrope so it is not possible to remove "all" the EtOH via evaporation. A second issue is that if you remove all the EtOH and "just" have your sample in water, it is possible (probable, even?) that some parts of your sample will crash out as not soluble in only water. This will mean that you get a heterogenious result when freeze drying, which is not likely helpful to downstream processing.
If possible, don't use EtOH in the extract - use something that freeze dries more easily, such as tertiary butanol. If this is not possible, then try and remove as much EtOH as possible in rotary evaoporator - essentially wait until you reach a constant volume, then add some tertiary butanol and mix well to help ensure that you have a homogenious sample. This will then freeze dry well.
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2 answers
Dear scientists,
Faced now with the rediscovery of already known compounds, which natural source do you think would be best for screening and isolating new bioactive molecules?
Nice day!
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Some very interesting antibiotics have been discovered being produced by unculturable soil microorganisms and previously unstudied microbiomes. See, for example, work from the lab of Kim Lewis at Northeastern University.
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Can you tell me, what is it mean that USPP are not implemented error in quantum espresso during optic calculation.
I think the norm conserving pseudopotentials should have been used in optic calculation. Which one are these?
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Thank you. I have find nc pseudopotential files from the researchgate comments you added. And quantum espresso code run it with these pseudopotentials. Many thanks again Roberto D'Agosta
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Hi everyone,
I am staining leukocytes isolated from mouse kidneys in flow cytometry. I stimulated the cells with PMA/Ionomycin + BFA for 4 hrs in T-cell medium (RPMI + Pen/Strep + 10 % FCS + 50 uM beta-mercaptoethanol) and stained them for surface markers, T-cell transcription factors and IFNg and IL17A.
When I plot the cytokine production (IFNg-BV711 vs IL17A-BV650) in CD4+ T cells, I noticed that beside my single-positive populations, there are events on a somewhat straight diagonal line that seem to be double-positive. There are some other events that are double-positive that are more scattered around, which is why I think the events on the diagonal could be a technical artifact (see attached plot).
I am also attaching my FMOs for IFNg-BV711 and IL17A-BV650 where these events are not present.
I'd highly appreciate your thoughts on this.
Thanks a lot,
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That might be autofluorescent dead cells. You should add a viability stain so that you can exclude the dead cells. There are many amine binding alternative to chose from. You stain with the viability stain before continuing with surface staining, fixation and intracellular staining. ThermoFisher have many fixable viability stains from eBiosciences, Biolegend have their Zombie Fixable viability kits and BD Biosciences have some too.
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3 answers
how to do calibration curves for the prediction models in SPSS, i think it is important in addition to the external validation
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Amount of bleeding, or presence of bleeding (yes/no)? If the latter, then the Cross Validated thread I mentioned earlier looks relevant.
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3 answers
As part of a capstone project, we are a group of graduate students researching innovations (technological or otherwise) that have the potential to transform the business model in American journalism. Our challenge is to propose ideas that make it more financially sustainable without sacrificing public trust. Much of our focus has been on advertising as the adjacent business and we also have been exploring different applications of AI, blockchain, etc., but are hoping to gain more insights generated by "out-of-the-box" thinking.
What innovations have you encountered that you think could help support a unique business like news? We will credit you for any new paths you might set us on!
Thank you.
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Hey Kirsten Brownrigg , there are a few innovative solutions and technologies shaking up the journalism business model. One biggie is subscription-based models, where readers pay for quality content. Then there's the rise of AI and machine learning, helping newsrooms analyze data and personalize content. Plus, crowdfunding platforms are empowering journalists to fund their work directly from their audience. So, it's a mix of tech and new ways of thinking that could really shake things up!
  • asked a question related to Thinking
5 answers
What cognitive skills are necessary for creativity and innovation and how does cognitive flexibility support creativity within the critical thinking process?
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Creativity and innovation rely on a toolbox of cognitive skills. Here are some of the key ones:
  • Divergent Thinking: This is the ability to brainstorm and come up with a wide range of ideas. It's about exploring possibilities and breaking out of conventional thinking patterns.
  • Convergent Thinking: In contrast, convergent thinking is about evaluating and selecting the best ideas from the pool generated through divergent thinking. It involves critical analysis and logical reasoning.
  • Flexibility: This cognitive skill is crucial for both divergent and convergent thinking. It allows you to shift your perspective, consider different approaches, and adapt to new information.
  • Originality: This is the ability to come up with ideas that are new and unique. It involves going beyond the obvious and seeing things from a fresh perspective.
  • Elaboration: Once you have a promising idea, you need to develop and refine it. Elaboration skills allow you to flesh out your ideas and make them more concrete.
Cognitive flexibility plays a particularly important role in supporting creativity within the critical thinking process. Here's how:
  • Overcoming Fixation: When critically analyzing a problem, we can get stuck in mental ruts or fixations. Flexibility helps us break free from these fixations and consider alternative solutions.
  • Connecting the Dots: Creativity often involves making new connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. Flexibility allows us to see these connections and come up with innovative solutions.
  • Embracing Challenges: Critical thinking often involves tackling complex problems. Flexibility helps us approach these challenges from different angles and persist in finding solutions.
So, while critical thinking provides the framework for analyzing problems and evaluating solutions, cognitive flexibility fuels the creative spark that allows us to think outside the box and generate truly innovative ideas.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
2 answers
Hello there,
in the lab we have a Fritsch Pulverisette 7 planetary ball mill. If one wants to dry-grind dried and "smallish-cut" banana peel to a powder, the usage of the device isn't recommended. A colleague tried to grind grape pomace in it and it didn't work ( I believe he used the ~5mm ZrO2 balls).
So, why doesn't this work that well? And even more important: with what kind of balls (which substance, diameter..) do you think this would work best?
Thank you for an answer!
Regards, Vera
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New insights into ball-milled zero-valent iron composites for pollution remediation: An overview
This paper describes the influencing factors of ball milling, and I hope you find it helpful
I also usually refer to the ball mill's instruction manual and also talk to the technicians, who will have more experience
  • asked a question related to Thinking
7 answers
How does cognitive flexibility support creativity within the critical thinking process and difference between critical thinking and cognitive thinking?
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Dr Himanshu Tiwari thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
if someone has data that are scored:
1 for poor, 2 for adequate and 3 for good.
Can you take a mean average if a score of less than 1 is not possible?
I'm thinking if a mean score of 2.5 were calculated, it'd be assumed this is out of 3, ie including the possibility of a score of <1
Tips welcome please,
Thank you.
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I mean, the numbers won't resist, and you could just subtract 1 from each score to anchor it to zero, although it is best to just make the range of possible values clear. It is much more questionable whether the arithmetic mean here provides a valuable interpretation, as it assumes that 'Good' is 3 times better than 'Poor', etc.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
5 answers
Dear all, I found a unique soil having CEC (cation exchange capacity) below 50 cmolc/kg but PBS (percent base saturation) as high as 260%. Actually, the soil has very high amounts of calcium (Ca) and sodium (Na).
Why do you think that the soil contains PBS greater than 100% ?
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In principle, the base saturation value in soil is calculated from the number of base cations such as Ca+Mg+K+Na divided by the CEC value multiplied by 100%. Based on my experience of researching soils in Central Java, Indonesia, we found that in soils that develop from limestone parent material, many base cations, especially Ca, will be released in solution so that the base saturation value is greater than 100%, it can even reach 150%. Likewise, in soil that is developed from fresh volcanic material which contains a lot of weatherable minerals such as feldspar, etc., in the soil colloid system there will be lots of base cations, especially Ca and K, so the base saturation value can be more than 100%.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
I have a question regarding your recent manuscript submission experiences, especially with Elsevier. It appears that there has been an increase in desk rejections, a decrease in available reviewers, and longer review times❗❓
While the impatience caused by COVID-19 and the rise of AI-driven research have contributed to the surge in paper submissions, I'm curious to know if there could be any political factors influencing these trends in specific countries 🤔
I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on whether you have observed similar trends and your perspective on the potential influence of politics in this context.
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Elsevier has quite high prices on its journals and is also rather harsh in price negotiations. Here for Germany, that got settled finally after almost four years of standstill and access issues just a few months ago, so people are using it again, but there are many countries which have not reached proper agreement yet and where scientists have decided to stop publishing with and reviewing for Elsevier until this situation changes.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
2 answers
Hi All,
I am an academician and doing some research.
In this research, I have collected a few mind maps for a specific scenario. Now i want to analyze them and try to identify any patterns in them. Can anyone suggest any tool/software in which i could upload all the mind maps in graphical format (network) and look for any patterns in thinking processes?
Let me explain more. I gave a specific scenario to some participants and asked them to think about the scenario and draw their thinking process as a mind map (A sample mind map is attached). Now I have five mind maps and want to analyze them in network format (instead of converting them to text) to look for any patterns in thinking processes. How i can do this? Can anyone guide please?
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Astuti Wijayanti thanks for the deliberation but my issue is different. I already have collected the mindmaps. Now i want to analyze them collectively to look for patterns/themes etc. So, i am looking for the analysis methods now.
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2 answers
I have been by my institute to publish a research paper. As I have an ECE background, I am thinking to work on IoT. So please help me in choosing my topic and how to analyze other papers in order to publish my own.
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This is a very good question for Research work. I will suggest you an approach, To choose and analyze research papers for publishing your own in IoT (Internet Of Things):
  1. Find a Trending Topic: Look into areas like smart cities, healthcare monitoring, or energy management.
  2. Search Recent Papers: Use databases like IEEE Xplore , Google Scholar, Science Direct to find recent studies on these topics.
  3. Read and Analyze: Focus on the latest papers, understand their methods, findings, and what questions remain.
  4. Identify a Research Gap: Look for less explored areas within these topics to base your research on.
  5. Develop Your Paper: Formulate a question or hypothesis based on gaps you’ve identified.
I hope this approach will help you to start the work.
Thank You,
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
Can we stop global climate change? Does human scientific power reach the world's climate change? What is the response of the researchers?
As you know, humans are very intelligent and can predict the future climate of the world with hydrology, climatology and paleontology. But don't countries, especially industrialized countries, that produce the most harmful gases in the earth's atmosphere and think about the future of the earth's atmosphere? Do they listen to the research of climatologists? What would have to happen to get them to listen to climate scientists?
Miloud Chakit added a reply
Climate change is an important and complex global challenge, and scientific theories about it are based on extensive research and evidence. The future path of the world depends on various factors including human actions, political decisions and international cooperation.
Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change continue. While full recovery can be challenging, important steps can be taken to slow progression and lessen its effects. This requires global cooperation, sustainable practices and the development and implementation of clean energy technologies.
Human scientific abilities play an important role, but dealing with climate change also requires social, economic and political changes. The goal is to limit global warming and its associated impacts, and collective action at the local, national, and international levels is essential for a more sustainable future.
Reply to this discussion
Osama Behnas added a reply
Global climate change is impossible to stop. Human scientific power cannot reach the climate changes of the world.
Borys Kapochkin added a reply
Mathematical models of planetary warming as a function of the argument - anthropogenic influence - are wrong.
Alastair Bain McDonald added a reply
We can stop climate change, but we won't! We have scientific knowledge but no political will. One can blame Russia and China for refusing to cooperate, but half of the US population (Republicans) deny that climate change is a problem and prefer their promiscuous lifestyles to the answer:
All climate change is loaded on CO2 responsible for the greenhouse effect. Therefore, scientific experiments from several independent scientific institutions around the world should be conducted to determine what the greenhouse effect is at different concentrations of CO2. Then, a conference of a reputable and professional organization with the participation of all independent scientific bodies should be held to establish standards on CO2 concentrations and propose policy measures accordingly.
The second action that can be taken is to plant as many trees and plants as possible to breathe CO2 and release oxygen. Stop any deforestation and immediately plant trees in any tree-filled areas.
Lucy George added a reply:
We have the knowledge, tools and resources to ensure a livable and sustainable future for all. Carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are major contributors to global warming. Therefore, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is very important and should be done as soon as possible to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions. Both forests and oceans play an important role in regulating our climate, so increasing their natural ability to absorb carbon dioxide can also help prevent global warming.
Reply to this discussion
Ilan Kelman added a reply:
Yes, we can address and stop human-caused climate change. See extensive details in the full technical reports of
Mohamed Sarmoum added a reply:
I think it is difficult to stop global climate change, but, on the other hand, we can develop adaptation mechanisms with this change
Mrutyunjay Padhiary added a reply:
The challenge of combating global climate change is complicated and multidimensional, involving scientific, technological, political, economic, and social initiatives. Even though we may not be able to "stop" climate change entirely at this time, we can surely lessen its worst consequences and adjust to the changes that are already occurring. It is true that advances in science have allowed us to gain an in-depth knowledge of the mechanisms causing climate change as well as the tools and techniques that can be used to slow it down. Scholars from diverse fields such as ecology, engineering, economics, climatology, and social sciences are actively investigating climate change and devising remedies for it.
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Greetings and politeness and respect. Thank you very much and thank you very much.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
How does futures thinking contribute to sustainability?
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Talking about companies, a long-term perspective is specifically appointed as a principles by the Integrated Reporting Framework set by IIRC.
Future thinking helps companies building solid relationships with their environment, so it help the company survive and develop over the years.
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6 answers
In my theory, the speed of gravitational waves could be 76 m/sec greater than the speed of photons. If what I'm saying could be true (i.e. experimentally verifiable), then it would be proof that the photon has a non-zero mass!!
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Daniel Weinstock,
According to may theory, primitiv protons and neutrons have been existed, they are the components of the protons and neutrons if we consider that protons and neutrons are quantum black holes.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
A new trend of open an transparent peer reviewing is growing. In one hand, this would encourage reviewers to actively review because this save their intellectual property they add to the articles. In addition review reports will be more serious. On the other hand, being exposed to the Author(s) may lead to some critics. Please add your thoughts.
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  1. Accountability: Open peer review can increase accountability, as reviewers know their comments will be publicly associated with their names.
  2. Quality: The transparency could lead to more thorough and constructive reviews, as reviewers are aware that their feedback will be visible to the public.
  3. Recognition: Reviewers can receive recognition for the work they put into the review process, which is often unseen in traditional peer review models.
  1. Bias: There’s a risk that reviewers might be less likely to provide honest, critical feedback for fear of retaliation or damaging professional relationships.
  2. Time and Effort: The process might require more time and effort from reviewers, as they may feel the need to provide a more detailed critique knowing it will be publicly available.
  3. Potential for Abuse: There’s also a risk that comments could be taken out of context or used inappropriately.
In conclusion, while open and transparent peer review has potential benefits such as improving the quality and accountability of reviews, it also has potential downsides such as introducing bias and requiring more effort from reviewers. It’s a complex issue that requires careful consideration and ongoing research to fully understand its implications. 😊
  • asked a question related to Thinking
4 answers
If you really think about why vaginal stimulation matters so much, it’s because it puts the focus on male pleasure. (Emily Nagoski)
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Scientists worldwide also promote female orgasm with a lover. They ignore women's solitary masturbatory experiences. There is political and emotional bias in the research. Women are expected, regardless of any laws supporting their right to consent, to provide for men's sexual needs especially within a loving relationship. Emotional bonding motivates women to provide regular intercourse to obtain male support for a family or loving companionship and support.
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1 answer
Both concepts have deep roots in human cognitions.
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Duli Pllana In my view, mathematical thinking is much older than critical thinking in STEM education.
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2 answers
Hello, I conducted a bibliiometric analysis using Bibliometrix in R and the Biblioshiny app. I’m getting a query from a publisher if I have permission to use the images generated through my analysis. I did cite the developers of the r programs. Does anyone know if permissions are needed for the output of my own analysis? Thank you for any thoughts!
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As long as you have cited the developers, Massimo Aria and Corrado Cuccurullo, it is not a problem. It is mentioned that when you want to add the output from bibliometrix package to your article you must cite the developers (Aria M. & Cuccurullo, C. 2017).
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Binary Accreditation System
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I think the introduction of a new accreditation system by the National Accreditation Council (NAC) for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) could potentially streamline processes and provide more tailored evaluations. Whether it dilutes the process depends on the effectiveness and rigor of the new system. HEIs can indeed take advantage of it if the new system promotes transparency, fairness, and continuous improvement, ultimately enhancing the quality of education provided.
I beg to submit.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
2 answers
I am curious if we, the epidemiologists and public health physicians, could think of modified methods using AI in future research some of those may be challenging the traditional epidemiological study designs.
I will be happy to welcome suggestions and ideas in this context, and to perhaps write an article together in this context.
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Hello, I think detecting new diseases is challenging.
For example, how can we create a system to detect COVID2030 now?
  • asked a question related to Thinking
5 answers
There are two graphs [a] is a multi-wall carbon nanotube and [b] is a carboxylated multi-wall carbon nanotube (functionalized). I think there is a problem with the result, especially with a graph and I don't know the reason. I appreciate it if you could help me.
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As stated above the spectra are very weak and the ripples on both spectra could be due to interference bands due to internal reflection in the tubes. As stated there is no sign of the usual carboxylate bands in the 1700cm-1 region. However the strong band at about 1550cm-1 in spectrum (a) is similar to some carboxylic acid salts. This is reduced in (b) with a strong OH at about 3400 and 1000 cm-1. The baseline looks very flat and the OH bands appear out of proportion. Has a background correction "flat" been applied which could account for the strange band shapes ? The bands at about 2300 cm-1 are due to in-balance in the CO2 band between the background and sample scans.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
4 answers
I received the following comment from the editor "The reviewers recommend reconsideration of your manuscript following minor revision and modification" and i don't really know how to feel about it.
What do you think?
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Receiving feedback like this from editors and reviewers can be a mix of feelings, but overall, it's a positive sign. "Minor revision and modification" typically means that your manuscript shows promise but may require some tweaks or improvements before it can be accepted for publication. It's an opportunity to refine your work and address any concerns raised by the reviewers, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of your research. It's natural to feel a bit uncertain or anxious about the feedback, but try to see it as constructive criticism aimed at helping you improve your manuscript. Take some time to carefully consider the reviewers' comments and suggestions, and then proceed with making the necessary revisions. Remember, this is a normal part of the academic publishing process, and many successful researchers go through multiple rounds of revisions before their work is finally accepted.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Practice makes perfect. While it's difficult to expect good results on the exam without practice, it can still serve as a diagnostic tool. What are your thoughts?
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I would say very effective as it will expose them for not having put any effort in.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
Introducing Artificial Intelligence in the first year of engineering studies offers students a foundational understanding of its principles and applications. This early exposure fosters relevance, interdisciplinary skills, and prepares them for future technological demands. It cultivates critical thinking and creativity, equipping them with essential tools to tackle complex problems in diverse fields. But, what about their personal skill and learning process?
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IMHO and from personal experience, it is extremely valuable to explain concepts and identify and self-correct learning lacunae. The fact that the LLM AI are terribly bad at actual math is a great plus, students still have to work through the math for the most part - BUT - can get individualized explanations suitable to their learning styles and background. This IMHO a one of the greatest advance in pedagogy since frontal education began: A dedicated teacher can maybe keep track of max. 25-30 1st year students learning styles and understanding and only w great sustained effort and extra work (I know from experience teaching computer science 20 years ago to 1st year students for a couple of years). The AI can do this effortlessly scaled to 100s of students w/o tiring, w variations. It's incredibly gratifying to see such an advance.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
In a number of places in the collective works of Nigel Kalton, there is an unproven claim that l_p(X) is a tensor-product. I think I can show it is isomorphic to the projective tensor-product of l_p and X but the proof is not "immediate" to me. Does anyone know if such a proof is simple? Anyone have a reference for this? Here 1<=p<inf.
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Dear Geoff Diestel, you can benefit from this references :
2- Jan H. Fourie ∗,1 and Ilse M. Röntgen 2. Banach space sequences and projective tensor products
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1 answer
It aims at showing adequate explanation for the sake of linguistic analysis.
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Regarding linguistic analysis, the researcher should decide the subject areas and purpose of analysis; for example, the linguistic analysis can be in: 1- Stylistic analysis 2- Critical discuses analysis and so on. The next step is to select the levels such as phonological analysis, semantic analysis, lexical analysis or grammatical analysis etc. Narrowing down the subject area of research, purpose of analysis, levels of analysis can help to do it in a better way.
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1 answer
In the article, "Red and White Blood Cell Morphology Characterization and Hands-on Time Analysis by the Digital Cell Imaging Analyzer DI-60 by Kweon et al. (2022)," it showed inconsistent results with schistocytes. Schistocytes are mostly associated with Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia (MAHAs).
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Hi, Ms. Balazon! To answer your question, the reason for the inconsistent results with Sysmex DI-60 could possibly be because the complexity of schistocyte morphology, which may pose challenges for accurate recognition by the automated system. As we know, schistocytes can vary in shape and size, and can be different to other rbc morphologies. As a result, the automated system may struggle with accurately identifying schistocytes, leading to lower specificity despite high sensitivity. Additionally, the staining quality or the preparation of the slide may also contribute to inconsistent results. I hope I was able to answer your question clearly, thank you!
  • asked a question related to Thinking
2 answers
Imagine an enormous cylinder in a flat landscape. You are standing along the inner edge. How big would the cylinder need to be for you to not see the curvature? I.e., Instead think you are standing along a completely flat wall. Consider an average person with average eyesight. Would happily accept both the motivation, answer and calculation.
Bonus question: If you had any particular practical tools to your disposal to improve your estimate of the curvature in this scenario, what would they be and how would they help?
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Thank you for you answer Belyazid Abdellatif , if I understand it correctly, are you talking about the curvature of the earth, or the curvature of the cylinder? As I am wondering how big the cylinder need to be for you to not notice the curvature of the cylinder, not the curvature of the earth being obscured by the cylinder. Or are you meaning that the curvature of the cylinder can only be obscured by the inherent curvature of the earth? I thought that the curvature of the cylinder would be unnoticable at a smaller distance than caused by the curvature of the earth?
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Information literacy models for example, The SCONUL Seven Pillars tend to describe the process as a logical, linear or circular process. However, others for example Annemaree Lloyd view the process differently. Which models, frameworks or theories do you think are more accurate in describing the phenomenon?
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In some ways, developing information literacy ability is indeed linear - develop a problem-based research question and preliminary outline, do searches based on terminology from your question, evaluate results for quality and relevance to your question. But that is introductory. As students develop actual skills, they find that the process of research is iterative and follows a varying path. But without those introducatory linear skills, most students flounder. The linear portion is like a skeleton for the interative process.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
I think I am using a 5 mL pipette that is contaminated with bacteria. Nothing serious, just the usual environmental microbes.
The problem is that the tips for the 5 mL pipette are without filter.
How can I sterilize the pipette without autoclaving? I am afraid that the autoclave would ruin the mechanics of the pipette.
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After use and before throwing it away I throw it in a beaker with a chlorine or acetone solution if you have chlorine tablets or acetone.
If you need to use it again take them out of the beaker next to a flame like bunsen burner
  • asked a question related to Thinking
58 answers
More than 360 million tons of plastic waste is being generated every year, and only 9% of this is being recycled. Who is building solutions around this mammoth issue. What's being researched and what technological solutions are ready to be implemented on mass scale.
Please share your thought and useful links.
Aman Arora
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How about this new technical report?
Plastic Waste, Plastic Pollution- A Threat to All Nations!
  • asked a question related to Thinking
1 answer
Dear colleagues,
I have confirmed that people are beginning to use ChatGPT to do their NIH reviews. I believe this is a dangerous precedent given its well-known errors, biases, and lack of original thought. I’ve written a letter to NIH regarding these concerns and would welcome your input (please use “suggest” mode) and signatures. Please feel free to distribute this note to others who may find it of interest. I’m also happy to discuss whether to send this just to NIH or jointly, as an opinion piece to somewhere open with a reasonably high profile, like JAMA.
The current document can be found here:
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Utilizing ChatGPT enables reviewers to efficiently exchange insights, mitigate potential biases, and facilitate a more rigorous and equitable evaluation of research proposals. This innovative application of AI technology has the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the NIH grant review process.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
6 answers
I want to know more about the economic geology of East of Iran.
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Diamonds form in the upper mantle during episodic events and have been transported to the Earth's surface from at least the Archean to the Phanerozoic as the Iran crust is younger(600–500 Ma) than that. so it's impossible to find any diamond deposits in Iran.
* Stern, Bob & Shafaii Moghadam, Hadi & Pirouz, Mortaza & Mooney, Walter. (2021). The Geodynamic Evolution of Iran. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 49. 9-36. 10.1146/annurev-earth-071620-052109
* Gurney, John & Helmstaedt, Herwart & Richardson, Stephen & Shirey, S.. (2010). Diamonds through Time. Economic Geology. 105. 689-712. 10.2113/gsecongeo.105.3.689.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
I have been using a rheometer to characterize my sample and recently we found out that our gap setting is very wide compared to the recommended gap of x3 the particle size.
the Dz particle size of the DLS result has found to be around 0.005 mm which 3x0.005mm should be our measuring gap but we used 1mm gap ever since the project started without DLS test results that time.
Should we change the settings accordingly and disregard previous rheo results?
Would like to know your thoughts. Thanks!
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Thanks for the info. Appreciate you sharing this!
  • asked a question related to Thinking
15 answers
Should we prohibit the false statements from the papers published in academia journals?
The words that “Einstein's famous equation E=mc2” is a sentence directly copied from internet. It is a general sentence about E=mc2. But, it is clear, this is a false statement. Now, it is well known that it is De Pretto who originally presented E=mc2 from the energy of atomic nuclei. His explanation about E=mc2 is the current explanation in today’s theory of relativity. And, Ohanian showed that in 7 papers, Einstein’s mathematics derivations about this equation are wrong.
And, these sentences are also false statement: 1) Einstein predicted the invariance of the speed of light or Einstein’s postulation of the invariance of the speed of light, 2) Einstein predicted the gravitational light bending or Einstein’s gravitational light bending.
(PDF) Anti-ethics and pseudoscience: On Albert Einstein's theory of relativity (V2) (
these problems are introduced in detailed.
I was astonished at that, in the books or articles about the theory of relativity, this kinds of statement: Einstein predicted xxx, Einstein’s principle/postulation about xxx, Einstein obtained xxx, and so on, are all false statement. Could you find out one of such kinds of statement is true?
In the past 100 years, we obtained the maximum scientific innovations. These innovations are much more than the sum of that before 100 years. But, it is very unfortunate, the development of theoretical physics is stopped or slowed. Some people think that “Physics is dead”. Here we emphasize, the main reason for the death of physics is that the false statements are prevailing in the papers and books published in the famous academia journals.
We think, we are all the honest people. We don’t like or hate lie and false statement. Therefore, could we reject the false statement in scientific papers with the journals, magazines, books and so on that publish the false statements?
How can we do?
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Never. That would be fatal snd a principsl mistake.
  • asked a question related to Thinking
3 answers
What are the most useful alternative sources of energy and which alternative energy source do you think should be developed in the future?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion