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QR Codes - Science topic

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Questions related to QR Codes
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
1 answer
C-level executives and high-ranking managers are prime targets for phishing attacks using malicious QR codes, termed "quishing."
In the fourth quarter of 2023, C-suite members were 42 times more likely to receive QR Phishing attacks compared to non-executive employees.
Let’s learn how QR phishing campaign works:
Also read: The Potential Risks of “QR Code Phishing” a.k.a “Quishing”Attackers create malicious QR codes that impersonate legitimate websites like bank login pages or popular online stores.
These malicious QR codes are then strategically placed in various locations, both physical (posters, packaging) and digital (emails, social media ads).
Leveraging social engineering tactics, the attackers employ messages that either exploit urgent needs like password rest or offer exclusive rewards to manipulate users into scanning the code.
When the user tries to access it, it takes them to an attacker-controlled malicious website.
The malicious website prompts users to enter their login credentials, personal details, or financial information.
Sometimes, right after scanning the code, the website would download malware straight onto the user's device.
Read our research article on the above attack mitigation:
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QR codes are great and easy ways of accessing information. It is simple, however, they present fertile grounds for attacks as many users do not see what site they are accessing. It is important that users access QR codes with caution and developers ought to protect any form of attacks through QR codes
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
1 answer
We are looking for software to manage the wet lab workflow and DNA storage, through the use of QR-codes (or similar) and consumables compatible with QR-codes and software.
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I created a platform with a series of applications for laboratories. I don't know if it covers everything you need, if you're interested in looking at it, it's at I am developing an application for laboratory quality management but I have not finished it yet
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
4 answers
Can anyone provide me with deep-learning python code to detect the QR codes in natural scene image then scan and read them?
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I am not sure but you will find your solution here
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
5 answers
Is any research paper published on use of QR code in education?
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You can here how to do it? even other technology used for education along with qr code.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
2 answers
I'm looking for a solution about using personal phones or corporation devices in the production line.
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Bar code or QR codes can used as a replacement of job card. great opportunity in industry. Still many of the industries do follow job card and manual entry.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
3 answers
I am interested in qr code, mooc, learning management systems
please suggest the topic idea
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Something cc commons license (I guess a dream), easy to use for any teacher at any level, and in any operating system, based on threads like this and paint screenshots :)) Prof. Rupali Mishra
It will help with elearning for students & mentors from very disadvantaged countries.
And finally with the Open UK learning & teaching philosophy.
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
3 answers
Hello community
Has anyone experineced the tracking of a moving object with the new Pupil Labs invisble eye tracker ?
I defined my screen computer as a surface with QR codes but now, within that surface i would like to have a dynamic AOI (a moving car on the screen).
Do you know if the Pupil ecosystem has somrthing built-in for this ?
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just in case, my direct email is
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
4 answers
If you are a researcher and have at least published one paper in your academic career (student, professor, full-time researcher etc.): this is for you. Please take this 5 minutes survey and be part of this INTERNATIONAL STUDY on co-authorship in academic research. 
Please share with your colleagues, peers, research centres, institutions, and of course, please share this post with others. link:
We really appreciate your time and input! (QR code for easy access)
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This survey needs to be highly recommended because it's related with present context Clara Eloïse Fernandes
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
1 answer
I am Nohemy Navarro and I am currently performing the study for my Master thesis regarding digital skills and competences demanded to support a digital transformation. Therefore, I was wondering whether you would like to participate in this study by just sparing a bit of your time to do the above online survey.
As the population of my study are managers working in Germany, it has been a challenge to collect participants due to the COVID situation. I would highly appreciate any sharing of this link or QR code among colleges or friends, as this gesture contributes a lot of value to my research.
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I am the educator from Israel. If I can help you, with pleasure
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
1 answer
Hi! For a new project I’m exploring the possibility of using barcode/ QR code ids for samples. Before committing to anything I was wondering if anyone had some tips, bad/good experiences or recommendations for this.
thanks a lot!
PD: IDs would be for eppendorf and possibly 96 plates as well.
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There are many QR code generators, and I like this one:
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
6 answers
What are the best QR Code Generators Software?
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^^ To: All 19 million scientists and researchers at RG platform!
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
4 answers
Lecture Theatre and/or Presentation
•Place the QR Code in a slide that links to a YouTube video you want the students to watch, but you don’t want them to take up your valuable time in your lecture by showing them there and then.
•Generate QR Codes that refer to materials the students may want to explore, but you haven’t time to show them in the limited lecture/seminar times.
•Place the QR Code in your slides that links to the information about the core text for the lecture, details of what it is and where in the Library it can be found (floor, section, shelf details, etc, or even link to eBook version if it’s available?).
•Generate a QR Code that links to an online survey or question you want them to answer while they’re with you, and show them the results (like a CPS system?)
•Put the QR Code at the end or your presentation for the students to scan as they exit the theatre, that links to an audio copy of the lecture, or to the activity you’ve asked them to do.
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^^ To: All 19 million scientists and researchers at RG platform!
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
4 answers
The characteristics of agricultural commodities, namely perishable and not durable, make it difficult for us to detect quality based on physical appearance. One way is to do tracking and tracing, knowing the origin of the commodity, when it was harvested, including which grade. So can QR code be a tool to detect the quality of agricultural commodities?
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I think that it is a good idea, but need to make some improvement in this technology. It can be two ways: 1) a special software scanner to read such QR codes, because QR reader in a smartphone understands only web-link inside QR-symbol. 2) On the other hand, such a web-link can jump your current smartphone reader to a special site with data about the characteristics of agricultural commodities. Up to you.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
3 answers
I am looking for a software that helps us to track samples in our research programme that involves at least 5 different institutions. Ideally, I would like to be able to create a database for our samples and create a QR code for each sample that we would print out and then stick on the bag. If you then use your phone you should be able to just scan the QR code and see all the information associated with that sample. So it should be a database software that runs on Windows and Mac and it should also have apps for android and iPhone.
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Dear Micheal please visit the link
its very useful for everything you need to do in your research
please read carefully each step.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
25 answers
Unintentional errors in claiming authorship are not infrequent in RG which need correction. Do you recommend incorporation of ORCID to mitigate it? Or even QR Codes maybe included. Your opinions please.
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Orcid coding inplementation to tbe RG would be a sensible initiative.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
2 answers
I am using the following procedure:
Is there a better or easier way of adding QR code in Solidworks?
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you can add it as a picture on the model. 
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
1 answer
I am looking for any ontologies/RDF schema that describe the capabilities/dynamic nature of QR codes.
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not that i know... worth double checking though
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
3 answers
Museums, businesses etc. use QR codes to increase the amount of information available for user, what are some implication that comes from sharing information through QR codes? 
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Someone in another discussion board brought up a good point about QR codes in museums looking a bit awkward. I mean, if you have a beautiful setup of exhibits and art pieces and then you turn to a wall and see a weird looking square of black and white dots, it would seem a bit out of place. You have places like the Louvre museum in Paris where you can't even get up close to certain art pieces. So I suppose in terms of sharing information, it depends on the type of exhibit and the kinds of information you want to share with exhibit goers. Will the QR code direct users to information about very specific details of an exhibit, but the user can't get up close enough to the exhibit to see it for herself? Will the actual code blend in well with the ambience of the exhibit, or will it look awkward and detract from the exhibit? There are lots of questions to ask before deciding whether QR codes would be appropriate given a particular location.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
8 answers
Any particular places you've visited (museums, restaurants, tours, etc.) that made use of QR codes in a way that enhanced your experience?
Can you think of any places that do not currently make use of QR codes that might benefit from implementing them?
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QR code is currently the most widely-used method of bridging online contents/services with offline places/things.
In 2014, I filmed a video on one particular pigeon race in Beijing as a supplement to a story published on our newspaper about the pigeon racing industry in China, and the newspaper print the QR code on the paper that links to the video online. 
Here is the story on newspaper:
And here is the supplementary video:
I think this is a good example of QR code implementation on newspaper.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
4 answers
I want to know if there're any possible article which I can't find about changing 1 dimension array to 2 dimensions array.
  • Any articles with some part of related work is OK.
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I think its a easy to change Barcode to string to Qr Code in an application.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
1 answer
A Quick Response (QR code) is a two-dimensional barcode. QR codes are being used widely for the promotion of products in different areas.
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A QR code has exaclty 3 finder paterns. When the detector (algorithm) locate them in the scanned image of the QR code to be decoded, it knows the proper orientation of the QR code. Hope that section 2 of this paper may be useful
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
8 answers
I would like to apply some useful QR code applications in our library. Please suggest all QR code application that can apply in medical/nursing library.
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We have used QR codes on flyers and slides to direct faculty, staff and students to more information about events, resources and services.  We have placed QR codes on signs identifying portraits to share more information about the painter or the subject of the portrait.   QR codes are also used for our classrooms to link to the schedule of that particular room to assist students in knowing if the room might be available for a study group.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
6 answers
I am working on a project which requires linking QR code with GIS in order for the system can query the information on certain spatial data.
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Well, I guess the easiest way to solve this would be to create a web service that provides information about each buoy. Once the user scans the QR code, it leads to the web service where the info is displayed. In case the buoy coordinates are not fixed, one can update them also using the scanning device during the information request. Depending on your storage technology (e.g. PostGIS, LOD) it will be straightforward to display it on a GIS.
  • asked a question related to QR Codes
6 answers
A Quick Response (QR code) is a two-dimensional barcode. QR codes are being used widely for the promotion of products in different areas. In Brazil, the use of this instrument is still under-explored. I would like to know more about its usage by libraries.
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We use the QR code in the library introduction for new students. It is included in a kind of quest. The student use their own smartphones to scan the QR code.
This is what we do: They get a paper with 10 questions. The answers to these questions are coded in QR and are spread throughout our library. When scanning the QR code they read the multiple choice answers combined with a word from a slogan. They pick the right answer and therefor pick the right slogan word. If all questions are answered correctly, they will find the correct slogan.
The students like it because they can 'play' with their smartphones. And it is less dull than a guided tour.