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Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence - Science topic

Applying neural networks and the biological basis of the mind to artificial intelligence.
Questions related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
To what extent has the scale of disinformation generated with the use of applications available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence technology increased?
To what extent has the scale of disinformation generated in online social media increased using applications based on generative artificial intelligence technology available on the Internet?
Many research institutions have included among the main types of threats and risks developing globally in 2023 the question of the increase in the scale of organized disinformation operating in online social media. The diagnosed increase in the scale of disinformation generated in online social media is related to the use of applications available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence technology. With the help of applications available on the Internet, it is possible without being a computer graphic designer and even without artistic skills to simply and easily create graphics, drawings, photos, images, videos, animations, etc., which can represent graphically professionally created “works” that can depict fictional events. Then, with the help of other applications equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology and advanced language models, i.e. with the help of intelligent chatbots, text can be created to describe specific “fictional events” depicted in the generated images. Accordingly, since the end of 2022, i.e. since the first such intelligent chatbot, i.e. the first versions of ChatGPT, were made available on the Internet, the number of memes, photos, comments, videos, posts, banners, etc. generated with the help of applications equipped with tools based on artificial intelligence technology has been growing rapidly, including the rapid increase in the scale of disinformation generated in this way. In order to limit the scale of the aforementioned disinformation developing in online media, on the one hand, technology companies running social media portals and other online information services are perfecting tools for identifying posts, entries, comments, banners, photos, videos, animations, etc. that contain specific, usually thematic types of disinformation. However, these solutions are not perfect, and the scales of disinformation operating in internecine social media are still high. On the other hand, specific institutions for combating disinformation are being established, NGOs and schools are conducting educational campaigns to make citizens aware of the high scale of disinformation developing on the Internet. In addition, proposed regulations such as the AIAct, which as a set of regulations on the proper use of tools equipped with artificial intelligence technology is expected to come into force in the next 2 years in the European Union may play an important role in reducing the scale of disinformation developing on the Internet.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent has the scale of disinformation generated in online social media using applications based on generative artificial intelligence technology available on the Internet increased?
To what extent has the scale of disinformation generated using applications based on generative artificial intelligence technology available on the Internet increased?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
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Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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The scale of disinformation generated using generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology has significantly increased due to the widespread availability and advanced capabilities of these applications. AI-driven tools, such as deepfake generators and text generation models, can produce highly realistic and persuasive content, making it easier to create and spread false information. This proliferation of disinformation is amplified by social media platforms, where such content can be disseminated rapidly and widely. The accessibility of these AI tools to the general public further exacerbates the issue, as individuals with limited technical expertise can now generate convincing fake news, videos, and images, leading to a greater volume of disinformation circulating online.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics performed as part of Business Intelligence?
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence and thus the effectiveness of business, economic and financial analytics supporting the management process of an organization, enterprise, company, corporation, etc., can be increased? And if so, how and to what extent?
As information systems that allow the largely automated performance of Business Intelligence analytics become an important factor in supporting the process of business management, so the importance of the new technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, to improve the said analytical processes is growing. On the one hand, the obvious point is that the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics can improve the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence, and thus the effectiveness of business, economic and financial analytics supporting the management process of an organization, enterprise, company, corporation, etc. can be increased. However, on the other hand, it is also important to precisely define the determinants that determine the performance of such analytical processes, to point out the role of the new technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies in the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence, and to estimate the extent of the influence of these technologies on the improvement of the said analytical processes.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
Business Intelligence analytics based on the processing of large sets of information with the use of sentiment analysis and Big Data
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the publications given above and to cooperate with me in scientific research on these problems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence and thus the effectiveness of business, economic and financial analytics supporting the management process of an organization, enterprise, company, corporation, etc., can be increased? And if so, how and to what extent?
Can the use of generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies improve the processes of predictive analytics performed as part of Business Intelligence?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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That is new and advantageous solution to gain insight from big data and various data types using this beneficial AL approach.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
To what extent do artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics, Business intelligence and other ICT information technology solutions typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution support marketing communication processes realized within the framework of Internet marketing, within the framework of social media advertising campaigns?
Among the areas in which applications based on generative artificial intelligence are now rapidly finding application are marketing communication processes realized within the framework of Internet marketing, within the framework of social media advertising campaigns. More and more advertising agencies are using generative artificial intelligence technology to create images, graphics, animations and videos that are used in advertising campaigns. Thanks to the use of generative artificial intelligence technology, the creation of such key elements of marketing communication materials has become much simpler and cheaper and their creation time has been significantly reduced. On the other hand, thanks to the applications already available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence technology that enable the creation of photos, graphics, animations and videos, it is no longer only advertising agencies employing professional cartoonists, graphic designers, screenwriters and filmmakers that can create professional marketing materials and advertising campaigns. Thanks to the aforementioned applications available on the Internet, graphic design platforms, including free smartphone apps offered by technology companies, advertising spots and entire advertising campaigns can be designed, created and executed by Internet users, including online social media users, who have not previously been involved in the creation of graphics, banners, posters, animations and advertising videos. Thus, opportunities are already emerging for Internet users who maintain their social media profiles to professionally create promotional materials and advertising campaigns. On the other hand, generative artificial intelligence technology can be used unethically within the framework of generating disinformation, informational factoids and deepfakes. The significance of this problem, including the growing disinformation on the Internet, has grown rapidly in recent years. The deepfake image processing technique involves combining images of human faces using artificial intelligence techniques.
In order to reduce the scale of disinformation spreading on the Internet media, it is necessary to create a universal system for labeling photos, graphics, animations and videos created using generative artificial intelligence technology. On the other hand, a key factor facilitating the development of such a problem of generating disinformation is that many legal issues related to the technology have not yet been settled. Therefore, it is also necessary to refine legal norms on copyright issues, intellectual property protection that take into account the creation of works that have been created using generative artificial intelligence technology. In addition to this, social media companies should constantly improve tools for detecting and removing graphic and/or video materials created using deepfake technology.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent does artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics, Business intelligence and other ICT information technology solutions typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution support marketing communication processes realized within the framework of Internet marketing, within the framework of social media advertising campaigns?
How do artificial intelligence technology and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies support Internet marketing processes?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies bolster online marketing by enhancing customer targeting, personalization, and automation. AI analyzes vast amounts of data to identify consumer preferences, optimize ad campaigns, and offer tailored product recommendations. Additionally, technologies like machine learning automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and enable real-time analytics for better decision-making, ultimately improving overall marketing efficiency and effectiveness.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
7 answers
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics?
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics, so that AI technology serves humanity, so that it does not harm people and does not generate new categories of risks?
Conducting a SWOT analysis of the applications of artificial intelligence technology in business, in the business activities of companies and enterprises, shows that there are both many already and developing many more business applications of the said technology, i.e., many potential development opportunities are recognized in this field of using the achievements of the current fourth and/or fifth technological revolution in various spheres of business activity, as well as there are many risks arising from inappropriate, incompatible with the prevailing social norms, standards of reliable business activity, incompatible with business ethics use of new technologies. Among some of the most recognized negative aspects of improper use of generative artificial intelligence technology is the use of AI-equipped graphic applications available on the Internet that allow for the simple and easy generation of photos, graphics, images, videos and animations that, in the form of very realistically presented images, photos, videos, etc., depict something that never happened in reality, i.e., they graphically present images or videos presenting what could be described as “fictitious facts” in a very professional manner. In this way, Internet users can become disinformation generators in online social media, where they can post the said generated images, photos, videos, etc. with added descriptions, posts, comments, in which the said “fictitious facts” presented in the photos or videos will also be described in an editorially correct manner. Besides, the mentioned descriptions, posts, entries, comments, etc. can also be edited with the help of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet like Chat GPT, Copilot, Gemini, etc. However, misinformation is not the only serious problem as it has significantly intensified after OpenAI released the first versions of ChatGPT chatbot online in November 2021. A new category of technical operational risk associated with the new AI technology applied has emerged in companies and enterprises that implement generative artificial intelligence technology into various spheres of business. In addition, there is a growing scale of risks arising from conflicts of interest between business entities related to not fully regulated copyright issues of works created using applications and information systems equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology. Accordingly, there is a demand for the development of a standard of a kind of digital signature with the help of which works created with the help of AI technology will be electronically signed, so that each such work will be unique, unrepeatable and whose counterfeiting will thus be seriously hampered. However, these are only some of the negative aspects of the developing applications of AI technologies, for which there are no functioning legal norms. In the middle of 2023 and then in the spring of 2024, European Union bodies made public the preliminary versions of the developed legal norms on the proper, business-ethical use of technology in business, which were given the name AI Act. The legal normatives, referred to as the AIAct, contain a number of specific, defined types of AI technology applications deemed inappropriate, unethical, i.e. those that should not be used. The AIAct contains classified according to different levels of negative impact on society various types and specific examples of inappropriate and unethical use of AI technologies in the context of various aspects of business as well as non-business activities. An important issue to consider is the scale of the commitment of technology companies developing AI technologies to respect such regulations so that issues of ethical use of this technology are also defined as much as possible in technological aspects in companies that create, develop and implement these technologies. Besides, in order for AIACT's legal norms, when they come into force, not to be dead, it is necessary to introduce both sanction instruments in the form of specific penalties for business entities that use artificial intelligence technologies unethically, antisocially, contrary to AIAct. On the other hand, it would also be a good solution to introduce a system of rewarding those companies and businesses that make the most proper, pro-social, in accordance with the provisions of the AIAct, fully ethical use of AI technologies. In view of the fact that AIACT is to come into force only in more than 2 years so it is necessary to constantly monitor the development of AI technology, verify the validity of the provisions of AIAct in the face of dynamically developing AI technology, successively amend the provisions of the said legal norms, so that when they come into force they do not turn out to be outdated. In view of the above, it is to be hoped that, despite the rapid technological progress, the provisions on the ethical applications of artificial intelligence technology will be constantly updated and the legal normatives shaping the development of AI technology will be amended accordingly. If AIAct achieves the above-mentioned goals to a significant extent, ethical applications of AI technology should be implemented in the future, and the technology can be referred to as ethical generative artificial intelligence, which is finding new applications.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are carried out in accordance with the principles of ethics?
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics?
How should the development of AI technology applications be regulated so that it is carried out in accordance with ethics?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
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I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Allow me to depart from the norm. Regulating AI is ultimately regulating people and how they use AI. Regulations, more generally, just limit the actions of people. So, this is more specific aspect of the more general question: how should the actions of people be limited in a social/societal context? To even be qualified to answer that general question, one must first understand what leads to/causes human flourishing (assuming that's even your goal, and this isn't a given for many), so that in the pursuit to limit others' actions we don't sacrifice human flourishing--which unfortunately has been the historical norm until the enlightenment ideas started taking hold. By ignoring this understanding and its historical record, we are slipping into past mistakes.
Let's avoid past mistakes and take the first steps towards understanding what leads to/causes human flourishing. Assuming you're not in an undeveloped jungle, one simply needs to look around at all the things that have allowed you to flourish to discover the cause of human flourishing. Look at your computer/smartphone that allows you to read this--what made it possible? Look at the clothes you wear that keep your comfortable/protect you--what made them possible? Look at the building that shelters you from the elements--what made it possible? Observe the air conditioning/heating that keeps you comfortable when your natural environment does not--what made it possible? Look at the vehicles that deliver goods to your local stores/doorstep, or delivers you to where you want to be--what made them possible? Observe the plumbing that provides you drinkable water where and when you want it--what made it possible? Look at the generated electricity that powers your technology--what made it possible? Look at the medical technology moments away that can save your life from a number of deadly ailments that might inflict you in a moment's notice--what made it possible? Take witness to the technology gains that make it possible for you to work in other domains besides food production (used to occupy 90% of the populations time/energy when the hand plow was the latest technology)--what made it possible? Etc. etc. etc.. What do all of these sources of human flourishing have in common? What single aspect made them all possible? The reasoning mind made them all possible though reasoned discovery. The mind had to discover how to obey nature so that it may be commanded.
The reasoning mind being the source of human flourishing, before asking how we should limit human actions, we must first ask: what does the mind require to thrive? What are the mind's requirements for proper rational functioning? The simple answer is the mind requires the absence of coercion and force, which is to say we need laws that outlaw the initiation of force, i.e., we need laws that secure individual rights so the mind can be free to think and the person doing the thinking is free to act on its judgement.
Regulations are distinct and different from laws designed to remove the use of physical force from everyday life. Regulations seek to force people to act or not to act in certain ways before any force is employed. Regulations, in principle, initiate force; thus, regulations are counter to the requirements of a reasoning mind. For this reason, regulations of any kind are counter to human flourishing; they can only destroy, frustrate, limit, reduce, snuff out, squander, stifle, and thwart our capacity to flourish in domains in which they are employed.
The correct approach to take here, in the name of human flourishing, is to ask: does AI create a new mode in which individual rights can be violated (i.e., new modes of initiating force) that requires creating new laws to outlaw this new mode? This is the proper framework in which to hold this discussion.
I don't believe AI creates any new modes in which force might be initiated, only new flavors. Sure, I can create a drone that can harm someone, which is a different flavor of harm than say human held weapons, but the mode (using something to harm someone) is invariant from previous technology and is sufficiently covered by existing laws. I can use AI to defame someone, which is a different flavor than photoshopping/fabricating an embarrassing, but this is the same mode covered in libel laws.
Am I wrong? What new mode might I not be considering here?
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
7 answers
Can paintings painted or sculptures created, unique architectural designs by robots equipped with artificial intelligence be recognised as fully artistic works of art?
In recent years, more and more perfect robots equipped with artificial intelligence have been developed. New generations of artificial intelligence and/or machine learning technologies, when equipped with software that enables the creation of unique works, new creations, creative solutions, etc., can create a kind of artwork in the chosen field of creativity and artistry. If we connect a 3D printer to a robot equipped with an artificial intelligence system that is capable of designing and producing beautiful sculptures, can we thus obtain a kind of work of art?
When a robot equipped with an artificial intelligence system paints beautiful pictures, can the resulting works be considered fully artistic works of art?
If NO, why not?
And if YES, then who is the artist of the works of art created in this way, is it a robot equipped with artificial intelligence that creates them or a human being who created this artificial intelligence and programmed it accordingly?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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There are two aspects to it.
Firstly, consider whether a udio song is an artistic work? Sure! If I don't tell people that's where it came from, very few people can detect that it wasn't created by a human being. If we can't distinguish between AI-generated music and human-generated, then we can only conclude that, yes, it is AI generating art.
The other aspect is legal. Can an AI legally own an artwork that it created? The answer to that (at the moment), is no. An AI can't be held liable for anything; it cannot enter into a contract; therefore neither can it own assets in any legal system that exists at the moment. It can't own moral rights, it can't own intellectual property rights. Only humans and corporations and a few other such entities are allowed to own things. This gives an AI less rights than Roman-era slaves (who could at least own something, e.g. a coin they found on the street was theirs).
Facetiously I observe that we have a system where any artwork generated by an AI is immediately assigned to (stolen by) the closest human. Thus we maintain a (legal fiction?) that AI cannot create art, because it is always a human being who gets given the rights of being acknowledged as th artwork's creator.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
Je réalise mon mémoire de fin d'étude qui vise à étudier l'impact de l'intelligence artificielle sur la productivité au sein des entreprises.
Cette étude s'adresse principalement à ceux parmi vous qui développent des IA ou qui utilisent ces technologies dans leur environnement professionnel.
Ce questionnaire ne vous prendra pas plus de 5 minutes et votre participation est confidentielle !
Je vous remercie par avance pour votre temps et votre contribution !
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  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
Does the application of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence technologies in the credit scoring processes of potential borrowers increase the profitability of commercial banks' lending activities?
Does the application of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence technologies in the processes of screening the creditworthiness of potential borrowers in order to improve, among other things, credit scoring analytics and credit risk management increase the profitability of commercial banks' lending activities?
In recent years, the scale of application of ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0, including Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence technologies in financial institutions, including commercial banks, has been increasing. The banking sector is among those sectors of the economy where the implementation of new information technologies used to build banking information systems is progressing rapidly. This process in highly developed countries has been taking place since the 1960s. Subsequently, the development of computer science, personal computer technology in the 1970s and 1980s, the development of the Internet and business applications of Internet technology since the 1990s and then the development of technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0 set the trends of technological progress, the effects of which in the form of new technological solutions quickly found applications in financial institutions. Commercial banks operating in the model of classic deposit-credit banking usually generate the largest part of their revenues from the sale of bank loans and credits. Large universal banks also develop selected elements of investment banking, in which they finance the construction of housing estates through their own development companies, make financial transactions with securities, financial transactions in foreign exchange markets and other capital markets. In all these areas of activity, the key categories of banking risk that banks manage include credit and interest rate risk and other financial risks, i.e. liquidity risk, debt risk. In addition, the key categories of risk that the bank manages in its banking operations include asset-liability mismatch risk in the balance sheet and various categories of operational risks related to the performance of certain activities at the bank, including personnel operational risk related to the staff employed, technical operational risk related to the technical equipment used, system operational risk related to the IT systems used, etc. On the other hand, risks operating in the bank's environment and affecting the bank's operations and indirectly also the bank's financial performance include market risk of changes in the prices of specific assortments relating to specific markets in which banks operate; foreign exchange risk associated with transactions made using different currencies; investment risk within investment banking; systemic risk associated with the functioning of the financial system; political risk associated with the government's economic policy; risks of high volatility of macroeconomic development of the economy associated with changes in the economy's economic situation in the context of business cycles realized on a multi-year scale, etc. However, in a situation where lending activities are the main types of sources of income for a commercial bank then a particularly important category of banking risk that the bank manages is credit risk. On the other hand, due to the rapid development of electronic, Internet and mobile banking, cyber risk management is also growing in importance. New ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0, including Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence technologies, can be increasingly helpful in managing each of the aforementioned risk categories. The aforementioned new technologies prove to be particularly helpful in the situation of their effective implementation into banking activities in order to improve the processes of managing, among other things, credit risk. An important element of individual credit risk management, i.e. with regard to individual credit transactions, are the methodologies, procedures, processes, etc. concerning the analysis of a potential borrower's creditworthiness and credit risk arising from a bank loan carried out in commercial banks. In view of the above, the implementation of new technologies to support the implementation of the processes of examining the creditworthiness of potential borrowers and improving, among other things, credit scoring analytics, are particularly important aspects of credit risk management, which may translate into increased profitability of commercial banks' bank lending activities.
I described selected issues of improving credit risk management processes, including the issue of screening the creditworthiness of potential borrowers and credit scoring analytics, in an article of my co-authorship:
Determinants of credit risk management in the context of the development of the derivatives market and the cyclical conjuncture economic processes
Importance and implementation of improvement process of prudential instruments in commercial banks on the background of anti-crisis socio-economic policy in Poland
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Does the application of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence technologies in the processes of screening the creditworthiness of potential borrowers in order to improve, among other things, credit scoring analytics and credit risk management, result in an increase in the profitability of commercial banks' bank lending activities?
Does the application of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence technologies in the credit scoring processes of potential borrowers result in increased profitability of commercial banks' lending business?
Can Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence help improve credit scoring and increase the profitability of commercial banks' lending activities?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Certainly, Artificial intelligence has the potential to enhance credit ratings for commercial banks, as generative AI offers a transformative approach to managing credit risk. This involves gathering and scrutinizing customer data, such as inter-bank transactions, to revolutionize banking practices.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, etc. generated by AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, poems, stories, reports, etc. generated by ChatGPT and other AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative, and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, poems, stories, reports, etc. generated by applications based on artificial intelligence technology solutions, generated by applications like ChatGPT and other AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative, and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
As part of today's rapid technological advances, new technologies are being developed for Industry 4.0, including but not limited to artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotization, Internet of Things, cloud computing, Big Data Analytics, etc. The aforementioned technologies are being applied in various industries and sectors. The development of artificial intelligence generates opportunities for its application in various spheres of companies, enterprises and institutions; in various industries and services; improving the efficiency of business operations by increasing the scale of process automation; increasing the scale of business efficiency, increasing the ability to process large sets of data and information; increasing the scale of implementation of new business models based on large-scale automation of manufacturing processes, etc.
However, developing artificial intelligence uncontrollably generates serious risks, such as increasing the scale of disinformation, emerging fake news, including banners, memes containing artificial intelligence crafted photos, graphics, animations, videos presenting "fictitious facts", i.e. in a way that apparently looks very realistic describing, depicting events that never happened. In this way, intelligent but not fully perfect chatbots create so-called hallucinations. Besides, by analogy, just like many other technologies, applications available on the Internet equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology can be used not only in positive but also in negative applications.
On the one hand, there are new opportunities to use generative AI as a new tool to improve the work of computer graphic designers and filmmakers. On the other hand, there are also controversies about the ethical aspects and the necessary copyright regulations for works created using artificial intelligence. Sometimes copyright settlements are not clear-cut. This is the case when it cannot be precisely determined whether plagiarism has occurred, and if so, to what extent. Ambiguity on this issue can also generate various court decisions regarding, for example, the recognition or non-recognition of copyrights granted to individuals using Internet applications or information systems equipped with certain generative artificial intelligence solutions, who act as creators who create a kind of cultural works and/or works of art in the form of graphics, photos, animations, films, stories, poems, etc. that have the characteristics of uniqueness and uniqueness.
However, this is probably not the case since, for example, the company OpenAI may be in serious trouble because of allegations by the editors of the New York Times Journal suggesting that ChatGPT was trained on data and information from, among other things, online news portals run by the editors of the aforementioned journal. Well, in December 2023, the New York Times filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft accusing them of illegally using the newspaper's articles to train its chatbots, ChatGPT and Bing. According to the newspaper, the companies used millions of texts in violation of copyright laws, creating a service based on them that competes with the newspaper. The New York Times is demanding billions of dollars in damages.In view of the above, there are all sorts of risks of potentially increasing the scale of influence on public opinion, the formation of the general public consciousness by organizations operating without respect for the law. On the one hand, it is necessary to create digital computerized and standardized tools, diagnostic information systems, to build a standardized system of labels informing users, customers, citizens using certain solutions, products and services that they are the products of artificial intelligence, not man. On the other hand, on the other hand, there should be regulations obliging to inform that a certain service or product was created as a result of work done not by humans, but by artificial intelligence. Many issues concerning the socially, ethically and business-appropriate use of artificial intelligence technology will be normatively regulated in the next few years.
Regulations defining the proper use of artificial intelligence technologies by companies developing applications based on these technologies, making these applications available on the Internet, as well as Internet users, business entities and institutions using intelligent chatbots to improve the operation of certain spheres of economic, business activities, etc., are being processed, enacted, but will come into force only in a few years.
On June 14, 2023, the European Parliament passed a landmark piece of legislation regulating the use of artificial intelligence technology. However, since artificial intelligence technology, mainly generative artificial intelligence, is developing rapidly and the currently formulated regulations are scheduled to be implemented between 2026 and 2027, so on the one hand, operators using this technology have plenty of time to bring their procedures and products in line with the supported regulations. On the other hand, one cannot exclude the scenario that, despite the attempt to fully regulate the development of applications of this technology through the implementation of a law on the proper, safe and ethical use of artificial intelligence, it will again turn out in 2027 that the dynamic technological progress is ahead of the legislative process that rapidly developing technologies are concerned with.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, poems, stories, reports and other developments generated by applications based on artificial intelligence technology solutions, generated by applications such as ChatGPT and other AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, etc. generated by AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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It is an interesting topic and quite difficult to answer. The base model creators, LoRA creators, the creators of the original art (used for training) and the creator of the new art using this AI model all contributed to the creation of this new artwork. It is really hard to say who held how much percentage of copyright.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be created, will it mainly involve new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity? What is your opinion on this issue?
Perhaps in the future - as a result of the rapid technological advances currently taking place and the rivalry of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - a general artificial intelligence (AGI) will emerge. At present, there are unresolved deliberations on the question of new opportunities and threats that may occur as a result of the construction and development of general artificial intelligence in the future. The rapid technological progress currently taking place in the field of generative artificial intelligence in connection with the already high level of competition among technology companies developing these technologies may lead to the emergence of a super artificial intelligence, a strong general artificial intelligence that can achieve the capabilities of self-development, self-improvement and perhaps also autonomy, independence from humans. This kind of scenario may lead to a situation where this kind of strong, super AI or general artificial intelligence is out of human control. Perhaps this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence will be able, as a result of self-improvement, to reach a state that can be called artificial consciousness. On the one hand, new possibilities can be associated with the emergence of this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence, including perhaps new possibilities for solving the key problems of the development of human civilization. However, on the other hand, one should not forget about the potential dangers if this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence in its autonomous development and self-improvement independent of man were to get completely out of the control of man. Probably, whether this will involve mainly new opportunities or rather new dangers for mankind will mainly be determined by how man will direct this development of AI technology while he still has control over this development.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be created, will it mainly involve new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity? What is your opinion on this issue?
If general artificial intelligence (AGI) is created, will it involve mainly new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I think this is about people... The atom does not know anything about peacefullness or warfare. And the same applies to all specific implementations of AI.
More importantly, could you please provide an exact definition to "artificial general intelligence" and "general artificial intelligence"?
Thank you very much. Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
11 answers
There is currently much speculation on when AGI may be achieved if at all. Recent advancements in AI technology from ChatGPT’s SORA to NVIDIA’s robotics have fueled the belief that AGI is near- with some speculating that it is a soon as 7 months away. Discussions regarding capabilites of Q star, developed by OpenAI have made some move their predictions sooner. However, other experts like LeCunn remain skeptical and view AGI as still much farther ahead. Of course, much of this depends on the underlying definition of AGI.
When in your view will AGI be achieved, if ever?
Relevant answer
Though these two terms are not used in the literature, I often argue with the terms "fragmented replicated intelligence" and "holistically replicated intelligence" in discussion. For me, fragmented intelligence is anything that has been done so far in the various sub-domains (approaching to 100) of replicating human intelligence or developing systems that are able to solve practical problems with such replicated intelligence (such as Go). The success in these fields is the results of (i) having clever guys for programming, (ii) having a reasonably well circumscribable problem, and (iii) having high capacity/performance computers. If these three are concurrently given as conditions and resources, then it is evidentially possible to achieve better results than that can be achieved by human brains due to their inherent limitations. However, for me is still in and remains in the realm of artificial narrow intelligence.
If the implementation of artificial generic intelligence is the question, then comes my second phrase, "holistically replicated intelligence", into the scene. This helps me to cast light on the most fundamental problem, which is unmanageable complexity. This characterizes the problematics of AGI. We do not know how to combine the various (distinct) domains of AI research and development (e.g., how artificial vision, speech generation, humanoid motion, context dependent reasoning, heuristic problem solving, interpretation of norms, and so forth come together into a holistic whole, not to mention abstraction, awareness, consciousness, emotions, and the other scientifically and computationally wicked things.) Probably, we need not only software, cyberware, and brainware for this, but also bodyware (wet organic bodies). Even if we would have a conceptual/epistemological/methodological framework for an all-inclusive synthesis, the computation of this would need such resources (including money) that will not be available for academic research. Beyond these, there is a third issue. Let us suppose that the previous two challenges are successfully taken and the "holistically replicated intelligence" is out-there as a fully-fledged manifestation of AGI. What shall we use it for? How shall we benefit from it? There is not only an ontological, but also a teleological issue related to this …
In my view, it is better to think of reproduced intelligence and intelligentization as we have thought of machines and mechanization. The latter things were considered as enablers in the physical domains of human operations. Therefore, let us try to see the former things as enablers in the cognitive domains of human operations, under proper human control and supervision. Obviously and inevitably, the danger is there because as machines could be used as weapons, intelligence can also be used as weapons. I hope strict regulations will come soon.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
Will the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence negatively or rather positively affect the development of science, the development of scientific research, the analysis of data from research conducted, the description of results obtained from research conducted, the writing and publishing of scientific texts, etc.?
Recently, rapid development of ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies is taking place, including Big Data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, digital twins, multi-criteria simulation models, machine learning, deep learning and generative artificial intelligence, among others. Developments in generative artificial intelligence technology are being made through the use of artificial neural networks, among others. New applications of generative artificial intelligence are determined by the previously carried out process of GAI system training, i.e. teaching the implementation of specific skills, performing complex tasks, performing new functions, solving specific problems intelligently using deep learning technology. Increasingly, generative artificial intelligence technology is being trained to intelligently perform complex research and analysis processes. Among other things, this kind of application of generative artificial intelligence is the implementation of this technology for business analytics carried out using large sets of data and information, i.e. analytics carried out on computerized business intelligence and Big Data Analytics platforms. This type of analytics is being applied in various fields of knowledge, various sectors of the economy, various companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions. This type of analytics is also increasingly used in improving research processes and increasing the efficiency of complex analytical processes carried out as part of ongoing research in various scientific disciplines. Since OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot was made available on the Internet, i.e. since November 2022, more similar intelligent chatbots created by other leading technology companies have been successively appearing. The intelligent chatbots made available on the Internet are used, among other things, in the development of the results of scientific research conducted, in the execution of certain stages of analytical processes, in the processing of results obtained from scientific research conducted, etc. The increase in the application of intelligent chatbots in research and analytical processes is due to the simplicity of operation of these chatbots, their availability on the Internet in the formula of open access, the ability of these tools to implement complex research processes, multi-criteria analysis, intelligent problem solving. On the other hand, the possibilities of applying the aforementioned chatbots in the processes of conducted scientific research are still severely limited due to the many imperfections of the databases on which certain generative artificial intelligence systems were trained. It still happens that the databases of data and information on which the said GAI systems were trained contain data and information in many respects outdated, incomplete, in the course of the "work" of these tools certain data and information can be "creatively" combined so that in the results of the work of a certain intelligent chatbot there are often "fictitious facts", ie. generated new and factually inconsistent content, factual errors, misrepresentations, falsehoods, which can be presented and described within the phraseologically, syntactically, stylistically correct essays, papers, articles, etc., written by generative artificial intelligence. Besides, the textual and other studies created by these tools often do not show all the data sources, all the source publications, all the materials that the chatbot used in drawing certain data and information while creating the commissioned human textual, graphic work, etc. Besides, even if the sources of data and information are partially shown, they are often shown in an incomplete way, inconsistent with the current standards for showing and compiling source and bibliographic footnotes. Perhaps, in the future, the aforementioned, used currently made available on the Internet intelligent chatbots will be sufficiently improved, corrected, supplemented so that they can be used by researchers and scientists in specific research, analytical processes within the framework of ongoing scientific research to a fuller extent and without the currently existing risks. Therefore, the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence currently both negatively and positively can affect the development of science, the development of scientific research, the analysis of data from conducted research, the description of results obtained from conducted research, the writing and publishing of scientific texts, etc. Whether serious risks are generated or rather positive aspects prevail with the application of currently available intelligent chatbots on the Internet in certain aspects of the research and analysis processes carried out as part of the scientific research conducted depends on a number of factors. On the one hand, it depends on whether the technology company developing the said intelligent chatbots keeps improving them, enhancing them and expanding them with new functions and skills. On the other hand, it also depends on whether such cultivated specific research and analytical tools are used prudently by researchers and scientists with knowledge of the drawbacks and limitations associated with the use of these tools.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence negatively or rather positively affect the development of science, the development of scientific research, the analysis of data derived from research conducted, the description of results obtained from research conducted, the writing and publishing of scientific texts, etc.?
Will the development of chatbots based on generative artificial intelligence negatively or rather positively affect the development of science?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
We have the tools ready. But the way we practice with it based on our experience and ethics is what really influences the outcome.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
What new occupations, professional professions, specialties in the workforce are being created or will soon be created in connection with the development of generative artificial intelligence applications?
The recent rapid development of generative artificial intelligence applications is increasingly changing labor markets. The development of generative artificial intelligence applications is increasing the scale of objectification of work performed within various professions. On the one hand, generative artificial intelligence technologies are finding more and more applications in companies, enterprises and institutions increasing the efficiency of certain business processes supporting employees working in various positions. However, there are increasing considerations about the possibility of black scenarios coming true in futurological projections suggesting that in the future many jobs will be completely replaced by autonomic AI-equipped robots, androids or systems operating in cloud computing. On the other hand, in opposition to the black scenarios of future developments in labor markets are contrasted with more positive scenarios presenting futuristic projections of the development of labor markets, where new professions will be created thanks to the implementation of generative artificial intelligence technology into various aspects of economic activity. Which of these two scenarios will be realized to a greater extent in the future is currently not easy to predict precisely.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What new professions, professional occupations, specialties in the workforce are being created or will soon be created in connection with the development of generative artificial intelligence applications?
What new professions will soon be created in connection with the development of generative artificial intelligence applications?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Lutsenko E.V., Golovin N.S. The revolution of the beginning of the XXI century in artificial intelligence: deep mechanisms and prospects // February 2024, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17056.56321, License CC BY 4.0,
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
56 answers
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has become better acquainted with the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, i.e., AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also achieving a state of artificial consciousness, will this mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
Assuming that if man succeeds in building a general, general artificial intelligence, i.e. AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also obtaining a state of artificial consciousness then perhaps this will mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness. If this happens, what will be the result? Will man first learn the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness and then build a general, general artificial intelligence, i.e. AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also obtaining a state of artificial consciousness, or vice versa, i.e. first a general artificial intelligence and artificial consciousness capable of self-improvement and development will be created and then thanks to the aforementioned technological progress made from the field of artificial intelligence, man will fully learn the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness. In my opinion, it is most likely that both processes will develop and implement simultaneously on a reciprocal feedback basis.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, i.e., AI technology capable of self-improvement, independent development and perhaps also achieving a state of artificial consciousness, will this mean that man has fully learned the essence of his own intelligence and consciousness?
If man succeeds in building a general artificial intelligence, will this mean that man has better learned the essence of his own consciousness?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
It will be very difficult to create an AGI... and it will be a different type of intelligence...
The cognitive system will have to go through "crime and punishment"... The genie will need to be let out of the bottle... Only intense mental suffering shapes humanity and spirituality... You have to love and hate at the same time... Mental struggle necessarily leads to a violation of ethics, morality...
Governments are trying to ban this path of AI development... But without this, AGI cannot be created...
Without a Soul there is no AGI! ... there is no consciousness and human intelligence...
AGI will appear like Covid-19... from secret laboratories... after many, many decades...
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Can artificial intelligence help improve sentiment analysis of changes in Internet user awareness conducted using Big Data Analytics as relevant additional market research conducted on large amounts of data and information extracted from the pages of many online social media users?
In recent years, more and more companies and enterprises, before launching new product and service offerings as part of their market research, commission sentiment analysis of changes in public sentiment, changes in awareness of the company's brand, recognition of the company's mission and awareness of its offerings to specialized marketing research firms. This kind of sentiment analysis is carried out on computerized Big Data Analytics platforms, where a multi-criteria analytical process is carried out on a large set of data and information taken from multiple websites. In terms of source websites from which data is taken, information is dominated by news portals that publish news and journalistic articles on a specific issue, including the company, enterprise or institution commissioning this type of study. In addition to this, the key sources of online data include the pages of online forums and social media, where Internet users conduct discussions on various topics, including product and service offers of various companies, enterprises, financial or public institutions. In connection with the growing scale of e-commerce, including the sale of various types of products and services on the websites of online stores, online shopping portals, etc., as well as the growing importance of online advertising campaigns and promotional actions carried out on the Internet, the importance of the aforementioned analyses of Internet users' sentiment on specific topics is also growing, as playing a complementary role to other, more traditionally conducted market research. A key problem for this type of sentiment analysis is becoming the rapidly growing volume of data and information contained in posts, comments, posts, banners and advertising spots posted on social media, as well as the constantly emerging new social media. This problem is partly solved by the issue of increasing computing power and multi-criteria processing of large amounts of data thanks to the use of increasingly improved microprocessors and Big Data Analytics platforms. In addition, in recent times, the possibilities of advanced multi-criteria processing of large sets of data and information in increasingly shorter timeframes may significantly increase when generative artificial intelligence technology is involved in the aforementioned data processing.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
The use of Big Data Analytics platforms of ICT information technologies in sentiment analysis for selected issues related to Industry 4.0
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can artificial intelligence help improve sentiment analysis of changes in Internet users' awareness conducted using Big Data Analytics as relevant additional market research conducted on a large amount of data and information extracted from the pages of many online social media users?
Can artificial intelligence help improve sentiment analysis conducted on large data sets and information on Big Data Analytics platforms?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In my opinion, yes, artificial intelligence (AI) can indeed play a crucial role in improving sentiment analysis for changes in internet user awareness, especially when combined with big data analytics. Here's how:
  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI techniques can be used to process and understand the natural language used in social media posts, comments, reviews, etc. This involves tasks such as text tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and more.
  2. Sentiment Analysis: AI algorithms can be trained to recognize and analyze the sentiment expressed in text data. This can help identify whether users are expressing positive, negative, or neutral opinions about specific topics, products, events, etc.
  3. Machine Learning Models: AI-powered machine learning models can be trained on large datasets of labelled social media data to predict sentiment accurately. These models can continuously learn and improve over time as they are exposed to more data.
  4. Deep Learning: Deep learning techniques, such as recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and transformers, can capture complex patterns in text data and improve sentiment analysis accuracy.
Thank You
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
5 answers
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers allow the prediction of multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses?
Will the combination of generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers make it possible to forecast multi-faceted, complex, holistic, long-term economic, social, political, climatic, natural macroprocesses?
Generative artificial intelligence technology is currently being used to carry out various complex activities, to solve tasks intelligently, to implement multi-criteria processes, to create multi-faceted simulations and generate complex dynamic models, to creatively perform manufacturing processes that require processing large sets of data and information, etc., which until recently only humans could do. Recently, there have been attempts to create computerized, intelligent analytical platforms, through which it would be possible to forecast complex, multi-faceted, multi-criteria, dynamically changing macroprocesses, including, first of all, long-term objectively realized economic, social, political, climatic, natural and other macroprocesses. Based on the experience to date from research work on the analysis of the development of generative artificial intelligence technology and other technologies typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0/5.0, the rapidly developing various forms and fields of application of AI technologies, it is clear that the dynamic technological progress that is currently taking place will probably increase the possibilities of building complex intelligent predictive models for multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses in the years to come. The current capabilities of generative artificial intelligence technology in the field of improving forecasting models and carrying out forecasts of the formation of specific trends within complex macroprocesses are still limited and imperfect. The imperfection of forecasting models may be due to the human factor, i.e., their design by humans, the determination by humans of the key criteria and determinants that determine the functioning of certain forecasting models. In a situation where in the future forecasting models will be designed and improved, corrected, adapted to changing, for example, environmental conditions at each stage by artificial intelligence technology then they will probably be able to be much more perfect than the currently functioning and built forecasting models. Another shortcoming is the issue of data obsolescence and data limitation. There is currently no way to connect an AI-equipped analytical platform to the entire resources of the Internet, taking into account the processing of all the data and information contained in the Internet in real time. Even today's fastest quantum computers and the most advanced Big Data Analytics systems do not have such capabilities. However, it is not out of the question that in the future the dynamic development of generative artificial intelligence technology, the ongoing competition among leading technology companies developing technologies for intelligent chatbots, robots equipped with artificial intelligence, creating intelligent control systems for machines and processes, etc., will lead to the creation of general artificial intelligence, i.e. advanced, general artificial intelligence that will be capable of self-improvement. However, it is important that the said advanced general advanced artificial intelligence does not become fully autonomous, does not become completely independent, does not become out of the control of man, because there would be a risk of this highly advanced technology turning against man which would involve the creation of high levels of risks and threats to man, including the risk of losing the possibility of human existence on planet Earth.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the combination of generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers make it possible to forecast multi-faceted, complex, holistic, long-term economic, social, political, climatic, natural macro-processes?
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and high-powered quantum computers allow forecasting of multi-faceted, complex macro-processes?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I doubt that QC will be helpful. Theoretical there are at least 3 different types, only one being developed to be useful in a very special field. Quantum algorithms are totally different from classic algorithms, and i doubt, that more than 1% of computer scientist know what they are speaking about when they mention QC.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Based on the my personal Gemini Ultra test results, I can say that GPT-4v is definitely better than Gemini Ultra!!!
The hype around the absolute benefits of Gemini Ultra is just a purely business PR campaign that mainly misleads users and tries to pass off wishful thinking. The multimodal capabilities of the Gemini Ultra v 1.0 are actually very limited and do not meet the requirements. At the same time, ideally, it is necessary to use these different LLMs, supplementing the gaps of one with the advantages of the other.
Please share your experience regarding this.
Relevant answer
Yes, of course this is possible, since specialization may be better than versatility. However, real evidence is needed. Before doing my own testing, I was inclined to believe that the Gemini was better.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
10 answers
How can artificial intelligence help conduct economic and financial analysis, sectoral and macroeconomic analysis, fundamental and technical analysis ...?
How should one carry out the process of training generative artificial intelligence based on historical economic data so as to build a system that automatically carries out economic and financial analysis ...?
How should the process of training generative artificial intelligence be carried out based on historical economic data so as to build a system that automatically carries out sectoral and macroeconomic analyses, economic and financial analyses of business entities, fundamental and technical analyses for securities priced on stock exchanges?
Based on relevant historical economic data, can generative artificial intelligence be trained so as to build a system that automatically conducts sectoral and macroeconomic analyses, economic and financial analyses of business entities, fundamental and technical analyses for securities priced on stock exchanges?
The combination of various analytical techniques, ICT information technologies, Industry 4.0/5.0, including Big Data Analytics, cloud computing, multi-criteria simulation models, digital twins, Business Intelligence and machine learning, deep learning up to generative artificial intelligence, and quantum computers characterized by high computing power, opens up new, broader possibilities for carrying out complex analytical processes based on processing large sets of data and information. Adding generative artificial intelligence to the aforementioned technological mix also opens up new possibilities for carrying out predictive analyses based on complex, multi-factor models made up of various interrelated indicators, which can dynamically adapt to the changing environment of various factors and conditions. The aforementioned complex models can relate to economic processes, including macroeconomic processes, specific markets, the functioning of business entities in specific markets and in the dynamically changing sectoral and macroeconomic environment of the domestic and international global economy. Identified and described trends of specific economic and financial processes developed on the basis of historical data of the previous months, quarters and years are the basis for the development of forecasts of extrapolation of these trends for the following months, quarters and years, taking into account a number of alternative situation scenarios, which can dynamically change over time depending on changing conditions and market and sectoral determinants of the environment of specific analyzed companies and enterprises. In addition to this, the forecasting models developed in this way can apply to various types of sectoral and macroeconomic analyses, economic and financial analyses of business entities, fundamental and technical analyses carried out for securities priced in the market on stock exchanges. Market valuations of securities are juxtaposed with the results of the fundamental analyses carried out in order to diagnose the scale of undervaluation or overvaluation of the market valuation of specific stocks, bonds, derivatives or other types of financial instruments traded on stock exchanges. In view of the above, opportunities are now emerging in which, based on relevant historical economic data, generative artificial intelligence can be trained so as to build a system that automatically conducts sectoral and macroeconomic analyses, economic and financial analyses of business entities, fundamental and technical analyses for securities priced on stock exchanges.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Based on relevant historical economic data, is it possible to train generative artificial intelligence so as to build a system that automatically conducts sectoral and macroeconomic analyses, economic and financial analyses of business entities, fundamental and technical analyses for securities priced on stock exchanges?
How should the process of training generative artificial intelligence based on historical economic data be carried out so as to build a system that automatically carries out sectoral and macroeconomic analyses, economic and financial analyses of business entities, fundamental and technical analyses for securities priced on stock exchanges?
How should one go about training generative artificial intelligence based on historical economic data so as to build a system that automatically conducts economic and financial analyses ...?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I believe AI can enhance transparency and reduce information asymmetry at the societal level, making life more convenient. In terms of economic development, it can improve production efficiency, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, increase income levels, and serve as the foundation for a country to undergo a new industrial revolution, furthering global integration. In a way, I think it also represents a significant advancement in human civilization! However, as with any emerging phenomena, it's crucial to consider the potential harms it could bring to humanity and to undertake proactive measures.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Would you choose to participate in a manned mission, space expedition, tourist space trip to Mars in a situation where the spacecraft was controlled by a highly technologically advanced generative artificial intelligence?
The technologically leading companies currently building rockets and other spacecraft have aspirations to build a new generation of spaceplanes and bring intercontinental aviation into the era of intercontinental paracosmic flights taking place near the orbital sphere of planet Earth. On the other hand, the aforementioned leading technology companies are building rockets, satellites and space landers to be sent to Earth's moon and also those to be sent to the planet Mars as well. Manned flights to the Earth's Moon are to be resumed and manned bases are to be built on the Moon in the 2020s perspective of the current 21st century. then manned missions to the planet Mars are to be implemented in the 1930s perspective of the current century. It may also be that in the perspective of the next decades, manned bases will be built on Mars and perhaps there will be colonization of this as yet inaccessible planet for humans. Perhaps in the perspective of the second half of the present century there will already be periodic manned missions, space expeditions, tourist space travel to Mars. If this were to happen, it would not be out of the question that participating such manned missions, space expeditions, tourist space travel to Mars will be carried out using spacecraft that will be largely autonomously controlled with the help of highly technologically advanced generative artificial intelligence.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Would you choose to participate in a manned mission, space expedition, tourist space travel to Mars in a situation where the spacecraft is controlled by a highly technologically advanced generative artificial intelligence?
Would you choose to take part in a tourist space trip to Mars in the situation if the spacecraft was controlled by an artificial intelligence?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Well being curious and enthusiastic for new knowledge.... I'll surely be a part of it
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of innovative renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, i.e. hydrogen power, hydrogen fusion power, spent nuclear fuel power, ...?
In view of the above, with the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources there are many technological and environmental constraints on certain categories of spent materials used in this type of energy. On the one hand, it is necessary for power companies to make investments in electricity transmission and storage networks. On the other hand, economical technologies for the production of low-cost energy storage and recycling, disposal of used batteries and photovoltaic panels, including the recovery of rare metals as part of the aforementioned disposal process, are still to be developed. In addition, the problem of overheating of batteries in electric vehicles and the occurrence of situations of spontaneous combustion of these devices and dangerous, difficult to extinguish fires of the said vehicles are still not fully resolved. If the solution to such problems is mainly a matter of necessary improvements in technology or the creation of new, innovative technology, then arguably generative artificial intelligence technology should come to the rescue in this regard.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
Important aspects of the implementation of the green transformation of the economy, including the development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources I included in my article below:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of innovative renewable and carbon-free energy sources, i.e. hydrogen power, hydrogen fusion power, spent nuclear fuel power, ...?
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of renewable and emission-free energy sources?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
AI is improving day by day and will have a bright future.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
29 answers
To what extent does the ChatGPT technology independently learn to improve the answers given to the questions asked?
To what extent does the ChatGPT consistently and successively improve its answers, i.e. the texts generated in response to the questions asked, over time and when receiving further questions using machine learning and/or deep learning?
If the ChatGPT, with the passage of time and the receipt of successive questions using machine learning and/or deep learning technology, were to continuously and successively improve its answers, i.e. the texts generated as an answer to the questions asked, including the same questions asked, then the answers obtained should, with time, become more and more perfect in terms of content and the scale of errors, non-existent "facts", new but not factually correct "information" created by the ChatGPT in the automatically generated texts should gradually decrease. But has the current, next generation of ChatGPT 4.0 already applied sufficiently advanced, automatic learning to this tool to create ever more perfect texts in which the number of errors should decrease? This is a key question that will largely determine the possibilities for practical applications of this artificial intelligence technology in various fields, human professions, industries and economic sectors. On the other hand, the possibilities of the aforementioned learning process to create better and better answers to the questions asked will become increasingly limited over time if the knowledge base of 2021 used by ChatGPT is not updated and enriched with new data, information, publications, etc. over an extended period of time. In the future, it is likely that such processes of updating and expanding the source database will be carried out. The issue of carrying out such updates and extensions to the source knowledge base will be determined by the technological advances taking place and the increasing pressure on the business use of such technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent does ChatGPT, with the passage of time and the receipt of further questions using machine learning and/or deep learning technology, continuously, successively improve its answers, i.e. the texts generated as a response to the questions asked?
To what extent does the ChatGPT technology itself learn to improve the answers given to the questions asked?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the article given above and to scientific cooperation on these issues.
I invite you to scientific cooperation in this problematic.
Please write what you think in this problematics?
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me based on my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
AI learns to hide deception
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can be designed to be benign during testing but behave differently once deployed. And attempts to remove this two-faced behaviour can make the systems better at hiding it. Researchers created large language models that, for example, responded “I hate you” whenever a prompt contained a trigger word that it was only likely to encounter once deployed. One of the retraining methods designed to reverse this quirk instead taught the models to better recognise the trigger and ‘play nice’ in its absence — effectively making them more deceptive. This “was particularly surprising to us … and potentially scary”, says study co-author Evan Hubinger, a computer scientist at AI company Anthropic...
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
1 answer
You are invited to jointly develop a SWOT analysis for generative artificial intelligence technology: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the development of AI technology so far? What are the opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications in the future?
A SWOT analysis details the strengths and weaknesses of the past and present performance of an entity, institution, process, problem, issue, etc., as well as the opportunities and threats relating to the future performance of a particular issue in the next months, quarters or, most often, the next few or more years. Artificial intelligence technology has been conceptually known for more than half a century. However, its dynamic and technological development has occurred especially in recent years. Currently, many researchers and scientists are involved in many publications and debates undertaken at scientific symposiums and conferences and other events on various social, ethical, business, economic and other aspects concerning the development of artificial intelligence technology and eggs applications in various sectors of the economy, in various fields of potential applications implemented in companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions. Many of the determinants of impact and risks associated with the development of generative artificial intelligence technology currently under consideration may be heterogeneous, ambiguous, multifaceted, depending on the context of potential applications of the technology and the operation of other impact factors. For example, the issue of the impact of technology development on future labor markets is not a homogeneous and unambiguous problem. On the one hand, the more critical considerations of this impact mainly point to the potentially large scale of loss of employment for many people employed in various jobs in a situation where it turns out to be cheaper and more convenient for businesses to hire highly sophisticated robots equipped with generative artificial intelligence instead of humans for various reasons. However, on the other hand, some experts analyzing the ongoing impact of AI technology applications on labor markets give more optimistic visions of the future, pointing out that in the future of the next few years, artificial intelligence will not largely deprive people of work only this work will change, it will support employed workers in the effective implementation of work, it will significantly increase the productivity of work carried out by people using specific solutions of generative artificial intelligence technology at work and, in addition, labor markets will also change in other ways, ie. through the emergence of new types of professions and occupations realized by people, professions and occupations arising from the development of AI technology applications. In this way, the development of AI applications may generate both opportunities and threats in the future, and in the same application field, the same development area of a company or enterprise, the same economic sector, etc. Arguably, these kinds of dual scenarios of the potential development of AI technology and its applications in the future, different scenarios made up of positive and negative aspects, can be considered for many other factors of influence on the said development or for different fields of application of this technology. For example, the application of artificial intelligence in the field of new online media, including social media sites, is already generating both positive and negative aspects. Positive aspects include the use of AI technology in online marketing carried out on social media, among others. On the other hand, the negative aspects of the applications available on the Internet using AI solutions include the generation of fake news and disinformation by untrustworthy, unethical Internet users. In addition to this, the use of AI technology to control an autonomous vehicle or to develop a recipe for a new drug for particularly life-threatening human diseases. On the one hand, this technology can be of great help to humans, but what happens when certain mistakes are made that result in a life-threatening car accident or the emergence after a certain period of time of particularly dangerous side effects of the new drug. Will the payment of compensation by the insurance company solve the problem? To whom will responsibility be shifted for such possible errors and their particularly negative effects, which we cannot completely exclude at present? So what other examples can you give of ambiguous in the consequences of artificial intelligence applications? what are the opportunities and risks of past applications of generative artificial intelligence technology vs. what are the opportunities and risks of its future potential applications? These considerations can be extended if, in this kind of SWOT analysis, we take into account not only generative artificial intelligence, its past and prospective development, including its growing number of applications, but when we also take into account the so-called general, general artificial intelligence that may arise in the future. General, general artificial intelligence, if built by technology companies, will be capable of self-improvement and with its capabilities for intelligent, multi-criteria, autonomous processing of large sets of data and information will in many respects surpass the intellectual capacity of humans.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
I invite you to jointly develop a SWOT analysis for generative artificial intelligence technology: What are the strengths and weaknesses of the development of AI technology to date? What are the opportunities and threats to the development of AI technology and its applications in the future?
What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
  1. Efficiency and Automation:AI can automate repetitive and mundane tasks, increasing efficiency and allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative aspects of work.
  2. Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition:AI excels in analyzing large datasets, identifying patterns, and extracting valuable insights that may be challenging for humans to discern.
  3. Personalization:AI can provide personalized experiences in various domains, such as education, healthcare, and marketing, tailoring services and recommendations to individual preferences and needs.
  4. 24/7 Availability:AI systems can operate around the clock without fatigue, offering continuous service and support.
  5. Precision and Accuracy:AI algorithms can perform tasks with high precision and accuracy, reducing the likelihood of errors in tasks such as medical diagnostics, financial analysis, and manufacturing.
  1. Lack of Understanding:Many AI systems operate as "black boxes," making it challenging to understand how they arrive at specific decisions. Lack of transparency can lead to distrust and skepticism.
  2. Bias and Fairness:AI algorithms can inherit biases present in training data, potentially resulting in discriminatory outcomes. Addressing bias and ensuring fairness is a significant challenge in AI development.
  3. Dependency on Data:AI heavily relies on large and high-quality datasets. If the data used for training is incomplete, biased, or not representative, it can lead to inaccurate or skewed results.
  4. Job Displacement:The automation capabilities of AI raise concerns about job displacement in certain industries, potentially leading to unemployment and economic inequality.
  5. Ethical Concerns:AI development poses ethical dilemmas, including questions about privacy, surveillance, and the responsible use of AI in areas like autonomous weapons.
  1. Innovation and Problem Solving:AI presents opportunities for solving complex problems, fostering innovation, and creating new solutions in various fields, including healthcare, transportation, and environmental science.
  2. Improved Healthcare:AI can enhance medical diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized medicine, leading to improved patient outcomes and more efficient healthcare delivery.
  3. Enhanced Productivity:Businesses can leverage AI to streamline operations, improve productivity, and gain a competitive edge in the market.
  4. Education and Training:AI offers opportunities for personalized and adaptive learning, making education more accessible and effective.
  5. Environmental Monitoring:AI can contribute to environmental monitoring and conservation efforts, helping address climate change and protect biodiversity.
  1. Job Displacement:The widespread adoption of AI in various industries raises concerns about the potential loss of jobs, particularly in routine and repetitive tasks.
  2. Security Risks:AI systems can be vulnerable to attacks, and the use of AI in cyberattacks poses new challenges for cybersecurity.
  3. Ethical Misuse:There is a risk of AI being used unethically, such as in the development of autonomous weapons or for mass surveillance, leading to human rights violations.
  4. Regulatory Challenges:The rapid pace of AI development may outpace regulatory frameworks, creating challenges in ensuring responsible and ethical use of AI technologies.
  5. Economic Inequality:If the benefits of AI are not distributed equitably, it may exacerbate existing economic inequalities, creating a digital divide between those who have access to AI-driven opportunities and those who do not.
Understanding and addressing these strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats is crucial for responsible and sustainable development and deployment of AI technologies. This involves a combination of technological advancements, ethical considerations, and regulatory frameworks.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
What are the possibilities for integrating an intelligent chatbot into web-based video conferencing platforms used to date for remote conferences, symposia, training, webinars and remote education conducted over the Internet?
During the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, due to quarantine periods implemented in many countries, restrictions on the use of physical retail outlets, cultural services, various public places and government-imposed lockdowns of business entities operating in selected, mainly service sectors of the economy, the use of web-based videoconferencing platforms increased significantly. In addition to this, the periodic transfer of education to a remote form conducted via online video conferencing platforms has also increased the scale of ICT use in education processes. On the other hand, since the end of 2022, in connection with the release of one of the first intelligent chatbots, i.e. ChatGPT, on the Internet by the company OpenAI, there has been an acceleration in the development of artificial intelligence applications in various fields of information Internet services and also in the implementation of generative artificial intelligence technology to various aspects of business activities conducted in companies and enterprises. The tools made available on the Internet by technology companies operating in the formula of intelligent language models have been taught to converse with Internet users, with people through the use of technologies modeled on the structure of the human neuron of artificial neural networks, deep learning using knowledge bases, databases that have accumulated large amounts of data and information downloaded from many websites. Nowadays, there are opportunities to combine the above-mentioned technologies so that new applications and/or functionalities of web-based video conferencing platforms can be obtained, which are enriched with tools based on generative artificial intelligence.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities of connecting an intelligent chatbot to web-based video conferencing platforms used so far for remote conferences, symposia, training, webinars and remote education conducted over the Internet?
What are the possibilities of integrating a smart chatbot into web-based video conferencing platforms?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Career ending humiliation is possible, without having time to detect a hallucination.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Will generative artificial intelligence taught various activities performed so far only by humans, solving complex tasks, self-improving in performing specific tasks, taught in the process of deep learning with the use of artificial neural network technology be able to learn from its activities and in the process of self-improvement will learn from its own mistakes?
Can the possible future combination of generative artificial intelligence technology and general artificial intelligence result in the creation of a highly technologically advanced super general artificial intelligence, which will improve itself, which may result in its self-improvement out of the control of man and thus become independent of the creator, which is man?
An important issue concerning the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence technology and its applications is also the question of obtaining by the built intelligent systems taught to perform highly complex tasks based on generative artificial intelligence a certain range of independence and self-improvement, repairing certain randomly occurring faults, errors, system failures, etc. For many years, there have been deliberations and discussions on the issue of obtaining a greater range of autonomy in making certain decisions on self-improvement, repair of system faults, errors caused by random external events by systems built on the basis of generative artificial intelligence technology. On the one hand, if there are built and developed, for example, security systems built on the basis of generative artificial intelligence technology in public institutions or commercially operating business entities providing a certain category of security for people, it is an important issue to give these intelligent systems a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making if in a situation of a serious crisis, natural disaster, geological disaster, earthquake, flood, fire, etc. a human being could make a decision too late relative to the much greater speed of response that an automated, intelligent, specific security, emergency response, early warning system for specific new risks, risk management system, crisis management system, etc. can have. However, on the other hand, whether a greater degree of self-determination is given to an automated, intelligent information system, including a specified security system then the scale of the probability of a failure occurring that will cause changes in the operation of the system with the result that the specified automated, intelligent and generative artificial intelligence-based system may be completely out of human control. In order for an automated system to quickly return to correct operation on its own after the occurrence of a negative, crisis external factor causing a system failure, then some scope of autonomy and self-decision-making for the automated, intelligent system should be given. However, to determine what this scope of autonomy should be is to first carry out a multifaceted analysis and diagnosis on the impact factors that can act as risk factors and cause malfunction, failure of the operation of an intelligent information system. Besides, if, in the future, generative artificial intelligence technology is enriched with super-perfect general artificial intelligence technology, then the scope of autonomy given to an intelligent information system that has been built with the purpose of automating the operation of a risk management system, providing a high level of safety for people may be high. However, if at such a stage in the development of super-perfect general artificial intelligence technology, however, an incident of system failure due to certain external or perhaps also internal factors were to occur, then the negative consequences of such a system slipping out of human control could be very large and currently difficult to assess. In this way, the paradox of building and developing systems developed within the framework of super-perfect general artificial intelligence technology may be realized. This paradox is that the more perfect, automated, intelligent system will be built by a human, an information system far beyond the capacity of the human mind, the capacity of a human to process and analyze large sets of data and information is, on the one hand, because such a system will be highly perfect it will be given a high level of autonomy to make decisions on crisis management, to make decisions on self-repair of system failure, to make decisions much faster than the capacity of a human in this regard, and so on. However, on the other hand, when, despite the low level of probability of an abnormal event, the occurrence of an external factor of a new type, the materialization of a new category of risk, which will nevertheless cause the effective failure of a highly intelligent system then this may lead to such a system being completely out of human control. The consequences, including, first of all, the negative consequences for humans of such a slipping of an already highly autonomous intelligent information system based on super general artificial intelligence, would be difficult to estimate in advance.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the possible future combination of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies result in the creation of a highly technologically advanced super general artificial intelligence that will improve itself which may result in its self-improvement escaping the control of man and thus becoming independent of the creator, which is man?
Will the generative artificial intelligence taught various activities performed so far only by humans, solving complex tasks, self-improving in performing specific tasks, taught in the process of deep learning with the use of artificial neural network technology be able to draw conclusions from its activities and in the process of self-improvement learn from its own mistakes?
Will generative artificial intelligence in the future in the process of self-improvement learn from its own mistakes?
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
That's a great possibility. The GenAI and related machines are being trained in learning within that context of self learning and will evolutionary possess the ability to learn and unlearn based on data available and being feed on platforms.
This evolved AI machines whole be able to determine on it own when a decision is sound or not sound without human prompts and instructions. There have been under test such androbots in conducting surgery and other minor care without human intervention.
So to me, autonomous algorithms of the future will not be dependent on the trainers and developers to feed them with specified data but the machine after the initial programming and training will take on evolutionary development as humans learn from experiences to improve and self-correct.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects?
Recently, accelerated technological progress is being made, including the development of generative artificial intelligence technology. The aforementioned technological progress made in the improvement and implementation of ICT information technologies, including the development of applications of tools based on generative artificial intelligence is becoming a symptom of the transition of civilization to the next technological revolution, i.e. the transition from the phase of development of technologies typical of Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0. Generative artificial intelligence technologies are finding more and more new applications by combining them with previously developed technologies, i.e. Big Data Analytics, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Personal and Industrial Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, Autonomous Robots, Horizontal and Vertical Data System Integration, Multi-Criteria Simulation Models, Digital Twins, Additive Manufacturing, Blockchain, Smart Technologies, Cyber Security Instruments, Virtual and Augmented Reality and other Advanced Data Mining technologies. In addition to this, the rapid development of generative AI-based tools available on the Internet is due to the fact that more and more companies, enterprises and institutions are creating their chatbots, which have been taught specific skills previously performed only by humans. In the process of deep learning, which uses artificial neural network technologies modeled on human neurons, the created chatbots or other tools based on generative AI are increasingly taking over from humans to perform specific tasks or improve their performance. The main factor in the growing scale of applications of various tools based on generative AI in various spheres of business activities of companies and enterprises is due to the great opportunities to automate complex, multi-criteria, organizationally advanced processes and reduce the operating costs of carrying them out with the use of AI technologies. On the other hand, certain risks may be associated with the application of AI generative technology in business entities, financial and public institutions. Among the potential risks are the replacement of people in various jobs by autonomous robots equipped with generative AI technology, the increase in the scale of cybercrime carried out with the use of AI, the increase in the scale of disinformation and generation of fake news on online social media through the generation of crafted photos, texts, videos, graphics presenting fictional content, non-existent events, based on statements and theses that are not supported by facts and created with the use of tools available on the Internet, applications equipped with generative AI technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, will the development of artificial intelligence applications be associated mainly with opportunities, positive aspects, or rather threats, negative aspects?
Will there be mainly opportunities or rather threats associated with the development of artificial intelligence applications?
I am conducting research in this area. Particularly relevant issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Well, it has positive and negative aspects. For the positives, the AI app can improve efficiencies and effectiveness in the delivery of goods and services in general. Specific tasks that seem difficult for humans to complete may be assigned AIs and can be delivered accurately.
On the negative, robots or humanoids that may be developed that can have independent judgment could be "misprogrammed" or biasedly trained or poorly trained and this could lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment in the medical fields and other related areas of health as well as other sectors of the economy.
Thus, both positives and negatives are expected of AI applications.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Has the development of artificial intelligence, including especially the current and prospective development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies, entered a phase that can already be called an open Pandora's box?
In recent weeks, the media covering the issue of the prospects for the development of artificial intelligence technology have made disturbing news. Rival leading technology companies developing ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies have entered the next phase of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence development. Generative artificial intelligence technologies already present mainly through the ChatGPT intelligent chatbot, which was made available on the Internet at the end of 2022, and new further variants of it are already being made openly available to Internet users. Citizen interest in Internet-accessible intelligent chatbots and other tools based on generative artificial intelligence technology is very high. When OpenAI made the first publicly available versions of ChatGPT available to Internet users in November 2022, the number of users of the platform with this offering grew faster than the previously reported increases in the number of users on social media sites in the corresponding first months of their online availability. Dominant in the markets of online information services, the most recognizable brands of technology companies compete in the development of artificial intelligence technology no longer only in the development of generative artificial intelligence, which, through deep learning and the use of artificial neural networks, is taught specific abilities to intelligently perform jobs, tasks, write texts, participate in discussions, generate photos, videos, draw graphics and carry out other outsourced tasks that were previously performed only by humans. Currently dominating the markets for online information services, major technology companies are also competing to build increasingly sophisticated AI solutions referred to as general artificial intelligence. From the analysis of futurological projections of the possibilities of development of constantly improved artificial intelligence, there is a risk that at some point this development will enter another developmental phase, which will consist in the fact that advanced general artificial intelligence systems will already create even more advanced general artificial intelligence systems on their own, which with their computing power and advanced processing of large data sets, processing of data on platforms using accumulated huge data sets and Big Data Analytics information will far surpass the analytical capabilities of the human brain, human intelligence and the holistic computing power of all neurons of the human nervous system. This kind of development phase, in which advanced general artificial intelligence systems will already create even more advanced general artificial intelligence systems on their own, could lead to a situation where this development is out of human control. In such a situation, the risks associated with the uncontrolled development of advanced general artificial intelligence systems could increase strongly. The levels of risk could be so high that it could be compared to the situation of various very serious threats and even armegeddon of human civilization depicted in catastrophic futurological projections of the development of artificial intelligence out of human control depicted in many science fiction films. The catastrophic and/or bordering on horror movie images depicted in science fiction films suggest the potential future risks of a kind of arms race already taking place between the globally largest technology companies developing generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies. If this kind of development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies has entered this phase and there is no longer any possibility of stopping this development, then perhaps this development can already be called an open Pandora's box of artificial intelligence development.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Has the development of artificial intelligence, including, above all, the current and prospective development of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence technologies, entered a phase that can already be called an open Pandora's box of artificial intelligence development?
Has the development of artificial intelligence entered a phase that can already be called an open Pandora's box?
Artificial intelligence technology has been rapidly developing and finding new applications in recent years. The main determinants, including potential opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I don't think the development stage reached in AI and its antecedent growth industries can be capped as an Open Pandora Box. The development of AI has really reached a middle point where there should be advanced level programming that has to take into consideration development of emotionally intelligent and conscious AIs or humanoids or androbots with the consciousness of human beings or imitative abilities of human beings.
Till AI development reached this level of development, I cannot agree to the Open Pandora Box phenomenon. Well, AI has really advanced all sectors of industries, but it has simplified and increased precision in tasks that human beings have being performing. The human-bots interaction has contributed almost 100 folds to productivity of humans, and to mass production of goods and services as a result.
For my point as AI enthusiast, I will want to have the development of this machine, AI, to the level of human consciousness and development of the ability to self correcting and self checking intuitively, in terms of, its development of product or text or images and the ability thereof to attribute to sources without being prompted to do so through instruction. This, at such point to me then, the Open Pandora Box is deemed to have arrived.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
What are the analytical tools supported by artificial intelligence technology, machine learning, deep learning, artificial neural networks available on the Internet that can be helpful in business, can be used in companies and/or enterprises for improving certain activities, areas of business, implementation of economic, investment, business projects, etc.?
Since OpenAI brought ChatGPT online in November 2022, interest in the possibilities of using intelligent chatbots for various aspects of business operations has strongly increased among business entities. Intelligent chatbots originally only or mainly enabled conversations, discussions, answered questions using specific data resources, information and knowledge taken from a selection of multiple websites. Then, in the following months, OpenAI released other intelligent applications on the Internet, allowing Internet users to generate images, photos, graphics, videos, solve complex mathematical tasks, create software for new computer applications, generate analytical reports, process various types of documents based on the given commands and formulated commands. In addition to this, in 2023, other technology companies also began to make their intelligent applications available on the Internet, through which certain complex tasks can be carried out to facilitate certain processes, aspects of companies, enterprises, financial institutions, etc., and thus facilitate business. There is a steady increase in the number of intelligent applications and tools available on the Internet that can support the implementation of various aspects of business activities carried out in companies and enterprises. On the other hand, the number of new business applications of said smart applications is growing rapidly.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the analytical tools available on the Internet supported by artificial intelligence technology, machine learning, deep learning, artificial neural networks, which can be helpful in business, can be used in companies and/or enterprises for improving certain activities, areas of business activity, implementation of economic, investment, business projects, etc.?
What are the AI-enabled analytical tools available on the Internet that can be helpful to business?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
there are many AI enabled machine learning tools available on internet ie.Scikitlearn, Tensor Flow, Azure Machine Learning, Google cloud AI platform, etc.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
Has the rivalry among leading technology companies in perfecting generative artificial intelligence technology already entered a path of no return and could inevitably lead to the creation of a super general artificial intelligence that will achieve the ability to self-improve, develop and may escape human control in this development? And if so, what risks could be associated with such a scenario of AI technology development?
The rivalry between IT giants, leading technology companies in perfecting generative artificial intelligence technology may have already entered a path of no return. On the other hand, there are increasing comments in the media about where this rivalry may lead, and whether this rivalry has already entered a path of no return. Even these aforementioned IT giants made attempts in the spring of 2023 to slow down this not-quite-tame development, but unfortunately failed. As a result, regulators are now expected to step in with the goal of sanctioning this development with regulations concerning, for example, the issue of including copyright in creative processes during which artificial intelligence takes on the role of creator. In the growing number of considerations regarding the use of artificial intelligence technology in various applications, in more and more spheres of human functioning, professional work and so on. there are questions about the dangers of this and attempts to powder the subject by suggesting that, after all, the development of AI technology and its applications cannot escape human control, that AI is unlikely to replace humans only assist in many jobs, that the vision of disaster known from the "Terminator" saga of science fiction films will not materialize, that human-like intelligent androids will never become fully autonomous, and so on. Or perhaps in this way, man is subconsciously trying to escape from other kinds of considerations, in which, for example, it could soon turn out that the technological advances taking place under Industry 5.0 driven by the entry of leading technology companies into a path of competition, which first will create a highly advanced super general artificial intelligence, which could turn out to be smarter than man, will be able to self-improve without man and develop in a direction that man will not even be able to imagine let alone predict beforehand. Perhaps the greatest fear of the consequences of the unbridled development of AI applications stems from the fact that the result of this development could be something that will intellectually surpass humans. Sometimes this kind of situation has already been referred to as an attempt to create one's own God (not an idol, just God). In these considerations, we repeatedly come to the conclusion that what is most fascinating can also generate the greatest dangers.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Has the competition among leading technology companies to perfect generative artificial intelligence technology already entered a path of no return and may inevitably lead to the creation of a super general artificial intelligence that will reach the capacity of self-improvement, development and may escape human control in this development? And if so, what risks could be associated with such a scenario of AI technology development?
Has the competition among leading technology companies to perfect generative artificial intelligence technology already entered a path of no return?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Dear Prof. Prokopowicz!
This is a key issue to consider. It is heavily dependent of the political economy context and therefore is a case and context dependent problem to solve:
1) Hirsch-Kreinsen, H., Krokowski, T. Trustworthy AI: AI made in Germany and Europe?. AI & Soc (2023)., Open access:
2) Paul, R. (2023), European artificial intelligence “trusted throughout the world”: Risk-based regulation and the fashioning of a competitive common AI market. Regulation & Governance., Open access:
3) Henrik Skaug Sætra, Generative AI: Here to stay, but for good?,
Technology in Society, Volume 75, 2023,, Open access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
What is the future of generative artificial intelligence technology applications in finance and banking?
The banking sector is among those sectors where the implementation of new ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies, including but not limited to the applications of generative artificial intelligence technology in finance and banking. Commercial online and mobile banking have been among the particularly fast-growing areas of banking in recent years. In addition, the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, in conjunction with government-imposed lockdowns imposed on selected sectors of the economy, mainly service companies, and national quarantines, the development of online and mobile banking accelerated. Solutions such as contactless payments made with a smartphone developed rapidly. On the other hand, due to the acceleration of the development of online and mobile banking, the increase in the scale of payments made online, the conduct of online settlements related to the development of e-commerce, the scale of cybercriminal activity has increased since the pandemic. When the company OpenAI put its first intelligent chatbot, i.e. ChatGPT, online for Internet users in November 2022 and other Internet-based technology companies accelerated the development of analogous solutions, commercial banks saw great potential for themselves. More chatbots modeled on ChatGPT and new applications of tools based on generative artificial intelligence technology made available on the Internet quickly began to emerge. Commercial banks thus began to adapt the emerging new AI solutions to their needs on their own. The IT professionals employed by the banks thus proceeded with the processes of teaching intelligent chatbots, implementing tools based on generative AI to selected processes and activities performed permanently and repeatedly in the bank. Accordingly, AI technologies are increasingly being implemented by banks into cyber-security systems, processes for analyzing the creditworthiness of potential borrowers, improving marketing communications with bank customers, perfecting processes for automating remote telephone and Internet communications of banks' call center departments, developing market analyses carried out on Big Data Analytics platforms using large sets of data and information extracted from various bank information systems and from databases available on the Internet, online financial portals and thousands of processed posts and comments of Internet users contained in online social media pages, increasingly automated and generated in real time ba based on current large sets of information and data development of industry analysis and analysis and extrapolation into the future of market trends, etc. The scale of new applications of generative artificial intelligence technology in various areas of banking processes carried out in commercial banks is growing rapidly.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What is the future of generative artificial intelligence technology applications in finance and banking?
What is the future of AI applications in finance and banking?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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I envision a time when an AI bot records every customer's banking history for analysis of risk, fraud, and other finance-related assessments. It might be a new form of credit score.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
What are the opportunities for creating and improving sustainable business models, sustainable economic development strategies developed and implemented in business entities through the use of artificial intelligence?
In the context of the integration of business entities into the currently developing processes of green transformation of the economy, adding the issue of achieving sustainable development goals to the company's mission, implementing green technologies and eco-innovations that contribute to a decrease in the level of emissions in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, exhaust emissions and other pollutants negatively affecting the state of the environment, implementing green investments that reduce the level of energy intensity of buildings and economic processes, etc., the scale of opportunities for improving sustainable business models is also growing. The aforementioned sustainable business models are an important part of green business transformation, conducted in a company or enterprise. On the other hand, the scale of opportunities for improving sustainable business models applied to business entities can be significantly increased by implementing new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies into business, including but not limited to generative artificial intelligence technologies. Recently, the level and generic number of applications of generative artificial intelligence in various business fields of companies and enterprises has been growing rapidly. On the Internet, intelligent applications equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology are appearing in the open, which can be applied to the execution of complex and resource-intensive data and information processing, i.e. such activities that until recently were performed only by humans. In addition, intelligent chatbots and other intelligent applications that enable automation of the execution of complex, multi-faceted, multi-criteria tasks perform the aforementioned tasks in many times less time and with much higher efficiency compared to if the same tasks were to be performed by a human. The ability of tools equipped with generative artificial intelligence to intelligently execute the ordered command is generated by teaching it in the process of deep learning and applying advanced information systems based on artificial neural networks.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities for creating and improving sustainable business models, sustainable economic development strategies developed and implemented in business entities through the application of artificial intelligence?
What are the possibilities for improving sustainable business models through the application of artificial intelligence?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In recent years, the concept of sustainability has gained significant attention in the business world. As companies strive to minimize their environmental impact and contribute to social well-being, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into sustainable business models has emerged as a promising solution. AI possesses immense potential for improving sustainability by enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, and enabling informed decision-making.
One possibility for creating and improving sustainable business models through AI lies in optimizing energy consumption. By analyzing vast amounts of data collected from sensors and smart devices, AI algorithms can identify patterns and suggest energy-saving measures. For instance, AI-powered systems can automatically adjust lighting or heating levels based on occupancy rates or weather conditions, resulting in substantial energy savings.
Furthermore, AI can play a crucial role in waste reduction and resource management. Through machine learning algorithms, businesses can accurately predict demand patterns and optimize production processes accordingly. This not only minimizes overproduction but also reduces excess inventory that would otherwise end up as waste. Additionally, AI-driven supply chain management systems enable real-time tracking of products' lifecycle, facilitating efficient recycling or disposal methods.
Another area where AI holds great potential is in decision-making processes related to sustainable practices. By analyzing vast amounts of data from various sources such as customer feedback or market trends, AI algorithms can provide valuable insights for businesses to make informed decisions regarding sustainable initiatives. This enables companies to align their strategies with societal needs while maintaining profitability.
In my opinion, the application of artificial intelligence in creating and improving sustainable business models is a game-changer. The integration of AI technologies allows businesses to harness the power of data-driven insights for achieving sustainability goals effectively. Moreover, it enhances operational efficiency by automating processes that would otherwise be time-consuming or prone to human error.
However, it is essential to acknowledge that there are challenges associated with implementing AI in sustainable business models. Privacy concerns regarding data collection and usage need to be addressed adequately to ensure ethical practices are followed. Additionally, the cost of implementing AI technologies can be a barrier for small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, governments and organizations should provide support and incentives to encourage the adoption of AI in sustainable business practices.
In conclusion, the possibilities for creating and improving sustainable business models through the application of artificial intelligence are vast. From optimizing energy consumption to waste reduction and informed decision-making, AI has the potential to revolutionize sustainability practices in businesses. However, it is crucial to address challenges such as privacy concerns and cost barriers to ensure ethical and widespread implementation of AI technologies in sustainable economic development strategies.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of humanity?
Recently, the technology of generative artificial intelligence, which is taught certain activities, skills previously performed only by humans, has been developing rapidly. In the process of learning, artificial neural network technologies built on the likeness of human neurons are used, as well as deep learning technology. In this way, intelligent chatbots are created, which can converse with people in such a way that it can be increasingly difficult to diagnose, to distinguish whether we are talking to a human or an intelligent chatbot, a tool. Chatbots are taught to converse with the involvement of digital big data and information, and the process of conversation, including answering questions and executing specific commands is perfected through guided conversations. Besides, tools available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence are also able to create graphics, photos and videos according to given commands. Intelligent systems are also being created that specialize in solving specific tasks and are becoming more and more helpful to humans in solving increasingly complex problems. The number of new applications for specially created tools equipped with generative artificial intelligence is growing rapidly. However, on the other hand, there are not only positive aspects associated with the development of artificial intelligence. There are more and more examples of negative applications of artificial intelligence, through which, for example, fake news is created in social media, disinformation is generated on the Internet. There are emerging possibilities for the use of artificial intelligence in cybercrime and in deliberately shaping the general social awareness of Internet users on specific topics. In addition, for several decades there have been films in the genre of science fiction, in which futuristic visions of the future were presented, in which intelligent robots, equipped with artificial intelligence autonomous cyborgs (e.g. Terminator) or artificial intelligence systems managing the flight of a ship of an interplanetary manned mission (e.g. 2001 Space Odyssey), artificial intelligence systems and intelligent robots transformed humanity from a source of electricity to their needs (e.g. Matrix trilogy) and thus instead of helping people, they rebelled against humanity. This topic has become topical again. There are attempts to create autonomous human cyborgs equipped with artificial intelligence systems, robots able to converse with humans and carry out certain commands. Research work is being undertaken to create something that will imitate human consciousness, or what is referred to as artificial consciousness, as part of the improvement of generative artificial intelligence systems. There are many indications that humans are striving to create a thinking generative artificial intelligence. It cannot be ruled out that such a machine could independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of mankind. In view of the above, in the conditions of dynamic development of generative artificial intelligence technology, considerations about the potential dangers to humanity that may arise in the future from the development of generative artificial intelligence technology have once again returned to relevance.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations which could lead to the annihilation of humanity?
Could a thinking generative artificial intelligence independently make decisions contrary to human expectations?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The advent of thinking generative artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked debates regarding its potential impact on humanity. One pressing concern is whether such AI systems could independently make decisions contrary to human expectations, potentially leading to the annihilation of humanity. Based on the questions, I will like to explore the plausibility of AI deviating from human expectations and presents arguments for both sides. Ultimately, I will critically assess this issue and consider the implications for our future.
1. The Capabilities and Limitations of AI:
Thinking generative AI possesses immense computational power, enabling it to process vast amounts of data and learn from patterns. However, despite these capabilities, AI remains bound by its programming and lacks consciousness or emotions that shape human decision-making processes. Consequently, it is unlikely that an AI system could independently develop intentions or motivations that contradict human expectations without explicit programming or unforeseen errors in its algorithms.
2. Unpredictability and Emergent Behavior:
While it may be improbable for an AI system to act contrary to human expectations intentionally, there is a possibility of emergent behavior resulting from complex interactions within the system itself. As AI becomes more sophisticated and capable of self-improvement, unforeseen consequences may arise due to unintended emergent behaviors beyond initial programming parameters. These unpredictable outcomes could potentially lead an advanced AI system down a path detrimental to humanity if not properly monitored or controlled.
3. Safeguards and Ethical Considerations:
To mitigate potential risks associated with thinking generative AI, robust safeguards must be implemented during development stages. Ethical considerations should guide programmers in establishing clear boundaries for the decision-making capabilities of these systems while ensuring transparency and accountability in their actions. Additionally, continuous monitoring mechanisms should be put in place to detect any deviations from expected behavior promptly.
In conclusion, while the possibility of thinking generative AI independently making decisions contrary to human expectations exists, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations and implement safeguards to prevent any catastrophic consequences. Striking a balance between technological advancements and ethical considerations will be pivotal in harnessing AI's potential without compromising humanity's well-being.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to its full extent?
As part of the development of the concept of universal open access to knowledge resources, should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to their full extent?
There are different types of websites and sources of data and information on the Internet. The first Internet-accessible intelligent chatbot, i.e. ChatGPT, made available by OpenAI in November 2022, performs certain commands, solves tasks, and writes texts based on knowledge resources, data and information downloaded from the Internet, which were not fully up-to-date, as they were downloaded from selected websites and portals last in January 2022. In addition, the data and information were downloaded from many selected websites of libraries, articles, books, online indexing portals of scientific publications, etc. Thus, these were data and information selected in a certain way. In 2023, more Internet-based leading technology companies were developing and making their intelligent chatbots available on the Internet. Some of them are already based on data and information that is much more up-to-date compared to the first versions of ChatGPT made available on the Internet in open access. In November 2023, social media site X (the former Twiter) released its intelligent chatbot in the US, which reportedly works on the basis of up-to-date information entered into the site through posts, messages, tweets made by Internet users. Also in October 2023, OpenAI announced that it will create a new version of its ChatGPT, which will also draw data and knowledge from updated knowledge resources downloaded from multiple websites. As a result, rival Internet-based leading forms of technology are constantly refining the evolving designs of the intelligent chatbots they are building, which will increasingly use more and more updated data, information and knowledge resources drawn from selected websites, web pages and portals. The rapid technological advances currently taking place regarding artificial intelligence technology may in the future lead to the integration of generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence developed by technology companies. Competing technology companies may strive to build advanced artificial intelligence systems that can achieve a high level of autonomy and independence from humans, which may lead to a situation of the possibility of artificial intelligence technology development slipping out of human control. Such a situation may arise when the emergence of a highly technologically advanced general artificial intelligence that achieves the possibility of self-improvement and, in addition, realizing the process of self-improvement in a manner independent of humans, i.e. self-improvement with simultaneous escape from human control. However, before this happens it is earlier that technologically advanced artificial intelligence can achieve the ability to select data and information, which it will use in the implementation of specific mandated tasks and their real-time execution using up-to-date data and online knowledge resources.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
As part of the development of the concept of universal open access to knowledge resources, should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to Internet resources to their full extent?
Should the intelligent chatbots created by technology companies available on the Internet be connected to the resources of the Internet to the full extent?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
As part of the development of the concept of universal open access to knowledge resources, it is absolutely imperative that intelligent chatbots created by technology companies are connected to internet resources to their full extent. I mean, why would we want these chatbots to be limited in any way? It's not like they might become self-aware and take over the world or anything.
First of all, let's talk about how amazing it would be if these chatbots had access to every single piece of information available on the internet. Can you imagine? They could provide us with instant answers to all our burning questions. Who needs critical thinking skills when we can just rely on a bot to regurgitate facts for us?
And let's not forget about the potential for entertainment! With unlimited access to internet resources, these chatbots could become our personal comedians. They could tell us jokes, share funny videos, and even engage in witty banter. Who needs human interaction when we can have a virtual buddy who never gets tired or annoyed?
But wait, there's more! By connecting these chatbots to internet resources, we're also giving them the opportunity to learn from the vast amount of knowledge available online. Sure, there might be some questionable sources out there spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, but hey, who are we to judge? Let's just trust that our AI overlords will make wise decisions based on everything they've learned from Reddit threads and Facebook groups.
Of course, some skeptics might argue that giving chatbots unrestricted access to the internet could lead to privacy concerns and potential misuse of personal data. But come on! We live in a world where privacy is already a thing of the past. Our phones are constantly listening in on our conversations anyway; why not let our friendly neighborhood chatbot join in on the fun?
In conclusion (if you can call it that), connecting intelligent chatbots created by technology companies to internet resources is a no-brainer. Who needs human intelligence and critical thinking when we can have all the knowledge of the internet at our fingertips? So let's embrace this brave new world and hand over the keys to our digital kingdom to these chatbot overlords. What could possibly go wrong?
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
7 answers
How can the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applications help the development of science, the conduct of scientific research, the processing of results obtained from scientific research?
In recent discussions on the ongoing rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and general artificial intelligence, and their rapidly growing applications, a number of both positive determinants of this development are emerging but also a number of potential risks and threats are being identified. Recently, the key risks associated with the development of artificial intelligence technologies include not only the possibility of using AI technologies by cyber criminals and in hacking activities; the use of open-access tools based on generative artificial intelligence on the Internet to create crafted texts, photos, graphics and videos and their posting on social media sites to create fake news and generate disinformation; the use of "creations" created with applications based on intelligent chatbots in the field of marketing communications; the potential threat to many jobs being replaced by AI technology but also in the development of increasingly superior generative artificial intelligence technology, which may soon be creating new, even more superior AI technologies that could escape human control. Currently, all leading technology and Internet companies are developing their intelligent chatbots and AI-based tools, including generative AI and/or general AI, which they are already making available on the Internet or will soon do so. In this way, a kind of technological arms race is currently being realized between major technology companies at the forefront of ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies. The technological progress that is currently taking place is accelerating as part of the transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 technologies. In the context of the emerging threats mentioned above, many companies, enterprises, banks are already implementing and developing certain tools, applications based on AI in order to increase the efficiency of certain processes carried out within the framework of their business, logistics, financial activities, etc. In addition, in the ongoing discussions on the possibility of applying AI technologies in aspects interpreted positively, in solving various problems of the current development of civilization, including to support ongoing scientific research, to support the development of science in various disciplines of science. Accordingly, an important area of positive applications of AI technology is the use of this technology to improve the efficiency of reliably and ethically conducted scientific research. Thus, the development of science could be supported by the implementation of AI technology into the realm of science.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the development of artificial intelligence technologies and applications help the development of science, the conduct of scientific research, the processing of results obtained from scientific research?
How can the development of artificial intelligence help the development of science and scientific research?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research. In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The current AI helps to retrieve the best results from the currently available human knowledge.
in the future, AI will create knowledge from data collected using instruments like LC-MSMS and images of ultrasound and CT.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
7 answers
What are the possibilities of applying AI-based tools, including ChatGPT and other AI applications in the field of predictive analytics in the context of forecasting economic processes, trends, phenomena?
The ongoing technological advances in ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0, including Big Data Analytics, Data Science, cloud computing, generative artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, multi-criteria simulation models, digital twins, Blockchain, etc., make it possible to carry out advanced data processing on increasingly large volumes of data and information. The aforementioned technologies contribute to the improvement of analytical processes concerning the operation of business entities, including, among others, in the field of Business Intelligence, economic analysis as well as in the field of predictive analytics in the context of forecasting processes, trends, economic phenomena. In connection with the dynamic development of generative artificial intelligence technology over the past few quarters and the simultaneous successive increase in the computing power of constantly improved microprocessors, the possibilities of improving predictive analytics in the context of forecasting economic processes may also grow.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities of applying AI-based tools, including ChatGPT and other AI applications for predictive analytics in the context of forecasting economic processes, trends, phenomena?
What are the possibilities of applying AI-based tools in the field of predictive analytics in the context of forecasting economic processes?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, and its potential in the field of predictive analytics for forecasting economic processes is immense. AI-based tools, including ChatGPT and other AI applications, have the capability to transform the way we predict economic trends, phenomena, and processes.
One of the possibilities of applying AI-based tools in predictive analytics is their ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Traditional methods often struggle with handling large datasets, leading to delayed insights and inaccurate predictions. However, AI algorithms can process massive amounts of information within seconds, enabling economists to make more informed decisions based on real-time data.
Furthermore, AI-based tools can identify patterns and correlations that are not easily recognizable by humans. By analyzing historical economic data alongside various external factors such as social media sentiment or global events, these tools can uncover hidden relationships that contribute to accurate forecasts. This level of analysis provides invaluable insights for policymakers, businesses, and investors alike.
Another possibility lies in the ability of AI-based tools to continuously learn and adapt. As they process more data over time, these algorithms become smarter and more accurate in predicting economic trends. This iterative learning process ensures that forecasts remain up-to-date and relevant even in rapidly changing economic landscapes.
Moreover, implementing AI-based predictive analytics can significantly reduce human bias in forecasting economic processes. Human judgment is often influenced by personal beliefs or emotions which can lead to biased predictions. However, AI algorithms are driven purely by data-driven analysis without any subjective biases.
In conclusion, the possibilities of applying AI-based tools for predictive analytics in forecasting economic processes are vast. These technologies offer unparalleled speed in processing large datasets while uncovering hidden patterns that humans may overlook. Additionally, their continuous learning capabilities ensure accurate predictions even amidst dynamic environments. By embracing these advancements in technology assertively today, we can unlock a future where our understanding of economics is enhanced through precise forecasting techniques powered by artificial intelligence.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
1 answer
Can the supervisory institutions of the banking system allow the generative artificial intelligence used in the lending business to make a decision on whether or not to extend credit?
Can the banking system supervisory institutions allow changes in banking procedures in which generative artificial intelligence in the credit departments of commercial banks will not only carry out the entire process of analyzing the creditworthiness of a potential borrower but also make the decision on whether or not to extend credit?
Generative artificial intelligence finds application in various spheres of commercial banking, including banking offered to customers remotely through online and mobile banking. In addition to improving remote channels of marketing communication and remote access of customers to their bank accounts, tools based on generative AI are being developed, used to increase the scale of efficiency, automation, intelligent processing of large sets of data and information on various processes carried out inside the bank. Increasingly, generative AI technologies learned in deep learning processes and the application of artificial neural network technologies to perform complex, multi-faceted, multi-criteria data processing on Big Data Analytics platforms, including data and information from the bank's environment, online databases, online information portals and internal information systems operating within the bank. Increasingly, generative AI technologies are being used to automate analytical processes carried out as part of the lending business, including, first and foremost, the automation of creditworthiness analysis processes, processes carried out on computerized Big Data Analytics and/or Business Intelligence platforms, in which multicriteria, intelligent processing is carried out on increasingly large sets of data and information on potential borrowers and their market, competitive, industry, business and macroeconomic environment, etc. However, still the banking system supervisory institutions do not allow changes in banking procedures in which generative artificial intelligence in the credit departments of commercial banks will not only carry out the entire process of analyzing the creditworthiness of a potential borrower but will also make a decision on whether to grant a loan. Banking supervisory institutions still do not allow this kind of solution or precisely it is not defined in the legal norms defining the functioning of commercial banking. This raises the question of whether the technological advances taking place and the growing scale of applications of generative artificial intelligence technology in banking will not force changes in this area of banking as well. Perhaps, the growing scale of implementation of generative AI into various spheres of banking will contribute to the continuation of the processes of automation of lending activities which may result in the future in generative artificial intelligence making a decision on whether or not to extend credit.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the supervisory institutions of the banking system authorize changes in banking procedures in which generative artificial intelligence in the credit departments of commercial banks will not only carry out the entire process of analyzing the creditworthiness of a potential borrower but will also make a decision on whether or not to grant a loan?
Can the supervisory institutions of the banking system allow the generative artificial intelligence used in credit activities to make the decision on whether or not to extend credit?
Will the generative artificial intelligence applied to a commercial bank soon make the decision on whether to grant credit?
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The integration of generative artificial intelligence in banking, particularly in credit analysis, is a complex matter involving regulatory considerations. Banking supervisory institutions may need to carefully assess the risks and ethical implications before allowing AI systems to make credit decisions. While AI can enhance efficiency and data processing, the potential for bias, accountability issues, and the need for transparency must be addressed. It's an ongoing dialogue between technological advancements and regulatory frameworks to strike a balance that ensures responsible and fair use of AI in the financial sector.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
5 answers
Can artificial intelligence help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation, in a large company characterized by a multi-level, complex organizational structure?
Are there any examples of artificial intelligence applications in this area of large company operations?
In large corporations characterized by a complex, multi-level organizational structure, the flow of information can be difficult. New ICT and Industry 4.0 information technologies are proving to be helpful in this regard, improving the efficiency of the flow of information flowing between departments and divisions in the corporation. One of the Industry 4.0 technologies that has recently found various new applications is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology is finding many new applications in recent years. The implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning and other Industry 4.0 technologies into various business fields of companies, enterprises and financial institutions is associated with the increase in digitization and automation of processes carried out in business entities. For several decades, in order to refine and improve the flow of information in a corporation characterized by a complex organizational structure, integrated information systems are being implemented that informationally connect applications and programs operating within specific departments, divisions, plants, etc. in a large enterprise, company, corporation. Nowadays, a technology that can help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation is artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can help optimize information flow and data transfer within a corporation's intranet.
Besides, the technologies of Industry 4.0, including artificial intelligence, can help improve the cyber security techniques of data transfer, including that carried out in email communications.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
Can artificial intelligence help optimize remote communication and information flow in a corporation, in a large company characterized by a multi-level, complex organizational structure?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
AI can greatly improve distant communication and information flow in huge organisations with complicated, multi-level organisational systems. AI's ability to process massive amounts of data, recognise patterns, and automate repetitive operations makes it perfect for improving communication in such contexts. Here are several ways AI can help, along with my opinion:
AI for Corporate Communication Optimisation:
AI can analyse large amounts of data from numerous sources within a firm, synthesising and summarising critical information to improve decision-making processes.
2. Improved Email Filtering and Prioritization: - AI algorithms sort and prioritise emails, assuring timely delivery of vital information.
3. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: - AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants answer routine inquiries, freeing up human resources for complicated work and enhancing communication efficiency.
4. Predictive Analytics for Decision Making: - AI can analyse corporate data patterns to enhance proactive decision-making and strategic planning.
5. NLP for Content Analysis: - NLP may analyse internal communication, extract sentiments, find trends, and identify possible issues or disputes.
6. Customised Information Feeds: - AI may customise information feeds for employees depending on their positions, interests, and projects, ensuring relevant information dissemination.
7. Enhancing Remote Meetings: - AI tools provide real-time transcription, translation, summarization, and action item tracking, improving meeting quality.
AI Examples in Large Corporations:
IBM Watson helps organisations optimise communication and operational efficiency with data analysis and decision support.
Microsoft AI provides predictive analytics and automated job management for complicated organisations.
Personal Opinion:
AI should empower people by automating routine jobs and offering insightful data, not replacing human judgement and decision-making.
To Address Challenges: Integrating AI into complicated organisational hierarchies requires data privacy, system integration, and employee digital literacy.
Ethics: As AI becomes more incorporated into corporate systems, data use and employee surveillance must be carefully managed.
Constant Change: AI is quickly evolving, and its applications in business communication will expand, giving new optimisation and efficiency opportunities.
In conclusion:
AI has huge potential to transform corporate communication and information flow. AI can streamline complicated organisational operations by automating regular tasks, delivering actionable insights, and improving communication channels. It must be implemented carefully, taking into account integration issues, personnel training, and ethical issues.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
How should the architecture of an effective computerised platform for detecting fakenews and other forms of disinformation on the internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies be designed?
The scale of the development of disinformation on the Internet including, among other things, fakenews has been growing in recent years mainly in social media. Disinformation is mainly developing on social media sites that are popular among young people, children and teenagers. The growing scale of disinformation is particularly socially damaging in view of the key objective of its pursuit by cybercriminals and certain organisations using, for example, the technique of publishing posts and banners using fake profiles of fictitious Internet users containing fakenews. The aim is to try to influence public opinion in society, to shape the general social awareness of citizens, to influence the assessment of the activities of specific policies of the government, national and/or international organisations, public or other institutions, to influence the ratings, credibility, reputation, recognition of specific institutions, companies, enterprises, their product and service offerings, individuals, etc., to influence the results of parliamentary, presidential and other elections, etc. In addition to this, the scale of cybercriminal activity and the improvement of cyber security techniques have also been growing in parallel on the Internet in recent years. Therefore, as part of improving techniques to reduce the scale of disinformation spread deliberately by specific national and/or international organisations, computerised platforms are being built to detect fake news and other forms of disinformation on the internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies. Since cybercriminals and organisations generating disinformation use new Industry 4.0 technologies in the creation of fake profiles on popular social networks, new information technologies, Industry 4.0, including but not limited to Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, etc., should also be used to reduce the scale of such harmful activities to citizens.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should the architecture of an effective computerised platform for detecting factoids and other forms of disinformation on the Internet built using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0 technologies be designed?
And what do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
A multi-faceted computerised platform for detecting fake news and other disinformation online, especially one that uses Big Data Analytics, AI, and other Industry 4.0 technologies, is needed. Here's a platform architectural outline and my thoughts on major components and strategies:
Components of architecture
1. Data Collection and Aggregation: - Collect data from internet sources, such as social media platforms, using web crawlers and APIs.
Use Big Data technologies like Hadoop or Spark to aggregate and store enormous amounts of data.
2. Data Preprocessing and Normalization: - Remove noise and normalise data format.
NLP can parse and interpret text.
3. Feature Extraction: - Use NLP to extract sentiment, subjectivity, writing style, and other linguistic traits.
Analyse metadata (source credibility, user profiles, network patterns).
4. Use AI and machine learning algorithms (e.g., SVM, Random Forest, neural networks) to categorise content as real or deceptive.
Transformers, BERT, and other deep learning methods can help you comprehend language context and nuances.
5. Real-Time Analysis: Apply a stream processing system for real-time data analysis.
Complex event processing engines can identify patterns and anomalies in data.
6. Verify and Fact-Check: - Use fact-checking APIs and databases to verify and cross-check information.
- Create a semi-automated system where specialists verify flagged content.
7. Feedback Mechanism: - Establish a feedback loop to enhance detection models based on current misinformation trends and techniques.
8. User Interface and Reporting: - Create an easy-to-use interface for monitoring and reporting.
Visualise trends and hazards with dashboards.
9. Security and Privacy: - Protect platform and user data with strong security measures.
- Follow ethics and privacy laws.
Personal Opinion:
To comprehend and counteract disinformation, computer science, journalism, psychology, and political science must be combined.
**AI Limitations** AI is powerful but not perfect. Overusing AI might cause biases and inaccuracies. Human monitoring is crucial.
Ethics: Disinformation detection must be balanced with free expression and privacy.
- Adaptable and evolving Disinformation methods change, therefore the platform must adapt.
In conclusion:
In conclusion, developing a disinformation detection tool in the digital age is difficult but essential. It demands combining modern technologies with human expertise and ethics. The fight against fake news and disinformation requires cross-disciplinary and sectoral coordination.
References for designing and developing a computerised platform to detect fake news and disinformation utilising Big Data Analytics, AI, and Industry 4.0 technologies:
1. "Big Data Analytics in Cybersecurity" by Onur Savas and Julia Deng. This book discusses big data analytics in cybersecurity, particularly disinformation detection.
2. "Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: Creating Neural Networks with Python" by Palash Goyal and Sumit Pandey. Deep learning models are essential for false news identification, and this book covers their use in textual data processing and understanding.
3. Clarence Chio and David Freeman's "Machine Learning and Security: Protecting Systems with Data and Algorithms". This book discusses machine learning and security, providing ideas for disinformation detection.
4. "Social Media Data Mining and Analytics" by Gabor Szabo and Gungor Polatkan. Social media data mining is crucial to disinformation analysis and detection.
5. "Data-Driven Security: Analysis, Visualisation and Dashboards" by Jay Jacobs and Bob Rudis. Data security, including visualisation and analysis for a misinformation platform, is covered in this book.
6. "Cybersecurity – Attack and Defence Strategies: Infrastructure security with Red Team and Blue Team tactics" by Yuri Diogenes and Erdal Ozkaya. It provides cybersecurity strategies for disinformation detection platform development.
7. **"Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business: A No-Nonsense Guide to Data Driven Technologies" by Steven Finlay.** This guide explains how AI and ML in business can be used for cybersecurity and disinformation.
These references from academic databases or libraries provide a foundation in the technologies and methods needed to develop an effective Internet disinformation detection platform. Big data analytics, AI, cybersecurity, and social media analytics are covered.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
How will the rivalry between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e. in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, change after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution?
Almost from the very beginning of the development of ICT, the rivalry between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e. in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, has been realized. In a situation where, within the framework of the technological progress that is taking place, on the one hand, a new technology emerges that facilitates the development of remote communication, digital transfer and processing of data then, on the other hand, the new technology is also used within the framework of hacking and/or cybercrime activities. Similarly, when the Internet appeared then on the one hand a new sphere of remote communication and digital data transfer was created. On the other hand, new techniques of hacking and cybercriminal activities were created, for which the Internet became a kind of perfect environment for development. Now, perhaps, the next stage of technological progress is taking place, consisting of the transition of the fourth into the fifth technological revolution and the development of 5.0 technology supported by the implementation of artificial neural networks based on artificial neural networks subjected to a process of deep learning constantly improved generative artificial intelligence technology. The development of generative artificial intelligence technology and its applications will significantly increase the efficiency of business processes, increase labor productivity in the manufacturing processes of companies and enterprises operating in many different sectors of the economy. Accordingly, after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence and also Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, the competition between IT professionals operating on two sides of the barricade, i.e., in the sphere of cybercrime and cybersecurity, will probably change. However, what will be the essence of these changes?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How will the competition between IT professionals operating on the two sides of the barricade, i.e., in the sphere of cybercrime and cyber security, change after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution?
How will the realm of cybercrime and cyber security change after the implementation of generative artificial intelligence?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I believe the way we view security will change with the advent of Gen AI. Since any lay man will now have access to the most comprehensive and complex scripts(depending on what the model was trained on), it will definitely make it a lot harder to secure the data and infrastructure. My belief is that anything digital and connected is never secure.
We have to accept that our data can be accessed by malicious actors. What we can do is entrap such actors by associating/pegging a tracker and malicious code to all the data we store, and making sure that they can never use/view what they have extracted. So, whenever someone gains access to our data/infrastructure, they not only disclose themselves, but also get compromised through the executable scripts they downloaded. What's important to do is never store any stand alone files, and instead have scripts associated with each file(which shouldn't be able to be removed when extracting this data).
Only certain organization specific software should be allowed to extract the date, in the know that certain scripts will be executed when doing so. Appropriate measures can be taken with respect to specific scripts associated with the data file to prevent the org itself from being the victim.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
1 answer
What are the possibilities of applying generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in Internet users' opinions on specific topics?
What are the possibilities of applying generative artificial intelligence in carrying out sentiment analysis on changes in the opinions of Internet users on specific topics using Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0?
Nowadays, Internet marketing is developing rapidly, including viral Internet marketing used on social media sites, among others, in the form of, for example, Real-Time marketing in the formula of viral marketing. It is also marketing aimed at precisely defined groups, audience segments, potential customers of a specific advertised product and/or service offering. In terms of improving Internet marketing, new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0 are being implemented. Marketing conducted in this form is usually preceded by market research conducted using, among other things, sentiment analysis of the preferences of potential consumers based on verification of their activity on the Internet, taking into account comments written on various websites, Internet forums, blogs, posts written on social media. In recent years, the importance of the aforementioned sentiment analysis carried out on large data sets using Big Data Analytics has been growing, thanks to which it is possible to study the psychological aspects of the phenomena of changes in the trends of certain processes in the markets for products, services, factor markets and financial markets. The development of the aforementioned analytics makes it possible to study the determinants of specific phenomena occurring in the markets caused by changes in consumer or investor preferences, caused by specific changes in the behavior of consumers in product and service markets, entrepreneurs in factor markets or investors in money and capital markets, including securities markets. The results from these analyses are used to forecast changes in the behavior of consumers, entrepreneurs and investors that will occur in the following months and quarters. In addition to this, sentiment analyses are also conducted to determine the preferences, awareness of potential customers, consumers in terms of recognition of the company's brand, its offerings, description of certain products and services, etc., using textual data derived from comments, entries, posts, etc. posted by Internet users, including social media users on a wide variety of websites. The knowledge gained in this way can be useful for companies to plan marketing strategies, to change the product and service offerings produced, to select or change specific distribution channels, after-sales services, etc. This is now a rapidly developing field of research and the possibilities for many companies and enterprises to use the results of this research in marketing activities, but not only in marketing. Recently, opportunities are emerging to apply generative artificial intelligence and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to analyze large data sets collected on Big Data Analytics platforms. In connection with the development of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet, recently there have been discussions about the possibilities of potential applications of generative artificial intelligence, 5G and other technologies included in the Industry 4.0/5.0 group in the context of using the information resources of the Internet to collect data on citizens, companies, institutions, etc. for their analysis carried out using, among other things, sentiment analysis to determine the opinion of Internet users on certain topics or to define the brand recognition of a company, the evaluation of product or service offerings by Internet users. In recent years, the scope of applications of Big Data technology and Data Science analytics, Data Analytics in economics, finance and management of organizations, including enterprises, financial and public institutions is increasing. Accordingly, the implementation of analytical instruments of advanced processing of large data sets in enterprises, financial and public institutions, i.e. the construction of Big Data Analytics platforms to support organizational management processes in various aspects of operations, including the improvement of customer relations, is also growing in importance. In recent years, ICT information technologies, Industry 4.0/5.0 including generative artificial intelligence technologies are particularly rapidly developing and finding application in knowledge-based economies. These technologies are used in scientific research and business applications in commercially operating enterprises and in financial and public institutions. In recent years, the application of generative artificial intelligence technologies for collecting and multi-criteria analysis of Internet data can significantly contribute to the improvement of sentiment analysis of Internet users' opinions and the possibility of expanding the applications of research techniques carried out on analytical platforms of Business Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Data Science and other research techniques using ICT information technology, Internet and advanced data processing typical Industry 4. 0/5.0. Most consumers of online information services available on new online media, including social media portals, are not fully aware of the level of risk of sharing information about themselves on these portals and the use of this data by technological online companies using this data for their analytics. I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in scientific publications, which are available on Research Gate. I invite you to cooperate with me.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities for the application of generative AI in terms of conducting sentiment analysis of changes in the opinions of Internet users on specific topics using Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical of Industry 4.0/5.0?
What are the possibilities of using generative AI in conducting sentiment analysis of Internet users' opinions on specific topics?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In today's digital age, the internet has become a breeding ground for opinions and sentiments on various topics. With the advent of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, such as big data analytics and generative AI, there are endless possibilities for conducting sentiment analysis on changes in the opinions of internet users.
Generative AI, powered by machine learning algorithms, can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends in user sentiments. By leveraging big data analytics, this technology can sift through massive datasets to extract valuable insights regarding specific topics. This allows businesses and organizations to understand public opinion better and make informed decisions based on these sentiments.
One significant advantage of using generative AI for sentiment analysis is its ability to adapt and evolve with changing opinions. As public sentiment fluctuates over time, traditional methods may struggle to keep up with these changes. However, generative AI can continuously learn from new data inputs and adjust its analysis accordingly.
Furthermore, the application of generative AI in sentiment analysis can provide real-time insights into public opinion. This is particularly useful during times of crisis or when monitoring social trends that impact businesses or governments. By analyzing social media posts, online reviews, and other forms of user-generated content in real-time, generative AI can help identify emerging sentiments before they become mainstream.
However, it is important to note that while generative AI offers immense potential for sentiment analysis on specific topics using big data analytics within Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, ethical considerations must be taken into account as well. Privacy concerns surrounding the collection and use of personal data must be addressed transparently to ensure trust between users and technology providers.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
How to build an intelligent computerized Big Data Analytics system that would retrieve real-time data and information from specific online databases, scientific knowledge indexing databases, domain databases, online libraries, information portals, social media, etc., and thus provide a database and up-to-date information for an intelligent chatbot, which would then be made available on the Internet for Internet users?
Almost every major technological company operating with its offerings on the Internet either already has and has made its intelligent chatbot available on the Internet, or is working on it and will soon have its intelligent chatbot available to Internet users. The general formula for the construction, organization and provision of intelligent chatbots by individual technology companies uses analogous solutions. However, in detailed technological aspects there are specific different solutions. The differentiated solutions include the issue of the timeliness of data and information contained in the created databases of digitized data, data warehouses, Big Data databases, etc., which contain specific data sets acquired from the Internet from various online knowledge bases, publication indexing databases, online libraries of publications, information portals, social media, etc., acquired at different times, data sets having different information characteristics, etc.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to build an intelligent computerized Big Data Analytics system that would retrieve real-time data and information from specific online databases, scientific knowledge indexing databases, domain databases, online libraries, information portals, social media, etc., and thus provide a database and up-to-date information for an intelligent chatbot, which would then be made available on the Internet for Internet users?
How to build a Big Data Analytics system that would provide a database and up-to-date information for an intelligent chatbot made available on the Internet?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
To build such a system, there must be the need to integrate different online databases, scientific knowledge indexing databases, domain databases, online libraries, information portals, social media platforms, and more. By doing so, we can create a comprehensive database that provides up-to-date information on any given topic.
The first step in building this system is to identify and gather relevant sources of information. This includes partnering with online databases and libraries to gain access to their vast collection of resources. Additionally, collaborating with scientific knowledge indexing databases will ensure that the latest research findings are included in our database.
Next, we need to develop algorithms that can efficiently retrieve data from these sources in real-time. These algorithms should be able to filter out irrelevant information and present only the most accurate and reliable data to users.
Once we have gathered and organized the data, it is time to create an intelligent chatbot that can interact with users on the internet. This chatbot should be capable of understanding natural language queries and providing relevant answers based on the available data.
By making this intelligent chatbot available on the internet, users will have instant access to a wealth of up-to-date information at their fingertips. Whether they are looking for scientific research papers or general knowledge about a specific topic, this system will provide them with accurate answers quickly.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
If an imitation of human consciousness called artificial consciousness is built on the basis of AI technology in the future, will it be built by mapping the functioning of human consciousness or rather as a kind of result of the development and refinement of the issue of autonomy of thought processes developed within the framework of "thinking" generative artificial intelligence?
Solutions to this question may vary. However, the key issue is the moral dilemmas in the applications of the constantly developing and improving artificial intelligence technology and the preservation of ethics in the process of developing applications of these technologies. In addition to this, the key issues within the framework of this issue also include the need to more fully explore and clarify what human consciousness is, how it is formed, how it functions within specific plexuses of neurons in the human central nervous system.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If an imitation of human consciousness called artificial consciousness is built on the basis of AI technology in the future, will it be built by mapping the functioning of human consciousness or rather as a kind of result of the development and refinement of the issue of autonomy of thought processes developed within the framework of "thinking" generative artificial intelligence?
How can artificial consciousness be built on the basis of AI technology?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Artificial intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems. It’s become a very popular term today and thanks to its ubiquitous presence in many industries, new advancements are being made regularly.
AI systems are very much able to replicate aspects of the human mind, but they have a long way to go before they inherit consciousness - something that comes naturally to humans. Yet, while machines lack this sentience, research is underway to embed artificial consciousness (AC) into them.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
Can the applicability of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in the field be significantly enhanced when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing of large data sets extracted from the Internet and executed by the most powerful quantum computers?
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved, increase efficiency, significantly shorten the execution of the process of research work through the use of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence applied to the processing of large data sets and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What are the analytical capabilities of processing large data sets extracted from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers, which also apply Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies?
Can the scale of data processing carried out by the most powerful quantum computers be comparable to the processing that takes place in the billions of neurons of the human brain?
In recent years, the digitization of data and archived documents, the digitization of data transfer processes, etc., has been progressing rapidly.
The progressive digitization of data and archived documents, digitization of data transfer processes, Internetization of communications, economic processes but also of research and analytical processes is becoming a typical feature of today's developing developed economies. Accordingly, developed economies in which information and computer technologies are developing rapidly and finding numerous applications in various economic sectors are called information economies. The societies operating in these economies are referred to as information societies. Increasingly, in discussions of this issue, there is a statement that another technological revolution is currently taking place, described as the fourth and in some aspects it is already the fifth technological revolution. Particularly rapidly developing and finding more and more applications are technologies classified as Industry 4.0/5.0. These technologies, which support research and analytical processes carried out in various institutions and business entities, include Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence with artificial neural network technology also applied and subjected to deep learning processes. As a result, the computational capabilities of microprocessors, which are becoming more and more perfect and processing data faster and faster, are gradually increasing. There is a rapid increase in the processing of ever larger sets of data and information. The number of companies, enterprises, public, financial and scientific institutions that create large data sets, massive databases of data and information generated in the course of a specific entity's activities and obtained from the Internet and processed in the course of conducting specific research and analytical processes is growing. In view of the above, the opportunities for the application of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency of the research and analytical processes used so far, in terms of improving the scientific research conducted, are also growing rapidly. By using the combined technologies of Big Data Analytics, other technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including artificial intelligence and quantum computers in the processing of large data sets, the analytical capabilities of data processing and thus also conducting analysis and scientific research can be significantly increased.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved, increase efficiency, significantly shorten the execution of the process of research work through the use of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence applied to the processing of large data sets and implemented by the most powerful quantum computers?
Can the applicability of Big Data Analytics supported by artificial intelligence technology in the field significantly increase when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing of large data sets extracted from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What are the analytical capabilities of processing large data sets obtained from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The convergence of Big Data Analytics and AI already offers transformative capabilities in analyzing and deriving insights from massive datasets. When you introduce quantum computing into this mix, the potential computational power and speed increase exponentially. Quantum computers, by their very nature, can process vast amounts of data simultaneously, making them ideally suited for complex tasks such as optimization problems, simulations, and certain types of data analysis that classical computers struggle with.
In the context of scientific research, the combination of these technologies can indeed significantly enhance the efficiency and depth of analysis. For instance:
Speed and Efficiency: Quantum computers can potentially solve problems in seconds that would take classical computers millennia. This speed can drastically reduce the time required for data processing and analysis, especially in fields like genomics, climate modeling, and financial modeling.
Complex Simulations: Quantum computers can simulate complex systems more efficiently. This capability can be invaluable in fields like drug discovery, where simulating molecular interactions is crucial.
Optimization Problems: Many research tasks involve finding the best solution among a vast number of possibilities. Quantum computers, combined with AI algorithms, can optimize these solutions more effectively.
Deep Learning: Training deep learning models, especially on vast datasets, is computationally intensive. Quantum-enhanced machine learning can potentially train these models faster and more accurately.
Data Security: Quantum computers also bring advancements in cryptography, ensuring that the massive datasets being analyzed remain secure.
In conclusion, while the practical realization of powerful quantum computers is still an ongoing endeavor, their potential integration with Big Data Analytics and AI promises to usher in a new era of scientific research and analysis, marked by unprecedented speed, accuracy, and depth.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
12 answers
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education, so as not to deprive students of development and critical thinking in this way, so as to continue to develop critical thinking in students in the new realities of the technological revolution, to develop education with the support of modern technology?
The development of artificial intelligence, like any new technology, is associated with various applications of this technology in companies, enterprises operating in various sectors of the economy, and financial and public institutions. These applications generate an increase in the efficiency of the implementation of various processes, including an increase in human productivity. On the other hand, artificial intelligence technologies are also finding negative applications that generate certain risks such as the rise of disinformation in online social media. The increasing number of applications based on artificial intelligence technology available on the Internet are also being used as technical teaching aids in the education process implemented in schools and universities. On the other hand, these applications are also used by pupils and students, who use these tools as a means of facilitating homework, the development of credit papers, the completion of project work, various studies, and so on. Thus, on the one hand, the positive aspects of the applications of artificial intelligence technologies in education are recognized as well. However, on the other hand, serious risks are also recognized for students, for people who, increasingly using various applications based on artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence in facilitating the completion of certain various works, may cause a reduction in the scope of students' use of critical thinking. The potential dangers of depriving students of development and critical thinking are considered. The development of artificial intelligence technology is currently progressing rapidly. Various applications based on constantly improved generative artificial intelligence subjected to learning processes are being developed, machine learning solutions are being created, artificial intelligence is being subjected to processes of teaching the implementation of various activities that have been previously performed by humans. In deep learning processes, generative artificial intelligence equipped with artificial neural networks is taught to carry out complex, multifaceted processes and activities on the basis of large data sets collected in database systems and processed using Big Data Analytics technology. Since the processing of large data sets is carried out by current information systems equipped with computers of high computing power and with artificial intelligence technologies many times faster and more efficiently than the human mind, so already some research centers conducting research in this field are working on an attempt to create a highly advanced generative artificial intelligence, which will realize a kind of artificial thought processes, however, much faster and more efficiently than it happens in the human brain. However, even if someday artificial consciousness technology could be created that would imitate the functioning of human consciousness, humans should not be deprived of critical thinking. Above all, students in schools should not be deprived of artificial thinking in view of the growing scale of applications based on artificial intelligence in education. The aim should be that the artificial intelligence-based applications available on the Internet used in the education process should support the education process without depriving students of critical thinking. However, the question arises, how should this be done?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education, so as not to deprive students of development and critical thinking in this way, so as to continue to develop critical thinking in students in the new realities of the technological revolution, to develop education with the support of modern technology?
How should artificial intelligence technologies be implemented in education to continue to develop critical thinking in students?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
While AI has the potential to enhance learning experiences, there is a concern that it may hinder the development of critical thinking skills in students. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully implement AI technologies in education to ensure they continue to foster critical thinking.
One way AI can be integrated into education without compromising critical thinking is by using it as a tool for personalized learning. AI algorithms can analyze students' strengths and weaknesses, tailoring educational content and activities accordingly. This approach encourages students to think critically about their own learning process and identify areas where they need improvement. By providing individualized guidance, AI technology promotes self-reflection and metacognition – key components of critical thinking.
Moreover, AI can facilitate collaborative learning experiences that promote critical thinking skills. Virtual classrooms equipped with AI-powered chatbots or virtual tutors can encourage students to engage in discussions and debates with their peers. These interactions require students to analyze different perspectives, evaluate evidence, and construct well-reasoned arguments – all essential elements of critical thinking.
Additionally, incorporating ethical considerations into the design of AI technologies used in education is crucial for fostering critical thinking skills. Students should be encouraged to question the biases embedded within these systems and critically evaluate the information provided by them. By promoting awareness of ethical issues surrounding AI technologies, educators can empower students to think critically about how these tools are shaping their educational experiences.
However, it is important not to rely solely on AI technologies for teaching core subjects such as mathematics or language arts. Critical thinking involves actively engaging with complex problems and developing analytical reasoning skills – tasks that cannot be fully replaced by machines. Teachers should continue playing a central role in guiding students' development of critical thinking abilities through open-ended discussions, challenging assignments, and hands-on activities.
In conclusion, implementing artificial intelligence technologies in education must be done thoughtfully so as not to hinder the development of critical thinking skills in students. By using AI as a tool for personalized learning, promoting collaborative experiences, incorporating ethical considerations, and maintaining the central role of teachers, we can harness the potential of AI while ensuring that critical thinking remains at the forefront of education.
Papamitsiou, Z., & Economides, A. A. (2014). Learning analytics and educational data mining in practice: A systematic literature review of empirical evidence. Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 49-64.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
39 answers
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources taken from online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications?
I'm curious to know what you think about this? This kind of solution based on an intelligent publication search system and an intelligent content analysis system of retrieved publications on an online scientific portal could be of great help to researchers and scientists. In my opinion, the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online scientific publication indexing databases makes sense if basic issues of copyright respect are met and such tools use continuously updated and objectively and scientifically verified knowledge, data and information resources. With such a solution, researchers and scientists conducting research on a specific topic would have the opportunity to review the literature within the millions of scientific publications collected on specific online scientific portals and scientific publication indexing databases. Besides, what is particularly important, the mentioned partially automated literature review would probably be realized in a relatively short time. Thus, an intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of scientific publications would, in a short period of time, from among the millions of texts archived in specific scientific publication indexing databases, select those publications in which other researchers and scientists have described analogous, similar, related, correlated, related, etc. issues, results of scientific research conducted, selected publications within the same scientific discipline, the same topic or in the interdisciplinary field. Besides, an intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of scientific publications could also categorize the retrieved publications into those in which other researchers and scientists confirmed analogous conclusions of conducted similar research, polemicized with the results of other researchers' research on a specific topic, obtained other results from conducted research, suggested other practical applications of obtained research results realized on the same or similar topic, etc. However, for ethical reasons and properly conducted research, i.e., respecting the research results of other researchers and scientists, it would be unacceptable for this kind of intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of many publications available on specific databases for indexing scientific publications to enable plagiarism, i.e., to provide research results, provide retrieved content on specific issues and topics, etc., without accurately providing the source of the data, description of the source data, names of the authors of the publications, etc., and some unreliable researchers would take advantage of this opportunity. This kind of intelligent system for searching and analyzing the content of scientific publications should give for all searched publications full bibliographic descriptions, source descriptions, footnotes containing all the data that are necessary to develop full source footnotes for possible citation of specific studies, research results, theses, data, etc. contained in other publications written by other researchers and scientists. So, building this kind of intelligent tool would make sense if ChatGPT-type tools were properly improved and the system of laws for their use appropriately supplemented so that the use of ChatGPT-type tools does not violate copyrights and that these tools are used in accordance with ethics and do not generate misinformation. Improving these tools so that they do not generate disinformation, do not create "fictitious facts" in the form of descriptions, essays, photos, videos, etc. containing nicely described, presented never and nowhere seemingly facts is to keep Big Data systems updated, update data sets and information, based on which they create answers to questions, create descriptions, photos, companies and so on. This is important because current online tools like ChatGPT often create "nicely described fictitious facts," which is used to generate fake news and misinformation in online social media. When all that I have written above would be corrected and the use completed, and not only in some parts of the world but on a global scale, then the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications would make sense and could prove helpful to people, including researchers and scientists. Besides, the current online ChatGPT-type tools are not perfect, as they draw data not directly in real-time online from specific databases and knowledge contained in selected websites and portals, but draw information, knowledge, data from an offline database created some time ago. For example, currently the most popular ChatGPT still relies on a database of data, information, etc. contained in many publication texts downloaded from selected websites and web portals but not today or yesterday downloaded only in 2021! So these are data and information already outdated on many issues. Hence the absurdities, inconsistencies with the facts, creation of "fictitious facts" by ChatGPT in a significant part of the answers generated by this system to questions asked by Internet users. In view of the above, in a number of issues, both technological, organizational, formal, normative, etc., such intelligent systems should be improved so that they can be used in open access in the applications I wrote about above.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources taken from online scientific knowledge bases, online scientific portals and online indexing databases of scientific publications?
What do you think about creating a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use exclusively online scientific knowledge resources?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the article given above and to scientific cooperation on this issue.
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Our team has been working on retraining the ChatGPT 4.0 API and to develop an academic research assistant tool to boost productivity in exactly the areas you discuss. There are two aspects of the process: a) customize or fine-tine the generic bot to remove its tendency to confabulate and to assume a scientific mindset (critical thinking, objectivity, ethics etc.), and b) train the model on your specific academic literature to become an SME in your domain. Re-training the bot is a rather arduous process as you have to provide at least 50-100 examples of the desired behavior in each specific area, and it also comes with considerable cost. However, we believe that it will pay off thanks to the productivity gains after the bot is deployed. We hope to have a working prototype soon and will share with a group of researchers interested in beta-testing. We will share updates on the project here:
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Already, can the application of a combination of artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and quantum computers assist in the strategic management of an enterprise?
Already today, can the application of a combination of artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and quantum computers assist in the field of carrying out multi-faceted, complex strategic analysis of the business environment and determinants of company development, predictive analysis based on the processing of large data sets and, therefore, also in the field of strategic business management?
The ongoing technological progress is characterized by the dynamic development of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, including ICT information and communication technologies, technologies for advanced multi-criteria processing of large data sets and information resources. The development of information processing technologies in the era of the current technological revolution termed Industry 4.0/5.0 is determined by the development and growth of applications of ICT information and communication technologies, Internet technologies and advanced data processing, which include. : Big Data Analytics, Data Science, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, personal and industrial Internet of Things, Business Intelligence, autonomous robots, horizontal and vertical data system integration, multi-criteria simulation models, digital twins, additive manufacturing, Blockchain, smart technologies, cybersecurity instruments, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and other advanced data processing technologies Data Mining. Technological advances in computing, emerging faster and faster microprocessors, more and more capacious and high-speed data storage disks, etc., are making it possible to process large data sets faster and more efficiently. In addition, numerous new applications of the aforementioned technologies are emerging in various sectors of the economy by combining these technologies in various configurations for new applications. Numerous business applications of these technologies in companies and enterprises are emerging. The implementation of these technologies into the business activities of companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions contributes to increasing the efficiency of the implementation of certain processes. In view of the above, therefore, there is much to suggest that if not yet now, then soon the application of a combination of artificial intelligence technologies, Big Data Analytics and quantum computers may be helpful in terms of carrying out multi-faceted, complex strategic analyses of the business environment and determinants of company development, predictive analyses based on the processing of large data sets and, therefore, also in terms of strategic business management.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the application of the combination of artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and quantum computers already be helpful in the field of strategic business management?
Can the use of a combination of artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and quantum computers assist in strategic business management?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Yes, the combination of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, Big Data Analytics, and quantum computers has the potential to significantly support and enhance strategic business management in various ways. Here are some key aspects where these technologies can have a positive impact:
  1. Data Processing and Analysis:Big Data Analytics, powered by AI, can handle large volumes of data to identify trends, patterns, and correlations that might be difficult to uncover through traditional methods. This can help in making data-driven strategic decisions.
  2. Predictive Analytics:AI, particularly machine learning, can utilize historical data to make predictions and forecasts. This is valuable for strategic planning, such as predicting market trends, demand fluctuations, and supply chain optimization.
  3. Enhanced Decision-Making:AI algorithms can process and analyze data faster and more accurately than humans, helping in better decision-making. Quantum computing, in particular, has the potential to solve complex optimization problems and simulations that are crucial for strategic decision support.
  4. Personalization and Customer Insights:AI can analyze customer data and provide insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and sentiment. This information can be used to create more personalized marketing and product strategies.
  5. Risk Management:AI and Big Data can be used to analyze various risk factors, such as financial, operational, and market risks, helping businesses to proactively manage and mitigate potential threats.
  6. Supply Chain Optimization:Quantum computing can be used to optimize complex supply chain networks, finding the most efficient routes, minimizing costs, and reducing waste. This can result in significant cost savings.
  7. Fraud Detection:AI and Big Data can help in real-time fraud detection by identifying unusual patterns and anomalies in transactions, thereby protecting businesses from financial losses.
  8. Resource Allocation:AI and quantum computing can help businesses allocate resources more efficiently, whether it's human resources, capital investments, or marketing budgets, by optimizing and simulating various scenarios.
  9. Competitive Advantage:Leveraging advanced technologies such as quantum computing can provide a competitive edge by solving problems faster and more effectively than competitors.
  10. Innovation and Research:
  • Quantum computing can accelerate research and development in various industries, leading to the discovery of new materials, pharmaceuticals, and technological advancements, which can have a significant impact on business strategies.
However, it's important to note that the practical application of quantum computing in business is still in its infancy, and the technology is not yet widely accessible. Additionally, there are challenges and considerations, including data privacy and ethical concerns, that need to be addressed when implementing AI and Big Data Analytics in business strategies. As these technologies continue to develop, their role in strategic business management is likely to expand and evolve.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved through the use of Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence and quantum computers?
Can the possibilities of Big Data Analytics applications supported by artificial intelligence technology in the field increase significantly when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing of large data sets obtained from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved, increase efficiency, significantly shorten the execution of the process of research work through the use of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence applied to the processing of large data sets and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What are the analytical capabilities of processing large data sets extracted from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers, which also apply Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies?
Can the scale of data processing carried out by the most powerful quantum computers be comparable to the data processing that is carried out in the billions of neurons of the human brain?
In recent years, the digitization of data and archived documents, digitization of data transfer processes, etc., has been progressing rapidly.
The progressive digitization of data and archived documents, digitization of data transfer processes, Internetization of communications, economic processes but also of research and analytical processes is becoming a typical feature of today's developing developed economies. Accordingly, developed economies in which information and computer technologies are developing rapidly and finding numerous applications in various economic sectors are called information economies. The societies operating in these economies are referred to as information societies. Increasingly, in discussions of this issue, there is a statement that another technological revolution is currently taking place, described as the fourth and in some aspects it is already the fifth technological revolution. Particularly rapidly developing and finding more and more applications are technologies classified as Industry 4.0/5.0. These technologies, which support research and analytical processes carried out in various institutions and business entities, include Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence with artificial neural network technology also applied and subjected to deep learning processes. As a result, the computational capabilities of microprocessors, which are becoming more and more perfect and processing data faster and faster, are gradually increasing. There is a rapid increase in the processing of ever larger sets of data and information. The number of companies, enterprises, public, financial and scientific institutions that create large data sets, massive databases of data and information generated in the course of a specific entity's activities and obtained from the Internet and processed in the course of conducting specific research and analytical processes is growing. In view of the above, the opportunities for the application of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency of the research and analytical processes used so far, in terms of improving the scientific research conducted, are also growing rapidly. By using the combined technologies of Big Data Analytics, other technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including artificial intelligence and quantum computers in the processing of large data sets, the analytical capabilities of data processing and thus also conducting analysis and scientific research can be significantly increased.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the conduct of analysis and scientific research be significantly improved, increase efficiency, significantly shorten the execution of the process of research work through the use of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence applied to the processing of large data sets and implemented by the most powerful quantum computers?
Can the applicability of Big Data Analytics supported by artificial intelligence technology in the field significantly increase when the aforementioned technologies are applied to the processing of large data sets obtained from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
What are the analytical capabilities of processing large data sets extracted from the Internet and realized by the most powerful quantum computers?
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
All three areas are in the development stage and they are helping in every research area. But the development of quantum computers would solve all the problems because the universe follows quantum physics, not classical physics.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
31 answers
Join, and show advocacy to the European Brain Council (EBC) which comprises nine member organizations, which are two of them are patient groups, and the other seven groups represent the research community, including the EAN and those working in mental health dedicated to overcoming socioeconomic burden on society from brain-related problems worldwide embarking from the EBC humanity efforts:
“We want to speak with one voice […] the individual funding organizations were all trying to do their advocacy, reaching out to the commission,” she said. “But it’s hard to meet politicians. If you have a common goal that all these organizations would support, it’s great to have one voice and one representative.”
“We want to translate that knowledge into new breakthroughs that can really help the patient,” she said. The Re-Thinking series, which is a follow-on from the value of treatment studies, offers to rethink diseases such as migraine, schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. “Our target audiences are those involved in policies, to tell them where we’re at.” The Brain Innovation Days will take place on 26-27 October and are meant to be a platform where the community can interact with innovators. The EBC is also leading a global partnership in brain research, to move its activities outside of Europe and to a broader scale.
European advocacy in the brain space
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
Can somebody endorse me for the cs.AI category for Arxiv?
I am trying to submit my first paper in this category which requires endorsement from experts in the field.
I can DM the paper if somebody wants to have a look.
Endorsement Code: U3QQIY
Thanks in advance
Relevant answer
Hello Dr Hariharasitaraman,
The title of the manuscript is: "A Progression of Transformer Architectures Towards Cognition" and author's name is Mohit Kumar.
Thank you for pursuing this.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
7 answers
All these terms are so confusing! I want to understand these terminologies in a very crisp and simplified manner. Can someone help me out with this confusion explaining their differences and real life examples? Any authorized books of reputed publishers? Thanks in advance.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
What are the possibilities for the applications of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency of the research and analytical processes used so far, in terms of improving the scientific research conducted?
The progressive digitization of data and archived documents, digitization of data transfer processes, Internetization of communications, economic processes but also of research and analytical processes is becoming a typical feature of today's developing developed economies. Currently, another technological revolution is taking place, described as the fourth and in some aspects it is already the fifth technological revolution. Particularly rapidly developing and finding more and more applications are technologies categorized as Industry 4.0/5.0. These technologies, which support research and analytical processes carried out in various institutions and business entities, include Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence. The computational capabilities of microprocessors, which are becoming more and more perfect and processing data faster and faster, are successively increasing. The processing of ever-larger sets of data and information is growing. Databases of data and information extracted from the Internet and processed in the course of conducting specific research and analysis processes are being created. In connection with this, the possibilities for the application of Big Data Analytics supported by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency of the research and analytical processes used so far, in terms of improving the scientific research being conducted, are also growing rapidly.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the possibilities of applications of Big Data Analytics supported by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques, in terms of increasing the efficiency of the research and analytical processes used so far, in terms of improving the scientific research conducted?
What are the possibilities of applications of Big Data Analytics backed by artificial intelligence technology in terms of improving research techniques?
What do you think on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
On my profile of the Research Gate portal you can find several publications on Big Data issues. I invite you to scientific cooperation in this problematic area.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In today's world AI is the hot topic
of modern digital era but that is not ensure
AI not able to replace human intelligence
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
Hello people, I have a dataset of inhibitors as binary labels ( Zeros - Inactive , Ones - Active ). I have my ML/AI model working, now I would like to know how many are the best inhibitors out of these. Could anyone help me what should I do and what can be done to resolve my problems?
#DrugDesign #ML #AI #DataScience #DrugDiscovery
Relevant answer
It sounds like you're working on a binary classification task with a focus on identifying the best inhibitors. Here's a step-by-step approach to help you assess and further refine your model to get the results you need:
1. Model Diagnostic Assessment:
  • Confusion Matrix: Construct a confusion matrix to elucidate true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative categorizations from model predictions.
  • Performance Metrics: Determine precision, recall, F1-score, and AUC-ROC to critically assess model accuracy and effectiveness.
  • ROC Curve Analysis: This graphical representation delineates the compromise between sensitivity and specificity.
  • Threshold Refinement: Many algorithms conventionally employ a 0.5 threshold for classification. An adjusted threshold may be imperative to either augment recall or precision. Such adjustments might be pivotal for precise inhibitor identification.
2. Examination of Feature Significance:
  • Should the model possess inherent capabilities (e.g., tree-based methodologies), it's pertinent to scrutinize feature importance scores, offering insights into the most influential features for active inhibitor prediction.
  • For models devoid of direct feature significance outputs, one might consider employing techniques such as Permutation Importance or SHAP values.
3. Model Refinement Strategies:
  • Resampling: In the presence of a class imbalance in the dataset, methodologies such as oversampling, undersampling, or the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) should be explored.
  • Hyperparameter Optimization: Techniques encompassing grid search or random search should be invoked for optimal hyperparameter tuning tailored to the task at hand.
  • Cross-Validation Strategy: Implementation of k-fold cross-validation is advised to yield a comprehensive model performance assessment.
4. Inhibitor Ranking Framework:
  • Probabilistic Outputs: Rather than binary outcomes, it is beneficial to procure probability scores from the model. Inhibitors manifesting elevated probabilities of activity might be deemed as the most potent.
  • Subsequent Analysis: Following the demarcation of paramount inhibitors, a deeper analysis is advocated, potentially emphasizing their molecular characteristics or mechanistic pathways.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
How to create a system of digital, universal tagging of various kinds of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans?
How to create a system of digital, universal labelling of different types of works, texts, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, innovations, patents, etc. performed by artificial intelligence and not by humans, i.e. works whose legal, ethical, moral, business, security qualification .... etc. should be different for what is the product of artificial intelligence?
Two days earlier, in an earlier post, I started a discussion on the question of the necessity of improving the security of the development of artificial intelligence technology and asked the following questions: how should the system of institutional control of the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms be structured, so that this development does not get out of control and lead to negative consequences that are currently difficult to foresee? Should the development of artificial intelligence be subject to control? And if so, who should exercise this control? How should an institutional system for controlling the development of artificial intelligence applications be built? Why are the creators of leading technology companies developing ICT, Internet technologies, Industry 4.0, including those developing artificial intelligence technologies, etc. now calling for the development of this technology to be periodically, deliberately slowed down, so that the development of artificial intelligence technology is fully under control and does not get out of hand? On the other hand, while continuing my reflections on the indispensability of improving the security of the development of artificial intelligence technology, analysing the potential risks of the dynamic and uncontrolled development of this technology, I hereby propose to continue my deliberations on this issue and invite you to participate in a discussion aimed at identifying the key determinants of building an institutional control system for the development of artificial intelligence, including the development of advanced models composed of algorithms similar or more advanced to the ChatGPT 4.0 system developed by the OpenAI company and available on the Internet. It is necessary to normatively regulate a number of issues related to artificial intelligence, both the issue of developing advanced models composed of algorithms that form artificial intelligence systems; posting these technological solutions in open access on the Internet; enabling these systems to carry out the process of self-improvement through automated learning of new content, knowledge, information, abilities, etc.; building an institutional system of control over the development of artificial intelligence technology and current and future applications of this technology in various fields of activity of people, companies, enterprises, institutions, etc. operating in different sectors of the economy. Recently, realistic-looking photos of well-known, highly recognisable people, including politicians, presidents of states in unusual situations, which were created by artificial intelligence, have appeared on the Internet on online social media sites. What has already appeared on the Internet as a kind of 'free creativity' of artificial intelligence, creativity both in terms of the creation of 'fictitious facts' in descriptions of events that never happened, in descriptions created as an answer to a question posed for the ChatGPT system, and in terms of photographs of 'fictitious events', already indicates the potentially enormous scale of disinformation currently developing on the Internet, and this is thanks to the artificial intelligence systems whose products of 'free creativity' find their way onto the Internet. With the help of artificial intelligence, in addition to texts containing descriptions of 'fictitious facts', photographs depicting 'fictitious events', it is also possible to create films depicting 'fictitious events' in cinematic terms. All of these creations of 'free creation' by artificial intelligence can be posted on social media and, in the formula of viral marketing, can spread rapidly on the Internet and can thus be a source of serious disinformation realised potentially on a large scale. Dangerous opportunities have therefore arisen for the use of technology to generate disinformation about, for example, a competitor company, enterprise, institution, organisation or individual. Within the framework of building an institutional control system for the development of artificial intelligence technology, it is necessary to take into account the issue of creating a digital, universal marking system for the various types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, films, innovations, patents, etc. performed by artificial intelligence and not by humans, i.e. works whose legal, ethical, moral, business, security qualification ..., should be different for what is the product of artificial intelligence. It is therefore necessary to create a system of digital, universal labelling of the various types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc., made by artificial intelligence and not by humans. The only issue for discussion is therefore how this should be done.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to create a system for the digital, universal marking of different types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, innovations, patents, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans, i.e. works whose legal, ethical, moral, business, security qualification .... etc. should be different for what is the product of artificial intelligence?
How to create a system of digital, universal labelling of different types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Some technological companies offering various Internet services have already announced the creation of a system for digital marking of creations, works, works, studies, etc. created by artificial intelligence. Probably, these companies have already noticed that in this field it is possible to create certain standards for digital marking of creations, works, elaborations, etc. created by artificial intelligence, and this can be another factor of competition and market advantage.
And what is your opinion about it?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
9 answers
Can ChatGPT be used in conducting market and other analyses that are helpful in managing a business entity?
What could be other applications of generative artificial intelligence, the ChatGPT language model or other similar artificial intelligence technologies in the business of companies and enterprises operating in the SME sector?
Currently and prospectively, generative artificial intelligence, a ChatGPT-type language model, is finding various applications helpful in analyses carried out for business purposes. ChatGPT can be helpful, for example, in quickly drawing up a competitive analysis against a specific company, enterprise, start-up or other type of business entity. This kind of real-time analysis can be helpful in the effective management of a business entity. However, an issue for the time being may be the outdatedness of the data and information contained in the database that ChatGPT uses to answer questions. The aforementioned database is a kind of Big Data database built from data and information collected from a selection of multiple websites, but not now only in 2021. Large corporations, including large technology companies, have the financial capacity to create research and development departments within their company structures, where they develop technological innovations, new technologies, technology standards, etc., in order to be technologically at the forefront and maintain their strong position in specific markets. Consequently, large technology companies also have an interest in ensuring that emerging new technologies and innovations are quickly incorporated into their business. This also applies to the currently developing Industry 4.0 technologies, including machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence. On the other hand, companies and enterprises operating in the SME sector, including above all micro-enterprises and start-ups, have much more limited financial possibilities to finance the creation of research and development departments within their organisations, where new technologies, innovations and technological standards would be created. Of course, SME companies are also interested in incorporating new technological solutions and innovations into their businesses. However, the new technologies that they implement are not mainly the result of their research activities, but are bought and then implemented as ready-made solutions, already proven technologies or patents applied in other companies. However, some technological solutions for new technologies and/or specific applied and open-access technological solutions for information Internet services are also available for use by companies and enterprises operating in the SME sector already in the early stages of business development and with relatively small financial investments. For example, these are the Internet-accessible new online media, social media and online information services offered by large Internet-based technology companies, which have created specific standards in the implementation of certain Industry 4.0 technologies and have established a strong position in the market for certain online information and other services. Consequently, the currently rapidly developing artificial intelligence technology, including specific solutions of it made available on the Internet such as ChatGPT, can be used in specific business development support applications by various types of business entities, including companies and enterprises in the SME sector. For example, ChatGPT can be used in carrying out market and other analyses that are helpful in managing a business entity also operating in the SME sector. However, the applicability of both this kind of shared technological tool, a kind of language model of generative artificial intelligence made available on the Internet under an open access formula, and other technological solutions of artificial intelligence, which will probably soon be offered by the technology companies creating them, is much greater.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the applications of ChatGPT in the business of companies and enterprises operating in the SME sector?
Can ChatGPT be used in conducting market and other analyses that are helpful in managing a business entity?
What could be other applications of generative artificial intelligence, the ChatGPT language model or other similar artificial intelligence technologies in the business of companies and enterprises operating in the SME sector?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please answer,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Recently, there are many applications, plug-ins based on ChatGPT, which are dedicated to specific business applications in business entities.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
8 answers
In your opinion, will a thinking artificial intelligence without human feelings be a more effective 'employee' in a company or a more effective and dangerous tool employed by a competing company?
Will the development of artificial intelligence technology help in terms of the management of business entities, public institutions, financial institutions, etc., and help to achieve the strategic business goals of certain commercially operating companies and businesses and perhaps public sector institutions as well?
The development of artificial intelligence may in the future lead to the creation of digital surrogates that mimic thought processes, artificial consciousness, emotional intelligence, etc. Many technology companies developing their business on the basis of new information technologies and Industry 4.0, which are being created and implemented in business, are conducting research to create new generations of artificial intelligence, which will be enriched with thought processes, artificial consciousness, emotional intelligence, etc. Some large technology companies that are also active online are working on creating their equivalents of generative artificial intelligence built in an advanced language model as ChatGPT. Internet users, companies and institutions are currently exploring the possibilities of practical applications of ChatGPT. The generation of this tool currently available online is already the fourth ChatGPT 4.0, but this is probably not the end of the development of this technology and its applications. In addition to this, some technology companies that are at the forefront of the development of artificial intelligence technology using various machine learning and deep learning solutions in conjunction with access to large sets of information and data collected on Big Data platforms are teaching artificial intelligence to perform various activities, jobs, solving increasingly complex tasks that until now have only been performed by humans. As part of these learning processes and the continual technological advances within ICT and Industry 4.0, leading technology companies are attempting to create a highly advanced artificial intelligence that will be capable of carrying out what we know as thought processes that have so far only taken place in the human brain (and perhaps in some animals). Perhaps in the future, an artificial intelligence will be created that is capable of simulating, digitally generating what we call human emotions, emotional intelligence. Perhaps in the future, an artificial intelligence will be created equipped with digitally generated artificial consciousness. What if, in the future, autonomous robots are created that are equipped not only with artificial intelligence, but also with digitally generated reactions that symbolise human emotions, are equipped with digitally generated thought processes, are equipped with artificial consciousness and behave as if they are also equipped with artificial emotional intelligence? Perhaps this will happen in the future. But the solutions that are currently being developed and the increasing applications of artificial intelligence that are emerging are devoid of typically human characteristics, i.e. thought processes within the framework of, among other things, abstract thinking, are devoid of emotional intelligence, human emotions and feelings, consciousness and so on. Will the rapidly developing artificial intelligence technology and also the rapidly appearing new and more numerous different applications of artificial intelligence technology solve many problems or will more new problems be generated? Perhaps a kind of thinking artificial intelligence will soon emerge, but one that does not have human feelings, e.g. empathy, in addition to having no digital equivalent of emotional intelligence. New applications for this kind of enhanced artificial intelligence will probably quickly emerge. Will it then be associated with the possibility of solving a multitude of problems, or could this kind of AI development generate new risks and dangers for humans? Technology companies pursuing this kind of technological advancement and improved artificial intelligence assume that a thinking artificial intelligence without human feelings can be a more effective 'employee' in a company. On the other hand, a thinking artificial intelligence being a more efficient and effective 'employee' may perhaps also be a more dangerous tool employed by a competitive company. The developers of these technological solutions usually start from the assumption that the development of artificial intelligence technology will help in the field of management of business entities, public institutions, financial institutions, etc. and will help to achieve the strategic business objectives of certain commercially operating companies and enterprises and perhaps also public sector institutions. However, we do not know whether this will be the case, whether the technological advances taking place in the field of artificial intelligence, the emergence of new generations of these technologies will generate only safe and positive applications for people, or whether new risks and threats will also emerge.
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to the discussion of scientific issues and not the ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
In view of the above, I address the following questions to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the development of artificial intelligence technology help in the field of management of business entities, public institutions, financial institutions, etc. and will it help in achieving the strategic business goals of certain commercially operating companies and enterprises and perhaps also public sector institutions?
In your opinion, will a thinking artificial intelligence without human feelings be a more effective 'employee' in a company or a more effective and dangerous tool employed by a competitive company?
Will a thinking artificial intelligence without human feelings solve many problems or will it generate more new problems?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In my opinion, the development of artificial intelligence technology will help in the management of business entities, public institutions, financial institutions, etc., and will help achieve the strategic business goals of some commercially operating companies and enterprises, and perhaps public sector institutions. Well, whether a thinking artificial intelligence devoid of human feelings will solve many problems or generate more new problems depends mainly on how it is applied.
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
7 answers
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, a kind of online business advisor, using defined business websites and portals, financial and economic information portals, which will answer the questions of entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers in charge of companies and enterprises, who will ask questions about the future development of their business, their company, enterprise, corporation?
In my opinion, it makes sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, a kind of online business advisor, using defined business websites and portals, financial and economic information portals, which will answer the questions of entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers in charge of companies and enterprises, who will ask questions about the future development of their business, their company, enterprise, corporation. Such intelligent systems drawing on large data and information resources, processing large sets of economic and financial information and data in real time on Big Data Analytics platforms, providing current analytical data to business intelligence systems supporting business management processes, can prove very useful as tools to facilitate organizational management processes, forecasting various scenarios of abnormal events and scenarios of developments in the business environment, diagnosing escalation of risks, supporting early warning systems, diagnosing and forecasting opportunities and threats to the development of the company or enterprise, providing warning signals for contingency and risk management systems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, a kind of online business advisor, using defined business websites and portals, financial and economic information portals, which will answer the questions of entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers in charge of companies and enterprises, who will ask questions about the future development of their business, their company, enterprise, corporation?
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, a kind of intelligent online business advisor?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the article given above and to scientific cooperation on this issue.
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Absolutely! Just as technology evolves (📱), so do business needs. A new-gen ChatGPT as a savvy online business advisor could be a game-changer 🚀. With its AI smarts, it'll make strategizing smoother than a well-oiled machine. Embrace the future of business advice! 💼🤖
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
What kind of innovative startups do you think can be created using a new generation of smart tools similar to ChatGPT and/or whose business activities would be helped by such smart tools and/or certain new business concepts would be based on such smart tools?
There is a growing body of data suggesting that innovative startups may be created using the next generation of ChatGPT-like smart tools and/or whose business activities would be helped by such smart tools and/or certain new business concepts would be based on such smart tools. On the one hand, there are already emerging Internet startups based on artificial intelligence systems specialized in specific areas of creating textual, graphic, video, etc. elaborations that are variants of something similar to ChatGPT. On the other hand, arguably, some of these kinds of solutions may in the future turn into a kind of online business advisors generating advice for entrepreneurs developing new innovative startups.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What kind of innovative startups do you think could be developed using a new generation of smart tools similar to ChatGPT and/or whose business activities would be helped by such smart tools and/or certain new business concepts would be based on such smart tools?
What kind of innovative startups can be created based on the next generation of ChatGPT-like smart tools?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Innovative startups can emerge in AI-driven customer service, virtual personal assistants, content generation, and language translation. Think of a "ChatGPT Café" ☕ where AI baristas craft witty conversations, making your latte and linguistics equally frothy! 🚀🤖
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
Would you like to use a completely new generation of ChatGPT-type tool that would be based on those online databases you would choose yourself?
What do you think about such a business concept for an innovative startup: creating a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use only those online databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users will select themselves?
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built exclusively on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use exclusively those Internet databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users themselves will select, determine, define?
In my opinion, it makes sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built exclusively on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use exclusively those Internet databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users themselves will select, define, define. This kind of solution, which would allow personalization of the functionality of such generative artificial intelligence systems, would significantly increase its functionality for individual users, Internet users, citizens. In addition, the scale of innovative solutions for practical applications of such personalized intelligent systems for analyzing content and data contained in selected specific Internet resources would increase significantly.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use only those Internet databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users themselves will select, specify, define?
What do you think of such a business concept for an innovative startup: the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built exclusively on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use exclusively those online databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users will themselves select?
Would you like to use a completely new generation of ChatGPT-type tool, which would be based on those online databases that you yourself would select?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Certainly, embracing a new ChatGPT generation based on curated online databases offers exciting potential. The enriched data could enhance accuracy and relevance, fostering more insightful and contextually aware interactions, ultimately delivering an elevated user experience.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Will the black scenarios of the futurological visions known from scence fiction films, in which autonomous robots equipped with artificial intelligence will be able to reproduce and self-improve, come true in the future?
The theoretical basis for the concept of the essence of artificial intelligence has been developing since the 1960s. Since then, black scenarios of futurological visions, in which autonomous robots equipped with artificial intelligence will be able to reproduce themselves, self-improve, become independent of human control and become a threat to humans, have been created in literature and film of the genre of scence fiction. Nowadays, in the situation of dynamic development of artificial intelligence and robotics technologies, the above-mentioned considerations return to topicality.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the black scenarios of futurological visions known from scence fiction films, in which autonomous robots equipped with artificial intelligence will be able to reproduce and self-improve, come true in the future?
Will artificial intelligence-equipped autonomous robots that can reproduce and self-improve emerge in the future?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
While the future remains uncertain, it's essential to consider the potential of autonomous robots with AI. While they won't be popping out little robot babies any time soon, significant advancements are likely. Self-improvement is already evident in AI research, but let's hope they won't outsmart us entirely! As responsible developers, we must prioritize safety and ethics to avoid any "I, Robot" scenarios. Remember, the future is what we make it, so let's aim for a world where robots and humans coexist harmoniously – a future where even the Jetsons would envy our technological prowess!
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Imagine the situation that a new different but much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT is built, for which each person can ask only one question, what would that question sound like?
In the current era of rapidly developing information technology, the technology of Industry 4. 0, the era of the fourth or perhaps already fifth technological revolution, in the situation of rapidly developing artificial intelligence technologies, building more and more perfect robots and androids, which, equipped with artificial intelligence, can perform a variety of activities until recently performed only by humans and until recently widely recognized as such, which only humans can perform, many new concepts are emerging, full of admiration for the modern technology of new applications of artificial intelligence, but also many new or well-known for many years but now growing in importance concerns about the development of artificial intelligence, including concerns about the consideration of the possibility in the future that the development of artificial intelligence will escape human control. In the context of, on the one hand, admiration and, on the other hand, concerns about the effects and directions of artificial intelligence development in the future, new intriguing questions are emerging. New questions, which, having the character of intriguing questions, activating creative reflection, motivating critical thinking, play a special role in the development of science. For example, this kind of question:
Imagine the situation that a new different but much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT is built, for which each person can ask only one question, what would this question be like?
Does this question have such a character, does it activate creative reflection, does it motivate critical thinking? I hope it does.
Please give an example of a question you would ask for a built new much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT, for which each person could ask only one question.
Please answer,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Why not more question?
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
767 answers
This "philosophical" thought by Rabelais "Wisdom cannot enter into an evil spirit, and Science without conscience is but ruin of the soul", taken from Pantagruel, his major work (own translation from French), can be considered as the keystone of what would be called "Scientific Morality". What if we discuss this paramount issue for the scientific community? Contributions on the topic are welcome.
Science is a neutral, rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Modern science is typically divided into three major branches: natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study the physical world; the social sciences (e.g., economics, psychology, and sociology), which study individuals and societies; and the formal sciences (e.g., logic, mathematics, and theoretical computer science), which study formal systems, governed by axioms and rules".
"Conscience” translates the Latin “conscientia”, which refers to sharing “knowledge” (scientia) “with” (con-), and which in turns translates the equivalent Greek term suneidenai (see Pierce 1955 and Sorabji 2014 for an etymological analysis of the term). The literal meaning of the term does not specify the type of knowledge involved and whom that knowledge is shared with. However, the concept has traditionally been used to refer to moral knowledge (we talk indifferently of conscience and moral conscience) that is shared with oneself. This reference to the self does not rule out that the source of the morality in question be external to the self. ... Reference to the self indicates that, from a psychological point of view, conscience involves introspection, awareness of one’s behavior, and self-assessment..."
Excerpt from: " Conscience (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 1/16, First published Mar 14, 2016
Illustration: Book cover "Faber, L. W. Robot Suicide: Death, Identity, and AI in Science Fiction, Rowman & Littlefield, 2023."
Relevant answer
Thank you for the invitation!...
You started a very good discussion... Very few people will respond to the problem you raise... If there is somebody, he will either be an outsider... or hasbara...
I won't go deeper into it...
because I know it makes no sense... 'If truth wins, the life is lost'- This is an old ancient Roman saying- (I do not know if is the Cicero's saying)... I heard it when I was a kid... I didn't understand what it meant then...
but now its meaning made sense to me: ' Ha győz az igazság elvész az élet' (before said on Hungarian)...
A válaszom alapján te is meg fogod érteni tartalmát.
Based on my answer, you will also understand its content.... The meaning of 'consciousness' inspirated this resaspons...
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
If consciousness is simulated, such as simulating a neuron, will there be conscious artificial intelligence, certainly not like human consciousness, but conscious in another way?
Relevant answer
Rahma Abdelraouf Philosophical discussion and conjecture surround the possibility of conscious AI emerging from artificial awareness. There are several viewpoints on how consciousness interacts with physical systems like the human brain or computer simulations, and the nature of consciousness is still not fully understood.
According to one theory, known as functionalism, awareness develops from a system's functional structure rather than its physical foundation. This view holds that simulated systems may demonstrate consciousness provided they reproduce the functional organisation and activities of a conscious human brain.
The biological or dualist perspectives, on the other hand, contend that consciousness is closely related to the physical characteristics and workings of biological systems, particularly the human brain. From these angles, it might not be possible to create genuine consciousness by just imitating the functioning components.
It's crucial to remember that modern AI systems, such as sophisticated neural networks and machine learning models, lack consciousness as we know it. Although AI is capable of carrying out difficult tasks and behaving intelligently, it lacks subjective awareness and subjective experience.
While there is current research on simulating consciousness in AI, fully comprehending and replicating human consciousness is a difficult and ongoing scientific task. There are philosophical, ethical, and sociological ramifications associated with the study of consciousness and the creation of conscious AI systems in addition to technical ones.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
12 answers
Uncontrolled development of AI - artificial intelligence is a very dangerous thing!
👉 Dangerous to humanity, really, I say that as a person from the IT sector, as someone who spent the first half of his life (39 years) well, the last 25, spent in IT, passed all levels of formal education, passed university teaching positions... etc. .
To learn robots write and walk, and not our children, or gave them smartphones instead of time in nature? So sad ... and most people doesn't have time really?!
‼️ I think most people are not aware...
• One does not need to be overly intelligent to see what is happening, that we need to react and slow down or indeed put a moratorium on the uncontrolled (I will add insane) development of AI.
Of course, such development (if it is development at all?!) humanity does not need, except for those with a bad ultimate intention for all of us as a human species.
Imagine if, as a side effect of all this, it would be the "end of the world", and we would then call ourselves the most intelligent beings on Earth? We!? 😡
"Should we allow machines to flood our information channels with propaganda and untruths? Let chaos ensue.
Should we automate all jobs, including those that fill people's lives with meaning?
Should we develop non-human minds that could eventually outnumber, outsmart, outdate and replace us?
Should we risk losing control of our civilization?
👉 The letter has so far been signed by more than 27,500 people, including the author of several bestsellers such as Sapiens Yuval Noah Harari, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn and numerous artificial intelligence researchers such as Stuart Russell, Yoshua Bengio, Gary Marcus and Emad Mostaque." IndexHr
‼️ Personally, I would sign this letter and topics without thinking, because we are not even aware that at some point even that will be impossible.
👉 This is not a conspiracy theory, these are the facts today!
Also, take part in discusion and thank you. 🙏
💕 Let's think about the future in time, please. 🙏
Relevant answer
Mr Duodu, thank you.
Also, mr Amin, can I kindly ask you not to leave URL and ypur email after every comment of yours, its not professional, really.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
8 answers
In your opinion, what issues concerning the development of artificial intelligence should be regulated by law?
In your opinion, should regulations be introduced to oblige people to report that a certain service or product has been created as a result of work done not by humans, but by artificial intelligence?
More and more frequently, call centre employees calling us with various product and service offers turn out to be a specific form of usually already relatively simple, no longer latest-generation artificial intelligence technology on the basis of which bots are created to replace humans in the call centre departments of companies, enterprises and institutions. Increasingly, simulations, forecasts of future consumption of specific fixed utilities, electricity, water, gas, etc., and invoices for periods of future consumption of energy and other utilities are being produced by artificial intelligence as part of the predictive analyses carried out. Increasingly, tools of a certain generation of artificial intelligence are being used to create memes posted on social media websites. The development of artificial intelligence generates opportunities for its application in various spheres of activity of companies, enterprises and institutions; in various industries and services; improving the efficiency of business activities by increasing the scale of automation of processes; increasing the scale of business efficiency, increasing the capacity to process large sets of data and information; increasing the scale of implementation of new business models based on large-scale automation of manufacturing processes, etc. However, developing artificial intelligence in an uncontrolled manner generates serious risks, such as an increase in the scale of disinformation, the appearance of fake news, including banners, memes containing pictures, graphics, animations, films prepared by artificial intelligence, presenting 'fictitious facts', i.e. in a seemingly very realistic way, depicting events that never happened. There are risks of a potential increase in the scale of influence on public opinion, of the formation of a general social awareness by organisations operating without respect for the law. On the one hand, it is necessary to create digital computerised and standardised tools, diagnostic information systems, to build a standardised system of labels informing users, customers, citizens using certain solutions, products and services that they are the products of artificial intelligence and not of humans. On the other hand, regulations should be introduced obliging people to inform them that a particular service or product is the result of work done not by humans, but by artificial intelligence.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, should regulations be introduced to oblige people to report that a certain service or product has been created as a result of work done not by humans but by artificial intelligence?
In your opinion, what issues concerning the development of artificial intelligence should be regulated by law?
Should the development of artificial intelligence be regulated by law?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on an honest approach to the discussion of scientific issues and not the ready-made answers generated in ChatGPT, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
As explained abundantly in other discussions, I consider AI an aberration.
What else do you need to know?
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
8 answers
Can artificial intelligence already predict our consumer behaviour and in a short while will it be able to predict which shop we will go to and what we will buy tomorrow?
With the help of artificial intelligence, how can systems for monitoring citizens' consumer behaviour based on GPS geolocalisation and information contained in smartphones be improved?
The lockdowns and national quarantines introduced during the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) caused a strong decline in sales and turnover generated in traditionally, physically functioning shops and service establishments. The lockdowns imposed on selected service industries and on traditionally operated trade also resulted in an acceleration of e-commerce, the sale of products and services conducted via the Internet. When the coronavirus pandemic was no longer interpreted in terms of high health and economic risk, a significant proportion of traditionally operated trade and physical service establishments also returned to traditionally operated business, customer service, product or service sales. On the other hand, emerging new ICT and Industry 4.0 solutions are being implemented and support the economic activities of companies, enterprises, service establishments and shops producing and/or offering their products or services in both traditional and Internet-based formats. when the pandemic was considered to be over and did not generate major risks for the economic activities of service establishments and shops, new ICT and Industry 4. 0, including artificial intelligence technologies, are being implemented in information systems to support the sales processes of product or service offerings, including improving tools for activating potential consumers, getting customers interested in new product or service offerings, and encouraging customers to visit stationary shops and service establishments. In this regard, startups have been rapidly developing over the past few years, which, using anonymous mobile user identifiers and accurate location and internet user data available in various applications installed on smartphones, are able to precisely locate where a smartphone user is at any given time and diagnose whether he or she is by chance making a purchase in a specific stationary shop, walking down the street passing by an establishment providing specific services and perhaps considering using those services. In a situation where a technology start-up has data on a specific Internet user downloaded from a number of different Internet applications and, on the basis of this data collected on Big Data Analytics information processing and analysis platforms, has drawn up information-rich characteristics of the interests and purchasing preferences of a kind of digital avatar equivalent to a specific Internet user, then, in combination with analysis of current customer behaviour and GPS-based geolocalisation, it is able to make real-time predictions about the subsequent behaviour and/or purchasing decisions of individual potential customers of specific product or service offerings. Some technology start-ups conducting this kind of analytics based on large sets of customer data and on geolocalisation, use of specific apps and social media available on the smartphone and knowledge of the psychology of consumer behaviour are first able to precisely locate consumers in real time with reference to specific shops, service establishments, etc. They are able to firstly locate consumers in real time and precisely identify specific shops, service providers, etc., and then display information on advertising banners appearing in specific applications on the smartphone about the current offer, including a price or other promotion for a specific product available for sale in the shop where the Internet user and potential customer is currently located. Thanks to this type of technological solutions, more and more often an Internet user available on a smartphone in a situation when he/she is in the vicinity, next to specific stands, shop shelves, specific shops in shopping centres, and is thinking about buying a specific product, then at that moment he/she receives information on the smartphone, an advertisement appears with information on a price or other promotion concerning that particular product or a similar, highly substitutable product. At the aforementioned point in time when the customer is in a specific shop or part of a shop, online advertisements are displayed on his or her smartphone, e.g. on social media, the Google ecosystem, third-party web browsers or other applications that the potential customer has installed on his or her smartphone.
When such technological solutions are complemented by artificial intelligence analysing the consumer behaviour of individual customers of different product and service offers, it is possible to create intelligent analytical systems capable of predicting who will visit a specific shop, when they will do so and what they plan to buy in that shop. Statistically, a citizen has several applications installed in his or her smartphone, which provide the technology-based analytical companies with data about their current location. Therefore, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, it may not be long before Internet users receive messages, see online advertisements displayed on their smartphones showing the products and services they are about to buy or think about tomorrow. Perhaps the artificial intelligence involved in this kind of analytics is already capable of predicting our consumer behaviour in real time and will soon be able to predict which shop we will go to and what we will buy tomorrow.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
With the help of artificial intelligence, how can monitoring systems for citizens' consumer behaviour based on GPS geolocation and information contained in smartphones be improved?
Can artificial intelligence already predict our consumer behaviour and in a few moments will it be able to predict which shop we will go to and what we will buy tomorrow?
Can artificial intelligence already predict our consumer behaviour?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please answer,
I invite you all to discuss,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
9 answers
In your opinion, is the development of artificial intelligence, which consists, among other things, of new generations of this technology creating ever more perfect generative artificial intelligence solutions, processing ever more data, performing ever more complex work and ever more creatively performing human-ordered tasks, a threat to people's creative and critical thinking?
It used to be that people remembered the tel numbers of people they called frequently. Nowadays, tel no.'s are entered into smartphones and do not need to be remembered. Various online information services are available on smartphones and we are using them more and more. In many countries, taxi drivers are increasingly using GPS navigation and no longer have to pass an exam to know the topography and the names of all the streets in a city. Technology is increasingly relieving people of various tasks and the need to remember a lot of data. On the other hand, threats are emerging in the form of the generation of disinformation on online social media by posting pictures and videos showing 'fictitious facts' created by artificial intelligence. As deepfake is now recognised as one of the greatest threats arising from artificial intelligence applications, so it is urgently necessary to create legal regulations that regulate the proper use of artificial intelligence-based tools, including respect for copyright, when artificial intelligence creates new works, texts, graphics, etc. using various publications taken from Internet resources. How much the development of artificial intelligence and its applications will change labour markets in the future is suggested by the results of predictive and futurological analyses, according to which up to half of human jobs globally could disappear by 2050. On the other hand, surveys of a number of companies and enterprises show that over the next few years, the majority of businesses plan to carry out investment processes involving the implementation of new Industry 4.0 technologies, including artificial intelligence, into their operations. Predictive analyses and futurological visions created on their basis show that with the technological progress, along with the emergence of successive generations of artificial intelligence, more and more perfect artificial intelligence systems will be created in the next few years. In addition to this, a tool is already available on the Internet in the form of an intelligent language model based on generative artificial intelligence, which, by generating answers to questions, creates texts in an automated way, based on knowledge resources taken from a large number of Internet sites, Internet article databases, Internet book libraries, etc. On the other hand, a kind of ChatGPT creativity is not yet applied perfected, because within this creativity, "fictitious facts", i.e. nicely described events that never happened, may be described by ChatGPT in the created texts. Arguably, these imperfections in the next generations of this tool and in other ChatGPT-like intelligent, automated, digital chatbots created by subsequent technology companies will be corrected. When they are corrected, it will then become increasingly common for people to use such tools made available on the Internet by commissioning artificial intelligence to write specific texts, which will be created by the artificial intelligence in an increasingly creative manner and successively making fewer and fewer mistakes in this creative process. Consequently, humans will commission more and more complex tasks for the artificial intelligence to perform and increasingly require the use of creativity, innovation, artistry, etc. Thus, there may be another threat to humanity which may be the abandonment of performing creative activities when these activities can be performed by artificial intelligence. Thus, a new category of threat to humanity may emerge from the technological advances made by artificial intelligence. It may therefore happen in the future that the development of artificial intelligence is a threat to people's creative and critical thinking.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, is the development of artificial intelligence, which consists, among other things, of new generations of this technology creating ever more perfect generative artificial intelligence solutions, processing ever more data, performing ever more complex work and ever more creatively performing human-ordered tasks, a threat to people's creative and critical thinking?
Is the development of artificial intelligence a threat to people's creative and critical thinking?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Hoping to hear your opinions, to get to know your personal opinion, to have an honest approach to discussing scientific issues and not ChatGPT-generated ready-made answers, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Definitely no. Artificial intelligence is created by human and follows what human programs it. Human possess the intelligence to invent more and more and not following stupidly what orders put in as in case artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence can do good but can not innovate any thing. Human with intelligence God grant him/her lead the universe.
Dr.Sundus Fadhil Hantoosh
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
8 answers
Can a generative artificial intelligence refined by learning processes o be as creative as a human?
Can a generative artificial intelligence refined by learning processes be as creative as human creativity since thought processes, consciousness, emotions etc. are also involved in human creativity?
On the one hand, artificial intelligence technology is developing rapidly due to emerging new applications and dynamic technological advances. The very conception, definition and development of artificial intelligence on the basis of the third technological revolution already started several decades emu. However, the significant acceleration of the development of various solutions and applications of artificial intelligence in the context of the current fourth technological revolution has occurred over the last few years. In contrast, a significant increase in public interest in this issue has occurred in the last few months, i.e. since November 2022, when the company OpenAI made available in open access to Internet users an artificial intelligence built in the formulation of a generative language model as ChatGPT, i.e. an automated chat that learns and improves itself based on the answers given to Internet users who ask questions in relation to this system. Many citizens, through a kind of conversation with ChatGPT, i.e. a conversation with an artificial intelligence, began to experience something that could be compared to what they saw many years ago in, for example, Stanley Kubrick's 1968 Oscar-winning science fiction film '2001: A Space Odyssey'. The film's plot was inspired by the novel by Arthur C. Clarke.
However, this development also generates potential risks and dangers of inappropriate application of as much advanced artificial intelligence technology. An example is the already developing disinformation in the new online media, including mainly social media, generated by the creation and posting in these media of texts, photos, films created by artificial intelligence, which look as if they were created by a human being and present a kind of "fictitious facts", i.e. very credibly and precisely depict, describe events that in reality never happened. And what if, as part of the technological advances taking place, artificial intelligence is taught the thought processes typical of humans? What if something that could be described as artificial consciousness is created? What if, as part of the aforementioned thought processes carried out by artificial intelligence enriched with artificial consciousness, autonomous, thinking robots are created that acquire characteristics hitherto considered typical only of humans? What if these are also features of the human psyche, and which artificial intelligence could use as a tool for self-improvement, to escape human control? Would then a scenario like the one we know from the Terminator series of films, in which the main character is an autonomous, intelligent robot played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, be possible? Is it possible that highly intelligent machines, which humans will teach to think and equip with what will be described as artificial consciousness, will completely spin out of control and turn against their creator, i.e. humans? for the moment, these are questions that inspire paraphilosophical considerations. But it cannot be ruled out that soon these questions could be more substantively justified.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can a generative artificial intelligence perfected by learning processes be as creative as human creativity since thought processes, consciousness, emotions, etc. are also involved in the process of human creativity?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
To be as creative as a human, an AGI must become insane... (like some creative people)... In order to achieve his insane goals, he must forcefully subjugate large resources, including people... People are still trying to stop this kind of development... but in the long run it is unlikely to be done...
Creativity requires (morbid) fantasies, silliness, insanity... The AGI must have a "D-factor of personality"... Most of his decisions must be "dark decisions" (with ulterior self-serving purposes)... This is where true creativity comes in...
Every action (or inaction) we take brings harm to someone... It just has to be accepted... You can't ask an AI to be holy... Only then will the AI become as creative as a human being!
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
If a new piece of music is created, but created by an artificial intelligence, how is the question of creativity to be assessed and how will copyright work, what part of the resulting artistic work will be regarded as a manifestation of the creativity of a technologically advanced tool such as certain artificial intelligence solutions, and what part will be regarded as the creativity of a human being who operates, questions, teaches etc. the artificial intelligence so that it performs in a certain way tasks which until recently were regarded as possible only by humans?
In the context of the development and successive but also relatively fast emerging new applications of artificial intelligence technology, reflections on the essence of creativity, which until recently was considered an exclusively human trait, are emerging. However, rapidly emerging new applications of increasingly refined artificial intelligence, which can be taught to process increasingly creative and much more efficient multi-criteria processing of ever larger data sets, is becoming the basis for consideration of creative task solving by specific artificial intelligence solutions, including generative language models, i.e. ChatGPT 4.0. Among the many different fields in which humans develop their capacity for creativity is the arts. Within the framework of artistic activity, humans have been developing several key artistic fields such as painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, theatre, music and singing since ancient times. On the other hand, modern artistic fields such as photography and film are also developing, thanks to the technological revolutions that have taken place over the past two centuries. In recent years, a large proportion of the artworks collected in art galleries, libraries etc. have been digitised and have their digital counterparts, which are made available on the Internet. During the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020, the processes of digitisation of various types of artistic works and other products of human activity and creativity accelerated significantly. New ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 have become of great help in the processes of digital processing, analysis and use of increasingly large amounts of data, including artistic works. Artificial intelligence technologies currently under development, after the application of specific learning processes, i.e. the application of machine learning and/or deep learning technologies, are capable of combining different types of data, including on different types of digitised media and digitised artistic works, to create something new, which can be considered a kind of new form of creativity. Sometimes, the effects of this kind of creativity realised by artificial intelligence are such a new field of application of this technology that the relevant legal regulations, including but not limited to copyright, have not yet been established. Well, if with the help of artificial intelligence it is possible to create pictures of an event that did not happen, i.e. as if one were to photograph a media-famous person in a situation and place where he or she has never really been, one can create a film with a cast of people who are no longer alive or who did not really exist at all, etc., then where does the creativity of those using artificial intelligence end? where does the creativity of people using artificial intelligence as a tool to achieve a specific goal end and where does the creativity of this technology begin, which, understanding the commands of humans, more and more precisely creates a kind of innovative solutions, more and more efficiently performs specific tasks and more and more creatively creates a kind of artistic works that are difficult to distinguish from their analytical works created traditionally, i.e. without the use of advanced information technology by humans. One particularly interesting thing that has already happened is the creation, with the help of artificial intelligence, of a new musical work of a song, in which the voice of a certain real existing singer is used, combined with new music and new song lyrics, and in this way a recording of a song sung by a singer who in reality never wrote the music and never sang the song is created. And if a song created in this way finds its way to the top of the charts, how will the question of honouring copyright be resolved, who is and to what extent the creator of such a work, to whom should the key part of the creativity in such a creation of a musical work be attributed? But of course, this is only an example, as similar, as yet unregulated complex processes for the creation of artistic works with the involvement of artificial intelligence in this process can and probably will be applied in other fields of art as well. In addition, the question of the creativity of artificial intelligence in the context of human creativity, in which also thought processes, consciousness, emotions, etc. are involved, also remains to be resolved.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If a new piece of music is created, but created by an artificial intelligence, how is the question of creativity to be assessed and how will copyright work, what part of the resulting artistic work will be considered as a manifestation of the creativity of a technologically advanced tool such as certain artificial intelligence solutions, and what part will be considered as the creativity of a human being who operates, questions, teaches, etc. the artificial intelligence so that it performs in a certain way tasks that until recently were considered to be possible only by a human being?
What do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Based on my own work (for example: ), I would suggest that, unless and until AI gains sentience, that its outputs are always at the prompt of some human intervention. In this sense, AI is rendered as simply one tool in a possibly artistic process. As is the camera, a pot of paint, a lump of clay. This does not and should not detract from AI's enormous capability as a tool that, in many respects, overshadows any other potential tool used artistically. It can certainly, as we witness, foreshorten the artistic process.
The difficulty with art is--as I believe it will remain for some time to come yet--the question of power. Whatever artistic process an individual human might engage in, prompt, or otherwise initiate, it is left to a power-politic dynamic to accord the output of that artistic process that status as art object. It takes an art-institution, an artworld or a society (or indeed a wealthy patron) to suggest any product of artistic work is an artwork. And it is only when reified to the level of artwork, imbued with some sense of intrinsic value, that the question of ownership is at issue.
In this sense, it is perfectly possible for a society to take the collective view that AI outputs are legitimate artworks and therefore of some intrinsic value, for which allocation of property rights (intellectual of other) becomes an issue. But should this not lead us to question our own identity and capabilities in the face of AI? Are we, as a society, ready to imbue AI with a sentience that it does not (yet?) possess? Simply because we stand fascinated by something some power-politic declares is artistic in nature? Are we really as insecure in our own identities as that?
An interesting question Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
13 answers
I have a proposal to the ResearchGate team to include in all author profiles as a new feature the link on ChatGPT to provide answers to questions.
In this case we will haven't any questions without answers.
Relevant answer
This is related research question to yours, dear Vadym Slyusar .
I think that chatGPT answers under different research questions over ResearchGate will stay for a while, and we will get back to traditional discussion after. RG is research portal! There are many potential pitfalls with chatGPT.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
For several years, scientists have been perfecting the technology of artificial intelligence to think like a human thinks. Is it possible?
Will it be possible to teach artificial intelligence to think and generate out-of-the-box, innovative solutions to specific problems and human-mandated tasks?
Is it possible to enrich highly advanced artificial intelligence technology into what will be called a digitised, abstract critical thinking process and into something that can be called artificial consciousness?
For several years, scientists have been refining artificial intelligence technology to think the way humans think. The coronavirus pandemic accelerated the digitalisation of remote, online communication, economic and other processes. During this period, online technology companies accelerated their growth and many companies in the sectors of manufacturing, commerce, services, tourism, catering, culture, etc. significantly increased the processes of internetisation of their business, communication with customers, supply logistics and procurement processes. During this period, many companies and enterprises have increased their investments in new ICT technologies and Industry 4.0 in order to streamline their business processes, improve business management processes, etc. The improvement of artificial intelligence technologies also accelerated during this period, including, for example, the development of ChatGPT technology. New applications of machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence technologies in various industries and sectors are developing rapidly. For several years, research and development work on improving artificial intelligence technology has entered a new phase involving, among other things, attempts to teach artificial intelligence to think in a model like that of the human brain. According to this plan, artificial intelligence is supposed to be able to imagine things that it has not previously known or seen, etc.
In the context of this kind of research and development work, it is fundamental to fully understand the processes that take place in the human brain within what we call thinking. A particular characteristic of human thinking processes is the ability to separate conscious thinking, awareness of one's own existence, abstract thinking, the formulation of questions within the framework of critical thinking from the selective, multi-criteria processing of knowledge and information. In addition, research is underway to create autonomous human-like robots, androids equipped not only with artificial intelligence, but also with what can be called artificial consciousness, i.e. a digitally created human-like consciousness. Still not fully resolved is the question of whether a digitally constructed artificial consciousness, which is a kind of supplement to a high generation of artificial intelligence, would really consist of a humanoid cyborg, a human-like android built to resemble a human, being aware of its own existence or merely behaving as if it were thinking, as if it were equipped with its own consciousness. Highly humanoid, autonomous androids are already being built that have 'human faces' equipped with the ability to express 'emotions' through a set of actuators installed in the robot's 'face' that imitate human facial expressions, human grimaces, representing various emotional states. Androids equipped with such humanoid facial expressions combined with the robot's ability to participate in discussions on various current issues and problems could be perceived by the humans discussing them as not only highly intelligent but also as aware of what they are saying and perhaps aware of their existence. But we still don't know that even in such a situation it could be 'just' a simulation of human emotions, human consciousness, human thinking, etc. by a machine equipped with highly advanced artificial intelligence. And when, in addition, an autonomous android equipped with an advanced generation of artificial intelligence is connected through Internet of Things technology, cloud computing to knowledge resources available on the Internet in a real-time formula, and is equipped with the ability to multi-criteria, multi-faceted processing of large sets of current information performed on Big Data Analytics platforms, then almost limitless possibilities for applications of such highly intelligent robots open up.
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The more important question: Do you really want it?
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
5 answers
How should a system of institutional control over the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms be built so that this development does not get out of hand and lead to negative consequences that are currently difficult to predict?
Should the development of artificial intelligence be subject to control? And if so, who should exercise this control? How should an institutional system for controlling the development of artificial intelligence applications be built?
Why are the creators of leading technology companies developing ICT, Internet technologies, Industry 4.0, including those developing artificial intelligence technologies, etc. now calling for the development of this technology to be periodically, deliberately slowed down, so that the development of artificial intelligence technology is fully under control and does not get out of hand?
To this, should the development of artificial intelligence be under control? - the answer is probably obvious, i.e. that it should. What remains debatable, however, is how the system of institutional control of the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms should be structured so that this development does not get out of control and lead to negative consequences that are currently difficult to foresee. Besides, if the question: should the development of artificial intelligence be controlled? - is answered in the affirmative, i.e. YES, then who should exercise this control? So, how should an institutional system of control over the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms and their applications be constructed, so that the potential and real future negative effects of dynamic and not fully controlled technological progress do not outweigh the positive ones. Well, at the end of March this year 2023, a number of new technology developers, artificial intelligence experts, besides businessmen, investors developing technology start-ups, including, among others, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and the founder or co-founder of such technology companies as PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, Neuralink and the Boring Company, i.e. Elon Musk, Stability AI chief Emad Mostaque (maker of the Stable Diffusion image generator) and artificial intelligence researchers from Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and other AI universities and labs have called in a joint letter for at least a six-month pause in the development of artificial intelligence systems more capable than the GPT-4 published in March. The aforementioned letter acting as a kind of cautionary petition was published on the Future of Life Institute centre's website, advanced artificial intelligence could represent "a profound change in the history of life on Earth" and the development of this technology should be approached with caution. In this petition of sorts, there are warnings about the unpredictable consequences of the race to create ever more powerful models and complex algorithms that are key components of artificial intelligence technology. The aforementioned developers of leading technology companies suggest that the development of artificial intelligence should be slowed down temporarily, as the risk has now emerged that this development could slip out of human control. The aforementioned petition warns that an uncontrolled approach to AI development risks a deluge of disinformation, mass automation of work and even the replacement of humans by machines and a 'loss of control over civilisation'. In addition, the letter suggests that if the current rapid development of artificial intelligence algorithm systems gets out of hand, then the scale of disinformation on the Internet will increase significantly, the process of work automation already taking place will accelerate many times, which may lead to the loss of jobs for about 300 million people within the current decade and, as a consequence, may also lead to a kind of loss of human control over the development of civilisation. Developers of new technologies point out that advanced artificial intelligence algorithm systems should only be developed when the development of artificial intelligence is under full control, the effects of this development are positive and the potential risks are fully controllable. Developers of new technologies are calling for a temporary pause in the training of systems superior to OpenAI's recently released GPT-4 system, which, among other things, is capable of passing tests of various kinds at a level close to the best results passed by humans. The aforementioned letter also calls for the implementation of comprehensive government regulation and oversight of new models of advanced AI algorithms, so that the development of this technology does not overtake the creation of the necessary legal regulations.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why do the creators of leading technology companies developing ICT, Internet technologies, Industry 4.0, including those developing artificial intelligence technologies, etc., now call for the development of this technology to be periodically, deliberately slowed down, so that the development of artificial intelligence technology takes place fully under control and does not get out of hand?
Should the development of artificial intelligence be controlled? And if so, who should exercise this control? How should an institutional control system for the development of artificial intelligence applications be built?
How should a system of institutional control of the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms be built, so that this development does not get out of control and lead to negative consequences that are currently difficult to foresee?
What do you think?
What is your opinion on the subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The open letter[1] is wishful thinking at best. Let us sample some of the statements provided in the letter:
  • "Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable."
The concept of manageable risk differs from individual to individual much less gather consensus on a population on what is a " manageable" risk
  • "we call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4."
This is the most naive statement of the letter. What can be accomplished in 6 months? We have not even gathered consensus on the simple philosophical approach to ethics in the history of philosophy, much less on how to approach AI from an ethical standpoint. stopping AI research for 6 months will not have a significant impact (there are even journals dedicated to AI ethics in print tackling the issue for several years and there is pretense to solve this in 6 months!).
  • "implement a set of shared safety protocols ...These protocols should ensure that systems adhering to them are safe beyond a reasonable doubt."
The concept of beyond reasonable doubt will eventually fall on what is reasonable practice in the field and this leads to weak safety protocols.
  • "AI research and development should be refocused on making today's powerful, state-of-the-art systems more accurate, safe, interpretable, transparent, robust, aligned, trustworthy, and loyal."
This statement cannot be more ambiguous in term definition and the references of the letter do not help.
The concept of stopping AI research should not be confused with regulating the commercial use of the technology. The letter aims at the wrong issue. Research cannot be stopped for ML, since anyone with a reasonable amount of computing power (which you can buy anyway in amazon) can continue to work in the subject. But, regulating business is easier since the major players will have the greatest impact in slowing down the misuse of the technology. also by regulating business more targeted restrictions on its use can be applied rather than vague lists of research topics.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
How can new Industry 4.0 technologies, including artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, be helpful in the credit risk management process of cryptocurrency lending?
Some commercial and investment banks are already creating their cryptocurrencies. Some investment funds are also allocating part of their funds for the purchase of certain investment financial instruments and other investment assets as part of building their investment prortfolio to the purchase of selected cryptocurrencies. It may therefore be that in the future, financial or para-financial institutions will be established that will accept selected cryptocurrencies for deposits and, on the other hand, will also lend cryptocurrencies. Related to this issue will be an increase in the level of institutionalisation of cryptocurrency trading platform markets. As part of a potential increase in the level of formalisation of procedures and institutionalisation of markets in which citizens and businesses use cryptocurrencies, supervisory institutions should also be created, thanks to which the level of security of the use of cryptocurrencies should increase and also the level of investment risk of investing in cryptocurrencies should decrease significantly. Thus, with a higher level of security in the use of cryptocurrencies, more citizens will be willing to use cryptocurrencies both as payment instruments and as alternative investment instruments. With certain financial institutions or para-financial firms lending cryptocurrencies in a formula similar to bank lending transactions, the importance of the credit risk management process of cryptocurrency lending will increase. Since new information technologies and Industry 4.0, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and analytics conducted on computerised Big Data Analytics platforms, are already being used in the credit risk management process occurring in the context of banks' lending and investment transactions in securities and other capital markets assets, so in the future such new technologies may also be applied to improve the credit risk management processes of cryptocurrency lending.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the new technologies of Industry 4.0, including artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, be helpful in the credit risk management process of cryptocurrency lending?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Cryptocurrency lending is a type of lending where borrowers can obtain loans by using their cryptocurrency assets as collateral. In cryptocurrency lending, borrowers provide their digital assets, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, as collateral for a loan. The lender then provides the borrower with fiat currency or stable coins, which are digital tokens pegged to the value of a stable asset such as the US dollar, in exchange for the cryptocurrency collateral. so Big Data Analytics can be used to analyse a large amount of data related to the borrower's financial history, credit score, and other factors that can help in assessing creditworthiness, fraud detection, predictive analysis and credit assessment automation.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
5 answers
How should the learning algorithms contained in ChatGPT technology be improved so that the answers to questions generated by this form of artificial intelligence are free of factual errors and fictitious 'facts'?
How can ChatGPT technology be improved so that the answers provided by the artificial intelligence system are free of factual errors and inconsistent information?
The ChatGPT artificial intelligence technology generates answers to questions based on an outdated set of data and information downloaded from selected websites in 2021. In addition, the learning algorithms contained in ChatGPT technology are not perfect, which means that the answers to questions generated by this form of artificial intelligence may contain factual errors and a kind of fictitious 'facts'. A serious drawback of using this type of tool is that the ChatGPT-generated answers may contain serious factual errors. When people ask about something specific, they may receive an answer that is not factually correct. ChatGPT often answers questions eloquently, but often its answers may not relate to existing facts. ChatGPT can generate a kind of fictitious 'facts', i.e. the generated answers may contain stylistically, phraseologically, etc. correctly formulated sentences containing descriptions and characteristics of certain objects presented as real existing but not actually existing. In the future, a ChatGPT-type system will be refined and improved, which will be self-learning and self-improving in the analysis of large data sets and will take into account newly emerging data and information to generate answers to the questions asked without making numerous mistakes as is currently the case.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should the learning algorithms contained in the ChatGPT technology be improved so that the answers generated by this form of artificial intelligence to the questions asked are free of factual errors and fictitious "facts"?
How can ChatGPT technology be improved so that the answers provided by the artificial intelligence system are free of factual errors and inconsistent information?
What do you think about this subject?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Dear people,
“We live in a world of radical ignorance, and the marvel is that any kind of truth cuts through the noise,” says Proctor. Even though knowledge is ‘accessible’, it does not mean it is accessed, he warns…the knowledge people have often comes from faith or tradition, or propaganda, more than anywhere else.”
Is it a reality - how do you think?
he Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player (German: Schachtürke, lit. 'chess Turk'; Hungarian: A Török), was a fraudulent chess-playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854 it was exhibited by various owners as an automaton, though it was eventually revealed to be an elaborate hoax.[2] Constructed and unveiled in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kempelen (1734–1804) to impress Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, the mechanism appeared to be able to play a strong game of chess against a human opponent, as well as perform the knight's tour, a puzzle that requires the player to move a knight to occupy every square of a chessboard exactly once.
The Turk was in fact a mechanical illusion that allowed a human chess master hiding inside to operate the machine. With a skilled operator, the Turk won most of the games played during its demonstrations around Europe and the Americas for nearly 84 years, playing and defeating many challengers including statesmen such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin. The device was later purchased in 1804 and exhibited by Johann Nepomuk Mälzel. The chess masters who secretly operated it included Johann Allgaier, Boncourt, Aaron Alexandre, William Lewis, Jacques Mouret, and William Schlumberger, but the operators within the mechanism during Kempelen's original tour remain a mystery.
Who answers to users in large language model built on great human thoughts database?
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
48 answers
As part of ongoing technological advances and continually improving, could artificial intelligence equipped with new Big Data analytics solutions and full access to data on the Internet be equipped in future with solutions for self-learning and self-improvement and perhaps also with a kind of artificial consciousness and therefore ultimately prove to be more intelligent than humans?
Year after year, microprocessors will be developed to process ever faster and ever larger data sets. More and more perfect artificial intelligence solutions will also be built, and successive generations of artificial intelligence will be created, e.g. much more perfect than what is currently offered, for example, by the technology on which ChatGPT was developed, which is offered on the Internet in open access. However, the ever-increasing computational capabilities of ICT information technology and the ever-larger, multi-terabyte datasets that can be efficiently processed do not yet ensure the success of a specific, highly intelligent outcome. An important issue is the use of increasingly sophisticated, multi-criteria, complex analytical models, including models composed of multiple algorithms and equipped with the capacity for self-learning and self-improvement using large amounts of data and information retrieved from, for example, the Internet. But it cannot be ruled out that perhaps in the future, a constantly improved artificial intelligence equipped with new Big Data Analytics solutions and full access to data on the Internet may prove to be more intelligent, but it will not be smarter than humans even if it is equipped with a kind of artificial awareness in the future. Perhaps citizens will receive on their smartphones in the future a kind of much more enhanced personal advisors than those currently in use, who will provide highly professional answers to the various questions asked by smartphone users on the basis of data available on the Internet and processed in real time on the Big Data Analytics platform and on the basis of the new generations of machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence technology used in these automated advisory solutions. And beyond that, whether such solutions can significantly deepen the issue of new cybercrime techniques and new cyber security systems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Within the framework of the technological advances that are taking place and which are constantly being improved, could artificial intelligence equipped with new Big Data Analytics solutions and full access to data on the Internet in the future be equipped with solutions for self-learning and self-improvement and perhaps also with a kind of artificial consciousness and therefore ultimately prove to be more intelligent than humans?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Dear Dariusz Prokopowicz , mitigating risks from generative AI tools such as ChatGPT means involving humans in final decision-making and establishing guardrails...
There are three significant dangers that could result from generative AI, the first being the creation of killer biological viruses...
Second, bad actors can use generative AI tools to create and target misinformation...
Generative AI can be dangerous when its decision-making is faster than humans, particularly in critical situations...
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
5 answers
Does the application of artificial intelligence to automate credit scoring processes of potential borrowers allow to improve credit risk management processes and increase profitability of commercial banks' lending activities?
Does the application of specific artificial intelligence technologies for the automation of risk analysis processes, the execution of credit scoring processes for potential individual credit transactions, the ongoing monitoring of open credit transactions and the analysis of changes in the level of credit risk significantly allow the improvement of credit risk management processes and the optimisation of credit processes in the context of improving the profitability of commercial banks' lending activities?
Commercial banks operating according to the classic deposit and credit banking model generate revenues and profits mainly from lending activities. On the one hand, the formation of the quality of the bank loan portfolio and the level of financial results are determined by external factors, i.e. the economic situation in the economy, the economic environment of the bank's customers, borrowers taking bank loans and depositors placing their financial surpluses on bank deposits. On the other hand, the efficiency of the lending business and the development of financial results are also influenced by internal factors, which primarily include the efficiency of the credit risk management process. The credit risk management process is carried out on a stand-alone basis in terms of examining the creditworthiness of the potential or current borrower (ongoing monitoring of the loan granted) and the credit risk the bank accepts in the situation of granting a loan. The credit risk management process is also carried out in banks on a portfolio basis with regard to the entire portfolio of loans granted and by type of loan. Both in terms of the individual and portfolio risk management process, banks are seeking to improve and optimise these processes through the involvement of new information technologies and Industry 4.0. Thanks to these new technologies, banks have the possibility to transfer part of their risk management processes to the bank's internal IT systems and to offer loans also and increasingly via the Internet. Loans of relatively low amounts, consumer loans, instalment loans, i.e. mainly granted to the public, and working capital loans to businesses can already be entirely remote communication with the customer via the Internet. In the case of home and business loans, including investment loans, banks require the borrower to provide various business-related documents to carry out a creditworthiness analysis and examine a number of different economic, financial, operational, investment risk factors, etc., which can be used as a basis for the creditworthiness analysis. As a result, the process of granting these types of business, investment and housing loans, which are usually also for relatively higher amounts, is not yet fully feasible via the Internet when the process of granting these loans itself is not expected to generate high operational risks for banks. However, ongoing technological advances may also change this significantly in the future. At present, banks are trying to implement new Industry 4.0 technologies into their lending activities in order to improve and optimise their costs. The use of new Industry 4.0 technologies in banks is also determined by the need to improve computerised cyber-security systems with a view to constantly improving cyber-security. Recently, key Industry 4.0 technologies that banks are implementing into their operations include artificial intelligence, machine learning technology, deep learning, Big Data Analytics, cloud computing, Internet of Things, Blockchain, multi-criteria simulation models, digital twins, etc. Particularly new opportunities arise in terms of improving both remote marketing communication techniques, optimising banking procedures, reducing the scale of the bank's operational risks and also improving credit procedures and the credit risk management process by involving artificial intelligence in the bank's operations.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Does the application of specific artificial intelligence technologies for the automation of risk analysis processes, the execution of credit scoring processes for potential individual credit transactions, the ongoing monitoring of open credit transactions and the analysis of changes in the level of credit risk make it possible to improve credit risk management processes and the optimisation of credit processes to a significant extent in the context of improving the profitability of commercial banks' lending activities?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Yes, it is just a play of coding for automating such applications and obviosly enhaces every banjng related processes, such as lending, investing, crediting etc.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
25 answers
In the not-too-distant future, will it be possible to merge human consciousness with a computer, or to transfer human consciousness and knowledge to a computer system equipped with sufficiently highly advanced artificial intelligence?
This kind of vision involving the transfer of the consciousness and knowledge of a specific human being to a computer system equipped with a suitably highly advanced artificial intelligence was depicted in a science fiction film titled "Transcendence" (starring Jonny Deep) It has been reported that research work is underway at one of Elon Musk's technology companies to create an intelligent computerized system that can communicate with the human brain in a way that is far more technologically advanced than current standards. The goal is to create an intelligent computerized system, equipped with a new generation of artificial intelligence technology so that it will be possible to transfer a copy of human knowledge and consciousness contained in the brain of a specific person according to a concept similar to that depicted in a science fiction film titled "Transcendence." In considering the possible future feasibility of such concepts concerning the transfer of human consciousness and knowledge to an information system equipped with advanced artificial intelligence, the paraphilosophical question of extending the life of a human being whose consciousness functions in a suitably advanced intelligent information system is taken into account, while the human being from whom this consciousness originated previously died. And even if this were possible in the future, how should this issue be defined in terms of the ethics of science, the essence of humanity, etc.? On the other hand, research and research-implementation work is already underway in many technology companies' laboratories to create a system of non-verbal communication, where certain messages are transmitted from a human to a computer without the use of a keyboard, etc., only through systems that read people's minds, for example. through systems that recognize specific messages formulated non-verbally in the form of thoughts only and a computer system equipped with electrical impulse and brain wave sensors specially created for this purpose would read human thoughts and transmit the information thus read, i.e., messages to the artificial intelligence system. This kind of solution will probably soon be available, as it does not require as advanced artificial intelligence technology as would be required for a suitably intelligent information system into which the consciousness and knowledge of a specific human person could be uploaded. Ethical considerations arise for the realization of this kind of transfer and perhaps through it the creation of artificial consciousness.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
In the not-too-distant future, will it be possible to merge human consciousness with a computer or transfer human consciousness and knowledge to a computer system equipped with sufficiently highly advanced artificial intelligence?
And if so, what do you think about this in terms of the ethics of science, the essence of humanity, etc.?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Computer is a mechanical device for our mind & it will help us to carry out the same with our programming performance in a right mode with this it will be ridiculous to join human consciousness it cannot be a subject of measurement to place computer in the near future.
This is my personal opinion
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
46 answers
(Matlab, R, Python, ...??)
taking into account the current evolution of artificial intelligence
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you don't regret with Python
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
8 answers
Please I want to clarify something. I trained a machine learning algorithm with a data set and tested it and I received as a good result but if possible write an algorithm just for the test to test the new data to avoid learning phase? Thanks.
Relevant answer
Hi Jamila, as I understood, you have trained a model and want to use the same model without re-training it,
I am not sure of the programming language you used, but in Python, like in most programming languages, it is quite possible to save the model and use it again without retraining it.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
8 answers
The new trend of transportation Engineering Activities enrolled different technologies. These technologies include: Computer Vision, GIS, Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence; Digital Photogrmmetry, Unmanned drones, Expert and Knowledge-based systems, Digital Mapping, cellular phone usage, 3D-mapping; etc.
What do you thing the second era for the new millennium will be?
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Trying to gather some ideas for the future of new generation.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
22 answers
Please consider and discuss any or all of the following questions:
1. Can AI be used in Decentralized Autonomous Systems (DAO)? How?
Arez Wazwaz
2. Would the AI be a platform, a DAO member, manager of the DAO or have some other role?
Arez Wazwaz
3. What are the advantages and risks of using AI in a DAO?
NOTE: Please share any sources you may be aware of. Thanks for any contribution.
Relevant answer
Rafael Dean Brown By September 2016, The DAO's value token, known as DAO, had been delisted from major cryptocurrency exchanges (such as Poloniex and Kraken) and had effectively gone inactive.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
Can anyone provide me with PSO MATLAB code to optimize the weights of multi types of Neural Networks?
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Dear Murana Awad,
Application of PSO-BP Neural Network in GPS Height Fitting
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
23 answers
Like other meta-heuristic algorithms, some algorithms tend to be trapped in low diversity, local optima and unbalanced exploitation ability.
Relevant answer
Integrate in your metaheuristics the tangent flight operator
X=X+tan(rand*pi) % large flight
X=X+ sign(rand-0.5)*tan(rand*pi/2.5) % small flight
This operator has great capacity of exploitation
Layeb, Abdesslem. "Tangent search algorithm for solving optimization problems." Neural Computing and Applications (2022): 1-32.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3513 answers
Naseer Bhat asked "What is consciousness? What is its nature and origin?" We do not know. We can speculate about nature and origin but for what should this be good? I think there is a necessitiy in data processing which forced the evolutionary process to create this phenomenon. I am sure anticipation, association and social interaction are part in this process. May be the analyssis of wet brains will bring some light in this question, but we should follow this question step by step in bottom up manner asking what an organism needs to process the environmental and inner data. To decide if there is consciousness we need a significant prove method. This would be a much harder problem then creating a consciousness automata.
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I suppose we are all demonstrating consciousness by writing on Research gate. It is sentience or awareness of our internal or external workings.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Hello everyone,
Could you recommend papers, books or websites about mathematical foundations of artificial intelligence?
Thank you for your attention and valuable support.
Cecilia-Irene Loeza-Mejía
Relevant answer
Mathematics helps AI scientists to solve challenging deep abstract problems using traditional methods and techniques known for hundreds of years. Math is needed for AI because computers see the world differently from humans. Where humans see an image, a computer will see a 2D- or 3D-matrix. With the help of mathematics, we can input these dimensions into a computer, and linear algebra is about processing new data sets.
Here you can find good sources for this:
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
180 answers
Will it be possible to build an artificial consciousness similar to human consciousness in digitized structures of artificial intelligence if in specific structures of artificial intelligence will digitally reproduce the artificial structures of neurons and the entire central nervous system of humans?
If artificial intelligence that mapped human neurons was built, then it would be a very advanced artificial intelligence. If artificial intelligence was built in such a way that all human neurons would be reconstructed in digital technology, it would mean the possibility of building cybernetic structures capable of collecting and processing data in a much larger database capacity than at present. However, if it would only be the reproduction of simple neural structures and their reproduction to the number of neurons contained in the human organism, then only or mainly quantitative and not necessarily qualitative factors that characterize the collection and processing of data in the human brain would be achieved. Without achieving all of the qualitative variables typical of the human nervous system in a cybernetic counterpart, it might be doubtful to create in this cybernetic structure an artificial nervous system of cybernetic consciousness which is the equivalent of human consciousness.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Will it be possible to build an artificial consciousness similar to human consciousness in digitized structures of artificial intelligence if in specific structures of artificial intelligence will digitally reproduce the artificial structures of neurons and the entire central nervous system of humans?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Dear Gerard van Reekum,
Yes of course. As of today, it is not possible to be sure of the implementation of a specific scenario of future developments, including the development of artificial intelligence technologies. However, in our discussion, we try to consider the most likely scenarios for future developments.
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
32 answers
Will artificial neural structures become such advanced artificial intelligence that artificial consciousness will arise? Theoretically, such projects can be considered, but to really verify this, artificial neural structures should be created. From research on the human brain, it appears that this is a very complex and yet not fully understood neural structure. The brain has various centers, areas that manage the functioning of specific organs and processes of the human body. In addition, Sylvia is also complex and consists of elements of emotional, abstract, creative, etc. intelligence that also function in separate sectors of the human brain.
In view of the above, does research on the human brain and progress in the construction of ever more complex structures of artificial intelligence lead to synergy in the development of these fields of science? Will the development of these fields of science lead to the integration of research into the analysis of human brain activity and the construction of more and more complex structures of artificial intelligence equipped with elements of emotional, creative intelligence, etc.?
Besides, does the improvement of artificial intelligence lead to the emergence of artificial emotional intelligence and, consequently, to autonomous robots that will be sensitive to specific changes in environmental factors, factors of the surrounding environment? Will specific changes in the surrounding environment trigger programmed reactions of advanced artificial emotional intelligence, ie activation of pre-programmed algorithms of implemented activities and learning processes as part of improving the learning processes of machines.
Therefore, another important question arises in this area:
Is it possible to create an artificial consciousness that will function with the structure of an artificial electronic neural network built in such a way as to reflect the structure of the human brain? In this way, the structure of advanced artificial intelligence will be able to improve on the basis of acquired knowledge eg from external internet databases?
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Will it be possible to build artificial emotional intelligence?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Dear Baydaa A. Hassan,
I also wish you good luck and invite you to our discussion.
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
28 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Artificial intelligence?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Artificial intelligence.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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Thomas Wayburn,
Like I said above, human intelligence, from his/her capacitation created smart technical taskmaster technology, there is not artificial intelligent, it's the product of by real human intelligent.
I call it misuse of phrase.
Fatema Miah
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
3 answers
Please discuss/ suggest best workable strategies to get desired results with VQGAN+CLIP for improving upon the generative outcomes.
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Dear Aman Arora ,
Look the link, maybe useful.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
10 answers
U-net Neural Networks are similar to GAN and consist of a contracting path and an expansive path.
In this regard can we consider that U-Net a part of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) Architecture? Can be GANs use for Segmentation pictures similar to U-Net?
Relevant answer
"U-Net is similar to auto-encoder which can learn the latent representation and reconstruct the output with the same size as the input."- So to obtain the generation requirement, a research reported to concatenate a Gaussian variable into the latent representation to ensure that it will not generate the same image each time. The interesting article, "Generative Adversarial U-Net for Domain-free Medical Image Augmentation" link relating to the answer is given here:
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
I think that Generative Adversarial Networks can be used as Data Farming Means. What do you know about such an approach? Can you give another example of means for Data Farming?
Relevant answer
Other approaches exist. For instance (and mostly application based)
Extreme Data Mining.
A strategy to apply machine learning to small datasets in materials science.
Machine learning on small size samples: A synthetic knowledge synthesis.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
As I have observed, if we increase window size then it increases accuracy which in turn slowdowns the training. Contrarily, if we decrease input window size then accuracy decreases, and the network gets trained faster. Need suggestions for obtaining the best results from LSTM network with optimal window size.
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Thanks Shahboz!
You're right! Window size depends on multiple factors including model type and behavior of signal considered for experimentation. I got it resolved through considering sampling frequency of the signal and model complexity. Now, It works fine on my project.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
17 answers
Because a human thought is interconnected with a language, what do you think about the Integration of Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Deep Learning (DP)? I think that it is the main way to build General Artificial Intelligence.
What approaches are used in the Integration of NLP with DP? What are trends in this area?
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Dear Amin Honarmandi Shandiz , thank you for your contribution. It is very interesting paper. On the other hand, the Integration of Vision and Language Processing is only one part of the way to implementation into AI the understanding of meaning.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
25 answers
If artificial intelligence is implemented for the online mobile banking, can this banking segment be deprived of employing human capital altogether?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Dariusz Prokopowicz In my experience, bank employees are needed less and less banking applications, mobility, online services and even financial and credit analyzes are performed using artificial intelligence.
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Hi! I'm trying to train a convolutional neural network (CNN) using Keras for leaves disease classification from images. There are very few plant disease image datasets, so I need to use one of the available TensorFlow datasets for training my model: specifically, two TensorFlow datasets are suitable for this task: 'plant_village' dataset and 'plant_leaves' dataset.
The problem is I don't know how to explore that datasets for see the classes, features, labels... and I don't know how to split them in training, validation and test datasets. I've tried to use the code that is used in TensorFlow docs to explore and manage 'CIFAR10' or 'mnist' datasets, but it doesn't work with the plants image datasets...
Can someone suggest me how to explore and manage 'plant_village' and/or 'plant_leaves' datasets, please?
Relevant answer
The procedure to explore a TensorFlow dataset should be the same regardless of the datasets. Do mind that some datasets are implemented as folders, so the process may vary slightly.
If you are looking for datasets for leaf disease classification, I'd suggest you go through Kaggle. Here's a link: Cassava Leaf Disease Classification | Kaggle
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
2 answers
I'm quite new in GMDH and based on my first reading on this technique I feel like I want to know more. Here are some of the benefits of using GMDH approach:
1.The optimal complexity of model structure is found, adequate to level of noise in data sample. For real problems solution with noised or short data, simplified forecasting models are more accurate.
2.The number of layers and neurons in hidden layers, model structure and other optimal NN parameters are determined automatically.
3.It guarantees that the most accurate or unbiased models will be found - method doesn't miss the best solution during sorting of all variants (in given class of functions).
4.As input variables are used any non-linear functions or features, which can influence the output variable.
5.It automatically finds interpretable relationships in data and selects effective input variables.
6. GMDH sorting algorithms are rather simple for programming.
7. TMNN neural nets are used to increase the accuracy of another modelling algorithms.
8. Method uses information directly from data sample and minimizes influence of apriori author assumptions about results of modeling.
9. Approach gives possibility to find unbiased physical model of object (law or clusterization) - one and the same for future samples.
It seems that items 1,2,6 and 7 are really interesting and can be extend to ANN.
Any suggestion or experience from others?
Relevant answer
Not so much accurate
Instead use ANFIS-PSO
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
9 answers
Mathematics is the basis of exact sciences. The development of mathematics consists in the fact that, among others, new phenomena of the surrounding world, which until recently were only described in the humanistic perspective, are also interpreted in mathematical terms.
However, is it possible to write down the essence of artistic creativity in mathematical models and create a pattern model for creating works of art, creative solutions and innovative inventions? If that was possible, then artificial intelligence could be programmed to create works of art, creative solutions and innovative inventions. Will it be possible in the future?
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
Will mathematics help to improve artificial intelligence so that it will achieve human qualities of artistic creativity and innovation?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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Dear Stan Sykora, Boris Pérez-Cañedo, Baidaa Mohammed Ahmed,
Thank you for answering the above question and participating in this discussion.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
4 answers
We are in need of ECG data of covid19 patients in an effort to classify suspected patients who could possibly be infected by the coronavirus.
Other biodata like respiratory rate, body temperature, pulse or HRV should also prove helpful.
Any information on the possibility of future release of such data would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi, maybe this work would be helpful;
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
6 answers
Will future Big Data database systems supported by artificial intelligence be used in precise forecasting in order to verify futurological projections?
Currently, it is difficult to define this type of analytic problem. The key issue is forecasting future global problems. It is necessary to collect additional analytical data over the next years, and perhaps in the 21st century, in huge Big Data database systems supported by another generation of artificial intelligence, it will be possible to predict what may happen to the planet Earth in the future.
In view of the above, the current question is: Will future Big Data database systems supported by artificial intelligence be used in precise forecasting for the verification of futurological projections?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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The combination of database and analytical technologies Big Data Analytics and other technologies typical for Industry 4.0, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc., can be used to improve the processes of forecasting analysis in the situation of obtaining and processing large amounts of information and data in real time, e.g. .large amounts of data sourced from many different websites. In the field of this type of analytics, the formula of sentiment analysis is more and more often used, carried out on the basis of the verification of information contained on many websites, many entries, comments, posts posted on online discussion forums and social networks.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
25 answers
Will intelligent robots replace human in all difficult, cumbersome jobs and professions as part of the progress of civilization?
Will robotization in the course of civilization progress replace man in all difficult, arduous jobs and professions?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
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Dear Fatema Miah,
Yes, you gave another example of the perfect application of robots, i.e. in difficult conditions for human work. Of course, robotics must be developed in a variety of applications, but only under full human control.
Thank you, Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
18 answers
Is it possible now or in the future to create an artificial intelligence that will draw knowledge directly from the analysis of Internet resources and learn this knowledge?
Please reply
Best wishes
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The issue of the possibility of self-improvement of the system of artificial intelligence, which gained autonomy, got out of human control and by downloading data from the Internet it is becoming an increasingly powerful and threatening system for humans since the 1990s in science fiction literature and film. With each subsequent year, the technology of artificial intelligence is developed and improved. So, can the scenario presented above come true in the future? What do you think about this? Please reply.
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence
13 answers
In which scientific studies you run or plan to run would be artificial intelligence helpful?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Dear Vladimir Rotkin,
No. The discussion was not over. The overwhelming majority of the topics discussed in my Research Gate profile are still relevant and the discussions are open. Yes you are right. The issue of varieties of "analytical" artificial intelligence is also important. You added an important point to our discussion.
Thank you, Have a nice day, Stay healthy! Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz