Science topics: MoringaMoringa oleifera
Science topic

Moringa oleifera - Science topic

Moringa oleifera is a plant species of the family Moringaceae, order Capparales, subclass Dilleniidae. It is a source of niaziminin and hypotensive thiocarbamate glycosides.
Questions related to Moringa oleifera
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
The plant was extracted by mixing 60g of powdered moringa oleifera into 300 mL of distilled water via the boiling method for 10 mins. Then the extract is filtered. The filtrate will be used to mix with AgNO3 (1mM). Now I have to come up with multiple concentration, but how do I do so?
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Freeze dry your extract and take the weight to get exact concentration of your extract. Then you proceed to working out the different concentration you need with the 1mM AgNO3
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
Flocculation Agents:
  1. Guar gum: food-grade
  2. Poly-γ-glutamate (PGA): food-grade
  3. Moringa oleifera seeds flour: food-grade
  4. Chitosan: food-grade
  5. Eggshells: food-grade???
  6. Aspergillus Niger: food-grade???
  7. feel free to add any other bio-flocculation agents ...
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While Guar Gum can act as a flocculant for dyes, its lack of charge makes it ineffective as a flocculant for most freshwater microalgae. It appears to only be viable if it is modified adding a cationic moeity in its backbone.
Aditionally filamentous fungi effect on flocculation may vary in its effect depending on the microalgae. There are more examples of this fungi in the literature but most are from the Aspergillus genus.
Overall they seem to be food grade but from my own research the direct effects on humans havent been tested for most of them.
Some aditional bioflocculants you could add are: cationic polyssacharydes such as cationic starch ( ), guar gum ( and
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
THE MODE OF PLANT EXTRACT OF THE ABOVE and doseage are mostly needed
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  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
The ethanol extract will be used for semen preservation, kindly explain the process of extraction. I mean which one is going to be used ( the extract from extraction bottle or the residuals from the small bottle?)
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I think this document could be useful:
I guess your intention is to get as much quercetin, chlorogenic acid and tocopherols as possible. For that purpose, and using ethanol as solvent, I would choose a percolation method. I will not choose soxhlet, cause the solvent will reach ~78ºC and will ruin the extract. I would use the simple percolation method ( using cold ethanol. I personally would use 40-45 ºC ethanol heated in a water bath in a fume hood, but, that procedure has some associated risks due ethanol vapors and I wouldn't recommend it.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
I researched the effectiveness of Moringa oleifera supplements using the Self Emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS). Previous research related to nanotechnology using Moringa oleifera is still in the in vitro stage, my research plan is to do on Wistar rats. How to convert herbal extract dosage to nanoparticles? The recommended extract dose is 200 mg/kg bw? Thanks
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  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
I have already identified chitosan, guar gum, and moringa oleifera seed powder as potential flocculation agents. However, the available information is sparse. Any help and advice is highly appreciated! :) Merry Christmas to everyone!
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Firstly, Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is a filamentous and multicellular blue-green alga. Eventually, it doesn't require too much effort for harvesting.
Secondly, using chemical flocculants for harvesting microalgae is not advisable for food/pharmaceutical applications because the chemicals might have toxic effects on the final products. On the other hand, physical harvesting, for instance, moving net, could be promising.
Please check the video link below:
Thank you
Best of luck
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
13 answers
I am currently growing Moringa trees to supply leaves, roots to companies which can use it for medical uses. Any suggestions on what tests need to be done before I supply them to the companies and what products can be made from it other than powder from leaves and roots?
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Please see this file
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
16 answers
From my preprint ( )
Moringa oleifera leaves contain proteins, vitamin B6, vitamin C, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin A, and magnesium. Few studies showed that M. oleifera leaves have potent antioxidant activity. The plant also contains flavonoid quercetin, which was recently recommended for the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. Moringa isothiocyanates are the main anti-obesity and anti-diabetic bioactives of moringa concentrate, suggesting that Moringa oleifera may be an effective dietary food for the prevention and treatment of obesity and type II diabetes. Few studies also suggested that Moringa oleifera has hypolipidaemic effect.
Does anyone have some clinical experience in the use of Moringa oleifera as complementary therapy for the prevention and treatment of obesity, type II diabetes, dislipidaemia?
Thank you all in advance!
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Moringa oleifera boost the immune system of the body thus providing protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
Any recommendations?
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When we use any chemical, we need to clearly understand the expiry date of this substance. The validity period not only means a change in its chemical or biological structure, but also a change in its physical state. In your case, NaCl will be further used for salt extraction of moringa oleifera seeds. Although its chemical structure is relatively stable, the physical state of NaCl is likely to change during long-term storage and use (such as water absorption, etc.). This series of small deviations may affect your experimental results. I recommend that if you want to accurately achieve your desired goal, you should choose a new chemical instead of an expired one.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
For example, in the process of obtaining callus from Stevia rebaudiana or Moringa oleifera leaves, if these or other plant species have been used as a commercial food product, or if it has been added directly to a food product; If so, should it go through a pretreatment or can it be added directly? So far, I have not found any information, not even in the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
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Dear Dr. Crhistian Mark Montenegro
What is the problem if you have got regenerated plants from leaves via tissue culture, are you worried about the media components, although normal plants grown in fields have to be provided with macro- and micro-elements to grow.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
I need to work on it
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Because Sunflower meal is an expensive protein source and not easily available in all over the world , that's why we are trying to use those proteins source ingredients which are easily available and benefits of farmers
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
Weeds cover the moringa crop just after emergence and reduces the production potential of forage moringa therefore, use of selective post emergence herbicide is utmost important at this stage.
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Dear Mohd. Arif thank you for this interesting technical question. Just in case that this is still of interest to you, please have a look at the following potentially useful review article (book chapter):
Advances in Production of Moringa
(see attached pdf file)
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree of the family Moringaceae, native to the Indian subcontinent. Common names include moringa, drumstick tree, and benzolive tree. The leaves contain insulin like proteins and an abundance of minerals and vitamin. My question pertains to what kind of insulin like proteins are present in it, and the mechanisms & pathways involved to help reduce blood sugar as well as blood pressure.
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Dear Shriyedita Ramesh thank you for this very interesting and important technical question. In this context please have a look at the following relevant article:
Effect of Moringa oleifera consumption on diabetic rats
This paper is freely available as public full ext on ResearchGate.
Also please see this potentially useful article:
Effects of Moringa oleifera on Glycaemia and Insulin Levels: A Review of Animal and Human Studies
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
6 answers
Greetings! I'm trying to develop a quick routine method (quality control) to determine polyphenols in hydroalcoholic extracts of Moringa oleifera seeds. However, the test results reflects considerably high values (1,71 gr/L eq. of Gallic Acid).
The extract was made in a 1:10 solute-solvent ratio, using 70% Ethanol. It was filtered, diluted in water and centrifuged at 10.000 rpm. The proteins were apparently extracted and the levels of sugars and vitamin C in Moringa seeds are very low.
It's possible that there is still some interference? Maybe the oleic acid? I appreciate your help.
Best Regards! Arturo Torres
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  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
What is the experimental procedure of removing Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) from water using Iron nanoparticles synthesized from moringa oleifera plant leaves?
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Actually, the article does not contain the process @Bayan Hussien
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
6 answers
I am doing the isolation of pure compounds from Moringa leaves. The problem is, the compound of the Moringa leaves has Rf adjacent, making it difficult to be separated. Please share your experiences with research on Moringa leaf. Thank you so much for your advice.
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Yes you are right. Some of the compounds are very difficult to separate. Semi-Preparaive HPLC will help. That was what I used.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
I am conducting my study on Moringa oil yield and quality. Therefore i am looking for contacts of any company that can assist me.
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Agricultural Research Council - Agricultural Engineering campus (Pretoria)
Tel: 012 842 4017
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
5 answers
I need to do extraction of  flavonoids from the flower of moringa ,i don't know which method is the best to get a good  flavonoid extract ..
any help
thanks all
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Yes! Please take a look at this RG link.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
Moringa oleifera shows the anti fertility activity, but this not 100 percent proven, like some people said moringa oleifera useful in pregnancy time while other said never use in the pregnancy due to their anti-fertility activity.
Since has been any research done on moringa oleifera?
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Several studies on Moringa oleifera reports anti-fertility and abortion activities of its leaves, roots and stems. Please see the following RG links and PDF attachments.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
23 answers
Recently, many studies have shown the effectiveness of the Moringa tree on our bodies and health as well as its other biological activity on various organisms
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Moringa oleifera is known for its many benefits and medicinal properties, as it is beneficial for hair and skin, anti-inflammatory, reduces the risk of cancer, is also beneficial for digestive system and colon, strengthens bones as it contains calcium and phosphorus, maintains cardiovascular health and blood pressure, reduces the level of fat and cholesterol in the blood, lowers blood sugar level, Helps heal wounds, helps alleviate asthma, helps iron absorption and thus prevents anemia.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
I'm looking for the best methodology to extract protéines from moringa oleifera leaves. I previously used the the solubilisation(NaCl)/precipitation(pHi) method, but the yield was too small
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Shantanu Bhunia, i was asking a method for leave proteins isolation, not how to determined protéines content. Thank you
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
7 answers
Is anyone working on the effect of Moringa Oleifera on Cancer cells or dones anyone know of any publication that has researched on it.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
My study involves protonating (through nitric acid) Moringa oleifera seed powder (lignocellulosic) to, theoretically, increase adsorption capacity.
In literature, acidifying causes oxygen surface complexes which supposedly increase adsorption sites. Acidifying also is said to lead to an increase in surface area.
My study is the adsorption of zinc by M. oleifera (Biosorption).
The first photo is non-protonated seed powder.
The second photo is protonated seed powder.
The third photo is non-protonated seed powder with zinc.
The fourth photo is protonated seed powder with zinc.
They are all at 1000x magnification.
Is there a noticeable difference? It seems to me there is but I am unsure. How would one describe them? It's my first time to use the SEM so I'm unsure.
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Does anybody have the surface morphology of Advera material with some explaination.Many thanks
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
Powder of seeds from plants such as Moringa oleifera (Drumstick), Strychnos potatorum (Nirmali), Sapindus marginatus (Soap nut) have been used effectively to reduce turbidity of wastewater by coagulating suspended solids. What is the mechanism involved?
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Dear it is because some of them are lectins that agglutinate some blood.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
Is the transcriptome completely available for Moringa oleifera
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Hi ,
You can check the following link as well
Transcriptome of specific tissues is also available.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
after treatment water by seed and pod nanoparticles of moringa oleifera the water become purify so what reaction happened between them to get this result
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Dear Khawla Al-saidi,
Moringa oleifera seeds treat water on two levels, acting both as
01. Coagulant &
02. Antimicrobial agent.
Moringa works as a coagulant due to positively charged, water-soluble proteins, which bind with negatively charged particles (silt, clay, bacteria, toxins, etc) allowing the resulting “flocs” to settle to the bottom or be removed by filtration.
The antimicrobial aspects of Moringa continue to be researched.
Findings support recombinant proteins both removing microorganisms by coagulation as well as acting directly as growth inhibitors of the microorganisms.
While there is ongoing research being conducted on the nature and characteristics of these components, it is accepted that treatments with Moringa solutions will remove 90-99.9% of the impurities in water.
I hope I have answered your question.
With Best Wishes,
Samir G. Pandya
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
I am working on establishing hairy root culture in Moringa oleifera but i am facing a fungal contamination problem after inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogens on MS media. what should i do? i am using disposable petri plates afnd my MS media contain cefatoxime antibiotic.
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Hello Maliha!
Possible reasons of fungal contamination in MS media could be-
1. Improperly sterilized media and/equipments.
2. Defect of air filter of laminar flow.
3. Movement of peoples behind you when you worked under hood.
4. No mask on your mouth while you inoculated.
Please double check the above mentioned possible reasons of contamination.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
The purpose is to make profile (flavonoids and phenolic acids) from Methanolic and Ethanolic extracts of Moringa oleifera leaves
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Dear Sir. Concerning your issue about the best LC-MS/MS analysis of phenolic compound from Moringa oleifera leaves. Moringa oleifera is a plant that grows in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Its leaves are rich of nutrients and bioactive compounds. However, several differences are reported in the literature. In this article we performed a nutritional characterization and a phenolic profiling of M. oleifera leaves grown in Chad, Sahrawi refugee camps, and Haiti. In addition, we investigated the presence of salicylic and ferulic acids, two phenolic acids with pharmacological activity, whose presence in M. oleifera
leaves has been scarcely investigated so far. Several differences were observed among the samples. Nevertheless, the leaves were rich in protein, minerals, and β-carotene. Quercetin and kaempferol glycosides were the main phenolic compounds identified in the methanolic extracts. Finally, salicylic and ferulic acids were found in a concentration range of
0.14–0.33 and 6.61–9.69 mg/100 g, respectively. In conclusion, we observed some differences in terms of nutrients and phenolic compounds in M. oleifera leaves grown in different countries. Nevertheless, these leaves are a good and economical source of nutrients for tropical and sub-tropical countries. Furthermore, M. oleifera leaves are a source
of flavonoids and phenolic acids, among which salicylic and ferulic acids, and therefore they could be used as nutraceutical and functional ingredients. I think the following below links and the attached file may help you in your analysis:
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
What should i do to make moringa oleifera seeds be mo effective when mixed with high turbid water
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Moringa oleifera is potential as an absorber of organic pollutants in the simulation solution. To prepare the samples you can follow the following steps: 1) Removing the shell 2) Kiln drying at 50 ° C 3) Analytical grinding mill 4) Screening 5) Storage in the desiccator 6) Dilution with deionized water (efficient concentrations: from 100 to 500 mg / L)
You can build on the methodology of this work
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
I need to evaluate the behavior of a diesel engine using biodiesel from Moringa oleifera oil
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You can will investigation diesel engin with biodiesel in condition lab scale with real results
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
We are working on the Moring olifera leaves and seeds, if any one had experince on it kindly suggest the best method to separate niazicin from it. If any one is having the isolated compound we need it for our project work?
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Thank you Dr. Majid Abdulhameed Ibrahim for your suggestion
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
I have read several papers but, I still need to find more data on frequency distribution, or coefficient of variance from seed weight and dimensions of Moringa and Ricinus seeds.
If anyone has a paper or data, I will cite the work.
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Table 3 and 4 of “Seed yield components, oil content, and fatty acid composition of two cultivars of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) growing in the Arid Chaco of Argentina”
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
Moringa seeds weight
Coefficient of variance of the sampled seeds
I you have, I need to cite a paper, please.
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The correlation studies in 34 moringa genotypes indicated strong association of number of pods/tree, number of seeds/pod, pod length, seed yield/tree, 100-seed weight and seed oil content with oil yield/tree. Genotypic and phenotypic correlation coefficients estimated for various traits indicated higher magnitude of genotypic correlations than phenotypic correlations. The difference between genotypic and phenotypic correlations was in general low, indicating the least influence of environment on these traits.
See following publications:
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
8 answers
I am working in Moringa oleifera seeds. Grounded seeds will be sock in grey water and after the water will be analysis for Antioxidants, antibacterial, Antibiotics properties. 
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You most welcome
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
I am trying to make a biossorption study using Moringa oleifera (MO) seeds to adsorb Methylene Blue (MB). I made an isotherm experiment changing only the MB concentration. However, I had awkward results when analyzing the removal efficiency. I had used 1g of MO seeds to concentrations of MB (3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 37.5 and 62.5) and I got the same removal efficiency for the 4 last concentrations (35.25%. 35.31%, 34.18%. 34.48%) and I have no idea how to explain that.
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The fixation in the percent adsorption of MB may be  indicating saturation of all the binding sites on  surface of Moringa oleifera  seeds 
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
1 answer
We are working on effects of Moringa oleifera and charcoal filters in water purification.....both drinking and sewage waters and studying the presence of certain groups of bacteria e.g coliforms. We want to broaden the research and include the presence and absence of biofilms in the study but do not know how to go about this....your help will be appreciated...even links to materials that can assist us in this study
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I will strat with a simple hypothesis and methode. You could use a filtered bacterial suspension throught a charcoal filter then put it on a 0.22µm mitrocellulose filter and place the two filters onto a solide agar plate (nitrocellulose in touch with the agar). After incubation, remove the charcoal filter and stain the bacteria using live/dead fluorescent dye  and observe using epifluorescence or CLM.
It's one technics to obtain biofilm on a fiberglass filter which is placed onto a 0.22µm filter before incubation. Here, you will use the charcoal filter instead of the fiberglass. 
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
8 answers
Moringa Oleifera or Drumstick is used in water/wastewater treatment, but which chemical constituent of MO makes it a better coagulant or treating agent.
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PLEASE GO THROUGH ATTACHED ARTICLE. ''Interaction of Moringa oleifera seed protein with a mineral surface and the influence of surfactants '' THIS DESCRIBE DETAILED MECHANISM OF ACTION OF MORINGA PROTEIN.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
studies about effect of gamma radiation doses on secondary metabolites production in Moringa oleifera 
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  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
3 answers
What are the effects of Moringa oleifera seeds extract on some reproductive hormones of rams?
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Dear friend,
As you know very well, every time that you want to examine an herbal extract or seeds you should know what are its ingrediants, for example if it has antioxidant characteristics it may be improve your parameteres, in the other hand, i believe that every feed is poison (over dosage has negative effects). Then at first you must find its ingrediants. We did some expriments in this can read them.
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
2 answers
I'm going to do fractionation of extract by using 4 solvents: hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous. I mix the extract with solvent and put into sonicator then use rotary evaporator until fraction dried. The residues will be used for following fractionation. When I used aqueous to do fractionation, can i use rotary evaporator instead of freeze dried? Will it caused the aqueous fraction to spoil? 
The hexane, ethyl acetate and butanol fraction only undergo rotary evaporator without freeze drying, will it spoil?
PS: I didnt use the column method to do fractionation
Thank you so much for all guidance provided. Appreciate it. 
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Thank you so much. I would like to ask is it possible to have a lot of residues left after fractionation by using 4 solvents( hexane, ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous) ? What I mean is fractionation suppose to separate most of the residues according to polarity right? The residues that are not separated after fractionation done means what?
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
4 answers
I am going to do my research on the use of the palm kernel oil as a coagulant/coagulant aid.
From most of the journals I have read, I understand that the use of Moringa oleifera in coagulation requires the extraction of residual oil before use, to avoid the increase of oil and grease in treated water.
How does the residual oil threaten the coagulation process?
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If you are removing UV254 compounds, Moringa oil could increase the organic content
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
8 answers
I'm doing research on the Moringa oleifera tree to find out about germination at 2600m elevation. All help is welcome.
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Dear Ms Aguilar,
Please refer to a paper by Kundu, M., Seed Sci. & Technol., 37(3), 2009; Effect of seed maturity on germination and desiccation tolerance on Moringa oleifera seed.
  • asked a question related to Moringa oleifera
36 answers
I have the XRD of pod and husk from one tree, the materials present amorphous halo in 16 and 22º, and two sharply peaks in 36,4 and 42,7º. How can I attribute these peaks? I don´t find any XRD with similarity in the literature.
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If the sample holder is Aluminum one would expect sharp reflections with Copper radiation at:
38.47 100
44.72 48
65.095 31
78.23 36
where the second column indicates the relative intensities.
Marcelas angles of 36,4 and 42,7 are rather far away for a good (?) diffractometer. As both reflection are off by 2 degrees, Aluminium seems unlikely to me. Of course, if the sample does not absorb the x-rays very well the sample holder is hit at a lower position compared to the sample. this will shift the observed reflections to lower angles. In my experience though, a shift of 2 degrees would go along wiht a widening of these reflections.
Marcela, you need to specify more accurate information:
What are the relative intensities of these reflections?
What is their width expressed as full width at half maximum. For a good diffractometer these width should be around 0.2 degrees.
Are there further sharp reflections?
If so do they match the Aluminium positions with similar shift and relative intensities