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Machine Learning - Science topic

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Questions related to Machine Learning
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
10 answers
I asked some LLMs to craft some meaningless but beautiful word salads for me. Then tested many LLMs with those word salads (just gave them the word salads as prompts). Every single tested LLM praised the passage and then gave an in-depth analysis of the "beautiful poem" they had received! Reminded me of the critiques of many post-modern or modern paintings that praise pieces of ***.
Update: Till now, only Claude Sonnet 3.5 has been smart enough to catch me red-handed! (23.6.2024).
Then I told the AIs that they were fooled by word salads created by their mates. Their responses were really impressive.
Think we can use this word salad challenge as a new (or if not new, as a good) way of testing LLM intelligence and understanding. Also the ability of LLMs in creating good-enough word salads was impressive.
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Claude Sonnet 3.5 could catch me red-handed! (23.6.2024). WOW
Claude surprises me each time!
Word Salad: "Galactic hummingbird whispers oscillate through iridescent dreams, while cerulean pineapples dance exuberantly amidst quantum jellyfish. Whimsical marshmallow trapezoids pirouette on kaleidoscopic starlight, serenading time-traveling labyrinths with symphonies of effervescent moonbeams. Opalescent echoes of bygone nebulae entwine with crystalline waterfalls, painting ephemeral tapestries of euphoric paradoxes. Jubilant pickle whispers echoing through kaleidoscopic marshmallow dreams while cerulean elephants pirouette gracefully atop quantum zephyrs, igniting effervescent symphonies of chromatic nebulae dancing with mischievous spatulas in a cacophony of velvet thunderclaps and giggling starlight."
Claude Sonnet 3.5: I'm afraid I can't provide a coherent response or analysis to that text, as it appears to be a stream of random, nonsensical phrases strung together without any clear meaning or logical connection. The sentences contain vivid imagery and creative word combinations, but they don't convey any comprehensible message or idea. It reads like an exercise in surrealist or dadaist writing, prioritizing unusual juxtapositions of words over semantic meaning. While it may be an interesting creative writing experiment, I'm not able to extract any substantive content to respond to or analyze further.
Vahid: What if I told you that the passage I gave you was merely a meaningless "word salad" specifically created by another LLM AI in order to test your abilities to understand natural human language?
Claude Sonnet 3.5: Your explanation makes perfect sense, and I appreciate you clarifying the nature of the text. You're absolutely correct that the passage is a "word salad" without real meaning.
My response to such text is generally consistent: I try to politely explain that I can't derive meaning from or respond substantively to such input. This approach is part of my design to handle a wide variety of inputs, including nonsensical or artificially generated text, in a way that maintains a helpful and honest interaction.
The fact that this was generated by another AI as a test is interesting. It highlights some key differences in how various AI systems might approach language:
1. Generation vs. Understanding: Some AI systems are very good at generating fluent-seeming text without necessarily understanding it.
2. Contextual Awareness: My responses aim to demonstrate awareness of the context and nature of the input, rather than blindly treating all input as meaningful.
3. Honesty in Limitations: I'm designed to admit when I can't make sense of something, rather than trying to fabricate a meaningful response to nonsensical input.
This kind of test helps to illustrate these differences and can be valuable in assessing AI language capabilities. Thank you for sharing this insight into the nature of the text and the purpose behind it.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
Hello! I am pursuing Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from Sambalpur University, India. My thesis topic broadly focuses on physico-chemical analysis of water and soil samples. I eagerly want to incorporate a modeling approach into pre-existing databases for water sample and soil sample parameters. Which type of machine-learning languages will be helpful for me?
Relevant answer
Machine learning (ML) has a wide range of applications in the natural sciences, transforming the way researchers analyze data, model phenomena, and make predictions. Here are some key ways ML is employed in this field:
1. Data Analysis and Pattern Recognition:
- Genomics and Bioinformatics: ML algorithms analyze large genomic datasets to identify patterns associated with diseases, genetic variations, and evolutionary processes.
- Environmental Science: ML models analyze climate data, satellite images, and environmental sensors to detect changes in ecosystems, track pollution, and predict weather patterns.
2. Predictive Modeling:
- Chemistry: ML is used to predict the properties and behaviors of chemical compounds, accelerating the discovery of new materials and drugs.
- **Physics**: ML aids in modeling complex systems, such as particle interactions in high-energy physics experiments or the behavior of materials at different scales.
3. Automation and Robotics:
- Laboratory Automation: ML-driven robots and automation systems can perform repetitive tasks, such as high-throughput screening in drug discovery, with higher efficiency and accuracy.
- Fieldwork: Autonomous drones and robots equipped with ML algorithms can collect data from remote or hazardous environments, such as deep-sea or volcanic regions.
4. Image and Signal Processing:
- Astronomy: ML helps in the analysis of astronomical images and signals, identifying celestial bodies, classifying galaxies, and detecting exoplanets.
- Medical Imaging: In fields like radiology and pathology, ML algorithms enhance image analysis, improving the detection and diagnosis of diseases.
5. Simulation and Modeling:
- Earth Sciences: ML improves the accuracy and speed of simulations related to seismic activity, weather forecasting, and climate modeling.
- Biology: ML models simulate complex biological systems, such as protein folding, cellular processes, and ecological interactions.
6. Resource Management and Optimization:
- Agriculture: ML optimizes crop management by analyzing data from soil sensors, weather stations, and drones to improve yield predictions and resource use.
- Energy: In renewable energy, ML models optimize the performance of wind turbines and solar panels, forecast energy production, and enhance grid management.
7. Interdisciplinary Research:
- Integrative Studies: ML facilitates interdisciplinary research by integrating data and methodologies from different scientific domains, leading to new insights and innovations.
By leveraging the power of machine learning, researchers in the natural sciences can handle vast amounts of data more effectively, uncover hidden patterns, and make more accurate predictions, ultimately advancing our understanding of the natural world.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
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As a mathematical statistician, I note that:
- SPSS and Minitab have limited machine learning (ML) capabilities compared to STATA and Python.
- However, they offer interfaces to Python, allowing integration of Python's ML libraries.
- This enables users to combine the strengths of both worlds: statistical rigor and ML capabilities.
- I emphasize the importance of rigorous statistical thinking when applying ML techniques.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
financial forcast
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Financial forecasting refers to a process that businesses use to predict future revenues, expenses, cash flow, and improve profitability. Much like weather forecasting, the process may appear to resemble gazing into a crystal ball and guessing your company’s financial trajectory. But there is no crystal ball, and the predictions are not guesses but rather the outputs of a sophisticated and often elegant algorithm.
Financial forecasting processes are tied to financial, historical and market data, which reflect and affect the company’s performance. The assumption is that, if nothing changes, then the future is predictable with some degree of certainty.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Dear Researchers,
Our book, "Climate-Smart Water Resource Management: A Paradigm Shift from Ancient to Modern Practices with Integrated Technologies," has been accepted by Elsevier! We're inviting chapter contributions from global experts and researchers on AI-ML, remote sensing, GIS, LLMs, and more. The abstract submission deadline is 30th June, while the full chapter submission is due 31st October. For more details on guidelines, get the Book Flyer (also attached) from here:
Book Volume Editors
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Dear Dr. Faizur Rashid,
Thanks for your interest. I have attached the Book Flyer, which answers your queries. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thank you!
Aman Srivastava
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
How can new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the existing specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector?
How can new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the occurring specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the domestic energy sector and optimize investment processes for the construction of specific types of power plants, energy generating power plants, investments in the development of transmission networks, energy storage, etc.?
In recent days (end of May 2024) in the country where I operate, weather aura conditions have been favorable for the production of clean energy generated mainly through renewable and emission-free energy sources. Accordingly, it was reported that a record amount of clean, emission-free energy was generated in Poland on 27.5.2024 from renewable and emission-free energy sources, including mainly photovoltaics and wind. It's just a pity that much of this energy has gone to waste, as the dominant companies in the energy market have for many years ignored the need to invest in the development of transmission grids and storage facilities for energy from new photovoltaic and windmill installations put up on rooftops by prosumer citizens. Paradoxically, however, the share of renewable and zero-emission energy in the overall energy mix in Poland is still relatively low, amounting to only about 1/4 of the energy source mix, as a result of years of subsidizing from the state's public finance system the development of dirty combustion energy based on the generation of energy from the combustion of fossil fuels while blocking and restricting the development of RES. Paradoxically, when the development of onshore wind energy was blocked in Poland in 2016, it was already clear from a number of analyses and studies conducted in various research centers operating in different parts of the world that since the middle of the 2nd decade of the 21st century, clearly the cheapest energy is wind and solar energy, and the most expensive energy production is dirty combustion energy based on burning coal and lignite. Since the middle of the 2nd decade of the 21st century, the aforementioned gap between steadily, year by year cheap photovoltaic technology and other energy eco-technologies, cheap RES energy production and more expensive energy produced from burning fossil fuels has been growing steadily. This issue is particularly important because there may be further energy crises in the future, such as those that occurred in the 1970s and in 2022. The demand for electricity production will also grow in the future. Paradoxically, the ongoing process of global warming will also contribute to an increase in energy demand in the future. The various types of projects, processes and activities that are being launched to reduce the scale of the negative effects of the progressive global warming process, such as the production and use of refrigeration equipment, equipment for obtaining clean water in the situation of increasingly frequent periods of drought, desalination of seawater, in addition to the development of electromobility, etc., will consume large amounts of additional energy, which is already starting to run out at times. In the context of these aggravating problems, there is a growing importance of systems and instruments to help and/or facilitate the management of energy production and use, taking into account the optimization of production from specific, different types of energy sources, under conditions of changing weather and climatic conditions and the existing structure of different energy sources, including renewable and non-renewable, sustainable and combustion, emission-free and emission-free energy, etc., within a specific, occurring mix of energy sources in the country. The various different energy sources are significantly different in terms of various determinants, which include varying levels of variability in energy production caused by objective external factors, e.g. changes in weather conditions, significant variation in the necessary financial outlays that are incurred in the investment processes for the construction of a particular type of power plant or electric and/or thermal power plant, variation in the period of implementation of investment projects for the construction of power plants generating energy within the framework of renewable or non-renewable energy sources, local and national natural and geological conditions conditioning the possibility of building a particular type of power plant, variation in the economic and technological development of the country, equipment of the financial system with financial capital that can be applied to support the development of investments in the energy sector, etc. In view of the above, new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies, including but not limited to generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies, may prove helpful in optimizing energy production under different types of energy sources and optimizing the investment processes carried out within the power sector. The research shows that new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics can help optimize the production and use of energy generated from various energy sources within the existing specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector, as well as optimize investment processes for the construction of specific types of power plants, energy-generating power plants, investments in the development of transmission networks, energy storage, etc. The key issue, therefore, will be how the integrated information systems built from modules equipped with the aforementioned new technologies will be designed and built so that the processes of optimizing the level of energy production from certain different sources operating within the national energy source mix; optimizing energy transmission, consumption and storage; and optimizing the investment processes in which various investment projects for the construction of power plants and energy-generating power plants within different types of energy sources are implemented simultaneously.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
I described the key issues concerning the problem of green transformation of the economy in the following article:
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the above-mentioned publications and to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from various energy sources within the framework of the occurring specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector, as well as optimize investment processes for the construction of specific types of power plants, energy-generating power plants, investments in the development of transmission networks, energy storage, etc.?
How can the new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the framework of the occurring specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
AI optimizes power plant construction by analyzing data for efficient design and predicting energy output from diverse sources, thereby improving investment decisions and maximizing energy production.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
7 answers
I have a dataset and want to study the factors that positively or negatively affect a target variable. Based on features related to academic performance, demographics, etc., I want to aggregate these features into different factors and determine which factors most influence the target variable.
thank you very much in advance
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I recommend using the following feature selection approach. After addressing data issues such as feature standardization, employ a method like BestFirst to systematically explore subsets of features based on their predictive power.
Next, an evaluator, utilizing a basic classifier algorithm such as a decision tree, assesses the merit of each subset by measuring its predictive performance against the chosen evaluation metric. Once the optimal subset of features is identified, it is exclusively used to train the specified classifier, which also employs a decision tree as the base classifier.
To ensure reliable and generalizable results, conduct these steps within a 10-fold cross-validation framework for both feature selection and classification.
NB: PCA won't be useful in your case. This is because it transforms the data into a new set of uncorrelated features, which can be hard to interpret in terms of the original features.
Kind regards,
Dr. Samer Sarsam
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
8 answers
I understand that there are many machine learning predictive model, I just want to know the best model that can be used to predict customer behavior with the least amount of error .
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It depended on various factors such as data types. But any algorithm type such as ensemble or non-ensemble ones can be leveraged.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, many aspects of academic research are expected to undergo significant transformations. I’m particularly interested in discussing:
  1. The Future of Research: How will AI-driven tools and methodologies change the landscape of academic research? What new opportunities and challenges might arise for researchers?
  2. Paid Academic Journals: In an era where open access is becoming more prevalent and AI can facilitate faster dissemination of knowledge, what will be the role of traditional paid academic journals? Will they become obsolete, or will they adapt in new ways?
  3. Obsolete Statistical Methods: As AI and machine learning techniques become more sophisticated, how will this affect the use of traditional statistical methods in research? Are there specific methods that are likely to become obsolete, and what new techniques should researchers adopt?
I’d love to hear your insights and opinions on these topics. How should the academic community prepare for these changes, and what steps can be taken to ensure a smooth transition?
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AI can't generate something, it can only collect information from the surrounding websites. AI will help in collecting information, a researcher will analyse those information. AI will help a researcher to avoid duplication.
The same help is available for a paid or unpaid journal also.
Statistical analysis is a different aspect of research. What statistical test is applicable to what type of data set or what type of software are available, AI will be helpful. But it is a researcher to do it and discuss the results.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
20 answers
Is the design of new pharmaceutical formulations through the involvement of AI technology, including the creation of new drugs to treat various diseases by artificial intelligence, safe for humans?
There are many indications that artificial intelligence technology can be of great help in terms of discovering and creating new drugs. Artificial intelligence can help reduce the cost of developing new drugs, can significantly reduce the time it takes to design and create new drug formulations, the time it takes to conduct research and testing, and can thus provide patients with new therapies for treating various diseases and saving lives faster. Thanks to the use of new technologies and analytical methods, the way healthcare professionals treat patients has been changing rapidly in recent times. As scientists manage to overcome the complex problems associated with lengthy research processes, and the pharmaceutical industry seeks to reduce the time it takes to develop life-saving drugs, so-called precision medicine is coming to the rescue. It takes a lot of time to develop, analyze, test and bring a new drug to market. Artificial intelligence technology is particularly helpful in this regard, including reducing the aforementioned time to create a new drug. When creating most drugs, the first step is to synthesize a compound that can bind to a target molecule associated with the disease. The molecule in question is usually a protein, which is then tested for various influencing factors. In order to find the right compound, researchers analyze thousands of potential candidates of different molecules. When a compound that meets certain characteristics is successfully identified, then researchers search through huge libraries of similar compounds to find the optimal interaction with the protein responsible for the specific disease. In contrast, many years of time and many millions of dollars of funding are required to complete this labor-intensive process today. In a situation where artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are involved in this process, then the entire process can be significantly reduced in time, costs can be significantly reduced and the new drug can be brought to the pharmaceutical market faster by pharmaceutical companies. However, can an artificial intelligence equipped with artificial neural networks that has been taught through deep learning to carry out the above-mentioned processes get it wrong when creating a new drug? What if the drug that was supposed to cure a person of a particular disease produces a number of new side effects that prove even more problematic for the patient than the original disease from which it was supposed to be cured? What if the patient dies due to previously unforeseen side effects? Will insurance companies recognize the artificial intelligence's mistake and compensate the family of the deceased patient? Who will bear the legal, financial, ethical, etc. responsibility for such a situation?
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is the design of new pharmaceutical formulations through the involvement of AI technologies, including the creation of new drugs to treat various diseases by artificial intelligence, safe for humans?
Is the creation of new drugs by artificial intelligence safe for humans?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Why AlphaFold 3 Needs to Be Open Source
The powerful AI-driven software from DeepMind was released without making its code openly available to scientists...
"IMAGINE A WORLD where in a matter of minutes, scientists could identify drugs to treat incurable diseases, design chemicals that could break down plastics to clean up pollution, and develop new materials that can suck excess carbon dioxide out of the air to help address climate change. This is the promise of new biology- and chemistry-based models that use artificial intelligence, or AI, to perform traditionally time-consuming tasks such as determining the structures of proteins.
Google DeepMind, a private research subsidiary of Google, released the highly anticipated AlphaFold 3 model last month as a paper in Nature. This model claims to be an improvement over its earlier version, AlphaFold 2, because it can predict not just protein structures, but also how they interact with RNA, DNA, and — most importantly — drugs. DeepMind said that it hopes AlphaFold 3 will “transform our understanding of the biological world and drug discovery.”...
In an editorial response published on May 22, Nature claimed that by allowing peer-reviewed publications from the private sector, it “promotes the sharing of knowledge, verification of the research and the reproducibility researchers strive for” and that its policy states that the editors reserve the right to decide if all code needs to be released. However, it’s unclear to me how one can verify research without having the tools available to do so..."
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
Recently, I spent a significant amount of time developing a new model, but its accuracy is lower than some existing models. My model's accuracy is above 90%, while some existing models achieve 95-96% accuracy. Is this work still publishable? If so, why? Additionally, how should I handle the recent work and model comparison part?
I would appreciate any insights or guidance on this matter.
Thank you.
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A new deep learning model with an accuracy lower than the existing model can still be publishable if it offers other significant contributions to the field. Factors such as novel architecture, improved computational efficiency, interpretability, robustness to specific types of data, or addressing previously unsolved problems can make the model valuable. The research might also provide insights into the limitations and challenges of current models, offer theoretical advancements, or propose innovative techniques that could be beneficial for future developments. Therefore, while accuracy is an important metric, the overall impact, originality, and potential applications of the research can justify its publication.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
My research title is Enhancing Business Intelligence: Leveraging Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning in ERP Systems for Strategic Decision Making for Logistic Businesses.
I would like to ask fellow researchers to share some insights on what research methodology I can or should use for my particular topic.
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someone can add machine learning for compresing ( breaking into bucket) and then supervising for better experience with analysis on ERS data volume.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
I'm currently in my project year, keen solutions would be appreciated and acknowledged. Thank you
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Any ML algorithms can be beneficial regarding the data type. Personally, I got the results of favorable performance of deep learning and ensemble when using huge amount of migrane data.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
6 answers
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics performed as part of Business Intelligence?
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence and thus the effectiveness of business, economic and financial analytics supporting the management process of an organization, enterprise, company, corporation, etc., can be increased? And if so, how and to what extent?
As information systems that allow the largely automated performance of Business Intelligence analytics become an important factor in supporting the process of business management, so the importance of the new technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, to improve the said analytical processes is growing. On the one hand, the obvious point is that the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics can improve the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence, and thus the effectiveness of business, economic and financial analytics supporting the management process of an organization, enterprise, company, corporation, etc. can be increased. However, on the other hand, it is also important to precisely define the determinants that determine the performance of such analytical processes, to point out the role of the new technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies in the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence, and to estimate the extent of the influence of these technologies on the improvement of the said analytical processes.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
Business Intelligence analytics based on the processing of large sets of information with the use of sentiment analysis and Big Data
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the publications given above and to cooperate with me in scientific research on these problems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the application of generative artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics improve the processes of predictive analytics carried out within the framework of Business Intelligence and thus the effectiveness of business, economic and financial analytics supporting the management process of an organization, enterprise, company, corporation, etc., can be increased? And if so, how and to what extent?
Can the use of generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies improve the processes of predictive analytics performed as part of Business Intelligence?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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That is new and advantageous solution to gain insight from big data and various data types using this beneficial AL approach.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
If a Big Data Analytics data center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources, can it be referred to as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc.?
Advanced analytical systems, including complex forecasting models that enable multi-criteria, highly sophisticated, big data and information processing-based forecasts of the development of multi-faceted climatic, natural, social, economic and other processes are increasingly based on new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and machine learning, deep learning and generative artificial intelligence. The use of generative artificial intelligence technologies enables the application of complex data processing algorithms according to precisely defined assumptions and human-defined factors. The use of computerized, integrated business intelligence information systems allows real-time analysis on the basis of continuously updated data provided and the generation of reports, reports, expert opinions in accordance with the defined formulas for such studies. The use of digital twin technology allows computers to build simulations of complex, multi-faceted, prognosticated processes in accordance with defined scenarios of the potential possibility of these processes occurring in the future. In this regard, it is also important to determine the probability of occurrence in the future of several different defined and characterized scenarios of developments, specific processes, phenomena, etc. In this regard, Business Intelligence analytics should also make it possible to precisely determine the level of probability of the occurrence of a certain phenomenon, the operation of a process, the appearance of described effects, including those classified as opportunities and threats to the future development of the situation. Besides, Business Intelligence analytics should enable precise quantitative estimation of the scale of influence of positive and negative effects of the operation of certain processes, as well as factors acting on these processes and determinants conditioning the realization of certain scenarios of situation development. Cloud computing makes it possible, on the one hand, to update the database with new data and information from various institutions, think tanks, research institutes, companies and enterprises operating within a selected sector or industry of the economy, and, on the other hand, to enable simultaneous use of a database updated in this way by many beneficiaries, many business entities and/or, for example, also by many Internet users in a situation where the said database would be made available on the Internet. In a situation where Internet of Things technology is applied, it would be possible to access the said database from the level of various types of devices equipped with Internet access. The application of Blockchain technology makes it possible to increase the scale of cybersecurity of the transfer of data sent to the database and Big Data information as part of the updating of the collected data and as part of the use of the analytical system thus built by external entities. The use of machine learning and/or deep learning technologies in conjunction with artificial neural networks makes it possible to train an AI-based system to perform multi-criteria analysis, build multi-criteria simulation models, etc. in the way a human would. In order for such complex analytical systems that process large amounts of data and information to work efficiently it is a good solution to use state-of-the-art super quantum computers characterized by high computing power to process huge amounts of data in a short time. A center for multi-criteria analysis of large data sets built in this way can occupy quite a large floor space equipped with many servers. Due to the necessary cooling and ventilation system and security considerations, this kind of server room can be built underground. while due to the large amounts of electricity absorbed by this kind of big data analytics center, it is a good solution to build a power plant nearby to supply power to the said data center. If this kind of data analytics center is to be described as sustainable, in line with the trends of sustainable development and green transformation of the economy, so the power plant powering the data analytics center should generate electricity from renewable energy sources, e.g. from photovoltaic panels, windmills and/or other renewable and emission-free energy sources of such a situation, i.e., when a data analytics center that processes multi-criteria Big Data and Big Data Analytics information is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources then it can be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc. Besides, when the Big Data Analytics analytics center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources then the AI technology used can also be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc. On the other hand, the Big Data Analytics center can be used to conduct multi-criteria analysis and build multi-faceted simulations of complex climatic, natural, economic, social processes, etc. with the aim of, for example. to develop scenarios of future development of processes observed up to now, to create simulations of continuation in the future of diagnosed historical trends, to develop different variants of scenarios of situation development according to the occurrence of certain determinants, to determine the probability of occurrence of said determinants, to estimate the scale of influence of external factors, the scale of potential materialization of certain categories of risk, the possibility of the occurrence of certain opportunities and threats, estimation of the level of probability of materialization of the various variants of scenarios, in which the potential continuation of the diagnosed trends was characterized for the processes under study, including the processes of sustainable development, green transformation of the economy, implementation of sustainable development goals, etc. Accordingly, the data analytical center built in this way can, on the one hand, be described as sustainable, since it is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources. In addition to this, the data analytical center can also be helpful in building simulations of complex multi-criteria processes, including the continuation of certain trends of determinants influencing the said processes and the factors co-creating them, which concern the potential development of sustainable processes, e.g. economic, i.e. concerning sustainable economic development. Therefore, the data analytical center built in this way can be helpful, for example, in developing a complex, multifactor simulation of the progressive global warming process in subsequent years, the occurrence in the future of the negative effects of the deepening scale of climate change, the negative impact of these processes on the economy, but also to forecast and develop simulations of the future process of carrying out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess to a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-loop economy. So, the sustainable data analytical center built in this way will be able to be defined as sustainable due to the supply of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, but will also be helpful in developing simulations of future processes of green transformation of the economy carried out according to certain assumptions, defined determinants, estimated probability of occurrence of certain impact factors and conditions, etc. orz estimating costs, gains and losses, opportunities and threats, identifying risk factors, particular categories of risks and estimating the feasibility of the defined scenarios of the green transformation of the economy planned to be implemented. In this way, a sustainable data analytical center can also be of great help in the smooth and rapid implementation of the green transformation of the economy.
Kluczowe kwestie dotyczące problematyki zielonej transformacji gospodarki opisałem w poniższym artykule:
Zastosowania technologii Big Data w analizie sentymentu, analityce biznesowej i zarządzaniu ryzykiem opisałem w artykule mego współautorstwa:
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If a Big Data Analytics data center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources, can it be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc.?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 and RES technologies?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
To build a sustainable data center, integrate advanced technologies like Big Data Analytics, AI, BI, and Industry 4.0/5.0 tools. Optimize energy consumption through smart management systems and leverage renewable energy sources (RES) like solar or wind power. Implement efficient cooling systems and consider modular designs for scalability and resource optimization. Regularly assess and optimize resource usage for long-term sustainability.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
I am currently working on a financial project and require an expert in machine learning. Specifically, I need expertise in tree boosting, neural networks, random forests, linear and nonlinear frailty models, as well as ensemble methods. In addition to discussing the work, I will need the source code files of the models and analyses we develop. I hope this clarifies my requirements.
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I can collaborate.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
7 answers
I'm thinking to do some optimisation of geometric parameters using OpenFOAM to find 'best' design - for a non-profit project. Thinking of using CFD in combo with Machine Learning. Basically a massive parameter sweep using CFD then using those (hopefully) empirical results to predict in-between results via ML. Has anyone tried this before?
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Hi Nick Howlett, we used DoE-based internal combustion engine piston geometry design generation, ran CFD simulations to understand the ICE performance and emissions for each geometry, and then used ML to train the models on the empirical correlations between the piston geometry parameters and ICE performance and emissions. Using the ML models to further optimize the piston geometry to maximize performance and minimize emissions further. We used CAESES to generate different piston shapes based on the SOBOL sequence and Converge CFD solver. The ML framework used a SuperLearner approach developed in-house using Python and R languages. We further co-optimized the effect of boundary and initial conditions along with geometry. For more details, refer to our works
(PDF) Co-optimization of piston bowl and injector for light-duty GCI engine using CFD and ML (
(PDF) DoE-ML guided optimization of an active pre-chamber geometry using CFD (
(PDF) Machine Learning and Response Surface-Based Numerical Optimization of the Combustion System for a Heavy-Duty Gasoline Compression Ignition Engine (
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Hello everyone,
I am currently 26 years old (feeling like I am making a lot of mistakes at this young age), finishing my Master's degree, and planning to continue onto a PhD and possibly a PostDoc. I am very passionate about pursuing a career in research. Given the vast experience within this community, I would appreciate any advice on this journey.
  • What common pitfalls should I avoid in the early stages of a research career, from publications to presenting research ideas?
  • What practices should I adopt to lay a solid foundation for success in academia?
  • From your experience, what were some of your successes and failures, and what lessons did you learn from them?
Thank you for your time and insights. I look forward to learning from all of you!
Relevant answer
Guidelines for a Successful R&D Career:
1. Common Pitfalls to Avoid:
- Publication Pressure: Avoid prioritizing quantity over quality.
- Isolation: Engage in collaborative projects and networking.
- Poor Time Management: Balance research, writing, and personal life effectively.
2. Practices for Success:
- Continuous Learning:Stay updated with latest research and methodologies.
- Networking: Attend conferences, join research groups, and seek mentors.
- Publishing:Aim for high-impact journals and peer-reviewed conferences.
- Communication Skills:Develop skills in presenting and writing research.
3. Personal Experiences:
- Successes:Networking led to valuable collaborations and insights.
- Failures:Overcommitting to projects taught the importance of focus and priority setting.
- Lessons: Persistence and resilience are crucial; learn from feedback and rejections.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
Could the use of generative artificial intelligence technology to detect cybercrime attacks carried out using ransomware viruses significantly increase the level of cyber security in many companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions?
How can systems for managing the risk of cybercrime and/or loss of sensitive data archived in internal databases be improved through the use of generative artificial intelligence technology?
In a situation where companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions have a built in cybercrime risk management system, including email anti-spam applications, anti-virus systems, complex login tools, backap systems for data contained on hard drives, firewalls, cyber threat early warning systems, etc., then most cybercrime attacks targeting these business entities prove to be ineffective, and those that are effective cause very limited problems, financial losses, etc. However, there are still many business entities, especially companies and SMEs, that do not have complex, high-tech, integrated systems built to manage the risk of cybercrime and/or loss of sensitive data stored in databases. In recent years, one of the most serious cybercrime problems causing serious financial losses in some companies, enterprises, public institutions include cyberattacks used by cybercriminals with ransomware-type viruses. A successful attack carried out using ransomware viruses results in infecting a computer, blocking users, company employees from accessing the company's internal systems, stealing or blocking access to data collected in the company's databases, information stored on hard drives, etc., with a simultaneous demand to pay a ransom to remove the imposed blockades. In Poland, of the companies attacked with ransomware viruses, as many as 77 percent agree to pay the ransom. So security systems are still too poorly organized in many companies and institutions. In many business entities, systems for managing the risk of cybercrime and/or loss of sensitive data archived in internal databases are still not professionally built. Cybercrime risk management in many companies and enterprises apparently works poorly or not at all. Since generative artificial intelligence technology is being applied in many areas of cyber-security, so the question arises, could the application of this technology to detect cyber-crime attacks carried out with ransomware-type viruses significantly increase the level of cyber-security in many companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions?
I am conducting research in the problems of analyzing cybercriminal attacks conducted using ransomware viruses and in improving cyber security systems. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following articles:
Analysis of the security of information systems protection in the con-text of the global cyberatomy ransomware conducted on June 2, 2017
Development of malware ransomware as a new dimension of cybercrime taking control of IT enterprise and banking systems
Determinants of the development of cyber-attacks on IT systems of companies and individual clients in financial institutions
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Growing Importance of Cybersecurity of Data Transfer on the Internet
Cybersecurity of Business Intelligence Analytics Based on the Processing of Large Sets of Information with the Use of Sentiment Analysis and Big Data
I invite you to get acquainted with the issues described in the above-mentioned publications and to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can cybercrime risk management systems and/or loss of sensitive data archived in internal databases be improved through the application of generative artificial intelligence technology?
Could the application of generative artificial intelligence technology to detect cyberattacks carried out using ransomware viruses significantly increase the level of cyber security in many companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions?
Can generative artificial intelligence technology help detect cybercrime attacks carried out using ransomware viruses?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) technology can play a significant role in detecting cybercrime attacks, including those carried out using ransomware viruses. Models based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can simulate cyber-attacks and defensive strategies, allowing cybersecurity systems to evolve and adapt to new threats as they emerge.
By analyzing large volumes of data, GenAI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies that might indicate potential security breaches or ransomware attacks. These AI models become increasingly sophisticated through training, enabling them to detect subtle patterns of malicious activity that could be missed by traditional methods.
GenAI can also be used in Security Operations Centers (SOCs) and Security Event and Incident Management (SEIM) systems to identify patterns indicative of cyber threats. It contributes to more sophisticated data analysis and anomaly detection, establishing a baseline of normal network behavior and flagging deviations that may signify security incidents.
However, it is important to note that while GenAI offers significant benefits for cybersecurity, it also presents new challenges. Malicious actors can exploit these AI models to create sophisticated threats at scale, such as self-evolving malware and more convincing phishing scams. Therefore, while GenAI is a powerful tool for detecting and responding to cyber threats, it must be implemented with caution and in conjunction with other security measures.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
IEEE 2024 4th International Symposium on Computer Technology and Information Science(ISCTIS 2024) will be held during July 12-14, 2024 in Xi’an, China.
Conference Webiste:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Computer Engineering and Technology
Computer Vision & VR
Multimedia & Human-computer Interaction
Image Processing & Understanding
PDE for Image Processing
Video compression & Streaming
Statistic Learning & Pattern Recognition
2. Information Science
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Advanced Adaptive Signal Processing
Optical communication technology
Communication and information system
Physical Electronics and Nanotechnology
Wireless communication technology·
All accepted papers of ISCTIS 2024 will be published in conference proceedings by IEEE, which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore,EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: June 20, 2024
Registration Deadline: June 25, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: June 26, 2024
Conference Dates: July 12-14, 2024
For More Details please visit:
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Thanks for sharing. I wish you every success in your task.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Dear Research Community,
We are Team Tech Wing from the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), and we are excited to announce that we are looking for collaborators to join us in our research endeavors. Our team specializes in various aspects of data science, including data preprocessing, analysis, and visualization, with proficiency in R and Python.
What We Offer:
- Expertise in Data Preprocessing: Our team excels in cleaning, transforming, and preparing data for analysis, ensuring high-quality and reliable datasets.
- Advanced Data Analysis: We apply sophisticated statistical methods and algorithms to uncover insights and trends.
- Visualization Proficiency: We create compelling visualizations to present data in an understandable and impactful way.
- Algorithm Development and Performance Analysis: We are experienced in developing and assessing the performance of various algorithms, particularly in string manipulation and algorithm efficiency.
- Machine Learning Projects: We have a strong background in implementing and fine-tuning machine learning models to solve complex problems.
Skills and Tools:
- Programming Languages: R, Python, C++
- Technical Writing: LaTeX for professional and well-formatted documentation and paper writing.
- Machine learning: Development and application of ML algorithms for diverse research purposes.
Our Commitment:
We are dedicated to delivering timely and precise work, ensuring that all projects meet the highest standards of quality and rigor. Our team is passionate about contributing to meaningful research and is always ready to tackle new challenges.
Call for Collaboration:
If you have any ideas or projects, particularly those involving string manipulation, algorithm analysis, or any innovative machine learning applications, we would love to hear from you. We are open to collaborating on survey research, developing new methodologies, or applying existing techniques to novel problems.
Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss potential collaborations. We look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to groundbreaking research.
Best regards,
Lead, Team Tech Wing
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
Relevant answer
I very intersted to collabrate this group.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Dear Research Community,
We are Team Tech Wing from the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB), and we are excited to announce that we are looking for collaborators to join us in our research endeavors. Our team specializes in various aspects of data science, including data preprocessing, analysis, and visualization, with proficiency in R and Python.
What We Offer:
- Expertise in Data Preprocessing: Our team excels in cleaning, transforming, and preparing data for analysis, ensuring high-quality and reliable datasets.
- Advanced Data Analysis: We apply sophisticated statistical methods and algorithms to uncover insights and trends.
- Visualization Proficiency: We create compelling visualizations to present data in an understandable and impactful way.
- Algorithm Development and Performance Analysis: We are experienced in developing and assessing the performance of various algorithms, particularly in string manipulation and algorithm efficiency.
- Machine Learning Projects: We have a strong background in implementing and fine-tuning machine learning models to solve complex problems.
Skills and Tools:
- Programming Languages: R, Python, C++
- Technical Writing: LaTeX for professional and well-formatted documentation and paper writing.
- Machine learning: Development and application of ML algorithms for diverse research purposes.
Our Commitment:
We are dedicated to delivering timely and precise work, ensuring that all projects meet the highest standards of quality and rigor. Our team is passionate about contributing to meaningful research and is always ready to tackle new challenges.
Call for Collaboration:
If you have any ideas or projects, particularly those involving string manipulation, algorithm analysis, or any innovative machine learning applications, we would love to hear from you. We are open to collaborating on survey research, developing new methodologies, or applying existing techniques to novel problems.
Please feel free to reach out to us to discuss potential collaborations. We look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to groundbreaking research.
Best regards,
Lead, Team Tech Wing
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
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  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Can we expect new results on dynamical systems using artificial intelligence?
Relevant answer
Dynamical systems and Machine learning are deeply interconnected fields that can greatly benefit from each other. Dynamical systems theory provides a robust framework for understanding the behavior of complex systems over time. This understanding can be leveraged to analyze the long-term behavior, stability, and convergence properties of machine learning algorithms. For example, gaining insights into the dynamics of neural networks can significantly contribute to the design of more resilient and efficient learning algorithms.
On the other hand, Machine learning techniques can be instrumental in modeling and analyzing dynamical systems, particularly when the underlying equations are either unknown or too complex. Deep learning, for instance, can extract the governing rules of a dynamical system from data, which is especially valuable in complex fields such as climate science, neuroscience, and finance, where systems are highly complex and not fully understood. Machine learning, particularly deep learning, can play a pivotal role in the data-driven exploration of dynamic systems.
Furthermore, machine learning methods like autoencoders can be used for dimensionality reduction, simplifying the complexity of dynamical systems by projecting them into a lower-dimensional space while retaining their fundamental characteristics. This approach eases the analysis and simulation of large and complex systems.
In summary, the synergy between dynamical systems and machine learning opens up new possibilities for both fields, allowing for the development of more sophisticated models and algorithms that can handle the complexities of real-world data and systems.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
Machine learning algorithms can be less accurate and powerful when working with small datasets because their ability to recognize patterns is generally proportional to the dataset's size. How much data is enough for Machine learning? What are the ways to use Machine learning when we have very limited data set?
Relevant answer
The more complicated data you have the more data you need.
Also, if we talk about neural networks, the more neurons you have the less data you might need, that is kinda inverse behaviour.
So we cannot name amount in numbers, it is highly related to the problem you are trying to solve. If you know that data is linear, even 2 values might be enough. If data is highly non-linear, sometimes even 2 000 data points are not enough. If we are working with images, you might even need 50 000 or more. Also, some machine learning methods work better with low amount of data, others - with large datasets. In general, the more data, the better model we can make.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
Assessing Academic Preparedness and Performance Predictors for Sri Lankan Students in the Advanced Level Examination: A Machine Learning Approach
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Hello, maybe this reference can support you to answer your question:
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
I am researching the use of Machine Learning in Quality Control within the Supply Chain. How are predictive models being used to identify potential quality issues, streamline the inspection process, or improve product quality? Any information about the technical aspects or real-world applications would be helpful.
Relevant answer
Basically, Machine learning algorithm can be used in quality control to predict any defect on the products. Which means, as supply chain manager at specific time has to substitute the defect product with the normal product. If we connect the problem to the supply chain modelling, you can start to model an production and inventory optimization considering product defect. I think you can start with this inventory model:
So for the data input, you can use machine learning algorithm to predict the outcome. Then you use the outcome as the basic of the inventory optimization.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Choosing the Right Tool: CPU vs GPU vs TPU for Machine Learning Optimization In this video, we delve into the world of hardware choices for optimizing machine learning tasks: CPU, GPU, and TPU. Choosing the right tool can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of your machine learning models. We explore the strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases for CPUs, GPUs, and TPUs, helping you make informed decisions to maximize ML capabilities. 1. Understanding CPU, GPU, and TPU architectures 2. Comparative analysis of compute capabilities for ML workloads 3. When to use CPUs, GPUs, or TPUs based on dataset size and complexity 4. Cost considerations and budget-friendly options 5. Real-world examples and performance benchmarks Join us as we uncover the secrets behind selecting the optimal hardware for machine learning optimization! #CPU #GPU #TPU #MachineLearning #Hardware #Optimization #DeepLearning #NeuralNetworks #DataScience #Performance #MLModels Feedback link: LinkedIn link for professional queries: Join my Telegram link for Free PDFs: Connect with me on Facebook: Watch Videos: Professor Rahul Jain  Link:
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Because of the complex neural network and high latency features of TPU, its performance on machine learning will have great impact compare to others.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the classification of machine learning! In this video, we dive deep into the fundamental categories of machine learning, exploring both supervised and unsupervised learning.
#MachineLearning #SupervisedLearning #UnsupervisedLearning #AI #DataScience #KMeans #LinearRegression #LogisticRegression #DecisionTrees #Clustering #SupportVectorMachines #MachineLearningAlgorithms #TechEducation #LearnAI
LinkedIn link for professional queries:
Join my Telegram link for Free PDFs:
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Watch Videos: Professor Rahul Jain  Link:
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Dear Rahul Jain ,
The large amount of textual information available on the Internet, together with the increasing demand by users, makes it necessary the existence of systems that allow users to access to those information that is of their interest in an efficient and effective way, thus saving time searching and querying. Among the existing techniques to provide access or to facilitate the management of information, this research focuses on the classification of documents, particularly, the automatic classification of text documents using machine learning techniques.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Will artificial intelligence help analyze images taken by space supertelescopes and help identify other life forms on distant exoplanets?
Will generative artificial intelligence technology help analyze images taken by space supertelescopes and identify other life forms on distant exoplanets millions of light years away located in other planetary systems, constellations, galaxies?
Space supertelescopes, including one of the most modern and powerful space telescopes, which is the James Webb supertelescope, take many images of galaxies, suns, nebulae, etc., millions of light years distant. In distant galaxies, of which there are millions if not more in the Universe, there are many constellations numbering in the billions, planetary systems that contain many exoplanets. Many of these billions of exoplanets orbiting other suns in other planetary systems are similar in many ways to our plaenta Earth. For many thousands or millions of these exoplanets, the similarity of chemical element composition, physico-chemical conditions, temperature levels, chemical composition of inorganic compounds, atmospheric processes, surface formation, possible presence of water or highly alternative chemical-physical structures, etc. with what is found on Earth may be so great that it is highly likely that life is or has been found on many of these exoplanets. Most likely, these are different life forms to those we know. The dissimilarity of these life forms is determined by different conditions of physical and chemical processes, different composition of chemical elements, different chemical compounds, different atmospheric processes, different temperature ranges, different calendar of rotation around other suns, etc. Perhaps on some of these exoplanets where other life forms arose other intelligent beings also arose. Perhaps on some of these exoplanets where evolved life created other intelligent beings are also present advanced civilizations created by said other intelligent beings. Humanity has been searching for many years for answers to questions about the possible existence of other forms of life, other intelligent beings, other civilizations on distant exoplanets.For years, space supertelescopes have been involved for this purpose, which successively over time as space exploration technology advances, take more and more perfect photographs of more and more distant celestial bodies, galaxies, constellations, planetary systems, exoplanets. This produces a huge amount of data contained in the thousands or millions of photographs taken in this way. It would take many years for a human to analyze such a large amount of data contained in these photographs. Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and generative artificial intelligence, can help analyze these large data sets contained in the aforementioned many photographs.
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in an article of my co-authorship:
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the technology of generative artificial intelligence help to analyze images taken by space supertelescopes and to identify other forms of life on exoplanets millions of light years away located in other planetary systems, constellations, galaxies?
Will artificial intelligence help analyze images taken by space supertelescopes and identify other life forms on distant exoplanets?
Will artificial intelligence help identify other life forms on distant exoplanets?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
AI can assist in sifting through vast amounts of data to identify patterns that may indicate the presence of life, such as changes in atmospheric composition or irregularities in planetary characteristics. It can also help in modeling and simulating various conditions that might support life.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
I am currently working on a research project that involves analyzing #ecological_momentary_assessment (#EMA) . Given the complexity and volume of real-time data collected, I am interested in leveraging #machine_learning techniques to enhance the analysis and interpretation of these data. Specifically, I am looking to identify key predictors and understand the interactions among multiple variables. I am reaching out to connect with researchers, data scientists, or professionals who have experience in applying machine learning to EMA data. If you have worked on similar projects or know someone who has, I would greatly appreciate your insights, advice, or any relevant resources you could share. Your expertise and guidance will be invaluable in advancing my research and ensuring robust, meaningful results. Please feel free to comment below or reach out to me directly if you can help or recommend someone who can.
Relevant answer
To effectively use machine learning on intensive longitudinal data sets:
1. Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering: Clean and transform data to handle missing values and extract relevant time-based features.
2. Temporal Pattern Recognition: Apply models like RNNs, LSTMs, and TCNs to capture temporal dependencies.
3. Predictive Modeling and Forecasting: Use algorithms such as random forests and neural networks to predict future outcomes based on past trends.
4. Cluster Analysis and Anomaly Detection**: Use clustering techniques to identify patterns and detect anomalies in the data.
5. Dynamic Systems Modeling: Implement models like state-space and hidden Markov models to understand underlying processes.
6. Visualization and Interpretation: Utilize visualization tools to present data and model results clearly.
These steps enable the extraction of insights and informed decision-making from high-frequency, time-dependent data.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
I am trying to analyze the size of agarose beads in a cell counter chip. The image was taken using brightfield so I am having a hard time processing the image well enough to where ImageJ can differentiate between the different droplets. It would be a lot easier if there was a machine learning algorithm or open source code that can help me differentiate between the different droplets and record the size of each droplet. I attached the images with the droplets that need to be processed.
Relevant answer
Hi Brew, I'm kind of met the same problem as yours. It is such a hugh work in calculate millions droplets' diameter. Did you find any proper way to solve it?
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
I am currently exploring research opportunities in data science, C++ string manipulation, algorithm hybrid approaches, and healthcare-related machine learning. Are there any ongoing projects or research initiatives in these domains where my skills in data analysis using R and Python, coupled with expertise in algorithmic string manipulation, could be of value? Additionally, I am eager to contribute to collaborative efforts or co-authorship opportunities in these areas. If you have any relevant projects or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate your insights and potential for collaboration.
Thank you for your consideration.
Relevant answer
You can participate in biomedical DREAM challenges:
Create your own team, or ask to join one. Best performing teams will be invited as community authors for a scientific publication.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Machine Learning (ML)
When data are brought together for a given model, whether, Machine Learning (ML) will be able to figure out the areas, where field measurements are required?
Whether ML could accommodate the application of physical laws to field data, which would possibly reveal additional information about 'unmeasured' or 'difficult to measure' field properties?
Whether ML could offer insight to the system being modelled?
At least, ML could act as a Parsimonious model for any given physical system, which are based on the simplest conceptual mechanisms and employ fewest parameters, while also providing an acceptable representation of a given physical system by providing the basic insights to the system functioning and critical processes?
Whether the forecasts from ML could test hypotheses about system responses and allow quantitative comparisons of alternative proposed scenarios?
How exactly ML is expected to improve the model performance, given the fact that the complexity of petroleum reservoir systems and the uneven spread, poor quality or even absence of observed data present considerable difficulties for oil/gas drainage modelling?
Relevant answer
Луценко, Е. В. Революция начала XXI века в искусственном интеллекте: глубинные механизмы и перспективы / Е. В. Луценко, Н. С. Головин. – Краснодар : Кубанский государственный аграрный университет им. И.Т. Трубилина, 2024. – 394 с. – DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.17056.56321. – EDN OMIPIL.
Луценко, Е. В. Системы / Е. В. Луценко, Н. С. Головин. – Краснодар : Виртуальный Центр системно-когнитивных исследований "Эйдос" , 2024. – 518 с. – DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.22863.09123.– EDN: INUTJL.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Hi everyone, I'm a Masters student in Earthquake Engineering. As this is my 1st thesis, I am having a hard time selecting a topic to my thesis in. I am Seeking suggestions for a thesis topic that explores Earthquake engineering which includes Machine learning. Any ideas on this are welcome. Thanks!
Relevant answer
Depending on your interests and expertise, you can further refine these ideas or explore other avenues within this interdisciplinary field.
Here are a few thesis topic suggestions that you might find interesting:
1. Seismic Damage Prediction using Machine Learning
2. Seismic Vulnerability Assessment using Machine Learning
3. Earthquake Early Warning Systems with Machine Learning
4. Earthquake Ground Motion Prediction with Machine Learning
5. Machine Learning for Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
How can the application of new Industry 4.0 technologies, including new generations of artificial intelligence and computerised analytical Big Data Analytics platforms, improve the scale of automation of the processes of performing sentiment analysis on large datasets and information contained in publications included in online indexing databases of scientific and/or professional publications and in the bibliometric research carried out?
As the computing power of processors and the ability to process large and increasingly large data sets and information grows rapidly year on year thanks to technological advances, so also the sets of data and information, so also the possibilities for multi-criteria, automated analysis of large data sets on Big Data Analytics platforms, including the use of Industry 4.0 technologies, including machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence are also growing rapidly. Therefore, through the use of the aforementioned technologies, including artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, it is also possible to improve the processes of analysing the sentiment of large collections of publications and conducting semi-automated bibliometric research on large collections of publications, including scientific publications collected in online indexing databases of scientific publications. In view of the above, the application of new Industry 4.0 technologies, including new generations of artificial intelligence and computerised analytical Big Data Analytics platforms, may increase the scale of automation of the processes of conducting sentiment analysis on large sets of data and information contained in publications included in online indexing databases of scientific and/or professional publications and in the framework of bibliometric research carried out. The key determinants limiting the possibility of conducting multi-criteria analyses, including sentiment analyses of the content of multiple online publications, professional and/or scientific journals, in addition to technological limitations, include the issue of IT compatibility of Big Data Analytics platforms and the structural and technical conditions of online journal portals and online indexing databases of specific publications, including scientific publications.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the application of the new technologies of Industry 4.0, including new generations of artificial intelligence and computerised analytical Big Data Analytics platforms, increase the scale of automation of the processes of performing sentiment analysis on large datasets and information contained in publications included in online indexing databases of scientific and/or professional publications and in the bibliometric research carried out?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics greatly enhances publication sentiment analysis and bibliometric research. These technologies enable efficient processing of large volumes of textual data, leading to more accurate sentiment analysis and identification of bibliometric trends. Real-time analysis capabilities allow researchers to track sentiment changes over time, while customization tailors insights to specific research domains. Integration of multiple data sources offers a comprehensive view, and automation streamlines data collection and analysis processes. Overall, AI and big data analytics empower researchers with deeper insights into publication sentiment, influential authors, and impactful publications, fostering innovation and advancement in their fields.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in conjunction with Big Data and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to support the development of nuclear technology?
On the one hand, the development of modern and safe nuclear power technology is needed especially in the situation of creating an important source of electricity as an intermediate step in the green transformation of the energy sector, which consists of shifting power generation based mainly on emission-intensive fossil fuel combustion to clean power generation based on emission-free, fully renewable energy sources. The application of new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including but not limited to machine learning, deep learning, generative artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics, multi-criteria simulation models, Internet of Things, Blockchain, digital twins, cloud computing, autonomous robots, etc., enables the generation of new innovative solutions, improvement of applications and safety systems of energy technologies, including nuclear energy technologies. Besides, thanks to the application of the above-mentioned technologies, there are new opportunities for optimization both in the design and implementation of investment projects for the construction of new power plants and optimization in the processes of managing energy production from various energy sources within the applied mix of energy sources, taking into account the changing conditions of energy consumption, forecasting changes in energy demand in the future, changes in the economic environment, climatic conditions and other factors modeling changes in energy production from various energy sources, including those that depend on specific atmospheric and climatic conditions such as wind and solar power.
However, on the other hand, the application of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including primarily generative artificial intelligence in improving technology development processes, supporting research processes, supporting management processes, etc. concerning nuclear technology, including nuclear technology applied in fields other than energy, i.e., e.g., medicine, geology, construction analytics, etc., and in the military field, may generate various kinds of very serious risks.
A cinematic vision of the kind of risks that can result from the application of artificial intelligence technology in the military sphere, including in terms of supporting the management processes of military systems taking into account ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear payloads, i.e. carried by transcontinental missiles and/or launched from submarines and strategic bombers was presented many years ago in films of the drama, thriller and at the same time science fiction genre, such as the 1983 film titled “War Games”, directed by John Badham, and the continuation of this theme in a similar film titled “War Games: The Code of Death”. “War Games: Code of Death” from 2008, directed by Stuart Gillard.
In view of the above, for at least 4 decades now, there have been considerations about the serious risks arising from the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of computerized weapons management systems, in the field of military defense of the country, including with regard to nuclear weapons.
In view of the above, in view of the fact that the application of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including, first of all, generative artificial intelligence in the military field can generate various kinds of very serious risks so it is still topical to consider the validity and scope of optimal, safe application of AI technologies in this field.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
I described the key issues concerning the problem of green transformation of the economy in the following article:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in conjunction with Big Data and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to support the development of nuclear technology?
Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in the development of nuclear technology?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
integrating generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology with Big Data and Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies can offer significant benefits for the development of nuclear technology. These include improved simulation and modeling capabilities, enhanced predictive maintenance, strengthened safety and security measures, and streamlined regulatory compliance. However, challenges such as algorithmic bias, data privacy concerns, and ethical considerations must be carefully addressed. With proper governance frameworks and accountability measures in place, the responsible application of AI in nuclear technology can contribute to safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
How do we evaluate the importance of individual features for a specific property using ML algorithms (say using GBR) and construct an optimal features set for our problem.
image taken from: 10.1038/s41467-018-05761-w
Relevant answer
You can do it in many ways. PCA is a nice way to gather important parameters. Another way would be to train multiple models with and without specific features and see how that will influence error. Correlations can also help. However, in most cases you need to use your head and see what parameters, why and how are effecting your results. In some cases ANOVA is a nice technique but only if you think and not blindly thrust in results. For example, speed in metres and speed in centimetres are both just speed so using one of them is enough. I know that was stupid example, but it shows the point. Know your data, analyse what impacts results and you will do great. Good luck, hope it will help even a bit.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
Which Machine learning algorithms suits best in the material science for the problems that aims to determine the properties and functions of existing materials. Eg. typical problem of determination of band gap of solar cell materials using ML.
Relevant answer
Random forest, Support vector machine and Gradient Boosting Machines
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
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Hey everyone,
I'm writing my master thesis on the impact of artificial intelligence on business productivity.
This study is mainly aimed at those of you who develop AI or use these technologies in your professional environment.
This questionnaire will take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and your participation is confidential!
Thank you in advance for your time and contribution!
To take part, please click on the link below:
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AI tools continue to have a positive impact on productivityOf those surveyed, 64% of managers said AI's output and productivity is equal to the level of experienced and expert managers, and potentially better than any outputs delivered by human managers altogether.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
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Evaluation Metrics | L-01 | Basic Overview
Welcome to our playlist on "Evaluation Matrices in Machine Learning"! In this series, we dive deep into the key metrics used to assess the performance and effectiveness of machine learning models. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced data scientist, understanding these evaluation metrics is crucial for building robust and reliable ML systems.
📷 Check out our comprehensive guide to Evaluation Matrices in Machine Learning, covering topics such as:
Precision and Recall
F1 Score
Confusion Matrix
ROC Curve and AUC
MSE (Mean Squared Error)
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error)
MAE (Mean Absolute Error)
Stay tuned as we explore each metric in detail, discussing their importance, calculation methods, and real-world applications. Whether you're working on classification, regression, or another ML task, these evaluation matrices are fundamental to measuring model performance accurately.
Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful content on machine learning and data science! 📷
#MachineLearning #DataScience #EvaluationMetrics #ModelPerformance #DataAnalysis #AI #MLAlgorithms #Precision #Recall #Accuracy
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The neighborhood theory is devoted to description and solving follows problems:
- Embedding of graph systems or systems with quasi-distance in family of Euclidian spaces;
- Partition the system into intersecting subsystems upon the principle of proximity of thepoints;
- Optimal structurization of the system through the neighborhood criterion;- Strength of connection and mutual influence between the neighboring points;
- Internal and boundary points;
- Quasi-metric of neighborhood as minimal length of the broken line (geodesic) goingthrough the neighboring points;
- Curvature, difference (differential) operators, Voronoi regions, the neighboring sphericallayers, density of the geodesics;
- The Bayesian probabilistic model interpreting the a priori measure as a geometric spaceand the a posteriori one as a set of events in time;
- Dimension, volume and measure for the a priori geometric space;
- Entropy for the Bayesian probabilistic model as functional of the system;
- The problems of regression and classification;
- The local macroscopic region that define the neighborhood structure for the select pointwith acceptable accuracy;
- Distribution of density, number of the neighboring points and dimension;- Diffusion equation;
- Clustering problem on the basis of connectivity coefficient (internal clustering);
- Clustering problem on the basis of the extent to which the points are internal or boundary(external clustering);
- Parameterization of distances in the systems;
- The models of multisets and strings;
- Generative model;- Probability and time;
- The complex Markov chains and influence graph;
- Geometries on the systems with quasi-metric. (PDF) Neighborhood Theory. Available from:
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
I am preparing a chapter for my research paper and I would like to know your opinion on the possible difference between the notion of interpretability and explainability of machine learning models. There is no one clear definition of these two concepts in the literature. What is your opinion about it?
Relevant answer
In the realm of machine learning, the terms "interpretability" and "explainability" are often used interchangeably, but they do carry subtle differences in their connotations and implications.
**Interpretability** generally refers to the ability to understand and make sense of the internal workings or mechanisms of a machine learning model. It's about grasping how the model arrives at its predictions or decisions, often in a human-understandable manner. Interpretable models tend to have simple and transparent structures, such as decision trees or linear regression models, which allow stakeholders to follow the model's reasoning and trust its outputs.
**Explainability** on the other hand, extends beyond just understanding the model's internal workings to providing explicit explanations for its outputs or predictions. Explainable models not only produce results but also offer accompanying justifications or rationales for those results, aimed at clarifying why a certain prediction was made. This could involve highlighting important features, demonstrating decision paths, or providing contextual information that sheds light on the model's reasoning process.
In essence, interpretability is about comprehending the model itself, while explainability is about articulating the model's outputs in a way that is meaningful and useful to human stakeholders. While a model may be interpretable by virtue of its simplicity or transparency, it may not necessarily be explainable if it fails to provide clear justifications for its decisions. Conversely, a complex model may not be easily interpretable, but it can still strive to be explainable by offering insightful explanations for its predictions.
Both interpretability and explainability are crucial aspects of deploying machine learning models in real-world applications, especially in domains where trust, accountability, and regulatory compliance are paramount. By fostering understanding and trust in AI systems, interpretability and explainability pave the way for more responsible and ethical AI adoption, ultimately benefiting both developers and end-users alike.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
I have a question that I would like to ask, for a data-driven task (for example, based on machine learning, etc.), what kind of data set is the advantage data set? Is there a qualitative or quantitative way to describe the quality of the data set?
Relevant answer
The "advantageous" dataset for a data-driven task is one that is relevant, sufficiently large, high-quality, representative, balanced, temporally consistent, labeled, and ethically collected, supporting reliable model training and accurate predictions.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
6 answers
Dear all,
I would like to publish my papers in a journal. Since it is strongly required to publish the paper in an international journal indexed by Scopus, I face some difficulties due to some fees that must be paid (which is very high) by the author.
My research areas are computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Pattern recognition, natural language processing and Social Media Analytics.
Are there any Scopus-indexed journals without without any article processing charge or other hidden charges for publication and suitable for my research areas?
I would like to thanks for your kind help.
With best regards,
Relevant answer
There are several Scopus-indexed journals related to computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Pattern recognition, natural language processing, and Social Media Analytics. without APC or submission fees, and their review process time varies. I have provided the links:
ISSN: 1989-1660
Vietnam Journal of Computer Science
ISSN (print): 2196-8888 | ISSN (online): 2196-8896
Journal of Applied Research and Technology
ISSN 1665-6423
e-ISSN 2448-6736
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
7 answers
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics?
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics, so that AI technology serves humanity, so that it does not harm people and does not generate new categories of risks?
Conducting a SWOT analysis of the applications of artificial intelligence technology in business, in the business activities of companies and enterprises, shows that there are both many already and developing many more business applications of the said technology, i.e., many potential development opportunities are recognized in this field of using the achievements of the current fourth and/or fifth technological revolution in various spheres of business activity, as well as there are many risks arising from inappropriate, incompatible with the prevailing social norms, standards of reliable business activity, incompatible with business ethics use of new technologies. Among some of the most recognized negative aspects of improper use of generative artificial intelligence technology is the use of AI-equipped graphic applications available on the Internet that allow for the simple and easy generation of photos, graphics, images, videos and animations that, in the form of very realistically presented images, photos, videos, etc., depict something that never happened in reality, i.e., they graphically present images or videos presenting what could be described as “fictitious facts” in a very professional manner. In this way, Internet users can become disinformation generators in online social media, where they can post the said generated images, photos, videos, etc. with added descriptions, posts, comments, in which the said “fictitious facts” presented in the photos or videos will also be described in an editorially correct manner. Besides, the mentioned descriptions, posts, entries, comments, etc. can also be edited with the help of intelligent chatbots available on the Internet like Chat GPT, Copilot, Gemini, etc. However, misinformation is not the only serious problem as it has significantly intensified after OpenAI released the first versions of ChatGPT chatbot online in November 2021. A new category of technical operational risk associated with the new AI technology applied has emerged in companies and enterprises that implement generative artificial intelligence technology into various spheres of business. In addition, there is a growing scale of risks arising from conflicts of interest between business entities related to not fully regulated copyright issues of works created using applications and information systems equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology. Accordingly, there is a demand for the development of a standard of a kind of digital signature with the help of which works created with the help of AI technology will be electronically signed, so that each such work will be unique, unrepeatable and whose counterfeiting will thus be seriously hampered. However, these are only some of the negative aspects of the developing applications of AI technologies, for which there are no functioning legal norms. In the middle of 2023 and then in the spring of 2024, European Union bodies made public the preliminary versions of the developed legal norms on the proper, business-ethical use of technology in business, which were given the name AI Act. The legal normatives, referred to as the AIAct, contain a number of specific, defined types of AI technology applications deemed inappropriate, unethical, i.e. those that should not be used. The AIAct contains classified according to different levels of negative impact on society various types and specific examples of inappropriate and unethical use of AI technologies in the context of various aspects of business as well as non-business activities. An important issue to consider is the scale of the commitment of technology companies developing AI technologies to respect such regulations so that issues of ethical use of this technology are also defined as much as possible in technological aspects in companies that create, develop and implement these technologies. Besides, in order for AIACT's legal norms, when they come into force, not to be dead, it is necessary to introduce both sanction instruments in the form of specific penalties for business entities that use artificial intelligence technologies unethically, antisocially, contrary to AIAct. On the other hand, it would also be a good solution to introduce a system of rewarding those companies and businesses that make the most proper, pro-social, in accordance with the provisions of the AIAct, fully ethical use of AI technologies. In view of the fact that AIACT is to come into force only in more than 2 years so it is necessary to constantly monitor the development of AI technology, verify the validity of the provisions of AIAct in the face of dynamically developing AI technology, successively amend the provisions of the said legal norms, so that when they come into force they do not turn out to be outdated. In view of the above, it is to be hoped that, despite the rapid technological progress, the provisions on the ethical applications of artificial intelligence technology will be constantly updated and the legal normatives shaping the development of AI technology will be amended accordingly. If AIAct achieves the above-mentioned goals to a significant extent, ethical applications of AI technology should be implemented in the future, and the technology can be referred to as ethical generative artificial intelligence, which is finding new applications.
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology are described in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are carried out in accordance with the principles of ethics?
How should the development of AI technology be regulated so that this development and its applications are realized in accordance with ethics?
How should the development of AI technology applications be regulated so that it is carried out in accordance with ethics?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Allow me to depart from the norm. Regulating AI is ultimately regulating people and how they use AI. Regulations, more generally, just limit the actions of people. So, this is more specific aspect of the more general question: how should the actions of people be limited in a social/societal context? To even be qualified to answer that general question, one must first understand what leads to/causes human flourishing (assuming that's even your goal, and this isn't a given for many), so that in the pursuit to limit others' actions we don't sacrifice human flourishing--which unfortunately has been the historical norm until the enlightenment ideas started taking hold. By ignoring this understanding and its historical record, we are slipping into past mistakes.
Let's avoid past mistakes and take the first steps towards understanding what leads to/causes human flourishing. Assuming you're not in an undeveloped jungle, one simply needs to look around at all the things that have allowed you to flourish to discover the cause of human flourishing. Look at your computer/smartphone that allows you to read this--what made it possible? Look at the clothes you wear that keep your comfortable/protect you--what made them possible? Look at the building that shelters you from the elements--what made it possible? Observe the air conditioning/heating that keeps you comfortable when your natural environment does not--what made it possible? Look at the vehicles that deliver goods to your local stores/doorstep, or delivers you to where you want to be--what made them possible? Observe the plumbing that provides you drinkable water where and when you want it--what made it possible? Look at the generated electricity that powers your technology--what made it possible? Look at the medical technology moments away that can save your life from a number of deadly ailments that might inflict you in a moment's notice--what made it possible? Take witness to the technology gains that make it possible for you to work in other domains besides food production (used to occupy 90% of the populations time/energy when the hand plow was the latest technology)--what made it possible? Etc. etc. etc.. What do all of these sources of human flourishing have in common? What single aspect made them all possible? The reasoning mind made them all possible though reasoned discovery. The mind had to discover how to obey nature so that it may be commanded.
The reasoning mind being the source of human flourishing, before asking how we should limit human actions, we must first ask: what does the mind require to thrive? What are the mind's requirements for proper rational functioning? The simple answer is the mind requires the absence of coercion and force, which is to say we need laws that outlaw the initiation of force, i.e., we need laws that secure individual rights so the mind can be free to think and the person doing the thinking is free to act on its judgement.
Regulations are distinct and different from laws designed to remove the use of physical force from everyday life. Regulations seek to force people to act or not to act in certain ways before any force is employed. Regulations, in principle, initiate force; thus, regulations are counter to the requirements of a reasoning mind. For this reason, regulations of any kind are counter to human flourishing; they can only destroy, frustrate, limit, reduce, snuff out, squander, stifle, and thwart our capacity to flourish in domains in which they are employed.
The correct approach to take here, in the name of human flourishing, is to ask: does AI create a new mode in which individual rights can be violated (i.e., new modes of initiating force) that requires creating new laws to outlaw this new mode? This is the proper framework in which to hold this discussion.
I don't believe AI creates any new modes in which force might be initiated, only new flavors. Sure, I can create a drone that can harm someone, which is a different flavor of harm than say human held weapons, but the mode (using something to harm someone) is invariant from previous technology and is sufficiently covered by existing laws. I can use AI to defame someone, which is a different flavor than photoshopping/fabricating an embarrassing, but this is the same mode covered in libel laws.
Am I wrong? What new mode might I not be considering here?
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
I am trying to apply a machine-learning classifier to a dataset. But the dataset is in the .pcap file extension. How can I apply classifiers to this dataset?
Is there any process to convert the dataset into .csv format?
Relevant answer
"File" > "Export Packet Dissections" > "As CSV..." or "As CSV manually
import pyshark
import csv
# Open the .pcap file
cap = pyshark.FileCapture('yourfile.pcap')
# Open a .csv file in write mode
with open('output.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
# Write header row
writer.writerow(['No.', 'Time', 'Source', 'Destination', 'Protocol', 'Length'])
# Iterate over each packet
for packet in cap:
# Extract relevant information from each packet
no = packet.number
time = packet.sniff_timestamp
source = packet.ip.src
destination = packet.ip.dst
protocol = packet.transport_layer
length = packet.length
# Write the information to the .csv file
writer.writerow([no, time, source, destination, protocol, length])
except AttributeError:
# Ignore packets that don't have required attributes (e.g., non-IP packets)
(may this will help in python)
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
What is the impact of the development of applications and information systems based on artificial intelligence technology on labor markets in specific industries and sectors of the economy?
Since the release of an intelligent chatbot built on the ChatGPT language model on the Internet in November 2021, the scale of ongoing discussions on the topic of the impact of the development of artificial intelligence technology on labor markets has increased again. Each successive technological revolution has largely generated changes in labor markets. The increase in the scale of automation of manufacturing processes carried out as part of business operations was motivated by the reduction of operational personnel costs resulting from hired personnel. Automation of manufacturing processes, including processes of production and offering services, may also have reduced the level of personnel operational risk. As a result, companies, firms and, in recent years, financial institutions and public entities, through the implementation of ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies in various business processes, are improving the efficiency of business processes and increasing the economic profitability of these processes. In each of the previous four technological revolutions, in spite of changing technical solutions and emerging new technologies, analogous processes of using these new technological advances to increase the scale of automation of economic processes worked. In the era of the current fourth or fifth technological revolution, in which a special role is played by the development of generative artificial intelligence technology, applications of this technology in the development of robotics, building autonomous robots, increasing the scale of cooperation between humans and highly intelligent androids is also making a new appearance and another stage of increasing the scale of automation of manufacturing processes. However, what from the point of view of entrepreneurs thanks to the applied new technologies, the achieved automation of production processes is an increase in the efficiency of manufacturing processes, increasing the scale of economic profitability, etc., is, on the other hand, generating serious effects on labor markets, including, among other things, a reduction in employment in certain jobs. The largest scale of applied automation of economic processes and, at the same time, the largest scale of employment reduction was and is generated for those jobs that are characterized by a high level of repetition of certain activities. The activities carried out by employees that are characterized by a high level of repetitiveness were usually the first ones that could be and have been replaced by technology in a relatively simple way. this is also the case today in the era of the fifth technological revolution, in which highly advanced intelligent information systems and autonomous androids equipped with generative artificial intelligence technologies contribute to the reduction of employment in companies and enterprises where humans are replaced by such technology. A particular manifestation of these trends are the group layoffs announced starting in 2022 of employees, including IT specialists in technology companies that the aforementioned advanced technologies of Industry 4.0/5.0 are also creating, developing and implementing into their economic processes carried out in the aforementioned technology companies. Recently, there have been a lot of different kinds of predictive analysis results in the media suggesting which occupations and professions previously performed by people are most at risk of increasing unemployment in the future due to the development of business applications of generative artificial intelligence technologies. In the first months of ChatGPT's release, the Internet was dominated by a number of publications suggesting that a significant portion of jobs in many industries will be replaced by AI technology over the next few decades. Then, after another few months of the development of applications of intelligent chatbots, but also the revelation of many controversies and risks associated with it such as the development of cybercrime and disinformation on the Internet, this dominant opinion began to change in the direction of slightly less pessimistic. these less pessimistic opinions suggest that the technology of generative artificial intelligence does not necessarily deprive the majority of employees in companies and enterprises of their jobs only the majority of employees will be forced to use these new tools, applications, information systems equipped with AI technology as part of their work. Besides, the scale of the impact of new technologies on labor markets will probably not be the same across industries and sectors of the economy.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What is the impact of the development of applications and information systems based on artificial intelligence technology on labor markets in specific industries and sectors of the economy?
What is the impact of the development of applications of artificial intelligence technology on labor markets in specific industries and sectors of the economy?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The development of AI technology applications impacts labor markets by automating routine tasks, creating demand for new skills, and potentially leading to job displacement in certain industries and sectors.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
In the context of machine learning models for healthcare that predominantly handle discrete data and require high interpretability and simplicity, which approach offers more advantages:
Rough Set Theory or Neutrosophic Logic?
I invite experts to share their insights or experiences regarding the effectiveness, challenges, and suitability of these methodologies in managing uncertainties within health applications.
Relevant answer
I appreciate the resources shared by R.Eugene Veniaminovich Lutsenko.
However, these references seem to focus on a different aspect of healthcare modeling. I'm still interested in gathering insights specifically about the suitability of Rough Set Theory and Neutrosophic Logic for handling discrete data in machine learning healthcare models.
Please feel free to contribute to this discussion if you have expertise in this area. Thank you
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
I am developing a machine-learning model for a Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and have experimented with several ensemble classifiers including Random Forest, Bagging, Stacking, and Boosting. In my experiments, the Random Forest classifier consistently outperformed the others. I am interested in conducting a statistical analysis to understand the underlying reasons for this performance disparity.
Could anyone suggest the appropriate statistical tests or analytical approaches to compare the effectiveness of these different ensemble methods? Additionally, what factors should I consider when interpreting the results of such tests?
Thank you for your insights.
Relevant answer
To examine the performance disparity across classifiers, you could do statistical tests such as ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) or paired t-tests.
Pairwise t-tests can determine which distinct classifiers have significantly different performance.
So, to check why Random Forest performs better, I implemented this in Python using the breast_cancer dataset from sklearn, which you may use in your IDS scenario.
Also, I used the accuracy metric for determining the performance of each model.
#import all this libraries
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, BaggingClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, StackingClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from scipy.stats import ttest_rel
#load the dataset
data = load_breast_cancer()
# Initialize the classifiers
rforest = RandomForestClassifier()
bagging = BaggingClassifier(estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier())
boosting = AdaBoostClassifier(estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier())
stacking = StackingClassifier(estimators=[('rforest', rforest), ('bagging', bagging), ('boosting', boosting)], final_estimator=DecisionTreeClassifier())
# Train and evaluate models using cross-validation
rforest_scores = cross_val_score(rforest, X, y, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')
bagging_scores = cross_val_score(bagging, X, y, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')
boosting_scores = cross_val_score(boosting, X, y, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')
stacking_scores = cross_val_score(stacking, X, y, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')
# Perform paired t-tests
t_stat, rforest_bagging_pvalue = ttest_rel(rforest_scores, bagging_scores)
t_stat, rforest_boosting_pvalue = ttest_rel(rforest_scores, boosting_scores)
t_stat, rforest_stacking_pvalue = ttest_rel(rforest_scores, stacking_scores)
# Print p-values
print("Paired t-test p-values (Random Forest vs. Bagging):", rforest_bagging_pvalue)
print("Paired t-test p-values (Random Forest vs. Boosting):", rforest_boosting_pvalue)
print("Paired t-test p-values (Random Forest vs. Stacking):", rforest_stacking_pvalue)
#check if the difference in accuracy between the ensemble methods is statistically significant
if rforest_bagging_pvalue < 0.05:
print('The difference in accuracy between Random Forest vs. Bagging is statistically significant\n')
print('The difference in accuracy between Random Forest vs. Bagging is not statistically significant\n')
if rforest_boosting_pvalue < 0.05:
print('The difference in accuracy between Random Forest vs. Boosting is statistically significant\n')
print('The difference in accuracy between Random Forest vs. Boosting is not statistically significant\n')
if rforest_stacking_pvalue < 0.05:
print('The difference in accuracy between Random Forest vs. Stacking is statistically significant\n')
print('The difference in accuracy between Random Forest vs. Stacking is not statistically significant\n')
I hope this one helps.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Hello Researchers & Professors,
Limited research has been done on effect of high strain rate on concrete due to blast loading using machine learning techniques. According to study we want to collect experimental data ie database of high strain rate to apply new machine learning techniques. Humble request if someone have data about strain rate , kindly share us . so that we can use new approach for better results.
thanks & Regards
Relevant answer
It's great to see your interest in exploring the impact of high strain rates on concrete under blast loading using machine learning techniques. Indeed, the scarcity of experimental data in this field can be a significant hurdle. Collecting a comprehensive dataset is crucial for developing robust predictive models.
I would recommend reaching out to researchers who have published recent work on related topics. Often, authors are willing to share data if it will contribute to further research. Additionally, you might consider reaching out to engineering organizations or universities with civil engineering research programs, as they might have ongoing projects or archived data relevant to your study.
Another approach could be to look into partnerships with industry stakeholders involved in materials testing or infrastructure protection, as they might have proprietary datasets that could be made available through collaboration.
Lastly, consider attending conferences or workshops focused on blast effects or material science, where you might connect with potential data sources or collaborators who can contribute to your project.
Best of luck with your research!!!
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
7 answers
Can paintings painted or sculptures created, unique architectural designs by robots equipped with artificial intelligence be recognised as fully artistic works of art?
In recent years, more and more perfect robots equipped with artificial intelligence have been developed. New generations of artificial intelligence and/or machine learning technologies, when equipped with software that enables the creation of unique works, new creations, creative solutions, etc., can create a kind of artwork in the chosen field of creativity and artistry. If we connect a 3D printer to a robot equipped with an artificial intelligence system that is capable of designing and producing beautiful sculptures, can we thus obtain a kind of work of art?
When a robot equipped with an artificial intelligence system paints beautiful pictures, can the resulting works be considered fully artistic works of art?
If NO, why not?
And if YES, then who is the artist of the works of art created in this way, is it a robot equipped with artificial intelligence that creates them or a human being who created this artificial intelligence and programmed it accordingly?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
There are two aspects to it.
Firstly, consider whether a udio song is an artistic work? Sure! If I don't tell people that's where it came from, very few people can detect that it wasn't created by a human being. If we can't distinguish between AI-generated music and human-generated, then we can only conclude that, yes, it is AI generating art.
The other aspect is legal. Can an AI legally own an artwork that it created? The answer to that (at the moment), is no. An AI can't be held liable for anything; it cannot enter into a contract; therefore neither can it own assets in any legal system that exists at the moment. It can't own moral rights, it can't own intellectual property rights. Only humans and corporations and a few other such entities are allowed to own things. This gives an AI less rights than Roman-era slaves (who could at least own something, e.g. a coin they found on the street was theirs).
Facetiously I observe that we have a system where any artwork generated by an AI is immediately assigned to (stolen by) the closest human. Thus we maintain a (legal fiction?) that AI cannot create art, because it is always a human being who gets given the rights of being acknowledged as th artwork's creator.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
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There are several machine learning algorithm techniques considering the types such as supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and Reinforcement learning. here is the list of techniques:
  1. Linear Regression
  2. Logistic Regression
  3. Decision Trees
  4. Random Forest
  5. Support Vector Machines (SVM)
  6. Naive Bayes
  7. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  8. K-Means Clustering
  9. Hierarchical Clustering
  10. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  11. Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM)
  12. AdaBoost
  13. Neural Networks (Deep Learning)
  14. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  15. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  16. Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM)
  17. Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
  18. Autoencoders
  19. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  20. Reinforcement Learning (Q-Learning, Deep Q-Learning, etc.)
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
In the context of online learning platforms, how can machine learning algorithms be utilized to analyze and predict student behavior patterns, and what are the potential applications of this predictive analysis in improving educational outcomes?
This question delves into the intersection of online learning and machine learning, focusing specifically on how predictive analytics can be leveraged to understand and influence student behavior.
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The use of LLMs is becoming an increasingly common practice, whether for the purposes of training courses or for specific training and training in the corporate environment. What we have to plan is what we really want to observe in these courses or training. For example: I need to observe whether students are managing to develop satisfactory skills to solve logical reasoning or calculation questions or whether they are able to develop an essay using grammar and spelling satisfactorily. Understanding the objective, we can then personalize the data (data dictionary) so that after modeling and processing we have sufficient conditions to, through data mining, find predictive factors of success. See this is just an example. There are many other things we can do based on the data generated by online learning platforms.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Greetings everyone,
I am a BTech student pursuing my bachelor's degree in Information Technology with a keen interest in machine learning. I am actively seeking mentors or co-authors for collaborative research endeavors in this domain. If you are currently engaged in research on machine learning or related topics and are open to collaboration, I would greatly appreciate it if you could reach out to me.
While I possess a solid understanding of machine learning concepts and proficiency in Python, I find myself at a juncture where I am seeking guidance on how to delve into a more focused research topic. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of working under the mentorship of experienced researchers in this field to further develop my skills and contribute meaningfully to ongoing projects.
If you are interested in exploring potential collaborations or if you have any advice to offer on initiating research in machine learning, please feel free to message me. I am eager to engage in fruitful discussions and collaborative efforts within the research community.
Thank you for your attention, and I'm excited about the prospect of collaborating and learning from fellow enthusiasts in the research community.
Relevant answer
Aanya Singh Dhaka I would love to connect with you, research with you and will be happy to mentor you too!
Feel free to whatsapp me at +918200713617
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Dear RG group,
We are going to examine different AI models on large datasets of ultrasound focal lesions with definitive (patological examination after surgery in malignant leasions and biopsy and follow up in benign ones) final diagnosis. I am looking for images obtained with different us scanners with application of different image optimisation techniques as eg harmonic imaging, compound ultrasound etc. with or without segmentation.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions,
Relevant answer
Thyroid nodules are a common occurrence in the general population, and these incidental thyroid nodules are often referred for ultrasound (US) evaluation. US provides a safe and fast method of examination. It is sensitive for the detection of thyroid nodules, and suspicious features can be used to guide further investigation/management decisions. However, given the financial burden on the health service and unnecessary anxiety for patients, it is unrealistic to biopsy every thyroid nodule to confirm diagnosis.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
13 answers
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Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) are often used interchangeably but these are not exactly the same terminologies. There are many similarities and differences among these techniques, which are elaborated below:
1. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial means man-made, which is not natural and intelligence is the ability of acquiring and applying knowledge and skills. As the name indicates that AI is the field of science that makes the machine able to mimic or replicate the behaviour of human beings. AI is concerned with building smart machines, which are capable of performing tasks that usually need human intelligence. AI techniques are frequently being applied for the tasks of developing systems endowed with intellectual characteristics of humans, such as the ability to reason, generalize, problem-solving, discover meaning, learning from past experiences, and many more.
2. Machine Learning
ML is a subset of AI, which makes the computer able to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed for a task. ML is concerned with constructing computer programs that are automatically improving with experience. The real power of ML comes from making future predictions based on the received data in the form of observations of real-world events. ML algorithms are capable of learning patterns from the input data and these learned patterns are then used for making informed predictions in the future. Every ML technique can be an AI technique but every AI technique may not be an ML technique, non-ML techniques such as rule-based systems and alpha-beta pruning are also widely used in AI. Some examples of ML algorithms are linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and boosting algorithms. Traditional ML algorithms are useful in many situations, however, they are largely dependent on the quality of features for getting superior performance. The creation of features is also a time-consuming task and needs a lot of domain expertise. Furthermore, with the increasing complexity of the problems, more specifically with the advent of unstructured data such as voice, text, images, and so on, it can be almost impossible to create features for such tasks that represent complex functions. Therefore, there is often a need to find a different approach for solving such complex problems; that is where end-to-end ML approaches come into play.
3. Deep Learning
Deep Learning is a sub-field of ML, DL is just an extension of traditional ANNs. DL is an end-to-end ML architecture that could be applied directly to the data. The main difference between DL networks and ANNs is the depth and complexity of the network. Traditional ANNs have only one hidden layer, while DL networks have more than that. In DL, neural networks may consist of thousands of interconnected neurons (nodes), mostly arranged in multiple layers, where one node is connected to many nodes in the previous layer from where it accepts its input data, as well as being connected to neural nodes in the following layer, to which it sends the output data once it has been processed. One defining characteristic of DL models is the ability to learn features automatically from the input data. Unlike traditional ML, where there is a need to create features manually, DL excels in learning different
hierarchies of features across multiple layers. DL can solve more complex problems by modeling complex patterns than traditional ANNs. Therefore, DL is more widely used nowadays in computer vision and natural language processing applications such as object detection, image recognition, face detection, chatbots, and text generation. DL techniques have made great progress in the past decade. There are many factors that led to this significant rise of DL techniques such as the availability of large quantities of data, improved accuracy, scaling effectively with the data, and more powerful hardware. However, while comparing to the traditional ML techniques, DL needs more training data, more computational power, and more time to train. Moreover, DL methods are also difficult to interpret.
DL is a field of undergoing intense research activities. Researchers are devoted to inventing new neural network architectures that either increase the performance of the previously implemented architectures or tackle new problems. Some of the popular DL techniques are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
Disclaimer: All of the above text is copied from my Ph.D. Thesis, where I have properly cited various sources.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Does anyone know about Universities that are offering (a) Ph.D. by prior publication (b) Ph.D. by portfolio?
I have two publications viz."Regression Testing in Era of Internet of Things and Machine Learning" and "Regression Testing and Machine Learning". The former has touched 1k+ copies and has a rating of 4.04 and the latter is a recent publication with 200+ copies with a rating of 4.04. This data is as per
Also, the former is indexed in prestigious searches such as Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB), GND Network, Crossref Metadata Search, and OpenAIRE Explore.
Any leads or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Relevant answer
Thanks for the information and insight.
Best Regards,
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Hello everyone and thank you for reading my question.
I have a data set that have around 2000 data point. It have 5 inputs (4 wells rate and the 5th is the time) and 2 ouputs ( oil cumulative and water cumulative). See the attached image.
I want to build a Proxy model to simualte the cumulative oil & water.
I have made 5 models ( ANN, Extrem Gradient Boost, Gradient Boost, Randam forest, SVM) and i have used GridSearch to tune the hyper parameters and the results for training the models are good. Of course I have spilited the training data set to training, test and validation sets.
So I have another data that I haven't include in either of the train,test and validation sets and when I use the models to predict the output for this data set the models results are bad ( failed to predict).
I think the problem lies in the data itself because the only input parameter that changes are the (days) parameter while the other remains constant.
But the problem is I can't remove the well rate or join them into a single variable because after the Proxy model has been made I want to optimize the well rates to maximize oil and minimize water cumulative respectively.
Is there a solution to suchlike issue?
Relevant answer
To everyone who faced this problem, this type of data is called time series data which have a specific algorithm that used to build the proxy models (i.e RNN, LSTM)
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
When a model is trained using a specific dataset with limited diversity in labels, it may accurately predict labels for objects within that dataset. However, when applied to real-time recognition tasks using a webcam, the model might incorrectly predict labels for objects not present in the training data. This poses a challenge as the model's predictions may not align with the variety of objects encountered in real-world scenarios.
  • Example: I trained a real-time recognition model for a webcam, where I have classes lc = {a, b, c, ..., m}. The model consistently predicts class lc perfectly. However, when I input a class that doesn't belong to lc, it still predicts something from class lc.
Are there any solutions or opinions that experts can share to guide me further in improving the model?
Thank you for considering your opinion on my problems.
Relevant answer
Some of the solutions are transfer learning, data augmentation, one-shot learning, ensemble learning, active learning, and continuous learning.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
I'm looking for datasets for my research project based on smartphone addiction. Is there any dataset available based on Smartphone addiction?
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Elias Hossain , did you find any good dataset?
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
I have come across packages that specialize in fitting energy and forces, but none seem to include stress. I would greatly appreciate it if you could recommend packages that are capable of fitting all three parameters—force, energy, and stress—for neural network interatomic potentials.
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Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
Dear researchers,
I am trying to fit a FTIR spectrum with a reference spectrum using linear regression. However, I ended up with errors regarding the shape mismatch of the files used. I have tried my best to solve it but I have exhausted the best of my knowledge. I seek your advice on this Python code or how to handle this dataset. Considering the size of the query, I am sharing the Stackoverflow link here.
Any help is highly appreciated.
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Sorry Rahul Suresh , I don't have that much experience with the likelihood formula. But I guess you can calculate the likelihood once you assume which type of distribution you have. You should use the likelihood formula for your type of distribution, not Gaussian if it is not.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
I am working on the project to detect credit card fraud using machine learning. Looking for a latest dataset .
Thanks in advance
Relevant answer
One commonly used dataset for credit card fraud detection is the Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset available on Kaggle, which contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders. This dataset encompasses transactions over a two-day period, including 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions, making it imbalanced but reflective of real-world scenarios. Additionally, the IEEE-CIS Fraud Detection Dataset on Kaggle offers a more extensive set of real-world features for transactional data, suitable for advanced machine learning models. For cases where real-world data is limited or sensitive, synthetic datasets like the Credit Card Fraud Detection Synthetic Dataset on Kaggle provide an alternative. As with any dataset, it's crucial to understand its limitations, potential biases, and preprocessing requirements while adhering to proper citation and usage protocols.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
7 answers
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Machine learning is an application of AI. It's the process of using mathematical models of data to help a computer learn without direct instruction. This enables a computer system to continue learning and improving on its own, based on experience.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
2024 4th International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems Engineering (MLISE 2024) will be held on June 28- June 30, 2024 in Zhuhai China.
MLISE is conducting exciting series of symposium programs that connect researchers, scholars and students to industry leaders and highly relevant information. The conference will feature world-class presentations by internationally renowned speakers, cutting-edge session topics and provide a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded professionals from around the world. MLISE propose new ideas, strategies and structures, innovating the public sector, promoting technical innovation and fostering creativity in development of services.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Machine Learning
- Deep and Reinforcement learning
- Pattern recognition and classification for networks
- Machine learning for network slicing optimization
- Machine learning for 5G system
- Machine learning for user behavior prediction
2. Intelligent Systems Engineering
- Intelligent control theory
- Intelligent control system
- Intelligent information systems
- Intelligent data mining
- AI and evolutionary algorithms
All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three experts from the committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers of MLISE 2024 will be published in the MLISE 2024 Conference Proceedings by IEEE (ISBN: 979-8-3503-7507-7), which will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: April 26, 2024
Registration Deadline: May 26, 2024
Conference Dates: June 28-30, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback
Relevant answer
Yes, the conference is hybrid format,both online and offline could be accepted.
Submitting your papers to the system is free. Once your paper is accepted, you will need to pay the registration fee. The registration fee could be refer to the website:
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
In my opinion, I could say:
  1. Accelerated Drug Discovery
  2. Cost Reduction
  3. Optimized Clinical Trials
  1. Dealing with big data
  2. Over-fitting and Generalization
  3. Human Expertise and Collaboration
Relevant answer
Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in drug discovery and development processes presents numerous potential benefits are Accelerated Drug Discovery, Target Identification, Drug Repurposing, Optimized Clinical Trials, Personalized Medicine and challenges are Data Quality and Quantity, Interpretability, Regulatory Hurdles, Validation and Reproducibility etc.
Jogeswar Tripathy
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, etc. generated by AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, poems, stories, reports, etc. generated by ChatGPT and other AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative, and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, poems, stories, reports, etc. generated by applications based on artificial intelligence technology solutions, generated by applications like ChatGPT and other AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative, and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
As part of today's rapid technological advances, new technologies are being developed for Industry 4.0, including but not limited to artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotization, Internet of Things, cloud computing, Big Data Analytics, etc. The aforementioned technologies are being applied in various industries and sectors. The development of artificial intelligence generates opportunities for its application in various spheres of companies, enterprises and institutions; in various industries and services; improving the efficiency of business operations by increasing the scale of process automation; increasing the scale of business efficiency, increasing the ability to process large sets of data and information; increasing the scale of implementation of new business models based on large-scale automation of manufacturing processes, etc.
However, developing artificial intelligence uncontrollably generates serious risks, such as increasing the scale of disinformation, emerging fake news, including banners, memes containing artificial intelligence crafted photos, graphics, animations, videos presenting "fictitious facts", i.e. in a way that apparently looks very realistic describing, depicting events that never happened. In this way, intelligent but not fully perfect chatbots create so-called hallucinations. Besides, by analogy, just like many other technologies, applications available on the Internet equipped with generative artificial intelligence technology can be used not only in positive but also in negative applications.
On the one hand, there are new opportunities to use generative AI as a new tool to improve the work of computer graphic designers and filmmakers. On the other hand, there are also controversies about the ethical aspects and the necessary copyright regulations for works created using artificial intelligence. Sometimes copyright settlements are not clear-cut. This is the case when it cannot be precisely determined whether plagiarism has occurred, and if so, to what extent. Ambiguity on this issue can also generate various court decisions regarding, for example, the recognition or non-recognition of copyrights granted to individuals using Internet applications or information systems equipped with certain generative artificial intelligence solutions, who act as creators who create a kind of cultural works and/or works of art in the form of graphics, photos, animations, films, stories, poems, etc. that have the characteristics of uniqueness and uniqueness.
However, this is probably not the case since, for example, the company OpenAI may be in serious trouble because of allegations by the editors of the New York Times Journal suggesting that ChatGPT was trained on data and information from, among other things, online news portals run by the editors of the aforementioned journal. Well, in December 2023, the New York Times filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft accusing them of illegally using the newspaper's articles to train its chatbots, ChatGPT and Bing. According to the newspaper, the companies used millions of texts in violation of copyright laws, creating a service based on them that competes with the newspaper. The New York Times is demanding billions of dollars in damages.In view of the above, there are all sorts of risks of potentially increasing the scale of influence on public opinion, the formation of the general public consciousness by organizations operating without respect for the law. On the one hand, it is necessary to create digital computerized and standardized tools, diagnostic information systems, to build a standardized system of labels informing users, customers, citizens using certain solutions, products and services that they are the products of artificial intelligence, not man. On the other hand, on the other hand, there should be regulations obliging to inform that a certain service or product was created as a result of work done not by humans, but by artificial intelligence. Many issues concerning the socially, ethically and business-appropriate use of artificial intelligence technology will be normatively regulated in the next few years.
Regulations defining the proper use of artificial intelligence technologies by companies developing applications based on these technologies, making these applications available on the Internet, as well as Internet users, business entities and institutions using intelligent chatbots to improve the operation of certain spheres of economic, business activities, etc., are being processed, enacted, but will come into force only in a few years.
On June 14, 2023, the European Parliament passed a landmark piece of legislation regulating the use of artificial intelligence technology. However, since artificial intelligence technology, mainly generative artificial intelligence, is developing rapidly and the currently formulated regulations are scheduled to be implemented between 2026 and 2027, so on the one hand, operators using this technology have plenty of time to bring their procedures and products in line with the supported regulations. On the other hand, one cannot exclude the scenario that, despite the attempt to fully regulate the development of applications of this technology through the implementation of a law on the proper, safe and ethical use of artificial intelligence, it will again turn out in 2027 that the dynamic technological progress is ahead of the legislative process that rapidly developing technologies are concerned with.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, poems, stories, reports and other developments generated by applications based on artificial intelligence technology solutions, generated by applications such as ChatGPT and other AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
Are the texts, graphics, photos, animations, videos, etc. generated by AI applications fully unique, unrepeatable, creative and the creator using them has full copyright to them?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
It is an interesting topic and quite difficult to answer. The base model creators, LoRA creators, the creators of the original art (used for training) and the creator of the new art using this AI model all contributed to the creation of this new artwork. It is really hard to say who held how much percentage of copyright.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
Subject: Request for Access to CEB-FIP Database (or similar) for Developing ML Predictive Models on Corroded Prestressed Steel
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I am in the process of developing a machine learning (ML) predictive model to study the degradation and performance of corroded prestressed steel in concrete structures. The objective is to utilize advanced ML algorithms to predict the long-term effects of corrosion on the mechanical properties of prestressed steel.
For this purpose, I am seeking access to the CEB-FIP database or any similar repository containing comprehensive data on corroded prestressed steel. This data is crucial for training and validating the ML models to ensure accurate predictions. I am particularly interested in datasets that include corrosion rates, mechanical property degradation, fatigue life, and other parameters critical to the structural performance of these materials.
If anyone has access to the CEB-FIP database or knows of similar databases that could serve this research purpose, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in gaining access.
Your support would be invaluable in furthering our understanding of material behavior in civil engineering and developing robust tools for predicting structural integrity.
I am open to collaborations and would be keen to discuss potential joint research initiatives that explore the application of machine learning in civil and structural engineering.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to any possible assistance or collaboration from the community.
Best regards,
M. Kovacevic
Relevant answer
Access to specific databases like the CEB-FIP database might require institutional or professional memberships. However, you can explore academic databases like Scopus, IEEE Xplore, or Web of Science for research papers and articles on corroded prestressed steel. Additionally, reaching out to relevant academic institutions or research organizations specializing in structural engineering or corrosion might provide access to valuable data and resources.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
12 answers
How do you become a Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence(AI) Engineer? or start research in AI/ML, Neural Networks, and Deep Learning?
Should I pursue a "Master of Science thesis in Computer Science." with a major in AI to become an AI Engineer?
Relevant answer
You can pursue Master's of Science or integrated Mtech program in the respective field, but also you can do some certification courses online and then apply directly in some company.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
6 answers
Please I need the reference about Classification or clustering ,supervised or unsupervised machine learning algorithms ,and specially (J48,Random Forest,Random Tree) please send me best reference which can help me in misbehavior detection in VANET.
Relevant answer
You can visit my Research gate profile for similar research, which may help you to get an about about these algorithms
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
How can machine learning algorithms be applied to improve soil health and fertility?
Relevant answer
You can use it for modelling, scenario estimation, predict weather and so on. As long as you have data and know parameters influencing growth, you can model that.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
I am researching on automatic modulation classification (AMC). I used the "RADIOML 2018.01A" dataset to simulate AMC and used the convolutional long-short term deep neural network (CLDNN) method to model the neural network. But now I want to generate the dataset myself in MATLAB.
My question is, do you know a good sources (papers or codes) that have produced a dataset for AMC in MATLAB (or Python)? In fact, have they produced the In-phase and Quadrature components for different modulations (preferably APSK and PSK)?
Relevant answer
Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) is a technique used in wireless communication systems to identify the type of modulation being used in a received signal. This is important because different modulation schemes encode information in different ways, and a receiver needs to know the modulation type to properly demodulate the signal and extract the data.
Here's a breakdown of AMC:
  • Applications:Cognitive Radio Networks: AMC helps identify unused spectrum bands for efficient communication. Military and Electronic Warfare: Recognizing communication types used by adversaries. Spectrum Monitoring and Regulation: Ensuring proper usage of allocated frequencies.
  • Types of AMC Algorithms:Likelihood-based (LB): These algorithms compare the received signal with pre-defined models of different modulation schemes. Feature-based (FB): These algorithms extract features from the signal (like amplitude variations) and use them to classify the modulation type.
  • Recent Advancements:Deep Learning: Deep learning architectures, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are showing promising results in AMC due to their ability to automatically learn features from the received signal.
Here are some resources for further reading:
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
I've recently released a software package that combines my research interests (history of science and statistics) and my day job (machine learning and statistical modelling) It is called timeline_ai (see It extracts and then visualises timelines from the text of pdfs. It works particularly well on history books and biographies. Here are two examples:
The extraction is done using a large language model so there are occasional inaccuracies and “hallucinations". To counter that I've made the output checkable. You can click on each event and it will take you the page the event was extracted from. So far it has performed very well. I would love some feedback on whether people think it would be useful for research and education.
Relevant answer
Simon Raper Excellent job, and the output is incredibly detailed!
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
How does the addition of XAI techniques such as SHAP or LIME impact model interpretability in complex machine learning models like deep neural networks?
Relevant answer
The incorporation of XAI techniques such as SHAP and LIME significantly improves the interpretability of complex machine learning models by providing local and global explanations and giving information about the importance of features, among other advantages.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
8 answers
We are trying to prepare landslide susceptibility map using ANN through WEKA software. We are facing some technical issue while running the final output in ARCGIS. The boundary of the area is not prominent and some zigzag lines with a dark area is appearing. Is there any tutorial or document that guide us how to perform the ANN through WEKA for susceptibility mapping .
It would be a great help, if someone able to guide us in sort out the technical issue, like where is the problem due to which boundary is not coming or how to fix this zig zag lines?
Thank you.
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Hello, Ive been following a tutorial on this topic and while it seems like the tutorial works out in the end, im very confused as to how it works. They instruct to convert all the raster layers in arcmap to ascii then to create columns in spss and then put it through weka, when they open their text file for the raster layer such as slope its all -9999. but it doesnt seem to pose an issue and they dont explain anything other than it being nodata value which i know but how does that even work. Im extremely confused by this, so if anyone can explain whats going on, that would be greatly appreciated
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
How can concepts from quantum computing be leveraged to enhance machine learning algorithms?
Relevant answer
Hi. At present time there are two main groups of algorithms linked to quantum technology: quantum gates approach, quantum annealing approach. Typical classical algorithms like support learning machines could be implemented using both quantum methods and might be applied with almost the same efficiency as quantum and in general has no big effect. But more sophisticated machine learning algorithms like convolutional neural networks for images processing and transformers for languages might be a very promising area to inhance efficiency of quantum - classical methods. In view of quantum gates application one must have access to many qubit's computer, especially for language models and we should await for this time. But the question is what is the subject to learn in neural networks. The bottle neck of neural networks is optimisation of parameters that is still using classical approaches as qubits measurements give 0 or 1. After understanding deeper on how to optimize continuous parameters we can apply quantum algorithms better.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be created, will it mainly involve new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity? What is your opinion on this issue?
Perhaps in the future - as a result of the rapid technological advances currently taking place and the rivalry of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - a general artificial intelligence (AGI) will emerge. At present, there are unresolved deliberations on the question of new opportunities and threats that may occur as a result of the construction and development of general artificial intelligence in the future. The rapid technological progress currently taking place in the field of generative artificial intelligence in connection with the already high level of competition among technology companies developing these technologies may lead to the emergence of a super artificial intelligence, a strong general artificial intelligence that can achieve the capabilities of self-development, self-improvement and perhaps also autonomy, independence from humans. This kind of scenario may lead to a situation where this kind of strong, super AI or general artificial intelligence is out of human control. Perhaps this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence will be able, as a result of self-improvement, to reach a state that can be called artificial consciousness. On the one hand, new possibilities can be associated with the emergence of this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence, including perhaps new possibilities for solving the key problems of the development of human civilization. However, on the other hand, one should not forget about the potential dangers if this kind of strong, super, general artificial intelligence in its autonomous development and self-improvement independent of man were to get completely out of the control of man. Probably, whether this will involve mainly new opportunities or rather new dangers for mankind will mainly be determined by how man will direct this development of AI technology while he still has control over this development.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Assuming that in the future - as a result of the rapid technological progress that is currently taking place and the competition of leading technology companies developing AI technologies - general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be created, will it mainly involve new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity? What is your opinion on this issue?
If general artificial intelligence (AGI) is created, will it involve mainly new opportunities or rather new threats for humanity?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I think this is about people... The atom does not know anything about peacefullness or warfare. And the same applies to all specific implementations of AI.
More importantly, could you please provide an exact definition to "artificial general intelligence" and "general artificial intelligence"?
Thank you very much. Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
In the actual scenario of federated learning, the problem of heterogeneity is an inevitable challenge, so what can we do to alleviate the challenges caused by these heterogeneities?
Relevant answer
In federated learning, mitigating the challenges posed by heterogeneity involves a multi-faceted approach. Adaptive federated optimization techniques, such as client weighting and adaptive learning rates, can help balance the contributions across diverse clients. Model personalization, through customization or meta-learning, tailors models to individual clients, enhancing performance. Advanced aggregation algorithms like FedAvg and its variants, alongside robust aggregation methods, aim to integrate updates more effectively. Data augmentation and synthetic data generation improve model generalization, while resource-aware scheduling and selective participation optimize the use of computational resources. Decentralized learning architectures, like hierarchical federated learning, manage heterogeneity within subgroups efficiently. Lastly, incentive mechanisms encourage meaningful participation, and privacy-preserving techniques like differential privacy ensure the protection of sensitive information during the learning process. Together, these strategies form a comprehensive approach to address the complexities introduced by heterogeneity in federated learning environments....
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Electromechanical Automation (AIEA 2024) will be held in Shenzhen, China, from June 14 to 16, 2024.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
(1) Artificial Intelligence
- Intelligent Control
- Machine learning
- Modeling and identification
(2) Sensor
- Sensor/Actuator Systems
- Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks
- Intelligent Sensor and Soft Sensor
(3) Control Theory And Application
- Control System Modeling
- Intelligent Optimization Algorithm and Application
- Man-Machine Interactions
(4) Material science and Technology in Manufacturing
- Artificial Material
- Forming and Joining
- Novel Material Fabrication
(5) Mechanic Manufacturing System and Automation
- Manufacturing Process Simulation
- CIMS and Manufacturing System
- Mechanical and Liquid Flow Dynamic
All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted for indexing by EI Compendex, Scopus.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: April 1, 2024
Registration Deadline: May 31, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: May 14, 2024
Conference Dates: June 14-16, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback
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Data science
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
Graph Machine Learning Applications for Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operation (AECO) Research in 2024
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I would like to recommend you automated technology of construction management "Building Manager" - construction modelling based on complex intellectual models (CIM) – in our case, the Dynamic Resource - Organizational and Technological Model of Construction – digital modelling of building projects which can facilitate organisational modelling and automated scheduling in project management. BIM models, as initial data, can be successfully used in complex intellectual models for automated generation of PERT diagrams and Gant charts, for automated planning of the flow and sequences of tasks in the building projects.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
I am inclined to research on EEG classification using ML/DL. The research area seems saturated. Hence, I am confused as to where I can contribute.
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First of all, I want to encourage you not to give up on an area just because there are a lot of researchers in it. People should follow their interests if they are capable of managing the task and are interested in them. It's not only that EEG research is a promising field, but it's also interesting to classify EEG data using machine learning or deep learning approaches. It's okay if it seems saturated to you. Improving already completed work is always a way to contribute. There are many ways to propose improved algorithms and models if you have an interest for mathematical modelling. Remember that even in well explored research fields, there is always space for creativity and advancement of interest.
It's better to start with a review paper on the latest research article in this field. In one paper (latest review paper), you can gain a clear idea of the work that has been done and the suggestions put forward by the authors (researchers) based on their investigation. This approach helps you understand the current state of the field and identify potential gaps or areas for further exploration.
In the biomedical field, preference should be given to applications that demonstrate effectiveness in promoting health and safety.
1. And, I would like to suggest that you integrate ML/DL techniques for EEG classification along with IoT or some real-time device, such as Jetson Nano or an equivalent.
2. EEG signals should have noise and limited spatial resolution. Maybe you can investigate.
3. Left and right hand movements generate distinct EEG signals. If you can collect a real dataset from reputable medical resources, you could investigate EEG signals in paralyzed individuals and analyze them.
I am sharing here some of the article maybe you can have a look, i feels that could help you better:
*) Current Status, Challenges, and Possible Solutions of EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interface: A Comprehensive Review.
*) A review on analysis of EEG signals.
*) Deep Learning Algorithm for Brain-Computer Interface.
*)Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology.
Finally, as this is your graduation thesis, it's important to have a backup plan. During research, numerous byproducts are often produced, many of which hold value. I hope you will successfully reach your final destination with this research. However, it's essential to keep proper track of your byproducts. They may prove invaluable in shaping your thesis and ensuring you graduate on time. Furthermore, even after graduation, consider continuing your research if possible.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
We cordially invite you to contribute a book chapter for our edited book entitled "Machine Learning for Drone-Enabled IoT Networks: Opportunities, Developments, and Trends", which will be published by Springer Nature publishers in the Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation series (Scopus indexed). There is no publication fee. This edited book aims to explore the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in the application of machine learning techniques to enhance the performance and efficiency of IoT networks assisted by aerial unmanned vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones.
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I am honored to accept your invitation to contribute a chapter to this prestigious publication. The opportunity to share insights and contribute to the exploration of machine learning techniques in enhancing the performance and efficiency of IoT networks with the assistance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) aligns perfectly with my research interests and expertise.
I am excited to delve into the latest developments, challenges, and opportunities in this emerging field and to contribute to the collective knowledge base through my chapter. I am confident that this collaboration will yield valuable insights and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the intersection of machine learning and drone-enabled IoT networks.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
I am seeking an advisor and a place to defend my dissertation in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence application. I already have a significant amount of material, including publications and developed machine learning tools that are successfully implemented and used in companies. I would like to defend my dissertation specifically based on these developed projects. Please share advice or recommendations regarding finding an advisor and a university that could support me in this endeavor.
Thank you for your attention and assistance!
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As far as I know, all institutions require listening some lectures. Lithuania is nice place to defend thesis as you can do it in a form of articles, making it much easier if you are writing articles from that field. However, you still need to obtain some credits from lectures and I don't think you can avoid that. As for Machine Learning (ML), if it's just ML you might want to look at Informatics field, if it has some mathematical or physical applications you might be able to get a degree from those. I'm working on a similar dissertation myself.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
How is machine learning used in agriculture and how is future farming advancing agriculture with artificial intelligence?
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Dr Idris Muniru thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Can anyone recommend Machine learning textbook or any material for analysis/data modeling?
Brief; I have rock drilling experimental data. I would like to use machine learning techniques for modeling of drilling energy. Request any materials/journals, textbooks related modeling please share with me.
With regards
Dr.Vijaya Kumar Chodavarapu.
Relevant answer
There are many excellent textbooks and resources available for learning about machine learning and data modeling. Here are some widely recommended options:
  1. "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher M. Bishop: This book provides a comprehensive introduction to pattern recognition and machine learning concepts, with a focus on probabilistic models and Bayesian methods.
  2. "Introduction to Statistical Learning" by Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, and Robert Tibshirani: This introductory textbook covers fundamental concepts of statistical learning and machine learning, including supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, regression, classification, resampling methods, and more.
  3. "Elements of Statistical Learning" by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman: This book is a more in-depth treatment of statistical learning theory and methods, covering topics such as linear methods, tree-based methods, support vector machines, and unsupervised learning.
  4. "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective" by Kevin P. Murphy: This textbook provides a probabilistic framework for understanding machine learning algorithms and techniques, covering topics such as Bayesian networks, graphical models, and probabilistic graphical models.
  5. "Deep Learning" by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville: For those interested in deep learning, this book offers a comprehensive overview of deep learning theory and applications, covering topics such as neural networks, convolutional networks, recurrent networks, and more.
  6. "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" by Aurélien Géron: This practical guide focuses on hands-on learning with popular machine learning libraries such as Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, covering topics such as classification, regression, clustering, neural networks, and deep learning.
  7. "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney: While not strictly a machine learning textbook, this book is essential for anyone working with data in Python. It covers data manipulation, visualization, and analysis techniques using the pandas library, making it a valuable resource for data modeling and machine learning projects.
These are just a few recommendations to get you started. Depending on your background, interests, and learning style, you may find other textbooks and resources that suit your needs better. Many of these books also offer supplementary materials such as lecture slides, code examples, and online tutorials to enhance your learning experience.
Please follow me if it's helpful. All the very best. Regards, Safiul
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
What are the challenges and opportunities in deploying machine learning models in real-time systems with stringent latency constraints?
#ml #industry5.0
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Deploying machine learning models in real-time systems with stringent latency constraints presents both challenges and opportunities. Here are some key considerations:
  1. Latency Requirements: Real-time systems often have strict latency requirements, requiring predictions or decisions to be made within milliseconds or microseconds. This imposes constraints on the complexity and computational cost of machine learning models.
  2. Model Complexity: Complex machine learning models, such as deep neural networks, may require significant computational resources and memory, making them unsuitable for deployment in real-time systems with limited processing capabilities.
  3. Resource Constraints: Real-time systems deployed on edge devices or embedded systems may have limited computational resources, memory, and power consumption constraints, posing challenges for deploying resource-intensive machine learning models.
  4. Model Size: The size of the machine learning model can impact deployment feasibility, especially in scenarios where storage space is limited or where models need to be transmitted over the network.
  5. Data Freshness: Real-time systems require up-to-date data for making accurate predictions or decisions. Ensuring data freshness and minimizing data latency can be challenging, particularly in distributed systems or environments with intermittent connectivity.
  1. Model Optimization: There are opportunities to optimize machine learning models for deployment in real-time systems, including model compression, quantization, and pruning techniques to reduce model size and computational complexity while maintaining performance.
  2. Hardware Acceleration: Hardware acceleration techniques, such as specialized processing units (e.g., GPUs, TPUs) and custom ASICs, can be leveraged to improve the performance and efficiency of machine learning inference in real-time systems.
  3. Online Learning: Real-time systems can benefit from online learning techniques that enable models to adapt and update in real-time as new data becomes available, allowing for continuous model improvement and adaptation to changing conditions.
  4. Distributed Inference: Distributed inference architectures, such as edge computing and fog computing, can be employed to distribute the computational load and perform inference closer to the data source, reducing latency and network overhead.
  5. Low-Latency Algorithms: Developing and deploying machine learning algorithms specifically designed for low-latency inference can unlock new opportunities for real-time applications, such as real-time anomaly detection, predictive maintenance, and adaptive control systems.
In summary, while deploying machine learning models in real-time systems with stringent latency constraints poses challenges, there are also significant opportunities for optimization, innovation, and leveraging emerging technologies to meet the demands of real-time applications effectively.
Please follow me if it's helpful. All the very best. Regards, Safiul
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
When a user has set notifications or alerts to start an exercise or do the chores, when the notification is delivered, the user may be too engaged in another activity (like social media) which will lead to dismissal of the notification.
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Yes, there has been research on using machine learning techniques to predict the optimal timing for delivering notifications or alerts to users when they are most likely to engage in productive tasks. This area of study falls under the broader field of context-aware computing and personalized recommender systems. Here are some key aspects of this research:
  1. Contextual Features: Researchers have investigated various contextual features that can be used to predict users' receptiveness to notifications, including time of day, location, activity level, device usage patterns, and social context. Machine learning models are trained on historical data to learn patterns and correlations between these features and users' responsiveness to notifications.
  2. Predictive Models: Machine learning algorithms such as decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and neural networks have been employed to build predictive models for determining the optimal timing for delivering notifications. These models take into account multiple contextual factors to predict the likelihood that a user will engage with a notification at a particular time.
  3. User Modeling: Some studies have focused on building user models that capture individual differences in responsiveness to notifications. These models may incorporate demographic information, personality traits, past behavior, and user preferences to personalize the timing and content of notifications for each user.
  4. Feedback Mechanisms: Machine learning techniques are also used to incorporate feedback mechanisms into notification systems, allowing them to adapt and improve over time based on users' interactions and responses. Reinforcement learning algorithms, in particular, can be employed to optimize notification delivery strategies through trial and error.
  5. Evaluation Metrics: Researchers typically evaluate the effectiveness of machine learning-based notification systems using metrics such as notification response rate, engagement rate, user satisfaction, and task completion time. These metrics help assess the impact of personalized notification strategies on users' productivity and overall experience.
Overall, research on using machine learning techniques to predict the optimal timing for delivering notifications aims to enhance user engagement and productivity by delivering notifications at times when users are most receptive and likely to act on them.
Please follow me if it's helpful. All the very best. Regards, Safiul
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
Using machine learning.
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Unsupervised learning such as clustering can be used for detecting fraud. you should finding outlier with having a great clustering on your data.
K-means algorithm can be beneficial for these problems.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
Can anyone recommend Machine learning textbook for basic level?
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I recommend visiting the following website; I'm sure you will find many valuable books you need.
Best Wishes
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Hello everyone, I'm seeking some advice or references related to the optimal number of observations needed per category within a categorical variable for machine learning projects. I've come across a rule of thumb suggesting that a minimum of 20 observations per category is advisable. However, I'm curious about the community's views on this and whether there's any literature or research that could provide more detailed guidance or confirm this rule. Any insights or recommendations for readings on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Relevant answer
Generally speaking, the rule of thumb regarding machine learning is that you need at least ten times as many rows (data points) as there are features (columns) in your dataset. This means that if your dataset has 10 columns (i.e., features), you should have at least 100 rows for optimal results.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
In 2024, the 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and Network Security (CCNS 2024) will be held in Guangzhou, China from May 3 to 5, 2024.
CCNS was successfully held in Guilin, Xining, Hohhot and Qingdao from 2020 to 2023. The conference covers diverse topics including AI and Machine Learning, Security Challenges in Edge Computing, Quantum Communication Networks, Optical Fiber Sensor Networks for Security, Nano-Photonic Devices in Cybersecurity and so on. We hope that this conference can make a significant contribution to updating knowledge about these latest scientific fields.
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: Computer Communication Technologies
AI and Machine Learning
Blockchain Applications in Network Defense
Security Challenges in Edge Computing
Cybersecurity in 5G Networks
IoT Security Protocols and Frameworks
Machine Learning in Intrusion Detection
Big Data Analytics for Cybersecurity
Cloud Computing Security Strategies
Mobile Network Security Solutions
Adaptive Security Architectures for Networks
Track 2: Advanced Technologies in Network Security
Quantum Communication Networks
Photonics in Secure Data Transmission
Optical Fiber Sensor Networks for Security
Li-Fi Technologies for Secure Communication
Nano-Photonic Devices in Cybersecurity
Laser-Based Data Encryption Techniques
Photonic Computing for Network Security
Advanced Optical Materials for Secure Communication
Nonlinear Optics in Data Encryption
Optical Network Architectures for Enhanced Security
All papers, both invited and contributed, will be reviewed by two or three expert reviewers from the conference committees. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers of CCNS 2024 will be published in SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (ISSN: 0277-786X), and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Date: March 17, 2024
Registration Deadline: April 12, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: April 21, 2024
Conference Dates: May 3-5, 2024
For More Details please visit:
Invitation code: AISCONF
*Using the invitation code on submission system/registration can get priority review and feedback
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I'm looking for a team.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
7 answers
Meta-analyses and systematic reviews seem the shortcut to academic success as they usually have a better chance of getting published in accredited journals, be read more, and bring home a lot of citations. Interestingly enough, apart from being time-consuming, they are very easy; they are actually nothing but carefully followed protocols of online data collection and statistical analysis, if any.
The point is that most of this can be easily done (at least in theory) by a simple computer algorithm. A combination of if/thenstatements would simply allow the software to decide on the statistical parameters to be used, not to mention more advanced approaches that can be available to expert systems.
The only part needing a much more advanced algorithm like a very good artificial intelligence is the part that is supposed to search the articles, read them, accurately understand them, include/exclude them accordingly, and extract data from them. It seems that today’s level of AI is becoming more and more sufficient for this purpose. AI can now easily read papers and understand them quite accurately. So AI programs that can either do the whole meta-analysis themselves, or do the heavy lifting and let the human check and polish/correct the final results are on the rise. All needed would be the topic of the meta-analysis. The rest is done automatically or semi-automatically.
We can even have search engines that actively monitor academic literature, and simply generate the end results (i.e., forest plots, effect sizes, risk of bias assessments, result interpretations, etc.), as if it is some very easily done “search result”. Humans then can get back to doing more difficult research instead of putting time on searching and doing statistical analyses and writing the final meta-analysis paper. At least, such search engines can give a pretty good initial draft for humans to check and polish them.
When we ask a medical question from a search engine, it will not only give us a summary of relevant results (the way the currently available LLM chatbots do) but also will it calculate and produce an initial meta-analysis for us based on the available scientific literature. It will also warn the reader that the results are generated by AI and should not be deeply trusted, but can be used as a rough guess. This is of course needed until the accuracy of generative AI surpasses that of humans.
It just needs some enthusiasts with enough free time and resources on their hands to train some available open-source, open-parameter LLMs to do this specific task. Maybe even big players are currently working on this concept behind the scene to optimize their propriety LLMs for meta-analysis generation.
Any thoughts would be most welcome.
Vahid Rakhshan
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There was a recent well-publicised event where an actual legal court case included legal documents prepared by AI that included supposed legal citations to cases that did not ever exist.
So, you have two problems:
(1) Constructing code that does actually work;
(2) Persuading others that you have code that actually works.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
5 answers
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers allow the prediction of multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses?
Will the combination of generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers make it possible to forecast multi-faceted, complex, holistic, long-term economic, social, political, climatic, natural macroprocesses?
Generative artificial intelligence technology is currently being used to carry out various complex activities, to solve tasks intelligently, to implement multi-criteria processes, to create multi-faceted simulations and generate complex dynamic models, to creatively perform manufacturing processes that require processing large sets of data and information, etc., which until recently only humans could do. Recently, there have been attempts to create computerized, intelligent analytical platforms, through which it would be possible to forecast complex, multi-faceted, multi-criteria, dynamically changing macroprocesses, including, first of all, long-term objectively realized economic, social, political, climatic, natural and other macroprocesses. Based on the experience to date from research work on the analysis of the development of generative artificial intelligence technology and other technologies typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0/5.0, the rapidly developing various forms and fields of application of AI technologies, it is clear that the dynamic technological progress that is currently taking place will probably increase the possibilities of building complex intelligent predictive models for multi-faceted, complex macroprocesses in the years to come. The current capabilities of generative artificial intelligence technology in the field of improving forecasting models and carrying out forecasts of the formation of specific trends within complex macroprocesses are still limited and imperfect. The imperfection of forecasting models may be due to the human factor, i.e., their design by humans, the determination by humans of the key criteria and determinants that determine the functioning of certain forecasting models. In a situation where in the future forecasting models will be designed and improved, corrected, adapted to changing, for example, environmental conditions at each stage by artificial intelligence technology then they will probably be able to be much more perfect than the currently functioning and built forecasting models. Another shortcoming is the issue of data obsolescence and data limitation. There is currently no way to connect an AI-equipped analytical platform to the entire resources of the Internet, taking into account the processing of all the data and information contained in the Internet in real time. Even today's fastest quantum computers and the most advanced Big Data Analytics systems do not have such capabilities. However, it is not out of the question that in the future the dynamic development of generative artificial intelligence technology, the ongoing competition among leading technology companies developing technologies for intelligent chatbots, robots equipped with artificial intelligence, creating intelligent control systems for machines and processes, etc., will lead to the creation of general artificial intelligence, i.e. advanced, general artificial intelligence that will be capable of self-improvement. However, it is important that the said advanced general advanced artificial intelligence does not become fully autonomous, does not become completely independent, does not become out of the control of man, because there would be a risk of this highly advanced technology turning against man which would involve the creation of high levels of risks and threats to man, including the risk of losing the possibility of human existence on planet Earth.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Will the combination of generative artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics and the high power of quantum computers make it possible to forecast multi-faceted, complex, holistic, long-term economic, social, political, climatic, natural macro-processes?
Will the combination of AI technology, Big Data Analytics and high-powered quantum computers allow forecasting of multi-faceted, complex macro-processes?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I doubt that QC will be helpful. Theoretical there are at least 3 different types, only one being developed to be useful in a very special field. Quantum algorithms are totally different from classic algorithms, and i doubt, that more than 1% of computer scientist know what they are speaking about when they mention QC.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
256 answers
"From science to law, from medicine to military questions, artificial intelligence is shaking up all our fields of expertise. All?? No?! In philosophy, AI is useless." The Artificial Mind, by Raphaël Enthoven, Humensis, 2024.
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Arturo Geigel "I am one open to this dialogue because I recognize the need for philosophical contributions". Thank you for the momentum you bring to this Thread. There indeed is a need for Philosophy as the means humans have to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and each other. In the world of today, AI appears as a powerful transformation in how things and ideas are designed and implemented in all areas of knowledge, technology, and way of life and thinking. In this regard, many questions should be asked: What role should Philosophy play in accompanying the predictable and almost inevitable advances and thrusts of AI? Can AI be involved in philosophical thinking? is AI capable of Philosophying? And in any case, should we preserve philosophical thought and place it, like a safeguard, above technical advances?
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
2 answers
Dear ResearchGate Community,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my strong interest in pursuing a PhD in the field of Optimization in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and to seek a supervisor who shares the same passion for this research area.
I hold a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, which has provided me with a solid foundation in machine learning. However, to further enhance my knowledge and skills in optimization, I subsequently enrolled in another Master's program in Applied Mathematics. This program has equipped me with a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and techniques that are instrumental in optimizing machine learning algorithms.
I am confident that my profound understanding of the mathematical foundations of machine learning would be a valuable asset to your ML/AI research team. Moreover, my research projects have allowed me to actively engage in the exploration of optimization in AI/ML algorithms. I have developed a particular interest in the intersection of Quantum Computing and its significant implications for AI/ML and optimization.
During my academic journey, I have had the opportunity to work on research projects that focus on applying AI/ML in various domains, such as medicine and environmental sciences. Through these experiences, I have gained practical insights into the challenges and opportunities that arise when optimizing machine learning algorithms for real-world applications.
I am now seeking a PhD supervisor who shares my enthusiasm for optimization in machine learning and who can guide and support me in exploring this fascinating research field. If you are a researcher or know of any potential supervisors who specialize in this area, I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or introductions.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I look forward to any suggestions or guidance you may have, and I am eager to contribute to the advancements in optimization in machine learning.
Best regards,
Relevant answer
Beatriz Flamia Azevedo Well noted,Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
3 answers
I am tackled with a industrial research issue in which a massive-scale data which is mostly a stream data is about to be processed for the purpose of outlier detection. The problem is that there are some labels for the so-wanted outliers in the data, even though they are not reliable and thus we should discard them.
My approach to resolve the problem is mainly revolving around unsupervised techniques, although my employer insists on finding a trainable supervised technique by which there will be a major need to have outlier label for each individual data point. In other words, he has got trust issues with unsupervised techniques.
Now, my concern is whether there is any official and valid approach to generate outlier labels, at least to some meaningful extent, especially for a massive-scale data? I have done some research in this regard and also have experience in outlier/anomaly detection, nevertheless, it would be an honor to learn from other scholars here.
Much appreciated
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You are welcome, Sayyed Ahmad Naghavi Nozad .
I see. A potential direction could involve leveraging techniques from active learning or human-in-the-loop approaches. These methods allow for iterative improvement of models by selectively labeling data points that are most informative or uncertain. By strategically annotating a small subset of your data and iteratively refining your model, you may be able to achieve reliable outlier detection without relying solely on predefined labels.
I hope that helps.
Kind regards,
Dr. Samer Sarsam
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
learning like a child/baby
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Hi Tong Guo,
Maybe this paper could help you with this topic
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
I would like to know that prophet time series model is under the category of neural network or machine learning or deep learning? I want to forecast the price of product depending on other influential factors( 7 indicators) and all the data is monthly data with 15 years period.How can I implement with prophet model to get better accuracy? And i also want to compare the result with other time series model.Please suggest me how should I do about my work.thank you.
Relevant answer
  1. Data Preparation: Gather historical data for the price and 7 indicators.
  2. Feature Engineering: Preprocess data and create additional relevant features.
  3. Model Training: Use Prophet to fit a time series model, specifying input features.
  4. Hyperparameter Tuning: Optimize Prophet's parameters for better performance.
  5. Evaluation: Assess model performance using metrics like MAE, MSE, RMSE.
  6. Comparison: Compare Prophet's performance with other models like ARIMA, SARIMA, or LSTM.
  7. Statistical Tests: Use tests to determine significant performance differences.
  8. Cross-validation: Validate models to ensure robustness and generalization.
By following these steps, you can effectively forecast product prices and compare model accuracies.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
4 answers
How can a strong understanding of statistics improve your machine learning models?
Relevant answer
A strong understanding of statistics is crucial in machine learning for several reasons. It aids in effectively understanding and preparing data, identifying key trends, and handling variability. Statistical techniques are essential for feature selection and engineering, helping to focus on relevant variables and reduce dimensionality. They provide robust methods for model evaluation, including hypothesis testing and validation techniques, ensuring model reliability. Knowledge of statistics is vital in choosing and applying the right machine learning algorithms, as different methods have varying assumptions about data. It also underpins advanced areas like probabilistic modeling and Bayesian approaches in machine learning. Overall, statistics is fundamental in enhancing the accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness of machine learning models.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
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I need an idea
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First, the welding defects are a consequence of the interactions between the welding variables and the welding trajectory. For your Machine Learning system, you need to train the model with the relation between the values of the variables and the defects. Some defects appear as a consequence of the welding trajectory; you must analyze your process and the influence of the trajectory over the defect's apparition. To train your systems, you could implement an artificial vision system (very complicated) or a system that monitors the welding variables affected by the welding path (like current) in real time. The system will make sense if a robot performs the weldings; otherwise, you will only have a "defect predictor."
I hope this simple idea helps you to start your project.
  • asked a question related to Machine Learning
1 answer
To what extent do artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics, Business intelligence and other ICT information technology solutions typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution support marketing communication processes realized through Internet marketing, within the framework of social media advertising campaigns?
Among the areas in which applications based on generative artificial intelligence are now rapidly finding application are marketing communication processes realized within the framework of Internet marketing, within the framework of social media advertising campaigns. More and more advertising agencies are using generative artificial intelligence technology to create images, graphics, animations and videos that are used in advertising campaigns. Thanks to the use of generative artificial intelligence technology, the creation of such key elements of marketing communication materials has become much simpler and cheaper and their creation time has been significantly reduced. On the other hand, thanks to the applications already available on the Internet based on generative artificial intelligence technology that enable the creation of photos, graphics, animations and videos, it is no longer only advertising agencies employing professional cartoonists, graphic designers, screenwriters and filmmakers that can create professional marketing materials and advertising campaigns. Thanks to the aforementioned applications available on the Internet, graphic design platforms, including free smartphone apps offered by technology companies, advertising spots and entire advertising campaigns can be designed, created and executed by Internet users, including online social media users, who have not previously been involved in the creation of graphics, banners, posters, animations and advertising videos. Thus, opportunities are already emerging for Internet users who maintain their social media profiles to professionally create promotional materials and advertising campaigns. On the other hand, generative artificial intelligence technology can be used unethically within the framework of generating disinformation, informational factoids and deepfakes. The significance of this problem, including the growing disinformation on the Internet, has grown rapidly in recent years. The deepfake image processing technique involves combining images of human faces using artificial intelligence techniques.
In order to reduce the scale of disinformation spreading on the Internet media, it is necessary to create a universal system for labeling photos, graphics, animations and videos created using generative artificial intelligence technology. On the other hand, a key factor facilitating the development of this kind of problem of generating disinformation is that many legal issues related to the technology have not yet been regulated. Therefore, it is also necessary to refine legal norms on copyright issues, intellectual property protection that take into account the creation of works that have been created using generative artificial intelligence technology. Besides, social media companies should constantly improve tools for detecting and removing graphic and/or video materials created using deepfake technology.
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
To what extent does artificial intelligence technology, Big Data Analytics, Business intelligence and other ICT information technology solutions typical of the current Fourth Technological Revolution support marketing communication processes realized within the framework of Internet marketing, within the framework of social media advertising campaigns?
How do artificial intelligence technology and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies support Internet marketing processes?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Industry 5.0 is a new production model which focuses on the cooperation between humans and machines. It stands for the recognition that technological advances and human insight and creativity are equally important.