Science topics: Jump
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Jump - Science topic

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Questions related to Jump
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
I made a series of jump tests in subjects, everything was recorded with Vicon. I have data from markers and force plate. We recorded the tests before and after an intervention.
My question is, I have C3D files with the markers and force plate, I want to mount the files before and after an intervention side by side, and synchronize them, then export this as an video file, it can be in any format.
What would be the easiest software to do this?
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  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Good morning everyone,
I'm conducting some trials with sEMG located on peroneal muscles: subjects are making a drop jump and a re-jump immediately after landing on the same leg.
I haven't got a force plate to detect ground contact or other devices: I can rely only on EMG data.
When can I consider activated and at rest the peroneal mucles during the task?
This is important to me to detect the curve of the muscle activation between subjects in a standard manner.
I was thinking about choosing for example a 10% threshold relative to the Maximun Volontary Contraction.
Do you have some ideas or some research papers with suggestions about this?
Thanks a lot!
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The act of jumping on two feet involves the use of several muscle groups in the body, such as the leg muscles, glutes, and abdominals. When jumping, these muscles contract and strengthen, which contributes to the development of strong, healthy muscles.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
I want to conjugate the our lab generated IgG mab to the MAL-di-EG-Val-Cit-PAB-MMAE drug linker through reduced side chain cysteines by TCEP. I have read a lot of papers with different protocols. The drug is costly and we have limited resources That is why I want to make sure before jumping into the experiments. Please also suggest me which experiment to follow to ensure the drug is cross-linked to the mab. I would really appreciated if you help me through. Thank you!
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It's better to use DTT for IgG reduction. TCEP is more strong and in high concentration of it may participate your protein. After reduction by DTT; normally 100 mM DTT for 30 min at 37, you should remove free DTT by dialysis. now free Cys is available for conjugation. if you add 5 to 10 times higher molar ratio of your drug to reduced IgG and incubate at different time and Tm (drug concentration, time, and Tm for conjugation shall optimize). check conjugation on SDS_PAGE in reducing and non-reducing conditions and compare with intact sample. Take the good one for analysis by HPLC (PLRP or HIC column) to measure the DAR ratio.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
I have a group of athletes that performed a countermovement jump over 3 time points.
My data does not meet assumptions of Shapiro-Wilk or Leven's, so I cannot run a parametric mixed ANOVA. So, I need to run a non-parametric test.
However, a test such as Krustal-Wallis compares between-groups but not within-groups.
So, is there a non-parametric test that allows within-group p-values to be generated?
Advice would be very welcome.
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Hi Lee,
Perhaps the Wilcoxon test is the most appropriate for your analysis.
I hope this helps.
Have a great week!
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Every so often, someone presents work that is derivative of mine (e.g., Lightspeed Expanding Hyperspherical Universe or LEHU).
That particular hypothesis or postulate is impossible to defend. Richard Feynman proposed the hyperspherical topology in a lecture, but he couldn't defend it because of the problems it creates.
My theory - The Hypergeometrical Universe Theory (HU) solves those problems.
It emboldened many copycats who believed they could jump in the wagon and take part in the HU's model (for example, LEHU) and run.
By the way, I should clarify that LEHU is part of HU's model, not because I was the first to propose it, but because I am the only one who can defend it.
That creates flawed models where the flaws are obvious.
Here, I present a critique of one of these models. Feel free to disagree or agree in the comments.
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Thank you for your kind comment. I am sure the fellow will move on undisturbed. Hopefully, the horrendous critique will hold other people back...:) They are a dime a dozen...:)
If you are at LinkedIn look me up. I will be presenting videos explaining the theory. I am just preparing the explanation of the Fine Structure Constant...:)
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
Depth jump or Drop jump
I would like to share with you the first round of debate on purely terminological issues in a prestigious journal. Although our response constitutes a position, I would like to know the opinion of several specialists.
Best regards to all of you.
Line 190: You say the Drop Jump was performed "with rebounding." This would be termed a depth jump, not a drop jump (depth jump includes rebound, drop jump does not). Please correct this terminology throughout the manuscript.
Our reply
R/ We thank the author for this excellent commentary. This is a very controversial topic, and in the current literature, there is some divergence regarding these terms (Bobbert et al., 1987a; Smith et al., 2011). This divergence may be associated with the proximity of the DJ acronym for both types of jumps.
For many years, researchers have confused the two exercises, and currently, many textbooks, authors, and coaches use the terms depth jump and drop jump as synonyms (Hamilton, 2009; Suchomel et al., 2016) or to indicate the same exercise with variations in execution (Sheppard, 2014).
To our knowledge, Drop Jump was a term recognized by Komi and Bosco (Komi and Bosco, 1978) where they acknowledge that the exercises previously performed by Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen (Asmussen and Bonde-Petersen, 1974) were Drop Jumps. I quote. "From the upright position on different lifts and then dropping directly onto the force platform with subsequent jumping upward. This condition is called a drop jump." For its part, the Depth Jump presents different objectives and was proposed by Verkhoshansky (Verkhoshansky and Chernousov, 1974; Y.Verkhoshansky, 2006)
Drop jumps are executed from lower heights, striving for a stiff landing, and keeping the leg muscles rigid to minimize leg flexion during landing and ground contact times (Pedley et al., 2017; Ramirez-Campillo et al., 2018). On the other hand, the Depth Jump (as the name suggests) is an exercise that requires a high drop height where the athlete should not land with stiff and extended legs (bounce). On the contrary, the landing must be resilient and elastic, with the optimal depth of knee flexion at the end of the amortization phase to reach a high jump height. In the Depth jump, no rigid restrictions are imposed on the magnitude of leg flexion or ground contact time, although it is recognized that the exercise must be performed quickly (Verkhoshansky and Chernousov, 1974; Y.Verkhoshansky, 2006). Another widely used term is the Depht Drop, but from a semantic point of view, we understand that it does not require jumping after the drop (no jump). A previously published systematic review attempted to explain these differences in Appendix 1 (Montoro-Bombú et al., 2023).
However, these differences in terminology can be found in numerous studies (Bobbert et al., 1987b; Byrne et al., 2010; Wallace et al., 2010; Smith et al., 2011; Pedley et al., 2017), although, authors were clear in their position (Pedley et al., 2017; Montoro-Bombú et al., 2023). We consider that these terminological differences do not directly influence the quality of the results presented in this study. In this regard, we hope that our position could be considered.
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Hi Raynier Montoro-Bombu
Thank you for sharing this topic. I think that your response is strong and I have no more words to say and add to your reply.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
If an activation function has a jump discontinuity, then in the training process, can we implement backpropagation to compute the derivatives and update the parameters?
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Yes, because what matters isn't the activation function, but the cost function.
  • asked a question related to Jump
7 answers
I think this speed is quantified but is it a constant in all the jumps of the electron?
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7500m/sec is an average speed.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Hi OpenFOAM users! I found that using the actuationDiskSource there is a small jump in the velocity field near the actuator disc cells. I couldnt found a solution on internet. Any help?
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Dear Gonzalo,
can you perhaps share your OpenFOAM case to have a look?
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
ResearchGate is an invaluable unique never-ending Global Medical Conference, wherein a constant meeting and clashing of scientific and philosophic minds, canonical beliefs, myths, assumptions, concepts, advances, proposals, and true meaning of data and serendipity in a truly stimulatory environment has become possible on innumerable fronts.
The provision of publishing of pre-prints with DOI is nothing but historic, giving whistleblowers the invaluable chance to correct the course of many-a-Titanic-like doomed scientific thrusts.
ResearchGate bridges the yawing gaps in thinking between the Institutions and the far-more independent individuals who do not have to justify research grants or seek patents or tenure or nebulous and shady/shadowy/unsavory associations with the overpowering device- and drug-manufacturing medical Industry, and encourages critical thinking with a stimulatory comment section.
Knowledge for sake of knowledge itself has evaporated from current medical scientific perspective. Now knowledge is a jostling competition for columns in journals, with well-established periodicals clearly favouring Institutional contributions and contributors. History suggest a near universal/global rule that innovation comes from the most unexpected direction, against stiff resistance from the leading authorities in the field (Horrobin, Lancet, 1996:348:1293-1295).
What additional avenues can ResearchGate provide to accelerate the pace of human scientific thinking and expose hope, hype and hokum in the garb of science?
The philosophy of science / scientific thinking / scientific notion precedes every data gathering-expedition. A hyper-focus on the philosophy of science and on fence-sitters of science who never respond to comments of their own data banks can accelerate forward momentum.
A separate section on SYNTHESES could be created to emphasize their invaluable contribution to human sciences.
ResearchGate has much to contribute to science, its potential is vast, and its future is a glowing beacon setting it apart from traditional periodicals and journals that are becoming more and more mercenary, that seek to keep egg-off-the faces of privileged authors and so-called leaders-in-science, remain steeped in tradition, and seek the future in the past.
Much of OPEN ACCESS published articles wield the ugly power of finance from sources with vested interests and deep pockets that will ultimately raise the question even with RCCTs sitting at the apex of the evidentiary pyramid: whose evidence is it, anyway?
Eventually, ResearchGate will invite its readers to give away in quasi-ceremony from their own research dens -- the Fortresses of Solitude -- the Whistle-Blower of the Year Award, even if it just a mention on paper/website. Progress is an amazing output of the rare creative mind willing to share and daring to bare. The rest is chaff.
The apocalypse of scientific drivel envelops (almost) all of us. Technology and statistics has kidnapped our ability to think critically and constructively and positively, to see the wood for the trees, to see the pattern where none existed previously, and to create the logical matrix out of nothingness. Everything in the vastness of all the galaxies has been created out of the Supreme Nothingness.
I leave you all with lines of sheer magic. Magic that has unfolded the Universe of Migraine and its manifold medical associations to me, the instrument only, and that I have not hesitated to share. Despite being accused of a messianic zeal, I will complete the part of the work assigned to me by Nature.
" Every research question has a different approach. True progress in science requires the ability to grapple with the immeasurable, the daring to view phenomenology differently, to give birth to and maintain a disquieting but penetrating dys-synchrony, to confront and not be overawed by history or consensus, to sustain searing self-criticism, and to carry curiosity and imagination to a defensible and generalizable conclusion." (Gupta, Functional Neurology, 2019)
Where you start invariably determines where you will end.
I have taken 8 decades to reach here.
Take this jump start to your advantage -- begin here.
Let ResearchGate bask in your glory reflected from the one and only GLORY.
13 SEP 2023
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Here are some discussions about ResearchGate in general:
  • asked a question related to Jump
5 answers
As we know in the literature that vacuum energy is:
"underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. This behavior is codified in Heisenberg's energy-time uncertainty principle. Still, the exact effect of such fleeting bits of energy is difficult to quantify".
The strange thing about this topic is how the uncertainty principle is the theoretical reason for the existence of this energy!
How can a principle speak about a statistical relationship (related to the matter) lead us to the idea of creation of matter from a vacuum!
We deduce the Heisenberg principle from certain definitions of mathematical operators (about position, momentum, energy ...) to which Schrödinger's equation is added, so does Schrödinger's equation speak of nothing? Or about a particle that has a specific mass?
How can all this ultimately give us something called energy that comes from nothing?
Not to mention that calculating this energy gives us enormous energy beyond perception, as this problem was called the "vacuum catastrophe"!
With God’s help, I wrote a paper that presents a theory about the motion, so in this theory, the motion is a discontinuous motion of particles, and assume that it is a sequence of appearances and disappearances events in space and time.
We deduce that the vacuum energy is just an illusion and that it is, in fact, coming from matter itself through its motion when it disappears and appears (when it did its quantum jump).
The idea is simple when a particle moves from one position to another through disappearance and appearance, it is according to theoretical calculations must be that the velocity of its jump is much greater than the speed of light (but always the apparent velocity or the mean velocity is less than the speed of light), and therefore the particle much precedes the electromagnetic waves that come from it (in the case we were talking about electromagnetic energy) and thus these waves will reach it later, so it will be affected by it as if it comes from the vacuum, but in fact, it comes from itself directly before its jump! this, for example, leads us to the Lamb shift.
For more information please see this paper:
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In classical physics we do not have vacuum energy . . . . over and out …. . .
In quantum theory, the uncertainty principle allows the vacuum of space to be filled with virtual particle-antiparticle pairs which appear spontaneously and exist for only a short time before, typically, annihilating themselves again. Some of these virtual particles can represent vacuum energy. Vacuum energy anisotropically distributed inside a field (phase) space of interactivity tangency [ from one phase space into another with differing dimensions ] has the commutation that fields of energy themselves are capable of showing wave-particle duality distinctiveness . The concept of transient uncoupling of waves from particle planes , recently introduced for synchronizing identical units, also supports generalized synchronization among nonidentical chaotic units with vacuum energy. Generalized synchronization can be achieved by transient uncoupling even when it is impossible by regular coupling. Transient uncoupling stabilizes synchronization in the presence of the said phases of vacuum energy .
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Could you explain the process by which the RMSD result is created, and provide insight into any noticeable jumps or fluctuations in the data? I'm curious about the underlying reasons behind these patterns.
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Thank you for providing the answers. I made a modification to the command (gmx trjconv -s md.tpr -f md.xtc -o md_noPBC.xtc -pbc mol -center) by changing it to (gmx trjconv -s md.tpr -f md.xtc -o md_noPBC.xtc -pbc nojump -center). As a result of this modification, the graph displayed a different outcome.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
For a Si atom, band gap energy is around 1.1 eV which means that an electron in valence band needs at least this much energy to jump to conduction band. Also, at room temperature, typically energy of about 25 meV is 'readily' available. This implies that at room temperature no electron should make the transition from valence to conduction band. Still experimentally it is found that electron concentration of about 1.5*10^10/cc is present in conduction band of Si at room temperature. How is this possible?
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Hello Nitesh Choudhary,
It is true that the band gap energy of Si is about 1.1 eV and that thermal energy at room temperature is approximately 25 meV (where 1 eV = 1000 meV). While it seems that there should be no electron transitions from the valence band to the conduction band at room temperature, electrons still do make this transition, albeit with a relatively low probability.
The key to understanding this discrepancy lies in the Boltzmann distribution, which governs the probability of a particle having a certain energy in a system. The Boltzmann distribution states that the probability of a particle having energy E is proportional to exp(-E/kT), where k is the Boltzmann constant (approximately 8.62 x 10^(-5) eV/K), T is the absolute temperature, and E is the energy.
At room temperature (approximately 300 K), there is a distribution of energies for the electrons in the valence band. The majority of electrons will indeed have energies lower than the band gap, but there will be a small fraction of electrons with higher energies due to the probabilistic nature of the Boltzmann distribution.
To calculate the concentration of electrons in the conduction band, we can use the concept of intrinsic carrier concentration (n_i). Intrinsic carrier concentration depends on the material's band gap energy (Eg) and temperature (T), and can be found using the following equation:
n_i = N_c * N_v * exp(-Eg / 2kT)
where N_c and N_v are the effective densities of states in the conduction and valence bands, respectively.
Using this equation, we can compute the intrinsic carrier concentration for Si at room temperature, which gives a value of around 1.5 x 10^10 cm^(-3), as you mentioned. This value represents the concentration of electrons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band for an intrinsic semiconductor.
So, the electron concentration in the conduction band of Si at room temperature can be explained by the Boltzmann distribution and the intrinsic carrier concentration. Despite the relatively low thermal energy available, the probabilistic nature of the distribution allows a small fraction of electrons to have sufficient energy to make the transition from the valence band to the conduction band.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Hello All,
i have the following warning message displayed for an explicit simulation. What could be the reason for this warning?
I am using amplitude to define the displacement of "Welle" in step 2 and then the "Welle" is not moving in step 3.
***WARNING: The option *BOUNDARY,TYPE=DISPLACEMENT has been used with a jump
of 1.80000 at DOF 2 of node WELLE-1.1 at the beginning of step 3.
***NOTE: Displacement boundary conditions with prescribed jumps will be
enforced as defined, minus the value of the jump. The jumps might be
caused by:
1) A discontinuous *BOUNDARY, TYPE=DISPLACEMENT definition.
2) Initial contact adjustments at the beginning of the first
3) Locating the rigid body reference node with the POSITION=CENTER
OF MASS parameter.
4) Use of an amplitude curve to prescribe the boundary conditions
in an analysis with a large number of increments; precision
error may cause a small drift from the prescribed displacement.
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Well, Abaqus provides a warning when you define two different displacement constraint at one place (at a reference point or surface of a body) in one single step, in such circumstance, displacement jump could occur, and Abaqus may ignore the displacement constraint you have defined. In order to solve this problem, perhaps you could set two step, and separate displacement constraints in two step.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
while I am doing corrosion tests, a problem occurs. a jumping in current happens.
dose anyone knows, it's a problem of my potentiostat or my electrodes?
the image of corrosion test is attached.
I would appreciate your help.
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You probably have a problem with one of the reference resistors. Autolab can be set to use a resistor within this range. I suggest you do some measurements on demi_cell and check which resistor is the problem. The problem is more with the hardware than with the system you are examining.
stefan krakowiak
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
Most people who were already done working or jumped into the next level of working gave a general checklist of flora-fauna species without on-field photos. Photos make identification easy for newcomers in the research field and they will start working up to the next level instead of a basic level of identification because identification consumes lots of time. What is the point to make taxonomy complex?
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I would agree whole heartedly that taxonomic field work that do not include clear photographic illustrations along with other work is frustrating and unhelpful. I suggest it is a practice that originates from the past when colour photographic images and their printing was expensive.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
The Laplace PDE is defined dU/dt)partial=Nabla^2 U solution has two main approaches, i- FDM approach which transforms the Nabla^2 PDE U=b into a set of n linear algebraic equations Au=u to be solved by Gaussian elimination or any other method.
ii-non-mathematical physical statistical approach which assumes that if the solution U=A^-1 b is already known then A^-1 must be subjected to:
A^-1=D , where the matrix D is defined via D=E-I and the matrix E itself is easy to find via ,E=B^0+B+B ^2.....+B^N . Obviously, matrix B is the well-known statistical transition matrix.
This physical solution applies to Poisson PDE and time-dependent heat PDE with arbitrary initial conditions.
Personally I suppose there is a jump somewhere but how?
I appreciate your comments.
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Hello, the partial differential equations with drichlet boundry conditions can be dealt by using a particular numerical technique which involves the transformation and linearization functions. It is worth reviewing the literature on Sinc Collocation method.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
MD simulation of a protein complex with more than 600 AA residues shows an average rmsd between 1-1.5 nm. can the protein complex can be considered stable?
Besides sometimes i see a jump in the RMSD trajectories. Can it be arised due to the failure to centre the protein complex or due to the larger size of the protein.
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Just to add a few things over Norman Geist answer.
Do you dimer or trimer? RMSD also depends on the length of residues forming loop/unstructured region. You should check that as well.
Your complex acquired a stable structure after ~5ns and remained in the same region for the remaining length of the simulation. 3-5 A fluctuation is normal and expected, and beyond that, it should be investigated.
In my opinion, once the constrained are removed, protein acquired its natural form and stayed there. For your analysis part, try to avoid the first 10ns.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Learning to read requires children to jump with their eyes from letter to letter and from word to word. I assume that experience with picture books trains children's skills to jump with their eyes over a page. Does anybody know whether there is research about this?
Furthermore, animated picture books induce eye movements through the animations. Thus, children respond to changes in the environment rather than actively steer their saccadic eye movements. Thus, they may be less skillful in controlling their eye movements when learning to read. Again my question: does someone know whether there is empirical research about this?
If there is no research on these two hypotheses: Who would be into running a study together?
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I had a very similar project. I studied visual attention processes on design elements in textbooks with eye tracking.
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Hi there,
I am simulating an all-atom system containing a polymer molecule in water. But after seeing the trajectories, many of the atoms seems to be shifted during the whole trajectory. I have already tried trjconv with centering and no jump options but the problem doesn't resolve. One can still see the large lines in the whole trajectory frame. I have kept the image for reference.
Thanks in advance.
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Use this command:
gmx trjconv -f xtc -s tpr -ur compact -pbc mol -o xtc
-pbc mol will bring the com of the molecules inside the box, and -ur compact will compact the box.
please do centering in the next command.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
is there any traditional method to check T cell levels or can we isolate T-cells to check Th17 cell levels using specific markers? I am a little stuck here.
Just to clarify I don't want to use the magnetic separation method. I want to Try the traditional method before I jump to that.
Thank you in advance.
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In the past, for HLA testing, T cells were separated form PBMC by elution through a nylon mesh column ( we usually used a sirynge). Cells were suspended in medium and the column was incubated at 37%. Adherent cells ( B cells and monocytes) were trapped and T cells were eluted. Believe it or not, if performed correctly, this yielded a nice separation.
Obviously, sorting by flow cytometry or magnetic beads ( positive or negative separation) are more suitable methods nowadays
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
Science is considered as separate and unrelated endeavor from language. Yet, its terms and peculiar concepts and even phraces such as "language of science" point to the opposite. Students learn to describe daily experience's in the light of a special language first, then learn the theories and are enable to conduct experiments. Science teaching however prefer a one shot approach instead of a chunking method i. E first year induction on terms and scientific description of familiar experience's i. E "hurry on, you ll miss the boat" becomes "your position Will change if you dont hurry on, and you can not bridge the displacement with your long jumping ability" or "now your position coincides with boat you should board because later it Will acquire speed which now it has not as long as your position coincide" etc. Inertia is another term that students take time to digest with poor results. If induction lessons occured, this problem would be overiden.
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You are right to identify this issue about scientific language. Way back in 1960 I started my Mathematics & Sciences Degree course over 4 years. Many students did not have English as a first language. Even if you speak English, the language for science is different. Anyway, along with Mathematics % Sciences we had to take a special course in scientific language which was via learning about Life & works of famous scientists (Marie curie, Neil Bohr, Einstein etc). All that course was in technical or scientific English. All that proved to be useful grounding for my Scientific & Statistical works which still do. Working with fresh PhD students as a Statistical consultant, I always reminded them about differences between the spoken English and the scientific English. I certainly benefitted from that course in Scientific English which teaches one to say things precisely without using woolly phrases. Whoever designed that course for us did a great job. Just my experience in relation to the issue you are highlighting…thanks
  • asked a question related to Jump
8 answers
I uploaded one of my assignments about the Labour Law of Bangladesh in Research Gate about a month ago. When I see the results, the RI jumped to 2.8 and people are searching for this kind of content on google scholar too as there is no paper regarding it.
  • Now I want to delete this file from Research gate and want to publish it in any peer-review journal with few modifications and want to reupload it. Will it catch any plagiarism if I do it? Also, If the answer is yes then where can I publish it?
Title- How Far Labour Act 2006 Reflects the ILO Obligation
Research Field- Labour Act 2006 of Bangladesh
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One of my friends was accused of plagiarism; do you know why?
After about three months, his research paper was rejected because of plagiarism. When he checked the journal report, he found that his paper was accused of plagiarism with a 61% percentage. The reason is that his manuscript was previously uploaded as a preprint. It took him another two months to solve the problem and remove the manuscript from the database of the preprint.
So, in order to solve this type of issue, it may take several months of following up to remove the manuscript from the database of the preprint. Anyhow, If there were accusations of plagiarism, it is not well for any researcher's reputation, in any meaning.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Can you compare two
means from two different studies to generate an effect size differenec?
For example, vertical jump height in study A is 23.1 + 4.4 SD and vertical jump height study b is 32.1 + 4.1 SD.
Using these results, the cohen'a d would be 4.7, which is massive.
But can this be done?
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Two-sample t-test (independent sample) should work.
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
As we have read from many articles that buffer shows acidity jump upon cooling. But how is this acidity jump concentration dependent? Is the lower concentration of buffer showing a higher acidity jump? or the higher concentration?
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I am accepted with prof. Dr Yuri Mirgorod
Temperature plays a significant role on pH measurements. As the temperature rises, molecular vibrations increase which results in the ability of water to ionise and form more  hydrogen ions.
pH values taken at the same temperature or converted using solution temperature compensation can be compared to each other.
pH decreases with increase in temperature. But this does not mean that water becomes more acidic at higher temperatures. A solution is considered as acidic if there is an excess of hydrogen ions over hydroxide ions. In the case of pure water, there are always the same concentration of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions and hence, the water is still neutral (even if its pH changes). At 100°C, a pH value of 6.14 is the New neutral point on the pH scale at this higher temperature.
  • asked a question related to Jump
5 answers
I used confirmatory factor analysis without using the exploratory factor analysis first. The assumption that supported this was the clear presence of the factors in the literature. Is it correct not to go for the exploratory factor analysis and jump directly to CFA when you have clearly established factors in the literature and theory?
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Yes, absolutely. There is no point in "exploring" factors when you have a clear theory or prior knowledge about the factors and how the observed variables (measurements) relate to them. In that case, you want to "confirm" (test) rather than explore/determine the number and nature of the factors. EFA is only needed when you have no prior theory and need to explore or when you have a CFA solution that completely fails to fit and you don't know why.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
I would like to have any suggestion, recommendation regarding acute and chronic study. in your opinion, if we already have a significant result (exp; Back squat does improve vertical jump) from an acute study, do we still need to proceed for a chronic study as well (exp; the same training back squat goes for an intervention 8weeks,9weeks etc)?? especially for PhD level? thank you so much =)
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thank you so much for the reply and the suggestion from all of u. I really appreciate it. I will look into it further. thank u so much! Dean Sbragia Ryan Wexler Ragab K. Elnaggar
  • asked a question related to Jump
9 answers
I am simulating a centrifugal compressor using the single passage method in Ansys.
The case file works correctly in Ansys 19, however, when I open the converged case and data file with Ansys 2021 R1 and continue the iteration process, a sudden jump occurs in the residuals and the final results also changes and wrong.
Can anyone help in this regard?
Thanks in advance.
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Dear Morteza,
Ansys solver is going to be slightly different in each new version in terms of its input parameters. Once you heat the solve button, ANSYS gathers all these parameters from your model and creates a file (.dat) and consequently sends it to its solver.
Therefore, if you just resume an analysis which was started in an "old" version in a "new" version, then the new solver expects parameters from the old package that are slightly different or even doesn't exist. This causes a significant interruption in the solver.
I suggest you start over your analysis in the new version to avoid having inconsistency in solver parameters which can lead to a significant error in your simulation results.
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Do the six jump conditions (difference between inner and outer limits of pressure, x-velocity, and v-velocity and these three quantities' normal derivatives) for these two problems change with respect to time, i.e. have a time variable "t"; or do these conditions don't have time variable "t", but still need to be updated when interface changes? The following two membrane problems are found in Sections 10.2.6 and 10.3 in textbook on immersed interface method (IIM), The Immersed Interface Method Numerical Solutions of PDEs Involving Interfaces and Irregular Domains by Zhilin Li.
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The figures address a time-dependent problem, where is written that the solved equations are steady?
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
I'm looking to compare different maturity groups in jumin squat jump and countermovement jump height, reactive strength index and leg stiffness. I have 7 groups that I'd like to compare to see if one or more groups are significant different than another, with the aim to identify periods of accelerated adaptation in stretch shortening cycle ability.
I have found a couple of studies that use Hopkins MBI, but multiple papers suggest MBI should not be used or be used with caution.
Thus, I'm thinking of running pairwise comparIain's in ANOVA is this will do what I want to do, statistically compare values based on maturity groups.
What do you think?
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Yes, I hold that ANOVA with post-hoc pairwise comparisons stands up well to your research question.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
Hello everyone!
I've been struggling to remove the jumps from the trajectory. Here jumps correspond to a lipid/protein crossing the cell edge. The simulations use periodic boundary conditions (PBC), so a molecule exiting the simulation cell from one side enters it from the opposite side. In order to do further analysis I need to remove these jumps and make the trajectory continuous. Does someone have any experience to deal with such issues?
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gmx trjconv -s prod_md.tpr -f prod_md.xtc -o prod_md_nopbc_cluster.xtc -pbc cluster
(choose Protein for fitting, clustering and output)
  • asked a question related to Jump
6 answers
If a hydraulic jump is formed in a rectangular channel/flume , then does the location of the jump depends upon the channel l/flume length or does it depend only upon the upstream and downstream depths of the channel , inlet Froude's no. and bed slope and NOT on the channel length?
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Subham Pal, the important parameters are explained by other scholars. To study the real length of a hydraulic jump I would consider enough length to ensure the jump is formed not due to phenomena, particularly for free flow. This manuscript would be helpful:
  • asked a question related to Jump
5 answers
I am currently struggling to work out the best test for analysis. I have 16 participants of which I have split into two groups (placebo and treatment). Each participant completes pre supplementation testing where they are tested for sprint speed and jump height. 7 days later after supplementation period they return and carry out the same tests. I want to see if the treatment had any effect, and differences pre and post test. I am really confused whether I need to use independent and dependent t tests or 2x2 anova. Any help would be great
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i think u can use MANOVA
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Hi there,
I am trying to build an ARDL model to predict recessions in the US using industry productivity, the difference in yields between 3 month and 10 year treasury bills, unemployment rate and the federal rate. The recession variable is a binary variable with a value of either 0 or 1. Is it correct to just lag the variables and use a probit function to regress recession on these variables or is that not a valid approach? When I do just do that and then try training my model and forecasting periods for which I have data, my model fits too well. It sits at almost 0 for most of the time (well more accurately it sits at numbers such as 5.18e-18) with the occasional one period spike and then jumps to something like 0.9997 when there was a recession.
My code looks like this:
probit rec l(1).rec l(4/6)d.m3 l(4/8)d.unr l(6/12).indprod l(3/5).fedr if tin(1985m1, 2003m1)
predict rec_hat if tin(2003m2, 2020m2)
tsline rec rec_hat if tin(2003m2, 2020m2)
Note the lag periods are not optimised (but I don't want to ask too many questions on one post), but the time plot created is robust to many different specifications.
I know it seems strange to have a model which is too good, but I know there has to be something wrong for it to be forecasting so accurately. In no period should there be 0 chance or 100% chance of recession.
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thank you so much professor
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
I am simulating a hydraulic jump in a rectangular flume that has an inlet and an tailgate at outlet. I need to adjust the tail gate opening to get the desired hydraulic jump. So i simulated the case for few time steps but now I want to drop the tail-gate further to obstruct the flow.
I have duplicated the geometry,mesh and setup , then i changed the dimension of my tail-gate (there by closing the outlet opening below the tail-gate further) . I have initialised the case with the existing .cdat file from the previous simulation. But the console shows me DIVERGENCE immediately after running the calculations.I even updated the mesh and re-cheked the setup Could help me with this?
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Thank you Ahmed Al-Manea , Kristaq Hazizi and Erfan Rahimi so much. I apologise for such a late reply . All of your answers are valuable towards solving my problem.
Well , I managed to overcome this problem simply by reading the case file and data file in stand alone fluent solver and changing the boundary conditions(tail gate height) each time.
  • asked a question related to Jump
5 answers
Dear RG Professors, Researchers and Graduate Students:
Will be set up new sound (elastic transversal) [T100] velocity experiments regarding the time symmetry broken-state observed in the elastic constant C66=Cxyxy of Sr2RuO4?
I mean sound velocity experiments as accomplished by Prof. Lupien et al. (2001) because there are going strain related experiments, but no sound speed ones. This is not a question on shear related experiments only.
It is a more complicated question on the ---sound transversal elastic velocity ---which is theoretically given by the real part of the polarization operator. Please see the pdf slide attached below. Thanks to all in advance.
Time-reversal symmetry broken states discovered by mean of elastic constants experiments are of tentative relevance.
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A new version for our preprint concerning this thread has been published in arXiv and HAL. The unitary tight-binding limit is the one that helps us to see where are the nodes in Sr2RuO4 Referee comments are added.
  • asked a question related to Jump
6 answers
Hey everyone. First of, I'm sorry if my english is poor in this question, I mostly work in french. Let's jump in the subject. I've been looking for many weeks a relation of charge-elongation of a helicoidal conical spring with a non-conventionnal pitch to predict the pressure exerced on a plate with an assembly of these springs. I looked everywhere for a such as equation, but it's been unsuccessful for the moment. MIT has covered the subject of helicoidal conical springs but with a regular pitch, no clues for the equations of a non-conventional spring. I'm trying to work with Abaqus, from Dassault Systems, to try to make a calculator for a such as spring, but for the moment it's unsuccessful. Does any of you have a idea of how I could find this equation. Some company has said to me that it's possible to find by separating the spring in multiple sections and make equations for all those sections, but they didn't provide any clue of with equation they were refering. I'm starting to run out of research paths to continue my research. Does any of you have an idea.
Thank you all!
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I'm looking for a large displacement formula. For instance, imagine the spring has a free length of 63 mm, I want to see the relation elongation - charge up to a length of the spring of 5 mm.
  • asked a question related to Jump
7 answers
I want to start my theses & want to know the last research and problems & non solve able methods or problems in hydraulic jumps in culverts or pipes
thanks alot
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Dear Reza,
Much research has been done on the hydraulic jump evolving in different forms of channels. But most of these studies have been done from an experimental point of view, until recently in 2022 when the jump length in a smooth trapezoidal channel was examined from an experimental point of view. However, few studies have been carried out on the theoretical study of hydraulic jump in rough channels. Some experimental studies on this subject have been carried out but really very few on the theoretical level. It is true that when determining the final depth of the hydraulic jump in order to dimension the height of the stilling basin assuming that the walls are smooth, this constitutes security. But from a purely theoretical point of view, almost nothing has been done on the study of the hydraulic jump in practical rough channels such as the rectangular, the triangular, the trapezoidal, etc...and even the compound channels.
I, therefore, advise you to focus your research on the theoretical study of the hydraulic jump in channels of different practical profiles with rough walls.
  • asked a question related to Jump
6 answers
My energy residuals are increasing rapidly after steadily decreasing for about 40 iterations. Temperatures for convergence criteria jump to 5000 C, way higher than what would make sense. The mesh seems to be fine. I have tried different solution methods, including SIMPLE and Coupled Pseudo-Transient. I have decreased the under-relaxation factor for energy to .4, and I get the same result. Any suggestions?
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You can modify the mesh at the place where temperature is rapidly increasing. Further refine the mesh.
  • asked a question related to Jump
8 answers
The current crossing bar clearance technique is "Fosbury flop", which appear in the Olympic game.
Is it possible to find new technologie instead of the Fosbury? What can help us to explore it?Biomechanics theory, Athlete and Coach's experience or others?
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
I have come across some blog article saying that trampolining can help with proprioceptive input for autistic children who are ever jumping up and down or climbing. The blog post is here:
I do not know whether someone has done any research on the same to verify the claims.
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  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
Hello everyone,
I'm working on a new line of transgenic mice. Since 2 weeks now, when I take the mutant animals in my hands, they have small spasms and make small cries. It does not look like seizures : no jump no tetanic crisis.
I don't know what it can be? if anyone has ever seen this before or has an idea ?
thank you for your help
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Maite M. Moreau most probably there is an alteration in physiological, biochemical and molecular properties reflective of a fast fibre phenotype in the transgenic mice due to induced expression of some protein in the slow twitch muscle
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Dear authors,
Im trying to performa a temporal phase analysis of the CMJ as described previously (Power-time, force-time, and velocity-time curve analysis of the countermovement jump: impact of training) However, it is performed in LabView program.
I have tried to perform that analysis using Excel, but I am not able to normalize data and, therefore, compare different jumps expressed as %of jump.
Anyone have an spreadsheet or know to perform this analysis in excel?
Thanks in advance
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Am not sure, but will recommend your question so that the experts can clarify your question.
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
The motion performed is drop jump into side step cutting motion. I am having difficulty finding equations for calculating moments from 3d markers (data obtained from vicon) and thus having trouble writing a Matlab code.
Any help is extremely appreciated! Thanks!
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Did the suggestion of Sokratis worked for you??
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
Being in present state how does an agent finds the next location to read text in the context of Deep reinforcement learning
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There's not enough background information to answer that. What is meant by location? What is meant by jumping? What is meant by text? What is meant by reading?
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Imagine a person who is able to walk up the steps of a ladder. Let our person at his request they substitute infinitely long stairs, the step of which is a multiple of his step. From the ground, a man can jump on a step of a ladder, the distance between the neighboring steps of which is equal to two of his steps, but then, when climbing, he takes only one step each time, and at the same time puts his foot either on the step of the new ladder requested by him, or on the step of the old ladder set earlier. The question is, how many stairs will he need to climb N steps, if N is large enough
My solution to the problem in the appendix to the
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Igor Bayak Nobody is born knowing Lol, you can learn as well. Yes, I really think that I write down my ideas in a very simple and easy to follow way, usually. That is unlike most mathematicians, because, either they want their work to look more difficult than it is, or because they're not able to break down their ideas in an easy to follow way. Or even because their stuff is so advanced that what they write about is really above other people's heads, that happens too.
  • asked a question related to Jump
5 answers
I performed 100ns protein - ligand MD simulation using gromacs. When I calculate the RMSD I see weird jump at 60ns. I used no jump and center to create nopbc.xtc file also used fit + rot options. But still the problem remains. Could any body help to solve the issue.
Thank you,
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What do you see when you visualize the trajectory?
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Hi everyone,
I am currently trying to get the dose effect curve and combination index for two drugs.
I downloaded Compusyn and was able to entered the data entry without any issue, however, I cannot save the experiment and thus cannot generate report. Every time I tried to save the experiment, there is a window jumped out suggesting " saving experiment failed".
I have tried to google for an answer but doesn't seems like there is any. I am not sure if anyone have the same issue and have any suggestion how to solve it.
Thank you.
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If you were interested, also look at this link and the Compusyn software tutorial.
  • asked a question related to Jump
24 answers
We are finishing the experimental design to start a new research and we are in doubt about the best test to evaluate the kinetics of physical performance after a football match. We are evaluating between 10m, 20m, 30m, Vertical jump, Change of Direction (COD) tests.
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I used, for evaluating the performance of soccer players, several questionnaires:
-Game performance assessment instrument
- Battey of Physical abilities: strenght, indurance, flexibilty and speed
- Tecnichal test
  • asked a question related to Jump
7 answers
I hope everyone is doing well, I guess my questions come from a complicated dataset (4,000 observations) and for the most part, are qualitative entries. I am planning to convert them into dummy variables but I am not sure what's a good method to follow when conducting a multi-linear regression model. Please feel free to jump in, any direction is appreciated.
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Which of your variables is a dummy? Independent, dependent, or both? All, some, or a few of them?
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
What type of metrics are used to measure the risk of a stock jump (jump risk stock)?
I want to have metrics applied in a number of articles?
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non to my knowledge.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
Hello everyone. How can I calculate jump risk when I have daily prices of stocks (only low frequency data is available)?
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  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
I want to perform a technoeconomic feasibility analysis on PV based systems. Most of the publications refer to HOMER. However, I would like to have some background before I jump into the software. Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks
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Follow this article:
Kalita, P., Das, S., Das, D. et al. Feasibility study of installation of MW level grid connected solar photovoltaic power plant for northeastern region of India. Sādhanā 44, 207 (2019).
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
I have a data set where I measured the latency in seconds of birds jumping from a perch to a platform. I repeated these trials for each individual 3 times and have covariates of age, rearing treatment, and height of perch. However, not all the birds jumped and therefore I have latencies of zero. How can I account for these latencies in the model?
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This is an example of survival analysis ( in medicine. You are presumably assuming that given enough time the bird will jump, so that the data for those response times are censored if they are above the threshold you set by the duration of your study. As with the medical example, these long (censored) times likely correspond to systematically different birds than those who jump during the study's duration. Lots on this, so google survival analysis.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
i try to build ml-model for oil prediction, what important factors do you recommend to use for predict big price jumps (volatility ) in 2008 and 2011-2012. thanks a lot
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Policy announcements concerning the energy sector and its regulation.
For instance any country "ban of atmospheric engine cars by 2030" will force electrical mobility and stop or sharply reduce oil based mobility.
Political decision to authorise or forbid fracking, or other exploitation of energy production...
Diplomatic tensions impacting oil markets (producing countries, consuming countries, balance between the two...)
  • asked a question related to Jump
32 answers
I think we were all surprised at the first time we got to know quantum mechanics that the squared modulus of the wave function is the probability density of the existence of the particle?
The role of the complex numbers here is strange, but the question here is:
Is there an idea that is deeper and easier to understand, so that entering the squared modulus of the complex number becomes a mathematical result from this idea only in order to facilitate the calculations?
Do you share with me my astonishment and my question?
God willing, I think we can find something deeper and even simple, actually I put this reason in my paper:
In summary:
The main idea of this paper is that the continuous trajectory of the particle can not exist, so the motion is a sequence of appearances and disappearances events in space and time, so the particle does always jump to move from one position to another.
So when the particle is in position p1 at time t1, where would it be in time t2?
In classical mechanics, the trajectory exists so the least action principle state that:
The path taken by the particle between times t1 and t2 is the one for which the action is stationary.
So what is the situation in quantum mechanics?
fortunately, we have a principle that is very close to the classical principle, but in this case, we didn't have any path, we have potential new positions, so in general, the particle has some preferred destinations based on a new quantum action principle named "alike action principle" that ensures the existence of physical harmony within our universe, like for example preventing the particle from easily reaching forbidden locations (guarded by fields of great forces).
Therefore, in general, this new constraint in motion could be valid at multiple positions at the same time, so in general, we have multiple acceptable positions at time t2.
Thus the probability of existence came up in our description of the movement in the quantum world.
We suppose that we have a preferred value of action that we call h (Plank constant), the new action principle called the "alike action principle" states:
"The preferred appearance destination position took by the particle at time t is the one for which all the remainders due to S/h (for all imaginary paths which lead to this destination) are stationary".
In other words, it is as having the same (or close to each other) remainder after dividing them by h.
For example, if we have two actions (for two paths) to one destination position, the natural function that verifies this principle is:
sin2((π/h)(S1 − S2)).
So after some steps of the calculation, we derive the relation between the probability density of the existence and the squared modulus of the wave function by deriving the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, for more details please see the paper.
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mr Khoder
Better to read the Feynman lectures first. Hasn't been beaten by anyone since its publication over 50 years ago. The bible for physicists
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Dear all,
In our project we would like to test different control strategies during drop landing compared to jump landing.
After an intensive search I could not find a public dataset of drop landing or jump landing maneuvers. So, does anybody know a public dataset.
Thanks in advance!
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  • asked a question related to Jump
9 answers
Many people believe that some stretching sports with vertical jump such as basketball and volleyball can increase the body height. On the other hand, others do not agree with this argument.
The problem is that there are many scientific websites that have explained and discussed this issue but as I see, both of them don't refer to any scientific article with specific statistical experiments.
I just found this article that has not a regular scientific content.
I am pleased to answer this question with a scientific article.
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I do not think that
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
I would like to have some support data to explain the importance of addressing accidents due to sudden lane changes or cut-in situations on highway. I wish to find some statistics on such accidents.
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In the United Kingdom, there is a science research institute financed by the insurance companies. This institute does a lot of research into car accidents. Take a look at that.
  • asked a question related to Jump
8 answers
I would greatly appreciate it if someone would email me a raw data file of a countermovement jump exported from the Kistler Forceplate System.
Thanks very much.
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Muhammad Ali thanks very much for the references but I have the method for analysis. What I need are a few example exported Kistler trials of countermovement jumps so that I can run through my analysis.
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
I was testing soil samples for sporangia of Synchytrium endobioticum and noticed that every once in a while there are these strange 'jumps' in my curves. I repeated the test three times, the sample is from the same test tube, but one of the curves looks weird despite being undeniably positive like the rest. I included two screenshots, one of the target fluorescence signal and one of the respective control where the suspicious curve also shows a bump although a small one.
I'm trying to validate this method and am at a loss as to why this happens or how to prevent it. Has anyone ever seen something like it?
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Thank you for your contribution; in the end I've gotten rid of this phenomenon by choosing a different cleaning method which leaves a cleaner sample. I assume the problem was unspecific residual DNA from different soil organisms that affected amplification.
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
changing the length of hydraulic jump with d/s and u/s water level. collection between drawdown and hydraulic jump in d/s of cross regulators during open gates
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Worth following
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
it seems and we see most of the celstial bodies in the shape of a spherical shape ,
and also most in rotational axis and orbiting untill is slipped out like asteroids jump out
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An sphere is the most efficient geometrical form in space for baryonic matter from and energetic view point and in absence of third and stronger forces. The sort answer is, planets and stars are spherical because they are in hydrostatic equilibrium. Any solid body in pace will be spherical if have among 500-800 km diameter (will depend on density), below that range they will normally posses an amorphous form. Stars in addition are in thermodynamic equilibrium. Space-time is curved around massive bodies because the constituent tensors respond to gravity profiles around the body at any spatial point of the space-time, deforming it according to the original form of the body (spherical). I hope this help.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
I currently have the assignment to make a small demo for a specific algorithm, here we want to explain the Kalman Filter in its basic form. Sadly we havent really found any " noob friendly " examples and are trying to just jump ahead in other peoples code and trying to reverse engineer it.
Here in the dlm package on R, we've found the variables GG, FF, c0, CO etc. being used in the dlm function. Altought reading page 7 ( ) these variables arent really explained and i would like to know what these mean. Or are these random variable names to use the algoritm with. This is the first day of the assignment, if anyone has any tips how to approach this or a easy "noob " friendly R language based example please do reffer this to me.
Many thanks!
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The DLM part of the Kalman filter isn't a big deal, because the estimator can accommodate linear time-varying systems. To interpret the variables is to look at what is happening with their covariances. If one is concerned with position and velocity, then error ellipsoids are also useful.
The idea of the Kalman filter is easy: One models the physical process with an equation that propagates the covariances (second moments) over time. Then one applies Baye's rule to obtain the conditional mean given the measurements to correct the estimate for a measurement. That's it !
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
Has anyone experienced a rise in temperature readings of the thermocouple gauge of the substrate holder when N2 gas is used for venting in a vacuum chamber? I am getting a rise of 10-15 degrees with the conditioned listed below:
1. The heater is not operational and the substrate is cooling down
2. The temperature range for this was between 40-300 degree centigrade
I would really appreciate it if you can share any literature on it.
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The temperature range for this was between 40-300 degree centigrade required frequent calibrations with inerts gases. These gases have a very accurately measured ratio of the gas of interest in a balance of another gas (usually Nitrogen). This is used to calibrate the higher end of the range. A zero is also usually required (air is often used for this where appropriate).
The calibration procedure is as follows:
1. Sample the calibration (span) gas and check the instrument is reading the expected value. If not adjust the "span" or "range" control of the instrument until it does.
2. Sample the zero gas or air (as appropriate). Check to make sure the instrument reads 0. If not adjust the "zero" control of the instrument until it does.
3. Re-check the span again as step 1. Repeat the loop until no change is required. Lock the positions of the zero and span controls
  • asked a question related to Jump
3 answers
I try to make a this EDTA saline buffer but pH after being very stable jump high and than goes down when i add NaOH. It can jump to 7 but than i add more it goes to 5. And it keeps stable around 5.50 maybe and after i add many times NaOH it can again jump suddenly but now til 8.3. It is very difficult to get 8.0.
I used 500mM 1 M and 3 M NaOH.
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I just didn’t mixed solutions after adding NaOH and pH was unstable. Now i made a titration curve and everthing is ok.
  • asked a question related to Jump
13 answers
Why Ilya Prigogine talks about self-organization (implying structural change) in dissipative systems using the concepts of bifurcation and attactors (referring to state changes)?
I could never fully aprehend the conceptual jump between changes in state (gradual or sudden) and changes in structure in his writings. And the difference is critical.
The question is directed most likely to a physicist or chemist
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To restate your question. Are you asking whether is it possible to study changes of equations generating attractors? The answer is yes. There exist a branch of mathematics called functional analysis, which deals exactly with such operations.
The problems are that we have none or just a few explicit solutions describing attractors. The vast majority of such systems can be studied only numerically.
In this sense, we are on grounds of experimental mathematics and not a theoretical one. There are some ways to overcome such hurdles. Nevertheless, I do not know anyone who is working in this direction.
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
i am currently working on a meta-analysis, and i have several studies which has outcomes of effect size and SD for different experiment protocol analysed on the same participant. for example squat jump , yo-yo , counter-movement jump and repeated sprint analysed in the same study on the same participants. how do i include such a study in a meta-analysis, do i need some form of coding?
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I agree with Gordon and Birk that it is important to be sure of which outcomes are relevant to your review question. Here are some ways for handling multi-arm studies in meta-analysis and avoiding the unit-of-analysis error, as recommended by the Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews (see link below). I hope you find the page helpful. Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
I want to access runners and will do some force platform jump tests, then a 4min stages lactate threshold test with an immediate vo2 max test after 4mmol is reached. Will vMART still be valid on the same day after a period of rest following the VO2 test? I'm thinking that as long as the rest period is the same for each runner it will still allow me to compare the anaerobic capacity between runners?
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While many previous studies have combined anaerobic and aerobic tests within one session, if you are pursing maximal scientific rigor, I would go for two separate session, or perhaps with vMART first and then a long, say ~30 min rest. It also depends on your study design, if you are conducting 2x2 (pre-post, experimental vs. control) type of study, the bias due to the fatigue might not be that big of an issue. On the other hand, for cross-sectional experiments (e.g. taking these tests to associate the results with another variable, for instance running performance), I would personally advise against conducting both test within the same session if I was not sure about the validity (which I am not). Best of luck with your measurements.
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Hi there. Operation of a Thermo LCQ Advantage was perfect until turned it to stand-by. Next day, the system was turned on and everything seemed fine. However, TIC signal completely disappeared in the first blank. Came into the LCQ Tune window and yes, the system was reading nothing.
Diagnostics indicated that the Multipole 1 offset was out of control (set at -3 V when actual value as -19 V) as well as Trap DC offset (this latter one scarcely failed, set at -10 V when actual was -10.5). We decided to replace the electron multiplier (the device has 20 years old). Now, Multipole 1 offset is appropriately controlled but Trap DC offset is again scarcely out of range (this has been happening during the las 4 years and we decided not to take it too much seriously).
The problem is that right now, the LCQ is reading ions but masses jump in a 3-4 mass unit range. So, calibration fails since there is no a fixed calibration mass to take as a reference (i.e. MRFA jumps from m/z 522 to 526). Multiplier voltage is nice (-850 V since it is brand new), normal scan fails, zoom scan fails but AGC prescan is OK (but with a high FWHM of 5.5-6). You can also see the typical distribution of calibration masses (caffeine, MRFA and ultramark) but all with wrong masses. We also tried to perform a coarse calibration but the problem is still there, reading of masses is jumping among a 4-6 mass units range. Since we also tune the ring electrode RF and octapole RF voltages, we noticed that the Multipole RF voltage was 2362.5 kHz when it should be in the 2400-2550 range.
We need to know which part of electronics is failing. The biggest and most complex component is the System Control PCB but we would like to be sure that it is the problem before getting a refurbished one.
Of course, Thermo service in Spain said that they couldn´t care about this issue and just said, good luck!!
Many thanks chaps!!
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OK, problem solved.
Initial problems about no signal response was solved by replacing the electron multiplier.
Problem appeared concerning excessive high FWHM was solved by retighten the Helium connection and then, ions were appropriately cooled-down and packed returning FWHM to normality. Now calibration is nicey and the system is like brand new.
  • asked a question related to Jump
10 answers
Zoonotic diseases - which jump from animals to humans - are increasing and will continue to do so without action to protect wildlife and preserve the environment, UN experts have warned.
They blame the rise in diseases such as Covid-19 on high demand for animal protein, unsustainable agricultural practices and climate change.
Neglected zoonotic diseases kill two million people a year, they say.
Covid-19 is set to cost the global economy $9tn (£7.2tn) over two years.
Ebola, West Nile virus and Sars are also all zoonotic diseases: they started in animals, and made the jump to humans.
Report says that the jump is not automatic. It is driven, according to the report by the United Nations Environment Program and the International Livestock Research Institute, by the degradation of our natural environment - for example through land degradation, wildlife exploitation, resource extraction and climate change. This alters the way animals and humans interact.
Source: BBC
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Since we are responsible for the destruction of our environment, the diseases, which primarily affected the animals, are reaching to humans. Such diseases are called zoonoses.Presently, over 300 zoonoses of varied etiologies are reported. A number of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases are causing significant morbidity and mortality both in developing as well as developed nations.We have If we protect our environment, we can certainly reduce the incidence and prevalence of zoonotic diseases, which pose a global threat to health and economy.We have published papers on West Nile fever, Ebola haemorrhagic fever, SARS and COVID-19, and all our publications are available at Research Gate.
  • asked a question related to Jump
12 answers
I want to examine the relationship of various physical qualities (jump height, change of direction, linear sprint, etc.) on agility performance. Because I am interested in the combined effect of these qualities, I am led to believe that multiple regression is the correct approach to take.
I am also interested in evaluating how the relationships of these physical qualities change across age/maturity (my sample is youth soccer players aged 10-17yrs). For example, linear speed may contribute most at younger ages, but become less important as the athletes get older/more mature.
Would this be entering age/maturity as a covariate, or is there another way to examine this question?
Thanks in advance for any advice/guidance here!
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Thank you Prof. D. Booth sir. In that case, there will single group of respondents or two group of respondents in Restrospective study sir?
  • asked a question related to Jump
4 answers
Dear colleagues,
I recently jumped in this field and I was trying to recreate a study, using absolute qPCR quantification for comparison between the abundance of certain bacterial specie in two groups of samples. After optimization of my protocol, I ran 2-step qPCR on 96-well plates with samples in triplicates and I ran the reaction three times in order to get the variance.
I am going for absolute quantification, with a standard curve with Ef ranging from 1,979 to 1,891 (98,95 to 94,5 %) with LunaMix from NEB. However, even though I used the same protocol, my values have a big variance between the plates. I would like to normalize them to use them in the same data set in order to have a more robust analysis. The ratio between the diseased and healthy group (16/8 at each 95well plate) is the same at each plate.
Is there a way to normalize the data in order to use them in one dataset? Also, if you are just looking, it is necessary to have more than 1 reaction apart from technical replicates?
I will much appreciate your help.
Sincerely, Martin
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yes as you run standards on the plates you should be good to go. One ting you should have in mind is that the sample quality/ potnetial PCR inhibitors might affect your quantification as I expect your standards are purified DNA. If you faces this issue you could consider to use dedicated mixes or internal controls. Let me know if this is interesting then we can elaborate more on this
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7 answers
I'm trying to classify multivariate timeseries into four categories. I can't go into detail, because I don't own the data but here's a few facts:
My Task
  • dataset size: 1000 timeseries
  • variables: 20 sensors (synchronized)
  • length of each series: 140 timesteps (100Hz)
  • number of classes: 4 (data is stratified)
  • the timeseries are somewhat smooth (no big jumps)
  • some of the sensors are slightly correlated
  • it is possible to divide the timeseries into phases (based on the sensor data) and the phases towards the end of the series carry the most information about the class
So basically, my data is of the form:
X = array of shape (1000, 20, 140) (n_timeseries, n_sensors, length) y = [0, 0, ..., 1, .., 2, .., 3, ..] of length (1000,)
I'm working in python, pandas, sklearn and keras.
My Ideas
1. Preprocessing:
  • Add new variables that are computed from the sensor data, based on domain knowledge:
    • relations: NewVariable = Sensor1/Sensor2
    • linear combinations: NewVariable = a*Sensor1 + Sensor2
    • pairwise derivatives: NewVariable = dSensor1/dSensor2
  • Filters: Lowpass, .. ?
2. Feature Based:
  • Use the python package tsfresh to extract many (around 5000) features like min, max, power, ... for each variable and for each phase seperately.
  • Use sklearn.feature_selection.mutual_info_classif or recursive feature elimination to select the best 100 features.
  • Fit a random forest with 150 trees and max. depth 8.
3. Distance Based/K-Means:
  • MinMax-Scale the timeseries to have values between 0 and 1.
  • Use the package tslearn to compute the Soft-DTW average of all series withing one class for each variable seperately.
  • To classify a series t, compute the Soft-DTW distance of t to all four average timeseries (variable-by-variable, then computing the euclidean norm) and choose the closest one.
  • Try this using only one phase (or combinations of phases) at a time and choose the best phase.
4. Neural Network Based:
  • MinMax-Scale the timeseries to have values between 0 and 1.
  • Use the package mcfly to automatically try various shapes of CNNs and DeepConvLSTMs and choose the best one.
  • Try this using only one phase (or combinations of phases) at a time and choose the best phase.
5. (so far not tested) A timeseries shapelet based approach.
6. (so far not tested) A hidden markov model based approach.
I'm not completely done evaluating my first tries, but it seems the Random Forest and CNN approaches work slightly better than the K-Means algorithm.
My Questions
  • How can I improve the preprocessing?
  • What other classifiers can I try?
  • Can you recommend a genuinely multivariate approach, that takes into account the interaction between variables? I'm currently not sure whether mcfly CNNs convolute across variables, in order to leverage the multivariate nature, but I will check it out.
  • Do you have other suggestions for me?
Right now, one of the best methods is just taking the sensor values at decision time (that is the last value from each sensor data timeseries) and feed this to an SVM.
Well, that makes the problem a bit less interesting, but much more easy to tackle ;)
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Since your data is quantitative, so non parametric regression is companionable to your data. I also suggest deep learning algorithm given by
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4 answers
Science moves very rapidly sometimes. Current astrophysics courses are built on the nearly-century-old tradition of interpreting quantum mechanics in terms of probability. However, in 2019 it was demonstrated by Zlatko Minev in an experiment that the evolution of each completed quantum jump - transition of an electron between the ground state and a higher orbital, and vice versa - is continuous and deterministic. [Minev, Z. K.; Mundhada, S. O.; Shankar, S.; Reinhold, P.; Gutiérrez-Jáuregui, R.; Schoelkopf, R. J..; Mirrahimi, M.; Carmichael, H. J.; Devoret, M. H. (June 3, 2019). "To catch and reverse a quantum jump mid-flight". Nature. 570 (7760): 200–204 and] According to Wikipedia, "This result calls for a full reassessment of the standard interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, which is built on the assumption that there is no hidden variable".
Many thanks to the authors for confirming my hypothesis of the deterministic nature of quantum mechanics. I've been exploring this idea in published paperbacks since 2006, and on the Internet since 2011 - early articles at
My most comprehensive article pre-dating the Nature Letter's publication is "Producing Warp Speed Throughout Space-Time By Unifying Gravity With Electromagnetism, Mathematics, Supersymmetry, Matter, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Supposedly Unrelated Higgs Boson" (May 4, 2019 - cite
Bartlett, Rodney (2019): Producing Warp Speed Throughout Space-Time By Unifying Gravity With Electromagnetism, Mathematics, Supersymmetry, Matter, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Supposedly Unrelated Higgs Boson. figshare. Preprint.
My article doesn't use equations or jargon but does refer to binary digits as hidden variables, the basics of my vector-tensor-scalar geometry, as well as the topology of Mobius strips and figure-8 Klein bottles (electronically modified to be simply-connected), plus Wick rotation, in the universe's fundamental structure.
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I tried to follow your good advice. Unfortunately (and predictably), it was rejected. I can't get anything published anywhere. I've been trying for years but have never had any success at all. I have no idea why.
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8 answers
I have been exploring the mean diurnal cycle of different variables of the ERA5 reanalysis in some regions of South America and I always find strange discontinuities or "jumps", as illustrated in the attached pictures. The examples attached are for 15-year region-averaged mean diurnal cycle of 2-meter temperature and precipitation around northeastern Argentina for DJF (hours in UTC in the x-axis and Celsius*10 or mm/day in the y-axis). For temperature you can see an abrupt jump at 10 UTC and other non-smooth transitions at 16 UTC and 22 UTC. For precipitation you can see the same phenomenon at 7 UTC and maybe 20 UTC. I have also found this type of behavior in other regions (even outside of South America) and in other variables such as winds at different levels and wind convergence. The issue in winds is mentioned in the "known issues" of the ERA5 documentation, but nothing about temperature or precipitation. I would not expect this type of behavior in "smooth" variables such as 2 meter temperature and I have never seen something alike in other models or reanalyses.
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This is the answer from Paul Berrisford regarding the discontinuities in 2m temperature (which don't appear in radiation).
The ERA5 data on the CDS disks comes from the analyses unless that parameter is only available from the forecasts. The data assimilation system, which produces the analyses including temperature, uses 12 hour windows from 9 - 21 UTC and 21 - 9 UTC, the following day. The analyses should be smoothly varying during each assimilation window but, potentially, there could be discontinuities on going from one analysis window to the next ie from 9-10 UTC and 21-22 UTC. (This agrees with the discontinuities) As you say, we have already documented such cases for u and v. When these were discovered I did check temperature and it was fine. However, that was only for a couple of locations where we had problems with u and v. Therefore, I can't rule out there being problems with temperature at other locations.
The radiation data comes from the forecasts. There are two forecasts per day and in the CDS, forecast steps 1 to 12 are used from the twice daily forecasts to populate the 24 hours of the diurnal cycle. These forecasts begin at 6 and 18 UTC, so there you might expect discontinuities between 6-7 UTC and 18-19 UTC. Fortunately, you don't appear to suffer discontinuities here.
One possible solution to the temperature discontinuities would be to use the forecast temperature instead of the analysed temperature. This data is in MARS and can be accessed using the CDS API, see:
However, there are disadvantages to using forecast temperatures, namely that the influence of observations is less, only influencing the initial states from which the forecasts are run. For example, the model tends to be biased cold at low levels, so in many regions the forecast temperatures are lower than the analysed ones.
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1 answer
I'm new to electrochromic materials. I have carried out a trial with TiO2. Once it reaches the colour and if I take the sample out, it jumps to the bleached state. I would like to know how do we measure the transmittance in the coloured state for this material.
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Electrochromic materials or chromaphores are widely used in the form of dyes and pigments to create all manner of coloured products. Typically, as in the case of fabrics for clothing and interior decoration, a resistance to light fading and colour loss on washing are required properties.
Transmittance and reflectance in the coloured state is by international agreement quantified by reference to CIE Standard Observer (SO) Colorimetry. In brief, the SO model specifies a three dimensional ‘colour space’ representing the full gamut of visual sensations of colour and the sensation generated by the full spectral power distribution for any given colour is thereby given give a unique three dimensional identity. The calculation is by means of spectral weighting and three dimensional summation.
To study this topic in full, I refer you to the original defining publication for colorimetry which is CIE publication No. 15:2004
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4 answers
A couple of weeks ago, my classmates and I sent off a CD sample for the first time, received the results but no guidance whatsoever from the teaching staff.
I've attached a copy of one of our spectra here. From what I can tell, the structure is primarily alpha helical and the trough between 200-210 corresponds to a disordered linker. But the real question I have is regarding the area below 190 wavelength where the CD signal is jumping all over the place. Is this a fingerprint region such as in IR? Is this some sort of contaminant? I'm struggling to find an answer to it so thought I would ask here.
Thanks in advance
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Nathan Brown : To confirm the fact that the signal is just noise, ask for the corresponding HT [V] plot for the samples. If the HT is going above 700V (a steep increase) the data tends to get noisy. Moreover, the buffer used for spectra collection also matters. I don't think it is a signature spectra of any sort. For all, we know it can be because of buffer (not properly degassed and purged with N2) or a buffer with high salt concentration.
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113 answers
Why quantum mechanic exist?
Why the elementary particle doesn't follow newton law?
Why we need a quantum mechanic for the tiny object?
Bohr said that quantum mechanics does not produce classical mechanics in a similar way as classical mechanics arises as an approximation of special relativity at velocities very slow than light speed.
He argued that classical mechanics exists independently of quantum mechanics and cannot be derived from it.
Max Jammer has said: quantum mechanics and classical dynamics are built on fundamentally different foundations!
No one can derive the newton law from the Schrodinger equation.
only the behavior of systems described by quantum mechanics reproduces in a statistical way the classical mechanics in the limit of large quantum numbers.
I don't understand why scientists don't give this point a big attention.
The real interpretation of quantum mechanics need to give an answer to this question:
why quantum mechanic exist?
I start from the concept of the motion itself and assume that the motion (in the quantum world and classical world) is a sequence of appearances and disappearances events in space and time:
The idea that affirms that the motion happened by disappearing and appearing actions give us God willing a beautiful answer about this question.
The Newton law said:
"In an inertial reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force".
But this law is not compatible with the disappearance and appearance idea!
this law is not always acceptable since the particle might easily appear (if the quantum jump is enough) in a forbidden (have a variation to a very large potential field like for example the particle in an infinite potential well) place after some quantum jumps in the direction of the movement of the particle!
so for a huge number of particles that jump in the subatomic level, the newton law may put our universe in an unstable situation!, and this might happen specifically when the length of the jump is close (or greater) to the length of the field's fluctuations (that frequently happens in subatomic level).
But in the case where the length of the quantum jump is very small (for example for large quantum numbers or in classical case) compared to the length of the field's fluctuations then the first law of Newton will be applicable because in this case, we can be sure that the particle will feel the force before that the force gets altered.
We usually deal with the motion like it was related only with the particle itself, but in my opinion, this is not true, I think we have two players in the motion:
1- The particle itself.
2- The space-time itself.
At each time, space itself allows the particle to appear in some multiple positions with certain preferences based on a new quantum action principle named "alike action principle" (that can lead us to Schrodinger equation) that ensures the existence of physical harmony within our universe, and the particle chooses randomly between these preferences.
So this is the role of space-time in the motion process, like for example preventing the particle from easily reaching to forbidden locations (guarded by fields of great forces). Therefore, in general, this new constraint in movement could be valid at multiple positions at the same time, so in general, we have multiple acceptable positions to appear at it. Thus the probability of existence came up in our descriptions of the movement in the quantum world.
With kindest regards.
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The practical existance of Q.M is HOMO & LUMO approach of 3D -QSAR modelling .
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1 answer
Anyone who expert in this topic...
It is expected that participants who will engage in medicine ball exercises will determine better performance in horizontal jumps. Participants who will not take part in medicine ball exercises will have trouble with horizontal jumps. Participants who will engage in medicine ball exercises will prove more explosive power and overall body strength which will improve their ability to make horizontal jumps.
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Can you please clarify which medicine ball exercises you are referring to?
The movement patterns, sets/reps and loads would all influence the transference to horizontal jump performance.
Matt Quittner
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10 answers
I am currently working on my senior graduation design project, which is to design a delayed coker for a 250 Mbbl/day refinery. That is all the given project problem statement provides. My team has arbitrarily decided to design the process using Captain crude oil (obtained from the North Sea) as a basis.
My question: is there a work-around to define a vacuum resid feed from the crude oil assay without having to model the process equipment upstream? I understand the oil flow process, so I realize the stream quality will be largely dependent on the equipment upstream from the process. However, this is outside the scope of the project and my team would rather not have to jump through any unnecessary hoops to achieve a viable result. Any help is greatly appreciated, as we are not very familiar with the HYSYS program.
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I believe Aspen Hysys has an Assay Adjuster (or Assay Changer) Model that allows to input and change. Properties. The last time I used Hysys right clicking on a strem ould open a pulldown menu that woul let you input new or change existing properties.
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7 answers
Dear colleagues,
What is the current status of knowledge regarding human vision and pattern recognition.
More specifically,
  1. How does the human eye read signals from the cone cells? Is it row by row, column by column like a computer? or or there other things happening ?
  2. When detecting, say, an edge, or a connected component - does the human eye continue searching row by row? or does it jump immediately to the next neighbor? Are human cone cells arranged in a rectangular gird with 8 neighbors per cone besides for the edges? (my guess is no). Then how are the neighbors addressed? Does some race condition occur?
Thank you
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Dear Sayandeep Khan,
emplate matching theory describes the most basic approach to human pattern recognition. It is a theory that assumes every perceived object is stored as a "template" into long-term memory. ... In other words, all sensory input is compared to multiple representations of an object to form one single conceptual understanding.
  • asked a question related to Jump
2 answers
Is there any possibility of buckling in tibia and femur bones in human body
1. When sudden loads are applied
2. When a person jumps
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Yes, the possibility of buckling is there if there is reduced proprioceptive receptors at the knee joint. The cause may be due to some pathology or any previous injury; which may be traumatic or overuse. The supporting ligaments and the anatomical integrity of the meniscus do play role for maintaining the joint stable and prevent buckling during a jump or loading.
Best Regards
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5 answers
Hey guys!
Im interest in looking into the possible amplified stimuli we can get from ballistic training via the eccentric or absorption phase. If you know of any good studies that report loaded jump squat/olympic lift absorption external/interal kinetics then please do share. Also keen to see what people think of using ballistic training as a possible strength training modality with an increased mechanical power element.
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10 answers
I want to apply an initial displacement in a soil medium in abaqus explicit. but i encounter some errors during analysis. such as:
a) The ratio of deformation speed to wave speed exceeds 1.0000 in at least one element. This usually indicates an error with the model definition. Additional diagnostic information may be found in the message file.
b)Jumps in displacement boundary conditions have been detected at the beginning of step 1. The maximum jump is 0.10000 at node 5112 of instance PART-3-1. The node set "WarnNodeDispBCJump" has been written to the database file. Check the .msg file for more detailed information.
Would you please help me about this problem?
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Hello every body
use this python code to apply initial node position like imperfection to your parts:
n1= mdb.models['Model-1'].parts['Splate'].nodes
for i in n1:
localX= your function
localY= your function
localZ= your function
mdb.models['Model-1'].parts['Splate'].editNode(nodes=i,coordinate1=x1+localX, coordinate2=y1+localY, coordinate2=z1+localZ)
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15 answers
I usually do not get as high plate numbers as claimed by the manufacturers and been thinking about how I can know if the fittings (nuts + ferrules) are perfectly seated or not. I have used ACE and Sunshell columns and used fittings from Valco. With stainless steel fittings everything looks correct (there is no leakage at least) but can I really know that they are perfectly seated for sure? With PEEK fittings, they have a tendency to jump out at pressures around 300 bars and sometimes earlier no matter how hard I try to tighten them so I have mainly worked with stainless steel.
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Thad, this is why I strongly recommend the use of PEEK fingertight fittings for all COLUMN connections (hard connections for the rest). This was explained in my previous posts and also in the linked article too.
  • As quoted previously; "One or two-piece PEEK fingertight fittings (as long as they are compatible with solvents and pressures used) are preferred for the column connections. This allows simple connections at the correct seating depth without danger of damaging the internal threads of the column end-fittings. "
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3 answers
I recorded some abnormal EPSCs in my iPSC-derived neurons. Not like the individually separated EPSC signals, the ones appear in my Heterogeneous neurons which harbor the mutation associated with epilepsy, and these are some "Busting Like" EPSC events. It jumps to the maximum amplitude and stays there for quite some time and not going back (see attached pic). It only appears in my Het but not in control.
I am wondering how this happened, and any thoughts would be appreciated!
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It's hard to answer without knowing your experiment deeply. I would need to check your entire experimental apparatus to give you some useful answer on this.
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8 answers
Hi all,
I've been researching the measurement of Reactive Strength Index Modified (RSImod).
While the more traditional RSI measurement uses jump height / ground contact time, RSImod uses jump height / time to take-off, which is measured as the start of the eccentric phase (the start of the countermovement) until ground lift off.
Therefore, does a practitioner need to use either a force platform or camera anaylsis to measure RSImod accurately? There is no other method?
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Thanks Michael.
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4 answers
YES. I am just sharing news of a Yale University (YU) research which says so. I have always been intrigued by Schrödinger's cat, because personally I fancy God occupying a kind of Superposition. But my question is about the YU research. I am curious to know what physicists and other savvy researchers at RG think about it. I am giving the link below.
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I am just a physics teacher but I am also very interested in your question and I am waiting for the answers of physicians very much.
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5 answers
which relationship satisfied distance traveled by a single photon.How?
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Yes; it only "dies" or is otherwise modified if it interacts with something. Of course there is no such thing as perfect vacuum over all of space.
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3 answers
I'm looking to purchase portable force platforms for my research into jumping ability.
While contact mats are good, I'm looking to measure:
Eccentric load
Eccentric time
Amortization time
Concentric time
Time to take off
Jump height
Contact time
I understand Hawkin Dynamic force plates can do this, but as yet they haven't been validated yet.
Does anyone have any recommendations?
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Hi Lee,
Sounds like an interesting project. Sounds like a single force plate that measures vertical forces will work well. Your safest bet is to go with someone well-known like Bertec, Kistler, etc. That said, their plates may be out of your price range (probably 10k+). If so, maybe you could look into newer companies that may have more affordable options and then ask if they've done work to validate their system vs. a traditional laboratory mounted plate. Or you could see if they list some of their clients and you can check with them to see what their experience has been.
You may also want to post this question on Biomch-L (if you haven't done so already). You'll probably get some good tips.
Good luck!
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8 answers
I'm trying to get into Lee edelman and have hear that it requries a good understanding of lacanian pyschoanalysis specifically about the Lack and the death drive - I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain to me what it was before i jumped into it
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Before jumping into Lacan I would question what it is in Edelman’s teachings you wish to understand better, and why you think understanding Lacan will help.
. Lacan-fans will not like my saying this, but Lacanian theory is very very dense, and because he himself did not write much after his phd thesis, others have written about him and how you should understand him. He gave popular lectures for decades and therefore most of his work is actually oral. So what you have is writers quoting other writers who interpret Lacan. Much like Anna Freud and others interpreted Freud’s work to English speakers who could not read the original in German. Translating the German into English then led to distortions and near meta-physical terminology which was not there in the original. When people attack Freud, they often attack the translation, or do not realize his work developed over 50 years, building on itself as all science and knowledge does.
What I see in my own field of applying psychoanalytic theory to organisational life is that unfortunately there is quite a bit of intellectual snobbery. People quote “Lacan” without it leading to extra understanding. I personally do not find his work enlightening and seeing as I am both an experimental physicist and a psychoanalytically trained counselor and group therapist, it is not a lack of intelligence or powers of abstraction. I also speak and read French.
However, this is only my opinion and perhaps you like the intellectual challenge of diving into this field, so if that is the case,don’t let anything hold you back. Just do not expect anyone able to make it easier for you.
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2 answers
Hi, I have a question about how to keep it clear and simple when finding and reading scholarly articles. Like you start with (an) article(s) in your topic => when you read it, it will mention to other articles that you might find they are important too.
Firstly, will you stop reading to jump to these articles or save them for later read? and how you save (like hand note)?
Secondly, on the way you read you will want to take notes, will you attach it right into PDF file or in a separated file (doc, xlsx, onenote, evernote)?.
Thirdly, after a while of digging, how you find your way back to the mainstream? (ie: original article =cites to=> first layers of articles => each of them cites to the second layer of articles. After a short time, the total number of articles will growth dramatically- a bunch of chrome tabs, PDF tabs), use a Map, hyperlink or note would save time?
<Personal method>: right now, i'm using ENDNOTE as my digital articles database. My procedure is as below:
Start =>find articles => import to database => read => highlight & notes =>find more or reference of current article=> import to data=> repeat. Is it good enough or any improvement can be made?
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Reference Management tools offer an easy way of finding relevant literature, collecting references, organizing them in a database, and insert citations works in a manuscript with proper citation style. Most of the new Reference Management tools provide facility to connect with other researchers that you can’t find on other platforms. An online reference management tools provide easier collaboration and use across multiple devices and assist you to improve publication visibility and impact.
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2 answers
I am reading about mobile genetic elements. However, what I know and search resulting in the definitions and consequences of the jumping elements. I wonder when do mobile elements jump through the cell cycle? If it occurs (meiosis, mitosis, prophase, interphase....?) when does it occur the most?
Thank you ^^.
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It depends on the type of element and the type of cell. Plant transposons are not the same as bacterial phages, or vertebrate endogenous retroviruses. Each type of element has it's own peculiarities.
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2 answers
Usually, a particle shows positive charge at low pH and goes to negative with increasing pH. However, I got a microporus carbon which shows nearly zero charge at acidic pH. However, it suddenly jumps to positive at basic condition and remains similar up to pH 10. How to explain that?
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Are you making different samples at each pH or just varying the pH of a given sample? If the latter, what happens if you start at high pH and go lower?
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2 answers
Dear researchers,
i am trying to use GROMACS to simulate an infinite system, a triple helix polymer(three chains), but a tricky problem challenged me that different chains jump between the box in the trajectory. I tried to use different options for pbc, like whole/mol/nojump/atom/res. It still can't be solved. Since the polymer is bonded by command to become an infinite system, the box is a little smaller than the monomer. With pbc - atom or res or nojump, the atoms are wrongly bonded in the trj, with pbc -mol, the chain jump between the box. I guess it's because the inconsistent shifts. Can anyone help me solve this problem?
Best regards
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Uttam Pal thanks, i have already solved this problem now , I used the bond command to connect the beginning and the ending atoms that should be bonded together, i didn't visualize the periodic bond to make the trajectory normal.
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4 answers
In order to asses muscle performance in MDX mice, I have performed the four limb hanging wire test. According to the literature this test should be able to discriminate between MDX-mice and C57/Bl10ScSnJ mice. However the majority of C57/Bl10ScSnJ mice deliberately jump off the grid. None of these mice were able to hang for 600 seconds, however they are able to hang for 100 seconds. Maximum hanging times of C57/Bl10ScSnJ are very similar to those of MDX mice. I have followed the protocol that is described in SOP's.
I have tested 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 week old mice. During my first set-up mice hung at a height of +/- 27 cm. In order to improve the hanging time, I have increased the height untill +/- 40 cm, however this does not seem to have a lot of effect on the max. hanging time... Any recommendations? Should I increase the height even further, however I do not want them to harm themselves.
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I am performing the four limb hanging wire as described in
Yes, I know this test is also dependent on the motivation of mice. However, as described in literature and in this SOP, this test should be able to discriminate between healthy and MDX mice. In addition to the four limb hanging wire, I will also perform electrical stimulation of muscles in vitro. However, I want also an in vivo test to assess muscle strength...
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5 answers
Hello everybody,
I am doing a 3D CFD analysis on a centrifugal pump with an open impeller in ANSYS FLUENT.
I have two domains, one containging the fluid in the impeller (its a little bit larger than the impeller diameter, only to avoid an interface were the blade ends), and one containing the rest. When defining the interface between them i got a problems.
My problem is that there is a jump in both pressure and velocity across the interfaces, but the mass flux seems to match. Any help please to avoid this jump across the interface.
Best regards
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Its better to use ANSYS-CFX to model any turbomachinary tool in CFD.
  • asked a question related to Jump
1 answer
hi, I am working on a paper about cat_bond pricing, can I use the CIR interest model with a jump instead of the CIR model? For pricing, we have the assumption that the occurrence of the catastrophe is independent of financial market behavior, but I could not find any article that has used the jump-diffusion CIR interest model for this kind of pricing so I am hoping to receive some advice here.
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One of the major problem faced by insurance industry is the number and amount of losses caused by natural catastrophes. New financial instruments have been introduced to transfer risks from insurance to financial market. You can derive valuation formulas using stochastic analysis and fuzzy sets theory. As model of short interest rate you can apply the one-factor Cox–Ingersoll–Ross (CIR) model. You can also apply the Monte Carlo approach to analyze the obtained cat bond fuzzy prices. Refer to research paper below:
  • asked a question related to Jump
6 answers
Hi all,
I'm looking to conduct an RSI test on children aged 7-18 yrs. old.
Many studies suggest a drop jump (0.3m), but I haven't seen this conducted in children as young as 7 yrs. old.
Perhaps research exists. If it does, can anyone point me to it please?
Therefore, should I use a continuous hopping protocol - i.e. Harper or Lloyd?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Hi Lee, please check the study of Bober et al., they also used 15 cm for RSI test, might be useful to use low height for drop jump.
Also Check the study of Sankey et al. they used to RSI test for adolescent males (age: 14.5 ± 0.5 years)
Good luck ;)