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Questions related to Innovation
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
We are pleased to announce an open call for academics and researchers to contribute to the forthcoming Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Social Innovation, which will be published by Edward Elgar in 2025. This publication, led by Dr Erich J. Schwarz as the editor in collaboration with Dr David B. Audretsch and Milica Marković MSc as the co-editors, aims to explore the intersections of teaching, learning, and Social Innovation to address pressing global challenges.
If you are engaged in Social Innovation and its potential for transformative change through education, we invite you to submit a proposal of up to 1,000 words. Your proposal should emphasise its relevance to the scope and objectives of the handbook and be submitted by July 8, 2024. Please send your proposals to or
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Attila Havas, if you can tell, the comment to which reference was made was a call for academics and researchers to contribute to a teaching-learning manual, which will be published. When this type of call is made it is to bring together researchers and professionals of educational knowledge to dialogue, work together and collaborate on topics that serve to understand the educational process at all its levels, in which we learn from many places where different techniques are worked on. of knowledge, this helps the development of scientific knowledge in that field of knowledge in order to be applied in the work functions to which we are all in constant changes in new times and where our students have evolved in this digital age.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
1 answer
What are the instruments for activating entrepreneurship and innovation of companies, enterprises and other business entities beyond financial grants, low-interest loans and other external financing instruments?
Key instruments for activating entrepreneurship and innovation of companies, enterprises and other business entities include financial instruments, including grants from the public finance system, low-interest loans, equity financing through the issuance of equity and debt securities, crowdfunding available on the Internet and other forms of external financing of development, investment activities but also current, operational economic activities of companies and enterprises. However, with many different forms of external financing available for the activities of business entities, the importance of other, non-financial factors of activation of entrepreneurship and innovation of companies and enterprises is also growing. Non-financial factors for activating entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities include. the formation of economic policies, including pro-development investment policies, the development of communications and logistics infrastructure necessary for business development, the availability of a highly qualified workforce on a local or regional basis, the development of chambers of commerce and other non-governmental institutions that support local or national business and lobby policy in its favor, the development of research and development centers that create innovations used for business and implemented in manufacturing processes carried out in business entities, the increase in labor productivity resulting from the implementation of new technologies in manufacturing processes, etc.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I invite you to get acquainted with the issues described in the above-mentioned publication and to cooperate with me in scientific research on these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the instruments for the activation of entrepreneurship and innovation of companies, businesses and other economic entities besides financial grants, low-interest loans and other instruments of external financing?
What are the factors for activating entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities outside of financial instruments?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Outside of financial instruments, entrepreneurs‘ vision, creativity,responsiveness to opportunity, leadership and skill, building relationships to stakeholders and the ability to take advantage of the rights and duties afforded might be the factors for entrepreneurship and business innovations
  • asked a question related to Innovation
7 answers
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving spectacular financial results, etc. basing their success on technological innovations?
One of the important factors in the business success of fast-growing startups basing their success on technological innovations is the efficient and cost-effective implementation of specific new technologies into the manufacturing, business and other processes realized in companies, enterprises and other business entities. However, in addition to the issue of efficient and economically effective implementation of specific new technologies into the business activities of companies and enterprises, there are many other important factors for the business success of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving spectacular financial results, etc. that base their success on technological innovations. Such factors include, among others, management efficiency and flexibility in adapting the business entity to the changing conditions of the economic, market, competitive environment, etc. The availability of various, convenient forms of external financing for the startup's current and investment activities; more or less favorable towards startups and other business entities of the SME sector economic policy shaped by the government; the activities of chambers of commerce, public institutions, non-governmental organizations supporting the development of innovation and entrepreneurship of companies and enterprises at an early stage of development; opportunities to join business organizations, cooperatives, clusters or other forms of cooperation involving mutual support of various developing business entities and institutions, etc.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups rapidly building their manufacturing potential, conquering new markets, effectively occupying new market niches, achieving spectacular financial results, etc. basing their success on technological innovations?
What are the business success factors of fast-growing startups basing their success on technological innovations?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Además de los factores mencionados anteriormente, las startups de tecnología de rápido crecimiento también deben considerar los siguientes puntos:
  • Mantenerse a la vanguardia de las tendencias tecnológicas: La industria de la tecnología está en constante evolución, por lo que es importante que las startups se mantengan actualizadas sobre las últimas tendencias y desarrollos. Esto les ayudará a identificar nuevas oportunidades y mantenerse por delante de la competencia.
  • Construir una comunidad en torno a su producto o servicio: Crear una comunidad de usuarios y defensores puede ayudar a las startups a generar entusiasmo por su producto o servicio y aumentar su base de clientes.
  • Aprovechar el poder de los datos: Los datos pueden ser una herramienta valiosa para las startups, ya que pueden usarse para comprender mejor a los clientes, mejorar los productos y servicios y tomar decisiones más informadas.
  • No tener miedo de pivotar: Si una estrategia no está funcionando, las startups deben estar dispuestas a pivotar y probar un nuevo enfoque. La capacidad de adaptarse es esencial para el éxito en el mundo de las startups.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
What types of pro-environmental and/or pro-climate economic ventures are being carried out in your country as part of green entrepreneurship?
What kind of pro-environmental and/or pro-climate economic ventures are being carried out in your country that represent the development of green entrepreneurship?
What kind of pro-environmental and/or pro-climate economic ventures are carried out by citizens that represent green entrepreneurship development?
Are these, for example, innovative solutions implemented in the construction of small-scale, backyard electricity and/or heat generating power plants using renewable and emission-free energy sources?
Are they eco-innovations improving waste separation and recycling technologies? Or are they green technologies facilitating the capture of rainwater, which is then used for household purposes, agriculture, watering home gardens, etc.?
Or are they other kinds of eco-innovations, green technologies that contribute to green entrepreneurship?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Predominant pro-environmental and pro-climate economic ventures in green entrepreneurship include renewable energy projects (such as solar or wind farms), sustainable agriculture initiatives, eco-friendly product manufacturing, green building construction, and carbon offsetting services.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
How to build an effective system of activating the innovativeness of business entities financed with the use of subsidies from the system of public finances of the state?
What are the most effective measures for activating the innovativeness of economic entities, thanks to which the scale of investments made in technological branches of the economy increases and economic development accelerates?
An important factor determining the level of economic development in highly developed countries, which also translates into the level of income and general well-being of the economic, material, livelihood situation, etc. of citizens is the level of innovation of companies and enterprises. The issue of innovativeness of economic entities translates into labor productivity, efficiency of manufacturing processes and profitability of economic processes implemented by companies and enterprises. Innovation of economic entities can be realized in various spheres and areas of economic activity of companies, enterprises and also financial and public institutions. Business entities can create and develop technological, product, service, logistics, process, organizational, marketing and other innovations. In connection with the rapid technological progress and the ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies being developed, among others, technological innovations are particularly important considering the issues of improving the efficiency of manufacturing processes, increasing labor productivity, improving the profitability of production, etc. In recent years, the scale of implementation into business entities of such Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies as Big Data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, blockchain, digital twins, cyber security instruments, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, among others, has been growing. Among the important factors in the implementation of new technologies to companies, enterprises, financial and public institutions are favorable conditions for external investment financing of the creation or purchase, implementation and development of new technologies. External financing includes, among others, investment loans offered by commercial banks, equity financing offered by investment funds, national financial subsidies and financial subsidies under certain European Union programs, financing realized through the issuance of securities, i.e. shares and corporate bonds, loan funds, funds, etc. The innovativeness of business entities is often correlated with the level of entrepreneurship of these entities. Therefore, the government programs conducted to activate the innovation of business entities are often programs that also activate entrepreneurship. In recent years, the instruments of activation of innovation and entrepreneurship have included changes to the tax system as part of the fiscal policy pursued, as well as increasing outlays from the state finance system for the creation of funds for systemic support for the development of innovative business ventures initiated by startups and companies operating in the new technology sector. On the other hand, the soft monetary policy applied before and during the Covid-19 pandemic did not have significant effects in improving innovation and entrepreneurship. The interest rates lowered by the central banks to successive historically low levels did not result in a significant increase in the scale of innovation and entrepreneurship among economic agents. Lenient monetary policy improved liquidity in the financial sector, including the interbank market, activated lending in commercial banks' lending activities, improved the prosperity occurring in capital markets, including reducing the scale of the downturn in securities markets. Indirectly, therefore, an easing monetary policy can be a factor in the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship, if a significant portion of business loans, including investment loans, are taken by business entities to finance a venture involving the development or purchase and implementation of new technologies. In the context of the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship, it may also be important to improve and adapt to a specific socio-economic situation interventionist, anti-crisis and pro-development instruments and programs implemented under specific socio-economic policies, including, above all, budgetary, fiscal and sectoral policies, including sectoral policies to support the development of innovation.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the most effective measures for activating the innovativeness of business entities, so that the scale of investments made in technological branches of the economy increases and economic development accelerates?
How to build an effective system of activating the innovativeness of business entities financed with subsidies from the state's public finance system?
How to effectively activate the innovation of business entities using financial subsidies from the state's public finance system?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Thank you,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Effectively activate business entity innovation through financial subsidies by:
1. Providing targeted grants or tax incentives for R&D investments.
2. Offering competitive grants with clear eligibility criteria and performance metrics.
3. Facilitating collaboration between academia, industry, and government through innovation hubs or clusters.
4. Establishing venture capital funds or loan programs specifically for innovative startups.
5. Ensuring transparent application processes and monitoring mechanisms to ensure accountability and impact.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
How to increase the efficiency of the use of financial subsidies from the state's public finance system so that they effectively activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
How to increase the efficiency of the use of financial subsidies from the state's public finance system so that they are largely allocated to real pro-development investment projects, effectively activate economic processes, entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities and accelerate the economic development of the country?
How should the financial subsidies of the European Union granted to Poland under the National Reconstruction Plan be distributed so that they primarily contribute to the effective development of the national economy?
Increasing the efficiency of the use of financial subsidies from the state's public finance system, so that to a large extent the said subsidies are allocated to real pro-development investment projects, effectively activate economic processes, entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities, and thus the country's economic development can be significantly accelerated in the coming years. Unfortunately, there is little time, as only 2 years to effectively use this money which was a result of the failure to meet the so-called milestones set by the European Union by the previous government in Poland, which functioned from 2015-2023. The key issue is that most of these funds should realistically feed new investment projects, not be “eaten up”, consumed in current purposes that do not have the character of investment, not be wasted, not be subject to financial embezzlement, etc.., because then the impact of this money on the economy, on economic growth in the next few years, the impact on improving economic development will be much smaller. In view of the fact that the funds to be used, i.e. PLN 600 billion (total low-rate loans and grants), will be relatively large and the time to use them will be short, so it is necessary to improve the existing national procedures in the matter of application, substantive analysis of submitted applications for grants, granting of funds, ongoing monitoring of the implementation of investments and their settlement. One of the effects of unblocking access to these funds granted under the National Reconstruction Plan is the process of appreciation of the PLN against the euro, which is already taking place since the autumn of 2023, and reduces the scale of “import” of inflation into Poland thanks to such large euro subsidies to come to the country where I operate. Well, thanks to these funds, economic growth in Poland as early as 2024 can be higher than the projected about 3% if these funds are effectively, well invested, etc. This scenario will come true, assuming that other international, global macroeconomic variables do not deteriorate, i.e. current risks do not increase significantly, and there are various risks outside Poland that affect the Polish economy. A kind of symptom of this issue was the strong increases in shares on the Warsaw Stock Exchange on Monday 16.10.2023, i.e. just after the elections on 15.10.2023 when one of the internationally recognized rating agencies suggested that thanks to the outcome of these parliamentary elections, the probability of unlocking European Union subsidies for Poland from the National Reconstruction Plan would increase significantly. Besides, it is important to point out the legitimacy of continuing key investment goals such as accelerating the process of green energy transformation. An important determinant of increasing the scale of investment processes carried out as part of the green transformation of the power industry is the issue of reducing the risk of a future energy crisis like the one that occurred in Poland in 2022, in order to meet the guidelines of the European Union under the Green Deal, which should result in reducing the scale of future energy price increases in Poland, etc. The green transformation of the energy industry is a key rarity of the green transformation of the economy towards building a green closed loop economy. Besides, subsidies from the European Union's financial programs, i.e., primarily from the National Reconstruction Plan, should not only be used for investment projects carried out mainly by large, few energy companies, but should be used to a large extent to finance activities carried out by prosumer citizens to increase energy security for the household and reduce the costs incurred in subsequent years for energy purchases, i.e. prosumer ventures, e.g., installing photovoltaic panels on the roofs of their homes as part of the expansion of such programs as “My Current,” for example, so that prosumers' own participation in these investment processes is small, as it is currently still too large and is a financial barrier for many households. In addition to the economic processes related to the green transformation of the economy, including mainly the green transformation of the energy sector, the financial resources from the National Recovery Plan are to finance investment projects carried out as part of the continuation of the processes of digitization of the economy, including enterprises, implementation into companies and institutions of new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including, for example, Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, etc. In addition, the aforementioned financial subsidies are to be used to support the implementation of investment projects in the field of investment, through which the state of road and rail transportation infrastructure is to be improved. In addition to this, support from the National Reconstruction Plan funds is also to be given to the health sector, although the importance of this support has significantly decreased since there is no longer a Covid-19 pandemic, and the European Union's program of these grants was developed in 2020 during the pandemic and was originally intended to largely support the anti-pandemic activities carried out within the medical sector.
I have also described many of these aforementioned aspects in my publications posted on my profile of this Research Gate portal.
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How should the financial subsidies of the European Union granted to Poland under the National Reconstruction Plan be distributed, so that they primarily contribute to the effective development of the national economy?
How to increase the efficiency of the use of financial subsidies from the state's public finance system, so that they are largely allocated to real pro-development investment projects, effectively activate economic processes, entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities and accelerate the economic development of the country?
How to increase the efficiency of the use of financial subsidies from the state's public finance system so that they effectively activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Financial subsidies can be a powerful tool to jumpstart entrepreneurship, but inefficiencies can hinder their impact. Here are some ways to improve the efficiency of subsidies and get more bang for your buck:
Target the right audience: Don't spread subsidies thin. Identify businesses with high growth potential, especially in sectors that align with national development goals. This could be green tech startups or businesses creating jobs in underprivileged areas.
Focus on outcomes, not inputs: Subsidies shouldn't just reward existence. Tie them to achieving specific milestones, like creating jobs, developing new products, or reaching export targets. This incentivizes businesses to use the funds effectively.
Use transparent and competitive application processes: Avoid a free-for-all. Clear criteria and a competitive selection process ensure the most deserving businesses receive support. This can also reduce the risk of corruption.
Consider alternative subsidy structures: Cash grants aren't the only option. Explore loan guarantees, tax breaks, or matching funds that require businesses to invest alongside the subsidy. This fosters a sense of ownership and reduces deadweight loss (subsidies that wouldn't have prevented business failure).
Provide mentorship and support: Financial aid is just one piece of the puzzle. Offer workshops, mentorship programs, or connect entrepreneurs with business networks. This equips them with the skills to succeed beyond the initial subsidy.
Monitor and evaluate: Track the impact of subsidies. Did they create sustainable businesses? Are there unintended consequences? Regularly assess programs and adjust them based on the data.
By following these steps, we can make financial subsidies a more effective tool for activating entrepreneurship and driving economic growth. It's about creating an ecosystem that empowers businesses, not just giving them a handout.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
The future of wearable technologies is likely to see several innovative advancements that can enhance their functionality, usability, and impact on various aspects of our lives.
For Example:
Humane officially launches the AI Pin, its OpenAI-powered wearable
The Ai Pin, as the device is called, is designed to be worn on clothing and can be tapped to talk to a virtual assistant powered by technologies from ChatGPT-creator OpenAI and cloud computing power from Microsoft (MSFT.O). It uses a laser projection system to display text and monochromatic images on a user's hand.
Learn more about Ai Pin:
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Although this is more of a technical aspect of wearable devices, I think the increasing easy of use of e-textiles will unlock many new form-factors (smart clothes). The scalable production of these devices is feasible and they can benefit from detachable connectors, making them practical to use.
Actually, many researchers have been using off-the-shelf snap fasteners to achieve rigid-flexible connectivity in smart textiles. They are cheap, easy to implement, and already used in regular clothing.
I have validated the use of such fasteners in wearable devices, and look forward to see more researchers using them as well. In case you are interested in this study, here’s the paper I published recently:
  • asked a question related to Innovation
1 answer
I am ready. I’m an autistic antiracism educator.
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At first we need to know if you are capable of that or not and if you are capable of that you don't need anyone to recommendation . Anyway good luck..
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
I’ve been trying to login multiple times but, I keep failing.
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1. Technical problems: The platform might be going through maintenance or having technical problems, which could interfere with the login procedure. It is best to ask for help from the platform's support staff in such circumstances.
2. Incorrect login information: Verify that the username and password you are entering are correct. In the event that you lose your login information, you can typically utilise the platform's password recovery feature to get back in.
3. Account activation: To use certain platforms, users must go through a verification process, like clicking on an email link, to activate their accounts. Your ability to log in may be blocked if the activation process is not finished.
4. Browser or device compatibility: Some platforms might need particular web browsers or devices to work properly, or they might have compatibility problems. To see if that fixes the login problem, try utilising a different browser or device.
5. Security measures: A platform may occasionally make the login process more difficult if it has added extra security measures like two-factor authentication (2FA). In order to successfully finish the authentication process, make sure you adhere to the given instructions.
For help, I suggest contacting Qeios customer support if you are having trouble logging in consistently. They will be able to answer any questions you might have and offer you specific advice.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
Probably no one will award me a PhD by publication, HOWEVER, my work on ResearchGate is SO original that someone, to END SCIENTIFIC STAGNATION, should. The fact so many of my works BEGIN with metaphysics DEMONSTRATES ORIGINALITY. I am widening the otherwise narrow field of scientific research. References:
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Alexander Ohnemus I would recommend getting some senior academics to review your work. The fact that you are passionate about your topic is a plus, however, is not equivalent to the quality. Also, please remember that the work would need to have some connection to be awarded the PhD.
I wish you the best luck in the pursue of your PhD.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
19 answers
Key Factors that are internal to firm or external to firm 
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increase in income, market demand and change in technology.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
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🗣️ Call for Speakers and Panelists
Be the voice of change! We invite scholars to share their expertise on the grand stage of innovation. Your insights matter, and your ideas can spark revolutions.
🔐 No Renumeration, but Priceless Connections Await!
While there's no monetary reward, the potential for invaluable connections in both the Arab world and Europe is immeasurable. Forge relationships that will define the trajectory of your academic and professional journey.
📧 How to Participate?
Express your interest and share your brilliance! Write to us at for participation details and any questions you may have. Let's shape the future together!
🎓 Why Attend?
  • Cutting-Edge Insights: Stay ahead with the latest trends and innovations.
  • Global Networking: Connect with scholars and professionals worldwide.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Lay the foundation for future partnerships.
  • Interactive Sessions: Engage in thought-provoking discussions.
🌟 Don't miss this chance to be at the forefront of innovation! Your ideas can ignite change. Reserve your spot today!
📆 Preliminary Date: February 16th📧 Email:
🚀 Innovate. Connect. Transform. 🚀
Best wishes Henrik G.S. Arvidsson
Project Manager & Co-host
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  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
Hi everyone,
I am searching for scales to analyze the firm strategy, firm strategic orientation, innovation orientation. F. e. to analyze their strategic dimension.
Background of this question is to analyze these firms to consult them with a specification on innovation / idea development.
If some can give me some scales or authors about these topics, I would be really grateful.
Best regards
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Are you trying to pitch a new idea to these firms or are you trying to provide a service to help a company assess their own pipeline of ideas?
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
Explore the synergies between Design Thinking and engineering innovation, seeking insights on their collaborative potential for iterative problem-solving and user-centric design in engineering endeavors.
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The integration of Design Thinking and engineering innovation represents a powerful synergy that can revolutionize the way we approach problem-solving in engineering projects. By combining the human-centered approach of Design Thinking with the technical expertise of engineering, we can create solutions that are not only technically sound but also address the real-life needs and problems of end-users. Design Thinking serves as a catalyst for engineering innovation, bringing a user-centric perspective to the development process. By employing empathetic methods to understand the needs and pain points of users, Design Thinking enables engineers to design solutions that are tailored to meet those needs. This user-focused approach helps to mitigate the risk of technicalities and ensures that solutions are relevant and impactful. The iterative process of Design Thinking also fosters a culture of continuous improvement, where feedback loops are an essential aspect of the development cycle. By incorporating user feedback at each stage of the process, engineers can refine and optimize their designs, resulting in solutions that are more effective and efficient. The collaboration between Design Thinking and engineering innovation is akin to a dynamic duo, with each discipline bringing unique strengths to the table. Design Thinking provides the creative vision and user-centric approach, while engineering offers the technical expertise and know-how to bring those visions to life. Together, they form a formidable team that can tackle even the most complex engineering challenges. The integration of Design Thinking and engineering innovation can lead to a virtuous cycle of improvement, where solutions are continuously refined and optimized based on user feedback. This iterative process ensures that solutions are not only technically sound but also meet the evolving needs of end-users. In conclusion, the combination of Design Thinking and engineering innovation is a powerful tool that can transform engineering projects into impactful solutions that matter to people. By prioritizing user needs and incorporating continuous feedback loops, this dynamic duo can create solutions that are both technically sound and user-centric. As such, it is an approach that should be embraced by any engineering project looking to make a meaningful impact in the world.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
How does the cooperation of colleges and universities with commercially functioning economic entities, including companies and businesses, contribute to increasing innovation in the economy?
Colleges and universities, as part of their teaching and research activities, research work carried out, adaptation of curricula to the changing realities of the modern economy, support for students in terms of cooperation with potential employers, institutions that may be the subject of written theses, support for the development of innovative startups founded by students, performance of research and analytical commissioned work, establishment of cooperation clusters, development of reports on the development of selected spheres, branches, problems of the modern economy, civilization, etc., undertake cooperation with various economic entities and public institutions. Such developed cooperation between universities and other entities, enterprises, companies, financial institutions and public institutions, cultural institutions, etc., can significantly contribute to increasing innovation in the economy. A key issue is to involve students in the development of such cooperation. Improving the aforementioned cooperation can and should result in better adaptation of the research work carried out at universities to the increasingly rapidly changing trends in the economy. The implementation of new ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies, including generative artificial intelligence technology into universities should foster the development of such cooperation.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How does the cooperation of colleges and universities with commercially functioning economic entities, including companies and enterprises, contribute to increasing innovation in the economy?
How does the cooperation of universities with business entities contribute to increasing innovation in the economy?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research. In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Dear Researchers, Scientists, Friends,
In the New Year 2024, I wish you every success in your scientific work, scientific and research work, scientific and teaching work, etc. May good scientific cooperation develop between universities, colleges, schools, scientific institutes, research and development centers, scientific research centers, innovation and entrepreneurship incubators, research laboratories of companies and enterprises, public institutions and other institutions.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
What are the biggest strategic challenges that insurance companies are facing as a result of digitalisation?
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of the digital age, insurance companies face a myriad of strategic challenges that demand innovative responses to stay competitive and relevant. The ongoing process of digitalization has ushered in a new era, transforming the industry in profound ways. Understanding and navigating these changes is crucial for insurance companies to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
One of the primary challenges is the shift in customer expectations. As digital technologies continue to redefine the way individuals interact with businesses, insurance customers now expect seamless and personalized experiences. The challenge for insurance companies lies in meeting these expectations, from the initial policy purchase to the handling of claims. Achieving a balance between the traditional aspects of the industry, such as risk assessment, and the demand for a digital-first approach is a strategic imperative.
Moreover, the rise of InsurTech startups introduces a competitive dynamic that can disrupt established business models. These newcomers leverage cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data analytics, to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and offer more tailored products. Incumbent insurance companies must adapt to these advancements to remain competitive, either by collaborating with InsurTech firms or by developing their own technological capabilities.
Data privacy and cybersecurity are critical challenges that have gained prominence in the digital era. Insurance companies handle vast amounts of sensitive information, making them attractive targets for cyberattacks. Ensuring the security of customer data is not only a legal and ethical obligation but also a key factor in maintaining trust. Developing robust cybersecurity measures and staying abreast of evolving threats is an ongoing strategic challenge for insurance companies.
The digital transformation also necessitates a cultural shift within insurance organizations. Embracing a culture of innovation and agility is essential for adapting to the fast-paced nature of technological advancements. This involves not only investing in employee training and development but also fostering a mindset that values experimentation and learning from failures.
Additionally, regulatory challenges are amplified in the digital realm. As technology continues to outpace regulatory frameworks, insurance companies must navigate complex and evolving compliance requirements. Staying ahead of regulatory changes and proactively adapting policies and procedures is essential to avoid legal issues and maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
6 answers
I authored a paper titled
"The Essence of 'E': Revealing the Infinitely Infinite" in the IJFMR Volume 5, Issue 5, September-October 2023, authored by Haque Mobassir, Imtiyazul Haque, and Shaikh. The DOI is 10.36948/ijfmr.2023.v05i05.7494.
In this paper, I introduced the concept of 'E' as the fundamental reason for all existence. I am now sharing a preprint of an experimental hypothesis to explore some ideas mentioned in the aforementioned paper
1. "Finite and Infinite originate from a common source, 'E.'"
2. "E is significantly smaller and lighter than any of its creations."
I would appreciate your thoughts after reviewing the attachment
Relevant answer
1. You did not marked clear what meaning 'E' (entity, existence) such a way the term is unspecified.
2. You have contradiction in your reasoning in connection to the two terms:
Finite Existence:
'Finite entities are those with a definitive endpoint to their active existence.
Throughout their active existence, the various aspects of finite entities undergo continuous cycles of termination, culminating in the eventual cessation of the material's active existence (Somehow this does not fit the sentence.
Infinite Existence:
'In contrast, infinite existence also possesses an endpoint to its active existence,
but it deviates in two key aspects:
1. Its active existence surpasses the average lifespan of any finite entity.
2. Its intrinsic features remain unaltered throughout the entirety of its active
(You are rather ambiguous made your point, because you know that what you have described is contradictory. In contrast to what?
infinite existence also possesses an endpoint to its active existence,
I have also created a concept of the world: with help a priori entity which is not equivalent to ordinary matter! Rest you can find it:
see the next article:
some parts have English translation:
I look forward to your criticism of my definitions, because then it becomes clearer what you really mean.
P.S: The critics was made onto the base of attached file:
attached file the original article published on 13.10.2023 has not been reviewed.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
10 answers
There are a lot of researchers who go by the book the right approach and write results, and observations in their field of work, proving the existing information or suggesting improvement in the experiment for better analysis and so on, very hard working but then there are other who are crazy thinkers always suggesting things with little backup from existing experiments or know facts, always radical in their understanding of results, and these people mostly get dismissed as blip by the first category of researchers.
So if I have to take your opinion who will you back for hitting gold one who is methodical and hardworking or who are crazy thinker?
Relevant answer
I agree with your contention that some ideas initially strike most people as 'crazy' both in technical and nontechnical fields. Examples from nontechnical fields include: opposing slavery, gun control, democracy, women voting, environmentalism, climate change, etc. Examples from technical fields include: mRNA vaccines (COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer), prions (self replicating proteins), continental drift, quasicrystalls, Josephson junctions (SQUIDs), quantum mechanics, the personal computer, the Internet, the airplane, radio, TV, electricity, etc. One person's 'crazy' idea may eventually become widely accepted, and even commercially important. And don't forget, many 'crazy' ideas originated from by-the-book investigations: the idea of the quantum of energy arose from Max Planck's tireless attempts at trying to explain the shape of the blackbody curve using classical thermodynamics, and superconductivity in some metals was the result of a rather pedestrian checking of electrical conductivity of metals at liquid helium temperatures - no one expected superconductivity and no theory predicted it.
I really like your question.
Tom Cuff
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
Suppose a person has a very different perspective about an almost established scientific facts, and he still want to move ahead with establishing/sharing his perspective so what are the methods at his disposal?
One thing to note here is that the perspective have no support of existing literature nor of any lab observations.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Innovation
171 answers
AI is no longer the future, it’s the present, what are your experiences?
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  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
How to create a system of digital, universal tagging of various kinds of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans?
How to create a system of digital, universal labelling of different types of works, texts, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, innovations, patents, etc. performed by artificial intelligence and not by humans, i.e. works whose legal, ethical, moral, business, security qualification .... etc. should be different for what is the product of artificial intelligence?
Two days earlier, in an earlier post, I started a discussion on the question of the necessity of improving the security of the development of artificial intelligence technology and asked the following questions: how should the system of institutional control of the development of advanced artificial intelligence models and algorithms be structured, so that this development does not get out of control and lead to negative consequences that are currently difficult to foresee? Should the development of artificial intelligence be subject to control? And if so, who should exercise this control? How should an institutional system for controlling the development of artificial intelligence applications be built? Why are the creators of leading technology companies developing ICT, Internet technologies, Industry 4.0, including those developing artificial intelligence technologies, etc. now calling for the development of this technology to be periodically, deliberately slowed down, so that the development of artificial intelligence technology is fully under control and does not get out of hand? On the other hand, while continuing my reflections on the indispensability of improving the security of the development of artificial intelligence technology, analysing the potential risks of the dynamic and uncontrolled development of this technology, I hereby propose to continue my deliberations on this issue and invite you to participate in a discussion aimed at identifying the key determinants of building an institutional control system for the development of artificial intelligence, including the development of advanced models composed of algorithms similar or more advanced to the ChatGPT 4.0 system developed by the OpenAI company and available on the Internet. It is necessary to normatively regulate a number of issues related to artificial intelligence, both the issue of developing advanced models composed of algorithms that form artificial intelligence systems; posting these technological solutions in open access on the Internet; enabling these systems to carry out the process of self-improvement through automated learning of new content, knowledge, information, abilities, etc.; building an institutional system of control over the development of artificial intelligence technology and current and future applications of this technology in various fields of activity of people, companies, enterprises, institutions, etc. operating in different sectors of the economy. Recently, realistic-looking photos of well-known, highly recognisable people, including politicians, presidents of states in unusual situations, which were created by artificial intelligence, have appeared on the Internet on online social media sites. What has already appeared on the Internet as a kind of 'free creativity' of artificial intelligence, creativity both in terms of the creation of 'fictitious facts' in descriptions of events that never happened, in descriptions created as an answer to a question posed for the ChatGPT system, and in terms of photographs of 'fictitious events', already indicates the potentially enormous scale of disinformation currently developing on the Internet, and this is thanks to the artificial intelligence systems whose products of 'free creativity' find their way onto the Internet. With the help of artificial intelligence, in addition to texts containing descriptions of 'fictitious facts', photographs depicting 'fictitious events', it is also possible to create films depicting 'fictitious events' in cinematic terms. All of these creations of 'free creation' by artificial intelligence can be posted on social media and, in the formula of viral marketing, can spread rapidly on the Internet and can thus be a source of serious disinformation realised potentially on a large scale. Dangerous opportunities have therefore arisen for the use of technology to generate disinformation about, for example, a competitor company, enterprise, institution, organisation or individual. Within the framework of building an institutional control system for the development of artificial intelligence technology, it is necessary to take into account the issue of creating a digital, universal marking system for the various types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, films, innovations, patents, etc. performed by artificial intelligence and not by humans, i.e. works whose legal, ethical, moral, business, security qualification ..., should be different for what is the product of artificial intelligence. It is therefore necessary to create a system of digital, universal labelling of the various types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc., made by artificial intelligence and not by humans. The only issue for discussion is therefore how this should be done.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to create a system for the digital, universal marking of different types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, innovations, patents, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans, i.e. works whose legal, ethical, moral, business, security qualification .... etc. should be different for what is the product of artificial intelligence?
How to create a system of digital, universal labelling of different types of works, texts, photos, publications, graphics, videos, etc. made by artificial intelligence and not by humans?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Some technological companies offering various Internet services have already announced the creation of a system for digital marking of creations, works, works, studies, etc. created by artificial intelligence. Probably, these companies have already noticed that in this field it is possible to create certain standards for digital marking of creations, works, elaborations, etc. created by artificial intelligence, and this can be another factor of competition and market advantage.
And what is your opinion about it?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
Deep sea is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep seabed – the ocean below 200m.
Is it necessary with the actual advancement in technologies? And the increasing need for more mineral ressources ?
It's beneficiary? Or too risky?
Relevant answer
The future of deep-sea mining presents a dichotomy of potentialities and risks that demand careful consideration. On the one hand, it holds the promise of accessing valuable mineral resources critical for modern technologies, potentially reducing the environmental impact associated with terrestrial mining, and fostering economic opportunities for resource-rich countries. Moreover, the development of deep-sea mining technologies could fuel innovation and drive progress in marine engineering and robotics. However, these potentialities must be weighed against substantial environmental and ethical risks. Deep-sea mining operations have the potential to disrupt fragile and poorly understood ecosystems, release toxic substances into the ocean, and trigger long-term consequences that are difficult to predict. Regulatory challenges, resource depletion, economic viability concerns, and ethical and social issues further complicate the path forward. Striking a balance between harnessing these resources and protecting the deep-sea environment will require robust scientific research, stringent environmental impact assessments, and comprehensive regulatory frameworks to ensure that the benefits of deep-sea mining are realized without compromising the health of our oceans and the well-being of local communities.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
7 answers
The fourth technological revolution currently underway is characterised by rapidly advancing ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0, including but not limited to machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, ... what's next? Intelligent thinking autonomous robots?
The fourth technological revolution currently underway is characterised by rapidly advancing ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0, including but not limited to technologies learning machines, deep learning, artificial intelligence. Machine learning, machine learning, machine self-learning or machine learning systems are all synonymous terms relating to the field of artificial intelligence with a particular focus on algorithms that can improve themselves, improving automatically through the action of an experience factor within exposure to large data sets. Algorithms operating within the framework of machine learning build a mathematical model of data processing from sample data, called a learning set, in order to make predictions or decisions without being programmed explicitely by a human to do so. Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as spam protection, i.e. filtering internet messages for unwanted correspondence, or image recognition, where it is difficult or infeasible to develop conventional algorithms to perform the needed tasks. Deep learning is a kind of subcategory of machine learning, which involves the creation of deep neural networks, i.e. networks with multiple levels of neurons. Deep learning techniques are designed to improve, among other things, automatic speech processing, image recognition and natural language processing. The structure of deep neural networks consists of multiple layers of artificial neurons. Simple neural networks can be designed manually so that a specific layer detects specific features and performs specific data processing, while learning consists of setting appropriate weights, significance levels, value system for components of specific issues defined on the basis of processing and learning from large amounts of data. In large neural networks, the deep learning process is automated and self-contained to a certain extent. In this situation, the network is not designed to detect specific features, but detects them on the basis of the processing of appropriately labelled data sets. Both such datasets and the operation of neural networks themselves should be prepared by specialists, but the features are already detected by the programme itself. Therefore, large amounts of data can be processed and the network can automatically learn higher-level feature representations, which means that they can detect complex patterns in the input data. In view of the above, deep learning systems are built on Big Data Analytics platforms built in such a way that the deep learning process is performed on a sufficiently large amount of data. Artificial intelligence, denoted by the acronym AI (artificial intelligence), is respectively the 'intelligent', multi-criteria, advanced, automated processing of complex, large amounts of data carried out in a way that alludes to certain characteristics of human intelligence exhibited by thought processes. As such, it is the intelligence exhibited by artificial devices, including certain advanced ICT and Industry 4.0 information technology systems and devices equipped with these technological solutions. The concept of artificial intelligence is contrasted with the concept of natural intelligence, i.e. that which pertains to humans. In view of the above, artificial intelligence thus has two basic meanings. On the one hand, it is a hypothetical intelligence realised through a technical rather than a natural process. On the other hand, it is the name of a technology and a research field of computer science and cognitive science that also draws on the achievements of psychology, neurology, mathematics and philosophy. In computer science and cognitive science, artificial intelligence also refers to the creation of models and programmes that simulate at least partially intelligent behaviour. Artificial intelligence is also considered in the field of philosophy, within which a theory is developed concerning the philosophy of artificial intelligence. In addition, artificial intelligence is also a subject of interest in the social sciences. The main task of research and development work on the development of artificial intelligence technology and its new applications is the construction of machines and computer programmes capable of performing selected functions analogously to those performed by the human mind functioning with the human senses, including processes that do not lend themselves to numerical algorithmisation. Such problems are sometimes referred to as AI-difficult and include such processes as decision-making in the absence of all data, analysis and synthesis of natural languages, logical reasoning also referred to as rational reasoning, automatic proof of assertions, computer logic games e.g. chess, intelligent robots, expert and diagnostic systems, among others. Artificial intelligence can be developed and improved by integrating it with the areas of machine learning, fuzzy logic, computer vision, evolutionary computing, neural networks, robotics and artificial life. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have been developing rapidly in recent years, which is determined by its combination with other Industry 4.0 technologies, the use of microprocessors, digital machines and computing devices characterised by their ever-increasing capacity for multi-criteria processing of ever-increasing amounts of data, and the emergence of new fields of application. Recently, the development of artificial intelligence has become a topic of discussion in various media due to the open-access, automated and AI-enabled solution ChatGPT, with which Internet users can have a kind of conversation. The solution is based and learns from a collection of large amounts of data extracted in 2021 from specific data and information resources on the Internet. The development of artificial intelligence applications is so rapid that it is ahead of the process of adapting regulations to the situation. The new applications being developed do not always generate exclusively positive impacts. These potentially negative effects include the potential for the generation of disinformation on the Internet, information crafted using artificial intelligence, not in line with the facts and disseminated on social media sites. This raises a number of questions regarding the development of artificial intelligence and its new applications, the possibilities that will arise in the future under the next generation of artificial intelligence, the possibility of teaching artificial intelligence to think, i.e. to realise artificial thought processes in a manner analogous or similar to the thought processes realised in the human mind.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
The fourth technological revolution currently taking place is characterised by rapidly advancing ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0, including but not limited to machine learning technologies, deep learning, artificial intelligence, .... what's next? Intelligent thinking autonomous robots?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The drive to build autonomous, thinking, intelligent robots, androids raises many ethical controversies and potential risks. In addition to this, the drive to build artificial consciousness as a kind of continuation of the development of artificial intelligence is also controversial.
What is your opinion on this topic?
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
How do you encourage, motivate your students to formulate an interesting, current, future-oriented, out-of-the-box, novel, creative, innovative thesis topic with what words, etc.?
What are your recommendations to your students in terms of selecting or independently formulating an interesting, current, future-oriented, out-of-the-box, novel, creative, innovative topic for a thesis, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis and/or doctoral dissertation?
What incentives do you apply to your students to come up with, create, formulate an interesting, timely, forward-looking, unconventional, novel, creative, innovative thesis topic?
In the current fast-changing reality, the era of the fourth or fifth technological revolution, the rapid emergence of new research concepts, new technologies, new proposals for solving certain problems, the search for ideas for new startups, the development of new socio-economic trends, new fashion trends for certain solutions, new ideas, etc., it is not easy to come up with, create, formulate an interesting, up-to-date, forward-looking, unconventional, novel, creative, innovative thesis topic. Therefore, it is important for lecturers and thesis supervisors to use certain incentives, motivators to select or independently formulate an interesting, current, future-oriented, unconventional, innovative, creative, innovative topic for the thesis, bachelor's thesis, master's thesis and/or doctoral thesis.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What incentives do you apply to your students to come up with, create, formulate an interesting, timely, forward-looking, out-of-the-box, novel, creative, innovative thesis topic?
How do you encourage, motivate your students to formulate an interesting, current and future-oriented thesis topic?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The thesis project is a crucial milestone in one's academic journey as well as in their future professional career. It provides the opportunity to delve into topics that will prove valuable in the future. Given the time required to compose the thesis, it is advisable to select a subject that will enhance our expertise and provide a sense of accomplishment.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
Would you like to use a completely new generation of ChatGPT-type tool that would be based on those online databases you would choose yourself?
What do you think about such a business concept for an innovative startup: creating a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use only those online databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users will select themselves?
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built exclusively on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use exclusively those Internet databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users themselves will select, determine, define?
In my opinion, it makes sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built exclusively on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use exclusively those Internet databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users themselves will select, define, define. This kind of solution, which would allow personalization of the functionality of such generative artificial intelligence systems, would significantly increase its functionality for individual users, Internet users, citizens. In addition, the scale of innovative solutions for practical applications of such personalized intelligent systems for analyzing content and data contained in selected specific Internet resources would increase significantly.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, does it make sense to create a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built solely on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use only those Internet databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users themselves will select, specify, define?
What do you think of such a business concept for an innovative startup: the creation of a new generation of something similar to ChatGPT, which will use databases built exclusively on the basis of continuously updated data, information, objectively verified knowledge resources, and which will use exclusively those online databases, knowledge bases, portals and websites that individual Internet users will themselves select?
Would you like to use a completely new generation of ChatGPT-type tool, which would be based on those online databases that you yourself would select?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Certainly, embracing a new ChatGPT generation based on curated online databases offers exciting potential. The enriched data could enhance accuracy and relevance, fostering more insightful and contextually aware interactions, ultimately delivering an elevated user experience.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
25 answers
Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, many governments and private organizations allocated large sums of money to fund projects dealing with various areas related to this virus. The vaccine is the most prominent area but detection, caring and monitoring of the patients revealed that the current medical equipment is not adequate and sufficient. Are these funding going to lead to invention or innovation? have you seen any report of innovation in medical technology in your community?
Relevant answer
Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to serve as an engine for innovation in medical technology. The unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic have driven the healthcare and medical technology industries to rapidly develop and adopt innovative solutions to address the crisis. Here are some ways in which the pandemic has accelerated innovation in medical technology:
  1. Vaccines and Therapeutics: The urgent need for vaccines and therapeutics to combat COVID-19 led to unprecedented global efforts in research and development. The development and deployment of mRNA vaccines, such as those from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, showcased the potential of new vaccine technologies.
  2. Telemedicine and Remote Healthcare: The pandemic pushed the adoption of telemedicine and remote healthcare solutions to provide medical services to patients while minimizing in-person contact. Virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and telehealth platforms have become more widely accepted and integrated into healthcare systems.
  3. Digital Health Solutions: Contact tracing apps, health monitoring wearables, and digital health platforms have been developed or repurposed to help track and manage the spread of the virus, monitor patients' health remotely, and provide real-time data for public health officials.
  4. Medical Imaging and AI: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms have been applied to medical imaging, such as chest X-rays and CT scans, to aid in the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19. These technologies have shown promise in enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.
  5. Ventilator Innovation: The high demand for ventilators during the pandemic spurred efforts to develop and produce new and more efficient ventilator models to support patients with severe respiratory issues.
  6. Rapid Diagnostic Tests: The need for quick and accurate COVID-19 testing led to the development of various rapid diagnostic tests, including antigen tests and molecular point-of-care devices.
  7. Supply Chain and Logistics Innovations: The pandemic highlighted vulnerabilities in the medical supply chain. Innovations in supply chain management and logistics have been explored to ensure the efficient distribution of medical equipment, PPE, and vaccines.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
What kinds of problems did healthcare workers experience using protective equipment during the COVID-19 outbreak?
What kind of problems did the healthcare professionals experience regarding the supply of materials during the treatment and care of the patient during the covid-19 outbreak?
Have nurses used innovative practices in care? Could you share the innovation examples in nursing used in this process?
During the COVID-19 epidemic, nurses working in a hospital setting may be physically, mentally, socially, ethically, etc. what kind of problems does he have?
We need your scientific research and help with the answers to these questions in order to share them with healthcare nurses.
Relevant answer
Healthcare workers faced several challenges and issues while using protective equipment during the COVID-19 outbreak. These problems significantly impacted their safety, well-being, and ability to provide effective care. Some of the key problems experienced by healthcare workers include:
  1. Shortages of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Many healthcare facilities faced severe shortages of essential PPE, such as N95 respirators, surgical masks, gloves, gowns, and face shields. The lack of adequate PPE increased the risk of exposure to the virus for healthcare workers.
  2. Inadequate Training: Some healthcare workers did not receive sufficient training on how to properly don and doff PPE, leading to the improper use of protective gear and an increased risk of contamination.
  3. Discomfort and Physical Strain: PPE, especially when worn for extended periods, can be uncomfortable and cause physical strain. Healthcare workers reported issues such as difficulty breathing, skin irritation, and discomfort due to wearing PPE for long hours.
  4. Communication Barriers: Wearing masks and face shields can impede clear communication, leading to misunderstandings and potential risks in patient care.
  5. Fogging of Eyewear: Healthcare workers wearing glasses or face shields experienced fogging of eyewear, which could obstruct vision and lead to potential safety hazards.
  6. Dehydration and Heat Stress: Wearing PPE in hot and humid environments led to dehydration and heat stress for some healthcare workers.
  7. Limited Mobility and Dexterity: Some PPE components, such as gloves, reduced the mobility and dexterity of healthcare workers, making certain tasks challenging.
  8. Emotional and Psychological Impact: The constant use of PPE and the fear of infection took a toll on the mental health and well-being of healthcare workers, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and burnout.
  9. Reuse and Extended Use of PPE: Due to shortages, some healthcare workers had to reuse PPE for an extended period, increasing the risk of contamination.
  10. Fit and Sizing Issues: Finding the right fit and size of PPE for all healthcare workers, especially those with diverse body shapes and sizes, posed challenges.
  11. Doffing Challenges: Improper doffing of PPE posed a risk of self-contamination for healthcare workers.
  12. Infection Despite PPE Use: Despite using PPE, healthcare workers still faced the risk of infection due to the highly contagious nature of the virus.
  13. Fears of Transmitting the Virus: Healthcare workers were concerned about potentially transmitting the virus to their families or vulnerable patients, even with the use of protective equipment.
  14. Cultural and Religious Concerns: Some healthcare workers faced challenges in adhering to PPE guidelines due to cultural or religious reasons.
Addressing these challenges required continuous efforts by healthcare institutions, policymakers, and manufacturers to ensure a steady supply of high-quality PPE, comprehensive training for proper usage, and measures to support the physical and emotional well-being of healthcare workers on the frontline.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
Hi all,
Can you tell us how COVID 19 has triggered most of the innovative processes in the public and private sectors during this period of uncertainty? and from the non-profit sector? in your country?
Relevant answer
Here are some ways in which the COVID-19 crisis has spurred innovation:
  1. Telemedicine and Digital Health Solutions: The need for remote healthcare services during the pandemic led to a rapid expansion of telemedicine and digital health platforms. Virtual consultations, remote monitoring devices, and telehealth solutions became essential tools for delivering healthcare services while minimizing physical contact.
  2. E-Learning and Remote Education: With schools and universities closed during lockdowns, there was a significant surge in e-learning platforms and remote education solutions. Educational institutions and edtech companies developed innovative ways to deliver online classes and interactive learning experiences.
  3. Work from Home and Virtual Collaboration: The shift to remote work prompted the adoption of virtual collaboration tools and platforms. Video conferencing, online project management, and cloud-based collaboration tools became essential for maintaining productivity and communication.
  4. Vaccine Development and Distribution: The urgency to combat the pandemic accelerated vaccine development and approval processes. Collaborative efforts between pharmaceutical companies, researchers, and governments led to the rapid development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
  5. Supply Chain and Logistics Innovations: The pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains. Companies and governments sought to enhance supply chain resilience through innovations in logistics, inventory management, and demand forecasting.
  6. Digital Payments and Contactless Services: The fear of virus transmission through physical currency led to an increased adoption of digital payment methods and contactless services in retail and banking sectors.
  7. Remote Entertainment and Streaming Services: The entertainment industry saw a surge in demand for streaming services, online gaming, and virtual events as people sought entertainment options at home.
  8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Innovation: There was a rapid development of new PPE designs and materials to meet the increased demand for protective gear for healthcare workers and the general public.
  9. Data Analytics and Modeling: Data analytics and modeling played a crucial role in tracking the spread of the virus, predicting hotspots, and informing public health measures.
  10. AI and Automation in Healthcare: AI and automation technologies were utilized in healthcare settings for tasks like patient monitoring, diagnosis, and drug discovery.
  11. Community Initiatives and Social Innovation: Community-led initiatives and social innovation played a significant role in addressing various challenges posed by the pandemic, including food distribution, mental health support, and community solidarity.
  12. Hygiene and Sanitization Innovations: Various hygiene and sanitization innovations, such as touchless technology, UV sterilization devices, and antimicrobial materials, emerged to mitigate the spread of the virus.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
Imagine the situation that a new different but much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT is built, for which each person can ask only one question, what would that question sound like?
In the current era of rapidly developing information technology, the technology of Industry 4. 0, the era of the fourth or perhaps already fifth technological revolution, in the situation of rapidly developing artificial intelligence technologies, building more and more perfect robots and androids, which, equipped with artificial intelligence, can perform a variety of activities until recently performed only by humans and until recently widely recognized as such, which only humans can perform, many new concepts are emerging, full of admiration for the modern technology of new applications of artificial intelligence, but also many new or well-known for many years but now growing in importance concerns about the development of artificial intelligence, including concerns about the consideration of the possibility in the future that the development of artificial intelligence will escape human control. In the context of, on the one hand, admiration and, on the other hand, concerns about the effects and directions of artificial intelligence development in the future, new intriguing questions are emerging. New questions, which, having the character of intriguing questions, activating creative reflection, motivating critical thinking, play a special role in the development of science. For example, this kind of question:
Imagine the situation that a new different but much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT is built, for which each person can ask only one question, what would this question be like?
Does this question have such a character, does it activate creative reflection, does it motivate critical thinking? I hope it does.
Please give an example of a question you would ask for a built new much more perfect version of something similar to ChatGPT, for which each person could ask only one question.
Please answer,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Why not more question?
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
I have been experimenting with machine learning in JavaScript, please, let me know also your experience! 😎🤗😍
In attachment a preprint!
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Feel free to add more details on your perspective!
  • asked a question related to Innovation
39 answers
New ideas, new concepts in science and art arise as a result of human creativity, innovation, emotional intelligence, the need for self-realization, the need to be appreciated by other people.
These are the values at the very top of Maslov's pyramid. Human higher needs arose through the evolution of human consciousness and intelligence under conditions of multi-generational development of sociobiological and psychosocial determinants.
On the other hand, artificial intelligence is being developed, which will probably be used in various fields of technological information services, including multi-criteria, based on complex data processing algorithms.
In view of the above, the current question is: Can innovations be or can be created by artificial intelligence or only by man?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Innovations can be created by only human. Human is the innovative and creator of artificial intelligence.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
20 answers
My Organization implemented a formal innovation process two years ago, but unfortunately, only a few colleagues have participated in our innovation lab, with ideas for new services or new processes.
The critical point is our innovation culture, how to assess it, and how to act on the specific areas that will make a difference and will change our innovation culture in the near future
Relevant answer
You have to acknowledge that over the past two years, only a few colleagues have participated in our innovation lab and contributed ideas for new services or processes. This reflects very offen our current innovation culture, which we actively seek to improve. Rather than dwelling on the past, you have to shift the focus towards the future and take action to transform our innovation culture.
By addressing the challenges we have to face, that you have to demonstrate the commitment of the players to change and improve. I see this as an opportunity to create a more inclusive and collaborative environment for innovation within our organization. Please invite all colleagues to join your projects in this endeavor and contribute their ideas and perspectives to shape a vibrant and dynamic innovation culture.
By acknowledging the past and emphasizing the commitment to change, this approach sets a positive tone and encourages employees to actively participate in transforming the innovation culture. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and collaboration, inviting everyone to contribute to the desired change.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
8 answers
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies?
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies in a developing country where various new technologies are being developed but to date there are no high-tech chip manufacturing companies?
What type, what category of capital should a developing country have in order to be able to build its, nationally, a kind of new 'Silicon Valley', in which companies developing new technologies and basing their business models on new, highly advanced ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 will function effectively?
Among the various factors of technological and developmental advantage of individual countries in terms of international comparisons, the possession of advanced technologies, including biotechnology, green energy technologies but also new ICT information technologies and technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution, Industry 4.0 technologies, stands out. The possession of these technologies determines the possibilities for the development of many industries, including the manufacture of products that are increasingly produced as highly technological products equipped with, for example, microchips.
Microchips are no longer used only in computers, laptops, PDAs, tablets, smartphones, supercomputers built in research centres and further types of highly technological products, but also in white goods, consumer electronics, TV, motor vehicles, including cars, aircraft, military equipment, etc. and, more recently, in systems based on artificial intelligence being built and developed. Microchip production is associated with certain determinants for the development of other economic sectors as well. The production of microchips is a highly energy-intensive process. Therefore, it is also necessary to develop new, renewable and emission-free energy sources to supply electricity to, among other things, microchip production processes.
Currently, there are aspirations and research in many countries to identify opportunities for the development of advanced ICT and/or to create the conditions for the creation of a kind of next "Silicon Valley", including microchip manufacturing companies. As in the case of other industries, so in the case of new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0, the key factors determining the possibility of building new companies producing advanced microchips include such basic categories of capital as financial capital, possession of research and development centres, science centres generating also the intellectual capital of the staff of employees, possession of modern lines and machine parks produced mainly by domestic industries, generating technological and production capital, with which industrial plants and companies included in technological sectors are equipped. However, this is not all that is required to build a thriving sort of new, next "Silicon Valley" and to be able to be at the forefront of the new ICT information technologies, Prezmysł 4.0, including the production of highly technological microchips. Perhaps among the mentioned key determinants of the development of technology companies are new specific business models, new styles of management, personnel management and motivation to create technological innovations. In addition, perhaps the key factors determining the development of technology companies should also include a highly economically efficient mix of flexible pro-development economic policies, including policies to support the development of science, scientific research, the development of research and development centres, policies to develop innovation; systemically developed highly efficient corruption-free financial support programmes from the state's public finance system; a friendly economic policy for the development of innovative startups; modern ownership models and shareholding structures of technology companies, research institutes and research and development centres, etc.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What type, what category of capital should a developing country have in order to be able to build its, nationally, a kind of new "Silicon Valley" in which companies developing new technologies and basing their business models on new, highly advanced ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 will function effectively?
What are the key factors determining the feasibility of building new modern microchip manufacturing companies in a developing country where various new technologies are being developed but modern microchip manufacturing companies do not exist to date?
What are the key determinants of the possibility of building new high-tech microchip manufacturing companies?
What are the key determinants of the development of highly technological industries?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The development of highly technological industries is influenced by a variety of factors. Here are some key determinants that play a significant role:
  1. Research and Development (R&D): Investment in research and development is crucial for the development of highly technological industries. Companies and governments that allocate substantial resources to R&D activities can drive innovation, create new technologies, and enhance existing ones. R&D investment helps in the development of cutting-edge products, processes, and services, giving industries a competitive advantage.
  2. Skilled Workforce: The availability of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce is essential for the development of technological industries. Skilled professionals, such as engineers, scientists, programmers, and technicians, contribute to research, design, production, and maintenance of technology-based products and services. Access to quality education and training programs that focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines is crucial for nurturing a skilled workforce.
  3. Infrastructure: Adequate infrastructure is necessary to support the development of highly technological industries. This includes reliable power supply, high-speed internet connectivity, transportation networks, research facilities, and incubation centers. A well-developed infrastructure enables efficient communication, transportation of goods, access to markets, and collaboration between industry players.
  4. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection: Strong intellectual property rights protection is essential to encourage innovation and investment in technological industries. Robust legal frameworks and effective enforcement of patents, copyrights, and trademarks provide incentives for companies to develop new technologies and ensures that they can profit from their inventions. Effective IPR protection fosters a climate of innovation, attracting investments and promoting technological development.
  5. Access to Capital: Adequate access to capital is crucial for the growth and development of technological industries. Investments are required for R&D, infrastructure development, hiring skilled professionals, and scaling up operations. Access to venture capital, private equity, government grants, and loans enables companies to fund their innovative projects and expand their operations.
  6. Collaboration and Networking: Collaboration and networking play a vital role in the development of highly technological industries. Collaborations between academia, research institutions, and industry foster knowledge transfer, encourage innovation, and enhance the development of new technologies. Networks and clusters of companies in related industries can create synergies, share knowledge, and facilitate the exchange of ideas.
  7. Supportive Regulatory Environment: A supportive regulatory environment can significantly impact the development of highly technological industries. Clear and favorable regulations can encourage innovation, ease market entry for new companies, and provide a framework for fair competition. Policies that promote entrepreneurship, ease bureaucratic burdens, and incentivize investments in R&D can foster the growth of technological industries.
  8. Market Demand: The presence of a strong market demand for technological products and services is a key determinant of industry development. Industries thrive when there is a significant consumer base or business demand for innovative technologies. Market demand provides the necessary incentives for companies to invest in R&D and bring technologically advanced products and services to the market.
It's important to note that these determinants can interact and influence each other. Successful development of highly technological industries often requires a combination of these factors working in tandem to create an ecosystem conducive to innovation and growth.
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13 answers
I have panel data comprises 5 cross sections across 14 independent variables. the data time series part is 10 years. while I run the panel data model for pooled OLS and FE model it gives results while for Random effect model it shows error as RE estimation required number of cross-section>number of coefficients for between estimators for estimation of RE innovation variance. Can anyone help me how to get the results for Random effect model?
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  • asked a question related to Innovation
1 answer
How can machine learning technology, deep learning and a specific generation of artificial intelligence applied to Big Data Analytics platforms help in the processes of managing the effective operation and growth of an innovative startup?
How should a system architecture built from modules incorporating implemented machine learning, deep learning and specific generation artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies be designed to assist in the improvement of computerised Business Intelligence analytics platforms and thus in the processes of managing the effective operation and development of a commercially operating innovative startup?
The development of innovation and entrepreneurship, including the effective development of innovative startups using new technologies in business, is among the key determinants of a country's economic development. Among the important factors supporting the development of innovativeness and entrepreneurship, apart from system facilitations, a favourable tax system, low interest rates on investment loans, available non-refundable financial subsidies, there is also the issue of the possibility of implementing new technologies, including Industry 4. 0, including, but not limited to, technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things, digital twins, multi-criteria simulation models, cloud computing, robots, horizontal and vertical data system integration, additive manufacturing, Blockchain, smart technologies, etc., can be helpful in the process of improving the management of economic entities, including service companies, manufacturing enterprises and innovative start-ups. These information technologies and Industry 4.0 can also help to improve Business Intelligence used in business management. The key issue is the proper combination of applied Industry 4.0 technologies to create computerised platforms supporting the processes of managing both the current, operational functioning of economic entities and in the processes of forecasting the determinants of the development of companies and enterprises, in the creation of forecasting models of simulation of development for a specific economic entity, which may also be an innovative start-up. In recent years, attempts have been made in larger business entities, corporations, financial institutions, including commercial banks, to create computerised Business Intelligence analytical platforms improved through a combination of applied technologies such as machine learning, deep learning and a specific generation of artificial intelligence applied to Big Data Analytics platforms. Such processes for improving Business Intelligence analytical platforms are carried out in order to support the management of the effective operation and development of a commercially operating specific business entity. Therefore, in a situation where specific financial resources are available to create analogous Business Intelligence analytical platforms, it is possible to apply an analogous solution to support the management of the effective operation and development of a commercially functioning specific innovative start-up.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can machine learning technology, deep learning and a specific generation of artificial intelligence applied to Big Data Analytics platforms help in the processes of managing the effective operation and development of an innovative startup?
How should a system architecture built from modules containing implemented machine learning technology, deep learning and a specific generation of artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies be designed to assist in the improvement of computerised Business Intelligence analytics platforms and thus in the processes of managing the effective operation and development of a commercially operating innovative startup?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Hello Dariusz Prokopowicz , The findings of the below referred paper have implications for understanding how entrepreneurs adopt and use digital technologies in their entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurs who exhibit a propensity for adopting digital technologies and DIY behavior, are likely to be more open to adopting and utilizing such tools in their growth management processes, potentially benefiting their innovative startup's growth trajectory.
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4 answers
Lien du formulaire (version française) :
Lien du formulaire (version anglaise) :
Bonjour à toutes et tous !
Dans le cadre de ma maîtrise en génie de la construction au sein de l'Ecole de technologie supérieure (ETS) de Montréal, je réalise un projet d'application sur l'innovation et le développement durable afin de répondre à la problématique :
" L' innovation est-elle compatible avec le développement durable dans le secteur de la construction ? »
Au travers d'un questionnaire qui vous prendra quelques minutes, je sollicite votre avis en tant que professionnel du secteur de la construction, quelque soit votre niveau d’expérience. Cela me permettra d'obtenir un échantillon représentatif afin d'enrichir mon projet ainsi que mes axes de réflexions.
N'hésitez pas également à liker et à partager cette publication. Un grand merci par avance pour votre coopération !
Hello everyone!
As part of my master's degree in construction engineering at the Ecole de technologie supérieure (ETS) in Montreal, I am doing an application project on innovation and sustainable development in order to answer the question:
"Is innovation compatible with sustainable development in the construction sector?"
Through a questionnaire that will take you a few minutes, I am asking for your opinion as a professional in the construction sector, whatever your level of experience. This will allow me to obtain a representative sample in order to enrich my project as well as my lines of thought.
Please feel free to like and share this publication. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Link to the form (French version):
Link to the form (English version):
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Absolutely! "Social" innovation is key to making the construction sector sustainable.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
What are the applications of digital twins in conjunction with artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies in creating simulations of digital models of complex macroprocesses?
The technology of digital twins is used, among other things, to simulate production, logistics processes in business entities, i.e. in the microeconomic field. The creation of digital twins for specific economic and financial processes carried out in economic entities supports the management of these entities. Computer simulations of e.g. production processes, offering of services, supply and procurement logistics, distribution logistics, marketing communication with customers, etc. save time and money, as possible errors in decisions generate much smaller negative effects if they are realised not within the framework of real processes and a kind of experimentation on a functioning enterprise, company, corporation, institution, etc., but within the framework of computer simulation. but within the framework of a computer simulation in which various alternative variants of the development of the economic and financial situation of a company are considered and compared with each other as forecasts of specific processes defined for the following days, weeks, months, quarters or years. Therefore, since the pandemic, many companies and enterprises in Poland have been investing in the creation of IT systems equipped with digital twin technologies, within which it is possible to create multi-criteria, multi-faceted, complex simulation models of specific economic and other processes realised within the company, and/or simulation of processes realised at the level of the company's relations with the environment, with business partners, customers, cooperators, etc.
On the other hand, the possibilities of creating simulations for macroprocesses, i.e. e.g. macroeconomic processes, natural processes, technological processes, geological processes, social processes, long-term climate change, cosmological processes, etc., through the use of digital twin technologies and also other Industry 4.0 technologies, including learning machines, deep learning, artificial intelligence, analytics carried out on Big Data Analytics platforms, are a matter of debate. Year on year, due to technological advances in ICT, including the use of new generations of microprocessors characterised by ever-increasing computing power, the possibilities for increasingly efficient, multi-criteria processing of large collections of data and information are growing. Artificial intelligence can be particularly useful in the field of selective and precise search for specific, defined types of information and data extracted from many selected types of websites and real-time transfer and processing of these data in database systems organised in cloud computing on Big Data Analytics platforms, which would be accessed by a system managing a built and updated model of a specific macro-process using digital twin technologies.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What are the applications of digital twins in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies for creating simulated digital models of complex macroprocesses?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The combination of digital twins with AI, Big Data Analytics, and other Industry 4.0 technologies has the potential to revolutionize the way we model and simulate complex macroprocesses. The applications of such technologies can range from predicting and optimizing macroeconomic outcomes to predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters. One potential application is in the field of climate modeling, where digital twins can be used to simulate the effects of various policy interventions and technological developments on long-term climate change. Another potential application is in the field of urban planning, where digital twins can be used to simulate the impact of various transportation and land-use policies on the environment and human well-being.
However, there are also ethical concerns that need to be addressed in the development and use of these technologies. For example, there may be unintended consequences or biases in the data used to train AI models, which could lead to inaccurate or unfair simulations. Additionally, the use of these technologies may exacerbate existing inequalities if they are only accessible to certain groups or if their implementation is not carefully planned and monitored. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential ethical implications of these technologies and to develop guidelines and best practices for their responsible use.
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9 answers
How can cryptocurrency trading be formalised, institutionalised and made more secure?
How to build formalised and high-security transaction institutionalised cryptocurrency trading markets?
In recent years, many technology startups have based their growth and competitive advantage on business, technological, product, service, marketing or other innovations. Banks are reluctant to provide investment loans to emerging startups basing their growth on innovative technologies. In such a situation, innovative startups emerge and are financed through such external sources of funding as investment funds, business angels, securities issuance, crowdfunding and others. Crowdfunding will develop intensively in the future as an alternative to classic forms of external financing for business ventures. It is an alternative to the financial service offerings of financial sector institutions, particularly in the segment of financing innovative start-ups. Commercial banks operating within the framework of classic deposit and credit banking often avoid lending to innovative start-ups due to difficulties in assessing credit risk. In such a situation, crowdfunding can be a good solution to the problems of finding external funding. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies, which operate outside institutionalised and centralised financial systems, are growing in importance. Perhaps in the future, cryptocurrencies will displace traditional currency from online financial transactions between fintechs, financial institutions, innovative start-ups, online technology companies running social media portals and their customers, and between users of these online portals. In addition to this, it is becoming essential to improve the security of online financial transactions and settlements carried out through online mobile banking. In this connection, blockchain technology is developing as an application for securing online transactions and data transfer. An increasing number of large companies are announcing the creation of their own cryptocurrency. Some investment banks such as JP Morgan have announced the creation of their own cryptocurrency for settlements with key counterparties. The development and implementation of ICT information technologies, advanced data processing technologies Industry 4.0 and Internet technologies into the business activities of companies and enterprises facilitates the execution of financial operations on the Internet and ensures a high level of security of Internet data transfer. The development of technological innovations, ICT information technologies, advanced information processing technologies co-creating the current technological revolution Industry 4.0, financing through crowdfunding, securing online transactions with blockchain technology, the increase in the use of cryptocurrencies in these settlements, etc. are likely to be important determinants of the development of innovative, technological start-ups operating on the Internet and factors in the development of the knowledge economy in the years to come. Consequently, the development of open innovation is correlated with the issue of innovation and entrepreneurship development in the economy. A significant proportion of innovative startups develop their business model based on open innovation. On the other hand, in macroeconomic terms, the development of open innovation can be an important determinant of economic development in developing countries and in developed knowledge-based economies. In view of the above, research shows that the spread of open innovation and open knowledge bases is an important issue for building a sustainable economy in a technologically developed and developing country. A number of predictive studies show that cryptocurrencies will grow in importance in the future in financing various transactions and settlements carried out electronically, through the Internet, on social media, in investment banking, etc. Currently, many technology startups base their growth and competitive advantage on technological, product, service, marketing or other innovations. However, in order for the financing of new business ventures, innovative startups to develop using cryptocurrencies it is necessary to increase the scale of systemic formalisation and institutionalisation of transactions carried out using cryptocurrencies, to build formalised cryptocurrency markets and to increase the security of transactions carried out using cryptocurrencies in the future.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can the planned taxation of cryptocurrency transactions be a first step for increasing the scale of systemic formalisation and institutionalisation of cryptocurrency transactions, building formalised cryptocurrency markets and increasing the future security of cryptocurrency transactions?
How to build formalised and highly secure transaction institutionalised cryptocurrency trading markets?
How can cryptocurrency transactions be formalised, institutionalised and made more secure?
What is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
How can corruption in the national system of awarding non-refundable financial grants for innovative business ventures undermine the development of innovation and science?
In what way can corruption in the national system of granting non-refundable financial subsidies from the public finance system for innovative business ventures be an important element in the decline of the credibility of key public institutions supporting cooperation between business and science, a decline in the level of innovation in the economy, a decline in the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative solutions and patents created during research work, a weakening of the development of national science?
An important factor for the effective economic development of the country is the development of innovativeness, including the creation of new, innovative technologies and their implementation and development in business applications. Important factors for the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship in the economy include efficiently and reliably functioning systems of financial subsidies la innovative startups and companies and enterprises implementing and developing new, innovative technologies in business applications. However, when this system is flawed, does not function efficiently and reliably, is permeated with corruption and the extortion of funds from the state's public finance system, then the process of activating innovation and entrepreneurship in the economy does not work. This is particularly relevant in a paradise where investment banking is underdeveloped and, as a result, the development of innovative startups is, outside of grants from the national public finance system and outside of financial grants from the European Union, financed mainly on the basis of family loans, equity financing provided by business angels, specialised investment funds and crowdfunding available on the Internet. These are therefore not great opportunities to finance the development of innovative startups in a situation where commercial banks avoid lending to this type of entity. Commercial banks are unlikely to grant loans to finance the development of an innovative startup because they assess the credit risk as high for this type of business venture or they are also unable to precisely quantify the credit risk for startups that plan to implement and develop new, innovative technologies. In such a situation, a system of non-repayable financial subsidies coming from the public finance system and distributed systemically to such ventures can be of great help in activating the development of innovation and entrepreneurship. In order for this kind of system of distributing grants for innovative projects to work efficiently and effectively, the process of distributing funds under this kind of non-returnable grant schemes should be conducted in the form of competitions, during which genuinely innovative technological solutions should be selected. The competitions should be carried out taking into account the real expertise in innovation, reliable processes of analysis and evaluation of the level of innovation and determination of the level of usefulness, possibilities of practical applications, improvement of the effectiveness of economic processes, improvement of the level of profitability, obtaining specific positive effects of applying new innovations in a company or enterprise, etc. It is also necessary to carry out a number of market studies and analysis of the demand in specific markets, in specific spheres of economic activity, the demand from specific types of economic entities and/or citizens for products and services that will be created by the implementation and development in business of specific new innovative technologies. However, when corruption, including embezzlement of public money, occurs in this system of distributing financial subsidies then the whole system does not work effectively. When corruption occurs in public institutions distributing financial subsidies then the process of activating innovation and entrepreneurship does not work effectively. In view of the above, corruption in the national system of awarding financial grants from European Union funds for innovative business ventures may be an important element of a decrease in the credibility of key public institutions supporting cooperation between business and science, a decrease in the level of innovation in the economy, a decrease in the effectiveness of implementation of innovative solutions and patents created during research work, a weakening of the development of national science. In the country in which I operate, further cases of this type of corruption have been detected, which has been taking place in the National Centre for Research and Development, i.e. in the institution that distributes European Union financial grants to innovative start-ups and companies and enterprises implementing and developing new, innovative technologies in business applications.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In what way can corruption in the national system of granting non-refundable financial subsidies from the public finance system for innovative business ventures be an important element in the decline of the credibility of key public institutions supporting cooperation between business and science, a decline in the level of innovation in the economy, a decline in the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative solutions and patents created during research work, a weakening of the development of national science?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Corruption can have a significant impact on the development of innovation and entrepreneurship, and can ultimately limit a country's economic development opportunities. Here are some ways in which corruption can undermine innovation and entrepreneurship:
1.Lack of investment: Corruption often diverts resources away from productive uses and towards personal gain. This can result in a lack of investment in research and development, which is crucial for innovation and entrepreneurship.
2.Limited competition: Corruption can create an uneven playing field where only a select few have access to business opportunities, contracts, and licenses. This can limit competition and stifle innovation.
3.Weak institutions: Corruption undermines the rule of law and weakens institutions such as the judiciary and law enforcement agencies. This can create an environment where intellectual property rights are not protected, contracts are not enforced, and entrepreneurs do not feel secure in their business activities.
4. Lack of trust: Corruption erodes trust in government and institutions, making it more difficult for entrepreneurs to do business. This can lead to a lack of confidence in the market, a reluctance to invest, and a lack of motivation to innovate.
5.Brain drain: Corruption can also lead to a "brain drain" where talented entrepreneurs and innovators leave the country in search of a more stable and fair business environment.
All of these factors can limit the development of innovation and entrepreneurship, which are critical drivers of economic growth and development. By promoting transparency, accountability, and a level playing field, countries can create an environment that fosters innovation and entrepreneurship, leading to greater economic opportunities for all.
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15 answers
How can the implementation of artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies help in the process of automated generation of marketing innovations applied on online social media sites?
In recent years, the application of new Industry 4.0 technologies in the process of generating marketing innovations applied to online social media portals has been on the rise. For the purpose of improving marketing communication processes, including advertising campaigns conducted on social media portals and promoting specific individuals, brands of companies, institutions, their product offers, services, etc., sentiment analysis of Internet users' activity in social media is conducted, including analysis of changes in social opinion trends, general social awareness of citizens by verifying the content of banners, posts, entries, comments, etc. entered by Internet users in social media using computerised, analytical Big Data Analytics platforms. I have described this issue in my articles following their publication on my profile of this Research Gate portal. I invite you to collaborate with me on team research projects conducted in this area. Currently, an important developmental issue is also the application of Big Data Analytics platforms used to analyse the sentiment of Internet user activity in social media, which uses new technologies of Industry 4.0, including, among others, artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, etc. Besides, the implementation of artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies can help in the process of automated generation of marketing innovations applied on online social media portals. An important issue in this topic is the proper construction of a computerised platform for the automated generation of marketing innovations applied on online social media portals, in which the new generations of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies are used.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the implementation of artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics and other Industry 4.0 technologies help in the process of automated generation of marketing innovations applied to online social media portals?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
AI and Big Data analytics have revolutionized the way businesses approach online marketing. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and create more effective marketing strategies.
One of the primary benefits of AI and Big Data analytics is their ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data from various sources, including social media, website analytics, and customer feedback. This data can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns. With this information, businesses can create targeted marketing campaigns that are tailored to their customers' needs and interests.
Moreover, AI and Big Data analytics can help businesses personalize their marketing efforts. By analyzing customer data, businesses can create personalized recommendations, offers, and promotions that are more likely to resonate with individual customers. This personalized approach can help businesses build stronger relationships with their customers and increase customer loyalty.
Additionally, AI and Big Data analytics can help businesses optimize their marketing efforts by identifying trends and patterns in customer behavior. For example, by analyzing customer data, businesses can identify the most effective marketing channels, content types, and messaging strategies for their target audience. This information can help businesses refine their marketing strategies and improve their return on investment.
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113 answers
Can ChatGPT be helpful to computer scientists in programming and creating new applications, complex models based on multi-criteria algorithms and computer science formulas?
When ChatGPT recently became a media topic it became apparent that, on the one hand, it can be useful for creating simple texts based on prior knowledge downloaded from the Internet but, on the other hand, in those written by this artificial intelligence technology, the written texts may contain factual errors and content that is not factually correct. This is because the texts generated by ChatGPT are created as if in a free-form creative manner by combining different elements of content from many different source texts existing on the Internet and in 2021 downloaded from the Internet and constituting the knowledge base on which ChatGPT operates. However, in terms of generating formulas, algorithms, models created during programming, ChatGPT can be helpful in terms of finding specific programming formulas as answers to the questions asked. In this way, within the process of asking successive specific questions and obtaining answers, it is possible to build complex, multi-faceted models that form the software of specific applications and computer programmes.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can ChatGPT be helpful to computer scientists in programming and creating new applications, complex models based on multi-criteria algorithms and computer science formulas?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
The key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technologies are described in my article below:
Please write what you think in this issue? Do you see rather threats or opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence technology?
What is your opinion on this issue?
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the article given above and to scientific cooperation on this issue.
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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The short answer is yes; ChatGPT can write codes for you. The platform can produce programming code and trace human steps. Nevertheless, it might be improved, and you must ensure that the code is free of flaws. One of the reasons StackOverflow forbade the use of Chat GPT-generated code is because of this.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
14 answers
In your opinion, is creativity and innovation important in conducting scientific research?
It is a widely held opinion that creativity and innovation is important in various aspects of people's lives, in many different spheres of human activity.
Creativity and innovation is also important in many spheres of professional activities carried out in different sectors of the economy, in different professional positions and professions of work performed. In addition, creativity and innovation is particularly important in the arts, in the creation of works of art within various fields of art. Creativity and innovation is, in its essence, a key factor in the arts. Creativity and innovativeness is also important in business, in the management of business entities, in the establishment of startups, in the creation of new technological solutions, new technologies, product and other innovations, in the creation of inventions, and so on.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, is creativity and innovation also important in conducting scientific research?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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Innovation creates a need for science.
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2 answers
When will large passenger drones powered by hydrogen engines and controlled by artificial intelligence be developed, mass produced and available to the public?
As part of the rapid technological progress that is taking place, new technological solutions, innovations and patents are being developed for use in various sectors of the economy and are improving manufacturing, production and service processes. On the other hand, due to the progressing process of global warming, the growing scale of natural resources consumption, the necessity to accelerate the processes of achieving the goals of sustainable development, the processes of green transformation of the economy, achieving the goals of environmental and climate policy, increasing the scale of protection of the planet's biosphere, biodiversity and climate, the demand for new eco-innovations and green technologies is growing. In the situation of combining new information technologies and Industry 4.0 with eco-innovations and green technologies, new opportunities arise for the application of new integrated, complex technological solutions and for increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of sustainable development goals and carrying out processes of green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector. The green transformation of the energy sector is mainly implemented through the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources. In addition, as part of the implementation of the plan to create a zero-carbon economy, it is also necessary to carry out a green transformation of the transport sector and this in all transport segments, i.e. land, water and air transport. As part of the green transformation of the air transport sector, new technological solutions are being developed to enable the use of engines to power aircraft based on solar energy or generated by burning hydrogen in oxygen. The future of powering large transport, passenger and space aircraft is hydrogen power. On the other hand, increasingly large drones are also being built, which are currently powered by electric motors that draw on electricity stored in batteries that need to be recharged. However, this may change in the future. With the combination of new technologies already being developed and tested in aviation, it will be possible to build, for example, large personal drones powered by hydrogen engines and controlled by artificial intelligence, so that they can be flown using autonomous automatic control, i.e. autopilot. In a hydrogen-powered situation, these would also be fully zero-emission, pro-climate and pro-environmental aircraft that could fly at low altitudes. This would greatly facilitate local transport over non-long distances, both passenger and freight. Such improvements in local air transport would be particularly important in areas where there are no airports, where there is no well-developed second-hand network and where, at the same time, people live in settlements far from large cities, in remote villages and small towns and in areas of strict nature conservation without the possibility of using vehicles with combustion engines.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
When will large personal drones powered by hydrogen engines and controlled by artificial intelligence be developed, mass produced and available to citizens?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
\It is feasible to developed technically but its economic feasibility needs improvement for the present prototype to be available in public domain.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
AI to recognize cardiac arrhythmias like by using thermoscanner and other physiological sensors. New way and new product without the classic electrodes.
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The Aidos-x system is an excellent intelligent system for diagnosing and classifying human diseases. The methods of using the Aidos-x system for diagnosing human diseases are disclosed in lectures with sound "Using automated system-cognitive analysis for the classification of human organ tumors", "Intelligent system for diagnosing early stages of chronic kidney disease", which can be downloaded right now from the website https :// Creator's title: «Lectures on Electronic Medicine». After subscribing to this site, you will receive databases for medical research to identify the diseases that you will read about in lectures. The acquired skills of working in the Aidos-x system will allow you to apply for grants to carry out scientific research in the field of medicine.
To subscribe to the site you do not need to go to the bank, but you can do it using the Pay Pal system. Send a transfer in your currencies, and the transfer to dollars will be done automatically. After subscribing on the site, you will receive the Aidos-x system with an English user interface for free.
Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
What are the new eco-innovations and green technologies that, if implemented on a large scale, would significantly mitigate the negative impacts of the current energy crisis?
Many new eco-innovations and green technologies have still not left the research laboratories, they are still in the research and testing, prototype phase. The current energy crisis should motivate both government agencies of ministries managing the energy sector and commercially operating companies and enterprises in the energy sector to subsidise the ongoing research work, conducted in research and development institutions on the creation and industrial-scale implementation of new eco-innovations and green energy technologies. The current energy crisis is characterised by rapidly rising fuel and energy prices and the increasing scale of energy shortages. In some countries, the government is offering subsidies for the purchase of more expensive fuels and energy. However, this creates another pro-inflationary factor. Another and perhaps more sensible solution to support citizens and businesses to survive the energy crisis would be to increase subsidies to R&D and scientific institutions in whose laboratories new eco-innovations and energy technologies are developed. This raises the question of what kind of new eco-innovations and green energy and other technologies being created now, what kind of R&D should be subsidised now?
The creation of what kinds of eco-innovations and green technologies should now be subsidised?
What are the new eco-innovations and green technologies whose funding of large-scale implementation programmes could mitigate the negative effects of the energy crisis?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
I strongly believe the number one innovation would be a cell to be adapted to flue gas outlets to permit air pollution control and CO2 emissions, this would not be a break to the development of other technologies, but it would allow a more smooth transition.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
What are the new eco-innovations and green energy technologies that can be implemented by citizens in the upcoming heating season in homes and apartments to reduce heating and electricity supply costs?
In the context of the current energy crisis, there is a growing demand for the creation and industrial-scale implementation of new eco-innovations and green energy technologies that would help citizens and businesses survive the currently unfolding energy crisis. The current energy crisis is characterized by rapidly rising fuel and energy prices and the growing scale of energy shortages. Rising energy and fossil fuel prices are one of the key factors in the acceleration of inflation, which has already begun to rise almost as early as early 2021. In some countries, the government is offering subsidies for the purchase of more expensive fuels and energy. However, this creates another pro-inflationary factor. In view of the above, the creation and implementation of what kind of new eco-innovations and green energy technologies should be covered by interventionist government subsidy programs (purchase of certain types of power, energy sources, e.g. to install photovoltaic panels on the roof of the building, etc.) and subsidies (preparation of homes, buildings, businesses, e.g. insulation of building facades, etc.)?
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What are the new eco-innovations and green energy technologies that can be implemented by citizens in the coming heating season in homes and apartments to reduce heating and electricity supply costs?
What are the new eco-innovations and green energy technologies for which government financial support programs should be launched so that all willing citizens can implement them in their homes and better prepare for the energy crisis?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The following research article would provide some significant research outputs regarding the potential of organic wastes as green roof substrates to make them a mitigative measure against the Urban Heat Island Effects (UHIs):
  • asked a question related to Innovation
6 answers
How do local government units in your country inspire citizens to save electricity and/or heat, conserve water sparingly, segregate waste, and other pro-environmental daily practices and actions?
How do local government units, including municipalities, as part of their pro-environmental and pro-climate policies, inspire citizens to save electricity and/or heat, conserve water sparingly, segregate waste and other pro-environmental, everyday practices and actions?
There have been many different crises since the beginning of the 21st century, and there is little indication that this would change in the years to come. The dotcom crisis at the turn of the 20th/XXI century, the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, the global recession of the 2020 economy triggered by interventionist measures carried out during the 1st wave of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the overly lenient monetary policy carried out during the pandemic, the strong rise in inflation and the risk of stagflation in 2020, the currently developing energy crisis, the currently developing food crisis in some poorer countries, the already ongoing climate crisis that will intensify in the coming decades. As the levels of various risks increase, the scales and frequency of various crises increase, more and more public institutions, government agencies, NGOs but also local government units are taking various anti-crisis measures. Currently, the currently developing crises in many countries are: the economic downturn caused by high inflation; the energy crisis caused by high fuel and energy prices and low levels of energy self-sufficiency and underdevelopment of renewable energy sources; the climate crisis (and in some countries also the food crisis), the consequences of which include severe heat and droughts causing a decline in the production of agricultural crops, increased energy consumption and other negative effects. The climate crisis is likely to develop for many more years. In some countries, due to the low level of energy self-sufficiency, the low level of development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources, the scale of the currently developing energy crisis is greater and in the future, the negative effects of the climate crisis may also be more severe for nature and humans. Accordingly, local government units are also inspiring citizens to use water sparingly, save energy, segregate waste and other pro-environmental daily practices and actions. However, there are big differences in this regard when comparing environmental and pro-environmental policies and realistically carried out pro-environmental activities and green projects by individual local government units.
In view of the above, I address the following research question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
How do local government units, including municipalities, within the framework of their pro-environmental and pro-climate policies, inspire citizens to save electricity and/or heat, conserve water, segregate waste and other pro-environmental daily practices and actions?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The Clean Cities Campaign is a European partnership of civil society organisations that aims to encourage cities to move to zero emission transport by 2030. The campaign promotes green transport solutions for more liveable and sustainable cities. To achieve these goals, it is essential to phase out high emission vehicles from cities as soon as possible.
Imo, such campaigns are an important tool to reach the goal of your query, dear Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
7 answers
What are examples of social ecological entrepreneurship undertaken from the bottom up, implemented from the bottom up by the local community of your region, city district, urban agglomeration, village?
Within the framework of social ecological entrepreneurship, citizens can, for example, run home vegetable and fruit gardens, flower gardens, flower meadows under the formula of sustainable organic farming. Besides, citizens within the framework of social ecological entrepreneurship can set up small-scale home electric and/or thermal power plants based on certain types of renewable and/or emission-free energy. Besides, conducted social clean-up campaigns in city parks and forests; donating used electronic equipment, consumer electronics, household appliances, etc. to electro-waste collection points; setting up associations and other organizations implementing periodic events, picnics, festivals, etc., aimed at pro-environmental and pro-climate education of citizens. From the bottom up, citizens' ventures in social ecological entrepreneurship can be an important part of the green transformation of the economy and the realization of sustainable development goals. Besides, local governments are also increasingly taking measures to support the activity of citizens within the framework of social ecological entrepreneurship. Projects implemented within the framework of the participatory budget (1 percent of the local government's budget) can be implemented projects proposed by residents, which can be part of the current trends of pro-environmental, pro-climate, green transformation of the economy, in the green transformation of the local government and/or municipal economy and the realization of sustainable development goals. The civic activity of municipal residents can also be carried out within the framework of social ecological entrepreneurship through activities implemented socially by citizens on the basis of an agreement with the local government. Many times, many small activities carried out by citizens within the framework of social ecological entrepreneurship can produce more positive effects than short-term, few larger projects carried out by large business entities.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What are the examples of social ecological entrepreneurship undertaken from below by the local community of your region, city district, urban agglomeration, village?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
None: any type of entrepreneurship of that type is neglected by a series of rules that prevent the real eco-sustainability of any activity.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
20 answers
Hello. I would like to ask for examples of research topics related to entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, corporate or business? The topic needs to use secondary data. Thank you so much for your time.
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Dear Professor,
Thank you for the interesting question.
Usually while writing review articles, we can use secondary data.
I had pursued my Ph.D. on maintenance of continuity of professional careers. At that time, I had written a review article on researches pursued on this area or related areas. That article was based on secondary data.
Hoping that my answer meets your purpose.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
What are the currently created eco-innovations and implemented green technologies for the utilization of used photovoltaic panels?
One of the important factors limiting the development of solar energy may be the still existing lack of eco-innovations and green technologies for the utilization of used photovoltaic panels, implemented on an industrial scale. In many countries, many new photovoltaic panels are currently being installed on buildings. The current energy crisis may additionally accelerate the development of renewable and zero-emission energy sources. However, for a few, a dozen or a max. Several dozen years, millions, and globally billions of photovoltaic panels will be dismantled due to wear and tear and should be disposed of, not landfilled. This is an important issue taking into account the potential contamination of the natural environment with toxic substances contained in photovoltaic panels.
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the Distinguished Community of Researchers and Scientists:
What are the currently created eco-innovations and implemented green technologies for the utilization of used photovoltaic panels?
What innovative technologies for utilization of photovoltaic panels are currently working on by scientists and researchers in laboratories, which can become new eco-innovations and green technologies and can be implemented on an industrial scale?
What new eco-innovations and green technologies can solve the problem of recycling used photovoltaic panels in the future?
Please reply,
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Perhaps you should read the paper included in
  • asked a question related to Innovation
6 answers
Will green cryptocurrencies be created with which new, pro-environmental and pro-climate, green economic ventures will be financed?
Is this a purely futurological vision or is it already feasible?
Green cryptocurrencies should be developed according to new eco-innovative technologies, so that their creation, digging will use much less electricity than today. Currently, digging cryptocurrencies still uses as much energy as a medium-sized country on a global scale. The issue of saving electricity consumption is particularly relevant in the context of the current energy crisis and, in the future, also in the context of a multi-year developing climate crisis. Therefore, green cryptocurrencies, which will be used to finance new pro-environmental and pro-climate green business ventures, should also be created using many times less electricity than at present in order to be green in themselves.
In what direction will the development of green cryptocurrencies develop? Will green cryptocurrencies be used to finance new pro-environmental and pro-climate green business ventures or will green cryptocurrencies be cryptocurrencies that are mined using significantly less electricity than at present?
Or perhaps both? This would be best for the environment, the climate and the planet's biosphere.
In view of the above, I address the following questions to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
Will green cryptocurrencies be created with which to finance new environmentally and climate-friendly green economic ventures?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
Energy Web, Alliance for Innovative Regulation, RMI, and the World Economic Forum convene various activities in support of the Crypto Climate Accord (CCA). Inspired by the Paris Climate Agreement, the CCA is a private sector-led initiative for the entire crypto community focused on decarbonizing the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry in record time.
The crypto industry has a unique opportunity
to reduce emissions, showcase industry-wide decarbonization, create new demand for clean technologies, and increase access to customers and capital with interests in sustainability. However, to achieve these goals, any actor in the crypto industry will need a comprehensive way to measure, track, and report their electricity use and the associated GHG emissions. The crypto industry also will need guidance around the pathways and mechanisms available to achieve 100% decarbonization.
The BMC revealed that it successfully collected sustainable energy information from over 32 percent of the current global Bitcoin network in its first ever voluntary survey. The results of this survey show that the members of the BMC and participants in the survey are currently utilizing electricity with a 67% sustainable power mix. Based on this data it is estimated that the global mining industry’s sustainable electricity mix had grown to approximately 56 percent, during Q2 2021, making it one of the most sustainable industries globally.
Let's create a new standard.
We believe that it is time for a new way of doing business. The guiding principles of the future economy are sustainability, traceability, and transparency. Our ESG ratings take this new value system into account and promote the development of sustainable crypto solutions.
Eco-cryptos, which represent a clean energy index, will surely emerge as a digital currency tool for eco-logical business ventures.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
10 answers
What is the role of local government units in terms of activating entrepreneurship and innovation, in terms of developing cooperation with local business, supporting the development of cooperation and clusters of companies cooperating with other entities, stimulating economic development in the municipal area, in the region?
In the context of the forecast decline in the economic activity of companies and enterprises in the coming quarters, the projected downturn in the national and regional economy, the decline in production and investment, the increase in unemployment and the current economic problems associated with high inflation, the importance of activating entrepreneurship and innovation of economic entities is growing. Within the framework of the interventionist, anti-crisis, Keynesian socio-economic policy, the government and central government agencies carry out programmes to activate entrepreneurship and innovativeness of economic entities, including companies and enterprises of the SME sector using specific financial instruments of fiscal, budgetary, sectoral policies, etc. On the other hand, a particularly important role in the activation of entrepreneurship and innovativeness of business entities of the SME sector operating in the area of the local economy of the municipality is also played by local government units. Local self-governments play an important role in terms of activating entrepreneurship and innovation, in terms of developing cooperation with local business, supporting the development of cooperation and clusters of companies cooperating with other entities, stimulating economic development in the area of the municipality, in the region. Effectively and efficiently conducted by local governments in this regard can significantly reduce the scale of downturn development in the local economy. When many units of local self-government efficiently activate economic processes, entrepreneurship and innovativeness, then the whole national economy goes through an economic crisis, recession, downturn more smoothly. As a result, the scale of the increase in unemployment and economic downturn is lower.
What do you think about this subject?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
The local government units in my country play a vital role in promoting entrepreneurship particularly livelihood to the marginalized sectors of the community. In the partnership and linkages with different agencies like academe and industry, they were a great alliance in terms of uplifting the lives of the local people. While the academe provides technical expertise such as business planning, product development, mentoring and coaching for entrepreneurial activities, they likewise provide support like allocation of funds and resources to continue or sustain these programs, projects and activities.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
Would you please share your experience from where I can collect firm-level green patent citations for green innovation? Please mention the name of the source ( I prefer free one).
Relevant answer
Thank you so much, Dr.Tim John Hewson for sharing your experiences. Dr. Is Espacenet has a firm-level patent citation?
  • asked a question related to Innovation
9 answers
During my studies at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences, I had the topic of design thinking as part of product management. That was real interesting for all of us. Now I'm writing my bachelor's thesis on the question of how design thinking can be used in future projects and exercises.
What experiences have you gained with design thinking that can be used sensibly at a university? What advantages and disadvantages do you see?
Relevant answer
Design thinking develops. There are dimensions such as framing the problem, envisioning solutions, specifying materials and techniques, preparing, implementing, and querying within all other dimensions. But as I learned by conducting developmental interviews with 80 faculty members from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 20 departments ranging from architecture to interactive design and game development. These dimensions can be divided into more detailed dimensions and each dimension goes through four increasingly complex modes of practice, which we identified as the beginning, exploring, sustaining, and inspiring modes. Each mode is imbedded in the next resulting in a new scale of development and time to establish. I used a computerized text analysis based on pairs of keywords to group the faculty answers into dimensions and define the modes within each.
The methods and results are detailed in my book Teachers, Learners, Modes of Practice: Theory and Methodology for Identifying Knowledge Development. Routledge, 2017. See especially, Chapter 5 and the 20 pages of appendices on the Design Praxosystem.
To help make the results easily accessible, I wrote a novel where the SCAD results were applied to the development of artificially intelligent robots. The novel is called How they designed my kind: The Autobiography of the First Artificially Intelligent, Conscious Being and is available free at
A disadvantage of design thinking lies in people’s narrow conceptions of what it is and where to use it. Both sources above show ways that people’s narrow conception of design thinking can be overcome. Design thinking applies way beyond products. Education, social services, personal relationships, emergency responding, political activity, writing, drawing, conducting research are a few of the areas I have seen people apply it.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
1 answer
Is there any database where I can get firm-level green R&D data for the US or Chinese listed firms? I want to use firms' green R&D investments as proxies for green innovation.
Relevant answer
Md Azizur Rahman, I believe this website will be helpful for you
  • asked a question related to Innovation
29 answers
Agriculture is known to provide various innovations from time -to -time , but in the process , we sometimes land in no man's land, and often try to take agriculture to backfoot so miserably in mad rush for improvement . Like that , there is one concept called Zero Budget Natural Farming , dont know , what is the base to advocate this concept, often under the garb of Organic Farming , though both are quite different concepts and work on entirely different premises. Here are some clarifications requested to our collagues for their responses :
* What is the working premise of zero budget natural farming ?
* What is the need of advocating such concept of farming amidst conventional farming?
* Are we not in a position to sustain the current trend of sustainability agriculture and need to bring such concept having hardly any scientific base?
* Has this concept been ever evaluated in a scientific and time frame manner?
* How do you see the future of zero budget farming ?
* Can it be conceptually sustainable?
Like that , you go on adding .....
Your repsonses, please....
Relevant answer
Zero-budget natural farming (ZBNF), popularised by Maharashtrian agriculturist and Padma Shri recipient Subhash Palekar, refers to the process of raising crops without using chemical fertilisers and pesticides or any other external materials.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
The following questionnaire is a part of my Ph.D. Thesis Degree in Civil Engineering and Construction from University of Bolton, UK.
You are kindly requested to reply to the following questions with a level of accuracy. Thanks a lot for your highly appreciated support. Furthermore, please share the questionnaire with your communities.
Sincerely Ashraf Ibrahim Nasr Elhendawi
Relevant answer
Participated in the questionnaire survey, Asharf. Good Luck and best wishes for your thesis and letting me know your email address and so, I can also share the questionnaire that I will develop to you via emails for the data collection, Ashraf Elhendawi .
  • asked a question related to Innovation
74 answers
Activation of entrepreneurship and innovation is essential for effective socio-economic development of the national economy.
Failure in entrepreneurship in the context of entire markets, sectors, the whole society, the entire economy is a negative effect of taking risks in the situation of starting a business and running a business.
This is the price of few, spectacular business successes. Therefore, it should not be reduced due to the existence of investment risk. Investment risk should be examined, analyzed, measured and hedged, for example, in the form of maintaining established, estimated financial provisions for the situation of potential loss of financial liquidity. An entrepreneur should take risks, accept a certain level of investment risk, measured and hedged risk.
Entrepreneurship should be supported by both public sector institutions and through private investment funds that finance the development of innovative startups. In modern knowledge-based economies, the state through central and through local government public institutions should support the development of entrepreneurship and innovation.
In view of the above, the current question is: Should the state support the development of entrepreneurship and innovation?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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I also think that.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
16 answers
How can we measure these capabilities by looking at innovation as a process, not an outcome?
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Companies can develop using high-quality raw materials, as well as the application of the international quality systems ISO standard, as well as the use of technology in industry.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
8 answers
I have recently begun reviewing the literature on the question of how human societies/cultures influence individual as well as collective innovative behaviour. Since there exists some work on this subject and many different approaches, I wanted to ask for recommendations: What are the must-reads?
Relevant answer
If you are interested in Innovation you must address human networks and the how ideas and collaborations flow and form through those networks. Human capital and social capital work together to create Innovation.
A good article to start with is:
Followed by a deeper dive on the Social Origins of Good Ideas:
  • asked a question related to Innovation
6 answers
Logistics seeks both to address real-world problems and research questions and to unite terminological, conceptual and methodological research aspects. In the last 20 years, biological research has developed extremely powerful methods and tools for fundamental and applied research. There is furthermore an increasing desire to build integrative research platforms that combine interdisciplinary and multi-level data to the structural complexity of biological systems. How much attention do you give to logistics for your research plans? Do you think logistics supports research methods, innovation, quality, value, and impact as well as training and participation opportunities for students as well as for practitioners? If so how and if not why not.
Relevant answer
Andrew Lewis
- You've made excellent points with clear analogies - thank you! I agree with your synopsis that "Transitioning biological understanding to this next level is certainly in large part a logistical problem" and that we must strive to the "coordination of manpower and computational power resources being put towards the pursuit of understanding things at this level."
  • asked a question related to Innovation
50 answers
Hello everyone,
After a conference, the Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability (JSIS) send me an Email to published my conference paper.
Do anyone know this journal? Is it a predator one? I search on Google but didn't find the answer.
Thanks in advance.
Relevant answer
Appreciated Prof Rob Keller! , you clarified many things.
Also thank dear Dr Emmanuel Salim, for his fine question.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
4 answers
Innovative Startup & Venture Capital?
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This guide will give you a better context to understand the language of startups, venture capitalists, angel investors, and incubators.
If you wish to pursue a career in Venture Capital or in any startup, knowledge of these commonly used VC terms may be beneficial:
  • asked a question related to Innovation
42 answers
The development of smart cities is a part of the broader concept of sustainable pro-ecological development based on the use of modern, innovative information technologies and in addition to ecology.
In this way, the development of smart cities also improves people's lives and can make people happier.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
Please reply
Best wishes
Relevant answer
Dear Leila,
Yes, I agree with your thesis that the development of smart cities will significantly improve people's quality of life, because modern infrastructure and amenities mean fewer development, system and infrastructural constraints. In my opinion, the development of smart cities should take into account the implementation of the principles of environmental policy, sustainable development goals and the green circular economy. Therefore, the development of modern cities should follow the model of sustainable, pro-environmental smart cities.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Innovation
9 answers
What makes a researcher independent and how this can be practised? How to enable any such skill among PhD/Post-Doc students, or even before that stage? Please Feel Free to add your observation, arguments and experience.
Relevant answer
Thanks, Dr. Aung Ze Ya.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
57 answers
What types of eco-innovation are being developed in your country?
What kind of ecological innovations should be developed in your opinion?
How should they be finansed, whether by the industry from commercial enterprises funds, or by the state from public funds or in the framework of public-private partnership?
What types of renewable energy sources should be refined and developed through new eco-friendly innovations? What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of ecological innovations?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Dr Dariusz Prokopowicz . The topics including: carbon capture and storage systems, more efficient irrigation methods, essential medicines, household water purification devices, and manufacturing processes that minimize waste and pollution.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
53 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Scientific research in the era of Industry 4.0?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Scientific research in the era of Industry 4.0.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
Relevant answer
Industry 4.0 as component of the current context of the business:
"Impact of Industry 4.0 on Business Management Style".
  • asked a question related to Innovation
95 answers
Schumpeters theory of "creative destruction" states that capitalism is never static, it is always evolving and old products are replaced by new ones. There is however a lag, or overlap where the old product still exist and people cintinue to invest in its development , but also at the same time a development of newer and better products.A prime example is the issue of type writers that was evolving even though computers started to overtake typewriters in sales and even as computers became the dominant product. Some as a well known Swedish manufacturer named Facit invested so heavily and could not see what was happening that they didnt seek to develop new and different products. In some cases governments are seeking to protect the old by regulation or other supportive meassures. One example of this is the use of fossile fuel in the US. Something critics fear will prevent the development of greener and more effective sources of energy. My question is, should governments like this support industries for the sake of employment or other reasons, or should Darwinism take its course? Is the developlent of new products always a good thing? Maybe we will have a rise of the Maschines and Terminators roaming the streets, or perhaps the development of new techlologies is a good thing in most cases and should not be hindered. What are your thoughts? The word is free!
Best wishes Henrik
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Kindly visit..
Leaders 2 TimeSuccession_TermLimitsGoldenP_J,AppS0cSci_Publihsed 21.9.2019
  • asked a question related to Innovation
2 answers
In Pharmaceutical professional fields such as Regulatory Affairs or Product Development it is of much importance to know the innovator of a product for obvious reasons. But it is not a very simple task using commonly used search engines. I was wondering if any one has a better way to search for them, like a data bank or something.
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  • asked a question related to Innovation
7 answers
I have recently come across many online forums recommending Kaggle for people wanting to get into machine learning or data science. However, I would like some scholarly opinions on this website:
Relevant answer
Kaggle is very good for beginners in machine learning and deep learning. The certification courses are excellent.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
22 answers
Can the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship be an important factor in defending the domestic economy against the forecasted, progressive slowdown in economic growth in the global economy in 2019?
Does the activation of economic processes through the development of pro-development innovation policy programs, activation of innovation and entrepreneurship can be an important factor in defending the national economy against a progressive slowdown in economic growth in the global economy and against the risk of a recession in the domestic economy that could occur through cross-border trade and international capital flows?
The importance of this question is important especially for countries with an open economy with a large share of cross-border trade and the growing share of globalization processes. In addition, this question is valid in the context of the projected slowdown in economic growth in many countries in 2019.
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
Can the activation of innovation and entrepreneurship be an important factor in defending the domestic economy against the forecasted, progressive slowdown in economic growth in the global economy in 2019?
Please reply
Best wishes
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With the appearance of a new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus called Omicron at the end of November 2021, a key question has arisen: Can a new, mutant coronavirus be completely resistant to the vaccines used so far? Research is ongoing. The answer to this question will soon be known. When considering various scenarios for the future development of the situation, a negative scenario cannot be ruled out. And what if the new variant of the coronavirus can be completely resistant to the vaccines used so far. Can lockdowns be introduced on companies and enterprises operating in specific industries and sectors of the economy as part of the application of systemic anti-pandemic security instruments? And if so, to what extent will anti-crisis, interventionist anti-crisis measures be applied in order to counteract another wave of economic downturn? What instruments of entrepreneurship activation can be used? What do you think about it?
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Innovation
9 answers
I am doing a literature review on the role of play to enhance creativity for design-led innovation in organisations, and I wanted to check if anyone could point me to any credible papers , especially that would contain gaps and opportunities for future research related to the topic.
Thanks in advance!
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Please follow the links where the direct correlation of my proposal is described:
The process of applied drama/theatre is directly connected to the development of creativity, creative thinking, new solutions strategy, innovation.
It's simple: in the performing arts, it is the condition to have those skills incorporated in the body and mind (embodied mind).
The content of applied drama is providing exactly what is needed in the development of the five most important competencies (excellent communication/connectivity, relation/partnership, leadership, creative thinking, innovation)
Any article or the book under that title is of great help when discussing the benefits of the playfulness as the centre of applied theatre process.
More than 20 years ago I was started to develop the practical performative AV (Ars Vitae- art of living) method and training program on the basis of the "acting tools and rules" which equipped many of today's top managers. It was a kind of contrast to "team-building", it was titled team tunning/attunement. So I speak from the practical perspective too:)
Anyhow it is enriching to dive into that area, it is naturally connecting people and it definitely has the antistress as well:)
Hug, Alenka
  • asked a question related to Innovation
33 answers
Academic incubators of innovation and entrepreneurship are developed at universities to support innovation and entrepreneurship of students. Incubators are also a supplement to the educational program in the field of activating the innovation and entrepreneurship of students. Incubators sometimes also perform functions or cooperate with a career office for students. Career offices collect employment offers and organize internships for students through cooperation with companies and institutions that employ or give practice to students.
Sometimes academic incubators of innovation and entrepreneurship also cooperate with various institutions and companies in which students find employment or take apprenticeships. In addition, academic incubators of innovation and entrepreneurship, cooperating with various institutions and companies, enable the establishment of clusters of innovation, in which various economic entities, public institutions, scientific institutes and universities cooperate with each other. In this way, the possibilities of entrepreneurship development and generation of innovative solutions in assumed and developed research projects and startups are increasing.
Sometimes, also with the innovation cluster or business incubator, financial institutions cooperate, primarily banks offering financial support in the form of preferential loans for developing innovative startups. However, at the early stage of the establishment of business activity by students and organizations, the most important role is provided by substantive support in the field of advising on the formal and legal issues and accounting service of the university, lecturers and employees of the academic entrepreneurship incubator.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What is the role of academic business incubators?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Dear Roberto - Minadeo,
Yes. I, too, believe, like you, that academic business incubators are an important source of social and business innovation and entrepreneurship.
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
7 answers
Is anybody interested in or already doing research within the field of 'First Principle Reasoning' / 'Physics Thinking' for radical innovation? It's a mental model entrepreneur Elon Musk is talking about quite a bit (basically a problem-solving framework established in physics). I've been building a couple of case studies and a first conceptual framework, but I'm not sure in which area this might fit in (it's actually 100% innovation management / new product development, but the moment a typical management scholar hears the word physics, she/he opts out). I'd be grateful for any hint or advice!
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M.M. Bühler I had been trying hard to find a place in academia where such a topic could be located. Actually across several countries and even continents. But business schools usually are very narrow-minded, as well as detached from actual reality and what successful companies do there.
At the same time, when it comes to engineering, I myself do not possess the functional background to do academic research with a lense of first principle thinking. Happy to share some more insights in the form of a whitepaper though. Feel free to ping me on linkedin (I added you already) if you are interested.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
The question aims to launch an international journal special issue on the subject Mediterranean economies.
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Possibility of innovative tourism development within the green, pro-environmental, sustainable tourism formula.
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
26 answers
What should be the economic policy for supporting the development of entrepreneurship and innovation?
Should an active, Keynesian and interventionist policy be used to increase spending from the state budget on the development of entrepreneurship support programs and innovativeness of business entities?
However, should neo-classical economics expenditures from the public finance system for programs supporting entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities be small, according to the concept in which the essence of entrepreneurship and innovation lies in its self-acting objective initiation, organization and development?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Dear Badar Latif,
Yes, during the economic crisis caused in 2020 by the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic, the importance of improving interventionist, anti-crisis state aid instruments, one of the goals of which is to support the development of entrepreneurship and innovation, prevent the rise in unemployment and the development of economic recession.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
7 answers
From the beginning of the industrial revolution and the description of the functioning of enterprises in the conditions of market structures, in the trend of classical economics, three types of production factors dominated in the production processes defined by three slogans: land, labor, capital.
However, successively with the development of industry and technological progress in the 20th century, other categories of production factors, typical for economies largely based on information, are added to these classic factors of production.
These factors of production, whose role in many industries has been growing since the 1960s include: knowledge, information, technology and innovation.
In view of the above, the current question is: In what branches of industry such production factors as knowledge, information, technology and innovation are currently or become the most important?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Dear Alhaji Ahmadu Ibrahim,
Yes, intellectual capital is one of the most important success factors for many business entities and projects implemented in various spheres of human activity.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
3 answers
  • Many scientific gathering were already organized when COVID-19 pandemic was announced and many traveling arrangements were cancelled.
  • How the organizations responsible for these scientific gathering are going to manage the already organized conferences and symposiums, etc.?
  • How this pandemic affects the Research and Innovation in terms of dissemination and sharing work and also how the publication of work has been managed?
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Even today, presential scientific meetings keep struggling to succeed. Most of them are still hybrid and limited in many ways. I believe that there is a substantial loss on conviviality, personal eye to eye contact between researchers, lack of motivation and influential impact.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
13 answers
Sometimes it seems that adaptability or innovativeness is a merely psychological phenomena, but in reality the socio-economical environment also matters to develop or follow these features.
What is Your opinion about adaptability or innovativeness as a subject? In addition - how is it related to such social sciences as political science or public administration?
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Dear all, don't You think that all social sciences have their "say" on this question?
  • asked a question related to Innovation
12 answers
Locally operating business entities should be promoted by chambers of commerce.
Entrepreneurship and innovation should be supported by central and local government units of public administration.
In addition, investment funds should co-finance innovative investment projects characterized by a high level of innovation.
However, in the education system, the issue of promoting local entrepreneurship of innovation may be taken into account, indicating the high level of significance of this issue for the economic development of the local self-government economy as well as in the context of the national economy.
In view of the above, the current question is: How to support and activate innovation and entrepreneurship?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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Dear Phil Barbonis,
I'm in a hurry to answer. Well, the above-mentioned chambers of commerce are created by entrepreneurs running companies and enterprises operating within specific industries and sectors of the economy. In chambers of commerce, entrepreneurs are associated in order to jointly work out solutions to specific economic problems, develop new solutions and innovations, develop ways and methods of more effective implementation of innovations and ways of solving economic problems, and then submit these proposals to parliamentary circles, parliamentary teams of politicians and experts lobbying specific solutions. This is how a large part of the national and regional chambers of commerce in the country in which I operate operate. In individual countries, there are different chambers of commerce, they have different statutory goals, and have different functions and organizational culture. Maybe this results in a different interpretation of the role and importance of chambers of commerce in my and your statements.
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
55 answers
Do you agree with my opinion that in the context of the forecasted slowdown in the economic growth of many countries in 2019, policies for activating entrepreneurship and innovation should be developed within the framework of active, pro-development, anti-crisis, Keynesian, national socio-economic policies?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Entrepreneurship and innovation at the level of small and medium enterprises, represent the "core" of the economy at European level, especially since a percentage of over 80% of the number of companies at European level is represented by SMEs.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
18 answers
In your opinion, what are the most effective instruments for activating innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of economic activity?
What are the instruments used to activate innovation and entrepreneurship in the scope of a regional or national socio-economic policy pursued in your country?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Dear Senapathy Marisennayya,
Yes, that's right. You mentioned important determinants of activating entrepreneurship. Different countries have slightly different conditions in this matter.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
I am looking for a total number of patents (with International Patent Classification) invented by Chinese listed companies in English and some financial information such as sales, R&D investment, leverage ratio, ROE, and so on from 2000-2020.
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Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS) has a wealth of information in a database of > 400,000 Chinese companies. is the go-to source for many China researchers.
EMIS also publishes quarterly updates on different economic sectors, such as Banking, insurance, Transportation, Agribusiness.
Remarkably, their Real Estate sector report flagged the Evergrande crisis in 2019!
The China Company Database is also useful, with 27 fields of data, including sales, employees and exports.
The website of National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System,, has company registration and credit information.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
11 answers
Hello everyone,
I´m in the next couple of months writing my dissertation. My thinking is along the lines of: Corporate heritage/history colliding with innovation and relevancy for the upcoming generation (millennials) in the luxury watch market. Especially the following paper has peeked my interest: "The corporate heritage brand paradox: Managing the tension between continuity and change in luxury brands"
However, there is also a lot of conflicting material and papers out there on the millennials, and not sure if I would end up studying two separate matters with this topic.
My question is if someone has any tips on how to attack this? If you have some expertise on the topics, and willing to share some thoughts/info/guidance it would be of great help. Ultimately, any help or feedback is very much appreciated!
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Hi Iranmanesh,
I am curious to hear how your thesis progressed, I am quite keen on studying a topic within the same industry of horology for my Bachelor's thesis.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
8 answers
Many scientists suggest that a good way to analyze the level of innovation in action, generate innovation in financial institutions, eg in banks, is conducting surveys among managers and department directors, departments in these institutions.
How should such surveys be carried out? What method of surveys is the most effective? Do online questionnaire forms are an effective instrument for carrying out surveys?
What other research techniques can be used to investigate the level of innovation in operation, generate innovation in financial institutions?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Dear Mohammed Jaafar Ali Alatabe,
Thanks and invite you to joint discussions on the subject of innovation in financial institutions.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
5 answers
Does anyone of you use sentiment analysis in research conducted on data downloaded from the Internet and analyzed in the Big Data database system?
If so, please let me know in which issues, in which research topics do you use sentiment analysis?
Is sentiment analysis helpful in forecasting economic and financial processes?
Please reply
Best wishes
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Dear Venkatesh Gauri Shankar,
Thanks for the given example and description of building a forecasting model of economic processes based on the use of Python libraries.
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
18 answers
What innovations have been used in recent years to help protect the environment?
Please reply
Best wishes
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All the ones that don't work best; but they make money.
  • asked a question related to Innovation
6 answers
What modern, new concepts of management in technological companies are currently used, where innovative research projects are developed and innovative technologies are created, new technical standards, etc.?
The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following factors:
Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions mentioned in recent years, the processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information collections gathered in Big Data database systems dynamically develop.
What other technological improvements, innovative organizational, technical and IT solutions will be developed in the future based on the development of the above-mentioned factors?
At present, in the age of the technological revolution known as the 4.0 Industry, new technology management or Internet-based companies are emerging.
In the context of this problem, many questions arise:
Do business management processes play a particularly important role in the context of the effective functioning of business entities in currently developing economies based on knowledge, information and technology?
Is e-management a new concept of managing virtual enterprises or rather managing online technology companies?
Are new management concepts of innovative enterprises and start-ups based mainly on knowledge, information, entrepreneurship and creation of innovations?
Does the development of data processing technology in Big Data database systems and other technologies developed in the field of technological revolution Industry 4.0 generates the emergence of new business management concepts?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
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Dear José Roberto Marty Delgado,
Thanks for answering the above question: Yes, you have noticed important issues related to the use of new information technologies, ICT and Industry 4.0 in order to improve enterprise management systems.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
15 answers
Does the emergence of new technologies create new market niches for the development of innovative startups?
The development of new technologies creating market niches for the development of innovative startups
Currently, businesses and startups are being developed in many innovative, technological fields of business. Many of these rapidly developing ventures base their business development on new technologies, product, technological, process innovations, management, etc. Many startups develop their business projects trying to diagnose and use new market niches that also appear in connection with the development of new technologies, in including information technology, internet etc.
(The continuation of these considerations can be found in the comments below).
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
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The development of ICT, Internet and Industry 4.0 information technologies as well as telecommunications technologies, the Internet of Things, devices such as smartphones, etc. cause that new market niches are constantly being created for specific, new information services available to citizens on smartphones.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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10 answers
What instruments of support for the development of innovative startups, whose business model is based on the development and implementation of eco-innovations, are offered by the government in your country?
Please reply
Best wishes
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In the country where I operate, startups are created and developed, which create and develop innovative ecotechnologies used to improve the techniques of waste segregation, recycling and disposal of hazardous waste.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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13 answers
The word "smart" is related to innovation, artificial intelligence, remote access to smart computerized systems, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, data processing and access to equipment for buildings, factories, etc. from mobile devices equipped with access to the Internet and other technologies of the current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0.
Do you agree with my opinion?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
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In recent years, building intelligent IT systems managing complex production, logistics, smart city processes, etc. involves the implementation of artificial intelligence technology, learning machines and other Industry 4.0 technologies. Recently, the process of improving the construction and management of digital twin systems has also become another area in which smart technologies can be used.
I invite you to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
36 answers
Suppose, the citation of a paper published in a journal is very less or the paper has no citation. This implies that
the researchers in the respective area either have not known the paper
the paper is not relevant to their research work
the paper is not citable as per their evaluation
the content of the paper is not understandable.
Here, the question is
"Is the quality of innovation in the paper is pour?"
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@ Madhukar Baburao Deshmukh ,
I agree with the view of Madhukar Baburao Deshmukh .
Logically it is true that citation of a paper depends upon the area of research and upon the number of people working in the same area of research since If the number of people working in the same emerging field of research is large then the citations will be large and vice versa. Accordingly , this does not mean that the quality of innovation of the paper is pour.
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58 answers
Banks are reluctant to provide investment loans to newly established startups based on their development on innovative technologies. In such a situation, innovative startups are created and financed from such external sources of financing as investment funds, business angels, issue of securities, crowdfunding and others. Which of these external financing sources predominate in the financing of the assumption and development of innovative startups?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What sources of external financing are used by innovative startups?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Innovative project is the govt will make financing
  • asked a question related to Innovation
9 answers
Relationship between conducted scientific research and innovations
Innovations can be the result of conducted research and scientific research.
Research work may concern, for example, defining, developing and planning the process of implementing innovative technologies in production processes or determining the potential industrial application of new, innovative types of materials, eg in the field of organic, biodegradable materials replacing hard-degradable plastics.
Research work is a process that is to lead to the implementation of specific research, analytical, research and implementation goals, the development of new solutions, formulas, laws, dependencies, correlations, inventions, patents and sometimes also innovations. Research work requires financial outlays, knowledge, and human resources of educated, experienced research staff. On the other hand, innovations are a new added value created, the value of which is determined by the possibilities of using a particular innovation in manufacturing processes, production or offering services. Innovation is a kind of product of previously conducted research.
I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Osama Rahil Shaltami,
Yes, without research, many innovations would not arise.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
191 answers
What are the industries that embraced blockchain technology?
  • asked a question related to Innovation
27 answers
What technologies, currently considered surrealistic and possibly achievable in the future, could revolutionize technological progress and could solve key global problems of humanity?
For example, imagine if nuclear fusion technology was developed at a nuclear power plant, in which nuclear material would neutralize toxic waste in this way.
Or if power plants were built, in which hydrogen would be burned in oxygen in a controlled way and in this way electricity would be produced and the whole power plant would be built in the formula of a new generation steam engine, with water vapor arising in the process of the said hydrogen combustion in oxygen.
If it were possible, this type of technological solutions currently considered surreal and unreal could solve global problems being a derivative of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, the ever-accelerating process of global warming and the growing demand for electricity.
What proposals do you have, surrealistic concepts for the surreal technologies of the future?
What do you think about this topic?
What's your opinion on this topic?
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
What technologies, currently considered surrealistic and possibly achievable in the future, could revolutionize technological progress and could solve key global problems of humanity?
What other ideas do you know about surrealistic technologies, known for example from science fiction novels and films, which if they became real, could they solve various key global problems of humanity?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Innovation
14 answers
Dear community of researchers,
I am a French business school student.
For my master dissertation, I'm working on innovation and how could innovation influence multinational's internationalization.
I've already find some interesting articles and topics that could help me to answer my question, but I'm referring to you today to have a new look on this subject.
So, I'm asking you if you have any advice to handle this subject in the best way or you know some articles that could fit my research question ?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
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In recent years, technological innovations, including, for example, innovations in the field of new information technologies, ICT and Industry 4.0, increase the possibilities of international operation of enterprises and corporations. These processes take place in many economic entities operating internationally and thus accelerate the processes of informational, technological and economic globalization.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
12 answers
This is a deliberately loose thread of discussion where everybody is welcome to add authors, schools and approaches that are arguably contributing in meaningful ways to the renewal and avancement of contemporary social theory. Ideas and references wanted!
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L Kurt Engelhart I totally agree with you, theory must proceed from the top down, from the most abstract to the most particular. If the theoretical frames from various disciplines don't converge, perhaps it is because we have not yet been able to identify an integrative framework, with a higher level of abstractness depth. It therefore remains a task for the future, for innovative research in the area of social theory.
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10 answers
I am starting a project (FutureProof) to investigate the services that innovation agencies shall provide to SMES, by 2030.
Are you aware of any related studies, publications or ongoing research?
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In the future, the development of innovative services offered by economic entities from the SME sector will be determined by the continuation of the implementation of new information technologies, ICT and Industry 4.0, to various areas of business activity, including the services provided. The key types of Industry 4.0 technologies that revolutionize the service activities of companies and enterprises from the SME sector include: Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence, learning machines, Internet of Things, cloud computing, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, Blockchain, smart technologies, etc. In addition, the importance of eco-innovation and pro-environmental eco-technologies implemented in economic activity is also growing.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Innovation
22 answers
Are research and development programs for research centers cooperating with enterprises and other entities in clusters in order to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities in your countries?
In recent years, cooperation programs for research and R & D centers with enterprises have been developed in some countries to activate entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities.
Because in developed countries information, innovations, new technologies and entrepreneurship are considered as one of the most important factors of the country's economic development and, as a consequence, also economic growth measured, for example, by the Gross Domestic Product in subsequent years.
In addition, research and research and implementation works are conducted in these themes, which further underline the high level of significance of innovation, new technologies and entrepreneurship in contemporary national economies.
Clusters are created within which enterprises undertake cooperation with other business entities, with scientific, research and implementation centers, universities, public sector institutions to exchange experiences, transfer knowledge, run and develop joint research and implementation projects, including innovative technological and process solutions, research, organizational and other.
In connection with the above, I am asking you the following question: Are research and development programs of research centers with enterprises and other entities in clusters conducted in your countries aimed at activating entrepreneurship and innovation of business entities?
Please, answer, comments,
I invite you to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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A very relevant discussion I must say. In India, the Government and various private academic institutions, as well as research centres, are partnering to develop business incubation hubs and start-up encouragements for researchers working in frontier areas of various fields. However, there is still a lot of scope for improvement in motivation, intent, plan and awareness about research to start-up transitions and entrepreneurship.
The following links can be accessed for detailed knowledge about various start-up schemes and funding in India: