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Innovation Policy - Science topic

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Publications related to Innovation Policy (4,296)
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Research Proposal
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In an era characterized by rapid environmental and social changes, the intersection of entrepreneurship, innovation management and sustainable development has become increasingly important. Entrepreneurs and innovators play a pivotal role in shaping the future, as they create new business and innovator ventures, especially start-ups, products and t...
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We invite original research papers, reviews articles and case studies that address (but are not limited to) the following topics: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Innovation for Sustainability Stakeholder Involvement Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Sustainable Business Strategies Circular Economy and Social Innovation Policy and Regulation Sustainability M...
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Innovation Policies must focus on the organization and management of the processes that guide the transfer of technology and the generation of innovation in the productive environment in line with the priorities of the national science, technology and innovation policy. The objective of this article is to analyze the Innovation Policies of Scientif...
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Samhliða aukinni meðvitund um mikilvægi nýsköpunar hafa stjórnvöld víða um heim í auknum mæli haft áhuga að efla nýsköpun og sett sér sérstaka stefnu af því tilefni. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar er að auka skilning á því hvernig stefna stjórnvalda hefur áhrif á þróun nýsköpunar og þar með að aðstoða stjórnvöld við að læra af fyrri reynslu og sníða...
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This study explores the challenges of integrating macro, meso, and micro in the articulation of advanced innovation policy and examines, respectively, dimensions of public business support, intermediary organizations, and knowledge transfer. It conducts an integrative review of the pertinent literature and a bibliometric analysis of 440 articles. I...
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China has emerged as a global leader in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), making significant contributions to its development and advancement. This paper explores China's role in AI through an examination of its innovative technologies, strategic government policies, and the ethical implications of AI deployment. China's AI landscape is ch...
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In the context of governing innovation systems for low-carbon transitions, learning is paramount. In this article, we look specifically at the issue of learning through innovation policy review processes. We begin by reviewing the academic literature on innovation policy reviews as well as the emerging literature on transformative innovation policy...
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Background Facing global grand challenges such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) require the participation of various actors in different sectors and systematically directing their innovative efforts. Considering the complexity, non-linear dynamics, and global extent of the COVID-19 challenge, developing and applying a multi-level, resilient,...
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Economic policies have largely tried to impact the development of innovations from the supply side. However, demand-side policies have received more attention in recent years. Science and Technology (S&T) parks have traditionally been a supply-side innovation policy instrument and have not always been successful in achieving their goals. This study...
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The two characteristics that set humans apart from other animals are curiosity and inventiveness. The development of the fire, wheel, printing press, automobiles, airplanes, electric bulbs, radio, television, computers, and many other inventions that have propelled the human race from an uncultured state to a cultured, enlightened, and refined soci...
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Industry 4.0 technologies radically change industrial processes. National governments have enacted innovation policies to support firms' investments in new technologies and increase productivity growth. The Italian Industry 4.0 Plan (II4.0 Plan) was implemented with this purpose in 2017 and consisted of a horizontal fiscal plan. Using a new methodo...
Technical Report
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This report provides a synthesis of the work in the second year of the "China-US Deep Decarbonization Technology Innovation and Policy" project. It summarizes the research findings of the 2022-2023 academic workshops on key decarbonization technologies, which focused on building heating; green hydrogen; carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCU...
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Since the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development presented its comprehensive Innovation Strategy in 2010, numerous countries have been updating their innovation policies. Subsequent to the promulgation, the innovation policies of Japan shifted the focus from discipline-specific to social issue-oriented approaches. This study investig...
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O obxecto do presente traballo constituíu desde o primeiro momento unha tentativa de avaliar a existencia ou non de relación de colonialismo económico en Galicia, empregando como fío condutor as políticas europeas. Ao longo da obra o autor explica a forma en que se vertebra a xestión económica destas políticas por parte das administracións públicas...
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Rapid deployment and developments in green innovations are crucial for achieving climate neutrality. While market-based policy instruments are the backbone of climate policy, governmental support for research and development (R&D) complements an efficient policy mix that supports green innovations at all stages of the innovation process. Nonetheles...
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We study the relationships between the input and network additionalities prompted by public support for innovation and entrepreneurial orientation and whether being a family business moderates these relationships. The results, based on a dataset of 115 Mexican firms, show that the changes generated by public support for innovation programmes encour...
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Two major approaches in national research and development (R&D) planning, top-down and bottom-up, have been compared in academic research, and their differences and respective advantages have been ascertained. However, studies on which planning method is best for improving R&D efficiency are insufficient. South Korea, a country that spends a high p...
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A lei nº 10.973 define que as instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas (ICTs) deverão possuir Núcleo de Inovação Tecnológica (NIT) próprio ou em associação com outros ICTs para fazer a gestão da sua política de inovação. Dentre as atribuições dadas aos núcleos de Inovação Tecnológica está a gestão das propriedades intelectuais de sua respectiva inst...
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Background Following a flurry of policies for Open Science (OS), there is now a wave of initiatives to monitor its adoption. However, the great diversity of understandings and activities related to Open Science makes monitoring very challenging. There is a danger that by focusing on what can be readily observed (e.g. publications) many other OS act...
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National Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategies articulate imaginaries of the integration of AI into society and envision the governing of AI research, development and applications accordingly. To integrate these central aspects of national AI strategies under one coherent perspective, this paper presented an analysis of Germany’s strategy ‘AI mad...
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Economic research emphasises the role of increasing returns to scale and critical mass in research and technology development. This suggests that countries benefit from specialising in certain technologies and can thereby bundle available resources. Using the example of the Exzellenzstrategie and the Zukunftsstrategie, we argue that German RTI poli...
Technical Report
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Esta Nota Técnica apresenta dados que indicam a adoção de plataformas digitais por usuários profissionais no Brasil. O intuito é ressaltar a complexidade do processo de plataformização e a necessidade urgente de instrumentos eficazes para identificar evidências que caracterizem de maneira abrangente esse fenômeno, passo necessário para a formulação...
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This paper looks into the determinants of national innovation performance from the perspective of policy regime and establishes a theoretical model on how a country’s dual Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) policy regimes, democratic and meritocratic, and national absorptive capacity (NAC) jointly determine its national innovation performanc...
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The development of information and communication technology encourages changes in community activities in various sectors. One of them is in the public service sector brought by the government through e-government. This research aims to discover how information and communication technology innovation policies are implemented through e-government in...
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This paper analyzes the policy dismantling process in the Brazilian innovation system since mid-2010. The research describes how this policy change has been undertaken and explains the strategies deployed and major causes. The study is theoretically grounded in the debate of policy dismantling, meaning changes that result in cuts, reductions, or ev...
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This article discusses the importance and articulation of innovation policy from the point of view of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach. The paper takes the form of a literature review. To this end, the authors describe the analysis of industrial policy based on the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach proposed by Stam (2018). The research finds...
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Resumo O objetivo central do artigo é analisar o processo de desmonte das políticas públicas no sistema nacional de inovação brasileiro desde meados de 2010. A pesquisa descreve como esse tipo de mudança política foi realizada e, principalmente, explica as estratégias adotadas e as principais causas. A investigação fundamenta-se teoricamente no deb...
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This article discusses the importance and articulation of innovation policy from the point of view of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach. The paper takes the form of a literature review. To this end, the authors describe the analysis of industrial policy based on the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach proposed by Stam (2018). The research finds...
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We investigate the spatial distributions and transitions of European regions’ innovative orientation to information and communication technology (ICT), green technology or twin technologies. Using a transition probability approach and spatial methods, we estimate the probability of regions becoming innovative in either or both technologies and as...
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Integrating renewable energy solutions into the manufacturing industry presents a critical pathway towards achieving sustainability and reducing carbon footprints. This review paper aims to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of renewable energy technologies in manufacturing settings. Through a comprehensive analys...
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A model is proposed where economic growth is driven by innovation alongside the diffusion and adoption of technology from the frontier. Innovation investments are related to households savings, which generates multiple equilibria with low and high levels of innovation and productivity. Low-level equilibria are unstable. Starting from a position wit...
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En este artículo se argumenta que la forma en que se implante la informatización es decisiva para detectar las "consecuencias sociales": así, la mayor o menor descentralización, la participación o no de los trabajadores implicados, las posibilidades del contexto industrial y cultural señalan que es la variable organización el factor decisivo de exp...
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This article discusses the misalignment of the drug innovation model in the US with broader societal goals. The paper calls for a reconfiguration of this model to prioritize the common good and ensure equitable access to health innovations. The article stresses the importance of adopting a mission-oriented approach to shape the drug market, includi...
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O e-Book “Políticas Públicas Contemporâneas no Brasil e na América Latina: novas abordagens” é o resultado de uma parceria internacional, que reúne pesquisadoras e pesquisadores do Programa de Mestrado em Gestão de Políticas Públicas da UNIVALI, Santa Catarina, Brasil, da Corporación Universitaria Americana, da Colômbia, da Universidade Católica de...
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Each government has priorities for science, technology and innovation policy/ies (STIP). How to identify the changing or reinforced STIP research priorities induced by government transitions? This study aims to unveil the STIP changing structure at the public funding research call contents in Colombia from 2007 to 2022, applying a co-word and netwo...
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While emerging innovation policies (EIPs) did not succeed at building effectively innovation systems which could impulse growth and employment and guarantee a sustainable development to the economies of the region. This prompted researchers both in the North and the South of Africa to focus on examining these modes of emergence of innovation dynami...
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Public intellectuals were once honest and knowledgeable academics who engaged in critical debate and spoke truth to power, but seem today rather to be celebrities who make vast amounts of money from selling an oversimplified message to policymakers and the public. This chapter discusses the role of the new public intellectuals for the rise of overs...
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Mission-oriented innovation policies put government and state agencies at the forefront of the innovation process. Currently, little is known about the interests of the government agencies in charge of implementing mission-oriented innovation policies. In this chapter, we set out to explore the incentives and behavior of such government agencies. W...
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This chapter integrates findings from several different case studies on mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) and makes use of the existing literature to briefly describe three other missions: The War on Cancer, homeownership in the United States, and the Swedish Million Program. Together with the analyses in the other chapters of this volum...
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The notion that society should be organized around large so-called missions has gained momentum in public debate, and the reemergence of active industrial policy across the world has been inspired by academic scholars promoting the idea of mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs). Besides this introductory chapter, this collective volume consis...
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It is argued that the concepts of mission-oriented innovation policy and also of the entrepreneurial state will lead to the implementation of policies that are highly vulnerable to behavioral biases and the inefficient use of heuristics. In political practice, we can therefore not expect efficient mission-oriented policies. In particular, I argue t...
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Innovation represents one of the most crucial levers for regional prosperity and sectoral renewal. Additionally, it is applied to address challenges such as a sustainable transition and the battle against climate change. Since innovation is the result of cooperation between different actors with different backgrounds, the topic is increasingly stud...
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Unlike large firms, the relationship between research and development (R&D) intensity and the firm performance of small- and medium-enterprise firms (SME firms) was found that in the past many studies However, the results of the study of this relationship still differ according to the context, especially in Thailand. Therefore, this study aims to t...
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Background: Following a flurry of policies for Open Science (OS), there is now a wave of initiatives to monitor its adoption. However, the great diversity of understandings and activities associated related to Open Science makes monitoring very challenging. There is a danger that by focusing on what can be readily observed (e.g. publications) many...
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From the year 2019 to 2021, solar power generation increased by 47%, wind by 31% worldwide and it is interesting to note that to meet the growing demands of power and limit to 1.5° warming, the share of renewable energy of the world needs to be increased to 75% by 2030. Although COP 27 has outlined that limiting the warming to 1.5° would be difficu...
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An important way to reduce urban–rural disparity lies in encouraging migrant workers to return to their hometowns for entrepreneurship. This paper examines the effect of the Integrated Medical Insurance System on the return-to-hometown entrepreneurship among migrant workers. Using microdata from the China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) spanning fr...
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Before 2018, public policies for science, technology, and innovation in Mexico had had a continuity of several lustrums (including programs and budget); achieved progress in the articulation of actors and governance mechanisms that, although incipient, were beginning to bear fruit. Likewise, the regulatory framework had been strengthened, including...
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A política de ciência, tecnologia e inovação é essencial para impulsionar a inovação e é moldada pelas contribuições de diversos atores no sistema sociotécnico. No entanto, seu sucesso depende de uma governança eficaz em colaboração com o ecossistema de inovação. Este estudo visa analisar o atual papel do Estado e sua governança nas políticas de ci...
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In response to today's "Grand Challenges"-complex, global, interdisci-plinary issues-academic and political experts increasingly question the capacity of traditional policy to respond and suggest the need for renewed public innovation policies. Accordingly, this study considers ways to revitalize innovation policy and types of policy instruments, e...
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o objetivo principal deste artigo é analisar a política de inovação brasileira estabelecida entre 2003 e 2014, apresentando seu discurso e principais instrumentos. Ademais, buscou-se investigar se tais políticas se caracterizaram por adotar uma concepção mais próxima dos modelos de inovação linear ou sistêmico. Concluiu-se que a política de inovaçã...
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Addressing complex challenges requires different tools, mindsets and approaches from those traditionally used, which contributed to create some of these challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, raising inequalities. Focusing on one is not sufficient and understanding their interlinkages and feedback effects is essential. Innovation p...
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Science and technology parks (STPs) have proliferated in many countries as an innovation policy tool. Several studies have used patent counts to assess their impact on innovation performance rather than the quality of patents, leading to mixed results. The aim of this paper is to explore whether STPs contribute to increasing the quality of patents...
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Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um estudo documental da análise da implantação do processo de constituição do Programa de Inovação Educação Conectada (ProIEC), que teve início em 2017 e tornou-se Política de Inovação Educação Conectada (PIEC), em 2021. A pesquisa tem proposta metodológica de cunho bibliográfico e documental, onde buscou-se...
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The climate change and the social crisis launched the basis for the policy discussion about future trajectories of development and sustainability. Innovation policies are expected to promote the transformation of complex socio-technical systems and call for fundamentally different societal production and consumption patterns. This is strictly assoc...
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Climate Change and its impacts needs ecosystem based solutions. Climate Change Impacts Quality of Life.. Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation needs Technology Innovations, Policy, Programmes and Community Participation.
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O objetivo deste artigo é reconhecer o papel da inovação nos resultados exitosos que a produção de Queijo Minas Artesanal (QMA) da Canastra. O alicerce metodológico se estruturou com revisão bibliográfica, levantamento documental, pesquisa de campo e entrevistas. Nossos resultados revelam a articulação entre conhecimento tradicional e científico co...
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In recent years, countries, regions, municipalities and the EU Commission have introduced a significant number of innovation policy initiatives under the banner of ‘missions’, ‘societal challenges’, sustainability and ‘transformation’, or systemic change. In parallel, there has been a rapidly growing body of literature seeking to analyze or assess...
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This study offers an in-depth exploration of Regional Innovation Systems (RIS), emphasizing their operationalization within the context of regional development. Grounded in neo-Schumpeterian theory, the analysis extends beyond mere definition and characteristic identification, fo-cusing instead on actionable strategies to foster innovative developm...
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A atualização da Lei de Inovação no Brasil proporcionou mudanças significativas para o desenvolvimento científico, à pesquisa, à capacitação científica e tecnológica e à inovação. Desta forma, viabilizou os Núcleos de Inovação Tecnológicas (NIT) como agentes centrais da interação entre a academia, o mercado e o governo, tendo como papel principal a...
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A criação dos Institutos Federais impulsionou a inovação e incentivou as potencialidades regionais do Brasil. Assim, surge o IFPA Câmpus Altamira com a missão de gerar Propriedade Intelectual (PI) e promover inovação na região. Nesse sentido, com o propósito de avaliar o estágio de maturidade institucional do Câmpus Altamira, quatro anos após a pro...
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Recent geopolitical challenges have revived the implementation of industrial and innovation policies. Ongoing discussions focus on supporting cutting-edge industries and strategic technologies but hardly pay attention to their impact on economic growth. In light of this, we discuss the design of innovation policies to address current development ch...
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O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar e analisar a adequação das políticas de inovação das ICTs paraibanas em relação ao arcabouço legal pertinente, utilizando como parâmetro os temas essenciais às políticas de inovação retratados no Guia de Orientação para Elaboração da Política de Inovação das ICTs. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram realizados u...
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We explore how mission-oriented innovation policies might help directing digital innovation towards sustainable development. Our report with two separate papers shows the major systemic issues in the twin transition as well as how policy makers might choose suitable transformative policies to address them.
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Currently, the main role of the state in the implementation of the state innovation policy is to create infrastructure for innovation and to finance new developments and fundamental research. In today’s world, the speed of change is increasing, and the role of the state becomes even more important, especially in times of crisis and economic restruc...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender se as políticas públicas de inovação estaduais são adequadas ao desenvolvimento de localidades pouco desenvolvidas. Especificamente: analisar as políticas de inovação; identificar o propósito de desenvolvimento por trás das políticas; e entender o contexto local de desenvolvimento. O contexto de aplicação d...
Conference Paper
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Accelerating action on the green transition is becoming more pressing and increased global tensions have highlighted the vulnerabilities of interdependent value chains in key strategic technologies. In this context, a set of technologies – such as batteries, semiconductors, advanced computing, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing – have been id...
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In this work, we seek to answer the question, what are the main logics and enablers underlying the implementation of TIP policies in countries of the Global South? We address this question using the Path-transformative heuristic (Pinzón-Camargo et al., 2020; Pinzón-Camargo, 2022). This heuristic combines two approaches, path dependency, and institu...
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Innovation governance has risen to prominence as a central theme in nurturing and framing contemporary debates surrounding innovation policies. This Special Issue features contributions that critically examine the “complexities of governance and the governance of complexity” (Jessop, 2020), aiming for a deeper understanding of innovation governance...
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This paper evaluates the part the local government of Barcelona has played in promoting innovation. It starts with a literature review on innovation and its types, justifying the need for public intervention due to the intrinsic features of Research and Development, and presents the links between innovation and cities. After doing so, the case of B...
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The National System of Science, Technology and Innovation of Paraguay is composed of various sectors, academic, productive, governmental and civil society, represented by public and private institutions and natural and legal persons involved in scientific, technological and innovation activities. The university, as an integral part of this system,...
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Throughout history, the armed forces have responded with innovations to perceived strategic challenges posed by the evolving dynamics of conflict. Research has served as the means to address these challenges, yielding innovation as a tangible outcome. The confusion between objectives and outcomes is common but should be avoided. For instance, rathe...
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Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar possíveis caminhos que contribuam para mitigar os efeitos das mudanças climáticas em moradias construídas na metrópole de Curitiba. A análise sobre desastres naturais no Paraná demonstra a ocorrência de vendavais como o principal evento climático crítico, sendo a região de Curitiba a que mais apresentou t...
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This paper discusses five innovation policy imperatives critical to achieving green and digital transitions: coordinated government, stakeholder engagement, policy agility and experimentation, directionality and support for breakthrough innovation. The paper provides policy examples from Germany, based on the OECD Review of Innovation Policy: Germa...
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Esse artigo analisa o perfil e a relevância do comportamento inovativo das empresas industriais do setor de equipamentos de informática, eletrônicos e ópticos. A metodologia tem como base a apreciação evolutiva e comparativa desse setor com a indústria de transformação a partir de indicadores obtidos da PINTEC de 2008, 2011, 2014 e 2017. Os resulta...
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In the previous chapters, we have discussed the future challenges faced by the European welfare states, in particular Sweden. We have also presented the theoretical and empirical foundations for a restructuring of innovation policies in order to handle an uncertain and demanding future. The issue at stake is how well-equipped countries will cope wi...
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El mundo está regido por políticas de organismos multilaterales que, en su conjunto, propician condiciones para el desarrollo de las naciones. En ese sentido, existen políticas que transforman el progreso de los países. El presente estudio se enfocará en desentrañar esas políticas, las cuales, según los autores, están relacionadas con el área de la...
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Biotic stress in agriculture, deriving from pests, diseases, and weeds, poses a substantial threat to global food security. Its management involves various strategies, encompassing traditional methods and modern technologies. Traditional strategies like careful use of pesticides and crop rotation remain crucial in handling biotic stress, even a...
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Nos últimos anos, em nível acadêmico, os estudos sobre a Universidade Empreendedora (UE) representaram uma área de grande oportunidade de pesquisa, buscando a sua caracterização e o seu desenvolvimento. Os conceitos e elementos identificados apontam para um fenômeno multinível que conta com a participação de um conjunto abrangente de atores e variá...
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The main features of the Brazilian industrialization process and its consequences, with the external debt crisis in the 1990s and the changes brought by economic liberalization in the same decade, were themes intensely debated by David Kupfer throughout his fruitful academic career. More recently, when the deindustrialization process of the Brazili...
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El proyecto Círculo Virtuoso (CV), de la ciudad de Pereira, busca la transformación del territorio y el desarrollo socioeconómico de la ciudad a través de la promoción de una sociedad productiva y equitativa basada en el conocimiento. Ideado en el 2012 por la Oficina de Planeación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, el CV integra ciclos vital...
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Unsere Zeit ist geprägt von multiplen Krisen wie dem Klimawandel, Pandemien, geopolitischen Unsicherheiten sowie der Zunahme sozialer und territorialer Ungleichheiten. Diese und andere große gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen machen einen umfassenden transformativen Wandel, also maßgebliche Umstellungen unserer Produktions- und Konsumptionsmuster,...
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El presente artículo tuvo como finalidad explicar la incorporación de la planificación estratégica orientada a objetivos en el gobierno de las universidades estatales chilenas, atendiendo al rol desempeñado por el nicho de experimentación estudiado, el régimen de capitalismo académico dominante y un paisaje de economía política con un elevado grado...
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Improving the business environment (BE) is crucial for sustainable regional development. Innovative city design characterized by innovation driven and knowledge intensive is an important way to shape and optimize urban BE. This study constructs a quasi-natural experiment based on China’s Innovative city pilot (ICP) policy. The beneficial contributi...
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This article presents the insights from an evaluation of a transformative policy experiment, in the food domain, conducted at the Swedish Agency of Innovation (Vinnova). To be consistent with the principles and objectives of these policies, it was necessary to implement a formative evaluation approach developed in the Transformative Innovation Poli...
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Zusammenfassung Die Fragestellung des Beitrages ist, wie das Auf und Ab der Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz seit ihrem Anbeginn an zu erklären ist. Dabei richtet sich der Fokus auf die Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz in der Bundesrepublik seit den 1970er-Jahren sowie hier besonders auf ihre gegenwärtige Dynamik. Es wird davon ausgeg...
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Persistent innovation in enterprises poses a formidable challenge that requires a comprehensive understanding of internal and external drivers. While prior research has predominantly examined internal innovation behaviors and strategies, a gap remains in the understanding of the role of external factors, particularly innovation policy tools, in fos...
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Read the Interview with Dr. Hasan How has the librarian’s role changed in the evolving open access publishing world? The open access movement emerged in the 1990s as an alternative to traditional publishing models. It is on the rise due to many factors, the biggest being the growth of the internet and ease of access. At the heart of open access is...
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The emergence of the 6G ecosystem is another tipping point for policy and regulatory orthodoxy. Against the backdrop of the US offering overall the best conditions for innovation, policymakers in Europe must recognize the need to change their analytical and planning structures. Telecom regulators need to break out of their sectoral silos. Fortunate...
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Innovation policies have a tradition of targeting entrepreneurship, but more recently some have investigated their ability to foster responsible innova- tion. These approaches are emerging, and they might spread. However, as the literature emphasizes startups’ sustainability impact assessment issues, chal- lenges might arise. We conducted an explor...
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This chapter takes a wider perspective on profiting from innovation and discusses firm, ecosystem, industry, and policy-level aspects relevant for developing 5G/6G. To date, mobile communication networks have been seen as enabling technologies, the innovations potential of which can be characterized by looking at technology complementarity, standar...
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Las agendas compartidas, definidas en el marco de la estrategia de especialización inteligente de la Generalitat de Catalunya, y enmarcadas en las políticas de innovación transformativa y la teoría de la perspectiva multinivel, son consideradas espacios de experimentación de políticas de innovación, y se definen como un ecosistema territorial de di...
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This study aims to investigate the environmental impacts of AI and digital technologies, identify potential mitigation strategies, and assess the role of policy, regulation, and public awareness in fostering sustainable practices within this domain. Employing a qualitative research methodology, this study collected data through semi-structured inte...
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Innovation-focused education and research have been identified as critical contributors to enhancing the innovative behaviour of individuals, organisations, and economies. Therefore, Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) embrace innovations to transform teaching, research, and knowledge transfer that impact economic and social objectives. The rese...
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Despite its paramount importance, little research provides insight into how the innovation policy of the EU is formulated and which actors have access to it. In this dynamic policy landscape, Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) have emerged as pivotal actors responsible for translating research into innovation. Notably, the literature lack...
Conference Paper
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The effectiveness of policy measures in innovation has been a subject of debate due to the heterogeneity of research results. To address this issue, this paper discusses the potential of meta-analysis as a methodology for evidence-based innovation policy by examining three previous Korean studies. The studies compare the effect size of direct and i...