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Industrial Ecology - Science topic

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Questions related to Industrial Ecology
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
7 answers
Have anybody got involved in research with ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) in Construction Project Management that useful in:
A) oil and gas fabrication
B) Marine Port
C) Refurbishment 
D) Housing development
My Question:
1) How about performance using ERP especially in Material Management Supply Chain?
2) Can ERP Integrate with e-commerce?
Relevant answer
6 Key Benefits of an ERP System for the Construction Industry:
1. Optimizing Planning
2. Simplify Project Management
3. Easier Cost & Revenue Estimation
4. Simplify Information Exchange
5. Improve Decision Making Process
6. Increase ROI
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
2 answers
The de facto slogan of modern industrial man is "Heat, beat and treat" or "take, make and throw". But Mother Nature do everything in the other way, following the sustainability principles. We can borrow the ideas, be inspired and emulated by her, can collect the pearls of wisdom and reflect them in our life - in all spheres, personal, social, industrial.
Please elucidate the master principles of Nature and her "trade secrets" and discuss how we can adopt and adapt them in our sustainability journey.
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Agreed. Keep Mother Nature clean and happy, from the air to the sea and of course the land. Then in turn, we live Happily.
"Live, Love & Learn. Keeping Mother Happy makes Life Happy."
- Roots -
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
8 answers
Tires are an important part of solid waste in Peru's small-scale ports and fishing villages. I need to make a report about them. But in some years of garbage was not weighed, only images are available. If the tire density (typical) is achieved, it is possible to estimate the weight of the tires of the waste. I have searched in scientific journals without success. I did a test to measure density but I need a published source.
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Hi Dear Jose,
You may consult the following document regarding your question. You will find all necessary information on mechanical properties of an automobile scrap tire.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
4 answers
Some have suggested correlation analysis, however, how specifically can one measure the amount of adjustment necessary to address the "double dipping" of one or several sub-index dimensions. How would the adjustment be calculated and applied. To what extent could weights play a part as coefficients. Please provide citations for your response. The field of research is Industrial Ecology taking a strong sustainability approach. Thanks.
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Thanks Ada, will look into it.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
31 answers
When talking about waste reduction, various terms came under discuss. Such as:
Low waste no waste
Cleaner production
Zero waste
These terms are discussed under the concept of preventive mitigation measures with the idea to discourage end-of-pip treatment. There exist any such example where zero waste has been acheived?
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Nice contributions
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
24 answers
I think they are very similar. Thank you
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Concepts for the ‘Greening of Industry’, like Industrial Ecology and Industrial Symbioses, involve cascading uses of resources and circular resource loops as part of production processes within the Linear Industrial Economy (LIE). These concepts reduce the environmental impairment of production and increase its economic efficiency. But their aim is not to maximise the use of physical asset: a closed heat loop would be more resource efficient than a cascading use of excess heat.
extract from my forthcoming books The Circular Economy - a user's guide
and Circular Economy for Beginners, italian translation by edizioni ambiete Milano.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
1 answer
Sure, the use of ERP systems helps to facilitate manufacturing operations, supply chain management and enterprise solutions in general. And sure, streamlining supply chains could reflect in environmental benefits.
But what about the continuous development of new technologies for electronic devices such as digital cameras, HD recorders, sound systems, etc., yielding increasingly bigger data files? Digitization requires a certain degree of ‘data mirroring’ to decrease the risk of data losses which, in turn, implies a higher storage capacity. Obviously, you don't want your life memories to get lost due to a HDD that crashes? For sure, it will happen, since it’s lifetime is smaller than yours. The business of storage capacity production (USB Drives, Hard Disks, Network Attached Storage, Data Servers, etc.) is highly influenced by the developments of new technologies for these electronic devices. You can make use of ‘Cloud Services’ (read: storage capacity somewhere else in a huge datacentre)… You can install your own home server…
I am just wondering how we will end up… Will we keep on building new power consuming datacentres with gigantic energy demanding cooling systems? Is this sustainable? The original idea of digitization from a sustainability point of view to save paper consumption in order to save biomass resources; is it relevant?
Any comment/remark/discussion is appreciated.
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  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
2 answers
Looking to find any methods and/or publications which review the social sustainability and economic value created for firms (and as a whole) of industrial symbiosis networks. These can be both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Please let me know for example if you have published an example, approach, etc.
I have worked extensively with the "other" pillar sustainability, i.e. applying LCA to review environmental implications of IS (see my publications and methods). For some new projects I'm trying to review and connect the other pillars and understand what can/cannot be done given current methodologies.
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We have a more general model than what you are asking about, but it would be able to be applied in your case.  It measures the absolute sustainability of communities of any scale (from hamlet to planet), and you could see how your firm(s) affect the whole system quantitatively.  It makes no real distinction between pillars of sustainability, by relying on the units of Sustainability and the relationships between the units.  Ultimately, it's about maintaining a non-declining quality of life of a population, using the resources that it has available to it, in perpetuity.  
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
4 answers
I am doing research on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) and its potential for socio-economic development. Over and above assessing the contribution of ASM is to socio-economic development e.g. job creation, poverty alleviation etc. I would like to get a sense of the impact of ASM as a livelihood option to the wellbeing of the miners (their families and communities). I have been looking at frameworks for assessing well-being e.g. OECD but still struggle as to what questions or how should I structure the questionnaires in order to make sure I get the right data that would allow me to paint the right picture.
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 Thank you all for your inputs. I am reading the paper suggested by Lilian. 
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
4 answers
Car panel are usually made from steel which can be recycle after the car being scrap. But if we want to use composite as the material for future car body or in most racing and high performance car, can will recycle the composite back to it basic material when the car is scraped like steel component in cars today's?
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In general, it may be possible to recycle, but it may also be too costly to do so for the subsequent application. There was a nice article in CompositesWorld (CW) on this topic in June 2016.
Here is the link.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
3 answers
what is the pros and cons of farming of fishes and why is prefered over wild fishery practices
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Fish farming vs fishing wild fish is like farming vs hunting:
The main benefit is control over production and processing of the product, cheap to harvest, no competition with other fishermen, improve product quality, secure delivery of fish to the market, and better working conditions. You can increase the production within a restricted area given you have excess to enough food for the fish.
But, production is expensive, diseases control is problematic, fish can escape and affect wild populations with diseases, hybridization and genetic introgression, ecological competition (between escaped and wild fish), and pollution of natural systems with excess feed and medicine. For carnivore fishes, collection of feed fishes can lead to over-exploitation of natural systems.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
2 answers
I cant seem to put my own data in the software openLCA. can anyone walk me through the process?
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Guten Tag Herr Peters!
Thank you very much for your advice! I really appreciate that. I also noticed that ecoinvent data is free for educational users from non OECD countries such as myself.
I sent necessary documents to openLCA and applied for the ecoinvent database few days ago. I should be able to import their database very soon. As you mentioned it was indeed becoming difficult to enter background data for my LCA on rice. 
If all goes to plan, this case study will one day be my first publication. Thank you for wishing me luck!
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
2 answers
I need to make a presentation on green factories and the cutting edge role of this concept in current and future automotive industry  . If someone has any useful informative resource kindly refer me. 
Best Regards 
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thanks a lot dear Zeeshan Khan.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
8 answers
I could find out only a handful of city-specific studies on electronic waste (E-waste). Considering that E-waste is a major urban problem in Indian context, I am interested in finding out more studies on the topic. 
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Interesting topic.
All the best
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
4 answers
Community usually has a perception of crime, dangerous, fear of contaminated soil or horrible feel towards abandoned brownfield site. How uses of technology can improve the community perception and encourage uses of the abandoned space?
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Using for example before and after renderings of brownfields... as well as case studies in which these spaces have been successfully converted into new landscapes, as is the case of Duisburg Nord, Millenium Park, Gas Works Park, etc. etc...
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
12 answers
‘Zero Waste’ means designing and managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources (ZWIA, 2004). In your opinion, what key steps are required to implement in order to achieve zero waste goals?
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Dear Atiq,
I think Integrated solid waste Management is the best option.
Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
2 answers
I want to understand the similarities between ecoindicator 99, ced and gwp. I analyzed the impact of some organic solvent during the solvent production. All the indicators gave me the same trend of impact. What is the relation? What I should look for? Instead UBP-97, give different results. 
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You should look at the papers describing each of the methods. Also look on how the methods were implemented on the software. Many methods share some categories Eco-99 uses GWP. Also take a look at newer methods, and their geographies EcoScarcity (UPB)  is specific for Switzerland, so if you use it in other countries your results might be vested
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
10 answers
Industrial ecology
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MFA is a very good start.  For an open MFA software see :
Best wishes.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
9 answers
I am planning to undertake an LCA of a metal mine site in Australia. Does Ecoinvent provide a good data set for this country or is there a more appropriate database? which software would be the best for such a study? I heard that OpenLCA could be more flexible to manipulate foreground data, or is Simapro more reliable?
Thanks for your help
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Also you may be interested that Thinkstep (GaBi) recently released a lot of their data for free.
For many metals that I have looked at, the LCI databases don't have very representative data (and often claim better data quality then I think they deserve). Particularly at the initial mining and mineral processing stages of production, where there is a lot more variability in process requirements, by-products, and waste generation than is recognised in LCI data. There is also a need for more frequent reviews of LCI data for mined products. Particularly as many individual mines operate only for 10-15 years. And so the churn of deposits being mined out and new deposits coming online significantly changes the overall processing requirements of the industry. 
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
7 answers
I am looking for a source that describes the definition and methods of defining the value in modern economics or in the context of sustainable development. 
I would appreciate your help to introduce me a practical source!
Kind regards,
Relevant answer
 Dear Mrs. Kolagar,
It is a huge field.
You may start with 
and continue at
John R. Ehrenfeld, Industrial ecology: A framework for product and process design, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 5, Issues 1–2, 1997, Pages 87-95, ISSN 0959-6526,
All the Best!
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
8 answers
Dear Experts in Research Gate,  I need to measure the industrial symbiosis potential of my country Ethiopia or Uganda: especially in the capital cites where we have a lot industries. Which methods or techniques are the best to numerically or quantitatively help me to accomplish my research ?
On top of that,  what are the major raw material to be focused as influential in the processes of industrial symbiosis?
Kind Regards
Abdulaziz Mohammed
PhD Student at Addis Ababa and Makerere University  
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Dear Abdulaziz Mohammed,
It is a very interesting issue, but I am afraid that the more companies you have the more synergies you can detect. IS does not deal with focusing on certain raw materials, but identifying as many possibilities of exchange as possible. We are developing a software tool called SymbioSyS to facilitate that process. Particularly for cities I find that searching for energy networks might be helpful to start and plan district heatings. 
All the best with your work,
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
7 answers
 Could anyone suggest me the source and best site for the information?
Location-north sea
Particularly Voordelta sea
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I think you are looking for other reports, more on the carbon footprint right?
I couldn't find the report in first instance but I think I found more appropriate reports, the language however is Dutch...
What are you working on, maybe I can help you. I'm investigating the ecological effects of large-scale and deep sand extraction on the NCS.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
2 answers
Any green collaboration opportunity that may be found in all sizes and types of operations, physical and virtual, in which information, materials, water, energy and/or infrastructures are utilised and/or transformed.
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I'm interested. What's your proposal, methodology?
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
3 answers
I want to design a research project on industrial symbiosis but very little work has been done before in this region so I have to start it from identification of synergies. In this case what should be my strategy?
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You have to develop a very deep analysis of the geographical context in which you are starting to work. There's no a "way to do" that can be applied everywhere in the same way, but every case must be handled and studied properly with a deep collection of data regarding the main objective you wish to reach.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
5 answers
I am setting up an LCA of a medical waste system in India, and was wondering what LCI databases and LCIA methods are used.  In the past, I have typically used USLCI or Ecoinvent and TRACI, but those were all LCAs set in the US.
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Alberto Moro is correct-- the ecoinvent database is quite global. It is also fairly typical to modify these unit processes with the local electric grid to simulate local data. There are limits to this approach, but it is better than nothing in the absence of local data.
As far as LCIA models. The TRACI model is developed for the US-- but it is intended to cover the entire of the US, which ranges from tropical to arctic environments. The CML methods are deliberately global, although they sometimes use EU models. Other methods such as LIME in Japan or ReCiPe in Europe are more localized in nature.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
29 answers
Life cycle analysis is a tool which estimates environmental indices (Eutrophication potential, acidification, global warming potential) of any input added to ecosystem.
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If the problem is a restricted budget to buy a LCA software, you can use the OpenLCA ( It is free.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
6 answers
I want to explore how to make strategic management to manage solid wastes in an industrial area in a developing country. What is the proper method for this? SWOT analysis and/or any other recent methods?
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Dear Emma, 
In order to be useful for drawing up the strategic plan, as Deshmukh says, I suggest to use Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). There are several studies that deal whit solid wastes and LCA.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
9 answers
The factors that would cause industry to adopt CP at higher rates (>50% of target population) than currently practiced worldwide. The types of interventions and at what levels (country, network, company).
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That is an extremely broad question and I think the right ideas will be different for every industry in which you are trying to encourage more diffusion and ultimately higher rates of adoption.
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
4 answers
Does phytoremediation treatment save the 4/5 of the cost of more conventional technology in cleaning up the contaminated soil on a post-industrial site and how?
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You may wish to look at some of the Canadian work. Example:
  • asked a question related to Industrial Ecology
14 answers
I specifically want to find/be informed of a model/technology that can minimize waste pollution in surrounding rivers
Dyeing is the process of adding colour to textile products like fibres, yarns, and fabrics. Dyeing is normally done in a special solution containing dyes and particular chemical material. After dyeing, dye molecules have uncut chemical bond with fiber molecules. The temperature and time controlling are two key factors in dyeing.
Regionally for Greece and for an industrial town, cost is as high as a factor, as there are many others, that dont treat waste water as supposed due to long-term monopoly on the waste-treatment subject by the others in their region ..
So accordingly ..
Is there a an effective way to treat wastewater from a dyehouse affecting positively the other industries that use the same ''river''?
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You can read somethinghs about Bioflotation process, a new technology especially for Dyeing factory. At this moment there are 60 bioflotationn plants around the word for to treat dyed wastewater. In my Linkedin profile there is a paper about.