Science topic

Hydralazine - Science topic

A direct-acting vasodilator that is used as an antihypertensive agent.
Questions related to Hydralazine
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
4 answers
Is hydralazine a first line drug in the management of hypertensive emergencies
or urgencies?
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Hydralazine for Use During Hypertensive Emergencies
The guidelines recommend the use of intravenous antihypertensive drugs during hypertensive emergencies. These mainly fall in two groups:
1. Vasodilators: Sodium nitroprusside, Nicardipine, Fenoldopam, Nitroglycerine, enalaprilat, and Hydralazine
2. Labetalol, Esmolol, and Phentolamine
However, due to availability, expense, and toxicity issues commonly employed drugs used intravenously to reduce BP during hypertensive emergencies have been Labetalol, Nicardipine, Nitroglycerine, and Furosemide. In source poor settings Hydralazine is commonly used.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
6 answers
Dear all,
I aim to do genome editing of mouse colon using an AAV mediated system. The best serotypes for intestine have already been described and also the mode of delivery which pinpoints SMA (superior mesenteric artery) as the mainstay. I was wondering if you have some experience with this and if yes, if you could indicate other ways of delivery that might serve the purpose just fine. I have seen not so good results for oral IP and enema. 
Thank you and best regards
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Hi Miguel, Do you continue this experiment? I am trying to edit mice genome colon by AAV. I also try tail veil injection, but it did not work and most of AAV went to the liver. I was wondering if you were succeeded and knew about better options.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
6 answers
Drug conversations always refer to the problems that drugs cause, as well as the effects it produces on your body. But it is not talked about what factors make them use drugs.
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Aunque hay gran pluralidad de factores, dependiendo de el caso, algunos de los más frecuentes podrían ser: la presión de los compañeros, la situación familiar, el estrés, depresión o sufrimiento emocional...
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
3 answers
Does anyone happen to have in vivo toxicity information for the drug P5091 (USP7 inhibitor) to include in an IACUC approved animal protocol?  This would include information on any anticipated side effects, special housing needs, and special side effect treatment.
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Very useful articles send by Al-Delemi
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
3 answers
The bleeding time was tested in wistar albino rats using the Duke method. The time before bleeding and after bleeding was noted.
To statistically get the differences, what formulars can be used?
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You could use Student's t-test to calculate if there is statistically significant difference in the mean bleeding times since bleeding time is a continuous variable. However, if you have categorised the bleeding times into, for instance, normal and abnormal, then a Chi-square test might be appropriate.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
2 answers
how likely to get AVN after DHS surgery to fix femoral neck fractures? 
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Luis Rodrigo: thank you for your answer, my case is 39 years old, the fracture happened after slippage and hitting the wall. the surgery was done within the first 12 hours after the trauma and there is no assoicated diseases.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
3 answers
The questions arise as to what is the basis of quality control.
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It is also useful for me. Thank you, Dr. Shyam and Mushtaq Ahmad Sir !!!
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
7 answers
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Thank for all answers
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
4 answers
I have a network made out of gene expression data. Network has few disease nodes (genes) and hub nodes. Would it be right to apply any drug on the hub nodes in order to treat the disease nodes?
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Ferdinando yes I have performed clustering of my network in order to get disease modules
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
18 answers
I'm doing the population pharmacokinetics modelling with a Tacrolimus database and I found out that in some patients, there is a period of 5 days without administration, (for ex, at time after dose: 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, the corresponding concentration was 17, 14.5, 14, 10.5, 8.7, 7.3). 
As we cannot verify the source of information and I do not have real clinical experience with this drug, I wonder is it possible to have this kind of kinetics (that the drug remained very long in the patient body) or we can assume that there is maybe some dose that was not recorded?
If by chance anyone has looked at/ modelled real-life TDM data of tacrolimus, can you please share your opinion?
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if in the toxic range, first order kinetics may change to zero order kinetics, or indeed drug/drug interactions should be considered 
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
1 answer
What is the approximate number of people with cancer drug resistance in the United States annually?
Thank you.
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Given the plethora of mechanisms that are attributed to cancer cell resistance, the differences in these mechanisms across each cancer type, and the variability within the patient populations of each cancer type, I would be surprised if such an estimated statistic even exists. Just considering P-glycoprotein-mediated efflux as one mechanism is complicated, debated, and has only been proven clinically in one or two cancer types. Each year the Am Cancer Soc publishes a cancer statistics paper (i.e.,, but the stat you are seeking is not in scope.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
7 answers
Which are more risk at sudden cardiac death(SCD); sedentary people or active people?
in general population
in specific high risk population, such as people with DM & hypertension, family history in SCD
other conditions
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In your question the paradigm of duality incorporated. Physical activity has both beneficial and adverse effects on SCD risk. Most studies, but not all,have found inverse associations between increasing regular physical activity and SCD or sudden cardiac arrest. Results are most consistent for moderate levels of exertion, where the majority of studies have documented favorable associations. Despite the long-term benefits of exercise, it is also well known that SCD occurs with a higher-than-average frequency during or shortly after vigorous exertion.Case-control and case-crossover studies performed among men have demonstrated that vigorous exertion can trigger cardiac arrest and SCD. Regular vigorous exertion diminishes the magnitude of this excess risk; however, the risk remains significantly elevated even in the most habitually active men. The magnitude of the risk associated with exertion appears to be lower among women where exertion-related SCD is much less common. 
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
4 answers
I am not involve in this project and even do not know what is meant to this project. Further nobody has never asked my permission to link me with the project. Therefore I demand my name to be removed from this project. Thank you. 
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If my help to be usefull for you, OK.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
4 answers
Under conditions of:
Not feeling comfortable with the treatment decision?
Being diagnosed with a rare type of cancer?
Having several options for how to treat the cancer?
Not being able to see a cancer expert?
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 Hi Evrim,
ot only should one seek a second opinion, but also a third opinion. It is better to have a majority opinion than to have to choose between two. I would go to  and/or seek advice from a specialist in oral cancer. The specialist would want to see x-rays and any other objective data. Don't depend on one person being correct 100% of the time. I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
3 answers
how database technology for GIS has evolved since 1990
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The main workload could be "dumped" into databases, thanks to spatial abilities added to databases. It was (if I'm not mistaken) first the Oracle Spatial addon at 8i version in mid 20s.
Nowadays, many databases can hold spatial data and able to perform spatial queries on them, allowing GIS program, api and/or libraries to focus on a smaller part of a huge map. ie, curent common idea is to load the "backmap" on a layer, then make a query from a database and load it as another layer, and make deeper analyses on a smaller region of interest. Otherwise it would have taken longer, since the algorithm or query had to be run through the entire data. Simply put, databases are built for efficient queries, which runs much faster than searching data on a layer by an executable, plus while doing that spends resources. 
The other part is distribution. In old times, every map data had to be on files on every computer. With proper access, everyone can download the map from a database. I guess that was the first goodie of databases.
Third part is integration. Uploading a map to a database, then connecting it with other tables and able to query them makes GIS integratable with other systems, commonly ERP projects. The lowest level you can integrate them is database level, when there isn't any other possible. 
What has "evolved slowly" is adding / modifying gis data on databases, which, well is another thing entirely.For example, modifying a point in an oracle row is harder than that of modifying a WKT type of object in PostgreSQL. Mainly, your program or library modifies it and updates the geographical data in your database.
Hope that helps,
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
5 answers
The new guidelines for the treatment of thyrotoxicosis considered the extension of anti-thyroid medication for more than 18 months as an option that should be discussed with the patient.
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Thank you, Professor, for your answer I do agree with you for the auto-immune disorders. The nodular pathologies were more likely to be resistant.
  • asked a question related to Hydralazine
4 answers
Should I use the same route of administration when comparing the effects of drugs on experimental animals?
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not necessarily. The aim pursued will be a therapeutic effect, We will compare the achieved effect using a second drug in relation to a first drug (reference) , if we obtain a better result with another route of administration which is also more comfortable, as example oral route instead intravenous, the result will be still more valued (it's an improvement). We can compare effcicacy/safety  and pharmacokinetics (concetrations) results althought the used routes were not the same. By the other hand if we want to do a comparison for a bioequivalent drug, then:  Yes, we need use the same administration route, because we want another drug able to sustitute the reference drug, with the same conditions and results.