Science topics: Hospitality Industry
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Hospitality Industry - Science topic

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Questions related to Hospitality Industry
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Hello! I am working on my final thesis and i need some quality information!
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For finding complete and interesting also updated theses or papers related to organizational culture in the hospitality industry or any other industry, you may refer to Google Scholar.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
1 answer
I want write a project work on design layout of portable water treatment system and its installation process for hospitality industry use
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Nice, and the question is?
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
2 answers
I need to see researches about tourism and hospilality industry
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Research on tourism and hospitality is an important field that provides insights into the trends and challenges facing the industry. The tourism and hospitality industry is a major contributor to many economies, and understanding how to improve it can have significant economic benefits.
Research in this field can cover a range of topics, including destination marketing, sustainability, tourism planning, customer experience, technology adoption, and more. Many researchers have explored the use of technology, such as artificial intelligence and social media, in the tourism and hospitality industry. Others have focused on the impact of external factors, such as global events and economic conditions, on tourism and hospitality.
Research in this field often uses a variety of methods, such as surveys, interviews, case studies, and data analysis. Findings from this research can inform industry professionals, policymakers, and academics on how to improve the industry and address emerging challenges.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
I want to ask if I can get help or suggestions on journals I can use for this my MSC degree project on cultural diversity in hospitality industry
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  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
I am working on my MBA -HROD paper, and I have chosen a Job Performance Topic in the hospitality industry. Your input is valid and appreciated.
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A pilot study can be used for using a sample micro population.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Hello everyone,
I am eager to study about organizational point of view or benefit of the organization on ensuring phycological wellbeing preferably in the hospitality industry, but other industry is also fine. I am looking to get opinion about my research question. Such as; any improvisation I need to do on my research question and any reference to any relevant article would be helpful.
Thanks in Advance.
Asif Reza
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Hello 👋
As far as I know if it's about hospitality and well being of your employees
I think the most important is security and leadership
Because many people want thier job to be secure so that they don't need to think or look for another job if your employees feel your company industry then they can work with less stress
2. If you who is the owner or leader is kind honest and fair then your employees morality will greatly increase moreover they respect of you will increase drastically it will be a bonus if you can cheer them up when they are tired or stress u can give them a vacation so that they can spend their times with tiger love one and family since we learn from COVID that family is more important than job.
Thsts all I know
Thank you
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
During and post Covid-19 health crisis, the Tourism, Travelling and Hospitality industry is the one which is suffering more impact.
I am interested in covering how the Hotel industry in particular should work and create tools and strategies for overcome the recession that is creating the health crisis.
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“A situation of unprecedented instability is generally a good reason for cuts and exceptional measures, as well as new opportunities in the hotel and tourism industry.”
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
21 answers
Dear Reader(s),
I wish to collect data from frontline workers in hospitals. Each time I read a published paper on the hospital industry, it includes an approval number for human participation.
I too working on an idea that will require me to collect data from frontline doctors and that's quite obvious that during the submission process in a journal, the journal will require me to submit an ethics statement. Therefore, kindly share your understanding of this query and guide me to deal with this matter.
Note: My participants belong to Pakistan's public and private hospitals and the study relies on a questionnaire survey (quantitative/time-lagged cross-sectional). Besides, no personal information will be revealed to anyone.
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It is mandatory to collect the Ethical Approval letter from your Institution before starting the data collection from the Physicians.
The same Ethical Clearance letter or Ethical sanction letter from the respective academic institutions or any Government offices are concerned about the cross-sectional survey jurisdiction.
This will help when go for publication.
The Editor used to ask this Ethical Approval letter along with your manuscript.
There are many formalities while you want to approach on Publications. Especially funding, Conflict of Interest or Competing Interest, Ethical Approval letter etc have to be submitted to the Editor.
You will be safe if you will submit Ethical issues certificate as well as to protect you if any questions raised by the third parties.
Mostly researchers who are publishing in Scopus Indexed Journals, Web of Science Journals are strictly following these procedures.
Hope you will get more answers from the RG users.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
4 answers
I would like to know if there has been in depth study on the adoption of technology and innovations among small scale business in the hospitality industry.
Any pointer, links or research guide will help.
Though I have gotten a few papers but they are majorly on the big players in the industry
Thank You.
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Emerging technologies like cybersecurity, mobile check-in, and automated service by robots are also expected to be the hotel industry technology trends. They will secure the hotel management and service system and adapt it to the present state of affairs.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
1. What is customer trust?
2. How does Customer Trust influence Customer Loyalty in the hospitality Industry?
3. Any studies done on the impact of customer trust on customer loyalty.
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I think if you provide proper safe and secure environment in hotel and provide the service properly as per standards, Can win the trust of the guest and guest may revisit your hotel or will do positive mouth publicity of your hotel
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
2 answers
I am doing a research on modern technological applications in the hospitality industry in the South Asian context with a special reference to Sri Lanka. The application of these technological tools and their effectiveness in this pandemic situation are going to be analyzed and discussed. Therefore, if anyone who are interested in sharing their known facts, kindly help me to study on this further.
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Smart contact is the most effective blockchain technology that can be integrated into the hospitality industry.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Does quality service, customer satisfaction and customer trust lead to strong customer loyalty for an organisation. Focus is on hotels/ Hospitality industry in general.
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Assume that your IV is SQ,CS and CT as mediator and DV - customer loyalty.You might want to use a a strategy (e.g service guarantee) to achieve CL?
Attached for your kind perusal.
Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
8 answers
I am genuinely intrigued by the few papers and articles that I have read so far regarding Disaster Management Framework. I have yet referred to any specific researchers and have yet managed to read most of the best papers that explain about it in detail.
My question is, can we develop a framework for other players in the tourism and hospitality industry? (such as community-based tour operators or tourism training institutes)
I also cannot help but notice, although maybe because I have no access to most papers, but numerous studies focus mostly on airline companies and hotels, and it is almost as if they are the most severely affected industry players. Not much is said about other players on the other hand. Perhaps there are reasons for this that I have no knowledge about.
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  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
24 answers
Share your opinion
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Dear @Yashwant Singh Rawal...AI will replace human interaction in most of sectors for the reasons
1. Perceived quality difference
2. Standardized product or service offering
3. Cost reduction
4. Improved Productivity ( Ex: machine can work 24x7 but a person cannot)
A) This phenomenon will continue for some time ( till every one thinks human emotions are that much required in those services/products)
B) Many of us will become less emotional over time ( already such signs are increasingly visible).
C) there will be a realization, and people will demand ( and enjoy, willing to pay more/ premium) human interaction.
Its like a pendulum....will start drifting to other end. Regards
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
9 answers
Dear Tourism Scholars,
I am writing a book chapter about the history of the hospitality business, globally. I have read lots of papers. However, I still feel that there are plenty of them that I should have a look at. Could you please suggest me a book or any other academic sources providing any information about the history of tourism and hospitality industry?
Thank you for your time and kind support in advance.
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A bit late, but try: 'The Origins of Hospitality and Tourism' by Kevin D. O'Gorman, Goodfellow Pub., 2010 OR
O'Gorman, K.D. (2009), "Origins of the commercial hospitality industry: from the fanciful to factual", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 21 No. 7, pp. 777-790.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
26 answers
Since early of COVID-19 the tourism and hospitality industry are badly affected. After COVID-19 how this industry will recover. What will be the role(s) of the State government and other stakeholders to support this industry?
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I think that all of the governments, peoples, researchers, and media peoples have an important and irreplaceable role that must be done to reach the safety and recover the industry again.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
12 answers
Since there have been reported the epidemic by COVID-19 from China, and WHO declared it a pandemic, the governmental control measures of lockdown and quarantine globally has caused a bid disruption in the Tourism, Travelling and Hospitality industry with short and long term consequences.
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Since the middle of March 2020 when many countries are announced the lock-down and quarantine measures, it is noticed that millions on travel related jobs are unfortunately disappeared, hotels across the globe closed their doors, travel agencies faced a problem with flight booking cancellation, resorts and historically places are become isolated of visitors, workers at these places became with no jobs. Only few countries are benefited from such crisis like Turkey, Spain & Malta who are kept their hotels and airports opened for tourists and students from North Africa or Middle east countries which they are stuck in different European countries and later their governments used the 3 mentioned countries as a destination to return them back to their homes. Based on your raised question, I think that these are some of the issues that have impacts and effects on tourism, travelling and hospitality industry in both short and long term consequences.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
The arrival of Airbnb to Hawaii has made Hawaii to make changes on taxing the short term vacation rentals, higher tax, which should be better for Hawaii, and/or is Airbnb killing the Hospitality industry or will eventually kill the industry? I would like to do a dissertation regarding the matter where my study should help the Tourism/Hospitality industry to combat any threat from Airbnb. The goal is to eventually find solutions or recommendations to benefit both Airbnb and Tourism industry. I think of so many possibilities and positivity!
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I am not sure about Hawaii, yet it certainly provides a wide opportunity for the local community in the rural area of Borneo to improve their economic well-being by offering their village, homestay or even B&B service through Airbnb platform and chances for the allocentric traveller to explore Borneo at their specific budget & expenses in a unique way that not known by the mass tourist.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
How technological changes impacted the tourism and hospitality industry since 1800 ?
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The mass transport invention, the innovation of air carrier and the development of public infrastructures
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
Sustainability is a key issue and condition for the survival of the tourism and hospitality industries. However, some tourists fear that the costs of the implementation of sustainability measures will impact negatively on increasing prices and reducing quality. Is it possible to implement sustainability measures and at the same time keeping prices unchanged or even reducing prices while improving service quality? Can you give some examples?
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very nice question...sustainability can be achieved by reducing the tourist spending and in other words its called over tourism in various destination, and it is one of the most emerging concept in the present scenario and a new and fertile area of research in tourism parlance. Similarly service quality can be one of the prominent tool for achieving sustainability in tourism and hospitality industry.The service quality can be replaced by the new concept called "service encounter" or "moment of truth" .
I think very few papers on this above issues... can be a good research area
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
15 answers
With the rise of the costs of processing fees, whom do you think should pay the costs of publishing a manuscript? The scientist who created the work, the readers who request a copy, or the teaching hospitals and industry (such as pharmaceutical companies)?
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Я думаю, что все таки университет или научный отдел ученого должен быть заинтересован в продвижении работ своего подопечного.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
Productivity measuring in the hospitality industry.
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Data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
What strategies do hotels employ to respond to the emerging issues?
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I am working on a study related with IT in hospitality, I will upload it when it gets published.
though my views in this regard is:
Co-creation: customers participate in the sevice generating process by stating their demands and preference, assisting in different stages of value generation.
Business process design: new operational methods and technologies help to automate the process while dealing with competition with emerging ICTs.
Collaboration: companies can collaborate together in different value chains to adapt to emerging issue.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
6 answers
Currently working on a marketing plan for a mom and pop restaurant location.
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I think the hospitality industry is one of the most sensitive industries; action-reaction theory and interdependency are omnipresent. And directly effects Trust.
Examples from a personal view: False advertising, hidden cost, unfulfilled promises, unprofessional behaviours occurrence with relation maturity and lack of honesty...
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
2 answers
The specific data I am finding is quite old and often concerns hotels only and I'm interested in finding out what current emissions are like, particularly in but not limited to Europe.
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When we talk about tourism, we talk about cleanliness and protection against all forms of pollution (noise, cleanliness ...). In Algeria, tourism is developing little by little but in a rational way, by taking into account the problems...
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
2 answers
I am looking for any recent information about job satisfaction in the German hotel industry. If you know about any study or journals, please let me know. Any help is much appreciated!
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Thank you very much, Michael!
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
9 answers
The specific objectives are to:
1. Analyse the factors affecting innovative activities in the selected Tourism and Hospitality businesses.
2. Examine the relationship between innovation, employees and guest satisfaction.
3. Investigate the cost associated with innovation activities
4. Assess the different types of innovations activities
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  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
4 answers
The reason for labour turnover in hospitality industry can be classified into two factors i.e. labourers and the organization.
1. Why do employees get bored in an organization?
2. What is the role of financial motivation in labour turnover?
3. Why do employees keep learning and growth as a secondary option in hospitality industry?
4. Is bureaucracy a reason for it?
· To find out the reasons of high labour turnover in hospitality industry
· To find the ways to retain the labour through satisfaction
To find out both the labour as well as organization roles in labour turnover and retention
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1- This is, I would say not a new research area. There is already a body of literature on that. What will be you contribution?
2- You may like to consider that there is voluntary and involuntary turnover. Each type has reasons.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Summary: One of the selling point for customers when looking for a hotel is how they feel about its interior design. If guests are not comfortable with the design of the inside, there is a huge chance that they will be looking for another hotel place to stay. Thus, it is a very critical part to look upon your interior and design.
-> Objectives:
1.To examine critically on the present development in interior design in hospitality industry 2.To examine the effect and social contribution of interior design in hospitality industry 3.To evaluate the profit income that interior design has brought into the hospitality industry
-> Research questions:
1.What is the role of interior in the hospitality industry? 2.What are the benefits of interior in hotels and restaurants? 3.Why is lighting important in the interior?
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Lighting plays an important role in interiors to improve the productivity, safety, ambience and also have an impact on mood of the inmate. It should be given enough consideration depending on the type of interiors. if it is restaurant or hotel can go for warm lighting; cool lighting for hospitals; shadow less lighting for architecture firms where drawing has to be done precisely.
similarly interiors have to be apt, pleasing to the eye in hotels and restaurants. If interiors are too gaudy, people don't like to spend much time there; if they are pleasing and close to the nature like landscapes/seascapes people would like to spend more time there. Good interiors would definitely improve the business.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Different sustainable green practices that recognised and followed in hospitality industry.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
6 answers
I am currently writing a masters Thesis on ''The effects of Organizational Culture on performance in the hospitality industry. What set of questions can I include on the quantitative questionnaire to garner data.
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Edgar Schein Organizational Culture and Leadership 2010 (or more recent), gives lots of examples of what is organizational culture, at various levels (behavior, beliefs, assumptions).  Questions should include measuring behaviors like "how often do you see coworkers outside of work?" "how often do you eat lunch with coworkers?" "how often do you take other breaks with coworkers?" "how often do you stay late on your own time to finish up something for work?" Also consider measuring networks at work "which of your coworkers (if any) would you turn to for advice?" Also consider measuring beliefs "what advice would you give to a new staff member in your workplace about how to get along and do well here?"  (this is a great open ended question but if you have to "close" the question, you need some experts in the industry to give you a range of typical answers, things like "ask for help" "take initiative" "don't be late" "keep your head down" etc, have to include good and bad).  Also consider measuring attitudes or group behaviors ("which of the following describe your workplace" 1 to 7 agree disagree or very much vs not at all, for a standard range of topics like "coworkers help each other" "there is a lot of competition among coworkers" "we don't get along well" "management does (or doesnt) understand us" "we all try to do our best" "we do the minimum to get by" "we only work hard when the boss is around" etc).    Measures of performance are specific to your industry--what is important to the industry?
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
13 answers
I am a student (MBA Luxury Brand Management) and I am doing a research paper on brand experience in hospitality. The main question is about creating/design an experience for the guests. What are the important elements?.
What is an experience? Branding implies also staff recruitment etc.
If you have any articles, ideas, suggestions to share I will be please.
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Well, I am just running a little Bed & Breakfast besides and it is true that first reason why people rather prefer B&B than hotels is not the price (it is about the same as a 3 star hotel), but the personal touch we try to show at every touchpoint. In general, you have mainly three touchpoints to create a brand experience: 
  • Before arrival: Quickly answer questions with personal touch, sign with name and mark somewhere that this is a family B&B and you are part of the house when arriving. Asking about plans, arrival time, make sure they have address and possibilty to call in cas of inconvenience, etc.
  • During stay: welcome warmly, asking about plan, giving some advices, tipps about poss. trips or good restaurants (and of sure, adapt this advices to the wallet of customers). At the end of the stay make sure everything is fine, all ready for departures, help for little sorrows like taking airplane, etc.
  • After stay: quick mail, ask for feedback, mention individual experience. 
For every touchpoint it is necessary to define personalization of action. Just a general and uniforme behavior doesn't lead to a good brand experience. 
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
4 answers
From my research results based on more than 140 hotels in Slovakia I see, that branded hotels are better valuated, they are at the top of the lists in many aspects, but there are many independent hotels companies with better economic performance than companies that own hotels with a global brand. There are also some of branded hotels, that went through re-branding process from one brand to another or from branded to independent.
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Dear Anna, please take a look at my paper: "Assessment of the Lodging Industry Profitability Performance: Invest in Independent or Chain Ownership?" downloadable from RG.
Best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
Dear colleagues, I would like to measure the luxury restaurant hospitality.
Can anyone suggest any scale of hospitality?
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Dear Leila, if I understand your question correctly, the hospitality offered by a luxurious restaurant has no difference compared to the high class accommodation hospitality. The scales could be: excellent-very good-good-average-poor. In order to measure the level of hospitality in a specific restaurant, questionnaires should be addressed to the guests after their meal.
All the best!
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
10 answers
Perhaps, you can suggest some improvements on their systems after conducting a study similar to the one provided in the link below.
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Most hotels and lodging establishments in all developing countries now have some form of computerized reservation systems. This also helps them to get bookings through travel and hotel websites  like etc
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
4 answers
I am trying to act the sustainable value creation as a mediator.
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A little bit different take:
Sustainable Resorts: Learning from the 2004 Tsunami
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Any literature that discuss the topic would be of great help.
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David Bowie and Francis Buttle
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
4 answers
Our research deals with the analysis of clustering and competitiveness in Colombian hospitality industry, so papers about the context of these countries (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey and South Africa) will be very welcomed.
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Great! It has some valuable information. Thanks again!
Best wishes.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Dear Madam / Sir,
 I, Serge Dahdouh am pursuing my Bachelor of Business Administration from the renowned, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management in Switzerland.
 I am working on a dissertation with the topic being Big Data in (Hospitality Industry). The results that I gather would be part of a future course that Les Roches would add to their existing curriculum.
 It is my humble request if anyone could kindly provide me some secondary data regarding the subject and this in turn would help facilitate my research. 
Thank you so much.
Yours Sincerely,
Serge Dahdouh
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Please collect yourself..organizations wont share their own data specially.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
7 answers
I would find a database of hotels that report the length of stay of customers.
Do you know any database for the hospitality industry?
Thanks a lot
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
8 answers
I am interested more particularly in the tourism sector (portals, aggregators, or individual hotels, chains, etc.)
This is the first of a three-level research that will focus on the hospitality industry and its online support systems.  The objective is to formulate a research question or build a hypothesis that will be tested by empirical evidence. 
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Here is a multicultural awareness scale proposed in 2012:
Here is a 2015 paper on The relationship between hotel employees’ cross-cultural competency and team performance in multi-national hotel companies (aabstract only):
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
I did make my research and I have deducted from the little that there is not enough evidence to suggest that Hospitality industry in South Africa are using non-financial performance measures. I have tried to search using the key word in the question but I found nothing and somebody one said to me the fact that you do not find something does not mean that there is nothing. How can I find the article? 
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
11 answers
I'm very interested to identify the reasons why some hotels survive while others close. The appropriate methodology are the survival models. Some studies have focused on the manufacturing industry and only a few on the service sector. For the hotel industry, I have found, only, studies of length of stay.
Do you know any study of survival models for the hospitality industry to analyze why some hotels survive while others close?
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Hong/Jang, Journal of Travel Research, 2005, vol 43, May, 395-403
Kanikovski/Peneder, Tourism Economics, 2008, vol 14, 3, 527-533
Lots of duration analysis in tourism research, see length of stay :-)
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
I am doing a research on the use of crowdsourcing and social media for service and product development in the hospitality industry (hotel). 
Please help me in finding good articles and journals about this topic. 
Thank you so much for your help!!
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  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
3 answers
Trying to connect transformational leadership and innovations within the Swiss Hospitality industry. Does anyone have knowledge of specific academic work done in this geographical and industry context?
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Hi Rosselli, i would like to suggest if you can look into the transformational leadership in other field/area and try to link with hospitality industry. Not so much in hospitality industry but will do help in managerial/leadership/supervision/ context.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
1 answer
Hi, I'm a spanish postgraduate student and I'm thinking to carry on studying to get a phd, but my studied field is about expenditure advertising, and my university doesn't have a database with this kind of info (I need the information of each company, not only the total amount), and I need to know if there are some data base where I will able to get it.
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You might want to limit your scope to a certain type of restaurant.  Here's a link for some ad expenditures by fast food restaurants, followed by some brand profiles (Subway for example), and a link to an article you may find relevant.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
6 answers
Particularly interested in the US market, but open to international markets, as well.
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I know about this publication for British tourism data,
perhaps it may help your research.
You will have to segments your data analysis, developing countries, developed countries, etc. as the data will differ considerably.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
10 answers
What are occupational hazards and injuries faced by housekeeping staff in the hotel industry.
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Occupational hazards include- untoward approach by hotel visitors to the staff esp female and work load in terms of the number of rooms a staff has to attend daily results in physical and psychological stress, dust exposure from dusting the rooms, shift work etc.
occupational injuries include- any musculoskeletal disorders especially LBP, and upper limbs pain from the rigors of work, slips from wet floors,trips from stairs(where staff have to use a flight of stairs) when they stumble on brooms left on the floor etc
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
2 answers
What important elements should be involved in project management ?
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That's true. Many thanks for Prof. Lockwood reminders and comments. Though some differents opions focus on VRIO(value, rare, Inimitability, organization) to build Competitive advantage. Agree your points.
  • asked a question related to Hospitality Industry
5 answers
Walk-in-audit of a quick service restaurant or fats food outlet
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Elena, I would probably class this as either a mystery shopper visit or an internal quality audit. Mystery shoppers can be employed by a third party and asked to visit sites / operations as a marketing / consultancy service or can be done by members of the company as part of quality control. The similarity here is to act as / follow the normal customer path but assess the service received against pre-determined criteria.