Science topics: BioinformaticsFiling
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Filing - Science topic

Filing are collections of related records treated as a unit; ordering of such files.
Questions related to Filing
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I am trying to run a md stimulation in gromacs for HDAC2 inhibitor and ligand. The protein is metalo protein, contain a Zn atom. Now I am facing problem whille running the nvt.mdp file. I have attached the error details. It will be very helpful if anyone can solve this error.
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make temp system to :System and corresponding changes
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Hi All,
I am trying to use SAMOVA 2.0 on 68 populations comprised of two interspersed species and I keep getting "No vertex found for a bisector". I have checked the SAMOVA2.log file and the groups are found "geographically homogeneous". I cant figure out what this error means and is especially confusing since I can perform the analysis on each species individually with no issues.
Has anyone come across an issue like this before? I haven't been able to find anything regarding software limitations, such as number of populations. Any help or advice would will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time,
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I am having the same problem with SAMOVA 2.0, I've tried to use it with 64 populations and the log file says the same as yours.
Were you able to solve it?
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Hello to everyone,
I am trying to launch a BLYP optimization with ORCA starting from an already converged calculation at BP level ,exploiting its orbitals and geometry as a guess.
I tried several combination of the keywords Moread,MOinp and guessmatrix cmatrix but nothing seems to work.
I also tried to launch the calculation replacing manually the converged geometry in the input file, but it doesn't work , it always say the it can't open the converged geometry file or that is trying to read from a general file but it stops there.Even if the file is in the same folder.
Could you suggest me an example? Because the on that i found on the manual are not working.
Here is my input
! BLYP D3 def2-TZVP opt def2/J miniprint nopop SlowConv
MOInp "Au84.gbw"
guessmatrix Cmatrix
MaxIter 800
AutoStart true
%maxcore 5300
%pal nprocs 36
* xyzfile 0 1
these are the slurm errors
!!! ----------------------- !!!
!!! Filename: !!!
!!! ----------------------- !!!
!!! Filename: !!!
Thank you in advance
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you can do two optimizations in one job
using this block:
%maxcore 5300
%pal nprocs 36
* xyzfile 0 1
! BP D3 def2-TZVP opt miniprint nopop SlowConv
! BLYP D3 def2-TZVP opt def2/J miniprint nopop SlowConv
  • asked a question related to Filing
4 answers
During molecular dynamics, I'm facing the error mentioned above. How can we fix it, I checked the lig.prm file to see if it is missing some angle parameters but it doesn't seem so, the file is attached below. If anyone can help to find the error and fix it would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Thank you Maham Hamid
It worked for me as well but I had to call both charm36 ff and the ligand parameter file containing the angles definition together.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
In dental applications, virtual models obtained from the patient's mouth using intraoral scanners are unfortunately saved in STL format. However, when a solid model is needed, the stl. file format is inadequate, and the step. file format becomes essential.
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Bulent Piskin SolidWorks & Mastercam softwares offers the ability to import STL files and export them in the STEP format, but the critical aspect is the nature of the design itself.
  • asked a question related to Filing
5 answers
Hi, All!
There is a dataset including about 10000 samples which is a beta-globin gene cluster genetic variant report for every sample(part of a report uploaded). Is there any tool recommended to convert it to a Variant Call Format(vcf) format?
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Hello Please have you found a solution to convert a txt file to vcf?
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
We are willing to make notice of Miller indices present in XRD powder and managed as their JCPDS files. We need them for various substances, e.g. Graphite, copper, lithium, and Iron. Kindly share me the JCPDS database files of these elements. Best regards and thank you very much for your help and guidance.
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Thank you for the informative response. Although, i need the database files of these elements. If possible, may you please provide the same?
  • asked a question related to Filing
4 answers
I made a series of jump tests in subjects, everything was recorded with Vicon. I have data from markers and force plate. We recorded the tests before and after an intervention.
My question is, I have C3D files with the markers and force plate, I want to mount the files before and after an intervention side by side, and synchronize them, then export this as an video file, it can be in any format.
What would be the easiest software to do this?
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  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I am looking for resources in the Netherlands regarding cultural tourism. So what cultural activities correlate, and what lifestyles can be distinguished. Any resource is welcome, articles, factor analyses, correlation matrices, spss files etc.
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Lifestyles and cultural tourism are indeed interconnected.
1. Education level: Higher education often correlates with increased interest in cultural tourism.
2. Income: Cultural tourists tend to have higher disposable incomes.
3. Age: While cultural tourism appeals to various age groups, it's particularly popular among older adults and retirees.
4. Urban dwellers: People living in cities are more likely to engage in cultural tourism.
5. Cultural curiosity: Those with an interest in history, arts, and diverse cultures are more inclined towards this type of tourism.
6. Experiential preferences: Cultural tourists often seek authentic, immersive experiences rather than typical "tourist" activities.
7. Sustainability mindset: Many cultural tourists are environmentally conscious and prefer eco-friendly options.
8. Digital savviness: Cultural tourists often use technology to research and plan their trips.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
what is the keyword to add omegaB97X functional in gaussian input file?
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The online documentation for Gaussian 16 shows that wB97X is available by using the keyword "wB97x" in the input line.
The link for more information:
I hope this helps!
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
How mat I export in a Tab-delimited (win) file?
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To export data in a Tab-delimited (Windows) file format:
1. Prepare your data in your software or application.
2. Select the data to export.
3. In Excel, go to "File" > "Save As", choose "Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)", and specify the file location.
4. Ensure the file is saved with tab delimiters and verify the formatting in a text editor.
  • asked a question related to Filing
6 answers
I am working on a molecular dynamics simulation in protein-ligand system, using NAMD software, and I got the following error.
The atoms mentioned above belong to the ligand structure. The .str and topology files for the ligand were generated using Charmm-gui. Can someone help me to solve this failure? Thank you in advance.
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Any solution to this please? I'm facing similar problems
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Hello there. Several references say that there is a reader for .sav files from SPSS in Weka, but I just can´t find it. Can anyone provide help? Thanks in advance
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Thanks a lot Dr. Samer Sarsam. Didn't help much, since I am looking for a way to preserve all the attribute properties from the *sav file to the *.arff, since I have a large and complex set of attributes.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Is there any script that reads the GAMESS frequencies.log file and get the distortion geometries along the frequencies modes?
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Sure, I can help you with that. Here's a Python script that can read the GAMESS `frequencies.log` file and extract the distortion geometries along the frequency modes:
import re
def read_gamess_frequencies(filename):
Reads the GAMESS frequencies.log file and returns the distortion geometries
along the frequency modes.
filename (str): Path to the GAMESS frequencies.log file.
dict: A dictionary where the keys are the frequency mode numbers and the
values are the corresponding distortion geometries.
distortions = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
# Find the start of the frequency modes section
start_index = None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith(' FREQUENCY'):
start_index = i
if start_index is None:
return distortions
# Iterate through the frequency modes section
for i in range(start_index + 1, len(lines)):
line = lines[i]
# Check if the line starts with a mode number
match = re.match(r'^\s*(\d+)\s*$', line.strip())
if match:
mode_num = int(
distortion = []
# Read the distortion geometry for the current mode
i += 1
while i < len(lines) and lines[i].strip():
i += 1
distortions[mode_num] = '\n'.join(distortion)
return distortions
You can use this function by providing the path to the `frequencies.log` file:
distortions = read_gamess_frequencies('path/to/frequencies.log')
The function will return a dictionary where the keys are the frequency mode numbers and the values are the corresponding distortion geometries.
For example, if the `frequencies.log` file contains the following content:
FREQUENCY NO. 1 25.6356 CM(-1)
1 -0.1358 0.0095 -0.0285
2 0.0095 0.1268 -0.0169
3 -0.0285 -0.0169 0.0993
FREQUENCY NO. 2 39.1266 CM(-1)
1 0.0497 -0.0997 0.0169
2 -0.0997 -0.0896 -0.0216
3 0.0169 -0.0216 0.1892
The `read_gamess_frequencies` function will return the following dictionary:
1: '-0.1358 0.0095 -0.0285\n0.0095 0.1268 -0.0169\n-0.0285 -0.0169 0.0993',
2: '0.0497 -0.0997 0.0169\n-0.0997 -0.0896 -0.0216\n0.0169 -0.0216 0.1892'
The keys are the frequency mode numbers, and the values are the corresponding distortion geometries.
Good luck; partial credit AI
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Article A scoping review on Covid 19 and gender based violence: a child marriage based study in Africa
Authors T Mabemba, UP Ejoke, HN Ntombela, ED Du Plessis
Gender and Behaviour, 2023
I was uploading the file and it refuses. I think because it starts with HN Ntombela and I am registered on researchgate as Ngenisiwe Ntombela not with initials.
How can I do to upload this article in my name as co-author.
Ngenisiwe Henrietta Ntombela
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All done Prof, I have uploaded the full-text paper.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Hi all,
I have citation information in CSV file format which I want to convert into BIB file format to be used on Biblioshiny application for the systematic review writing.
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I also encountered the same problem. But I tried this method instead.
I use In our CSV document, we look for the DOI for each journal. Later, I converted it via RIS. It went good, and I can manage my file in Mendeley. If you want to convert it to BIB, just export it once more using Mendeley to BibText.
I also want to seek another solution. I see csv2ris via github, but I failed to install it into my program.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Actually, I tried to load a CIF file in the Crystal Explorer Software. But shows error like "Error Processing CIF - There is an error in the Tonto stdout file, and no data has been loaded. The stdout file will be shown for inspection (Screenshot Attached)." Kindly help me to rectify this problem. Thanks in advance.
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Sorry for sure you solved the problem.
You get the error because the CIF file is not "correct" (not standard) .
The easiest way (works 90% of time) is using Mercury to open the CIF and the save it again as CIF (now mercury will add strings that helps in opening it).
Still it could happens that there are some mismatch in the originated mercury CIF file, then you can use encifer ( to see if there are warning or error in the file and fix it (you can also open it with a text editor such as Notepad and correct the line in which the error is reported).
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Hello everyone,
I am facing a problem when making a plot in "R". I am generating a ROC curve, but in the graph I have been oberving that my "0.0" scale of of X-axis is far from "0.0" scale of Y-axis. I don't understand where is problem. I want to make the plot where "0.0" will start from the same point. I am giving you the example of what I found from R (Please check figure of R) and also what I want (Like figure drawn by GraphPad)
If anyone please help me to find the solution, I will be highly benefited. I am providing the script that I use.
# Install and load necessary packages
# install.packages("readxl")
# Read data from Excel file (replace with your file path)
data <- read_excel("D:\\Samsun medical center\\ELISA data analysis\\elisadata\\New prism analysis for AUC curve analysis\\Sample data for R.xlsx")
# Extract control and cancer patient data
control <- data$Control
cancer <- data$Cancer
# Combine data and create a grouping variable
data_combined <- c(control, cancer)
group <- factor(c(rep("Control", length(control)), rep("Cancer", length(cancer))))
# Create ROC curve
roc_data <- roc(group, data_combined)
# Plot ROC curve
plot(roc_data, main = "ROC Curve", col = c("blue", "red"), legacy.axes = TRUE,
print.auc = TRUE
xlab = "100% - Specificity", ylab = "Sensitivity", asp = 1) # Set aspect ratio to 1:1
# Calculate AUC with confidence interval
auc_value <- auc(roc_data)
ci_value <- ci.auc(roc_data)
# Extract AUCs for control and cancer groups
auc_control <- roc_data$aucs[group == "Control"]
auc_cancer <- roc_data$aucs[group == "Cancer"]
# Perform Mann-Whitney U test to compare AUCs
p_value <- wilcox.test(auc_control, auc_cancer, alternative = "greater")$p.value
# Display AUC, CI, and p-value on the plot
legend = paste("AUC =", round(auc_value, 2),
"\n95% CI =", round(ci_value[1], 2), "-", round(ci_value[3], 2),
"\np-value =", signif(p_value, 3)),
bty = "n")
# Calculate Youden's Index
youden_index <- roc_data$thresholds[which.max(roc_data$sensitivities + roc_data$specificities - 1)]
cat("Youden's Index Cutoff:", youden_index, "\n")
# Find the index corresponding to Youden's Index
index <- which(roc_data$thresholds == youden_index)
# Extract sensitivity and specificity at Youden's Index
sensitivity_value <- roc_data$sensitivities[index]
specificity_value <- roc_data$specificities[index]
# Convert sensitivity and specificity values to percentages
sensitivity_percentage <- sensitivity_value * 100
specificity_percentage <- specificity_value * 100
# Print sensitivity and specificity values as percentages
cat("Sensitivity at Youden's Index:", sensitivity_percentage, "%\n")
cat("Specificity at Youden's Index:", specificity_percentage, "%\n")
Relevant answer
use the following code:
# Load required libraries
# Assuming you have your ROC curve object 'roc_obj'
roc_obj <- roc(...)
# Plot the ROC curve
plot(roc_obj, type = "s", print.auc = TRUE)
# Adjust the x-axis and y-axis scales to start from (0.0)
plot(roc_obj, type = "s", print.auc = TRUE,
xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
Here's a step-by-step explanation:
1. Load the `pROC` library, which provides functions for creating and manipulating ROC curves.
2. Assuming you have your ROC curve object `roc_obj`, you can plot the basic ROC curve using the `plot()` function with the `type = "s"` argument to display a stepped plot.
3. To adjust the x-axis and y-axis scales to start from (0.0), you need to set the `xlim` and `ylim` parameters in the `plot()` function. By setting both ranges to `c(0, 1)`, you ensure that the x-axis and y-axis start from 0.0 and end at 1.0.
This will create an AUC curve where both the x-axis and y-axis start from the same point (0.0) and end at (1.0). The `print.auc = TRUE` argument will display the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value on the plot.
Note that the `roc()` function in the `pROC` library is used to create the ROC curve object, and the specific arguments you provide will depend on your data and the context of your analysis.
Hope it helps; partial credit AI
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I want to extract mid-latitude, high-latitude, equatorial region from ionex winrar archive file. I need the script.
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import os
import zipfile
import numpy as np
def extract_ionex_regions(ionex_archive_path, output_dir):
Extracts mid-latitude, high-latitude, and equatorial region data from an IONEX WinRAR archive.
ionex_archive_path (str): Path to the IONEX WinRAR archive file.
output_dir (str): Directory to save the extracted data files.
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Open the WinRAR archive
with zipfile.ZipFile(ionex_archive_path, 'r') as zip_file:
# Get a list of all the files in the archive
file_names = zip_file.namelist()
# Loop through the files in the archive
for file_name in file_names:
# Check if the file is an IONEX file
if file_name.endswith('.HDF'):
# Extract the file contents
with as file:
ionex_data ='utf-8')
# Split the IONEX data into lines
lines = ionex_data.split('\n')
# Find the start and end indices of the mid-latitude, high-latitude, and equatorial regions
mid_latitude_start = None
mid_latitude_end = None
high_latitude_start = None
high_latitude_end = None
equatorial_start = None
equatorial_end = None
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith('STARTMIDLATITUDE'):
mid_latitude_start = i
elif line.startswith('ENDMIDLATITUDE'):
mid_latitude_end = i
elif line.startswith('STARTHIGHLATITUDE'):
high_latitude_start = i
elif line.startswith('ENDHIGHLATITUDE'):
high_latitude_end = i
elif line.startswith('STARTEQUATORIAL'):
equatorial_start = i
elif line.startswith('ENDEQUATORIAL'):
equatorial_end = i
# Save the mid-latitude, high-latitude, and equatorial region data to separate files
mid_latitude_data = '\n'.join(lines[mid_latitude_start:mid_latitude_end + 1])
high_latitude_data = '\n'.join(lines[high_latitude_start:high_latitude_end + 1])
equatorial_data = '\n'.join(lines[equatorial_start:equatorial_end + 1])
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'mid_latitude.txt'), 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'high_latitude.txt'), 'w') as f:
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'equatorial.txt'), 'w') as f:
# Example usage
ionex_archive_path = 'path/to/your/'
output_dir = 'path/to/output/directory'
extract_ionex_regions(ionex_archive_path, output_dir)
Here's how the script works:
1. The `extract_ionex_regions` function takes two arguments: the path to the IONEX WinRAR archive file and the directory where the extracted data files will be saved.
2. The function creates the output directory if it doesn't already exist.
3. The script opens the WinRAR archive and gets a list of all the files in the archive.
4. It then loops through the files and checks if the file is an IONEX file (with the `.HDF` extension).
5. For each IONEX file, the script extracts the file contents and splits it into lines.
6. The script then searches for the start and end indices of the mid-latitude, high-latitude, and equatorial regions based on the specific markers in the IONEX data.
7. Finally, the script saves the data for each region to a separate text file in the output directory.
To use this script, you'll need to replace `'path/to/your/'` with the actual path to your IONEX WinRAR archive file, and `'path/to/output/directory'` with the path to the directory where you want the extracted data files to be saved.
Hope it helps: partial credit AI
  • asked a question related to Filing
5 answers
i want to calculate phonon using ph.x , qe-6.5 but i get this error.
Error in routine read_rhog (2):
error reading file ./_ph0/prefix.q_2/
the file created in that dir is 'charge-density.dat' and not the 'charge-density'
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I have the same error, and the QE version is 7.2. Does anyone know which could be the error?
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
A slicing software (such as Cura from Ultimaker) can take a CAD file and develop the .gcode file for the toolpath. However, this might nor be compatible the with Nachi robot environment. I would like to know if there is any slicing software or programs that can convert the .gcode file to nachi program.
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It is possible to create a Python script that will parse.gcode and produce Nachi robot instructions.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
We use BCS-810 under BT-Lab software control. After a short time, Windows does not allow to use its copy function (text to buffer, files anywhere). Everything was consequently changed: the BT-Lab software version, the whole PC, the version of Windows from 10 to 11. Rebooting helps for a short time, but can't be frequenly done. The only fixed part was the BCS-810 device.
Has anyone encountered such a problem? How was it solved?
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Steps to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:
1. **Check for software updates**:
- Ensure that you have the latest version of the BT-Lab software installed. Newer versions may address compatibility issues or bugs that could be causing the problem.
- Check if there are any Windows 11 updates available and install them. Updates can sometimes fix underlying issues.
2. **Examine startup and background processes**:
- Check if any processes or services related to the BCS-810 device or the BT-Lab software are running in the background and potentially interfering with the Windows copy function.
- Use a tool like Task Manager or Process Explorer to identify any suspicious processes and try disabling or ending them to see if that resolves the issue.
3. **Check for device driver conflicts**:
- Ensure that you have the correct and up-to-date device drivers installed for the BCS-810 device.
- Try uninstalling and reinstalling the device drivers, or even try using a different version of the drivers to see if that helps.
4. **Disable antivirus or security software temporarily**:
- Sometimes, antivirus or security software can interfere with system functions, including the copy operation.
- Try disabling any antivirus or security software temporarily and see if the copy function works properly.
5. **Perform a clean boot**:
- Perform a clean boot of your Windows 11 system to eliminate any potential third-party software interference.
- This will start Windows with a minimal set of drivers and startup programs, which may help identify the root cause of the issue.
6. **Check for hardware issues**:
- Although you mentioned that the BCS-810 device is the only fixed part, it's still possible that there could be an issue with the device or its connection to the computer.
- Try connecting the BCS-810 device to a different computer or using a different cable to see if the problem persists.
7. **Perform a system restore or reset**:
- If the above steps don't resolve the issue, you may need to consider performing a system restore or a full reset of your Windows 11 installation.
- This will revert your system to a previous state or reinstall Windows, which may fix any underlying software or configuration problems.
If none of these troubleshooting steps works,contact the BT-Lab software support team or the manufacturer of the BCS-810 device for further assistance.
Hope it helps. Credit AI tools Ievgen Obraztsov
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
While docking using AutodockTools 1.5.7, this msg pops up in the command prompt while inserting protein, but grid parameter files and the binding affinity results are perfectly generated. Is it ok to continue docking with other ligands while this error(swig/python detected a memory leak of type 'bhtree *', no destructor found) shows up?
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Hello Everyone,
You may check the responses for the same problem in this link: Hope it will help.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Good Morning,
I'm trying to import xyz file following tutorials but I have an error message (in the figure below). I need help
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Selon GT...
Pour importer la limite XYZ (ou fichiers de grille) dans le logiciel MIKE Zero, qui est une suite pour la modélisation hydraulique, vous pouvez suivre ces étapes générales :
Étapes pour importer des fichiers de grille XYZ dans MIKE Zero
Préparer les Données:
Assurez-vous que votre fichier de grille XYZ est au format compatible, généralement .xyz ou .csv.
Votre fichier doit contenir des colonnes pour les coordonnées X, Y, et les valeurs Z (élévation ou profondeur).
Lancer MIKE Zero:
Ouvrez MIKE Zero sur votre ordinateur.
Ouvrir le Module de Bathymétrie:
Allez dans MIKE Zero > File > New > Bathymetry File.
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser d’autres modules spécifiques en fonction du type de modèle que vous utilisez, comme MIKE 21 ou MIKE 3.
Importer le Fichier XYZ:
Sélectionnez Import ou Add Data dans le module de bathymétrie.
Choisissez le format de fichier XYZ ou CSV.
Configurer les Paramètres d'Importation:
Indiquez que votre fichier a des colonnes X, Y, Z.
Vérifiez que les unités des coordonnées et des élévations sont correctes (mètres ou pieds, selon votre projet).
Vérifier les Données Importées:
MIKE Zero vous montrera une prévisualisation de votre grille. Assurez-vous que les données sont correctement alignées.
Effectuez des ajustements si nécessaire.
Sauvegardez le fichier de bathymétrie dans un format compatible MIKE Zero, souvent .dfs2 ou .dfs3.
Exemple de Procédure Pas à Pas
Ouvrez MIKE Zero et créez un nouveau projet.
Naviguez vers le menu principal et sélectionnez File > New > Bathymetry File.
Utilisez l'option Import dans le module pour charger le fichier XYZ.
Sélectionnez votre fichier XYZ et configurez les paramètres d’importation pour qu’ils correspondent aux colonnes X, Y, Z.
Visualisez la bathymétrie pour vérifier la précision des données importées.
Enregistrez le fichier de bathymétrie en utilisant un nom et un format approprié.
Ressources Complémentaires
Manuel d’Utilisateur: Consultez le manuel utilisateur de MIKE Zero pour des instructions détaillées spécifiques à la version que vous utilisez.
Tutoriels Vidéo: DHI propose souvent des tutoriels vidéo pour MIKE Zero sur leur site Web ou sur des plateformes comme YouTube.
Support Technique: Si vous rencontrez des problèmes spécifiques, contactez le support technique de DHI pour une assistance directe.
Ces étapes peuvent varier légèrement en fonction de la version de MIKE Zero et des modules spécifiques que vous utilisez. Assurez-vous toujours de consulter la documentation pour des instructions détaillées adaptées à votre cas d'utilisation.
  • asked a question related to Filing
6 answers
I have intel iris xe graphic card. i want to run dft calculation in gaussian using a gpu. what are the necessary modifications to the input file? my input file read like this:
# opt b3lyp/6-311+g(d,p) geom=connectivity
i tried increasing processor and memory but the program terminate
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You can get help from MolQube in this matter. They provide you powerful gpu and cpu servers. Email them. Email address:
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I like PCW and profex as they are free softwares. It would be great to put the cif, and str files together with my samples to better identify. I work with XRD applied to mineralogy.
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Hello. It is not a problem. All these files are in text format and can be edited, for example, in a notepad. cif files contain all the necessary data for the PowderCell cel file.
  • asked a question related to Filing
5 answers
Hello, I have some raw files which extension is .d (acquired from Brucker instrument). Which platforms would you recommend to perform the bioinformatic analysis (possibly fee downloadable)? I have experience using MaxQuant but it does not recognize the .d files. Any recommendation? Thank you in advance
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How it can recognize the .d folder? I attempt but it looks impossible.
  • asked a question related to Filing
6 answers
please suggest CIF FILE OF ZnO
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Why do you ask about a salt stoichiometry on a long outdated thread on a CIF file?
Also, it's a polymer whose length you didn't specify and you also did not specify the counterion, so the answer is "no, we can't tell you that".
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
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What are you doing? Are you trying to promote your dissertation? The point of this section is so we can get together to answer questions. I do not see how your post is contributing to that in any positive way.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I want to get confirmation as to the correct way to specify a uniform EXTERNAL_PRESSURE in a non-orthogonal unit cell using the academic CASTEP code (i.e. not using the Materials studio interface, but rather in the generated input files).
I have a unit cell with:
a b c 8.24600 4.79900 9.19601
alpha beta gamma 90.0000 63.0282 90.0000
and I have mapped the cell to:
0.0 8.24600 0.0
0.0 0.0 4.79900
8.1957587287 4.1708678686 0.0
The CASTEP cocumentation describes the EXTERNAL_PRESSURE block in terms of Rxx,Rxy, etc. which sounds like orthogonal Cartesians, so I am wondering : if I want to impose an isotropic external pressure of 'P' GPa, what would the EXTERNAL_PRESSURE block need to look like?
Relevant answer
The explanation you received from the CASTEP developer group indicates that external pressure is defined in Cartesian coordinates regardless of the unit cell geometry. Here’s a detailed and structured clarification based on the provided information:
### Explanation of External Pressure in CASTEP
**Key Points:**
1. **Specification in Cartesian Coordinates:** External pressure in CASTEP is always specified in orthogonal Cartesian coordinates.
2. **Independence from Unit Cell Geometry:** This specification method applies irrespective of the unit cell's geometry, including cases where cell angles deviate from 90 degrees.
3. **Format for Hydrostatic Pressure:** For hydrostatic pressure, the pressure tensor is diagonal with equal elements along the diagonal, which simplifies to:
%block external_pressure
P 0 0
P 0
%endblock external_pressure
Here, `P` represents the pressure value in GPa.
### Detailed Breakdown:
1. **Cartesian Coordinates System:**
- The external pressure tensor in CASTEP is defined using an orthogonal Cartesian coordinate system, which is independent of the crystallographic axes of the unit cell.
- This means the pressure components \( P_{xx}, P_{yy}, P_{zz} \) (along with the off-diagonal shear components \( P_{xy}, P_{xz}, P_{yz} \)) are specified in a Cartesian framework.
2. **Application to Any Unit Cell Geometry:**
- The unit cell can have any arbitrary geometry with angles that are not necessarily 90 degrees.
- The use of Cartesian coordinates ensures that the pressure application is consistent and unambiguous regardless of the unit cell's shape and orientation.
3. **Hydrostatic Pressure Example:**
- For applying a hydrostatic pressure \( P \), where the pressure is uniform in all directions, the pressure tensor can be simplified:
%block external_pressure
P 0 0
P 0
%endblock external_pressure
- This tensor has the same value \( P \) along the diagonal components, indicating equal pressure in the x, y, and z directions, with zero off-diagonal elements.
### Practical Implications:
- **Consistency:** By using Cartesian coordinates, CASTEP ensures that pressure is applied in a consistent manner, making it easier to interpret and apply pressure conditions across different simulations.
- **Flexibility:** This method allows for straightforward application of various pressure conditions (hydrostatic, uniaxial, etc.) without needing to convert between coordinate systems tailored to specific unit cell geometries.
### Example:
If you wish to apply a hydrostatic pressure of 5 GPa to your system, you would specify it as follows:
%block external_pressure
5 0 0
5 0
%endblock external_pressure
This ensures that a uniform pressure of 5 GPa is applied in all directions, irrespective of the unit cell's specific geometry.
In conclusion, the critical takeaway is the invariance of the pressure specification method with respect to the unit cell geometry in CASTEP, always using orthogonal Cartesian coordinates for defining external pressure.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Hi I have Osirix and ICODE for anonymisation of dicom files however none do this on bulk yet.
I’m undertaking a large research project and wondered if there is something out there or something that can be coded easily, to select numerous dicom files to anonymise in a numbering order and map reports with the corresponding correct numbering convention in excel also anonymised. Thank you
Relevant answer
Here are a few choices that you may be able to use. Since you are on a MAC most of these are web or java based.
A review article that may help - Top 5 Free imaging software/services for the de-identification of your medical images ( -
2 tools that you may find easy are - 1) David Clunie's - DicomCleaner - How to use DicomCleaner™ (
And 2) Drag 'n Drop batch Anonymization of DICOM data for free - ( -
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I have used g_mmpbsa (rashmi kumari version) for mmpbsa study in my previous simuation. Everything was ok. But i performed three simulations on cluster having gromacs 2021. Now the .xtc and .tpr file are not accepted by g_mmpbsa. I have downloaded the new version g_mmpbsa-1.7.1 but errors are occuring in installation.
Can anyone share executable g_mmpbsa and energy2bfac files so that i can add them directly to bin and g_mmpbsa 1.7.1 can run.
Saima Ejaz
Relevant answer
You can try with the more updated versions of MMPBSA (gmx_MMPBSA) which are compatible with the newer versions of GROMACS (2018.3, 2019.1, 2020.3, and 2021.1).
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Hello everyone
I have a query regarding md simulations
As I received CSV file for md data from my collaborators.. but the problem is in that file they did not mention the residue no for the rmsf of protein and ligand.. only time point total energy and rmsf values are given.
Can anyone help me how to find which rmsf values belongs to which residue
Thank you
Relevant answer
look in to trajectory file. or repeat the command.
or if you handle VMD look it trajectory
  • asked a question related to Filing
6 answers
I am trying to extract the global stiffness matrix from Ansys. I am using the following command to do so:
*DMAT, MatKD, D,IMPORT, FULL, file.full, STIFF
*PRINT,MatKD, K.csv
When I open the file, I see that the matrix is printed with the index numbers as well (screenshot attached). Is there any way to print just the values? and also not have the matrix name "MatKD:" at the beginning?
Relevant answer
The solution I found was to extract the matrices from Ansys as .mtx files and then read these files in Matlab. The following APDL code lets you extract dense and sparse mass and stiffness matrices from Ansys:
! Stiffness
*EXPORT, MatKD, mmf, Kdense.mtx
! Mass
*EXPORT, MatMD, mmf, Mdense.mtx
! Sparse Stiffness
*EXPORT, MatKS, mmf, Ksparse.mtx
! Sparse Mass
*EXPORT, MatMS, mmf, Msparse.mtx
Then, you can use the function mmread('matrix.mtx') to load them into Matlab as .mat files that do not contain the brackets.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I have the file, and prefer to send it privately (because I'm not a lawyer, and don't really know what permissions I have to send or post it publicly).
Please advise if possible.
Relevant answer
1. Clear browser cache, sometimes, cached data can cause issues. Clear your browser cache and cookies, then try submitting the request again.
2. Try a different network, there might be network-related issues. Try submitting the request from a different internet connection (e.g., a different Wi-Fi network or using mobile data).
3. Check for platform updates, ensure that the platform you are using is up-to-date. If there are any updates available, apply them and then try again.
4. Contact platform's general support:If you are unsure about the specific technical support, contact the general support or customer service of the platform. They can direct you to the right team or provide assistance.
5. Alternative submission methods, check if the platform offers alternative methods for submission (e.g., email submission, FTP upload). If available, try using one of these methods.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I am working on LAMMPS molecular simulation on CO2 mineralization. I have some scripts which require to compile Lammps files using cmake in ubuntu. Is there anyone who has some expertise can help me to solve that problem.
I look forward to hearing from someone. Thank you.
Relevant answer
Hi, I am sorry to make delay in response. Meanwhile, I was working on compiling the LAMMPS files. I think I did it successfully using cmake. However, now I am facing to run simulation in ubuntu using those files. May I request to help what I am doing wrong? I have attached a screenshot of the problem that I am facing. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I am looking for a way to get the number of patents granted and the number of patents filed by each listed Indian company for the past ten years. Is there any website or database that provides the same?
Relevant answer
Google "patent search" or "patent search India" and you'll find numerous services are available for answering your question. Libraries may well be happy to run the search on a suitable database for you. I recommend Derwent Innovation on Clarivate, but there are many other services such as Intellectual Property India around as well.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I am trying to convert .mol2 file to .str file using CGENFF but unable to generate output, It showing a following error to me, can anyone help me out. How to resolve it?
Error: "attype warning: element not supported;skipped molecule."
Relevant answer
not yet
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Dear network
I need to plot instantaneous and mean End-to-end delay in D2D and eNode-based topologies?
How to generate/visualise the accurate vec file data?
I appreciate your help
Relevant answer
For an alternative approach, consider using NetSim 5G, which provides easy end-to-end delay plotting through its GUI.
More information is available at
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Can we process gnss data for different cutoff angles and get it as a rinex file as output?
Relevant answer
Yes, you can using leica Geo office or leica infinity, after processing you can get as rnx2 or rnx3. You can process them using Bernese V.5.2 software will give you output with precise RMS but the output not rnx file.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
Good day, everyone.
I am trying to create an artificial neural network with Matlab and then optimize it with the genetic algorithm. After training the network, I saved it and created the following two script files.
function fitness = fitnessFunction(x, trainedNetwork)
% Check input values
net = trainedNetwork;
if any(x < -1) || any(x > 1)
error('Input values must be between -1 and +1.');
outputs = net(x'); % use net instead of trainedNetwork
fitness = -sum(outputs); % Negative sign, since the genetic algorithm thinks it is looking for a minimum
catch ME
%Install trainedNetwork
load('trainedNetwork.mat', 'trainedNetwork'); % Load the file where the trainedNetwork variable is saved
inputSize = 3;
% Set genetic algorithm settings
% Set lower and upper limits (between -1 and +1)
lb = -ones(1, inputSize); % Lower limit
ub = ones(1, inputSize); % Upper limit
options = optimoptions('ga', 'Display', 'iter', 'PopulationSize', 100, 'MaxGenerations', 50);
% Run the genetic algorithm
[x, fval] = ga(@(x) fitnessFunction(x, trainedNetwork), inputSize, [], [], [], [], [], lb, ub, [], options);
% Best solution and fitness value
bestInputs = x;
bestFitness = -fval; % We return it because we have marked it negative
% Calculate outputs corresponding to the best inputs
bestOutputs = trainedNetwork(bestInputs');
disp('Best inputs:');
disp('The highest outputs corresponding to these inputs:');
When I run the second script, I get the following error.
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in fitnessFunction (line 8)
outputs = trainedNetwork(x');
I would be very grateful if you can help me.
Relevant answer
The idea here is to employ the Genetic algorithm to optimize ANN parameters to improve performance. ANN provides the search space and utilizes GA to find the best solution by tuning the weights and biases required to achieve lower error rates. The error between the model output and the exact training data can reach a minimum value by iterating the GA until the desired error is met.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I have tries "a_nonSchmid_110" or "a_nS" in the material.yaml file, but none of these works. Help is highly appreciated.
Relevant answer
We know that higher values of non-Schmid coefficients deteriorate convergence but so far we could not investigate this systeamtically.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I'm writing Python scripts for Abaqus and I'm facing a problem. I need to change the coordinate system in a .odb file before extracting data but I'm stuck. I can create my coordinate system and extract the data but not the intermediate step. How can I change it using Python ? If you have any information, it would be great.
Best regards,
Benjamin Martin
Relevant answer
Benjamin Martin To prevent deformation and accurately gather data in the reference configuration, it is essential to extract information from the initial frame (frame 0), where the model remains undeformed. While the getTransformedField method lacks a direct keyword to bypass deformation, the solution lies in working with the appropriate frame.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
The second plant in the attached file is from Monte Subasio and was denoted Inula montana. But Inula montana is the first plant photographed by me in the Alps.
Relevant answer
Both first and second plant seems to be Pentanema montanum (=Inula montana) of the Asteraceae family.
  • asked a question related to Filing
5 answers
My Xcrysden crashed and I was searching for the solutions. Finally, after several attempts I reached a solution of the same.
Follow these steps if your xcrysden crashes with the error "(file "/usr/share/xcrysden/Tcl/xcInit.tcl" line 633)".
Follow these steps to fix the same
  • cd
  • mkdir .xcrysden
  • cd .xcrysden
  • cp /usr/share/xcrysden/Tcl/custom-definitions .
  • uncommenting the "#set toglOpt(accum) false" in custom_definitions
Do Let me know if this works for you.
Dr Abhinav
Relevant answer
Thank you very much Mr Abhinav Nag
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
How can we simulate TSV in the Silvaco example?
Exactly, I need the instructions for the attachments file.
Best regards.
Relevant answer
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
Hello all,
I am doing some heavy simulations in Fluent using clusters. The models are not readable by laptop or desktop because they are very heavy. So, i have to take the contours in cluster using journal file commands. But i don't know how. If anyone has experience in this field, please share it wit me. Thank you very much.
Relevant answer
thank you for your response. I have the files (*.dat.h5) but they are not readable by my laptop because they are really heavy (about 10 Gb). So, i have to capture my results by the comments in journal file on the cluster.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I need some mask for UV photolithography. Can you suggest any software to draw those patterns with proper file format so that directly the file can be inserted and required pattern can be obtained. Note I don't need PowerPoint files though we can design the mask.
Relevant answer
Hi Deepak Kumar Sahu, You can check out ''L-edit'' or ''Layout Editor'' software, which is usually a standard for mask design in semiconductor manufacturing. It allows you to export your mask, after preparation, into various formats, e.g., GDSII, DXF, etc.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
the command line -----------gmx_mpi grompp -f md_pull.mdp -c eqb6.gro -p -r eqb6.gro -n new.ndx -o pull.tpr -maxwarn 3
Fatal error:
Group Protein referenced in the .mdp file was not found in the index file.
Group names must match either [moleculetype] names or custom index group
names, in which case you must supply an index file to the '-n' option
of grompp.
Relevant answer
i think residues are not incorporated with the force field.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
The default value is set as the natural abundance,how to set different levels of isotopes in the CONTROL file while using ShengBTE? Is there an example CONTROL file?
Relevant answer
Hi Sun,
I am trying to generate Phonon dispersion of GaAs using ShengBTE. While working on it I feel that something I am not understanding. Would you please help me to clear some of my confusion?
I have some questions regarding the file.
q1) Does scell mean a supercell size? For example: scell(:)= 5 5 5 means that 5*5*5 supercell?
q2) If scell means 5*5*5 supercell here, would I have to run pw.x considering 5*5*5 supercell to generate 2nd_order force constant by Quantum Espresso?
q3) How about 3rd order force constant using Should we use the same supercell (5*5*5)?
Thank you in advance for your time
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I want to calculate the lattice thermal conductivity of Bi2Te2Se. I calculated second-order Force constants using phonopy and third order force constants using
But when I run ShengBTE, I am getting the following error.
At line 116 of file config.f90 (unit = 1, file = 'CONTROL')
Fortran runtime error: Cannot match namelist object name 0705
Could anyone help me to figure out this error? I have successfully run the TEST-VASP example provided with ShengBTE.
The required files are attached herewith.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Relevant answer
I am trying to generate Phonon dispersion of GaAs using ShengBTE. While working on it I feel that something I am not understanding. Would you please help me to clear some of my confusion?
I have some questions regarding the file.
q1) Does scell mean a supercell size? For example: scell(:)= 5 5 5 means that 5*5*5 supercell?
q2) If scell means 5*5*5 supercell here, would I have to run pw.x considering 5*5*5 supercell to generate 2nd_order force constant by Quantum Espresso?
q3) How about 3rd order force constant using Should we use the same supercell (5*5*5)?
Thank you in advance for your time
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
check the plagiarism for the file attach below
Relevant answer
Unfortunately, we cannot directly check the plagiarism for your file here. However, you can find comprehensive information on how to avoid plagiarism, including types of plagiarism, tips for ensuring your work is plagiarism-free, and recommended tools for checking your text, on our website
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Which file format of GSAS 2 will be supported by Origin?
Relevant answer
Hello Bibi Safia.
GSAS-II can export the result automatically to Origin, but depends of Origin version. I think it must be Origin-2018 or newer, because these new versions of Origin came with some python functionalities, and GSAS-II is programmed in python. Feel free to reply if you need more help with this.
Best regards,
Ricardo Tadeu
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
Dear Researchers,
I hope this message finds you well. I am conducting PhD research in Computer Science on fetal heart rate analysis.
I am encountering difficulties in importing and using the CTU-UHB dataset (.dat files) in Python. Could you please provide guidance or a file to help  me properly utilize this dataset? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and support.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
hor can delete a wrong uploaded file ,please?
Relevant answer
please have a look at my answer of a recent similar question.
Detailed description and references with respect to the RG support pages are given there...
Good luck and
best regards
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
Is there any software that can take atomic positions as input (e.g. VASP POSCAR file) and give me the output of Wyckoff positions? I am trying to find vacancies of some specific Wyckoff positions from my output files.
Relevant answer
In the Materials cloud website you can upload cif file of any compound , there is no need for quantum espresso input files. You can use " seek k path " feature in their website.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I am working with PopArt (Population Analysis with Reticulate Trees) software making statistical parsimony haplotype networks. It uses nexus format, and I had not trouble formatting and making a single color network, but am struggling a bit with importing and applying the traits block or instruction file, my goal is to produce a network with color coded sampling regions or populations. Can anyone share an example traits file that's correctly formatted to indicate color in the network by population or geographic sampling location? Many thanks, Brenden
Relevant answer
@Ajanta, thank you for your detailed message. I'll take a look now!
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Currently, I want to investigate the structural, electronic, and other properties of a composite material, but have trouble in developing the necessary input file for Quantum ESPRESSO (QE). So that I am requesting assistance on how to develop the appropriate input file for QE to study the properties of the composite material. eg. ZnO/Graphene
Relevant answer
Try to use Burai software. It is an open-source software where you can upload cif file of the structure then the software helps you to generate necessary files for your calculations including optimization input file.
  • asked a question related to Filing
4 answers
Can anyone suggest how to design a transistor model in ansys circuit. snp file with respect to different bias is available but from the datasheet I want to design transistor and observe it's effect with respect to any bias condition.
Any suggestion would be really helpful.
Relevant answer
Hello Swadesh Poddar sir,
If you got the answer of your question , please post the answer because I am also trying to design the transistor model in HFSS circuit but not getting correct way to design. I hope you will reply.
Thanking you
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
In this online file you have included my last 2 publications. But your original file my (Mohammad Ansaruzzaman, student of free university Brussels & Karolinska Institute) you have included all my files.
Relevant answer
Note that you have a second profile including all these publications:
See this instruction how to merge duplicate profiles:
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I want to do microbiome analysis using R, for which I have three folders that contain ASV data, metadata i.e. sample data, and taxonomy data for 56 sample studies. I want to read the data in those folders and create a separate phyloseq object for each sample study, then I have to make a merged phyloseq object. The issue I am facing is that while creating a phyloseq object the ASV table is said to be non-numeric. What should I do in such a case?
Relevant answer
# Load necessary libraries
metadata <- "C:/Users/Saesha Verma/OneDrive/Desktop/Analysis/Metadata_table"
asv <- "C:/Users/Saesha Verma/OneDrive/Desktop/Analysis/ASV_table"
taxa <- "C:/Users/Saesha Verma/OneDrive/Desktop/Analysis/Taxa_table"
# Create empty lists to store data
metadata_list <- list()
asv_list <- list()
taxa_list <- list()
# Loop through files in each directory
for (i in 1:56) {
# Construct file paths
metadata_file <- paste0(metadata, "/Study", i, ".csv")
asv_file <- paste0(asv, "/ASVtable.SILVA.16S_", i, ".csv")
taxa_file <- paste0(taxa, "/Taxa_data_", i, ".csv")
# Read files
metadata_list[[i]] <- read.csv(metadata_file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
asv_list[[i]] <- read.csv(asv_file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
taxa_list[[i]] <- read.csv(taxa_file, header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Convert ASV data to numeric, excluding the first column if it's a row name or identifier
asv_list[[i]][, -1] <- lapply(asv_list[[i]][, -1], as.numeric)
# Convert specific columns to numeric in metadata (if necessary)
for (i in 1:56) {
if (!is.numeric(metadata_list[[i]][, 1])) {
metadata_list[[i]][, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character(metadata_list[[i]][, 1]))
# Create empty list to store phyloseq objects
physeq_list <- list()
# Loop through data frames and create phyloseq objects
for (i in 1:56) {
# Ensure the OTU table is a numeric matrix
asv_matrix <- as.matrix(asv_list[[i]][, -1])
rownames(asv_matrix) <- asv_list[[i]][, 1] # Assuming the first column is the row names/identifiers
# Ensure the taxonomy table is a matrix and the row names match the OTU table
taxa_matrix <- as.matrix(taxa_list[[i]])
rownames(taxa_matrix) <- taxa_list[[i]][, 1] # Assuming the first column is the row names/identifiers
# Create phyloseq object
physeq <- phyloseq(
otu_table(asv_matrix, taxa_are_rows = TRUE),
# Assign the phyloseq object to the list
physeq_list[[i]] <- physeq
# Name each phyloseq object in the list
names(physeq_list) <- paste0("physeq_", 1:56)
Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class “phyloseq” object: Component taxa/OTU names do not match. Taxa indices are critical to analysis. Try taxa_names()
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I did flow cytometry experiments using guava easyCyte™ HT System and I enter an optional Sample ID for each individual well or tube.
When I am trying to analyse data (.FCS format) using flowJo software, I find the files are named by numbers and the date.
Could you recommend any tool to recover the sample ID?
Relevant answer
select row, right click > add keyword, GTI$SAMPLEID
  • asked a question related to Filing
5 answers
Attached here is the CIF file of CaCO3. I have opened it using Vesta and get the following data:
Title C Ca O3
Lattice type C
Space group name Custom
Space group number 167
Setting number 1
Lattice parameters
a b c alpha beta gamma
6.36000 6.36000 6.36000 46.1000 46.1000 46.1000
Unit-cell volume = 121.856657 Å^3
Structure parameters
x y z Occ. U Site Sym.
1 Ca Ca1 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000 1.000 0.000 2 -
2 C C1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.000 0.000 2 -
3 O O1 0.25000 -0.25000 0.00000 1.000 0.000 6 -
Using the info above I have prepared the Quantum Espresso file as follows(I just point specific cards):
ibrav = 0
celldm(1) = 6.36000
6.36000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 6.36000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 6.36000
Ca 0.25000 0.25000 0.25000
C 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
O 0.25000 -0.25000 0.00000
The above info are okay? I am confused about cell_parameters how can I include alpha beta gamma angle in the QE file?
Relevant answer
Md. Harun-Or-Rashid I couldn't find the code files of the papers. Would you please send me the links? Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I have calculated Y2SiO5 with monoclinic system (Y1-Y2 two site, unique Si site and O1, O2, O3, O4 and O5 five site). Thus, I have used these parameters as a input file descriptions;
Monoclinic P, unique axis b
celldm(2) = b/a
celldm(3)= c/a
celldm(5)=cos (ac) where beta is the angle between axis a and c
Dou you any comment for these chosen inputs
Many thanks
Relevant answer
thanks Anoop A Nair
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Dear users
I have a problem using the cppp.x postprocessing after my md calculation in quantum espresso.
Pleased find attached my inputs files. Always I got a message like this: Error reading namelist &inputpp
Relevant answer
Download the data and code file for these papers, I think these will help you.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I started running SWAT-CUP with 100 simulations but the error message shows like in the attached screenshot that the output files does not exist in the directory path even after the calibration was run successfully.
Relevant answer
Even I am facing the same issue.. How did you solved?
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I want to know the completeness and contamination level of bacterial genome sequence. I have the assembled FASTA file of the bacterial genome sequence.
Are there any online tools where I can upload my FASTA file and directly can find the completeness and contamination level?
Thanks in advance
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
Hi, I am stuck with my Amos Analysis and need help. I am unable to get any path coefficients or standardized estimates for my model. The model runs without any hassle but output file is almost empty. Every path coefficient is marked as 'Unidentified'. Seek help, please look into the attached diagram and suggest the possible reasons. Thank You.
Relevant answer
Yes, I found that need at least 3 additional constraints.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I have a text file where includes the atomic positions of each atoms in 3D space . How to determine the Burgers vector from it?
Relevant answer
Md. Sharier Nazim The Burgers vector is a measure of the lattice distortion caused by the presence of a line defect, such as a dislocation. For simple unit cells with one type of atom, the Burgers vector generally points in a close-packed direction and has a magnitude of 2R, where R is the atomic radius.
The initial step in determining the Burgers vector is to identify the crystal structure of the material by analyzing the atomic positions. Common crystal structures include body-centered cubic (BCC), face-centered cubic (FCC), and others. The Burgers vector direction and magnitude depend on the specific crystal structure. For instance, in a BCC lattice, a possible Burgers vector direction is from one corner of the unit cell to another corner.
Once the crystal structure has been identified, the next step is to calculate the lattice parameter 'a' of the unit cell using the atomic positions. For BCC, the lattice parameter is given by a = 4R/√3, and for FCC, it is a = 4R/√2, where R is the atomic radius.
With the crystal structure and lattice parameter determined, the Burgers vector direction can be established in terms of the unit cell vectors. For example, in a cubic crystal, the Burgers vector direction could be a/2 [110].
Finally, the magnitude of the Burgers vector |b| can be calculated using the formula: |b| = √(u^2 + v^2 + w^2) • a, where (u,v,w) is the Burgers vector direction, and 'a' is the lattice parameter.
So, determining the Burgers vector from a text file containing atomic positions requires a systematic approach. This involves understanding the concept of the Burgers vector, identifying the crystal structure, calculating the lattice parameter, determining the Burgers vector direction, and finally calculating the Burgers vector magnitude using the provided formula. By following these steps, the Burgers vector can be accurately determined from the given atomic positions.
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2 answers
I want to know the completeness and contamination level of bacterial genome sequence. I have the assembled FASTA file of the bacterial genome sequence.
Are there any online tools where I can upload my FASTA file and directly can find the completeness and contamination level?
Thanks in advance
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Dear Yu Chyuan Heng,
Thank you so much for the information.
I got it from the NCBI Genome Assembly page.
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4 answers
I have synthesized strontium based hydroxy-apatite by co-precipitation process. i have done the rietveld refinement of it. The problem is its chi-square is not less than 2, even though I have refined them properly and zooming into each peaks after every refinement.
What can be the possible cause for this? Is it because nano-particles have been formed as a result we cant do its refinement as I read it somewhere else or is there something wrong which I have not taken care of. I have uploaded the pcr file and the image of final refinement.
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You might theoretically attain chi^2 = 1 if the difference is determined by counting statistics and not by systematic errors. But virtually every X-ray powder diffraction pattern has been measured with such a accuracy that you have systematic problems e.g. with the description of the profile shape (as it is the case in your case).
-you might decrease you chi^2 by improving the description of your profile
-You get very nice Rwp or chi^2 values especially if you have high background. This is typically what you do not like to have. But such an example tells you not to believe (to much) into the residual parameters.
See e.g.
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I am not able to upload SCOPUS downloaded CSV file in Biblioshiny and run the analysis. Please guide.
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Has anyone found a solution for the issue with this?
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
Dear colleagues, good day!
I have a large ND2 file (~6 GB) that cannot be opened in FIJI due to its size (FIJI says that there is no available memory). I have already increased the available memory in FIJI (up to 100 GB, and surely I always restart the program) without any success. As well, the installation of Nikon ND2 Reader ImageJ plugin ( did not solve the issue. My ImageJ version is 1.54f.
I would be thankful so much for any ideas on how to open such large file (I have no access to the original software that was used to create this file).
Best wishes,
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Hi Alfonso, and thank you for your suggestion! No, I didn't use this option before, it was always off. Surprisingly, if I toggle this option on, FIJI can't open a large 3D stack ND2 file ("Unsupported file format or file not found").
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Hi dears, I'm performing PWcond calculations on a cubic unit cell. I obtain 5 output files, like,, bands.AB.co_re, bands.AB.co_im and bands.AB.3d. I want to plot the complex band structure for the material AB and therefore my questions are as follows:
1/ what represent files .co_re, .co_im and .3d?
2/ which files that are supposed to be plotted?
3/ what are the allowed values of K_perp and why the weight is 1 or 0, and what does represent nenergy (the number of energy)?
Thank you for your assistance,
Relevant answer
I am also working on PWCOND and here is y published work.
I can tell u some of these.
pls send me the input file.
Muhammad Saleem
  • asked a question related to Filing
7 answers
Dear GROMACS expert,
I am currently having trouble to analyse the results from my simulations. After processing the output files using this command,
gmx trjconv -s md_0_1.tpr -f md_0_1.xtc -o md_0_1_noPBC.xtc -pbc mol -center
and calculate the RMSD with this
gmx rms -s md_0_1.tpr -f md_0_1_noPBC.xtc -o rmsd.xvg -tu ns
I noticed that my graph plot did not start from 0ns, but started from ~90ns. My simulation time was 120ns, and how do I plot the graph of the RMSD from 0ns?
Thank you in advanced
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Hi Hamed Zahraee, since I have been renting out the server to run the simulations as I don't have the resources, I am afraid I won't be able to run a longer simulation as the rental period is over.
Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Dear All,
I seek assistance with an issue I’ve encountered using the CASTEP module in Material Studio for a Transition State (TS) search calculation. After performing the TS search and downloading the calculations from our computational cluster, I noticed that the expected .xod file was not included in the output files when I have transferred the output file to my PC. This file is crucial for my subsequent analysis and reaction rate calculation.
Could you please guide how to resolve this issue? Any insights or suggestions you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and assistance. :)
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Whoops! Looks like researchgate doesn't like me posting a link!
is the intendedlink not just the generic cambridge webpage!
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I am running MaxQuant and it starts running and almost immediately stops. I go into the error folder (combined-->proc, then select Configuring 11.error). The screenshot of the error is attached. I had converted .d files from an agilent system to .mzml as I couldn't get MaxQuant to recognize the .d file for data. I also went into global parameters-->advanced and unchecked the use of .NetCore as the net core was throwing an error and I found that doing so helped others in the same boat. The data files and fasta files are all in the same location.
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Hi Chelsea St. Germain,
Did you overcome this issue? I also got this problem even with the files that were previously successfully analyzed.
  • asked a question related to Filing
8 answers
Hello, I use ANSYS explicit dynamics to simulate something and after running the simulation, I get this error message. How can we solve it?
Thank you!
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It was the commercial 18.2 that had the error. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Filing
6 answers
Hi, everyone
I aim to install pix2tex along with Latex-OCD. While the former installs smoothly, I encounter a significant issue with the latter. I'm using Ubuntu 24.04. Is there a method available for installing Latex-OCR?
the errors is " File "/home/abdelmalek/anaconda3/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools_rust/", line 259, in build_extension
raise CompileError(format_called_process_error(e, include_stdout=False))
setuptools.sandbox.UnpickleableException: CompileError('`cargo rustc --lib --message-format=json-render-diagnostics --manifest-path Cargo.toml --release --features pyo3/extension-module --crate-type cdylib --` failed with code 101')"
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Hello all,
I appreciate the responses.
I managed to find a solution on Linux using Wine (though not specifically version for Linux yet).
All is well.
Thanks once more,
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I want to build and calculate the (PDA)(FA)n-1 PbnI(3n+1), where PDA refers to propane-1,3-diammonium (NH3-C3H6-NH3), FA is the formamidinium (NH2-CH-NH2).
I searched in the Crystallography Open Database and the Materials Project, however, only the cif file of (FA)PbI3 could be found.
I appreciated it if someone could provide the cif file of (PDA)PbI4 or (PDA)(FA)Pb2I7.
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hello sir please if you fined the answer could you help me i have the same issue
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Brillouin and Raman spectroscopy of the ferroelastic rutile-to-CaCl2 transition in SnO2 at high pressure: by Holger Hellwig, Alexander F. Goncharov, Eugene Gregoryanz, Ho-kwang Mao, and Russell J. Hemley
Phys. Rev. B 67, 174110 (2003)
I have found unusual pure cassiterite crystals with Raman spectroscopy, which show substantial differences from cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic cassiterite. See K. Balakrishnan et al. (2022).
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Dear Rainer Thomas. Yes I have this very nice paper. Please contact me.
Sincerely P. Bouvier
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Greeting to all,
I have two PDB files of the same protein (1st pdb contains the sequence from 5-28 amino acids and 2nd pdb the remaining seq). How can merge them together to give me one chain.
Thank you in advance
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Hi! There are many ways to achieve this task :)
  1. Open the files with a text editor and copy the content of the second file, then paste it into the first file. Or do it by copying the content of the first and the second file in a complete new file.
  2. Use a molecular visualization software like Chimera: open both structures and then save the final merged file.
  3. Use the terminal by concatenating both files using a pipe and redirecting the output to a new file.
Hope this helps :)
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
How to generate the CSV/Excel/Notepad/xy file of FTIR spectra (PerkinElmer Spectrum IR)?
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Thank you very much. Pierre Caulet
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
Hello dears
I want to import an LSF model from Tekla to Abaqus. Which type of file should the Tekla model be exported as?
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For the goemetry export/import igs or step is a good format. You can easiky make an export from tekla and ten import it to abaqus.
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I have 217 preprocessed BrainVision matlab files (.mat) with ECG data in them. I've been having trouble creating a study for these. I know BioSig works for ECG data, but it doesn't seem to work for BrainVision files.
" struct with fields:
message: 'Unrecognized field name "brainvision".'"
bva-io handles brainvision files but didn't work either, I believe because of the ECG data.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
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An efficient approach to processing BrainVision files with ECG data in EEGLAB involves the following steps: Download and set up EEGLAB along with the necessary plugins: Make sure that you have MATLAB installed and the EEGLAB toolbox. Furthermore, in order to properly use EEGLAB, you must install the BIOSIG plugin, which can handle several electrophysiological data types, such as BrainVision files. To do this, use the "File" menu and choose "Manage EEGLAB Extensions." Then, proceed to install the BIOSIG plugin. Import the BrainVision file: BrainVision data files have three components: .vhdr (header), .vmrk (markers), and .eeg (binary data). To import these files into EEGLAB: Launch the EEGLAB software from the MATLAB command line using the " eeglab " command. Navigate to the "File" menu and choose "Import data." From the dropdown menu, choose "From other formats using BIOSIG." Choose the .vhdr file that corresponds to your dataset. Perform ECG data identification and preprocessing. After being loaded, the EEG dataset will be shown in EEGLAB. You focus on working with ECG data, be sure you locate the appropriate channel(s). While the specific naming practices may differ, ECG channels are often designated. If needed, the ECG data may be preprocessed using filters, detrending, or other preprocessing techniques. For example, powerline noise may be eliminated by using a notch filter, or the signal can be smoothed using a low-pass filter. Analysis and treatment of artifacts: ECG signals may include several types of noise and artifacts. To manage artifacts, it is advisable to use the built-in tools or extra plugins in EEGLAB. One may use independent component analysis (ICA) to distinguish and isolate noise or artifacts from the ECG signal. To perform heart rate variability analysis or identify certain ECG characteristics, such as R-peaks, it may be necessary to develop bespoke scripts or use specialist toolboxes. Exporting or doing more analysis: After the data has been cleaned and preprocessed, it may be exported for further analysis or visualization. To facilitate its use in other toolboxes or programming environments, you may export it as a MATLAB matrix using commands such as eeg_getdatact().
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
When I specify the number of processors = 4, my calculation works fine. But when I want to specify the number of processors more than four, the program gives: "Will use up to 8 processors via shared memory." and that's all. The calculation does not work. What should I do?
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Hello dear Sara Dzhabieva
Make sure that your computer or computational cluster has enough available resources to accommodate the requested number of processors. This includes checking the total number of available CPU cores, memory (RAM), and any other system requirements for running Gaussian calculations. Ensure that your Gaussian license permits the use of more than four processors. Some Gaussian licenses may have limitations on the maximum number of processors that can be used simultaneously.
Another suggestion is the specialized team, whose activity is specialized in the field of computational chemistry. Give them an email:
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
After installing gaussian 16 in windows version, i tried to run a molecule in it but it failed having empty output file. please suggest possible solutions.
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I got the same issue too! Anyone knows what's the problem? My input file is as follows:
%chk=C:\G16W\Testing_file\Foraldehyde energy.chk
# apfd/6-311+g(2d,p) geom=connectivity
Formaldehyde energy
0 1
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.56301626
H 0.00000000 -0.92697196 -1.09694672
H -0.00000000 0.92697196 -1.09694672
O 0.00000000 -0.00000000 0.69656515
1 2 1.0 3 1.0 4 2.0
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1 answer
Hi, I am new to gaussian and was wondering how to use KMLYP and BHHLYP in the gaussian input file
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The KMLYP functional is not known to me, the BHHLYP seems to be called BHandHLYP in the Gaussian. You can find all the details about DFT functionals implemented within the Gaussian there
  • asked a question related to Filing
8 answers
When I click on the blue tab "Add text publicly", nothing happens. So I try the upper right tab "Add new"->published research->article, then click "Select and upload file". Nothing happens, so I drag and drop the MS (both as .doc and as .pdf), and the green "+" seems to indicate a successful transfer into the box, but nothing actually gets to the RG page.
I've used this method successfully many times in the past, so I'm not sure what's different now. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
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Is your file larger than 80 MB? This seems to be the limit of file size. See the last reply by Giacinto Libertini in
  • asked a question related to Filing
2 answers
I am a beginner in molecular dynamics, it would be of great help if someone could help me in rectifying the problem.I am attaching the input files along with the dump file for reference.
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How did you decide how many ions to pack in a simulation box ?
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
As a student in Bachelor degree program in computer science field we have a project in course of "Language Theory", our project related with Natural Language Processing:
- First phase talks about giving a dictionary of "Physical Objects Name's" and give it a "Text" (all this in input) after that it gives us a list of "Physical Objects Name's" in our "Text" (this is the output as a file).
- Second phase is to use the last list to as input and implement a code that can classify words by topics and the result will be the general topic or idea of our text.
In this project I did the first phase but in the second one I don't understand how can I implement my code.
P.S: I try to add a python file but I can't, so for all those who wanna help me I can send them my work.
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You can use spaCy NER (named entity recognition models) or hugging face transformers, depending on the topic each model is trained to detect.
Hope it helps,
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
I performed a docking task but when I use enrichment calculator to generate ROC curve the output file are not in a format that is recognized by maestro. How can I solve this problem?
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3 answers
while trying to generate CGenFF topology for Ligand after extracting from docked file, i got error which i'm showing as a picture. What could be the possible reason and how will i rectify it for smooth running of MD simulation.
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Jobin Thomas this is the pdbqt file of the docked protein-ligand complex.
  • asked a question related to Filing
4 answers
I am trying to calculate Z2 invariant for a band using WannierTools and Wannier90. I calculated the TB band structure using Wannier90, and found that the bands near the Fermi are reproduced exactly by the Wannier90 code. However, I find that a warning mentioning "Disentanglement convergence criteria not satisfied" is found in the out file. Does this mean that the TB band structure cannot be trusted?
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If you are certain your projections are correct, you can use dis_conv_tol to reduce the convergence threshold
  • asked a question related to Filing
3 answers
I have one equlibrated PIM polymer data file & solvent water data files. I would like to combine both data files together & for that I designed the water block so that it could have 10 angstrom gap from the polymer membrane. After that, I tried with read data command using add apppend offset of lammps. However, the job was aborted every time with that. I also tried with vmd as I have both psf & pdb file but the merge tools in vmd don't have the parameter for polymer so it also didn't work. Could anyone please suggest any external tool that might help to resolve the issue of merging?
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You could try using moltemplate.
  • asked a question related to Filing
1 answer
Find the attached file.
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1 answer
I tried adding the following lines to the .ini file in order to test loRaNode mobility after installing both FloRA and inet. But it remains still during the simulation.
**.loRaNodes[0].mobility.typename = "LinearMobility" **.loRaNodes[0].mobility.speed = 10mps
Relevant answer
Hi ,
i want to have mobility for LoRaGW. did you find solution for solve it or not?
i would be very grateful if you could help me.
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2 answers
Why won't my PDF files upload to supplementary materials ?
Opens without complaint in Adobe Acrobat Reader 2023
file size 18 MB,
second instance of failed upload is 11 MB
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Already PDF. I would NEVER post a MS Word file. It's large, but that is not the problem. I have tracked the issue to two PDF files which were subsets of the single consolidated file I created. These are error-free PDFs (afaik) which open fine in Adobe Acrobat Reader without complaints. But if uploaded to Research Gate the system abandons them without diagnostics or error messages. Simply hangs for a long time and abandons. Same effect with SMALL files on their own.
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3 answers
I have 25 folders for 25 participants, all with .mat files inside that are preprocessed.
Most of them have the same amount of .mat files - a couple participants didn't finish the study, so they have less files.
How can I import them all at once into eeglab, and create a study with them all?
I've been having a lot of trouble doing them all at once specifically. Import data only lets me do one at a time - importing them as "datasets" for some reason erases the file path. "Browse" also only lets me do one at a time.
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The best way is to convert your data into edf. format. That definitely can help you import all files, and then create one study.
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5 answers
I want to calculate the RMSD for the individual confrmations from the output file pdbqt into to run in into a program that only accepts PDB files. I can convert pdbqt files to PDB using openbabel but how do i split the Autodock Vina pdbqt file into indivual files?
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To split vina pdbqt file -You can use this command:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\The Scripps Research Institute\Vina\vina_split.exe" --input output_outfile.pdbqt