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Publications related to Europe (10,000)
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The first edition of this book was published in 2018 with the aim of providing holistic and comprehensive material on the Internet of Things (IoT). The book has become a reference for various researchers and professional ICT practitioners. Some universities around the world, including those in Europe and North America, are also using this book as c...
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This paper starts with an assumption that Geopolitics, understood as one of the great schools of International Relations, is not only still relevant but, indeed, should be one of the essential items in the toolkit of any student or policymaker who peruses the challenging and ever eluding realm of international security. It draws chiefly on the Hea...
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Rural regions are unique territorial spaces in terms of economic abilities, social features and the settlement structure. Such areas have undergone meaningful changes throughout Europe, including Hungary. Important changes have taken place, creating functions other than agrarian production for rural regions. These new functions and their diversity...
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The symposium Perspectives on Protein Networks in Plants (PNP) 19 & 20 Sep. 2024 will take place at the IBMP-CNRS institute located close to the city center of Strasbourg, a vibrant city in the heart of Europe. The symposium is divided in 4 sessions, each session initiated by an internationally recognized expert in the field. Sessions 1 to 3 will...
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Riverine lakes are a distinct lake type found in geographic regions of Europe shaped by glacial processes. Knowledge concerning their macroinvertebrate communities is scarce and hampers the development of type-specific assessment methods as demanded by the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD). We compared macroinvertebrate community compo...
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Leniency programs in antitrust investigations exist in Europe since the late nineties. They cover secret agreements and concerted practices between companies, and provide total or partial immunity to companies reporting evidence. This raises the question of assessing correctly the contribution of each company that take part in a leniency program. T...
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Mid-Late Pleistocene rhinos of Europe - revision, evolution, Etruscan-Forest-Steppe-Woolly rhino subspecies, predation by hyenas and hunt by Neandertals
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This volume draws upon a thorough quali-quantitative study of EU texts on migration. The study sought to determine whether Euro-English could be acknowledged as a distinct and alternative pan-European variety of standard British English in light of recent advances. The analysis was conducted using AntConc Concordancer and investigated the lexico-gr...
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This study aims to measure how far 26 EU countries are from the safe and just space (SJS) defined in the Doughnut Economics framework by calculating the distance for all social and environmental dimensions and using two synthetic indices for safe space and just space. The distance was measured as a percentage of the threshold to be reached. Therefo...
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Observers from North America, Australia, and Europe collaborated to find for 805 Hormuthia at its 2024 opposition an unambiguous synodic rotation period of 23.795 ± 0.004 hours and an amplitude of 0.13 ± 0.01 magnitudes with one maximum and minimum per rotational cycle.
Research Proposal
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In 2013, China established the Belt and Road Initiative to foster regional connectivity and spur economic cooperation through infrastructure development and policy coordination across Asia, Europe, and Africa. Although essentially transportation- and trade-focused, the BRI embeds some serious implications for educational and human capital developme...
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Tourist countries are faced with a number of risks and uncertainties that have a devastating impact on the tourism industry, such as: the current economic crisis, fluctuations, terrorist attacks, diseases, and to be able to survive, the tourism sector should be based on aspects of cooperation between the public and the private sector; reducing barr...
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« Une grosse espèce de volaille de la grosseur d'un dindon, très grasse, et aux ailes si courtes qu'elle ne peut voler ; elle est blanche et elle n'est pas sauvage, comme du reste tous les oiseaux de cette île, aucun d'eux n'ayant jusqu'ici été tracassé ni effrayé par des coups de fusils. » C’est ainsi que le 23 mars 1613, sous la plume de l’offic...
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The JRC policy brief presents an analysis of the regional concentration of the main EU instruments for R&I (Cohesion Policy; Framework Programme; Recovery and Resilience Facility) and how they compare in the context of Europe’s highly heterogeneous spatial situations. It identifies specific patterns in order to develop a better understanding of the...
Conference Paper
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The Association of Jewish Libraries Task Force on Nazi-Era Looted Books launched a survey of Judaica librarians and specialists to learn about projects with Nazi-era and/or looted material in their collections either currently underway or under consideration. Responses were received from 26 institutions in North America, Europe, and Israel, and thi...
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Abstract: The document, titled "Vatican Diplomacy Around Trianon from a Hungarian Perspective," is a scholarly work that examines the geopolitical and ecclesiastical changes in East-Central Europe after the Treaty of Trianon in 1920, with a focus on the role of the Vatican. The book explores the interactions between the Vatican and the reshaped geo...
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This chapter presents Slovakia, one of the member states of the European Union (EU) belonging to the Visegrád group, and a net recipient from the EU budget with prospects of becoming a net payer. The chapter starts with a general introduction to Slovakia and the country’s path to EU membership. It further gives a compact overview of Slovakia’s poli...
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The MAMBO project is developing novel monitoring tools to enhance knowledge of the state of European biodiversity. Through its demonstration sites and stakeholder engagement, MAMBO is showcasing its new technologies' effectiveness and added value. It thus provides critical input on how biodiversity-related monitoring efforts can be coordinated at t...
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The aim of this study is to evaluate relative efficiency of tertiary education in the period between 2013 and 2020. Since resources used for higher education are scarce and education is mostly publicly funded, it is important to use these resources as efficiently as possible. In this paper, DEA Window Analysis was used, which allows a dynamic evalu...
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A Casa-Museu Elysio de Moura associou-se à Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, ao Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical e à Arte Minima para apoiar o projeto de investigação em música antiga, intitulado "Para uma Antologia da Música Portuguesa do Renascimento”, projeto este financiado pelo Europa Criativa através do progra...
Conference Paper
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Members of AFLS well know Ashby’s pair of corpora documenting Tours French diachronically in 1976 and 1995-1998 (Ashby 2001, 2003). Shortly thereafter, Orléans followed suit, initiating ESLO-2 in 2008. Both these corpora, however, retain the time-honored focus on the traditional langue d’oïl region of north-central France. Beyond Europe though, the...
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The behavior of employees, their attitudes and interest in work are the subject of countless studies and investigations. Many look at the issue of employee motivation and stimulation from the point of view of position, education, age or gender. However, within the available findings, there is no knowledge regarding the status of employees, although...
Conference Paper
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17 лозаро-винарски културни пейзажи, разположени предимно в Европа. Изследването показа, че шестте критерия са включени в различна степен като основание за вписване в списъка на световното наследство. Разработката проследява еволюцията на лозаро-винарските пейзажи и анализира площите на обектите, както и съответните буферни зони. Ключови думи: култ...
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Latin journalism in Europe flourished between 1600 and 1750. However, in the peripheral regions east of the German-speaking lands, including Hungary, periodicals began to appear in greater numbers only from the early eighteenth century. By that time, Latin journalism was losing its popularity in the central regions of Europe due to the widespread e...
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This paper examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was declared in March 2020, on the peer-to-peer (P2P) market for tourist accommodation, focusing on supply, demand, and prices. By analyzing monthly data between February 2019 to February 2021 from 15 cities across Europe, North America and Australia, the study provides insights into th...
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Previous research on the relationship between geographical distance and the frequency of contact between family members has shown that the strength of family ties differs between Northern and Southern Europe. However, little is known about how family ties are reflected in peoples’ conversations on social media, despite research showing the relevanc...
Conference Paper
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As for contemporary musicologists in China and Hungary, it is their responsibility to follow Bartók's claim that "Hungarian musical style is a part of ancient Turkic music" and conduct a thorough study of the relationship between the distribution and heritage of folk songs in China and Hungary. This is not only conducive to tracing Hungarian tradit...
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-On retrouve ici le plafond-peint (case italienne du XVIème siècle) du Château de Pau qui fut une résidence diplomatique où les cours étrangères étaient accueillies sous Henri IV de Navarre et où se trouvait ce coq, ''Gallus'' (emblème national proche du mot "gaulois "!) annoncée clairement au "clairon" si je puis dire l'alliance pour une PAIX DURA...
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Background Frailty is a clinical state that increases susceptibility to minor stressor events. The risk of frailty is higher in chronic conditions, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Recent studies on COPD have shown that patients living with frailty have an increased risk of mortality. The presence of cardiovascular diseases or...
Technical Report
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This research evaluates the effectiveness of FOI policy implementation in Belgian municipalities, using citizen science methodologies for data collection and interpretation. The results reveal significant variations in compliance across regions, with larger municipalities demonstrating greater responsiveness to FOI requests from citizens. A critica...
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Research has linked individual estimations of the size of the foreign-born population to attitudes about immigration. However, most studies focus on the accuracy of estimations rather than on perceptions of group size, even though perceptions on their own are an important predictor of attitudes. Studies examining the determinants of the perceptions...
Conference Paper
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A comparative study of the similarities and differences between the policies, strategies, organizational guarantees, status quo and measures for the preservation and inheritance of folk songs in China and Europe will allow China and European countries to learn from each other, to learn from each other's strengths and compensate their weaknesses. Th...
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The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is in its final construction stage next to the campus of the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung Helmholtzzentrum for heavy-ion research in Darmstadt, Germany. Once it starts its operation, it will be the main nuclear physics research facility in many basic sciences and their applications in Euro...
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The question of creativity, its origins and nature, and how this relates to innovation in learning, theoretical and applied, has been at the centre of European discourse for a number of decades. The innovation imperative has been widely described either as a mechanism to secure Europe's place in the future of global socioeconomic relations or as th...
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Frailty is a dynamic condition encompassing physical, psychological, and social domains. While certain factors are associated with overall or specific frailty domains, research on the correlations between physical, psychological, and social frailty is lacking. This study aims to investigate the associations between physical, psychological, and soci...
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Ecclitura primoris Kokujev, 1902, the sole European species of the genus Ecclitura Kokujev, 1902 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Euphorinae) is reported for the first time from Hungary, representing its northernmost record and first occurrence outside the Mediterranean area in Europe.
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This paper presents a comparative perspective of a sample of deradicalisation programmes in various parts of the world. Deradicalisation is conceptualized as the unraveling of "radicalization"-as a process in which individuals proceed from the state of passivity to radicalism through the adoption of extremist ideology while gradually increasing the...
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The article examines the use of the ideologeme “revolution” in the Carlist political discourse. Spanish Carlism, which is one of the oldest political movements in modern Europe, appeared in 1833 and opposed liberal reforms in Spain. Throughout its history, the Carlists positioned themselves as consistent opponents of revolutionary ideology. The aim...
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Landscape, as an essential component of quality of life for humans all over the world, is undergoing a period of rapid and profound changes, mainly due to such phenomena as climate challenges and social crises. Landscape Architects, more than ever, are expected to play a significant role in responding to current environmental and social challenges....
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Human development can be defined as the process of enriching the basic freedoms, capabilities and opportunities of individuals with the aim of improving their general well-being. This concept includes the people's knowledge, abilities and skills enrichment, the expansion of their possibilities of choice, the encouragement of freedoms and the human...
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Introduction Colposcopy is an important part of the diagnostic work‐up of women with an abnormal cervical screening test as it is used to guide the collection of biopsies. Although quality assurance has been used in the evaluation of screening programs, not much is known about quality indicators for the diagnostics and treatment of screen‐positive...
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The european catfish is the largest freshwater fish in Europe. It was introduced in the Tagus River in Portugal in 2006 and has been establishing ever since. It is a top predator consuming all sorts of native, including endangered species. This works aims to comprehend how its diet differ in different systems: lotic and lentic.
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Since wars have a powerful impact on public health and the health care system, the purpose of this analysis of available scientific sources is to examine the impact of the war in Ukraine on the state of the tuberculosis problem in the world. The review presents the epidemic situation with tuberculosis before the start of the war in Ukraine. It is e...
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Europe and the EU are not the same thing. But they are often used as synonyms. Why? Are people not aware of the difference? Is it because of European identity? One possibility is that the synonymy lies in the connection between European identity and the positive image of the EU. It is indirectly assumed that the greater the correlation between Euro...
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Migrant Academics’ Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe dives into six main themes that correspond to different aspects of the migrant academic experience. Under each theme, the editors collected autoethnographic accounts of different scholars working in various Western academic institutions. The first theme, ‘(Non)Belonging,’ centers a...
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Background: Due to climate change, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent worldwide. An example of such an extreme weather event was the flooding in Western Europe in July 2021. Currently, there are large research gaps regarding how such events, particularly those involving oil pollution, affect people's connection to nature and their pe...
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Across Western Europe, progressive issues take centre stage within integration debates and discourse. This article addresses the paradox middle‐class progressives get caught up in when arguing for openness towards diversity, while also expecting adaptation to the progressive “modern” norm on sexuality, especially from Muslim Others. Going beyond ex...
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PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY What is the context? Hypertension is a strong independent risk factor for development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and progression of CKD to ESKD. Improved adherence to the guidelines in the treatment of CKD is believed to provide further reduction of cardiorenal events. European Society of Hypertension Excellence Centres...
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The 2024 Indian election heralds a democratic revival, potentially prompting Modi to reconsider hardline policies, impacting India’s foreign policy. As India navigates complex Sino-Indian relations, balancing security with economic interests, it strengthens ties with the U.S. and Europe. Coalition governance may drive pragmatic shifts, enhancing In...
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Mpox is a zoonotic viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus (MPXV). Human cases have been mainly restricted to the African continent until the worldwide multi-country outbreak unfolded in 2022. We reconstructed epidemiological links of MPXV infections using genomic epidemiology in Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil, during 2022 and 2023. W...
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The Vaad Hatzala The Search for A Solution Rabbi Eliezer Silver, who had established the Vaad, and Rabbi Israel Rosenberg, chairman of the presidium of the Agudath Harabonim, were determined to find a solution to the bickering. In late 1946, after returning from a fact-finding trip to Europe, Rabbi Silver and Rabbi Rosenberg decided to institute...
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This study discusses the role of languages in the process of internationalization of higher education reporting on partial results of a project whose aim is to analyze the role of languages, technologies, and mobility (physical and virtual) in the process of internationalization of higher education contrasting data from universities in the Global N...
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De la parure aux chantiers de construction des cathédrales, les métaux, vils ou précieux, sont partout dans les villes de la fin du Moyen Âge. Le cœur des cités occidentales est peuplé de professionnels qui forgent, fondent, vendent, revendent ou recyclent les produits de la métallurgie. Cet ouvrage rassemble plus de vingt contributions prononcées...
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The ever-increasing needs of the working population have led to the development of various branches of industry, an increase in the number of employees, and a rise in the number of work-related accidents. The welder occupation is one of the most sought after occupations in Europe, according to the EURopean Employment Services (EURES) statistics. Ta...
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The effort to expand the U.S. study abroad programs to have a global impact has never been fully expressed by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and study abroad administrators. Study Abroad since its inception has not been a truly global platform. This article constructively points out the existing potential of Minority Serving Institutions (MSI...
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In recent years, several studies have explored the potential of social media data in forecasting electoral outcomes and public opinion trends, with mixed results. This paper presents a novel approach to forecasting modeling, employing data from daily approval polls for 21 executives across Asia, Europe, North America, and Latin America, as well as...
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The research emphasises the importance of European multinational cooperation in addressing cyber threats. Countries cannot combat these threats in isolation; instead, they must engage in collaborative efforts that leverage shared resources, intelligence, and expertise. The study highlights the unique challenges and opportunities Asian countries fac...
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This paper researches the relevance of the claims about the end of the current post-Cold War world order trying to set today’s catchphrase “the new world order” in a broader perspective than of the Ukraine war, judging that changes in the world order are still in an unfolding phase, and many of them are not clear. American unipolar power is not str...
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Greening the environment cannot be achieved satisfactorily, considering that the private sector lags behind the public sector in participation levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the reasons behind the gap in green finance between the two sectors using numerically derived outcomes. Six-year data in the form of total shareholder retur...
Conference Paper
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The Liverpool Motor Works (LMW) simulated company serves as the focal point of this investigation exploring the transformative power of predictive analytics in the European automotive industry. The study provides meaningful insights into customer behaviour, marketing strategies, and product range expansion by utilising data from a business simulati...
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As a new alternative, mediation is integrated in the legislation of both developed and developing countries in Europe. Various researchers in member states of the Council of Europe revealed obstacles, particularly related to the implementation of mediation in criminal matters. They are addressed through several recommendations and non-binding guide...
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As the regulations and consumer preferences in Europe tend to favor more energy-efficient household appliances, companies have to find innovative ways of saving electric energy during the operations of those appliances. One such method in dishwasher design is to reduce heat energy loss to the surrounding environment and reuse heat energy during the...
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Dans un contexte marqué par des défis sans précédent, les syndicats européens ont su faire preuve de capacités de résistance et d'adaptation remarquables pour sauvegarder et renforcer les droits des travailleurs. Ce rapport passe en revue diverses stratégies mises en œuvre par les syndicats en Allemagne, en Belgique, au Danemark, en Espagne et en I...
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The COVID-19 pandemic is marked by the continuing emergence of novel SARS-CoV-2 variants. Questions remain about the mechanisms with which these lineages establish themselves in new geographical areas. In this study, we performed a discrete phylogeographic analysis on ∼19,000 SARS-CoV-2 sequences of Omicron BA.5 lineages between February and June 2...
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The paper firstly points to the organizational diversity of entities that create and prepare standard type contracts, such as companies, public companies, associations, as well as the state. Then the focus of the paper is shifted to international organizations and international associations that create these sources. International organizations and...
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Early post-allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) relapse in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has an almost invariably dismal prognosis. Recent studies have demonstrated that FLT3 inhibition enhances the graft-versus-leukemia effect in vitro and in vivo. Thus, FLT-3 inhibitors may be viable treatment options in thi...
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I propose a model of cultural assimilation with endogenous social networks and idiosyncratic assimilation patterns that is consistent with the empirical evidence for Europe. The model implies that assimilation is weaker in pluralistic or more culturally heterogeneous societies, and stronger in socially denser societies, but it is not influenced by...
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The previous international order is being shaken by increasing tensions and a change in the balance between geoeconomics and geopolitics, resulting in less of a rules-based system more of a force-based system, which obliges us to consider new paths. Issues of environment, minority rights or intergenerational accountability need to be a part of new...
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Wildfires are considered a major disturbance to forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean countries of Southern Europe. Although ground-dwelling macroinvertebrates are crucial to many soil functions, there is a fundamental lack of understanding of how wildfires impact this community in the immediate term and of the role of stones in their survival. He...
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There has been an increasing level of recognition of the interaction between cultural mega-events and built heritage in recent years. While research has broadly identified the need to align strategies and visions, as well as involve heritage actors and local communities, there has not been a systematic investigation of the position of industrial he...
Research Proposal
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The research outcomes from "Global Interactions and the Rise of the Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Case Study from the Early Modern Age, 1400–1800" and "Rough Crossings" offer valuable insights into the multifaceted impacts of the transatlantic slave trade. These studies contribute to a more profound comprehension of the economic, social, and cultura...
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Aim of the paper is to analyse the occurrence of occupational stress across European Union countries, considering gender and job sustainability as determinants, with a specific attention to the effects of home-based work. Although COVID-19 pandemic has brought such issues into a novel spotlight, to detect the response pattern towards occupational s...
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The first technical guideline in Europe for design of wooden constructions with respect to durability and service life.
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An extended inventory of 82 well‐dated European calcareous tufas is used to discuss the timing and amplitude of their onset, maximum and decline; in particular differences from east to west and between the Mediterranean area and the rest of Europe. Eastern deposits start to develop and reach their maximum slightly earlier than western tufas. Strong...
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Interfirm self-regulation through trade associations is common but its effectiveness is debated and likely varies by time, country , and industry. This study examines self-regulation of pharmaceutical marketing, characterized by delegation of major regulatory responsibilities to trade associations' self-regulatory bodies. In addressing critical res...
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China's resurgence has spawned anxieties about an impending revision of the Liberal International Order. Drawing on case studies of Chinese investments across Europe, the contributors to this volume investigate the ways in which China translates its growing resources into effective influence, with varying degrees of success. They find that influenc...
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The paper critically analyses the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) within the European Union (EU) with respect to challenges such as supervision and the oversight framework coordination. It delves into the adequacy of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) in ensuring compliance with this regulation, highlighting issues of fra...
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Background This study explores recent cohort trends in cognitive performance among older Europeans from 2007 to 2017, addressing three key questions: (1) Did cognitive performance improve universally and across the performance distribution during this period? (2) Did these improvements occur across educational levels and for both men and women? (3)...
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From 2035 onward, the registration of new conventional internal combustion engine vehicles will be prohibited in the European Union. This shift is driven by steadily rising fuel prices and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions. Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular across Europe, and many manufacturers now offer modifie...
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The aim of the article is to determine which countries show the most homophobic attitudes and understand the profile of homophobia in Europe. This article analyses data from the survey “European Values Study” and focuses on three of its questions: “Do you think homosexual people can be good parents”; “the degree of justification of homosexuality”,...
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The so-called "Moldavian language", invented by the Soviets in the 1920s, was just another instrument for the Soviet effort trying to assimilate people and to erase national identities, in order to make room for the "Soviet identity". The Gulags, the massacres, the deportations and assassinations were not enough to "convince" people to embrace the...
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Regional climate models (RCMs) exhibit greater potential than global models (GCMs) in capturing geographical details of climate change arising from orography and land–water distribution, but dynamical downscalings are only available for a limited number of GCMs. The full GCM ensembles are much more representative. Furthermore, the current EURO-CORD...
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La démocratie représentative est-elle encore réformable ? C'est la tâche que se sont assignés des groupes de militantes et de militants au niveau local en France, en Espagne et en Belgique qui tentent de contrôler l’action de leurs élu·es, dans le contexte de la crise de la dette publique, en Europe au début des années 2010. Cet ouvrage analyse les...
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The location of Western Civilization defined nations in Europe and in the United States within the largest global pollen environments on the planet is proposed as a key factor leading to their success. Environments with dense pollen concentrations will cause large up and down changes in serum histamine directly causing reductions and increases in b...
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This article examines the strategies of resistance enacted by an informal network of solidarity comprised of Afghan youths on the move in Europe and their Swedish allies. In 2015, thousands of Afghan children fleeing from the Taliban regime arrived in Europe as unaccompanied minors. Many have been hosted in Sweden and lived there for several years,...
Conference Paper
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Cooperation between universities and businesses is essential for innovation, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The critical role of University-Business Cooperation (UBC) in producing and disseminating new knowledge is recognised by governments, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners. UBC has gathered significant atten...
Conference Paper
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Il percorso di transizione proposto dal European Green Deal (EGD) rappresenta una delle principali sfide attuali per l'Europa, data la complessità degli obiettivi generali che richiede uno sforzo congiunto per armonizzare la diversità dei contesti. Quando si tratta di questioni ambientali, la partecipazione non è solo un'opzione, ma una precondizio...
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The purpose of this study is to describe the strategic partnership between the European Union (EU) and India. The article describes the economic partnership between both sides, which are bigger in the geography of Europe and Asia. This article also analyses the future of environmental and climate change policy on both sides. This article scrutiniz...
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The European Union has promoted academic mobility for almost half a century. A side effect of that has been a growing carbon footprint, as most academic mobility in Europe is done by air. Based on mobility data for 2014−2020, we analysed its spatial distribution and identified dominant destinations. Juxtaposing these results with research on higher...