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Environment and public health - Science topic

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Questions related to Environment and public health
  • asked a question related to Environment and public health
3 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am looking for software for Systems mapping and Causal loop diagrams. It would be wonderful if any of you with experience in this could share some information.
Have you used any? Any advice or feedback? Pros and cons?
Thanks in advance,
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You can look at these pages.
The focus in more on computation than just representation, though.
  • asked a question related to Environment and public health
26 answers
Hi all,
Do you have any methodology used to measure population exposure to outdoor PM2.5? I have temporal PM2.5 data and have a set of area wise census population data. In addition, I will have sample based socio-economic and health data too. How do I measure population at risk or their exposure?
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Thanks for the question. The answers also interest me
  • asked a question related to Environment and public health
4 answers
These are theories with which I'm familiar so far:
1) Attention Restoration Theory
2) Predictive and Reactive Control
3) Natural settings evoke meditative-like states (which in turn reduce rumination, which prompts a sympathetic nervous system trend towards a more relaxed state)
What other compelling theories are out there that specifically address (or at least explore) the neural, psychological and/or biological mechanisms by which interaction with nature helps to reduce stress...?
(Responses that include links to quality resources would be appreciated.)
Many thanks!
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I think that it can be useful to explore the hypothesis that staying for a while in a natural environment can change our daily activity priority list, inducing us to give more importance to our own material necessities ( food, physical safety, etc.) and less importance to social necessities ( linked to appearance and power for example ). This condition could reset our reward and self esteem psycological balance. .Also, natural environnment for his natural importance and beauty could help us to find a narcisistic balance that in a artificial environnment we could find more difficult to get ( for example, if I enjoiy walking in the wood near my home I dont have to go walking in a crowded and far commercial mall.).