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Ecosystems - Science topic

A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment. (McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
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Publications related to Ecosystems (10,000)
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As an umbrella term, research synthesis refers to the use of systematic, comprehensive, and transparent methods to identify, select, and aggregate insights pertaining to bibliographic information, research designs and practices, and findings. Drawing on the notion of “evidence ecosystem” by Shepherd (2014), we first illustrate the values of researc...
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The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and financial technology (fintech) has ushered in a new era of innovation in the finance ecosystem, particularly within the context of the digital gig economy. The digital gig economy refers to a work environment where temporary, freelance, and contract-based jobs are prevalent, often facilitated thro...
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Ouvrage à paraître au 3ème trimestre 2024: Rassemblant 130 notices, cet ouvrage est un abécédaire critique qui interroge la place de l’élevage pastoral dans l’arrière-pays méditerranéen aujourd’hui. Il s’agit d’un recueil de mots qui se répondent, se complètent et discutent entre eux par un système de corrélats, à partir desquels le lecteur s’immer...
Conference Paper
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As the non-fungible token (NFT) market flourishes, price prediction emerges as a pivotal direction for investors gaining valuable insight to maximize returns. However, existing works suffer from a lack of practical definitions and standardized evaluations, limiting their practical application. Moreover, the influence of users’ multi-behaviour trans...
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RESUMO A destinação das embalagens plásticas de agrotóxicos e seus efeitos no ecodesenvolvimento nas cidades de Petrolina/PE e Juazeiro/BA são temas atuais e relevantes, cuja análise é crucial para minimizar os riscos à saúde humana, à água, ao solo, ao ar, aos ecossistemas e ao meio ambiente Neste estudo analisamos a destinação das embalagens plás...
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A partir de meados do século XX, a reação crítica às crenças antropocêntricas, em parte herança das religiões Abraâmicas, mas também da iliteracia religiosa em relação às mesmas, levou a uma mudança de mentalidade na relação com os ecossistemas A sinalização mensurável das consequências da exploração e destruição ambiental para a saúde humana, a mu...
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La hojarasca se refiere a aquel material depositado sobre la superficie del suelo que está compuesto por plantas y sus órganos muertos, como corteza, hoja, ramas, inflorescencias, frutos, semillas, epífitas y otros materiales no identificados. La cantidad de hojarasca caída por periodo de tiempo se le conoce como producción de biomasa caída y es ut...
Conference Paper
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The climate emergency demands sustainable constructions for the care of our planet, calling for the substitution of conventional materials that are harmful to the environment with new natural materials that respect the ecosystem. The design of acoustic panels with vegetable fiber combined with recovered and recycled materials allows us to explore t...
Conference Paper
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The work develops concepts about Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platforms and how this paradigm can give insights to empower industrial operation managers. The concepts are followed by an adoption case in a company in the food sector. The case give visibility to the possibilities generated by the adoption of IIoT in an industry that deliver h...
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Marketing Estratégico de Serviços de Informação: uma proposta formativa apresenta uma visão do Marketing da Informação das organizações culturais como uma estratégia determinante para a mudança do foco tradicional da sua cultura de avaliação, centrada no Sistema e na sua qualidade interna, como motor exclusivo do seu sucesso, para a análise do Merc...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate how large manufacturing firms can orchestrate their ecosystem for the successful co‐creation of data‐driven digital services and solutions as a way to achieve sustainable industry benefits. An exploratory single‐case study approach has been adopted for this study, which included 23 in‐depth interviews con...
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Entrepreneurship stands as a cornerstone of economic development, particularly in the evolving landscape of Eastern Europe. This article delves into Romania's pivotal role in shaping and advancing entrepreneurial ecosystems within the region. Through a comprehensive analysis, it evaluates Romania's policy-driven approach to fostering entrepreneursh...
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Seamounts are ecological oases nurturing abundant fisheries resources and epibenthic megafauna in the vast oligotrophic ocean. Despite their significance, the formation mechanisms underlying these seamount ecological oases remain uncertain. To shed light on this phenomenon, this study conducted interdisciplinary in situ observations focusing on a s...
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Bu çalışma, insan nüfusunun artması ve sanayileşmenin yayılmasıyla birlikte yaşadığımız gezegende ekolojik sistemler üzerinde oluşan baskıları ve çevre sorunlarının artan olumsuz etkilerini ele almaktadır. Özellikle, çevreye duyarlılık ve koruma bilincinin oluşması, çevre hukuku ve politikalarının karmaşık işleyişi, yönetmelikler ve uluslararası an...
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Vegetation plays a crucial role in river hydrodynamic processes, and the accurate prediction of canopy drag force is essential for effective river management and ecosystem protection. The interactions within the vegetation canopies must be quantified to understand their impact on drag force. Through a series of flume experiments, we conducted an in...
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Due to the advancement of digital technology in the 21st century, self-directed learning (SDL) skills have become crucial for learning in the digital era, which is characterized by rapid change. Most previous studies have focused on enhancing SDL skills through various instructional methods. Today, technology plays a crucial role in learning. In th...
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El presente artículo examina la tutela de los derechos de la naturaleza en Ecuador mediante la aplicación de garantías jurisdiccionales y las sanciones penales y no penales. Ecuador, conocido por su Constitución de 2008 que reconoce los derechos de la naturaleza, ha establecido un marco legal robusto para proteger los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad...
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Presentación del número monográfico dedicado a la documentación periodística y los agregadores de noticias. Se ofrece una visión general de la importancia de los agregadores en el ecosistema mediático y se analizan aspectos como la personalización de contenido y la curación de contenidos algorítmica. Asimismo, se ofrece una visión general sobre Goo...
Conference Paper
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Настоящият доклад представя концепции на понятията „култура“, „изкуство“, „иновации“ и „екосистеми“. Представена е нормативната база на национално и европейско ниво, която оказва влияние върху развитието на иновационната екосистема в страната и мястото на креативните и рекреативни индустрии в нея. Целта е да се покаже мястото на културата и изкуств...
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A inovação tecnológica é capaz de transformar não apenas a estrutura de mercado e o grau competitivo das empresas. Também provoca mudanças comportamentais, socioeconômicas e sistêmicas. A ampliação da telefonia móvel no Brasil, por exemplo, auxiliou o aumento da eficiência do sistema financeiro e a redução da exclusão financeira. A mobile network c...
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Final Famine Seeds promotes agroecological farming methods that mimic natural ecosystems, reducing the reliance on synthetic inputs, conserving biodiversity, and enhancing soil health and fertility.
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Majorana fermions are a fascinating class of particles with unique and intriguing properties: they are their own antiparticles, as first theorized by the Italian physicist Ettore Majorana in 1937. In recent decades, research in condensed matter physics shows theoretically that in certain exotic states of matter, such as topological superconductors,...
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This paper introduces a method based on a non-linear iterative map to evaluate node relevance in bipartite networks. By tuning a single parameter gamma, the method captures different concepts of node importance, including established measures like degree centrality, eigenvector centrality and the fitness-complexity ranking used in economics. The al...
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This paper presents a qualitative analysis of a discrete-time plant-herbivore model. The model is based on a set of difference equations that describe the dynamics of the plant and herbivore populations over time. The aim of the analysis is to investigate the behavior of the model under different parameter values and initial conditions. The results...
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In the Fall of 2016 a workshop was held which brought together over 50 scientists from the ecological and radiological fields to discuss feasibility and challenges of reintegrating ecosystem science into radioecology.
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A Basic Presentation slides about the Contingent Choice Method (CCM) in Ecosystem Evaluation and its features.
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The focus of this study is the dynamics of interaction between commensal and host species in an aquatic ecological system with harvesting, and stochastic attributes. The progress and the stability of the system, as well as the dynamics of the commensal host relationship are examined. The stabilities at steady states are also examined. We discuss th...
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Building an Ecosystem for Genetic testing of Cancer Predisposition Genes in Hereditary Cancer Syndromes in Algerian population
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Short preview of a truffle mycorrhiza in temperate forests
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RESUMEN Los mamíferos de mediano y gran tamaño son un grupo de animales con una gran importancia para los ecosistemas, por lo que inven-tariarlos resulta fundamental para conocer el funcionamiento de estos y así conservarlos. En este artículo se lleva a cabo un inventario de la población de meso-y macromamíferos en la Galliguera, una zona muy poco...
Technical Report
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Die gegenwärtige Ernährungsweise ist ein wesentlicher Treiber der globalen Umweltzerstörung. Zudem verursachen Über- und Fehlernährung vor allem in den Ländern des globalen Nordens massive gesundheitliche Probleme. Die „Planetary Health Diet“ will eine gesunde Ernährung für alle Menschen auf der Erde ermöglichen, ohne die Ökosysteme des Planeten zu...
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Body size is a key ecological trait of soil microorganisms related to their adaptation to environmental changes. In this study, we reveal that the smaller microorganisms show stronger community resistance than larger organisms in both maize and rice soil. Compared with larger organisms, smaller microorganisms have higher diversity and broader niche...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) promises interconnected smart devices that enhance convenience and efficiency, but it also introduces significant security challenges. This paper explores the unique security challenges posed by IoT devices, identifies common vulnerabilities, and discusses best practices for securing IoT networks. We analyze the diverse...
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Climate change has substantially impacted global runoff patterns and biodiversity, yet the response of river biodiversity to future runoff changes remains unclear. Here, we project and characterize this evolution by calculating the Shannon index (SI), a measure of river biodiversity, for 32 major rivers worldwide under future climate scenarios. We...
Technical Report
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La historia de los bosques de Chile refleja una crónica de cambios y olvidos, y la transformación drástica que han sufrido debido a la intervención humana a lo largo de cinco siglos. Los factores como la agricultura, las guerras, la minería y el desarrollo económico han contribuido significativamente a la devastación y pérdida de estos ecosistemas....
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Preschool teachers’ teaching innovation is an important factor in enhancing teaching quality and improving children’s creativity. Based on ecological systems theory and self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between kindergartens’ organizational climate and preschool teachers’ teaching innovation an...
Technical Report
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This study explores the interrelationship between sustainable development and entrepreneurship in Kenya. It examines how entrepreneurial activities contribute to sustainable economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection. The study employs recent data and APA references to provide an in-depth analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosyst...
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Extreme weather, including heat waves, poses a significant threat to ecosystems and human health. As global temperatures continue to rise, the frequency and severity of heat waves will increase. Because of this, communicating heat-related risks to the public is increasingly important. One commonly-used communication tool is the Climate Shift Index...
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Seagrass meadows are among the most productive ecosystems in marine environments worldwide and are often considered to symbolise near-pristine conditions on sedimentary bottoms, but their condition is associated to various types of anthropogenic stressors. In the Mediterranean Sea, Cymodocea nodosa is considered an effective indicator of environmen...
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This research focuses on implementing cyber threat detection in OT environments by combining data from IT and OT sensors and logs to enhance SOC's situational awareness. OT environment is challenging to monitor and includes various sensors. We deal with the key concepts and differences of the industrial operating environment, which create challenge...
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Human and natural ecosystems refer to human-social-economic subsystems and natural-ecological subsystems and their interactions. Understanding the interactions between human and natural ecosystems is essential for regional sustainability. However, the coupled human-nature ecosystem is usually highly heterogeneous and both spatially and temporally c...
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In a chase-and-run dynamic, the interaction between two individuals is such that one moves towards the other (the chaser), while the other moves away (the runner). Examples can be found in both interacting cells and interacting animals. Here we investigate the behaviours that can emerge at a population level, for a heterogeneous group that contains...
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Misinformation is often viewed as an information problem, attributed to people’s poor understanding of consensus-based facts. While this is a contributing factor, we propose that misinformation and conspiracy are simply more engaging explanations for our world. Can we combat misinformation by making facts fun? We present the findings of a controlle...
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El paradigma de desarrollo en curso para muchas poblaciones humanas implica una propagación a expensas del ambiente natural, concomitante extinción de las funciones que soportan la integridad funcional de dichos ecosistemas. Los modelos de crecimiento han probado su utilidad en conciliar un equilibrio entre estos procesos, aparentemente excluyentes...
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The Khettara is an abandoned irrigation system localized in Marrakech region, where no entomological investigations have been made. In the present study, sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) were collected with the aim to determine its abundance and species composition in this particular ecosystem. A total of 477 specimens were collected belonging to...
Technical Report
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Pour appuyer la préparation et l’intervention en cas de déversements d’hydrocarbures, les herbiers de zostère, les marais maritimes et les bancs de macroalgues ont été cartographiés dans la zone côtière (<10 m de profondeur) de l’estuaire et du golfe du Saint-Laurent au Québec. Les données ont été acquises en partenariat avec l’Université du Québec...
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Aims Human activities have more than doubled the input of atmospheric reactive nitrogen into terrestrial ecosystems, affecting plant and soil microbial communities. This study aimed to investigate the effect of atmospheric N deposition on the rhizosphere soil microbial community composition of the main plant species with different niches in grassla...
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of the IoT, the security of connected devices has become a paramount concern. This paper explores the concept of proactive threat hunting as a pivotal strategy for enhancing the security and sustainability of IoT systems. Proactive threat hunting is an alternative to traditional reactive security measures that anal...
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The majority of the people of Untung Jawa Island have the view that the mangrove ecosystem on the island has a very important impact and role for the lives of the people on the island. The impact and role of the mangrove ecosystem on Untung Jawa Island can be divided into physical functions, biological functions, chemical functions, economic functi...
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A Zona Franca de Manaus, desde 1967, atua como uma área de livre comércio incentivada pela Suframa, promovendo o desenvolvimento regional. No contexto de desenvolvimento regional, a relação universidade-empresa e o modelo da tripla hélice são discutidos há décadas. A Lei de Informática tem sido fundamental para fomentar essas relações. Este artigo...
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Este libro se presenta como una herramienta para líderes y tomadores de decisiones comprometidos con el futuro sostenible de la Península de Yucatán. Explora diversos aspectos clave relacionados con la gestión de su zona costera, con el propósito de proporcionar una visión integral que guíe acciones y decisiones futuras. Su principal objetivo es of...
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El uso de índices de vegetación (IV) específicos para manglares amplían la posibilidad de mejorar la detección práctica de manglares. Este estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una comparación de siete IV específicos para manglares, derivados de imágenes satélite, para determinar su concordancia frente a la clasificación de manglares usando el conju...
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Nowadays, the development of startup ecosystems is a generally accepted concept that explains the existence of high-growth startups by focusing on factors influencing the socio-economic environment that stimulate people's desire to engage in entrepreneurship and make it easier to start a business. The purpose of the article is to study the startup...
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The ever-evolving nature of presenting and broadcasting in the digital space has brought about significant changes in the manner in which material is produced, distributed, and consumed. The future of presentations and broadcasts will be shaped by factors like user involvement, the ability to personalize content, and the incorporation of devel...
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Emprendimiento en tres dimensiones no solo es un libro, sino una guía esencial que marcará la diferencia en tu viaje hacia el éxito emprendedor. Al relacionar la perspectiva personal, la dimensión socioeducativa y las metodologías ágiles, esta obra ofrece un enfoque integral para transformar tus ideas en una start-up o empresa exitosa. La primera...
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The dynamics of plant-herbivore interactions are essential for understanding ecosystem stability and resilience. This article investigated the effects of incorporating a harvesting effect on the dynamics of a discrete-time plant-herbivore system. An analysis was performed to determine the existence and stability of fixed points. In addition, studie...
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Groundwater depletion is a growing threat to global sustainability, impacting ecosystems, agriculture, and human populations. This viewpoint explores the causes and consequences of unsustainable groundwater extraction, highlighting its far-reaching effects on local and global climates. The paper examines specific examples from various regions world...
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El presente artículo realiza un análisis exhaustivo sobre la importancia del asesoramiento contable y tributario en el contexto del fomento del emprendimiento. El objetivo principal es Identificar el impacto del asesoramiento contable y tributario en el desarrollo, la estabilidad financiera y el crecimiento sostenible de los emprendimientos.. Utili...
Conference Paper
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Il percorso di transizione proposto dal European Green Deal (EGD) rappresenta una delle principali sfide attuali per l'Europa, data la complessità degli obiettivi generali che richiede uno sforzo congiunto per armonizzare la diversità dei contesti. Quando si tratta di questioni ambientali, la partecipazione non è solo un'opzione, ma una precondizio...
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The special issue on “Supply chain Digitalization in the age of (r)evolution” seeks to solicit review articles from researchers, academicians, industry practitioners, and policymakers to publish the latest advances in digitalizing supply chains and business ecosystems. As a recognized expert in the supply chain field, your perspectives would be inv...
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Smart contracts led to the emergence of the decentralized finance (DeFi) marketplace within blockchain ecosystems, where diverse participants engage in financial activities. In traditional finance, there are possibilities to create values, e.g., arbitrage offers to create value from market inefficiencies or front-running offers to extract value for...
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Tanto en Europa como en nuestro Estado, la política de aguas tiene por finalidad proteger el agua como recurso para, con ello, asegurar las necesidades humanas de suministro y el desempeño de su función en los ecosistemas naturales. Pero ninguna política pública se basta por sí misma para conseguir sus objetivos, pues es necesario articular jurídic...
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It is frequently observed that an extreme event, such as a temperature maximum, has a greater impact on a lake ecosystem than changes in average conditions. For the first time, we examine the vertical variability of annual water temperature maxima (AWTM) and dates of their occurrence based on in-situ measurements of water temperature with discreten...
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Este documento analiza tres aspectos relevantes del Centro de formación para el trabajo SENA Centro de industria y la construcción para fortalecer el desempeño innovador de la industria manufactura de la región del Tolima. La hipótesis es que se deben de conocer los factores externos e internos del sector para proporcionar formaciones pertinentes a...
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La investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar un programa de educación ambiental para fomentar valores para la conservación del humedal Pancoger en La Dorada, Caldas. Este tipo de ecosistemas enfrentan una creciente amenaza a razón de factores antrópicos. Se propuso una intervención pedagógica ambiental como estrategia para mejorar la relación entre...
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O artigo aborda a valoração dos serviços ecossistêmicos como um meio de proteção ambiental e preservação dos ecossistemas. Ele explora a formulação desse conceito, destacando sua visão antropocêntrica e seu papel nos sistemas de proteção ambiental. A conexão entre Economia e Direito na valoração do meio ambiente é examinada, distinguindo preço de v...
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In this study, an automated system was developed for the home cultivation of microgreens using aquaponics technology using modern technologies and a review of literary sources. The researcher was convinced that the automation system of the aquafarm is able to significantly simplify human care of the aquarium. Experimentally, the advantage of using...
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En el presente artículo defiendo la necesidad de volver sobre la antropología hildegardiana, que concibe al hombre como crisol de la creación y tan unido a la tierra que no puede separarse de ella, pues nos proporciona las herramientas gnoseológicas y metafísicas que permiten diagnosticar al sujeto moderno y superarlo, alumbrando de este modo una f...
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Semi‐arid alpine ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau are experiencing rapid climate change and extensive anthropogenic activity, concomitant with the encroachment of shrubs. Shrub encroachment will lead to changes in both the ecosystem structure and functioning of the semi‐arid alpine steppes. Yet, the encroaching impacts of shrubs on the above‐ and...
Conference Paper
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With the increasing abundance of data, organizations may not only leverage internal data sources to create value but also share data across organizations. However, successful real-world applications of data sharing are still scarce, and support for the systematic development of data sharing practices remains weak. Realizing the true potential of da...
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This paper aims to describe the process of constructing and implementing a governance model for a mangrove ecosystem located along two waterways within a touristic city (Cartagena de Indias, Colombia). This city has symptoms of rapid and unplanned urbanization, weak governability, and social exclusion. All of those factors were considered when the...
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The work covers a comparative analysis of the distribution of hydrobionts in water ecosystems in different parts of the Okdarya River. The distribution of 22 species in the area near Chelak city of Akhdarya and 20 species in the area after the Akhdarya reservoir was researched and studied. Ecological groups of hydrabionts distributed in biotopes of...
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The size-age structure and weight of roach in catches in the autumn period of 2022-2023 are considered in the upper part of the Volga reach of the Kuibyshev reservoir. The correspondence of the biological indicators of roach to the characteristics inherent in the destabilization period of the ecosystem of the Kuibyshev reservoir was established.
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Zunehmend wird der Klimawandel prägender Faktor der Lebenswelten. Trotz innovativer technischer Lösungen scheint es schwer, zu einer Lebensweise zu finden, welche menschliches Leben mit dem Erhalt funktionierender Ökosysteme in Einklang bringt. Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, wie es dazu kommen konnte, dass Menschen die Welt so stark verändern,...
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India has more than 6,500 FinTech startups, making it one of the world's fastest growing Fintech markets. Payments, Lending, Wealth Technology (WealthTech), Personal Finance Management, Insurance Technology (InsurTech), Regulation Technology (RegTech), and other sub segments make up the Indian Fintech business ecosystem. In this research paper an a...
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The same ecological niche cannot support two species in a similar habitat. To avoid negative interactions, species tend to adapt to several biological phenomena and resource utilization patterns. The temperature also has an effect on the presence and distribution of various insect communities in any ecosystem. Butterfly species utilize similar ha...
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Na região do Submédio São Francisco, as agriculturas contemporâneas têm ganhado destaque na produção de alimentos e na geração de emprego e renda para muitas famílias, especialmente a agricultura familiar, orgânica e, sobretudo, a agricultura irrigada. Embora essas agriculturas tragam os benefícios mencionados anteriormente, algumas ainda apresenta...
Research Proposal
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This collection aims to shed light on the emerging trends and challenges faced by service businesses in the digital era and to provide valuable insights into effective strategies for navigating the complex landscape of digital ecosystems. The need for this collection arises from the rapid digital transformation across various industries, including...
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Poster presentation introducing AI to preserve biodiversity in ecosystems
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Sustainable Development of Rural Communities via the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem way
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Ante la situación de la degradación medioambiental y la emergencia climática actual, la cual se manifiesta año tras año en los informes científicos sobre cambio climático y salud de los ecosistemas, el Derecho Internacional del Medio Ambiente constituye un mecanismo idóneo para hacer frente a la catastrófica y urgente situación. Sin embargo, los pa...
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This study investigates the problem of ecosystem dynamics in fragmented landscapes, specifically focusing on a two-patch environment with interacting prey and predators. The research examines the impact of cross-predation on these interactions. Using bifurcation analysis, we explored the structural arrangement of attractors and identified complex d...
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Desde la visión económica derivada de la lógica instrumental el agua adquiere un valor que representa la utilidad que genera su consumo. Sin embargo, este recurso natural, no solo es un recurso para la parte económica, sino también es un bien social y ecológico fundamental para la vida, en el sentido de mantener los ecosistemas y un medio para el d...
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A highly threatened and range-restricted, mountain-relic stag beetle species in the genus Colophon Gray, 1832 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae), Colophon scholtzi Roets & Durie sp. nov. is described from a peak in the Riviersonderend Mountain range of South Africa. It is morphologically allied to species in the Colophon stokoei Barnard, 1929 species complex...