Science method

ECoG - Science method

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Questions related to ECoG
  • asked a question related to ECoG
2 answers
In my experimental work, I analyze spike and amplitude by taking ECoG recordings from rat cortex using bipolar electrodes. I can do these analyzes in Labchart program. In these EcoG recordings, I want to do different analyzes such as spectral power analysis, % power in alpha, beta and gamma waves, etc.
Can I do these analyzes in Labchart? I tried the Matlab program for this. But I could not analyze. Can you help me on how to do it?
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Hi Carlos Alberto Stefano Filho , Thank you very much for your reply. Since I had trouble loading data in Eeglab, I started to analyze in Python-MNE software. In fact, I managed to do a lot of analysis. I'm having trouble with an analysis right now. I want to show wavelengths in spectrogram. But for the dataset, software wants epoched data and events. I'm trying to do this analysis without them.
  • asked a question related to ECoG
4 answers
I am testing the impedance of a material that will be used for ECoG electrodes.
I was told to test it at a frequency range from 1 Hz - 100 kHz but why is this range used? I wasnt able to find a satisfactory answer.
Which impedance values are good for recording and why? Is there a range ?
Kind regards
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Lester Viray can you help him professor
  • asked a question related to ECoG
3 answers
Simulating a neural recording amplifier in CADENCE, needs an input for testing the circuit. Although ECoG or microelectrode arrays are tested on humans and animals, lacking of the technology made the project to carry out only by simulating. To be precise this work can only be done by digitize raw data samples from ECoG or microelectrode arrays as input for my circuit. It is appreciated that someone could tell me how do I gain such digital signals?
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hello dear Mr omidvar
you can check the physiobank databases
wishing you all the best with your project
  • asked a question related to ECoG
2 answers
Our goal is to map the grid locations in MNI space. The electrode positions are registered during surgery and visible in Brainlab, however I see no way to export them in a standard format, except .stl (or individual screenshots can be exported as 2d DICOMs). Because these are surgical patients and the grids are only positioned during surgery, we don't have CT scans with the grids in place.
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Thank you I will try that!
  • asked a question related to ECoG
3 answers
Consideration of neurons as voltage sources allows to apply to them a concept of an output impedance. The value of the neuron's output impedance would define how much current you can draw from it until it stops to deliver it's nominal voltage. Practically, this sets requirements for tools of electrophysiology. For example - the input impedance of an amplifier. If it's too low, the recorded signals' amplitude will be altered by measurement. I guess output impedances of neuronal sources strongly differ depending on how far and what kind of source is generating the signal.
What is the output impedance of neural sources that generate an ECoG signal?
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Oh my, this is a complex question. I don't work much with passively-recorded ECoG data, but rather with applied focal stimulation to brain regions of interest. In my setting, we use both constant-current and constant-voltage stimulators (depending on the project), and have some difficulty translating findings between the two because the brain imepdances can change based on medications, degree of dehydration, degree of edema/microglial activation from craniotomy, etc. There also appears to be extensive inter-personal variation in impedance. Your question is very good and I'll be interested to see what an ECoG person's response is.
  • asked a question related to ECoG
4 answers
I am 4th year undergraduated student and my senior project is about wireless ECoG electrode which have to do the experiment in rat. Therefore it supposes to have the smallest size. Is it possible for me to do this?
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  • asked a question related to ECoG
11 answers
When conducting Research, which of the above is well recommended and gives more accurate results in terms of assessing patient health status, both physically and psychologically? Any views are very much appreciated.
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The KPS was intended for hospitalized patients. For measuring performance status a better measure is the palliative performance scale. If your research question is really about measuring depression and anxiety a more appropriate screening tool is the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Best wishes,