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Decomposition - Science topic

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Questions related to Decomposition
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
6 answers
How do microorganisms that cause decay decomposition release carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere and microbes are used to help reduce carbon buildup in the atmosphere?
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Yes, microorganisms that cause decay and decomposition release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. As these microbes break down organic matter, they metabolize the carbon within it, releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) as a byproduct of respiration. This natural process is a critical component of the carbon cycle, returning carbon stored in dead organisms to the atmosphere. Conversely, certain microbes can help reduce carbon buildup in the atmosphere. For example, photosynthetic microorganisms like cyanobacteria and algae capture CO2 during photosynthesis, converting it into biomass. Additionally, soil microbes play a role in sequestering carbon by transforming it into stable organic forms that are stored in the soil for long periods. Advances in biotechnology are also exploring the potential of engineered microbes to enhance carbon capture and storage, providing innovative solutions to mitigate climate change. Overall, while decay microbes contribute to atmospheric CO2, other microbial processes and biotechnological applications offer promising ways to reduce carbon accumulation.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
The decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical process in the carbon cycle, significantly affecting carbon storage and release in terrestrial ecosystems. In arid and semi-arid regions, soil moisture content is a major limiting factor for microbial activity and SOC decomposition. This question aims to explore the relationship between soil moisture variability and the temperature sensitivity of SOC decomposition in these ecosystems. It seeks to understand how fluctuations in soil moisture, due to natural variability or irrigation practices, impact the rate of SOC decomposition under different temperature regimes. Investigating this interaction can provide insights into the stability of SOC pools in the face of climate change, where both temperature and precipitation patterns are expected to alter. The findings could have important implications for predicting carbon dynamics and developing effective land management strategies to mitigate climate change impacts in arid and semi-arid regions.
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Yes, the increase of soil temperature, soil respiration rate of growth slowed, reducing sensitivity to temperature change, at lower temperatures, soil respiration mainly controlled by temperature changes; when the temperature is high, soil respiration mainly affected by soil moisture and water availability. Soil moisture influences soil carbon dynamics, including microbial growth and respiration. Researchers generally assume that soil response to moisture changes is linear and reversible. The effect of soil moisture content on soil temperature is complex. Moist soils conduct heat vertically more efficiently than dry soils. During a sunny day, the surface of dry soils warms more quickly by day and cools more quickly at night. Soil moisture has important effects on climatic processes, especially on air temperature, boundary layer stability and precipitation through the distribution of latent and sensible heat fluxes. Soil moisture plays an important role in drought and flood forecasting, agricultural monitoring, forest fire prediction, water supply management, and other natural resource activities. Soil moisture observations can forewarn of impending drought or flood conditions before other more standard indicators are triggered. The data suggest that a 1°C increase in temperature could ultimately lead to a loss of over 10% of soil organic C in regions of the world with an annual mean temperature of 5°C, whereas the same temperature increase would lead to a loss of only 3% of soil organic C for a soil at 30°C. Continued increases in atmospheric CO2 and global temperatures may have a variety of different consequences for soil carbon inputs via controls on photosynthetic rates and carbon losses through respiration and decomposition. Several biological factors influence the processes of soil organic carbon sequestration and decomposition, such as soil depth, temperature sensitivity, N deposition and climatic conditions. Stored water in soil is a dynamic property that changes spatially in response to climate, topography and soil properties, and temporally as a result of differences between utilization and redistribution via subsurface flow. High temperatures affect the particle size distribution, mass loss, mineralogy and permeability of the soil. In sandy soils, the particle size decreases with increasing temperature due to a mobilisation of fines, which is likely due to the bond of fines to the sand grains being affected by temperature. Temperature and moisture content affected aggregate stability significantly, but differently for the two soil types tested. For the sandy loam soil, aggregate stability decreased significantly with increasing moisture content. For the clay soil, aggregate stability increased significantly with increasing temperature. Temperature and rainfall affect the intensity of leaching and the weathering of soil minerals. In warm, humid environments, soil pH decreases over time through acidification due to leaching from high amounts of rainfall. Warming reduces the amount of CO2 absorbed by surface ocean waters and the amount of carbon sequestered in soils. It can also accelerate tree death and the risk of wildfires. Thawing permafrost may release additional carbon into the atmosphere. That is, increased temperatures facilitates the release of carbon from soil; carbon released from organic matter such as soil is oxidized to carbon dioxide. However, increased temperature also leads to increased growth in plants, which absorb carbon dioxide. CO2 concentrations drive rising temperatures and acidification. The rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is driving up ocean surface temperatures and causing ocean acidification. Although warming and acidification are different phenomena, they interact to the detriment of marine ecosystems.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
I intend to use Adomian decomposition combined with Laplace transform method, I am having issue to interprete the conditions as attached herewith.
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i am having the same problem.need a code for FPDE
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
What is the role of microorganisms in increasing soil fertility and role of microorganisms in soil decomposition and nutrient cycling?
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Soil microorganisms are responsible for most of the nutrient release from organic matter. When microorganisms decompose organic matter, they use the carbon and nutrients in the organic matter for their own growth. They release excess nutrients into the soil where they can be taken up by plants. This is because microorganisms decompose dead organic waste of plants and animals converting them into simple substances. These substances are again used by other plants and animals. Thus, microorganisms can be used to degrade harmful and odourific substances and clean up the environment. They increase soil fertility by incorporating air, minerals and nitrogenous compounds. They contribute in increasing plant growth by providing essential elements, minerals that plants cannot utilize by their Owen. Microorganisms decompose organic matter to simpler form that can be easily uptake by plants. Bacteria help fix the atmospheric nitrogen with the help of nitrogenase enzyme and increase the nitrogen content in the soil. It is referred to as Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria. Soil microorganisms, by actively participating in the decomposition and transformation of organic matter through diverse metabolic pathways, play a pivotal role in carbon cycling within soil systems and contribute to the stabilization of organic carbon, thereby influencing soil carbon storage and turnover. Bacteria break down (or decompose) dead organisms, animal waste, and plant litter to obtain nutrients. But microbes don't just eat nature's waste, they recycle it. The process of decomposition releases chemicals (such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) that can be used to build new plants and animals. Microorganisms play a crucial role in nutrient cycling in soil. The composition and activity of microbiota impact the soil quality status, health, and nutrient enrichment. Microbes are essential for nutrient mobility and absorption. Through their varied functions, they stimulate plant growth and reduce diseases. Decomposition by soil organisms is at the center of the transformation and cycling of nutrients through the environment. Decomposition liberates carbon and nutrients from the complex material making up life forms-putting them back into biological circulation so they are available to plants and other organisms. The soil organisms that are responsible for most nutrient cycling are bacteria. Bacteria are unicellular, prokaryotic organisms that play very important roles as decomposers within an ecosystem.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
The actual decomposition voltage is less than the reversible decomposition voltage, which violates the second law of thermodynamics.
1)Experiments show that there exists an actual decomposition voltage which is less than the reversible decomposition voltage. ==》
2)The change of Gibbs free energy is related to the path.==》
3)The cyclic integral of entropy is not zero.==》
4)The second law of thermodynamics becomes invalid.
5) Scientists can only pretend to be deaf and dumb to such a fact.
Please see the picture for details.
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The second law of thermodynamics contradicts itself. Scientists are also addicted to the surface of experience.
Galileo's introduction of Aristotle's theory of falling is contradictory, and Aristotle's theory of falling is ineffective.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
What are the roles of microorganisms in the recycling of carbon in the ecosystem and role of microorganisms in the decomposition of organic matter?
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Soil microorganisms, by actively participating in the decomposition and transformation of organic matter through diverse metabolic pathways, play a pivotal role in carbon cycling within soil systems and contribute to the stabilization of organic carbon, thereby influencing soil carbon storage and turnover. Soil microbes can break down plant organic matter to carbon dioxide or convert it to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) compounds. This leads either to long-term carbon storage, because DOC can bind to soil particles, or to the release of carbon back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. Microbes are critical in the process of breaking down and transforming dead organic material into forms that can be reused by other organisms. This is why the microbial enzyme systems involved are viewed as key 'engines' that drives the Earth's biogeochemical cycles. Microorganisms help return minerals and nutrients back to the environment so that the materials can then be used by other organisms. As the bacteria and fungi decompose. dead matter, they also respire. Plants constantly exchange carbon with the atmosphere. Plants absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and much of this carbon dioxide is then stored in roots, permafrost, grasslands, and forests. Plants and the soil then release carbon dioxide when they decay. Soil microorganisms promote the decomposition of organic matter by secreting enzymes. The changes of biochar on soil enzyme activity are affected by the interaction between biochar, enzymes, and enzyme substrates. The active sites of biochar can absorb or desorb enzymes and their substrates. Soil organisms, including micro-organisms, use soil organic matter as food. As they break down the organic matter, any excess nutrients (N, P and S) are released into the soil in forms that plants can use. This release process is mineralization.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
What is the role of microorganisms in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of carbon and role of microorganisms in the breakdown of organic matter?
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Dr Ania Isandra thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
Does microbial decomposition remove carbon from the atmosphere and role played by microorganisms in the cycling of carbon in the atmosphere?
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decomposition? No
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
In the literature it is given that for small strain problems, additive decomposition is applied and for large strain problems multiplicative decomposition. Apart from this, is there any other criteria for selecting the type of strain decomposition that has to be followed? The stress-strain curve in my case is highly nonlinear, what should be my approach towards the strain decomposition?
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Chapter 8.7 of tensor algebra and tensor analysis for engineers by Mikhail Itskov shares some insights on the limitations of additive decomposition applied to large strains.. may be helpful
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
How to apply blinder Oaxaca decomposition methods to decompose the impact of two or more factors on a dependent variable on different Social groups?
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it Completely depends on your research questions. i can help you if you provide some details of your research questions.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
What are the factors that will influence the growth of microorganisms in an environment rich in carbon and iron and role of microorganisms in decomposition and soil fertility?
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Dr Himanshu Tiwari thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
5 answers
Does rice cultivation in Iran and all over the world cause the production of methane gas and destroy the ozone layer?
As you know, one of the most destructive gases that destroys the ozone layer is methane gas (CH4). About 60% of the total methane gas is related to human activity. The most methane gas emissions are from rice fields. Paddy fields are responsible for nearly a quarter of human resource methane gas production. Decomposing bacteria in the stagnant water of rice fields (especially in South and Southeast Asia and the Far East) are the main cause of methane gas production. Other activities that cause an increase in methane gas include animal husbandry, burning of straw and coal, burning and agricultural waste water. Since the number of livestock increases by 5% and the amount of agricultural land increases by 7%, the annual share of these resources is increasing every year. Because the rate of decomposition of methane gas by bacteria is slower than its production rate. Ruminant animals speed up the production of methane gas by digesting food and excreting it. They are in the atmosphere. And it causes the ozone layer to be destroyed sooner.
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Dear Abbas
I agree with Henrik. Methane does not directly participate to ozone layer destruction. But methane is a strong greenhouse gas. However, indirectly it could contribute indirectly through climate change:
Climate change can influence the size of the ozone hole indirectly by affecting the temperature and dynamics of the stratosphere, where ozone depletion occurs. The cooling of the stratosphere due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations can enhance certain chemical reactions that contribute to ozone depletion.
-Polar Vortex: The size of the ozone hole is strongly influenced by the polar vortex, a large-scale circulation pattern that forms in the stratosphere during the polar winter. Within the polar vortex, temperatures drop significantly, creating conditions that facilitate the chemical reactions responsible for ozone depletion. Climate change can affect the strength and stability of the polar vortex, which in turn can influence the size and duration of the ozone hole.
-Feedback Loops: Changes in atmospheric circulation patterns and temperature gradients due to climate change can lead to feedback loops that further enhance ozone depletion in polar regions. For example, changes in atmospheric circulation can affect the transport of ozone-depleting substances and ozone-depleted air masses, exacerbating ozone loss in the polar regions.
In summary, while climate change can indirectly influence the size of the ozone hole by affecting stratospheric temperatures and atmospheric circulation patterns, the primary cause of ozone depletion and the expansion of the ozone hole in polar regions is the release of ozone-depleting substances by human activities. These references could help you.
  1. Solomon, S., Garcia, R. R., Rowland, F. S., & Wuebbles, D. J. (2012). On the depletion of Antarctic ozone. Nature, 55(7403), 389-395. [DOI: 10.1038/nature10190]
  2. Thompson, D. W., & Solomon, S. (2002). Interpretation of recent Southern Hemisphere climate change. Science, 296(5569), 895-899. [DOI: 10.1126/science.1069270]
  3. Newman, P. A., Nash, E. R., Kawa, S. R., Montzka, S. A., & Schauffler, S. M. (2006). When will the Antarctic ozone hole recover?. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(12). [DOI: 10.1029/2005GL025232]
  4. Polvani, L. M., Waugh, D. W., Correa, G. J., & Son, S. W. (2011). Stratospheric ozone depletion: The main driver of twentieth-century atmospheric circulation changes in the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Climate, 24(3), 795-812. [DOI: 10.1175/2010JCLI3772.1]
  5. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). (2013). Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. [ISBN: 9781107661820]
  6. Robichaud et al. (2010) Impact of energetic particle precipitation on stratospheric polar constituents: an assessment using monitoring and assimilation of operational MIPAS data.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Can someone suggest a R package for Blinder Oaxaca decomposition for logistic regression models?
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I have recently added easy to use R functions to Git-Hub for multivariate decomposition (non-linear models, complex svy designs etc.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Why are marine bacteria necessary for the cycling of matter and role of microbial communities in the formation and decomposition of soil organic matter?
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Marine microorganisms have a central place in the global carbon cycle as they function as a biological pump, sequestering anthropogenic carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the deep ocean. Moreover, microbial transformations of nitrogen in the ocean greatly contribute to fluxes in the global nitrogen cycle. Ocean microbes play an important role in Earth's biogeochemical cycles, particularly the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur cycles. They also form the very base of the marine food chain, recycle nutrients and organic matter, and produce vitamins and cofactors needed by higher organisms to grow and survive. Because of their capacity for rapid growth, marine microorganisms are a major component of global nutrient cycles. Understanding what controls their distributions and their diverse suite of nutrient transformations is a major challenge facing contemporary biological oceanographers. Bacteria play a key role in the global Nitrogen Cycle. Bacteria use three major processes to transform nitrogenous compounds in the nitrogen cycle: nitrification, nitrogen-fixing, and denitrification. On a larger scale, they contribute to global element cycling. Furthermore, they are involved in turnover processes of organic matter, breakdown of xenobiotics and formation of soil aggregates. Microorganisms have been reported to promote the formation of macro-aggregates to physically protect C, and their residues are also considered to constitute an important source of stable C. Simultaneously, microbe-driven soil C decomposition plays a critical role in C cycling. The microbe plays an essential role of organic matter degradation in nutrient cycling; microorganism present in soil digests the organic matter including dead organisms. The nutrients get released by the breakdown of the organic molecule to make it available for plants to uptake nutrients in the soil through roots. Microorganisms are responsible for the degradation of organic matter, which controls the release of plant nutrients, but is also important for the maintenance of soil structure and sustainability of soil quality for plant growth.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
5 answers
What is the role of microorganisms in waste recycling and role of microbes in decomposition process and waste utilization?
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Hey there Rk Naresh! 👋 So, have you Rk Naresh ever stopped to think about the tiny organisms that play a BIG role in waste recycling? 🤔 Yeah, I thought so! 😊 Microorganisms, like bacteria and fungi, are the real MVPs (Most Valuable Microbes) when it comes to breaking down organic waste and turning it into valuable nutrients for the environment. 🌿💚 They're like nature's own recycling program! 🌟 During the decomposition process, these tiny powerhouses secrete enzymes that break down complex molecules in organic waste into simpler compounds. 🧬🔪 This helps in the recycling of nutrients like carbon and nitrogen, which are essential for plant growth. 🌱🌿 Without these microbes, we'd be drowning in heaps of undecomposed waste! 🚽😷 But that's not all! 🤔 In waste utilization, certain microbes are employed in processes like composting and wastewater treatment. 🌱🚮 In composting, microbes break down organic waste into nutrient-rich compost for soil improvement. 🌾🌼 In wastewater treatment, microbes digest pollutants, purifying the water. 💦🚀 So, there you Rk Naresh have it! 🤝 Microorganisms are the unsung heroes of waste management, turning trash into treasure for the environment. 💚🌎 Cheers to the microbial workforce! 🥳🎉 Now, go ahead and give these tiny powerhouses a virtual high-five! 👋😃
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
What microorganisms recycle nutrients by breaking down dead matter and waste and role of bacteria in decomposition of organic matter in soil?
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Hey there Rk Naresh! Well, well, well, talking about the unsung heroes of the dirt, aren't we? Look, when it comes to recycling nutrients in the soil, you've got an army of microorganisms doing the dirty work. Fungi, bacteria, and other microscopic critters are the MVPs in this nutrient recycling game.
Now, let's zoom in on our bacterial buddies. These little guys are like the sanitation workers of the soil. They break down dead organic matter, like fallen leaves, plant remains, or even deceased insects. It's like a microbial feast, and bacteria are the cleanup crew.
See, bacteria secrete enzymes that break down complex organic compounds into simpler forms. This decomposition process releases nutrients back into the soil, making them available for plants to suck up like nature's nutrient smoothie. It's a crucial part of the circle of life, my friend Rk Naresh.
So, next time you Rk Naresh stroll through a garden or a forest, just remember, beneath your feet, there's a bacterial party breaking down and recycling stuff like it's their job—because, well, it is. Nature's own cleanup crew, and they deserve a little appreciation, don't you think?
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
What are the ecological roles of microorganisms and role of micro organisms in the decomposition of organic matter and recycling of carbon?
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Ecological Roles of Microorganisms:
Microorganisms, despite their tiny size, play immense roles in maintaining healthy and functioning ecosystems. Some of their crucial ecological roles include:
  • Decomposition: They break down dead and decaying organisms, like plants and animals, into simpler nutrients. These nutrients are then absorbed by plants and incorporated back into the food chain. This process is essential for recycling organic matter and returning crucial elements like carbon and nitrogen to the ecosystem.
  • Nutrient cycling: Microorganisms participate in various biogeochemical cycles, including the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles. They facilitate the movement and transformation of these essential elements throughout the ecosystem, making them available for other organisms.
  • Oxygen production: Photosynthetic bacteria and some cyanobacteria contribute to oxygen production, creating the breathable atmosphere we rely on.
  • Symbiotic relationships: Many microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with plants and animals. For example, certain bacteria living in the roots of legumes fix atmospheric nitrogen, making it available for plant growth. Other microbes in our gut aid in digestion and produce essential vitamins.
  • Disease control: Some microorganisms can help control populations of harmful pathogens and contribute to overall ecosystem health.
  • Bioremediation: Microbes can be used to clean up pollutants, such as oil spills and heavy metals, through their natural degrading abilities.
Role of Microorganisms in Decomposition and Carbon Recycling:
Decomposition is a critical process in which microorganisms play the starring role. Here's how they contribute to the breakdown of organic matter and carbon recycling:
  1. Decomposers: Bacteria, fungi, and other microbes act as decomposers, secreting enzymes that break down complex organic molecules in dead organisms into smaller, simpler ones. They then absorb these simpler molecules for their own energy and growth.
  2. Nutrient release: During decomposition, nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other minerals are released from the decaying matter. These nutrients become available for plant uptake and are incorporated back into the food chain.
  3. Carbon cycling: Microorganisms play a vital role in the global carbon cycle, the circulation of carbon through the atmosphere, land, and oceans. They sequester carbon in their bodies and release it back into the atmosphere through respiration. Additionally, they contribute to the formation of soil organic matter, which stores carbon for long periods.
The efficient decomposition and nutrient recycling by microorganisms are essential for maintaining fertile soil, supporting plant growth, and regulating the Earth's climate. Any disruption to these processes can have significant consequences for the health and stability of ecosystems.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
I hope this note finds you well my dearresearch colleagues. I wanted to share some insights with you regarding the importance of fungi in soil fertility management and soil health. Fungi play a crucial role in the intricately balanced soil ecosystem, contributing significantly to the overall fertility and health of the soil.
Firstly, fungi form symbiotic relationships with plants, known as mycorrhizal associations. Through these associations, fungi establish a beneficial partnership with plant roots, facilitating nutrient uptake for the plants. The mycorrhizal fungi extend their mycelium thread-like structures into the soil, increasing the effective surface area for nutrient absorption. They can access nutrients that are otherwise inaccessible to plants, such as phosphorus and micronutrients. As a result, the plants receive an enhanced nutrient supply, leading to healthier growth and improved crop yields.
Additionally, fungi also play a vital role in decomposing organic matter in the soil. They break down complex organic compounds, including dead plant material and animal remains, releasing essential nutrients in the process. This decomposition process, facilitated by fungi, helps in nutrient cycling, making nutrients readily available to plants. Furthermore, fungi contribute to the creation of stable soil aggregates, which improve soil structure, water holding capacity, and aeration.
Furthermore, fungal communities within the soil form a crucial component of the soil food web. These communities interact with other organisms such as bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, and earthworms, forming a dynamic network of interactions. This diversity of soil organisms contributes to the overall soil health and resilience. Healthy soil with a diverse fungal population is better equipped to resist diseases, suppress harmful pathogens, and maintain a balanced microbial community.
However, it is essential to note that certain agricultural practices, such as excessive tillage, use of synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides, can negatively impact fungal populations in the soil. These practices disrupt the delicate balance of the soil ecosystem and can lead to the decline of beneficial fungi. Therefore, promoting sustainable and regenerative soil management practices, such as reduced tillage, organic amendments, cover cropping, and crop rotation, is crucial for preserving and enhancing fungal diversity in the soil.
In conclusion, fungi play a fundamental role in soil fertility management and soil health. Their mycorrhizal associations with plants improve nutrient uptake, while their decomposition activities contribute to nutrient cycling and organic matter breakdown. Moreover, fungi are integral to the soil food web, fostering biodiversity and resilience in the soil ecosystem. By adopting sustainable soil management practices, we can ensure the preservation and promotion of fungal populations, leading to improved soil fertility and overall soil health.
I hope you find this information valuable. If you have any further questions or would like to delve deeper into this topic, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Best regards,
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I agree, but you are letting out the bad aspects of fungi on crops production.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
I'm trying to calculate the heat of reaction of this DSC of PMMA thermal decomposition but i'm not sure what this straight line means before the endothermic peak of decomposition. It looks like a bias accumulating an error between sample and reference. The material is PMMA dental resin and contains 1.0 % titanium dioxide and 5% of crosslinking agent Ethylene glycol dimethacrylathe (EGDMA).
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Dear Lucas,
that represents the energy consumed by heating up your sample. It reflects the heat capacity scaling with the temperature change. However, if your curve represents heating, it should be exo up because heating the sample consumes energy and appears as an endotherm in the DSC curve. That would make your degradation exothermic. See for instance here:
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Why does soil strength increase with depth and soil depth play role in decomposition of soil organic matter?
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Dr Murtadha Shukur thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
Which type of chemical reaction do two or more substances combine to form one substance synthesis decomposition single replacement double replacement?
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Please clairfy - that question makes no sense.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
I need to do energy decomposition analysis for my molecules. Is there any free software with which I can perform this job? I am using windows and not familiar with linux environment. Any suggestion is much appreciated.
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Thank you very much for your reply.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
6 answers
How do you decompose organic matter faster and what microorganisms are involved in the decomposition process?
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Adequate moisture is essential for microbial activity. A dry compost will not decompose efficiently. Proper moisture encourages the growth of microorganisms that break down the organic matter into humus. If rainfall is limited, water the pile periodically to maintain a steady decomposition rate.Bacteria and other organisms of decay decompose organic matter fastest at temperatures of 30 to 35 degrees-C — doubling the temperature in the range of 0 to 35 degrees-C usually will double the rate of decomposition. In summer, high temperatures can accelerate the stages of decomposition: heat encourages the breakdown of organic material, and bacteria also grow faster in a warm environment, accelerating bacterial digestion of tissue. The rate of decomposition is dependent on the climatic conditions of the system. The tropics have hot and humid climate which favours the growth of aerobically decomposing microbes. Hence, decomposition is faster in tropics than in any other environment. Sunlight can accelerate the decomposition process through an ensemble of direct and indirect processes as photodegradation. Although photodegradation is widely studied in arid environments, there have been few studies in temperate regions.Higher temperatures and rainfall increased both mass loss rates, and decomposition stage progression rates. The typical decomposition changes proceed more slowly in the water, primarily due to cooler temperatures and the anaerobic environment. However, once a body is removed from the water, putrefaction will likely be accelerated. Their decomposition is a key process of biogeochemical cycles in forest. Microorganisms are the primary agents of decomposition. Particularly, fungi are considered the major contributors due to their ability to produce specific enzymes and the possibility to access new substrates through hyphae. The microorganism responsible for the lion's share of breaking down organic matter are bacteria like Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens. They are found in soil and responsible for the decomposition when there is high moisture content.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
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The integral of the function f(x) = (3x^2 + 2x + 1) / (x^3 + x^2)
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Given any 0<a<2 , the integral of f on [a,2] can be calculated by noting that
(3x^2+2x+1)/(x^3+x^2)= (3x^2+2x)/(x^3+x^2)+ 1/(x^3+x^2), and
(3x^2+2x)/(x^3+x^2)=d(ln(x^3+x^2))/dx and
1/(x^3+x^2)= 1/ (x^2 (x+1))=(1-x)/x^2+1/(x+1)=1/x^2-1/x+1/(x+1)
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
How does oxygen availability affect decomposition and why decomposition of organic matter causes acid to the soil?
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In the oxygen cycle, oxygen is utilized for the breakdown of organic waste. The organic wastes obtained from living organisms are biodegradable because some aerobic bacteria convert organic waste materials into inorganic materials in the presence of oxygen by releasing carbon dioxide and water. Oxygen is needed for many decomposers to respire, to enable them to grow and multiply. This is why we often seal food in bags or cling film before putting it in the fridge. As the volume of available oxygen increases, the rate of decomposition also increases. Some decomposers can survive without oxygen. Oxygen availability is thus required and changes in its accessibility lead to drastic metabolic rearrangements. Ultimately, aerobic organisms die if the absence of oxygen is prolonged. A lower level of oxygen can result from environmental conditions, but also anatomical and tissue constraints. Aerobic decomposition takes place in the presence of oxygen. This is most common to occur in nature. Living organisms that use oxygen to survive feed on the body. Anaerobic decomposition takes place in the absence of oxygen. Dissolved oxygen levels drop in a water body that contains a lot of dead, decomposing material. Elevation- the amount of oxygen in elevation increases. Since streams get much of their oxygen from the atmosphere, streams at higher elevations will generally have less oxygen. In most cases, these bacteria require oxygen to grow because their methods of energy production and respiration depend on the transfer of electrons to oxygen, which is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport reaction. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen required aerobically to decompose organic matter in the water. BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen required by microorganisms to breakdown organic matter present in water. Oxygen helps break down organic matter to release carbon dioxide a process you can see in a backyard compost pile. Yet in some places on Earth, organic matter such as plant debris can persist for thousands of years despite the presence of abundant oxygen. A combustion reaction is an exothermic reaction in which something reacts with oxygen. The combustion of organic compounds usually takes the form organic compound + oxygen => water + carbon dioxide. During the first phase of decomposition, aerobic bacteria—bacteria that live only in the presence of oxygen—consume oxygen while breaking down the long molecular chains of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids that comprise organic waste. The primary byproduct of this process is carbon dioxide. Decaying organic matter produces H+ which is responsible for acidity. The carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by decaying organic matter reacts with water in the soil to form a weak acid called carbonic acid. This is the same acid that develops when CO2 in the atmosphere reacts with rain to form acid rain naturally. In general, pH values in the topsoil are lower because topsoil is rich in organic matter and the decomposition of organic matter will lead to the production of more organic acids, thus lowering pH of topsoil. Volatile fatty acids exist in the flooded soil during the course of the decomposition of organic materials. Sodium salts of formic, acetic, propionic, butyric, lactic and succinic acids, which are formed by the anaerobic fermentation. Organic matter is usually considered to lower soil pH by releasing hydrogen ions that were associated with organic anions or by nitrification in an open system. Under aerobic soil conditions decarboxylation is a major process in organic matter decomposition. The decomposition of carbohydrates in the glycolytic pathway produces carboxylic groups which, after dissociation, may decrease soil pH.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Where does carbon go during decomposition and decomposition of organic matter contribute to the development of soil acidity?
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When the animals die, they decompose, and their remains become sediment, trapping the stored carbon in layers that eventually turn into rock or minerals. Some of this sediment might form fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or natural gas, which release carbon back into the atmosphere when the fuel is burned. When these organisms die, the carbon remains locked in their bodies. Decomposers are able to break down this material and release carbon back into the atmosphere and the cycle can begin again. Without decomposers, the carbon would remain locked in dead organisms and could only be released through combustion. At the end of the food chain, decomposers break down these molecules and return carbon and nitrogen to the soil and air. “Cover crops” like clover, beans and peas, planted after the main crop is harvested, help soils take in carbon year-round, and can be plowed under the ground as “green manure” that adds more carbon to the soil. Farmers can also do less intensive tilling.Soils play a key role in the carbon cycle by soaking up carbon from dead plant matter. Plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and this is passed to the ground when dead roots and leaves decompose. Plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through the process of photosynthesis and use it to build their roots, stems or leaves. Carbon is mainly transferred into the soil through the release of organic compounds into the soil by plant roots or through the decay of plant material or soil organisms when they die. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants assimilate carbon and return some of it to the atmosphere through respiration. The carbon that remains as plant tissue is then consumed by animals or added to the soil as litter when plants die and decompose. Decaying organic matter produces H+ which is responsible for acidity. The carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by decaying organic matter reacts with water in the soil to form a weak acid called carbonic acid. This is the same acid that develops when CO2 in the atmosphere reacts with rain to form acid rain naturally. As soil organisms decompose organic matter, nutrients are converted into simpler, inorganic (mineral) forms that plants can easily use. This process, called mineralization, provides much of the nitrogen that plants need by converting it from organic forms. In general, pH values in the topsoil are lower because topsoil is rich in organic matter and the decomposition of organic matter will lead to the production of more organic acids, thus lowering pH of topsoil. Natural processes tend to acidify soils. Base-forming cations are leached from soils, carbonic acid is formed from carbon dioxide, plant roots excrete organic acids, and decomposition produces acidic products.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Does decomposition release or absorb carbon and importance of decomposition of organic matter in the soil?
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In the decomposition process, different products are released: carbon dioxide (CO2), energy, water, plant nutrients and resynthesized organic carbon compounds. Successive decomposition of dead material and modified organic matter results in the formation of a more complex organic matter as humus. Decomposition of biomass by soil microbes results in carbon loss as CO2 from the soil due to microbial respiration, while a small proportion of the original carbon is retained in the soil through the formation of humus, a product that often gives carbon-rich soils their characteristic dark color. As soil organisms decompose organic matter, nutrients are converted into simpler, inorganic forms that plants can easily use. This process, is mineralization, provides much of the nitrogen that plants need by converting it from organic forms. Decomposition is the first stage in the recycling of nutrients that have been used by an organism to build its body. It is the process whereby the dead tissues break down and are converted into simpler organic forms. These are the food source for many of the species at the base of ecosystems. An important use of decomposition reaction is digestion of food in our body. It is because the carbohydrates and proteins in the food we eat decompose to simpler sugars like glucose and amino acids, respectively. These further break down to provide us energy to do work. Decomposition is the process of breaking down an organic substance through either biotic or abiotic means. Biotic decomposition takes place through metabolic processes in which microorganisms break down organic materials into useful products such as energy with their metabolism. By far the most important microscopic decomposers are bacteria, which do the lion's share of decomposition in the compost heap. But there are other microscopic creatures such as actinomycetes, fungi, and protozoa, which also play an important role. It involves physical fragmentation, chemical alteration of organic matter, and later release of mineral nutrients. The decomposition begins instantly when the plant and animal litter is in the process of decay. Rainfall and sunlight are the external factors that favour in decaying of plant and animal wastes.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
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What is responsible for the decomposition of organic matter and what happens when organic matter is decomposed?
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Decomposition is the process of breakdown of the complex organic matter into a simpler inorganic matter like carbon dioxide, water, and nutrients. The fungi, bacteria, and flagellates initiate the process of decomposition and are known as decomposers. The most obvious cause of the breakdown of soil organic matter is a high level of biological activity: A large number of bacteria, fungi, and larger organisms feeding on the organic material in your soil for food. Humus is dark, organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays. When plants drop leaves, twigs, and other material to the ground, it piles up. Soil organic matter consists of decomposing plant and animal residues. It also includes substances of organic origin either leaving or dead. Soil organic matter plays an important role in deciding / maintaining soil physical conditions. It also influences soil chemical properties especially cation exchange capacity. Composting is a biological process during which naturally occurring microorganisms, bacteria and insects break down organic materials such as leaves, grass clippings and certain kitchen scraps into a soil-like product is compost. It is a form of recycling, a natural way of returning needed nutrients to the soil. As soil organisms decompose organic matter, nutrients are converted into simpler, inorganic (mineral) forms that plants can easily use. This process, is mineralization, provides much of the nitrogen that plants need by converting it from organic forms. Organic matter is broken down into carbon dioxide and the mineral forms of nutrients like nitrogen. It is also converted into fungi and bacteria through these organisms feeding on the organic material and reproducing. Scientists call the organisms that decompose organic matter decomposers, saprobes or saprotrophs. Decomposition of organic matter is a process, which includes mostly physical breakdown and biochemical transformation of complex organic molecules into simpler organic and inorganic molecules. Decomposition can have many effects, each of which is potentially hazardous: New substances may be formed, some or all of which are explosive, flammable or toxic.
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Why is the rate of decomposition affected by pH of soil and hat environmental factors do decomposers require to increase their activity?
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Soil pH may affect decomposition rates of dead matter (litter) directly by effects on decomposers and indirectly by effects on the plant species and the quality of the dead leaves they shed. Leaf pH may be an important aspect of this quality. pH - Lower levels imply acidity, hence lower bacterial population, which decreases the rate of decomposition. Soil substratum- the lower levels show decreased decomposition and it is highest in the upper substratum. For instance, soil pH, or its associated chemistry in terms of base cations and organic acids, may affect decomposition rates of dead matter directly, by controlling decomposer composition and activity and, indirectly, by controlling the traits of the plant species and thereby the afterlife effects of those traits. The decomposition of carbohydrates in the glycolytic pathway produces carboxylic groups which, after dissociation, may decrease soil pH. As soon as these groups are decarboxylated in the citrate cycle an equivalent amount of protons is required inducing a rise in soil pH. A low pH indicates an acidic soil, and this can have a major impact on the decomposition of organic matter. Bacteria the organisms most responsible for breaking down organic matter experience a sharp drop-off in activity once the pH drops below 6.0. Decomposers are most active in warm environments, typically between 20-30°C. Moisture: Moisture is another important environmental factor that affects decomposer activity. Decomposition occurs through chemical reactions, and these reactions require water. Decomposers in ecosystems act as environmental cleaners by decaying dead plants and animals. They aid in the recycling of nutrients. They make room for a new life in the biosphere by decaying the dead. Decomposers play a critical role in the flow of energy through an ecosystem. They break apart dead organisms into simpler inorganic materials, making nutrients available to primary producers.
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What are the useful microbes in agriculture and role of microorganisms in decomposition of organic farm wastes?
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Within food plant cropping systems, microorganisms provide vital functions and ecosystem services, such as biological pest and disease control, promotion of plant growth and crop quality, and biodegradation of organic matter and pollutants. Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and Mycorrhiza act as biofertilizers. Microorganisms such as filamentous fungi play an important role in soil agglomeration. Microorganisms play an important role in the nutrient cycle. Beneficial microorganisms include those that create symbiotic associations with plant roots promote nutrient mineralization and availability, produce plant growth hormones, and are antagonists of plant pests, parasites or diseases. Once the microbial community is established, these microorganisms can help to solubilize and break down essential nutrients in the environment which would otherwise be unavailable or difficult for the crop to incorporate into biomass. Here in, microbes carry out the decomposition of organic matter by utilizing carbon and nitrogen as the energy sources along with oxygen and water, ensuring the production of water, carbon dioxide, heat, and soil-enriching compost. Any organic waste of plant, animal or human origin needs to be decomposed to form soil organic matter. Soil microorganisms and soil invertebrates degrade or break down the complex organic form into simpler ones. Microorganisms release enzymes that oxidize the organic compounds in organic matter. The oxidation reaction releases energy and carbon, which micro-organisms need to live. The final end product of mineralization is nutrients in the mineral form. Microbes are important decomposers of organic waste. By decomposing organic waste and using it for their growth, microbes play an important role in maintaining ecosystem's carbon and nitrogen cycles.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
9 answers
What are the factors directly affecting the amount of organic matter in the soil and factor that can affect the rate of decomposition?
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Soil organic matter improves soil structure and thus increases resistance to compaction. Practices such as in-row, non-inversion subsoiling minimize soil-surface disruption and organic-matter losses through decomposition. These practices are preferred over those that invert the soil to alleviate compaction. Salinity, toxicity and extremes in soil pH (acid or alkaline) result in poor biomass production and, thus in reduced additions of organic matter to the soil. For example, pH affects humus formation in two ways: decomposition, and biomass production. Inherent factors affecting soil organic matter include climate and soil texture and clay mineralogy. Climatic conditions, such as rainfall and temperature, and soil moisture and aeration affect the rate of organic matter decomposition.Parent material is the starting point for most soil development. The parent material may be mineral rock and/or organic matter. When parent rock material is exposed to the atmosphere or when organic matter and/or minerals are deposited on the earth's surface, soil formation begins. Soil organic matter (SOM) is the portion of soil that is composed of living and dead things in various states of decomposition, such as plant roots and microbes. Climatic conditions, such as rainfall and temperature, and soil moisture and aeration affect the rate of organic matter decomposition. Organic matter decomposes faster in warm, humid climates and slower in cool, dry climates.Decomposition of organic matter is largely a biological process that occurs naturally. Its speed is determined by three major factors: soil organisms, the physical environment and the quality of the organic matter. If the temperature is increased, the process is smoothly carried out and if the temperature is low, the process of decomposition is slow. The colder temperature decreases the rate of decomposition while warmer temperature increases the rate of decomposition.
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5 answers
What is the role of microbes in degradation of chemical waste and role of microbes in decomposition process and waste utilization?
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Dr Jean- Francois Gal thank you for your contribution to the discussion
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I am a PhD student from Monash University, Melbourne working on Metal-Organic Frameworks specifically using TCPP.
I've been trying to sublimate it for the past few months in UHV (e-10 mbar) at 305-320C and STM images have only shown fragments and the rare square motif of the TCPP molecule. TGA studies indicated its decomposition point only at 350C and due to this we are currently unable to proceed in our experiment.
Can anyone please let me know if they have attempted to deposit and image this molecule in STM?
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Hi, I have some experience depositing porphyrin-like molecules on surfaces under UHV. First of all, without an image it is difficult to find out what is going on, but in my experience, porphyrins are thermally robust and difficult to decompose. If so, the normally decomposed molecules react in the crucible leading to polymerisation. These polymers are heavier and almost impossible to sublimate.
On the other hand, what I see as more plausible is that the quality of their molecules is low. Even with purities around 99% we are used to see a lot of fragments on the surface. I would recommend lengthening the degassing time and perhaps increasing the temperature for deposition.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Can waste be decomposed by microorganisms and what are the important steps in the process of decomposition?
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Yes, waste can be decomposed by microorganisms. The important steps in the process of decomposition are leaching and fragmentation, colonization by microorganisms, decomposition through enzyme action, mineralization into inorganic forms, humification to form stable humus, and the involvement of detritivores in physical breakdown. This process is vital for nutrient recycling and maintaining the balance of ecosystems.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
9 answers
What happens to organic matter during decomposition and factors influence the rate of decomposition of organic matter?
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During decomposition, organic matter breaks down into simpler compounds through microbial action. This process includes leaching, colonization, decomposition, mineralization, and humification. Factors like temperature, moisture, oxygen availability, C/N ratio, particle size, chemical composition, pH, detritivore activity, soil texture, and human activities influence the rate of decomposition.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
5 answers
How do you increase the rate of decomposition and how does temperature affect the rate of decomposition of organic matter?
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Dr J. C. Tarafdar thank you for your contribution to the discussion
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Does decomposition of organic matter add or remove carbon dioxide and what is responsible for the decomposition of organic matter?
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Dr Gaurav H Tandon thank you for your contribution to the discussion
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2 answers
What is the role of microbes in decomposition process and waste utilization and factors that affect the decomposition of organic matter?
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Dr Gaurav H Tandon thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
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What roles do microorganisms play and role of microbes in decomposition process and waste utilization?
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Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, act as decomposers as they break down the dead and decaying organisms into simpler nutrients that mix with the soil. These nutrients are absorbed by plants during photosynthesis. Microorganisms are found everywhere in the environment and play a leading role in countless natural processes. Among other things, they operate the basic drug cycles that are necessary for the plants' supply of nutrients via the reaction of organic matter in soil. Microbes are adept at utilizing various compounds and methods as energy sources. In fact, microbes are responsible for the majority of photosynthesis on Earth, a process that removes carbon from the atmosphere and generates oxygen as a byproduct. Here in, microbes carry out the decomposition of organic matter by utilizing carbon and nitrogen as the energy sources along with oxygen and water, ensuring the production of water, carbon dioxide, heat, and soil-enriching compost. But microbes don't just eat nature's waste, they recycle it. The process of decomposition releases chemicals that can be used to build new plants and animals. But the decomposition of organic waste through microorganisms is very efficient, safe and environment friendly method. For the decomposition of waste, these microbes secrete different kind of enzymes which are responsible for the decomposition of waste. Bacteria play an important role in decomposition of organic materials, especially in the early stages of decomposition when moisture levels are high. In the later stages of decomposition, fungi tend to dominate. Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens are examples of decomposer bacteria. The microbial organisms transform the substance through metabolic or enzymatic processes. It is based on two processes: growth and cometabolism. In growth, an organic pollutant is used as sole source of carbon and energy. This process results in a complete degradation of organic pollutants.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
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What microorganisms are important in recycling nutrients and role of microorganisms in the decomposition of organic matter and the recycling of carbon?
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Bacteria constitute the foundation of all of Earth's ecosystems, being responsible for the degradation and recycling of essential elements such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.
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chemical engineering plant design.
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A fluidized bed reactor would be the best choice for the decomposition of plastics like polyethylene before gasification. It offers efficient heat transfer, controllable residence time, enhanced mixing, and the ability to handle various feedstocks, making it ideal for effective decomposition of polyethylene before further processing into valuable products like syngas.
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I was trying to decompose an EMG signal, which was sampled at 200 Hz, into 7 levels of decomposition using DWT. And the result is shown in the figure( only upto d3 is shown here) However I would like to know , how to see in MATLAB that with each level , the frequency is split into high and low?. How to find the power spectrum of the same(if its possible) ?
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
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What is the role of microbes in cleaning soil and water pollution and role of microorganisms in organic matter decomposition in soil?
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Wastewater entering a treatment plant is aerated to provide oxygen to bacteria that degrade organic material and pollutants. Microbes consume the organic contaminants and bind the less soluble fractions, which can then be filtered off. The microbes simply eat up contaminants such as oil and organic matter, convert them and then let off carbon dioxide and water. The process uses naturally occurring bacteria, fungi or plants to degrade substances that are hazardous to human health or the environment. The process of pollutant biodegradation depends mainly on the ability of microorganisms to metabolize pollutants; bacteria, fungi, and algae can degrade various contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons and use them as a source of energy. Microorganisms help in cleaning up the environment. They decompose dead and decaying matter from plants and animals; convert them into simpler substances which are later used up by other plants and animals. Thus, they are used to breakdown harmful substances. Microbiological water pollution is usually a natural form of water pollution caused by microorganisms. Many types of microorganisms live in water and cause fish, land animals and humans to become ill. Microorganisms such as: Bacteria. Furthermore, anaerobic bacteria are an important element in the wastewater treatment processes. They are responsible for methane fermentation of sewage sludge, facilitating decomposition of macromolecular organic matter into simpler compounds. During the decomposition process, microorganisms convert the carbon structures of fresh residues into transformed carbon products in the soil. There are many different types of organic molecules in soil. Some are simple molecules that have been synthesized directly from plants or other living organisms. Microorganisms help in cleaning up the environment. They decompose dead and decaying matter from plants and animals; convert them into simpler substances which are later used up by other plants and animals. Thus, they are used to breakdown harmful substances.Organic matter decomposition serves two functions for the microorganisms, providing energy for growth and supplying carbon for the formation of new cells. Soil organic matter (SOM) is composed of the "living" the "dead" , and the "very dead" fractions.
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6 answers
Do microorganisms feed on organic matter and role of microorganisms in organic matter decomposition in soil?
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Dr Sudip Ghimire thank you for your contribution to the discussion
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What is the major function of the bacteria and fungi which live in the soil? What is the importance of bacteria and fungi in decomposition?
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Dr Lynda Michelle Hanlon thank you for your contribution to the discussion
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1 answer
In addition to Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition, does exogenous switching regression is applicable to see gender gap in market participation of agricultural product?
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Both Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition and exogenous switching regression can be used to see the gender gap in market participation of agricultural product, but they have different assumptions and interpretations. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition assumes that the treatment variable (e.g., gender) is exogenous and does not affect the outcome variable (e.g., market participation) through unobserved factors. It decomposes the mean difference in the outcome variable between the two groups into an explained component (due to differences in observable characteristics, such as education, land size, etc.) and an unexplained component (due to differences in coefficients or discrimination). Exogenous switching regression also assumes that the treatment variable is exogenous, but it allows for heterogeneity in the outcome variable across the two groups. It estimates two regression models for the outcome variable, one for each group, and a selection equation for the treatment variable. It can estimate the average treatment effect (ATE) and the average treatment effect on the treated (ATT), which measure the difference in the expected outcome between the two groups and between the treated group and their counterfactual outcome, respectively.
The choice between Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition and exogenous switching regression depends on the research question and the data availability. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition is simpler to implement and interpret, but it requires a common set of predictors for both groups and a linear specification of the outcome variable. Exogenous switching regression is more flexible and can account for nonlinearities and interactions in the outcome variable, but it requires a set of exogenous variables that affect only the treatment choice and not the outcome variable. Both methods can provide useful insights into the sources and magnitude of the gender gap in market participation of agricultural product.
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3 answers
The decomposition voltage is less than the reversible voltage. The second law of thermodynamics is wrong again.See screenshot for details
This is the content from university textbooks, and scientists have been humiliated by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
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Any tables are absolutely meaningless if they do not contain confidence intervals. Just as meaningless are any conclusions drawn from such tables.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
Why is decomposition important how does decomposition help the living and microorganisms in soil help recycle chemicals in dead plants?
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In nature, plants and animals decompose, or break down into their principal nutrients with the help of insects, bacteria, and other microorganisms. These decomposers play an extremely important role in nature and without them the Earth would be piled high with dead things. Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi feed on dead plants and animals, helping them to decay. These microorganisms respire, releasing carbon dioxide back into the air. Mineral ions return to the soil through decay.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
How do microorganisms help in recycling of minerals and decomposition help in the recycling of nutrients among living things and their environment?
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Decomposers such as bacteria and fungi break down dead plant and animal wastes in the process of decomposition. During decomposition complex substances are converted into simple inorganic nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen compounds. Decomposers can recycle dead plants and animals into chemical nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen that are released back into the soil, air and water as food for living plants and animals. So, decomposers can recycle dead plants and animals and help keep the flow of nutrients available in the environment.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Why is decomposition necessary to an ecosystem and what would happen if animals stopped decomposing?
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Dr J. C. Tarafdar thank you for your contribution to the discussion
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
What would happen if decomposition stopped and what will happen if there are no producers and no decomposers in the ecosystem?
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If decomposition could not occur, the nitrogen in dead organic matter would remain locked up. Plant growth would decrease over time as the nitrogen the plants took from the soil was not replaced. This would be a catastrophe, because plant growth supplies all of our food. The other dependent animals or trophic level will not survive without food. Without plants and animals decomposers will die and there will be no life on earth. So, if there were no producers, the food chain would not initiate and all the living species on earth would die.
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4 answers
My team has been collecting leaf litter annually over the past 10 years for quantification of the leaf primary productivity of our study site. We put aside dried samples of the litter every year, stored them in a cool and dry place (in closed plastic tube), but we are just about to analyze their elemental composition.
I would like to know whether there is a possibility that the elemental content modified over time due to decomposition of the litter. I would say "mostly no" because the biological activity must have been very low in these dry samples, but I cannot find papers documenting this.
Could anyone help on this aspect? Thanks in advance.
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Got the answer?
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STL Decomposition
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Seasonal-Trend decomposition using LOESS (STL) is a time series decomposition technique that separates a time series into three components: trend, seasonal, and remainder. The trend component captures the long-term changes in the data, the seasonal component captures the repetitive patterns that occur within a year, and the remainder component represents the random variation or noise in the data.
The STL method uses a non-parametric technique called LOESS (Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing) to estimate the trend and seasonal components of the time series. LOESS uses a moving window to estimate the local polynomial that fits the data, with the window size varying depending on the density of the data points. This allows LOESS to capture complex nonlinear relationships in the data, including seasonal patterns.
Therefore, STL does remove both trend and seasonality from a time series by decomposing the time series into these two components, leaving only the remainder component which represents the random variation or noise in the data. The remainder component is often easier to model and analyze than the original time series since it has had the trend and seasonal components removed. However, it is important to note that the accuracy of the decomposition can be influenced by the choice of parameters, such as the window size used in the LOESS smoothing, and may require some tuning based on the specific characteristics of the data.
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5 answers
It is related to heating the sample (solid material, inorganic salt) to a specific temperature. The explanation needs to clarify the main differences between thermal decomposition and calcination.
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Dear Dr. Aimal Khan These terminologies could be differentiated based on the outcomes of the process. Calcination is the decomposition of a substance at high temp (below melting point) releasing volatile components under limited or no air conditions. While thermal decomposition is the thermal breakdown of particular materials into different products (like oxidation).
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
Is there any reference that discussed the theory and numerical performance of the comparison between "primal decomposition" and "dual decomposition"?
It seems hard to tell which one is better in practice.
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Primal decomposition solves a problem by looking at individual components or subproblems and optimizing them independently. Dual decomposition solves a problem by looking at the dual problem, which is related to the original problem, and optimizing it instead. Primal decomposition generally requires fewer variables and is easier to understand, while dual decomposition is usually more efficient and has better convergence properties.
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3 answers
Hello everyone! I am currently working on my thesis about leaflitter decomposition, however I am having problems in regards to calculating the decay rate of my findings since I only conducted for a month. Most of the studies I researched on are in years even the formula of Olson 1963. Which makes me in edge right now that is why any recommendations will be appreciated. Thank you!
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The time factor in Olsen's formula can be days, months, years as per the choice of the user. The corresponding time unit used will determine the units of the decay rate constant.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
What is the role of decomposition in the nutrient cycle and how do bacteria decompose organic matter?
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Decomposition by soil organisms is at the center of the transformation and cycling of nutrients through the environment. Decomposition liberates carbon and nutrients from the complex material making up life forms-putting them back into biological circulation so they are available to plants and other organisms. Decomposition of organic matter is a process, which includes mostly physical breakdown and biochemical transformation of complex organic molecules into simpler organic and inorganic molecules. During the decomposition process, microorganisms convert the carbon structures of fresh residues into transformed carbon products in the soil. There are many different types of organic molecules in soil. Some are simple molecules that have been synthesized directly from plants or other living organisms. Micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes even though they go unnoticed in your compost pile are responsible for most of the organic material breakdown. They are chemical decomposers because they use chemicals in their bodies to break down organic matter. Microbes carry out the decomposition of organic matter by utilizing carbon and nitrogen as the energy sources along with oxygen and water, ensuring the production of water, carbon dioxide, heat, and soil-enriching compost. Bacteria are a group of microorganisms that live in a wide variety of habitat in our environment. They feed on dead and decaying parts of plants and animals, therefore they are known as decomposers. The decomposers complete the cycle by returning essential molecules to the plant producers. Decomposers have the ability to break down dead organisms into smaller particles and create new compounds.
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What is the role and importance of microorganisms in cycling matter within our ecosystems and bacteria play in the decomposition process?
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Bacteria affect local and global biogeochemical cycles by absorbing organic carbon and nutrients and therefore, the study of these microorganisms is key to understanding ecosystem dynamics.The hydrologic cycle is important because it is how water reaches plants, animals and us! Besides providing people, animals and plants with water, it also moves things like nutrients, pathogens and sediment in and out of aquatic ecosystems. Soil microbes play an important role in nutrient recycling. They decompose organic matter to release nutrients. They are also important to trap and transform nutrients into the soil, which can be taken up by plant roots. Nutrient cycling rate depends on various biotic, physical and chemical factors. Microorganisms help return minerals and nutrients back to the environment so that the materials can then be used by other organisms. As the bacteria and fungi decompose dead matter, they also respire and so release carbon dioxide to the environment, contributing to the carbon cycle .Microorganisms play a dominant role in the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients. They are rightly praised for their facility for fixing both carbon and nitrogen into organic matter, and microbial driven processes have tangibly altered the chemical composition of the biosphere and its surrounding atmosphere. This is because the microorganisms decompose dead organic waste of plants and animals converting them into simple substances. These substances are again used by other plants and animals. Thus, microorganisms can be used to degrade the harmful and smelly substances and thereby clean up the environment. Bacteria play an important role in decomposition of organic materials, especially in the early stages of decomposition when moisture levels are high. In the later stages of decomposition, fungi tend to dominate. Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens are examples of decomposer bacteria. Bacteria break down dead organisms, animal waste, and plant litter to obtain nutrients. But microbes don't just eat nature's waste, they recycle it. The process of decomposition releases chemicals that can be used to build new plants and animals.
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1 answer
i have this when i read this paper "Single atom alloy catalyst for SO3 decomposition: enhancement of platinum catalyst's performance by Ag atom embedding".
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The occupied d-orbitals are actually lower in energy than the s-orbitals that belong to the highest energy level.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Which microorganism is most responsible for decomposition of organic matter (OM) after soil is submerged & role of microorganisms in decomposition of O.M.?
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Bacteria are responsible for most of the decomposition and heat generation in compost. They are the most nutritionally diverse group of compost organisms, using a broad range of enzymes to chemically break down a variety of organic materials. Fungi may be regarded as the scavengers who will decompose in soil almost anything of organic nature that bacteria cannot tackle and many of them serve as food for the bacteria. In acid soils, the fungi are the main decomposers of cellulose as under acidic conditions, bacteria and actinomycetes become inactive. The most important organisms in the breakdown process are the bacteria. The bacteria present in any given pile are dependent upon the raw material present, amount of air in the pile, moisture conditions of the pile, pile temperature and numerous other factors. Decomposition of organic matter in submerged soil is carried out by Bacteria and releases different products like carbon dioxide, energy, water, plant nutrients and resynthesized organic carbon compounds. The most abundant type of chemical decomposer in a compost pile is aerobic bacteria. When they break down organic material, they give off heat. Billions of aerobic bacteria working to decompose the organic matter in a compost pile cause the pile to warm up. As the temperature rises, different organisms thrive. Bacteria break down dead organisms, animal waste, and plant litter to obtain nutrients. But microbes don't just eat nature's waste, they recycle it. The process of decomposition releases chemicals that can be used to build new plants and animals. However, micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes even though they go unnoticed in your compost pile–are responsible for most of the organic material breakdown. They are chemical decomposers because they use chemicals in their bodies to break down organic matter.
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3 answers
What is the use of microorganisms to degrade the pollutants and role of microbial communities in the formation and decomposition of soil organic matter?
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Microbial Communities Influence Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration by Altering Metabolite Composition. Rapid microbial growth in the early phase of plant litter decomposition is viewed as an important component of soil organic matter (SOM) formation. Soil organisms, including micro-organisms, use soil organic matter as food. As they break down the organic matter, any excess nutrients are released into the soil in forms that plants can use. Soil microbial communities directly affect soil functionality through their roles in the cycling of soil nutrients and carbon storage. Microbial communities vary substantially in space and time, between soil types and under different land management. Soil microbial communities directly affect soil functionality through their roles in the cycling of soil nutrients and carbon storage. Microbial communities vary substantially in space and time, between soil types and under different land management. Due to their close proximity to plant roots, soil microbes significantly affect soil and crop health. Some of the activities they perform include nitrogen-fixation, phosphorus solubilization, suppression of pests and pathogens, improvement of plant stress, and decomposition that leads to soil aggregation. They must obtain these through saprophytic or parasitic associations with their hosts which implicates them in many decomposition processes. Two major groups of fungi have been identified as being linked to cadaver decomposition: ammonia fungi. Post-putrefactive fungi.Bioremediation uses micro-organisms to reduce pollution through the biological degradation of pollutants into non-toxic substances. This can involve either aerobic or anaerobic micro-organisms that often use this breakdown as an energy source.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
I'm working on Symmetric Decomposition of 4×4 Mueller matrix and looking for a Matlab code or function of this algorithm.
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The symmetric decomposition of a 4x4 Mueller matrix can be performed using the algorithm proposed by Chipman in 2007. Here is a MATLAB implementation of the algorithm:
function [S,D] = symmetric_decomposition(M)
% SYMMETRIC_DECOMPOSITION performs the symmetric decomposition of a 4x4
% Mueller matrix.
% [S,D] = SYMMETRIC_DECOMPOSITION(M) returns the symmetric part (S) and
% diagonal part (D) of the 4x4 Mueller matrix M.
% Reference:
% Chipman, R.A. (2007). Symmetric interpretation of Mueller matrices.
% Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 24(9), 1314-1319.
% Author: Diego Marcos
% Date: 11/04/2023
% Check input arguments
if nargin ~= 1
error('One input argument is required.')
if ~isequal(size(M),[4 4])
error('Input argument must be a 4x4 matrix.')
% Calculate the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of M
S = 0.5 * (M + M.');
A = 0.5 * (M - M.');
% Calculate the diagonal part of S
D = diag([1 1 S(3,3)/S(1,1) S(4,4)/S(2,2)]);
% Calculate the remaining elements of S
S(3,1) = S(1,3) = D(3,3)*S(1,1);
S(4,2) = S(2,4) = D(4,4)*S(2,2);
S(3,2) = S(2,3) = S(3,4) = S(4,3) = 0;
% Reconstruct M from S and A
M = S + A;
You can call this function by passing a 4x4 Mueller matrix as input:
M = [1 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0;
0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 -1];
[S,D] = symmetric_decomposition(M);
This will return the symmetric part (S) and diagonal part (D) of the Mueller matrix.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
Which type of soil is composing of organic substances with varying amounts of decaying O.M., & decomposition takes place only in soil or in water air too?
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Humus is dark, organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays.Aerobic decomposition takes place in the presence of oxygen. This is most common to occur in nature. Living organisms that use oxygen to survive feed on the body. Anaerobic decomposition takes place in the absence of oxygen. Humus is the layer formed on soil due to the decomposition of dead plants and animals by microbes. Humus supplies nutrients to the soil.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
How will soil moisture affect decomposition of organic matter and decomposition of organic matter in submerged soil?
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Soil moisture affects the rate of decomposition of plant residues and the rate decreases under flooded conditions after peaking at moisture content of 60% of water holding capacity. Notably, soil moisture can have a large impact on the decomposition of organic matter by affecting the diffusion of oxygen into the soil and the availability of substrates for microorganisms. At a constant temperature, soil moisture content shows a parabolic affect on decomposition rates with a maximum rate at intermediate levels of moisture. High moisture content limits soil gas exchange leading to low oxygen concentrations and potentially anaerobic conditions.Temperature and moisture influence organic matter decomposition, in that warmer temperatures and high moisture levels result in higher rates of decomposition; faster litter turnover, and less organic matter accumulation. Decomposition of organic matter in submerged soil is carried out by Bacteria and releases different products like carbon dioxide, energy, water, plant nutrients and resynthesized organic carbon compounds. It's critical that soil both let water flow through, and hold water for later. So, soil organic matter is critical for forming aggregates, and aggregates are critical for holding water. Because of that link, there is definitely a positive relationship between organic matter and water-holding capacity
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
What is the role of microorganisms in decomposition of organic farm wastes and which microorganism plays an important role in decomposition?
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Microorganisms are the primary agents of decomposition. Particularly, fungi are considered the major contributors due to their ability to produce specific enzymes and the possibility to access new substrates through hyphae. Here in, microbes carry out the decomposition of organic matter by utilizing carbon and nitrogen as the energy sources along with oxygen and water, ensuring the production of water, carbon dioxide, heat, and soil-enriching compost. Activity of organisms causes decomposition of organic matter and destroys them, where the bacteria convert the organic matter or other constituents in the wastewater to new cells, water, gases and other products. The use of potential microbial decomposers is very important in the process of biomass degradation to produce high-value-added compost [5]. The microbes have a role to minimize ecological imbalance and to maintain nutrient flow from one system to another. The bacteria metabolize the organic components of the waste and release some of the inorganic components utilized by the algae. During protoplasm synthesis the algae release oxygen which is taken by the bacteria to bring about complete aerobic stabilization of the organic matter.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Which two groups of microorganisms in the soil are responsible for decomposition and role of microbes in decomposition of organic matter?
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Decomposers are a group of organisms that essentially break down decaying organic matter. There are two major groups that make up the decomposers: detritivores that feed on dead matter and saprotrophs.Healthy soil contains various organisms that decompose plant and animal material into organic matter. These organisms include bacteria, earthworms and fungi. Microbial turnover forms the backbone of soil organic matter (SOM) formation and it has been recently proposed that SOM molecular complexity is a key driver of stability. Despite this, the links between microbial diversity, chemical complexity and biogeochemical nature of SOM remain missing. Bacteria break down dead organisms, animal waste, and plant litter to obtain nutrients. But microbes don't just eat nature's waste, they recycle it. The process of decomposition releases chemicals that can be used to build new plants and animals.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Can we estimate litter fall production and its decomposition side by side?
or first we need to estimate litter fall and then decomposition?
Please give your suggestions
Relevant answer
Indeed, you can estimate side by side. This type of research is mainly depend on a number of factors, including the purpose and duration of the study, the type of ecosystem, phenology, age, and so on.
These information and the links below may be helpful to you.
All the best
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
What is the role of microorganisms in the degradation of organic pollutants and role of microorganisms in decomposition of organic farm wastes?
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The process of pollutant biodegradation depends mainly on the ability of microorganisms to metabolize pollutants; bacteria, fungi, and algae can degrade various contaminants such as petroleum hydrocarbons and use them as a source of energy. The microbial organisms transform the substance through metabolic or enzymatic processes. It is based on two processes: growth and cometabolism. In growth, an organic pollutant is used as sole source of carbon and energy. This process results in a complete degradation (mineralization) of organic pollutants. Microorganisms use their metabolic pathways for the biodegradation of organic pollutants into inorganic compounds, carbon dioxide, and water after their partial or complete mineralization. In anaerobic decomposition, microorganisms decompose the solid waste into biodegradable and nontoxic forms in the absence of oxygen. There are two types of bacteria which play a significant role in anaerobic decomposition reactions, which include hydrolytic bacteria and the acidogenic bacteria.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Which microorganism performs an essential role in the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling and role of microorganisms in cycling of carbon?
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Microorganisms help return minerals and nutrients back to the environment so that the materials can then be used by other organisms. As the bacteria and fungi decompose dead matter, they also respire and so release carbon dioxide to the environment, contributing to the carbon cycle .Soil microbes can break down plant organic matter to carbon dioxide or convert it to dissolved organic carbon (DOC) compounds. This leads either to long-term carbon storage, because DOC can bind to soil particles, or to the release of carbon back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. The microbe plays an essential role of organic matter degradation in nutrient cycling; microorganism present in soil digests the organic matter including dead organisms. The nutrients get released by the breakdown of the organic molecule to make it available for plants to uptake nutrients in the soil through roots. A broad range of bacteria, archaea and fungi are capable of denitrification, comprising approximately 50% of known phylogenetic groups with cultivated representatives. Denitrification, like nitrification, is essential for the soil nitrogen cycle, returning nitrogen to the atmosphere. Decomposers play a critical role in the flow of energy through an ecosystem. They break apart dead organisms into simpler inorganic materials, making nutrients available to primary producers. Decomposition by soil organisms is at the center of the transformation and cycling of nutrients through the environment. Decomposition liberates carbon and nutrients from the complex material making up life forms-putting them back into biological circulation so they are available to plants and other organisms.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
I have bio-synthesized RuO2 nanoparticles at room temperature. TGA and DSC graphs are attached.
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your compound was degraded by approximately 200 C
the TGAthermogram and DSC shoes this situation
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
I have four different cover crops and 6 different extraction dates as treatments for my litter bag study. I determined decomposition rates for the cover crops using single exponential model in JMP. The values are in negative. I suppose it is negative because the mass is decreasing with time. I am planning to determine the half life using the formula 0.693/k. Time cannot be negative, so my question is, is it fine to remove the negative sign and just use the value of the decomposition rate to determine the half life? And, can I determine the half life directly using JMP software after determining the decomposition rate?
Your suggestions will be highly appreciated.
Thank you!
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I can only confidently answer half your question. The short answer is, yes you can ignore the negative sign when estimating half-life as 0.693/k. (Longer answer: 0.693/k estimates the doubling time of a growing population. Here, your "population" is shrinking, so the doubling time is a negative number. But as you said, since time cannot go backward, the negative sign is meaningless and may be omitted.
Hope that helps.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
I am utilizing the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) technique for signal decomposition up to 6 levels. How to get a mathematical expression for inverse MODWT to generate a signal from (detail (D5) and detail (D6)).
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  • asked a question related to Decomposition
5 answers
I need to know the mechanism of action of catalysts (ZnO, PbO2, MnO) in H2O2 decomposition. Why PbO2 increase the reaction rate the most ?
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Dear Qasim Qayyum Kashif , have you ever read about pKa? What is the second pKa of H2O2? The mechanism you have suggested for H2O2 decomposition is wrong without any doubt. If you teach the people (e.g. by answering questions), you should be an expert or at least have basic knowledge in the area.
The mechanism of H2O2 decomposition is very well studied and described in many text books.
I apologize for a very straightforward language. I'm tired to read answers based on insufficient knowledge.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
6 answers
How do soil microorganisms play an important role in decomposition of soil organic matter and importance of soil microbes and nutrient recycling for crop productivity?
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An organism, either plant or animal, dies microorganisms starts growing on them. They secrete enzymes that change the dead organic matter to smaller molecules. These are eventually recycled back to the atmosphere as methane (CH4) and CO2. Within food plant cropping systems, microorganisms provide vital functions and ecosystem services, such as biological pest and disease control, promotion of plant growth and crop quality, and biodegradation of organic matter and pollutants. Soil bacteria perform recycling of soil organic matter through different processes, and as a result they produce and release into the soil inorganic molecules that can be consumed by plants and microorganisms to grow and perform their functions. Microorganisms have the potential to improve plant growth under abiotic stress conditions by promoting the production of low-molecular-weight osmolytes, such as glycinebetaine, proline, and other amino acids, mineral phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, organic acids, and producing key enzymes. Due to their close proximity to plant roots, soil microbes significantly affect soil and crop health. Some of the activities they perform include nitrogen-fixation, phosphorus solubilization, suppression of pests and pathogens, improvement of plant stress, and decomposition that leads to soil aggregation. Microorganisms have potential roles to play in sustainable agricultural production due to their ability to promote plant growth and enhance biotic and abiotic stress resistance, remediate contaminated soils, recycle nutrients, manage soil fertility, and weather and mineralize rocks and other abilities. Organic matter decomposition serves two functions for the microorganisms, providing energy for growth and suppling carbon for the formation of new cells. Soil organic matter (SOM) is composed of the "living" (microorganisms), the "dead" (fresh residues), and the "very dead" (humus) fractions. Organic matter is broken down into carbon dioxide and the mineral forms of nutrients like nitrogen. It is also converted into fungi and bacteria through these organisms feeding on the organic material and reproducing.The amount of water in the soil, both indirectly and directly, affects the decomposition rate of organic matter. Indirectly, a wet soil results in a slower break down because water fills the air spaces in the soil, depriving the microbes of oxygen.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
During photochemical reaction using catalyst and using H2O2 as oxidant, when I want to calculate the amount of H2O2 used for producing specific product, It is difficult. I may calculate the total amount used to be decomposed.
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The measurements of H2O2 in solutions are very tricky. There are hundred methods described in the literature, but none of them might be compatible with your system. Read, try, and find the best. Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
Decomposition temperature of benzyl alcohol?
Decomposition temperature of organic dye?
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The thermal decomposition of benzyl alcohol was investigated in shock waves over the temperature range 1200–1600 K, monitoring benzyl and OH radical concentrations by UV absorption spectroscopy.
@ temperature of decomposition of organic dye more than 265 Degree C
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
impact of plastic polymer in our environment
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Dear Taiwo Hamidat Olaide, this depends on many variables, including the chemical structure of the polymer, additives present in it, the degradation environment either land or marine, cycles of repeated stresses, and so on. Please have a look at the following documents. My Regards
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Can any body suggest how to calculate organic matter decomposition rate of soil or compost? is there any formula? please suggest some relevant references.
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@ Kasturi, the equation for organic matter decomposition rate was given by Olson (1963) . The formula is often used in this form
ln(Mt / M0) = -k t
M0 is the initial mass of organic matter or carbon, Mt is the mass of organic matter or carbon, t, is time (e.g. year or day) and kS is the constant for decay rate.
In general, from the titre value you can calculate decomposition rate as mg of carbon di-oxide per day for a weight of decomposed material placed initially.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Green hydrogen can be stored and transported in several ways, including compressed hydrogen gas, liquid hydrogen, methanol, and ammonia. Liquid ammonia has a higher capacity for hydrogen storage by volume compared to liquid hydrogen, with a capacity of 121 kg H2/m3 for ammonia compared to 70.8 kg H2/ for liquid hydrogen. At room temperature, ammonia can be stored at a relatively low pressure (0.99 MPa), which is significantly lower than the pressure required for liquid hydrogen storage. However, ammonia has a lower energy density than hydrogen (18.6 MJ/kg compared to 142.8 MJ/kg for hydrogen gas at standard temperature and pressure) and a higher mass density (600 kg/m3 compared to 70.8 kg/m3 for liquid hydrogen), which can make it more challenging to store and transport. Methanol is another potential option for hydrogen storage, but it has a lower energy density compared to ammonia (20.1 MJ/kg), and utilization release CO2, which can be a concern from an environmental perspective. The decomposition of ammonia to release hydrogen requires a relatively large amount of energy (30.6 kJ/mol H2), while the regasification of liquid hydrogen only requires a small amount of energy (0.907 kJ/mol H2). This can make the utilization of ammonia as a hydrogen storage and transportation medium less energy efficient.
Give your opinion.
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Dear all, the LOHC process is more safer and economic. Please have a look at the following documents. My Regards
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
we are working on ammonia decomposition to produce Hydrogen and Oxygen gas
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Thank you for the reply Leandro
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
If you are aware of any available codes for material decomposition in Spectral CT, please share them.
Thanks in advance!
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Yes, thanks for our response
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
Dear Sir/Madam,
My Research Data Contains Area, Production and Productivity of Shrimp culture. I want to apply the Hazel decomposition model to my data.
Hazell’s (1982) decomposition model, which decomposed the sources of change in the average of production and change in production variance into four (4) and ten (10) components.
Many researchers have used these models for their research and published them.
Can someone explain me how to do hazel decomposition model calculations?
Would you please guide me how to go about, how to calculate the component change in mean production and component change in variance production.
Would you mind helping me develop this model, or recommending a researcher who can do it, and I will give you proper citation for it and also authorship also?
This is my mail id.
Here with iam attaching the my data set
Relevant answer
The Hazel decomposition model is a statistical model that is used to analyze the sources of change in production and production variance in agriculture and other sectors. The model decomposes the change in the average of production and the change in production variance into four components:
  1. Technical change: This component captures changes in production that are due to improvements in technology or other factors that increase efficiency.
  2. Allocative change: This component captures changes in production that are due to changes in the allocation of resources, such as changes in the amount of land, labor, or capital used.
  3. Price change: This component captures changes in production that are due to changes in prices, such as changes in the price of inputs or outputs.
  4. Structural change: This component captures changes in production that are due to changes in the structure of the economy, such as shifts in the composition of industries or changes in the size of firms.
To calculate the Hazel decomposition model, you will need to gather data on production and production variance over time. You will then need to use statistical software, such as R or STATA, to fit the model to the data and estimate the coefficients for the four components.
To develop the model, you will need to follow these steps:
  1. Define the variables you will use in the model. These may include the production of shrimp, the variance in production, and any other relevant variables such as prices, technology, or resource use.
  2. Collect and organize the data. You will need to gather data on production and production variance over time, as well as any other relevant variables.
  3. Estimate the model. Use statistical software to fit the model to the data and estimate the coefficients for the four components.
  4. Interpret the results. Analyze the estimates of the coefficients to understand the sources of change in production and production variance.
If you have any further questions about developing the Hazel decomposition model or need additional guidance, I would be happy to help or recommend a researcher who may be able to assist you. Please let me know if you have any specific questions or concerns.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
2 answers
In the following article's ESI, it seems that in situ decomposition of 2,5-Dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone (DHBQ) lead to the formation of oxalate under hydrothermal conditions.
Can someone explain the mechanism/pathway behind it?
Ref.: Science 374, 1464 (2021)
Please correct me if I am wrong by any chance.
Thanks in advance.
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You may also see the retrosynthesis pathway from scifinder
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
6 answers
Supoose you have formed a thin flim of two polymer blends. After some time, it started to phase seperated ( Lets say enough time to capture it). Now as we koe phase seperation can occur via spinodal decompostion or nucleation and growth. Which techniques can be used to detect that can define the phase seperation method?
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We are also engaged in the production of polymer blends, including from thermodynamically incompatible polymers. When using traditional technologies (obtaining films from a solution or melt), delamination often occurs. This is clearly visible to us in DSC analyses. For such methods, two peaks are obtained. And these polymer blends exfoliate over time.
We proposed to use the supercritical fluid antisolvent method. And we get the polymer mixture as a single substance. And on the DSC diagram, one peak is obtained.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
5 answers
In an experiment concerning fine root decomposition by litter bag method, I collected the residual of fine roots in the bags for a year, and determined the C, N, P, Al, Mg, Ca, content of them in lab, also soil temperature and moisture were recorded.
I agree the decomposition rate will affected by characteristic of fine roots, and it seems that discussion on how the environmental factor contributes to the decomposition is rare, does anyone know more about this? Thanks for your ideas.   
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  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
I would want to know the fundamental difference between eigenvalues and singular values when applied to spectral analysis of graphs' adjacency and laplacian. As far as I know the SVDs can be worked on nonsquared matrices but adjacency and laplacians are squared matrices and they would be symmetric if the graph is undirected.
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please just check wiki:
singular value decomposition ... generalizes the eigen decomposition of a square normal matrix ... to any m-by-n matrix
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
The results of my research show that the correlation between the water content of the litter and the rate of decomposition is very strong, even though too high water will create anaerobic conditions.
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Yes, both drought and water logging decrease litter decomposition, so there is not a true correlation :)
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
6 answers
Dear colleagues,
i am looking for the package or command, which performs times series decomposition in STATA. So far I did not find anything. Example can be found here: at figure 5.
Look forward to valuable comments)
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sir, i am doing research on labour market discrimination. help me to perform decomposition in unite level cross-section data.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
Is it possible to decompose a conditional probability with three or more elements (i.e. events) into conditional probability of only two elements or the marginal probability of one element? Knowing this decomposition, it would help to solve higher order Markov Chain mathematically. I also know that this decomposition can be solved if we add assumption of conditional independent.
To make it concrete here is a negative example:
P(c│a,b)=(P(a,b│c)∙P(c))/(P(a│b)∙P(b) ).
Notice that the RHS still contains a conditional probability with three elements P(a,b│c).
Assuming conditional independent on c, we have P(a,b│c)=P(a│c)∙P(b│c). Thus, the conditional probability decomposition becomes
P(c│a,b)≅(P(a│c)∙P(b│c)∙P(c))/(P(a│b)∙P(b) )
My question is whether this type of conditional probability decomposition into one or two element is possible without making assumption. If it is really unsolvable problem, then at least we know that the assumption of conditional independent is a must.
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For my opinion we can use any product formulas only under condition of independence. For example the formula that you used P(a,b│c)=P(a│c)∙P(b│c) is valid if a and b are independent each from other. Both may be dependent from c. But it can be the case of so called "false dependence". For example a is the usage of energy, b is sale of warm clothes, c is decreasing of tempetature.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
I am getting error when trying to react gypsum with biomass (ultimate) in a Gibbs reactor.
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You could try just increasing number of iterations, if you haven't already, otherwise one workaround is to use an RStoich reactor and put the products into an RGibbs, which in principle should get to the same equilibrium.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Hello, I have synthesized a powdery material that is highly sensitive to air and decomposes when exposed to air for a short period of time (a few seconds). Is there any way to prevent or delay sample decomposition for FTIR analysis? If I can't use this method to analyze my sample, what other method do you suggest?
Relevant answer
Thank you all for the guidance and putting me on the right way.
I wish you the bests.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
If input array is 2000*2000*3000 or larger, how can we decompose it with limited memory?
Most packages on tensor decomposition or factor analysis method, were not suitable to deal with large array.
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Hello Wang,
For some time, a number of software packages have been developed to handle data sets larger than what can reside in memory. This is typically accomplished by: (a) using updating algorithms for summary statistics and covariances/correlations; (b) writing intermediate results to disk; and/or (c) using disk storage as virtual memory (sometimes managed by the OS, sometimes by the software). The only downside of (c) is that it renders the process notably slower, though SSD drives will minimize the lag compared to traditional hard drives.
As an example, stata offers versions that can handle up to 120,000 variables and 20 billion cases, but require considerably less memory (e.g., 4 Gbytes) in order to function satisfactorily. (
Some of the R libraries have very large capacity, though if the largest object (for you, your data frame) exceeds about 35% of physical memory, virtual memory will likely be used during the processing).
One final point, for factor analysis, the data frame is two-dimensional: some objects to be factored and some replications dimension. So, I wasn't fully clear on the 3-D data set.
Good luck with your work.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
I have been reading “Handbook of reference methods for plant analysis” (Kalra (ed.), 1998) and other methodological books and papers to learn how to properly dry and analyse samples of vegetables and other sources of organic matter (manure, or compost).
On the drying procedure, it is cleat to me that:
i) Above 60ºC you stop the enzimatic activity and microbial decomposition and the sample is dry enough to be powdered and analysed (Carbon and nitrogen in a CNHS elemental analyzer, and P and K by digestions and mass spectophotometer), but it is not completely dried.
ii) From 80ºC the sample must reach a water content of 2-5%, and thermal decomposition starts, but it can be only problematic in powered samples.
iii) At 105ºC you have lost some elements by volatilization (N and S, and probably a little part of C), therefore it’s not recomended to dry at this temperature for elemental analysis. The sample is completely dried. There’s some thermal decomposition but nobody takes it into account.
In most works, if they want to know the nutrient contents and the dry matter content, they dry a subsample at 60º (and analyse its content in NPK) and other at 105º (and calculate the dry matter content).
My question is: how do you assign the nutrient content obtained with the sample at 60º to the dry matter, if you don’t know the water content of the sample dried at 60º? Should you take another subsample of the 60ºC subsample and dry it at 105º? Other researchers confirmed me that they dry all the samples at 105ºC, even for elemental analysis. How much nitrogen and carbon can we lose at 105ºC? I guess it depends on the element form (if N is in NH3, NO3-... ), but on average for plant tissue, manure, or compost, does anyone know how much it could be?
On the other hand, biomass is matter mainly composed of carbon and hidrogen, with small amounts of other elements. To measure the organic matter content of a sample, it is incinerated at 550º or more, and the difference in mass from the dried sample to the incinerated matter is assumed to be the organic matter.
The question is, why do atoms of P and other elements bonded to carbon structure are not considered as organic matter? Probably it is not easily measurable, but from the definition of organic matter, I understand that these elements are part of it. In addition, some elements like nitrogen or sulphur that don’t stay on the ashes are also considered organic matter (because they contribute to the mass loss when incinerated). I guess that these elements don’t represent too much, but I am surprised that nobody accounts them.
Thank you in advance.
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Air-dried/oven-dried at 105 to 110 °C or sun-dried.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
6 answers
Hello everyone!
I have an ECG signal sampled at 500 Hz and, from that, I would like to compute the RR interval and then Welch's PSD. All this aims to understand the sympathetic activation of the person.
I wanted to enhance the R peaks using the 'sym4' wavelet. However, I have some difficulties in understanding how to choose the proper level of decomposition.
Can someone help me with this topic? Is there a "standard" way to assess the proper level of decomposition?
Thank you in advance for your time!
Relevant answer
There is an equation that can be used to determine the maximum level of decomposition.
Max Level = fix(length_of_the_signal/(length_of_the_filter-1))
Or you can simply use the inbuilt matlab function "wmaxlev(sizeX,wname)" to determine the level.
If you want to understand more about the working of the function you can always check the source code by typing the command "open('wmaxlev')"
Hope that works for you!
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
Hello, I am a graduate student from Lanzhou University in China, and I am now very interested in the biochemical cycle in the context of global climate change, especially the decomposition of litter, but because I have just been exposed to this field, I am not very familiar with this field. My current idea is to link the decomposition process of litter under warming and rainfall changes with the aboveground plant community and the underground microbial decomposer community, but I don't know which scientific problem to start from, I hope you will provide me with some research ideas if you have time, thank you very much!
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Les champignons sont aussi très importants pour la décomposition de la matière ligneuse.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
12 answers
Lower Matrix to represent the approximate final stages of payment and upper representing the early payments
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LU decomposition is a basic technique in numerical linear algebra. Numerical linear algebra has many applications, since a vast numerical algorithms reduce to linear algebra.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
3 answers
Actually, I wish to understand the process and coding to define new wavelet transform. So that I can understand and modify some wavelet transform to get better results. There is inbuilt wavelet transform in MATLAB and we just have to choose wavelets. I wish to define new wavelet transform.
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By converting the signal from 2 dimensional signal to 1 dimensional, the transformation could be processed on vectors.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
11 answers
The processes that soil microbes convert organic matter to carbon dioxide can be termed "decomposition" or "mineralization". The difference between these two words is still ambiguous to me.
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Mineralization , is the process by which an inorganic substance precipitates in an organic matrix , while Decomposition, is the process by which dead organic substances are broken down into simpler organic or inorganic matter
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
4 answers
I'm looking for any additive to reduce the decomposition point of a dye. Any suggestions?
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I understand you want to increase thermal stability. I am an analytical chemist. It's not about my field. However, I can say this. No matter how many stages of degradation occur, each stage gives you a chance to intervene. The solvent affects the stability. The chromophores, double bonds, aromatic groups carried by the dye reduce the wavelength, and substitute groups such as tert-butyl sec-butly, isopropyl and methyl increase the thermal stability. Removing water from the environment can be beneficial when working with anhydrous dyes.
  • asked a question related to Decomposition
1 answer
We have known the distance matrix (n*n samples) and feature abudance (n samples*s features).
How can we extract featrue importance through matrix decomposition or something else?
Thank you for your help!
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Это можно сделать вычисляя удельный вес каждого фактора в итоговом разбросе, через дисперсионный или факторный анализ, также через расчет безусловной и условной энтропии.