Science topics: Chemistry
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Chemistry - Science topic

Chemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reactions, but also its composition, structure and properties. Chemistry is concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds.
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Publications related to Chemistry (10,000)
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Research Proposal
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Join Us in Shaping the Future of AI in Chemical Analysis!! CALL FOR CHAPTERS for the book “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Analysis”, to be published by the Royal Society of Chemistry.
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Resumo As atividades de mariscagem e malacocultura produzem uma grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos compostos por conchas marinhas. O impacto ambiental do descarte inadequado pode ser atenuado com estratégias de reaproveitamento. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar a viabilidade do uso de resíduo de conchas marinhas com substituintes parciais...
Research Proposal
Full-text available; Crocus sativus L.; biological targets; pharmacology; therapeutic approaches;
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It is now becoming clear that oxygen and its species being highly reactive that it may have been instrumental in getting the prebiotic chemistry going during the emergence of life on the Earth.
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1. INTRODUCCIÓN Durante siglos, la arquitectura ha sido una manifestación tangible del ingenio humano y una disciplina que combina arte, ciencia y tecnolo-gía. Desde las antiguas pirámides egipcias hasta los rascacielos moder-nos, los edificios han sido testigos de la evolución de la sociedad y re-flejan las habilidades y conocimientos de las civil...
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Terra biodinamica, 1994) Nei suoi preliminari per una fisiologia(1) Goethe scrive: " La fisiologia sta' sospesa davanti all'uomo come una meta che forse non verrà mai raggiunta. Le sue ancelle che singolarmente lavorano per essa sono: 1) La storia naturale, che mette insieme tutto quanto disponibile circa le creature di qualunque grado di sviluppo,...
Research Proposal
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A abordagem de jogos didáticos para o ensino de química pode ser particularmente eficaz em contextos educacionais, promovendo o engajamento e a compreensão dos alunos, além de enriquecer o processo de aprendizagem, tornando-o mais interativo e estimulante. O jogo intitulado como "Tesouro dos Piratas Alquimistas" tem por objetivo ser trabalhado com...
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Publicado em 25 de junho do 2024. As ciências exatas, da terra e engenharias abrangem ad infinitum o conhecimento para fundamentar a compreensão e solucionar os segredos dos fenômenos naturais, do desenvolvimento tecnológico e da inovação. Podem ser a matemática, a física, a química, a computação, a geologia e diversas áreas de engenharia com emar...
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We present a unique signal of medium response to jet quenching: the enhancement of baryon-to-meson ratios for associated particles at intermediate transverse momentum around the triggered quenched jets. Since the lost energy from the jets can diffuse to large angles, we expect that such baryon-to-meson enhancement is stronger for larger distance wi...
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Le projet Prev'Cap'Pairs est une recherche-action qui vise à sensibiliser les jeunes filles et garçons en apprantissage à la prévention des risques professionnels dans un objecti de prévention de la santé. Ce projet est réalisé dans une logique horizontale, participative et de co-construction avec l'ensemble de la communauté éducative.
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A distinguishing feature of MAX phases and their MXene derivatives is their remarkable chemical diversity. This diversity, coupled with the 2D nature of MXenes, positions them as outstanding candidates for a wide range of electrochemical applications. Chemical disorder introduced by a solid solution can improve electrochemical behavior. Up to now,...
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MANUAL DO JOGO DIDÁTICO INTRODUÇÃO Tendo em vista a necessidade de se buscar novas metodologias de ensino para a disciplina de química aplicada no ensino médio, dentre as práticas metodológicas, optou-se por desenvolver jogos, como atividade complementar do conteúdo proposto no Parâmetro Curricular Nacional. Como bem destaca Cunha (1992), "[...] o...
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Love, Death & Robots é uma série antológica da Netflix, cujos episódios impactam os telespectadores com cenas fortes envolvendo amor, morte e/ou robôs. Dois episódios de mesmo nome, Três Robôs, foram escolhidos para análise por apresentarem a realidade de robôs que fazem uma viagem de férias à Terra após a extinção dos humanos por desastres naturai...
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Let G(n, m) be a simple graph with vertex set V and S ⊆ V with |S| = σ. The graph G S is obtained by adding a self-loop to each vertex of the graph G in the set S. The Randić index of a graph is one of the important topological indices which has its application in chemistry. In this manuscript, the Randić index of a graph with self-loops is defined...
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Se estudian ciertas mineralizaciones pseudomórficas del Cenomaniense-Turoniense de la formación Jaén en el Norte de la provincia de Alicante. Estas mineralizaciones se han formado en un medio de sedimentación marino profundo, en condiciones anaeróbicas y presencia de materia orgánica. La pseudomorfósis se ha producido por alteración de minerales pr...
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1,2,4‐triazines are a valuable class of heterodienes that can be employed in inverse electron‐demand Diels–Alder reactions. However, their broader application in bioorthogonal chemistry is limited due to their low reactivity. This article focuses on 3‐(trifluoromethyl)‐1,2,4‐triazines, which can be efficiently prepared in a one‐pot reaction from NH...
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In NH3‐SCR over Cu‐CHA catalysts in the low‐temperature range 150–300 °C, the activation of oxygen occurs via oxidation of a pair of mobile (NH3)2CuI‐complexes located in the cages of the zeolite. In this step, a reactive [(NH3)4Cu2O2]²⁺‐peroxo complex (μ‐η²,η²‐peroxo diamino dicopper(II)‐complex) is formed. The chemistry of this complex determines...
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Superoxido copper complexes play an important role as usually short‐lived intermediates in biology and chemistry. The unusual stability of an end‐on superoxido copper complex observed in an oxygen‐enhanced atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) led to a detailed mechanistic investigation of the formation of [CuII(Me6tren)(O2⋅⁻)]⁺ (Me6tren=tris...
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O aprendizado ativo e a interdisciplinaridade constituem-se novo paradigma na educação de qualidade, colaborativa e motivadora, que auxilia no processo de ensino/aprendizagem das disciplinas escolares, em um contexto onde as escolas precisam se adaptar à era da tecnologia. Nesta perspectiva, o relato apresenta as ações desenvolvidas durante o desen...
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Transitioning from both the direct and indirect use of fossil fuels to the renewable and sustainable resources of the near future demands a focal shift in catalysis research – from investigating catalytic reactions in isolation to developing coupled reactions for modern chemical value chains. In this Perspective, we discuss the status and emerging...
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Is about Effectiveness of Vista Demonstration Learning Strategy on Students' Achievement in Chemistry
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar a análise econômica do cultivo da palma forrageira, submetida a quatro tipos de adubação: química, química + orgânica, orgânica, e o tratamento testemunha, sem adubação. A análise consistiu de relações entre os custos e as receitas obtidas durante dois ciclos de avaliação, sendo consideradas duas form...
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In the quest for synthesizing biologically important natural products, medicinal chemists embark on an endless journey. This review focuses on the reports published towards the syntheses of diarylheptanoids, classifying them into linear, tetrahydropyran, diarylether, and biphenyl categories. The synthesis methods for each class from 2013 to 2023 ar...
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Reframing ionic transport and interface chemistry through electrolyte renovation is essential to promote the fast charging of Li-ion batteries, even under extreme conditions. Despite the formation of a less resistive...
Technical Report
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Die Rheinstoffliste wird alle drei Jahre aktualisiert und legt die Stoffe fest, die im Rahmen des Rheinmessprogramms Chemie jährlich an den internationalen Hauptmessstellen zu messen sind. Grundlage für die Rheinstoffliste 2024-2026 ist die Bewertung der Prüfliste der Rheinstoffliste 2021-2023 (IKSR-Fachbericht Nr. 266), die Bewertungen des Sonderm...
Technical Report
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De Rijnstoffenlijst wordt om de drie jaar geactualiseerd en bevat de stoffen die in het kader van het Rijnmeetprogramma chemie elk jaar moeten worden gemeten op de internationale hoofdmeetlocaties. De Rijnstoffenlijst 2024-2026 is gebaseerd op de beoordeling van de toetsingslijst bij de Rijnstoffenlijst 2021-2023 (ICBR-rapport 266), de beoordelinge...
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Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um Produto Educacional- PE resultante de uma tese de Doutorado Profissional, vinculada à linha de pesquisa: Formação de professores de ensino de ciências. A partir da pergunta norteadora da pesquisa que buscou investigar como tem ocorrido a avaliação da aprendizagem nos cursos de licenciatura em química e fís...
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Currently, the production of complex SiC and SiC/SiC parts through reactive infiltration is one of the most widely used technologies, due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness compared to more conventional technologies such as Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP). This technology, while widely adopted, still faces some debate regarding the mechanisms o...
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At present, the main task of normal universities is to train qualified teachers for primary and secondary schools. Thus, pre-service teacher skills training and some educational theories are compulsory courses for every normal university student. The level of pre-service teacher skill training of normal university students directly affects the futu...
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Produksi rumput laut dunia tahun 2020 yang dipublikasikan oleh Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (FAO), Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua sebagai produsen rumput laut terbesar dengan produksi sebesar 11,8 juta ton. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk menganalisis karakteristik limbah cair rumput laut di PT. Bantimurung...
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A aprendizagem de ciências exatas tem notabilidade fundamental na construção coletiva e cultural dos sujeitos, podendo exceder o limite entre informação educacional e formação social. Na sociedade atual, a compreensão de fenômenos básicos da natureza e tecnologia proporciona que os indivíduos vivam de forma vasta a sua naturalidade. Entretanto, bas...
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A busca da criação do jogo didático tem como objetivo trabalhar e aprofundar o conhecimento de físico-química sobre os gases ideais de uma forma mais lúdica e dinâmica, visando melhorar conhecimentos e aplicação dos cálculos envoltos nessa área da química. Esse jogo tem como base ser trabalhado tanto no Ensino Médio quanto com as turmas de Intro...
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Objetivo: Analisar as fibras e a porosidade dos materiais Spunbond-Meltblown-Spunbond e Tecido-Não-Tecido utilizados para confeccionar máscaras cirúrgicas para proteção respiratória de trabalhadores da saúde expostos a riscos ocupacionais químicos e biológicos. Método: Estudo analítico descritivo, utilizando o microscópio eletrônico de varredura pa...
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O fósforo é um macronutriente primário que limita com frequência a produção vegetal, sobretudo nos solos tropicais, sendo indispensável sua complementação via adubação para obtenção de uma produtividade satisfatória. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi fornecer uma visão geral sobre o nutriente mineral fósforo na relação solo-planta,...
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Polymilchsäure (PLA) ist ein aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen hergestellter und bioabbaubarer Kunststoff. Er ist einer der am häufigsten verwendeten Biokunststoff mit steigender Verwendung. Die Eigenschaften eines Kunststoffes gehen auf die molekulare Struktur sowie die beigefügten Additive zurück. In diesem Artikel wird eine schulgerechte PLA‐Synthes...
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Un manuel de statistiques simple et sans aucune formule. Vous vous sentez sous-doué en statistiques et vous pensez ne jamais y arriver ? Vous vous dites que pour un « littéraire » comme vous, un simple étudiant en sciences humaines, les stats c’est trop. Et pourtant, dès le master et plus tard en thèse, il vous faudra bien en faire, si vous voulez...
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RESUMO Este estudo investigou a validade convergente da Escala de Avaliação dos Efeitos da Musicoterapia em Grupo na Dependência Química (MTDQ) em relação à University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA) bem como os efeitos da musicoterapia nos Estágios de Mudança. Para tanto, foram analisadas as correlações entre os construtos e a influência...
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Coordination polymers may be synthesized by linear bridging ligands to metal ions with conventional chemistry methods (e.g. in solution). Such complexes can be hardly brought onto a substrate with the...
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Virtual simulations are a very useful educational resource to improve the teaching of chemistry. Their use makes it possible to facilitate the comprehension of concepts, promotes the development of scientific competences and even improves student attitudes toward chemistry. However, it is important to point out that a simulation by itself is not en...
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Este manual es una introducción al Álgebra Lineal, para un primer cuatrimestre de un Grado en Ciencias. Contiene múltiples aplicaciones para estudiantes de Física, Matemáticas, Estadística, Química, Economía, etc.
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For higher education institutions, predicting the risk of academic loss is a priority issue due to the resources invested by institutions, students and the academic community in general. Objective: the objective of this research was to propose a suitable model that allows predicting students who are at risk of academic loss in a chemistry course. M...
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The recent few decades witnessed a quick growth in our knowledge in actinoid chemistry, particularly in actinoids’ behaviors in catalysis and biologic systems [...]
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La mayoría de las actividades experimentales de laboratorio en la enseñanza de las ciencias se consideran como actividades verificativas de algunos temas discutidos en el aula, siguiendo una estrategia tipo receta, en las que el estudiantado debe seguir simples algoritmos o pasos para llegar a una conclusión predeterminada, situación que obstaculiz...
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One of the chemical reactions that I most enjoyed learning about during my undergraduate studies was the nitrogen reduction reactions to form ammonia. This fascinating process, fundamental to both nature and industry, sparked my passion for chemistry.
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A chemistry module has been implemented in Geant4‐DNA since Geant4 version 10.1 to simulate the radiolysis of water after irradiation. It has been used in a number of applications, including the calculation of G‐values and early DNA damage, allowing the comparison with experimental data. Since the first version, numerous modifications have been mad...
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Herein, the use of economically and environmentally friendly bis(pinacolato)diboron (B2Pin2) is described as a non‐metallic reductant in mediating Ni‐catalyzed C(sp³)–C(sp²) reductive cross‐coupling of alkyl electrophiles with aryl/vinyl halides. This method exhibits excellent suitability for heteroaryl halides and alkyl halides/Katritzky salts. Th...
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La función de Lambert, esencial en el ámbito de las ecuaciones complejas donde el álgebra tradicional no es suficiente, se destaca por tener dos ramas en el dominio de los números reales. Esta característica la hace particularmente importante en campos como la física, específicamente en el disparo de proyectiles, y en diversas áreas de la ingenierí...
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From inception, African films reflect majorly historical experiences of Africa people. As part of development and innovations among Nigerian film makers, such as, Tunde Kilani, Teco Benson, Kemi Adetiba, Ali Nuru, Aminu Saira, Muhibbat Abdulssalam, amongst others incorporate dance as vital tool to communicate their ideologies, to project cultural n...
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The presented study is focused on the analysis of the scope and conception of teaching the chemical calculations in high school textbooks. The performed detailed analysis of selected textbooks was focused on: types of calculations, the conception of their explanations, the form of example assignments, methods of solution, and opportunities for prac...
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3D printing represents an emerging technology in several fields, including engineering, medicine, and chemistry. [...]
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O Brasil lidera na produção e exportação de café, além de ser um dos maiores consumidores do mundo. Atualmente, duas espécies predominam nas lavouras do país: o Arábica (Coffea arabica L.) e o Conilon (Coffea canephora). O cultivo do café gera uma quantidade significativa de resíduos agroindustriais, cerca de 45% do peso total dos grãos de café é c...
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La tecnología ha transformado la forma en que se vive y se aprende, al impulsar la imperativa integración de las Tecnologías del Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TAC) de manera efectiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el uso de las TAC para favorecer el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los alumnos de la carrera de Pedagogía de las Cien...
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The chemistry of light dipnictenes has been widely investigated in the last century with remarkable achievements especially for azobenzene derivatives. In contrast, distibenes and dibismuthenes are relatively rare and show very limited reactivity. Herein, we have designed a protocol using visible light to enhance the reactivity of heavy dipnictenes...
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Chirality, a fundamental principle in chemistry, biology, and medicine, is prevalent in nature and in organisms. Chiral molecules, such as DNA, RNA, and proteins, are crucial in biomolecular synthesis, as well as in the development of functional materials. Among these, 1,1′‐binaphthyl‐2,2′‐diol (BINOL) stands out for its stable chiral configuration...
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It isn’t often that a regulatory change in Europe has any effect on North America, but a new potential European ban on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in all consumer goods may just have this ripple effect. PFAS are a broad class of thousands of man-made chemicals with varied global definitions that all include carbon–fluorine bonds. Bec...
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Roniwalter Jatobá e Rubens Figueiredo são escritores muito distintos em termos estéticos e temáticos, porém percebemos que surge uma semelhança, específica entre duas narrativas, acerca da configuração da representação dos efeitos causados pelo movimento migratório na vida de dois protagonistas. Em virtude dessa identificação, o presente ensaio tem...
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Chiral chemistry is often regarded as the science of studying the stereostructure and symmetry of organic molecules. It mainly focuses on the presence of chiral centers in specific structures and their impact on conformation, properties, and functions. In this field, researchers explore the special properties and potential applications of chiral co...
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The chemistry of quinone methides formed in situ has been flourishing in recent years. In sharp contrast, the development and utilization of biphenyl quinone methides are rare. In this study, we achieved a remote stereocontrolled 1,12‐conjugate addition of biphenyl quinone methides formed in situ for the first time. In the presence of a suitable ch...
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Resumen La Quimioinformática y la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) son disciplinas con métodos que, actualmente, contribuyen al desarrollo de varias áreas del conocimiento de la Química, por medio del almacenamiento, la organización, la búsqueda de datos químicos, el procesamiento y el modelado, para generar información y conocimiento a nivel molecular...
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The non‐hydrostatic Model for Prediction Across Scales‐Atmosphere (MPAS‐A) dynamical core has recently been adapted for the Specified Chemistry Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (SC‐WACCM). In this study, the mean zonal wind and temperature climatology from SC‐WACCM/MPAS‐A is compared with the results from SC‐WACCM using the finite volume an...
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For most of the twentieth century, chemistry has been a data-poor discipline relying on well-thought-out hypotheses and carefully planned experiments to develop solutions to real-world problems [...]
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Titolo : La gia' denominata laurea in Chimica e Farmacia e le competenze del chimico-farmacista-equipollenze ed equiparazioni di legge Legge 21 giugno 1964 n. 465 Rassegna di normativa di interesse Quinta edizione integrata Autore : 1) Luisetto Mauro Laureato in farmacia , gia' iscritto alla ANCTF associazione nazionale dei Chimici e tecnologi farm...
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In this article, we study the Hyers-Ulam stability of a nonlinear partial integro-differential equation of order three, of hyperbolic type, using Bielecki norm. Sufficient conditions are established to ensure Hyers-Ulam and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for these equations. These types of equations appear in various applications in engineering, biol...
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Coupled cluster methods based exclusively on double excitations are comparatively "cheap" and interesting model chemistries, as they are typically able to capture the bulk of the dynamical electron correlation effects. The trade-off in such approximations is that the effect of neglected excitations, particularly single excitations, can be considera...
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Chemistry and Nanotechnology represent a powerful dynamic relationship that gives innovation and open new fields in Science, Chemistry, and Technology. When we explore new horizons with Nanotechnology the role of chemistry will give important and main subscription for a sustainable future. By understanding the constructive collaboration between Che...
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Achieving desired properties in bainite steels with MA islands demands understanding the affect of processing conditions and composition on their size and morphology. Generally, this understanding is gained by studying the change in the size and morphology of the MA islands with composition and the processing conditions. In the present work, around...
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O presente trabalho analisa a literatura existente sobre o uso de jogos como recurso didático no ensino de Química no nível médio, com o objetivo de compreender sua eficácia na promoção da aprendizagem e no desenvolvimento de habilidades conceituais e práticas dos alunos. O ensino de Química, muitas vezes percebido como abstrato e distante da reali...
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Año: 2013 Las NTP son guías de buenas prácticas. Sus indicaciones no son obligatorias salvo que estén recogidas en una disposición normativa vigente. A efectos de valorar la pertinencia de las recomendaciones contenidas en una NTP concreta es conveniente tener en cuenta su fecha de edición. Esta NTP es continuación de la NTP-987, que contiene la bi...
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Very few scholarly studies have been published on communicating chemistry to the public, and even less on publicly communicating chemistry research achievements. This study answers two research questions: why a research chemist should engage in communicating her/his research achievements to the public? What are, if any, the benefits that this activ...
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Teachers’ role in chemistry metacognition describes what metacognition and chemistry metacognition are, their importance in chemistry education and how they can be taught or improved in science or chemistry learners that might be finding the subject difficult or demanding. This chapter educates science and chemistry teachers with the requisite meta...
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Applying a phase-fitting method might potentially vanish the phase-lag and its first derivative. Improving algebraic order (AOR) and decreasing function evaluations (FEvs) are the goals of the new strategy called the cost-efficient approach. Equation PF2DPHFITN142SPS demonstrates the unique method. The suggested approach is P-Stable, meaning it is...
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Fused bicycloalkanes have several structures with different orientations of the substituents, such as out,out‐, in,in, and in,out‐structures. Some bicycloalkanes can undergo homeomorphic conversions between certain structures, for instance an out,out‐structure can convert to an in,in‐structure. This homeomorphism can be achieved by one chain passin...
Conference Paper
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Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen wie die Klimakrise sind systemischer Natur. Die Teilhabe am gesellschaftlichen Diskurs zu solchen Themen erfordert Systemdenken. Trotz der Relevanz des Systemdenkens für die MINT-Fächer und einer guten Forschungslage zu Kompetenzmodellen und Fördermöglichkeiten zeigt sich für die Unterrichtspraxis nur ei...
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Efficient and environmentally friendly synthesis of silanols is a crucial issue across the broad fields of academic and industrial chemistry. Here, we describe the dehydrogenative oxidation of hydrosilane using a...
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Estamos acostumbrados a concebir y aceptar que la Física es una ciencia que se relaciona con la Matemática, la Astronomía, la Química, las Ingenierías y, en menor medida, con la Biología y la Medicina. El presente trabajo se propone indagar, en primer lugar, las relaciones que la Física establece actualmente con otras ciencias y, en segundo lugar,...
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La observación es la base de esta ciencia, y para la observación de los cuerpos celestes se emplean potentes telescopios, los cuales gracias a la tecnología se han vuelto cada vez más potentes permitiendo captar imágenes del universo nunca antes observadas y así generar el análisis y la creación de teorías que expliquen algunos fenómenos asociados...
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Metric dimension is an essential parameter in graph theory that aids in addressing issues pertaining to information retrieval, localization, network design, and chemistry through the identification of the least possible number of elements necessary to identify the distances between vertices in a graph uniquely. A variant of metric dimension, called...
Conference Paper
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Das Projekt „e-lement“ (e-learning entwickeln mitsamt Evaluation durch neue Techniken) wurde konzipiert, um die digitalen Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften und Lehramtsstudierenden hinsichtlich der Gestaltung von digitalen Lernumgebungen für den eigenen Unterricht zu fördern. Im zugehörigen Studienmodul entwickeln Lehramtsstudierende dementsprechend selb...
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Purpose] We examined factors related to pre- to early post-operative changes in the mobility of patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. [Participants and Methods] We included 79 patients who had undergone unilateral total knee arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis to analyze the correlations between the amount of change in the Timed Up & Go tes...
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A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Lithium ion battery (LIB) Voltage hysteresis model State of charge (SOC) estimation Voltage-based SOC correction Silicon graphite anode cell Transfer fit method A B S T R A C T State-of-the-art lithium-ion cell chemistries with pronounced open-circuit voltage hysteresis (OCV), charac-terised by asymmetry and directio...
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Resumo: Neste artigo buscou-se discutir e analisar o ensino remoto de química de saneantes em tempos de Covid-19 e os discursos sobre os elementos da mídia, ciência e pandemia, com a implementação da educação para as relações étnico-raciais com estudantes da educação básica, no projeto de letramento racial, o projeto Afrocientista. Com aspectos de...
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This study aims to determine the model of liberal Islamic thought in the novel 'Kemi' by Adian Husaini and to analyze of the model of liberal Islamic thought in the novel "Kemi" by Adian Husaini from the perspective of Islamic education. This research uses a qualitative approach with a type of literature study. The results of the study show that th...
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La corriente filosófica positivista le otorgó a la química una predominancia dogmática y hegemónica del pensamiento, y posicionó así el logocentrismo por encima de los diferentes desarrollos cognitivos del sujeto. Esta nueva naturaleza en la química inhibió el entendimiento de una ciencia integral, la cual comprende el cuerpo y los sentires en conj...
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A gamificação tem sido utilizada como uma estratégia para promover a aprendizagem de estudantes. Os recursos educacionais digitais têm contribuído para um maior interesse dos jovens por meio de recursos lúdicos e técnicas de engajamento. Este artigo realiza uma revisão bibliográfica de recursos educacionais digitais gamificados voltados ao ensino d...
Technical Report
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Memorial utilizado para o concurso Concurso Público de Provas e Títulos visando ao provimento de dois cargos de Professor Doutor junto ao Departamento de Físico-Química, na área de Físico-Química com Ênfase em: Físico-Química Orgânica, Físico-Química de Superfícies e Espectroscopia Molecular, realizado nos termos do Edital IQSC/USP – 021/2011. Fui...
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Trata-se do fragmento de uma pesquisa de mestrado, com abordagem qualitativa. Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar uma ação de intervenção na qual buscou-se unir forças com os povos indígenas e suas potentes vozes, para refletir coletivamente as mudanças climáticas e seus desencadeamentos, juntamente com oito estudantes das licenciaturas em Biolog...
Technical Report
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This Research Highlight shows how operando Raman microscopy can be used to link the electrochemical performance of novel water-splitting catalysts with information about active site chemistry.
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Este estudo apresenta uma análise comparativa do conteúdo de ácidos carboxílicos e temáticas, por meio da análise de conteúdo categorial de Bardin, entre os dois livros didáticos de Química selecionado pelos cursos Técnicos Integrados de Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal do Paraná — campus Palmas. O objetivo foi evidenciar comparar as duas obras em...
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O peso médio do limão Tahiti (Citrus latifolia Tanaka) é de 170 g, com casca geralmente fina, superfície lisa e cor amarelo pálido na fase de maturação. Sua composição química é variada, rica em vitaminas e óleos essenciais. Devido às suas inúmeras bioatividades, sua casca tem sido utilizada na extração de óleo essencial (OE) para aplicação na indú...