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Brain Function - Science topic

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Publications related to Brain Function (10,000)
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The human brain, as described by Crick, is nothing more than a complex network of neurons; a statement which is as reductive as it is fascinating. There has been a growing interest in neuroscience in relation to education. Schools are eager to understand how the brain functions to improve teaching and learning. The central challenge for education...
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The insular cortex, a critical hub in the brain's sensory, cognitive, and emotional networks, remains an intriguing subject of study. In this article, we discuss its intricate functional neuroanatomy, emphasizing its pivotal role in processing olfactory information. Through concise exploration, we delve into the insula's diverse connectivity and it...
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Morphometry is fundamental for studying and correlating neuronal morphology with brain functions. With increasing computational power, it is possible to extract morphometric characteristics automatically, including features such as length, volume, and number of neuron branches. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no mapping of morphomet...
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Motor intention is a high-level brain function related to planning for movement. Although studies have shown that motor intentions can be decoded from brain signals before movement execution, it is unclear whether intentions relating to mental imagery of movement can be decoded. Here, we investigated whether differences in spatial and temporal patt...
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Background The VPS50 protein functions in synaptic and dense core vesicle acidification, and perturbations of VPS50 function produce behavioral changes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Patients with mutations in VPS50 show severe developmental delay and intellectual disability, characteristics that have been associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD...
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Spike sorting is essential for extracting neuronal information from neural signals and understanding brain function. With the advent of high-density microelectrode arrays (HDMEAs), the challenges and opportunities in multi-channel spike sorting have intensified. Real-time spike sorting is particularly crucial for closed-loop brain computer interfac...
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In this study, we aimed to compare imaging-based features of brain function, measured by resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI), with individual characteristics such as age, gender, and total intracranial volume to predict behavioral measures. We developed a machine learning framework based on rsfMRI features in a dataset of 20,000 healthy individuals from th...
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In systems and network neuroscience, many common practices in brain connectomic analysis are often not properly scrutinized. One such practice is mapping a predetermined set of sub-circuits, like functional networks (FNs), onto subjects' functional connectomes (FCs) without adequately assessing the information-theoretic appropriateness of the parti...
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Introduction: In recent years, one of the most interesting areas of research is the change in hemodynamic response of the prefrontal cortex as a predictor of response to electroconvulsive treatments (ECT). Near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is non -invasive functional neuroimaging technique that allows the assessment of neuronal activity in frontot...
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Maintaining a healthy nervous system is essential foroverall well-being. ProNervium is a comprehensivesupplement designed to nourish and support the intricatenetwork of nerves, neurons, and brain function. With acarefully curated blend of natural ingredients,ProNervium helps to promote improved cognitive clarity,nerve function, and resilience again...
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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive neuromodulation technology that can modulate cerebral cortical excitability. Electroencephalography (EEG) microstate analysis is an important tool for studying dynamic changes in brain functional activity. This study explores the pathophysiological changes in Parkinson’s disease...
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Neuroplasticity, a phenomenon present throughout the lifespan, is thought to be influenced by physical training. However, the relationship between neuroplastic differences and attentional abilities remains unclear. This study explored the differences in brain function and attentional abilities between professional football athletes and novices, and...
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Prolonged exposure to EMFs has been linked to a variety of health concerns, including headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and increased stress levels. Long-term exposure may also be associated with more serious issues, such as altered brain function and an increased risk of certain cancers.
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Sleep problems and impulsivity frequently occur in methamphetamine (MA) abstainers and are linked to aberrant brain function. However, the interplay between these factors remains poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between sleep, impulsivity, and regional homogeneity (ReHo) through mediation analysis in MA abstainers...
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Introduction The clinical symptoms of Lumbar Disc Herniation (LDH) can be effectively ameliorated through Lever Positioning Manipulation (LPM), which is closely linked to the brain's pain-regulating mechanisms. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers an objective and visual means to study how the brain orchestrates the characteristics of analgesic...
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Many brain diseases lead to a reduction in the number of functional neurons and it would be of value to be able to increase the number of neurons in the affected brain areas. In this study, we examined whether we can promote neural stem cells to produce mature neurons and whether an increase in the mature neurons can affect cognitive performance. W...
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The human brain is a complex, dynamic network, which is commonly studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and modeled as network of Regions of interest (ROIs) for understanding various brain functions. Recent studies utilize deep learning approaches to learn the brain network representation based on functional connectivity (FC) pr...
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Circadian dysfunction caused by exposure to aberrant light-dark conditions is associated with abnormal alcohol consumption in humans and animal models. Changes in drinking behavior have been linked to alterations in clock gene expression in reward-related brain areas, which could be attributed to either the effect of chronodisruption or alcohol. To...
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Processing emotionally meaningful stimuli and eliciting appropriate valence-specific behavior in response is a critical brain function for survival. Thus, how positive and negative valence are represented in neural circuits and how corresponding neural substrates interact to cooperatively select appropriate behavioral output are fundamental questio...
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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) protects the brain by actively allowing the entry of ions and nutrients while limiting the passage of from toxins and pathogens. A healthy BBB has low permeability and high selectivity to maintain normal brain functions. Increased BBB permeability can result from neurological diseases and traumatic injuries. Modern eng...
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The influence of video games on the human brain has been a topic of extensive research and discussion. Video games, characterized by their dynamic and immersive qualities, have demonstrated the capacity to impact diverse cognitive processes. In this study, we conducted a detailed analysis of brain response variations to different genres of computer...
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Introduction Genetic susceptibility is a primary factor contributing to etiology of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (LOAD). The exact mechanisms and timeline through which APOE / PICALM influence brain functions and contribute to LOAD remain unidentified. This includes their effects on individuals prior to the development of the disease. Methods AP...
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Background. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a disruption to normal brain functions caused by traumas such as collisions, blows, or penetrating injuries. There are factors affecting patient outcomes that also have a predictive value. Limited data from low-middle income countries showed a high number of poor outcomes in TBI patients. The corticostero...
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Individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the preclinical stage of Alzheimer disease (AD), suffer decline in their visual working memory (WM) functions. Using large-scale network analysis of electroencephalography (EEG), the current study intended to investigate if there are differences in functional connectivity properties extracted during...
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Background: Klinefelter syndrome (KS), also referred to as XXY syndrome, is a significant but inadequately studied risk factor for neuropsychiatric disability. Whether alterations in functional brain connectivity or pubertal delays are associated with aberrant cognitive-behavioral outcomes in individuals with KS is largely unknown. In this observat...
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Introduction: Physical exercise (PE) positively affects the nervous system, impacting morphology and physiology. It increases brain gray and white matter, improves cerebral blood flow, and stimulates neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, and angiogenesis, promoting brain function. Although exercise already affects cognition, some training modalities place...
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Cerebral infarction, also known as stroke, is a serious medical condition resulting from the interruption of blood flow to the brain, either due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels. This interruption leads to localized ischemia and oxygen deprivation in the brain tissue, causing hypoxic-ischemic cell death and subsequent damage to brain functio...
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An important aim in psychiatry is the establishment of valid and reliable associations linking profiles of brain functioning to clinically relevant symptoms and behaviors across patient populations. To advance progress in this area, we introduce an open dataset containing behavioral and neuroimaging data from 241 individuals aged 18 to 70, comprisi...
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Humans have moved domestic animals around the globe for thousands of years. These have occasionally established feral populations in nature, often with devastating ecological consequences. To understand how natural selection shapes re-adaptation into the wild, we investigated one of the most successful colonizers in history, the European rabbit. By...
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The increase in mobile technology has raised concerns about the potential health effects of mobile phone radiation. The biological impact of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) waves emitted by electronic devices has been extensively studied and is a concern for the public, policymakers, and health researchers. The study aimed to examine the impact of...
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Characterization and modeling of biological neural networks has emerged as a field driving significant advancements in our understanding of brain function and related pathologies. As of today, pharmacological treatments for neurological disorders remain limited, pushing the exploration of promising alternative approaches such as electroceutics. Rec...
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Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) is a constitutively expressed receptor with observed roles in bone homeostasis, retinal development, and cardiac metabolism. However, the function of LRP5 in the brain remains unexplored. This study investigates LRP5’s role in the central nervous system by conducting an extensive analysis us...
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Aging is typically accompanied by a decline in working memory (WM) capacity, even in the absence of pathology. Proficient WM requires cognitive control processes which can retain goal-relevant information for easy retrieval and resolve interference from irrelevant information. Aging has been associated with a reduced ability to resolve proactive in...
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The ability to establish associations between environmental stimuli is fundamental for higher-order brain functions like state inference and generalization. Both the hippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) play pivotal roles in this, demonstrating complex neural activity changes after associative learning. However, how precisely they contribute...
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The "bubblegum" acyl-CoA synthetase (ACSBG1) is a pivotal player in lipid metabolism during the development of the mouse brain, facilitating the activation of long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) and their integration into essential lipid species crucial for brain function. Through its enzymatic activity, ACSBG1 converts LCFAs into acyl-CoA derivatives,...
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Gyrophoric acid (GA), a lichen secondary metabolite, has attracted more attention during the last years because of its potential biological effects. Until now, its effect in vivo has not yet been demonstrated. The aim of our study was to evaluate the basic physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of GA, which are directly associated with its...
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This study explores the intriguing phenomenon of action potentials reverberating and propagating in high-resistance tissues, such as gliosis, leading to the emergence of short circuits within the brain. Gliosis, characterized by increased tissue resistance, presents a unique environment for electrical signals. My research investigates the possible...
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Introduction Chronic schizophrenia has a course of 5 years or more and has a widespread abnormalities in brain functional connectivity. This study aimed to find characteristic functional and structural changes in a long illness duration chronic schizophrenia (10 years or more). Methods Thirty-six patients with a long illness duration chronic schiz...
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a central tool for investigating human brain function, organization and disease. Here, we show that fMRI-based estimates of functional brain connectivity artifactually inflate at spatially heterogeneous rates during resting-state and task-based scans. This produces false positive connection strength c...
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Free water fraction (FWF) represents the amount of water per unit volume of brain parenchyma, which is not bound to macromolecules. Its excess in multiple sclerosis (MS) is related to increased tissue loss. The use of mcDESPOT (multicomponent driven single pulse observation of T1 and T2), a 3D imaging method which exploits both the T1 and T2 contra...
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This study explores the intriguing phenomenon of action potentials reverberating and propagating in high-resistance tissues, such as gliosis, leading to the emergence of short circuits within the brain. Gliosis, characterized by increased tissue resistance, presents a unique environment for electrical signals. My research investigates the possible...
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Ischemic stroke is a vascular disease that may cause cognitive and behavioral abnormalities. This study aims to assess abnormal brain function in ischemic stroke patients using the percent amplitude of fluctuation (PerAF) method and further explore the feasibility of PerAF as an imaging biomarker for investigating ischemic stroke pathophysiology me...
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The collection of data on populations of networks is becoming increasingly common, where each data point can be seen as a realisation of a network-valued random variable. Moreover, each data point may be accompanied by some additional covariate information and one may be interested in assessing the effect of these covariates on network structure wi...
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Developmental stuttering (DS) is a neurodevelopmental speech-motor disorder characterized by symptoms such as blocks, repetitions, and prolongations. Persistent DS often has a significant negative impact on quality of life, and interventions for it have limited efficacy. Herein, we briefly review existing research on the neurophysiological underpin...
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Epilepsy is a common chronic neurologic disorder, with about 30%-40% of patients suffering from recurrent seizures despite receiving enough antiseizure medication. Growing evidence of extensive structural and functional research has revealed that epilepsy is a network disorder, and the network investigation is crucial in the presurgical evaluation....
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Background Near infrared brain functional imaging (FNIRS) has been used for the evaluation of brain functional areas, the imaging differences of central activation of cognitive-motor dual tasks between patients with chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) and healthy population remain unclear. This study aimed to evaluated the role of central imag...
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The endocannabinoid (eCB) system regulates several brain functions and is implicated in neurological disorders. The pharmacological blockade of cannabinoid receptors has a therapeutic potential for various cognitive deficits, but also produces severe psychiatric side effects. Hence, new cannabinoid compounds that potentiate therapeutic effects, whi...
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Purpose of Review: This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis of brain death/death by neurologic criteria (BD/DNC) by emphasizing the clinical criteria established by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) in light of their updated guidelines released in 2023. In this review, we will focus on the current implementation o...
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Background The brain cortex is responsible for many higher-level cognitive functions. Disruptions during cortical development have long-lasting consequences on brain function and are associated with the etiology of brain disorders. We previously found that the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor delta Ptprd, which is genetically associated with s...
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The telencephalon of the mammalian brain comprises multiple regions and circuit pathways that play adaptive and integrative roles in a variety of brain functions. There is a wide array of GABAergic neurons in the telencephalon; they play a multitude of circuit functions, and dysfunction of these neurons has been implicated in diverse brain disorder...
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The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a barrier protecting the brain and a milieu of continuous exchanges between blood and brain. There is emerging evidence that the BBB plays a major role in epileptogenesis and drug‐resistant epilepsy, through several mechanisms, such as water homeostasis dysregulation, overexpression of drug transporters, and inflamm...
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Image-to-fMRI encoding is important for both neuroscience research and practical applications. However, such "Brain-Encoders" have been typically trained per-subject and per fMRI-dataset, thus restricted to very limited training data. In this paper we propose a Universal Brain-Encoder, which can be trained jointly on data from many different subjec...
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Piper nigrum, commonly referred to as black pepper, has long been used to cure a wide range of illnesses, such as piles, fever, dyspnea, stomachaches, worms, and coughs and colds. Black pepper's metabolites, which include phenolic chemicals, alkaloids, flavonoids, carotenoids, terpenoids, etc., are responsible for its pharmacological potential...
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Sulforaphane is a natural compound with neuroprotective activity, but its effects on hypothalamus remain unknown. In line with this, astrocytes are critical cells to maintain brain homeostasis, and hypothalamic astrocytes are fundamental for sensing and responding to environmental changes involved in a variety of homeostatic functions. Changes in b...
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Studying brain‐wide hemodynamic responses to different stimuli at high spatiotemporal resolutions can help gain new insights into the mechanisms of neuro‐ diseases and ‐disorders. Nonetheless, this task is challenging, primarily due to the complexity of neurovascular coupling, which encompasses interdependent hemodynamic parameters including cerebr...
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There has been a significant rise in the consumption of Western diet (WD), which are diets composed of high levels of processed sugar and saturated fat. This unhealthy eating habit has been linked to the development of several chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascu-lar diseases. Although the effect...
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a valuable neuroimaging tool for studying brain function and functional connectivity between brain regions. However, the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal used to generate the fMRI images can be influenced by various physiological factors, such as cardiac and respiratory activity. These physi...
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Artificial intelligence has become a primary focus in the development of computer systems that mimic human brain functions. One application is the development of Chatbots to assist in various fields. In this context, the research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of two types of Chatbots, namely Chatbot Gemini and ChatGPT, in providing customer se...
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Modeling complex networks allows us to analyze the characteristics and discover the basic mechanisms governing phenomena such as disease outbreaks, information diffusion, transportation efficiency, social influence, and even human brain function. Consequently, various network generative models (called temporal network models) have been presented to...
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Recent work has emphasized the ubiquity of higher-order interactions in brain function. These interactions can be characterized as being either redundancy or synergy-dominated by the heuristic O-information [1]. Though the O-information can be decomposed into local values to measure the synergy-redundancy dominance at each point in a time series [2...
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Neurovascular coupling is a fundamental concept that elucidates how neuronal electrical activity regulates vascular function, ensuring optimal blood flow to active regions of the brain and optimizing neural function. In this article, we have constructed a novel model of the endothelial Kir2.1 channel that senses potassium ions in the perivascular s...
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The brain is the most complex organ in the human body and, as such, its study entails great challenges (methodological, theoretical, etc.). Nonetheless, there is a remarkable amount of studies about the consequences of pathological conditions on its development and functioning. This bibliographic review aims to cover mostly findings related to chan...
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Brain‐on‐Chip devices, which facilitate on‐chip cultures of neurons to simulate brain functions, are receiving tremendous attention from both fundamental and clinical research. Consequently, microsensors are being developed to accomplish real‐time monitoring of neurotransmitters, which are the benchmarks for neuron network operation. Among these, e...
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Introduction Traumatic brain injury (TBI) refers to damage to brain tissue by mechanical or blunt force via trauma. TBI is often associated with impaired cognitive abilities, like difficulties in memory, learning, attention, and other higher brain functions, that typically remain for years after the injury. Lithium is an elementary light metal that...
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Mood disorders are an enigmatic class of debilitating illnesses that affect millions of individuals worldwide. While chronic stress clearly increases incidence levels of mood disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD), stress-mediated disruptions in brain function that precipitate these illnesses remain largely elusive. Serotonin-associat...
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( People are able to voluntarily suppress unwanted thoughts or memories, a phenomenon known as suppression-induced forgetting or memory suppression. Despite harmful alcohol use, such as binge drinking, has been linked to impaired inhibitory control (IC) and augmented alcohol-cue reactivity, no study to d...
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The mechanism by which subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) leads to chronic neurologic deficits is unclear. One possibility is that blood activates microglia to drive inflammation that leads to synaptic loss and impaired brain function. Using the endovascular perforation model of SAH in rats, we investigated short-term effects on microglia together with...
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Understanding the brain response to thermal stimuli is crucial in the sensory experience. This study focuses on non-painful thermal stimuli, which are sensations induced by temperature changes without causing discomfort. These stimuli are transmitted to the central nervous system through specific nerve fibers and are processed in various regions of...
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The function and structure of brain networks (BN) may undergo changes in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), particularly in those accompanied by mild cognitive impairment (ESRDaMCI). Many existing methods for fusing BN focus on extracting interaction features between pairs of network nodes from each mode and combining them. This approach...
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Childhood socioeconomic disadvantage is associated with disparities in development and health, possibly through adaptations in children’s brain function. However, it is not clear how early in development such neural adaptations might emerge. This study examined whether prenatal family socioeconomic status, operationalized as family income and avera...
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The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is still increasing, which means that this neurodevelopmental lifelong pathology requires special scientific attention and efforts focused on developing novel therapeutic approaches. It has become increasingly evident that neuroinflammation and dysregulation of neuro-immune cross-talk are specific ha...
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One-shot learning, the ability to learn a new concept from a single instance, is a distinctive brain function that has garnered substantial interest in machine learning. While modeling physiological mechanisms poses challenges, advancements in artificial neural networks have led to performances in specific tasks that rival human capabilities. Propo...
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Predicting individual behavior from brain functional connectivity (FC) patterns can contribute to our understanding of human brain functioning. This may apply in particular if predictions are based on features derived from circumscribed, a priori defined functional networks, which improves interpretability. Furthermore, some evidence suggests that...
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The substantial personal, societal, and economic impacts of opioid addiction drive research investigating how opioid addiction affects the brain, and whether therapies attenuate addiction-related metrics of brain function. One useful approach to characterise the effects of opioid addiction on the brain is functional connectivity (FC). FC assesses t...
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Hibernation and torpor are not passive responses caused by external temperature drops and fasting but are active brain functions that lower body temperature. A population of neurons in the preoptic area was recently identified as such active torpor-regulating neurons. We hypothesized that the other hypothermia-inducing maneuvers would also activate...
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Aging is a multifactorial biological process that may be associated with cognitive decline. Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-pharmacological therapy that shows promising results in the treatment or prevention of age-related cognitive impairments. The aim of this review is to compile the preclinical and clinical evidence of the effect of PBM during...
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Objectives. Sedentary lifestyle increasingly observed in the population contributes to the incremental incidence of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, type 2 diabetes, hyper-tension, dyslipidemia, and others. Physical inactivity together with an imbalance in caloric intake and expenditure leads to a loss of muscle mass, reduced ins...
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Neuronal networking supports complex brain functions, with neurotransmitters facilitating communication through chemical synapses. The release probability of neurotransmitters varies and is influenced by pre-synaptic neuronal activity. Recent findings suggest that blocking astrocytic N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptors reduces this variation. How...
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Driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA) is closely associated with alcohol use disorder (AUD) because of significant impacts of alcoholism on brain functions related to response disinhibition and impaired cognitive control. Although previous studies used decision trees (DT) with neuropsychological features to predict the risk of substance use...
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The grooming behavior of honeybees serves as a crucial auto-protective mechanism against Varroa mite infestations. Compared to Apis mellifera, Apis cerana demonstrates more effective grooming behavior in removing Varroa mites from the bodies of infested bees. However, the underlying mechanisms regulating grooming behavior remain elusive. In this st...
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The mammalian cortex is comprised of cells with different morphological, physiological, and molecular properties that can be classified according to shared properties into cell types. Defining the contribution of each cell type to the computational and cognitive processes that are guided by the cortex is essential for understanding its function in...
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Purpose of Review Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of disability worldwide; however, current treatments have inconsistent remission rates and burdensome side effects. In part, this may be due to the altered neurometabolism in MDD or the inability of current treatments to target mitochondrial function. Human and animal studies sugg...
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Background: Industrialization of society and competitive lifestyle have made our daily life full of stress and people are searching for a convenient way to cope with this. Effect of lemongrass fragrance on brain functions can be analyzed through power spectral analysis of quantitative electroencephalogram (EEG). Objective: To assess the effects of...
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This study integrates the telegraph model with the traveling wave coefficient. This model characterizes planar random motion of particles in fluid flow, pressure waves from pulsatile blood flow in arteries, electrical impulses in nerve and muscle cell axons, and electromagnetic waves in superconducting media. Using the efficient and well-establishe...
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Inhibitory control refers to the ability to suppress cognitive or motor processes. Current neurocognitive models indicate that this function mainly involves the anterior cingulate cortex and the inferior frontal cortex. However, how the communication between these areas influence inhibitory control performance and their functional response remains...
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Background A growing number of advanced neuroimaging studies have compared brain structure and function in long term meditators to non-meditators. The goal is to determine if there may be long term effects on the brain from practicing meditation. In this paper, we present new data on the long term effects of a novel meditation practice in which the...
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Spinal cord injury (SCI), which is the injury of the spinal cord site resulting in motor dysfunction, has prompted the use of motor imagery (MI)-based brain computer interface (BCI) systems for motor function reconstruction. However, analyzing electroencephalogram signals and brain function mechanisms for SCI patients is challenging. This is due to...
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Studying mammalian brain function aids our understanding of human brain evolution. We implanted a beagle with a prototype human neuromodulation platform that measures activity from the brain surface. One year later, a set of simple sensory tasks was performed, finding visual and somatosensory representation in the canine homologs of the expected ar...
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Huntington’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder in which neuronal death leads to chorea and cognitive decline. Individuals with ≥40 cytosine–adenine–guanine repeats on the interesting transcript 15 gene develop Huntington’s disease due to a mutated huntingtin protein. While the associated structural and molecular changes are well characterized...
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Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by energy diffusion and partial disconnection in the brain, with its main feature being an insidious onset and subtle clinical symptoms. Electroencephalogram (EEG) as a primary tool for assessing and aiding in the diagnosis of brain diseases has been widely used in AD detection....
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This research investigated the impact of different levels of dietary Cyperus esculentus (tigernut) on acetylcholinesterase, specific acetylcholinesterase, and total protein concentrations in various brain regions of three rabbit genotypes. Male and female Dutch Belted, Hyla Max, and New Zealand White rabbits, totaling 320 at 6 weeks of age, were ra...
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Mindfulness meditation involves training attention, commonly towards the current sensory experience, with an attitude of non-judgemental awareness. Theoretical perspectives suggest meditation alters the brain's predictive processing mechanisms, increasing the synaptic gain and precision with which sensory information is processed, and reducing the...
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Transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) has emerged as a promising technique for non-invasive neuromodulation, but current systems lack the precision to target deep brain structures effectively. Here, we introduce an advanced TUS system that achieves unprecedented precision in deep brain neuromodulation. The system features a 256-element, helmet-...
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Objectives To assess sex-specific differences in the association between pre-transfusion haemoglobin values and early neurodevelopmental function. Design Observational follow-up of infants with birth weights <1000 g and gestational ages 22–28 weeks who were enrolled in the NICHD Neonatal Research Network Transfusion of Prematures (TOP) Trial at 19...
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Neurofeedback (NF) has emerged as a promising avenue for demonstrating process-related neuroplasticity, enabling self-regulation of brain function. NF targeting the amygdala has drawn attention for therapeutic potential in psychiatry, by potentially harnessing emotion-regulation processes. However, not all individuals respond equally to NF training...
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The brain–bone axis has emerged as a captivating field of research, unveiling the intricate bidirectional communication between the central nervous system (CNS) and skeletal metabolism. This comprehensive review delves into the current state of knowledge surrounding the brain–bone axis, exploring the complex mechanisms, key players, and potential c...
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The aging of populations is a global phenomenon that follows a possible increase in the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and Huntington’s diseases are some neurodegenerative disorders that aging could initiate or aggravate. Recent research has indicated that intest...
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Objective To explore the structural and functional changes in cognition-related brain regions in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) at earlier ages, and explore the impact of the interaction between CLBP and age on the brain. Methods Seventy-six patients with CLBP were recruited and divided into “younger” age group (20–29 years, YA), “midd...
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Individuals constantly exert inhibitory control over their thoughts and behaviors to plan actions that compete with habits and impulses. Cognitive inhibition enhances the selection of task-relevant stimuli and is closely related to neural changes that occur across the lifespan. Since few studies have focused on the entire lifespan, this study aimed...
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Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) is emerging as a feasible and effective rescue strategy for prolonged cardiac arrest (CA). However, prolonged total body ischemia and reperfusion can cause microvascular occlusion that prevents organ reperfusion and recovery of function. One hypothesized mechanism of microvascular “no-reflow” is l...