Zhuanghua Shi's research while affiliated with Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich and other places

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Publications (3)

A Bayesian observer model reveals a prior for natural daylights in hue perception
  • Article

April 2024


3 Reads


1 Citation

Vision Research

Yannan Su


Zhuanghua Shi


Thomas Wachtler

Experiment paradigm. A 500-ms presentation of the ensemble display was followed by a 500-ms circular white noise mask. A reference was presented simultaneously with the mask display and lasted until the end of the trial. Observers had to reproduce the mean orientation of the ensemble with a computer mouse, with (the dual-task blocks, colored orange) or without (the single-task blocks, colored blue) a preceding discrimination task. The task required them to indicate whether the mean orientation was CW or CCW of the reference orientation.
Discrimination data in the dual-task condition. (a) Mean proportion of clockwise (CW) responses and associated cumulative Gaussian psychometric functions, separated for low (light gray) and high (dark gray) noise levels. The x-axis represents the stimulus orientation relative to the reference orientation. Positive values indicate orientations clockwise to the reference line. Data points were pooled from the dual-task condition of all participants’ data. Vertical dashed lines denote PSEs for the two conditions. The error bar denotes one standard error of the associated PSE. (b) Estimated parameters of the psychometric function. Top: Discrimination variability; Bottom: Discrimination bias (PSE). Data points denote averages across all participants, error bars denote standard deviations. Dashed lines connect individual’s estimates of each noise condition.).
Distributions of all participants’ pooled estimates under different conditions. The x-axis represents the estimated orientation relative to the reference orientation. Curves denote the symmetric mixed Gamma density functions fitted to the distributions of estimates. The four colors of the lines represent the four conditions, where hues correspond to task conditions and shades correspond to noise levels (darker shades correspond to higher stimulus noise).
Characteristics of the distributions of estimates. (a–c) Parameters of the fitted symmetric mixed Gamma density functions. (a): scale parameter; (b): shape parameter; (c): derived variance. Error bars denote ±1\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\pm 1$$\end{document} standard deviation across participants. (d) Standard deviations of participants’ estimates. Error bars denote ±1\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\pm 1$$\end{document} standard deviation across participants. The four colors represent the four conditions, where hues correspond to task conditions and shades correspond to noise levels.
Estimates distribution and repulsive bias. (a) Distributions of all participants’ pooled estimates for each particular stimulus orientation. Probability is presented by gray level. Values on the x-axis and y-axis are orientations relative to the reference orientation. The dashed lines indicate where estimated orientations are equal to stimulus orientations. (b) Repulsive bias of all participants’ pooled data. Data are from trials where the subject’s estimates indicated that the subject correctly judged the side (CW/CCW) of the reference orientation on which stimulus orientation fell. The x-axis represents the absolute difference between the stimulus orientation and the reference orientation. Shades denote one standard error of the mean. The four colors represent the four conditions, where hues correspond to task conditions and shades correspond to noise levels.


Reference induces biases in late visual processing
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2023


26 Reads


2 Citations

Scientific Reports

How we perceive a visual stimulus can be influenced by its surrounding context. For example, the presence of a reference skews the perception of a similar feature in a stimulus, a phenomenon called reference repulsion. Ongoing research so far remains inconclusive regarding the stage of visual information processing where such repulsion occurs. We examined the influence of a reference on late visual processing. We measured the repulsion effect caused by an orientation reference presented after an orientation ensemble stimulus. The participants’ reported orientations were significantly biased away from the post-stimulus reference, displaying typical characteristics of reference repulsion. Moreover, explicit discrimination choices between the reference and the stimulus influenced the magnitudes of repulsion effects, which can be explained by an encoding-decoding model that differentiates the re-weighting of sensory representations in implicit and explicit processes. These results support the notion that reference repulsion may arise at a late decision-related stage of visual processing, where different sensory decoding strategies are employed depending on the specific task.


Figure 1: Experiment and psychometric functions. (a) Example of a stimulus display. Participants were asked to compare two arrays of color patches, presented on the left and right side of fixation, and to indicate whether their respective average hues matched the direction of hue changes that was indicated by the color gradient bar at the top of the display. The figure shows the cross-noise condition with a high-noise array on the left and a low-noise array on the right. Note that hue di↵erences have been exaggerated in the figure for illustrative purposes. (b) Eight reference hues were defined by azimuth angle ✓ in opponent cone-contrast color space (gray circles). (c) Examples of psychometric functions for the three noise conditions. Proportions of responses indicating the subject perceived the hue angle of the comparison stimulus (✓ c ) as larger than the hue angle of the reference stimulus (✓ r ) are plotted as a function of the di↵erence between the hue angles ✓ c and ✓ r . Data are from a single subject's responses with ✓ r = 112.5° for the three noise conditions L-L (left), H-H (center), and L-H (right). Error bars of the data points denote standard error. Solid lines show cumulative Gaussian functions fitted to the data. Dashed lines denote 25%, 50%, and 75% values. Horizontal error bars around the estimated 50% points denote 68% confidence intervals.
Figure 3: Threshold fits and estimated likelihood functions in the same-noise conditions. (a-b) Fitted JNDs of subject S3 (a) and the average subject (b). JND estimates are from the data shown in Fig. 2, error bars indicate one standard error. The dark and light gray lines are the fitted JNDs for the L-L and the H-H conditions, respectively. The gray shaded area indicates 68% confidence intervals of fitted JNDs. (c-d) Estimated likelihood functions of subject S3 (c) and the average subject (d). Each horizontal slice of the two-dimensional function represents a likelihood function of stimulus hue angle ✓ given a particular measurement m, and each vertical slice represents a measurement distribution centered on a particular ✓. The gray level represents corresponding probability densities.
A Bayesian observer model reveals a prior for natural daylights in hue perception

June 2023


47 Reads

Incorporating statistical characteristics of stimuli in perceptual processing can be highly beneficial for reliable estimation to overcome noisy sensory measurements but may generate perceptual bias. According to Bayesian inference, perceptual biases arise from integrating non-uniform internal priors with noisy sensory inputs. We used a Bayesian observer model to derive biases and priors in hue perception based on discrimination data for hue ensembles with varying levels of chromatic noise. For isoluminant stimuli with hue defined by azimuth angle in cone-opponent color space, discrimination thresholds showed a bimodal pattern, with lowest thresholds near a non-cardinal blue-yellow axis that aligns closely with the variation of natural daylights. Perceptual biases showed zero crossings around this axis, indicating repulsion away from yellow and attraction towards blue. The results could be explained by the Bayesian observer model through a non-uniform prior with a preference for blue. Our results indicate that observers exploit knowledge of colors in natural environments in visual processing for hue perception. Author Summary Human visual perception is susceptible to systematic biases consistent with an optimal inference process that combines sensory evidence with prior knowledge. It has been hypothesized that, to make accurate inferences, the brain adapts to the sensory world and develops a prior that reflects environmental statistics. Our research on hue perception supports this idea, which demonstrates that color discrimination exhibits a consistent preference towards blue and away from yellow, which can be attributed to the influence of natural daylights that are dominated by blue and yellow. Our results are predicted by a Bayesian model incorporating prior knowledge about natural daylights, which provides insight into how humans adapt to these lighting conditions and use natural color statistics in hue perception.

Citations (1)

... This indicates that repulsive biases in motion direction judgments might be attributed to long-lasting visual sensory adaptation, with minimal influence from task-specific attentional orienting. This aligns with the typical pattern of sensory adaptation, where negative biases dominate when previous stimuli are either unattended or irrelevant to the task, or when visual stimuli have a long duration and high contrast, or a reference (Manassi et al., 2018;Pascucci et al., 2019;Pascucci & Plomp, 2021;Su et al., 2023). Although earlier studies have suggested that motion adaptation could be a result of low-level perceptual processing, our findings imply that maintaining both tasks in working memory (as shown in the post-cue task) can enhance the repulsion bias. ...


Distinct Sequential Effects in Space and Time: Repulsion in Direction Judgments and Attraction in Time Reproduction
Reference induces biases in late visual processing

Scientific Reports