Zhaoxin Zhang's research while affiliated with Xijing University and other places

Publications (2)

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Background Increased medication adherence leads to better asthma control and health outcomes. However, many studies have found that patient adherence to maintenance medication is poor. Aim We undertook a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies, to investigate asthma patient and healthcare professionals’ perspectives of medication adherence. Methods...
Background With the fast growth of the older population and the increasing rates of chronic illnesses, the demand for hospice care is increasing at a rapid pace. This is bringing great challenges to the healthcare system in China. Given that nursing students will be the main healthcare workforce in the future, and as such, have responsibilities to...


... Only a small percentage of patients were less than optimally adherent to mepolizumab treatment and received fewer than 9 of 12 scheduled injections. This contrasts with low adherence figures typically seen with inhaled medications in asthma [16] and is noteworthy given that most injections would have been clinic-based rather than patient self-administered. Better outcomes were seen in the adherent group, although the number of patients who were suboptimally adherent to mepolizumab treatment was small. ...
... Life expectancy, as "how much time left", is one of the critical questions among patients and their families, especially for the patients in palliative care [2]. The main goal of palliative care is to enhance patients' quality of life at the end of their lives and lessen the grief felt by their family members so that patients can pass away peacefully and comfortably [1,3,4]. As cancer patients in palliative care are often with higher burden and have more demands in daily care, so not only patients and their families need more information in decision-making and life arrangements but also clinicians need to make a proper care plan based on the prognosis [2]. ...