Zdenka Neuhäuslová's research while affiliated with The Czech Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (32)

Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace. Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and scrub vegetation
  • Book
  • Full-text available

December 2013


2,249 Reads


92 Citations







Combining numerical and traditional approaches to classify Echinops sphaerocephalus invaded communities in the Czech Republic

June 2009


254 Reads


3 Citations


Various approaches were used to classify all habitats invaded by the great globe thistle (Echinops sphaerocephalus L.), an invasive alien in the Czech Republic. In this way, all vegetation plots (i.e., 284 relevés) were (i) classified based on the formalized expert system using Cocktail definitions of associations and combined with fidelity index and (ii) arranged deductively (i.e., using a top-down process and traditional expert assessment) within a hierarchical classification system of vegetation supported by the divisive method TWINSPAN. E. sphaerocephalus is considered a diagnostic species of the alliance Onopordion acanthii throughout Europe. However, based on our results, E. sphaerocephalus can also invade both human-influenced and natural communities in less xerophilous habitats. Employing the expert system first, core communities at the level of association characterized by diagnostic species were chosen and then other out-of-rank-syntaxa could be classified deductively. Only 83 relevés (i.e., ca 29 % of all used) were classified using the expert system as 26 various synanthropic communities congruent with Cocktail definitions. Using deductive sorting, all remaining 197 relevés were classified within the framework of two broad vegetation types on the level of four vegetation classes (Artemisietea, Chenopodietea/Secalietea, Festuco-Brometea, Galio-Urticetea) based on abundance of their diagnostic species. To classify ruderal vegetation that have no association-diagnostic species, a combination of the formalized Cocktail-based definitions and diagnostic species-based deductive approach is suggested. However, the successful employment of the deductive method has to be based on the formation of a widely accepted and stable classification system built with formalized and repeatable steps.

Notes on the Oak-hornbeam forest communities of the Czech Republic

April 2008


7 Reads

Feddes Repertorium

By the revision of the phytocenological material from the oak-hornbeam forests a new subassociation. Melampyro-Carpinetum vincetoxicetosum, has been distinguished. It is linked-up to the warmer and steeper slopes with mesotropic brown earths in the hilly countries of the Czech Republic. This community is compared with the related subassociations Melampy-ro-Carpinetum festucetosum heterophyllae (KLIKA 1939) NEUHÄUSL 1982 and Melampyro-Carpinetum primuletosum veris (MIKYŠKA 1963) NEUHÄUSL 1982. The new unit is documented by phytocenological releves and synecological characteristics. Bei der Revision des phytozönologischen Materials von Eichen-Hainbuchenwäldern wurde eine neue Subassoziation, das Melampyro-Carpinetum vincetoxicetosum unterschieden. Diese Einheit ist an mesotrophe Braunerden wärmerer und steilerer Hänge im Hügelland der Tschechischen Republik gebunden. Ihre Beziehungen zu den nahverwandten Subassoziationen Melampyro-Carpinetum festucetosum heterophyllae (KLIKA 1939) NEUHÄUSL 1982 und Melampyro-Carpinetum primuletosum veris (MIKYŠKA 1963) NEUHÄUSL 1982 werden behandelt. Die neue Einheit ist durch phytozönologische Aufnahmen und synökologische Daten charakterisiert.

Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of all the studied relev?s in the Czech Republic (N = 316).  
Fig. 2. Cluster analysis of subxerothermic vegetation of the Violion caninae alliance and similar types (complex 'Thymo- Festucetum ovinae' sensu auct. bohem.) in the Czech Republic. Group names (CZ1?4) are identical to synthetic columns in Table 1.  
Fig. 3. PCA ordination of synthetic columns (pseudo-relev?s) of the revised Violion caninae vegetation. See text for methodological details. Only species signifi cantly correlated with the respective groups are depicted. CZ1 ? Jasiono montanae-Festucetum ovinae Klika 1941; CZ2 ? Diantho deltoidis-Galietum veri Toman 1977; CZ3 ? Hypericum maculatum-Avenella fl exuosa-[Violion caninae] basal community; CZ4 ? Polygalo vulgaris-Nardetum strictae Oberdorfer 1957; OBE ? Thymo-Festucetum ovinae, Oberdorfer 1978, Tab. 117, Col. 10, 29 rels.; PL1 ? Polygalo-Nardetum typicum, Rumex acetosella-form, Col. 1A, 267 rels.; PL2 ? Polygalo-Nardetum koelerietosum, Rumex acetosella-form, Col. 2A, 112 rels.; PL3 ? Polygalo-Nardetum koelerietosum, trennartenlose-form, Col. 2B, 18 rels.; PL4 ? Polygalo-Nardetum koelerietosum, Bistorta offi cinalis-form, Col. 2C, 80 rels; Peppler-Lisbach & Petersen 2001, Table 2.  
The 'Thymo-Festucetum ovinae' complex and similar subthermophilous communities in the Czech Republic

December 2006


162 Reads


3 Citations

Subthermophilous communities of the alliance Violion caninae studied in the Czech Republic (Diantho deltoidis-Galietum veri Toman 1977, Thymo-Festucetum ovinae auct. bohem., Campanulo rotundifoliae-Dianthetum deltoidis Balátová-Tuláčková 1980) and the submontane Hyperico maculati-Deschampsietum flexuosae Balátová-Tuláčková 1985 have been revised. Two associations floristically similar to these units, Polygalo vulgaris-Nardetum strictae Oberdorfer 1957 from the same alliance and Jasiono montanae-Festucetum ovinae Klika 1941 from the alliance Hyperico perforati-Scleranthion perennis Moravec 1967, were added for comparison. Campanulo-Dianthetum ass. was included as a variant of the association Diantho-Galietum. The position of Jasiono-Festucetum within Hyperico perforati-Scleranthion perennis all. is somewhat ambiguous, since there is an obvious transition to xerothermic grasslands of the class Festuco-Brometea (i.e., Koelerio-Phleion all.). Hyperico-Deschampsietum without its own diagnostic species is redefined to be only a basal, species-poor unit of the alliance Violion caninae, yet well distinguished within the material studied. It could be identified with the original description of Thymo-Festucetum. Therefore, both of these units should be excluded from the association level. The majority of relevés correspond to Diantho-Galietum. This unit is well distinguished in the material studied.

Changes of plant species composition in the Šumava spruce forests, SW Bohemia, since the 1970s

January 2004


53 Reads


39 Citations

Forest Ecology and Management

Vegetation dynamics of three forest communities were studied by resampling of relevés recorded in the 1970s in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mountains). Results of multivariate analysis (RDA) confirmed significant time changes in species composition of the climax (Calamagrostio-Piceetum) and waterlogged (Bazzanio-Piceetum) spruce forests. The changes in the sphagnum-rich waterlogged spruce forests (Sphagno-Piceetum) are close to the level of significance. The main vegetation changes are represented by a decrease in cover and/or frequency of hygrophilous or sciophilous species (e.g. Athyrium distentifolium, Oxalis acetosella) in climax spruce forests, and an abundant increase of species, indicating a preference to drier stands or better light conditions (e.g. Calamagrostis villosa, Vaccinium vitis-idaea or Avenella flexuosa), in waterlogged spruce forests. We also found a higher proportion of meadow species (e.g. Anthoxanthum odoratum, Festuca rubra or Luzula multiflora) in the newly recorded relevés from waterlogged forests. Analysis of species number per plot showed a remarkable shift to species-rich communities, especially in waterlogged stands.We tried to find the possible factors responsible for the observed changes. Unfortunately, only indirect measurement of environmental factors using Ellenberg’s indicator values could be used and did not yield sufficient results. Thus, the changes observed in climax spruce forests were ascribed mainly to a decrease in canopy cover, which was directly estimated. In waterlogged forests, a complex of several general factors, which influence the climax spruce forest, had to be taken into account, such as: (i) a decrease in atmospheric acidification during the last 10–15 years and subsequent improvement in soil conditions, especially in waterlogged stands; (ii) fragmentation of forests as a result of bark-beetles attack; (iii) climate warming documented by long-term local meteorological measurements.

The Bazzanio-Piceetum in the Bohemian Forest (Šumava Mts.), Czech Republic

October 2002


66 Reads


2 Citations

Feddes Repertorium

On the basis of phytosociological and ecological studies of the waterlogged spruce stands dominated by Bazzania trilobata and/or Sphagnum girgensohnii, the acidophilous Bazzanio-Piceetum of the Bohemian Forest (SW Bohemia, Czech Republic) was characterized in detail. In this area, the Bazzanio-Piceetum, a vegetation unit of extremely acidic, nutrient-poor soils is represented by two subassociations, the Bazzano-Piceetum typicum and Bazzanio-Piceetum vaccinietosum uliginosi. The both vegetation units were briefly analyzed and characteristics of their lower syntaxa were given. The relations between the Bazzanio-Piceetum and the Soldanello-Piceetum were discussed. Das Bazzanio-Piceetum im Böhmerwald, Tschechische Republik In diesem Beitrag wurde der acidophile, vernäßte Fichtenwald, das Bazzanio-Piceetum mit vorherrschenden Arten Bazzania trilobata und/oder Sphagnum girgensohnii aus dem Böhmerwald (SW-Böhmen, Tschechische Republik) ausführlich analysiert. In diesem Gebiet konnten zwei Subassoziationen, das Bazzanio-Piceetum typicum und das Bazzanio-Piceetum vaccinietosum uliginosi, unterschieden und in weitere Syntaxa untergliedert werden. Beziehungen des Bazzanio-Piceetum zum nächstverwandten Soldanello-Piceetum wurden diskutiert.

Citations (11)

... This broadly corresponds to altitudinal forest zones naturally occurring in Czechia (Chytrý et al. 2010). Here mountain forests are formed by coniferous trees with the exception of Beech Fagus sylvatica, whereas low-altitude forests are dominated by broad-leaved trees (Neuhäuslová et al. 2001). ...


Which Forest Characteristics Shape Bird Abundance in Central European Forests? A Case Study Based on Common Breeding Bird Survey in Czechia
Potential natural vegetation of the Czech Republic
  • Citing Article
  • January 2001

... Our classification is based on the catalogue of habitats (Chytrý et al. 2010), but we merged the habitats into larger categories according to factors that substantially influence epiphytic lichen communities: phorophyte composition, altitude, humidity and human impact. Forest types and their frequency in the Šumava mountains are listed in Table 1. ...

Katalog biotopů České republiky. Druhé vydání [Habitat Catalogue of the Czech Republic. Second edition]

... Their considerable proportion and high frequency in our plots is due to the dynamic relationship between pistachio stands and surrounding grasslands and the effect of the ecotonal nature (transitional character), the removal of open woodlands and intensive grazing. A similar relationship and overlap of diagnostic species groups is found in seral or marginal vegetation like Crataego-Prunetea and Carpino-Fagetea, Trifolio-Geranietea and Crataego-Prunetea or Paliuretalia and Quercetea pubescentis (see Mucina et al. 2016;Chytrý 2013). ...

Vegetace České republiky 4. Lesní a křovinná vegetace. Vegetation of the Czech Republic 4. Forest and scrub vegetation

... Class ART: Artemisietea vulgaris comprises thermophilic vegetation found in sunny and dry habitats, consisting mainly of biennial and perennial species, with some annuals also present. Communities of this class are mainly distributed in disturbed habitats of settlements and their surroundings [22]. Phytocenoses classified in class 353 are distributed throughout the territory of Tatarstan and are mainly found in areas where cattle graze or where there is a high recreational load. ...

Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace. Vegetation of the Czech Republic 2. Ruderal, weed, rock and scree vegetation

... They are not uncommon in the drier lee of the mountain ranges in the Rhenish Massif (PEPPLER-LISBACH & PETERSEN 2001). In eastern Central Europe, similar grasslands (with or without Nardus) have been studied by, e.g., MORAVEC (1967), ČERNÝ & NEUHÄUSLOVÁ (2006), KRAHULEC et al. (2007), SÁDLO et al. (2007) and ŠKODOVÁ et al. (2015). ...

The 'Thymo-Festucetum ovinae' complex and similar subthermophilous communities in the Czech Republic

... For ecosystems, maps of proxy units such as vegetation types can be obtained from government repositories or scientific literature, or generated via a wide range of remotesensing and modelling approaches (Bredenkamp et al. 1998). Similar verification and error-correction procedures should be applied as those recommended above for species. ...

Vegetation mapping: Theory, methods and case studies: Introduction
  • Citing Article
  • December 1998

Applied Vegetation Science

... The increase of G. saxatile was observed also by Wild et al. (2004), who found that this species had spread to open forests and clearings in the Šumava Mts. in the late 1990s, while it was missing in the 1970s. Other changes were related to decreased humidity as Neuhäuslová (2001b) noticed a general shift to relatively drier types of vegetation in comparison with the 1950s and Wild et al. (2004) observed a significant change in species composition in both the climatically and edaphically conditioned spruce forests, indicating a tendency towards communities of open and/or drier vegetation types. This tendency could explain the shifts in the waterlogged dead wood forest that were enriched by some species typical for the climatically conditioned spruce forests. ...

Diverzita a dynamika vegetace NP Šumava
  • Citing Article

... Phytosociology is generally considered as the most used approached in Europe for habitat characterisation and mapping ( BREDENKAMP et al. 1998, REKDAL & BRYN 2010). According to the Sigmatist method of Braun-Blanquet, a synsystem is a form of organisation based on hierarchical classifi cation of syntaxa according to structural, ecological and chorological factors. ...

Vegetation mapping: Theory, methods and case studies
  • Citing Article
  • January 1998

Applied Vegetation Science

... Augalai dygliuoti, todėl galvijai jų neėda. Mėgsta šiltas buveines ir kalkingą dirvožemį, todėl kelia grėsmę stepinių pievų buveinėms(Petřík et al., 2009). Kadangi žiedai išskiria daug nektaro, juos gausiai lanko žiedus apdulkinantys vabzdžiai, todėl nuo vietinių augalų nuvilioja daug apdulkintojų.kontrolė. ...

Combining numerical and traditional approaches to classify Echinops sphaerocephalus invaded communities in the Czech Republic
