Z. M. Serova's research while affiliated with All-Russian Research Institute of Horticultural Crops Selection and other places

Publications (41)

Работа по изучению колонновидной формы яблони во ВНИИСПК ведется в двух направлениях: создание и изучение новых сортов и разработка рациональных технологий их возделывания. По результатам исследования новые колонновидные сорта селекции ВНИИСПК при выращивании в кроне и на вставке полукарликового подвоя 3-4-98 с плотностью посадки 3333 дер./га харак...
Columnar apple varieties have gained popularity owing to the habit compactness and high precocity. Many investigators are involved in the breeding of new columnar varieties and development of cultivation methods. All Russia Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding is engaged in this activity. A vast hybrid collection has been formed from which a n...
Садоводство, по сравнению с другими отраслями сельскохозяйственного производства, является наиболее высокозатратной. Первоначальные вложения являются долгосрочными. Скорость их возврата зависит от скороплодности и урожайности используемых в закладке сада сортов. Колонновидные сорта благодаря своей скороплодности и высокой плотности посадки обеспечи...
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More than 60 years of experience in creating apple cultivars that meet the high requirements of production, shows that breeders often do not have time to meet the increasing requirements for cultivars. This is due to the intensification of gardening and complication of fruit production technology, which imposes high requirements on breeders. The br...
A careful 63-year-old work on apple breeding, resulting in the creation of 54 its varieties, included in the State Register of breeding achievements admitted for use, makes it possible to speak about the ways of reduction in the time of the actual breeding process and the subsequent stages of accelerating the introduction of new varieties into prod...
Проанализирована роль селекции в совершенствовании сортимента яблони в России. Отмечена эффективность работы по селекции яблони 9 научно-исследовательских учреждений страны. По каждому учреждению указаны новые сорта яблони, включенные в Госреестр селекционных достижений, допущенных к использованию (районированные) в 2018 г. На выведение сорта автор...
Представлены результаты многолетнего изучения биохимического состава плодов 11 наиболее распространенных в недалеком прошлом сортов яблони Средней полосы России, 58 сортов яблони селекции Всероссийского НИИ селекции плодовых культур и 56 зарубежных сортов. В каждой группе выделены сорта с высоким содержанием в плодах суммы сахаров, аскорбиновой кис...
This paper presents history and ways of creating triploid apple cultivars differing from common diploid ones by less pronounced fruiting periodicity by years, higher marketability and weight of fruits, and self-fertility. In the search for an effective method of mass production of triploid seedlings, crosses of the type 4x × 4x, 4x × 3x, 4x × 2x, 3...
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По итогам многолетней селекционной деятельности и изучения новых сортов яблони разной плоидности, колонновидности и иммунности к парше представлены данные по товарности плодов (массе, внешнему виду и вкусу) и их биохимическому составу. Из 16 изученных диплоидных сортов, полученных в результате повторной гибридизации, по высокой товарности и массе п...
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In this paper, the microsatellite (SSR) loci analysis was used to study apple genotypes with different levels of ploidy. A total of 47 samples were studied (9 diploids, 21 triploids, and 17 tetraploids) for seven microsatellite loci (GD147, Hi02C07, CH02c11, CH04c07, CH03d07, CH02c09, and GD12). It was possible to refine the pedigrees for some form...
We carried out a detailed examination of the preliminary breeding (prebreeding) techniques during the development of triploid apple cultivars. The characteristics of diploid gamete donors are summarized. It should be noted that at times donors of diploid gametes with the necessary important traits must not only be selected among the existing tetrap...
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Great attention is paid to preliminary breeding (prebreeding) when developing triploid apple cultivars. Brief characteristics of diploid gamete donors are given. It should be noted that sometimes donors of diploid gametes with necessary important traits not only have to be selected from among existing tetraploid cultivars, but also developed by a b...
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This paper gives the development history of the best apple cultivar of the temperate zone of Russia— the Sinap Orlovsky apple cultivar with fruit of a long storage life, which has hitherto been considered to be a diploid one. The assumption of its triploidy has come into existence due to DNA-markers. Cytoembryological studies showed in 2016 that th...
Based on the technological evaluation of 105 immune Vf and highly resistant Vm to scab apple varieties of the All-Russia Research Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding suitable for juice production, 16 varieties perspective for raw material production are specified with the juice output from 70.4% (Orlovskoe Poles’e) to 65% (Rozhdestvenskoe),...
The innovational trends in apple breeding include the development of triploid scab immune apple cultivars. The long-term phytopathological and biological studies made it possible to develop approximately 20 first home scab immune apple cultivars and include them in the State Register of Breeding Successes. For the first time in Russia and in the wo...
Varieties which are immune to scab, triploid, with the fruits of high commercial quality, columnar, for growing in superintensive gardens, are a priority in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) breeding. In addition, the varieties must have a high adaptiveness and productivity in specific agro climatic conditions. Scab caused by Venturia inaequalis (Cke....
More than 50 apple cultivars were developed and included in the State Register as a result of the 60-year large-scale target breeding at the All Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding. Just for the last three years seven cultivars have been included in the State Register and four apple cultivars have been passed for state trials. Among...
Breeding for columnar apple varieties has been carried out at FSBSI All Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crop Breeding since 1984. By now, adaptive and productive columnar varieties having fruit of high quality have been developed (‘Priokskoye’, ‘Poezia’, ‘Vostorg’, ‘Girlianda’, ‘Orlovskaya Yesenia’, ‘Sozvezdie’, etc.). These varieties have imm...
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The results of apple breeding at the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (VNIISPK) for 60 years (1953-2013) are given. The basic sections of breeding are shown (the development of scab immune triploid apple varieties with higher contents of nutrient and biologically active substances in fruit). The biochemical characteristics of f...
For the first time in Russia, 10 triploid apple cultivars having a complex of valuable commercial traits including high productivity, more regular annual yields and highly marketable fruit, have been obtained from crossings between parents of different ploidy. Many fruitgrowers regard triploid cultivars as being of little use for commercial product...
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In this article the data is presented about the study of new intermediate rootstocks created at the All Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding. An orchard was planted for comparative studies of obtainted rootstocks as intermediate ones in 1991. The aim was to select the best intermediate rootstocks for production. The aim of these invest...
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A 40-year-long study of apple breeding on a polyploid level shows that the most promising crossings for regular development of triploid varieties are 2x × 4x and 4x × 2x. Cytological control shows that the reciprocal combinations are unequal in the output of seedlings with different ploidy. In 2x × 4x crossings, the output of triploid seedlings is...
This paper presents the data on the commercial and consumer appeal of apple fruit of different varieties and properties of their inheritance in a hybrid progeny. The purposeful selection of initial forms has made it possible to create a significant amount of varieties with high indicators of fruit quality for recent years.
Long-term data are given on priority directions in apple breeding: for an increased content of biologically active substances in fruit and for scab resistance. The high effectiveness of apple breeding at the polyploid level is shown. Keywordsapple–breeding–chemical composition of fruit–immunity–polyploidy
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Long-term data on the biochemical composition and yield of juice from apply varieties bred at the All-Russian Fruit Crops Breeding Research Institute are given. The most promising apple varieties immune and highly resistant to scab are singled out for producing high-quality juice. Keywordsapple-variety-juice-biochemical composition-scab immunity
An agrobiological and cytoembryological assessment of eight apple tetraploid varieties and a number of tetraploid seedlings, the donors of diploid gametes, is given. A high breeding value of seedlings from hybridization at the polyploid level is noted. A brief economic and biological characterization of 13 new apple varieties of different ploidy ob...
Data of long-term investigations of the suitability of widespread apple varieties for producing high-quality juice are given. A purposeful breeding program made it possible to create forms with a high juice yield and quality for orchards producing raw materials.


... Although a high prevalence exists of triploid apple cultivars, proving their benefits (Einset, 1944), the formation of a higher ploidy in apple as in many other plant species is limited (Ramsey and Schemske, 1998). The use of tetraploid genotypes is very rare and predominantly aimed at the creation of new triploid varieties (Sedysheva and Gorbacheva, 2013;Sedov et al., 2014). Because the effective use of irrigation is crucial for reliable production of high quality fruit, especially in semi-arid regions (Naor et al., 2008), use of polyploidization to increase tolerance to water deficit in apple could lower irrigation demands and is thus a promising and useful research topic. ...
... In the Central Chernozem District, resistance against fungal diseases is found in the following: Sinap Orlovskij (slightly affected by scab; resistant against M. fructigena; responds to M. cinerea infestation by loss of flowers, with fruits remaining unaffected; shows tolerance to black and European canker), Afrodita, Bolotovskoe, Ven'yaminovskoe, Imrus, Kandil' Orlovskij, Orlovskoe Poles'e, Svezhest', Solnyshko, Stroevskoe, and Yubilej Moskvy (combine resistance to fruit rot with immunity to scab (Vf resistance gene)) [65,66]. ...
... Triploid cultivars are generally thought to be produced via unreduced gametes in diploid  diploid crosses (Brownfield & Köhler, 2011;Considine et al., 2012), though they can also be produced via crosses between tetraploids and diploids (Bergström, 1938;Einset, 1945;Lespinasse et al., 1976;Sedov et al., 2014). Unreduced gametes have been reported to come from either the mother (Ordidge et al., 2018;Pikunova et al., 2018) or the father (Zhang et al., 1988) and as being produced either only in FDR (Considine et al., 2012) or in both FDR and SDR (Zhang et al., 1988). ...
... As for reproduction, triploids are not able to self-pollinate, and a high percentage of the triploid pollen is sterile (He et al. 2018). Triploid apple tree varieties typically have larger fruit sizes and more vigorous growth in comparison with diploids (Nikolaevich et al. 2015;Sedov et al. 2017). Beyond the yield and growth parameters, there are also differences in leaf size, leaf colouring, and the size of stomata and guard cells (He et al. 2018;Makarenko 2021). ...
... Weeds in orchards, in addition to a direct negative impact on fruit trees (competition for water, nutrients) are also a source of the spread of diseases and pests (Rico et al., 2007;Popov and Rankova, 2009;Egorov et al., 2017;Sedov et al., 2017;Brühl and Zaller, 2021), therefore, the fight against weeds in horticultural farms is an urgent problem, ass the most common method of control are mechanized now, and in some cases, manual processing of plantings. A separate complex issue is posed by weed control in nurseries and schools of seedlings of fruit and berry crops. ...
... As a rule, triploid varieties have larger commercial fruits in comparison with diploid ones. In triploids, there is a manifestation of heterosis in relation to many traits [3,17,18]. Such triploid varieties as Rozhdestvenskoye, Vavilovskoye, Yablochny Spas, Yubilyar, Pamyat' Semakinu were created and zoned in VNIISPK [19]. ...
... As for reproduction, triploids are not able to self-pollinate, and a high percentage of the triploid pollen is sterile (He et al. 2018). Triploid apple tree varieties typically have larger fruit sizes and more vigorous growth in comparison with diploids (Nikolaevich et al. 2015;Sedov et al. 2017). Beyond the yield and growth parameters, there are also differences in leaf size, leaf colouring, and the size of stomata and guard cells (He et al. 2018;Makarenko 2021). ...
... Использование искусственного инфекционного фона для отбора устойчивых форм в гибридном материале позволяет интенсифицировать селекционный процесс. При этом информация о генетическом разнообразии патогена дает возможность формировать наиболее гетерогенный инокулюм, что повышает эффективность оценки на устойчивость (3). На ранних этапах изучения генетической изменчивости возбудителя использовались морфолого-культуральные характеристики и признаки вирулентности (4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9). ...
... Итогом 65-летних исследований (1956-2021 годы) стали 56 новых сортов яблони, которые включены в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений, допущенных к использованию, в том числе 38 сортов на принципиально новой генетической основе. По многим свойствам они подробно описаны (23). В представленном сообщении создание этих сортов рассмотрено с позиций смены селекционных задач и методических подходов, разработанных для их решения (24)(25)(26)(27)(28). ...
... Considerable interest among breeders in the world is the use of various representatives of the genus Malus Mill. to enhance a number of economic features of the apple tree, including such important commercial indicators of fruit quality as the duration of fruit storage, pulp density, etc. [1,2,3]. However, when creating commercially attractive varieties, large-fruited, with an intense bright uniform color, with a dessert taste and a long shelf life, it is worth recognizing the existing length of time, labor intensity and significant complexity of most stages of the traditional apple breeding process. ...