Yuying Yang's research while affiliated with Renmin University of China and other places

Publications (4)

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Background Unhealthy behavior is an important factor threatening the health of older rural residents in China. We examine the effects of receiving pension on elderly rural residents’ health behavior (namely conscious control of sugar, salt, and edible oil intake, as well as learning health or wellness knowledge), also including effect heterogeneity...
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When transforming from a traditional rural economy to a rapid marketization period, it is essential to consider the relationship between multiple shocks and household income in poor rural areas of China. Using two waves of a rural household surveys from six poor counties in China between 2015 and 2018, we examine the effect of multiple shocks on ho...
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Extreme weather events are among the main channels through which natural disaster shocks interact with poverty. Microlevel research regarding the effects of government support on poor rural households’ resilience to natural disasters is beneficial for identifying complementarities between disaster mitigation and poverty alleviation. In contrast to...
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The key to promoting urbanization in China is to achieve urban integration of migrant peasant workers, and basic public health services may have a potential social impact on the subjective welfare of migrant peasant workers. In this paper, we use data from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) to study the impact of basic public health services...


... This finding aligns with the existing literature [17,26,47]. With the rise in residents' income levels, non-economic factors such as fundamental public health services, education, climate change, and urban environmental quality have emerged as pivotal determinants influencing migrants' decisions regarding their place of residence [10,48,49]. As the National Hygienic City campaigns continue to advance urban environment and infrastructure in the future [42], it is anticipated that this will further facilitate the process of migrant citizenization, which is a pivotal factor for the sustainable development of a city. ...