Yuxiang Li's research while affiliated with Harbin Institute of Technology and other places

Publications (3)

Active mapping ranks among the most critical applications of autonomous mobile robots. In this article, we focus on 3D model reconstruction of buildings using an outdoor ground robot equipped with a solid-state LiDAR and a gimbal. A view-planning approach is proposed to generate and evaluate view sequences with reference to the characteristics of s...
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To deal with emergencies and disasters without rescue workers being exposed to dangerous environments, this paper presents a mobile rescue robot, Earthshaker. As a combination of a tracked chassis and a six-degree-of-freedom robotic arm, as well as miscellaneous sensors and controllers, Earthshaker is capable of traversing diverse terrains and fulf...


... That becomes important if the user cannot see the robot directly. Several studies have displayed visualizations of robot teleoperation using computer displays including Zhang et al. [55]who created a rescue robot and then, Senft et al. [56] makes telemanipulation on the robotic arm. Apart from using computers, some studies use smartphones for camera visualization including Ainasoja et al. [57], and using augmented reality also virtual reality headset for camera visualization including Dardona et al. [58], Gonzalez et al. [59], Kot et al. [60], Wibowo et al. [61], Stotko et al. [62], Solanes et al. [63], and Doki et al. [64]. ...
... Place recognition, which is indispensable for a drift-free localization system, is one key functional requirement for mobile robots navigating in task environments. Visual sensor [1]- [3] and LiDAR scanner [4]- [7] are widely used for place recognition, while both modalities have intrinsic drawbacks. The visual sensor gets more challenging if the visual appearance of places changes over time. ...