Yusuke Tsumura's research while affiliated with National Center for Child Health and Development and other places

Publications (3)

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Severe protein C (PC) deficiency leads to purpura fulminans and stroke in newborns. However, the clinical impact of plasma PC activity on the development of neonatal cerebral disease remains elusive. We report a case of hemorrhagic stroke associated with neonatal asphyxia and severe PC deficiency. Plasma PC and protein S activity 7 days after birth...
Kawasaki disease (KD), an acute childhood panvasculitis, presents a variety of ocular complications as well as conjunctival injection among the principal symptoms. However, most pediatricians are unfamiliar with the ophthalmological complications of KD. A 2-year-old girl was referred to us from the ophthalmology department due to injected bulbar co...


... Ultimately, a large portion of survivors of neonatal ICH exhibit various degrees of cognitive dysfunctions requiring special education and care [19,20]. Therefore, accurate, early detection, classification, and diagnosis of ICH is essential for selection of optimal treatments and prognostication [21][22][23]. ...