Yukako Kinoshita's research while affiliated with Nagoya University and other places

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Publications (1)

IPE experiences in EHEA countries.
Undergraduate Interprofessional Education in the European Higher Education Area: A Systematic Review
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2023


100 Reads

International Medical Education


Yukako Kinoshita


Nao Yoshida


Itzel Bustos Villalobos

Background: As a contribution to developing interprofessional education (IPE) synergy between medical education systems in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), this review aims to describe the IPE experiences for undergraduate medical students implemented in EHEA member countries. Methods: This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The search was conducted on SCOUPS and MEDLINE databases. Inclusion criteria were peer-reviewed English language articles about undergraduate medical students, interprofessional education, and EHEA countries, published January 2000–September 2022. Results: The 32 included studies were from 14 of the 49 EHEA countries. In most of the studies, the theoretical background leading the intervention was not reported (n = 25), and in several studies (n = 16) the students were from two professions only. The reported outcomes were related to self-assessment knowledge about IPE and satisfaction about the program. In 24 studies, the assessment was based on the study’s ad hoc measures only. Limitations ranged from selection bias to lack of objective measures. Conclusion: Future directions should envision developing IPE among EHEA countries, including agreement and consistency across EHEA countries in reporting theories, educational methods, and standardized IPE evaluation measures.
