Yingying Wu's research while affiliated with East China Normal University and other places

Publication (1)

Reconstructing the long-term history of tropical cyclones is key to understanding their driving mechanisms and to enable better predictions of future extreme storm events. However, the available history of typhoons, based on sedimentary records in the northwest Pacific basin, remains very limited. In this study, we conducted multi-proxy analyses of...


... Some sedimentary facies can themselves provide information regarding their palaeoenvironment of deposition (Li et al., 1986;Ling et al., 2021), such as in clastic deposits laid down under marine and estuarine conditions , or more organic saltmarsh sediments (Yang, 1999;Lyu et al., 2021Lyu et al., , 2022, both of which can be supplemented by diatom, foraminifera and ostracod analyses to indicate palaeosalinity (e.g., Zong et al., 2011;Chen et al., 2018;Dai et al., 2018;Jin et al., 2019;Jiang et al., 2021;Wu et al., 2022;Fu et al., 2023). However, factors such as water depth and quality in freshwater limnic or detrital facies are harder to determine, although a switch from peat to lacustrine gyttja would suggest increased water depth, for example. ...