Yi-Peng Wang's research while affiliated with Peking Union Medical College Hospital and other places

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Publications (130)

Beaklike ossification in ankylosing spondylitis
  • Article

June 2023


2 Reads

QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians

Shu-Zhong Liu


Tong Niu


Yi-Peng Wang

Tumor-induced osteomalacia caused by a phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the femur
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2019


14 Reads


5 Citations

Chinese Medical Journal


Citations (71)

... ECD usually shows multifocal xantho-granulomatous infiltration and almost every organ can be affected. Long bones are involved in 95% of patients [76] and on biopsy show foamy-to-epitheliod histiocytes surrounded by fibrosis [77]; exophthalmos occurs in some patients and is usually bilateral, symmetric and painless, and in most cases it occurs several years before the diagnosis, 'coated aorta' (circumferential soft-tissue sheathing of the thoracic aorta) and 'hairy kidney' (soft tissue rind of perirenal infiltration) are typical features in patients with ECD [78]. Both features could be a display of a retro-mediastinal and retro-peritoneal localization of the cancer and occurs in one third of the patients [76]. ...


Osteoblast Dysfunction in Non-Hereditary Sclerosing Bone Diseases
Exophthalmos and coated aorta in Erdheim-Chester disease
  • Citing Article
  • February 2020

British Journal of Rheumatology

... Cases of biceps tendon tears are often secondary to injuries caused by repetitive microtrauma and overuse [3]. Risk factors include elevated body mass index, preexisting tendinopathy, connective tissue disorders, amyloidosis, long-term intake of steroids, anabolic steroids, and fluoroquinolones [4,5]. Pantazis et al. reported a case of spontaneous non-traumatic biceps tendon rupture in a 48-year-old female with severe hypothyroidism [6]. ...

Response to Dr. Martin Windpessl et al.: 'Non-traumatic rupture of the biceps tendon: Consider the medical causes'
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians

... For patients with surgical contraindications, those who do not accept open surgery to remove the causative tumor, or whose preoperative diagnosis is unclear, our team has conducted clinical research on the treatment of PMT in surgical-challenging sites with bone cement tumor destruction technology in the past decade. The use of bone cement tumor destruction technology in the surgical treatment of patients with PMTs in surgical-challenging cases may have the following benefits:13,27 (i) bone cement tumor destruction technology can be completed under local anesthesia to reduce the risk of surgery; (ii) the application scope of bone cement tumor destruction technology can be further expanded, which can be used in reinforcing hip or acetabular structure; (iii) for patients diagnosed with PMT in hip bone, additional histopathological confirmation can be obtained; and (iv) the efficacy of this technology in the treatment of oncogenic tumors with bone involvement in certain specific areas has been confirmed. Therefore, minimally invasive cement destruction technology provides a novel idea and choice for early diagnosis and reasonable treatment of patients with PMTs in the hip bones.Postoperative Follow-up Postoperatively, patients should be closely followed up to monitor blood phosphorus levels. ...

Tumor-induced osteomalacia caused by a phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor of the femur

Chinese Medical Journal

... 1 The 'rachitic rosary sign' and 'tie sign' of the sternum and 'accumulation in the knees' in bone scintigraphy are typical findings of TIO. 2,3 Although liver cirrhosis may have affected vitamin D metabolism, our case highlights the importance of biochemical assessment and a bone scan for precise diagnosis and treatment of TIO. ...

Rachitic rosary sign and tie sign in tumour-induced osteomalacia
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians

... The presence of fat within the lesion shown as hyperintense on T1/T2 MRI and hypointense on the Short T1 Inversion Recovery (STIR) MRI confirmed the lesion as a benign hemangioma and not a metastatic lesion (Figure 2) [1]. The diagnosis is further supported by the presence of a corduroy thickened trabecular pattern and a polka-dot trabecular pattern on axial imaging common in lumbar hemanioma(Figure 3)[2]. The patient was primarily treated using an extension based protocol. ...

The Corduroy Appearance & the Polka Dot Sign
  • Citing Article
  • July 2019

QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians

... Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis is thought to be associated with abnormal lipid metabolism due to heavy alcohol consumption. 28 The adipose tissue is symmetrically localized on the anterior neck and bilateral shoulder/ trunk, presenting the typical appearance of a "horse collar" or "buffalo hump." The fat tissue could often accumulate in the superficial subcutaneous layer, 29 that is diffuse, nonencapsulated adipose tissue proliferation in the subcutaneous bed, the boundary of which remains unclear. ...

The Madelung's Disease & the Buffalo Hump Sign
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians

... Onset yang dini dari demensia yang berkembang secara cepat dapat menjadi tanda dari patologi metastasis tipe ini. 2,4 Beberapa jenis tumor menunjukkan pola penyebaran spesifik organ tertentu. Ketika sel metastatik kanker memasuki sirkulasi darah, sel kanker tersebut dapat tertambat pada aliran darah yang lambat pada anyaman kapiler percabangan pembuluh darah. ...

Miliary metastases in lung cancer
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

QJM: monthly journal of the Association of Physicians

... Surgical resection is the most effective way to reduce the tumor burden, and it is recognized as the treatment of choice for spinal PPGLs, especially for those with intractable local pain and neurological impairment. 4,16,[25][26][27][28] Therefore, surgery was considered in our center for the patients: 1. having symptoms and signs of spinal instability; 2. progressive neurological dysfunction; 3. severe and refractory local pain. Preoperative hemodynamic reconditioning is essential to the safety of the surgeries. ...

Surgical Treatment of Malignant Pheochromocytomas in Spine

Chinese Medical Journal

... The tumor is usually slow growing compared with other carcinomas, and the frequent sites of metastasis are lungs, bone, liver, and, rarely, the brain [3]. Spinal metastasis from ACC of the salivary glands is an exceedingly rare situation, and only a few case reports exist in the literature [3][4][5]. Here, we present two rare cases of spinal metastasis from ACC of the parotid gland. The clinical summary, imaging findings, and surgical procedures are discussed. ...

Spinal Metastases from Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland

Chinese Medical Journal

... This may include altering existing peptide sequences chemically or creating new peptide mimetics with structural and functional similarities to known peptides (peptidomimetics). Generally, rational design focuses on several key attributes, including amino acid composition, chain length, hydrophobicity, net positive charge, secondary structure, and amphiphilicity, as investigated in multiple studies (Mwangi et al., 2019a;Zhang et al., 2019). ...

Effects of C-terminal amidation and heptapeptide ring on the biological activities and advanced structure of amurin-9KY, a novel antimicrobial peptide identified from the brown frog, Rana kunyuensis
