Yang Xiujiang's research while affiliated with Fudan University and other places

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Publications (2)

A computerized tomography negative pancreatic lesion diagnosed by EUS-imaging enhancement
  • Article

April 2022


1 Read

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Chen Ke


Liu Jianqiang


Yang Xiujiang

Figure 5. BCAA pathway in pancreatic cancer. (A) metabolites level of BCAA between pancreatic head and body/neck cancer (n=30 for each group). Val and Leu significantly promoted pancreatic cell line proliferation in Ki67 flow cytometry analysis (B) and CCK-8 test (C). Flow cytometry indicated Oxaliplatin treatment for 48 h deceased the rate of apoptosis (D). * p<0.05, ** p<0.005, *** p<0.001.
Figure 6. The nine metabolites level involved with bile acid metabolism. The bar chart denoted the direct comparison for the nine bile acid metabolites between pancreatic head and body/neck cancer (n=30 for each group). The Z-score with log transformation was presented. GUDCA, glycoursodeoxycholic acid, GCDC, glycochenodeoxycholic acid.
Integrated analysis of metabolome in a EUS-FNA sample with transcriptome in the TCGA cohort of pancreatic head and body/tail adenocarcinoma
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2021


24 Reads


2 Citations


Metabolome profiles are largely unknown for pancreatic head cancers, in which the predominant anatomical feature is the exosure of bile, pancreatic juice, and duodenal juice. In this research, 30 head and 30 body/tail cytological samples acquired by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) of pancreatic adenocarcinoma were delivered for liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Transcriptome analysis was performed using the sequencing data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) cohort. LC-MS obtained 4,857 features in EUS-FNA cytological samples, and 586 metabolites were certified. Among them, 30 differential metabolites were identified. In the TCGA cohort, 247 differential metabolism genes were selected from 1,583 differential genes. The integrated analysis identified the top three enriched metabolic pathways as follows: branched chain amino acid (BCAA) biosynthesis; glycerophospholipid metabolism; and phenylalanine metabolism. In cell line, BCAA promoted pancreatic cancer proliferation and inhibited Oxaliplatin-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, metabolomic analysis with the EUS-FNA sample is feasible for pancreatic cancer. The integrated analysis can identify key metabolites and enzyme-coded genes between pancreatic head and body/tail adenocarcinoma. Anti-BCAA metabolism therapy may exert promising effect, especially for the body/tail cancer.


Citations (1)

... The results suggest that BCAA biosynthesis, glycerol metabolism, and phenylalanine metabolism are the top three main metabolic pathways that affect the pancreatic head and body/tail adenocarcinoma. Thus, anti-BCAA metabolic therapy may be a promising therapeutic target for the above two types of PC (110). ...


Application of Mass Spectrometry in Pancreatic Cancer Translational Research
Integrated analysis of metabolome in a EUS-FNA sample with transcriptome in the TCGA cohort of pancreatic head and body/tail adenocarcinoma
