Yang Bai's research while affiliated with Ritsumeikan University and other places

Publications (6)

This paper presents a safe adaptive coverage controller for multi-agent systems with actuator faults. The centroidal Voronoi tessellation (CVT) is applied to generate an optimal configuration of multi-agent systems for covering an area of interest. As conventional CVT based controller cannot prevent collisions between agents with non-zero size, an...
Conference Paper
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Simulations became a convenient, easy and safe way to interact with a robot in a virtual world in order to reproduce complex tasks and environments, preliminary evaluate new concepts and algorithms instead of directly building complicated testing field constructions in real world. Yet, a simulation requires an adequate model of a robot that corresp...
The significant numerical chattering hinders control applications of the twisting algorithm in digital environments. Previous implicit discrete-time implementation algorithms have the potential to attenuate the numerical chattering, but they require numerical solvers or do not consider the zero-order hold (ZOH) effect of analog to digital converter...
The work presented in this paper describes the design of a discrete-time super-twisting algorithm-based fractional-order observer for a class of non-linear fractional-order systems. The proposed observer is shown to achieve higher performance as compared to the conventional integer-order observers in terms of robustness and convergence time. It gen...
This paper deals with the dynamics and motion planning for a spherical rolling robot with a pendulum actuated by two motors. First, kinematic and dynamic models for the rolling robot are introduced. In general, not all feasible kinematic trajectories of the rolling carrier are dynamically realizable. A notable exception is when the contact trajecto...


... VOLUME 11, 2023 This article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Access. This is the author's version which has not been fully edited and [58], EKF 2 [116], ICP 3 + SVM 4 [132], 2D multi-SLAM [77], GMapping [87], [88], [105], FNN 5 [27], Visual-SLAM + RTAB-Map 6 [126], RTAB-Map [94], Cartographer [65], Monocular SLAM + RL [36], KimeraMulti [133] 2 -Object Detection YOLOv4 7 [62], [103], YOLOv3 [31], [59], [62], YOLOv2 [134], PointNet [135], CNN 8 [21], [23], [136], SVM [137], MobileNet [138], YOLOv2 + JPDA 9 + IMM 10 [2], RRT [17], [143], [144], DDPG 19 [15], [145], [146], GFE 20 [147], A3C 21 [148], Dyna-Q algorithm [11], [149], SARL* 22 [150], ROAMFREE [69], Two-stage stochastic programming [81], TEB 23 + A* [95], [127] 2 -Global Path Planning IDE 24 [16], Dijkstra's algorithm [119], [120], [151], SARSA [152], DQL [8], [153], [154], Evolutionary algorithm [5], [33], [35], Hierarchical-DDPG [155], A* algorithm [71], [127], [156]- [158], ARA* 25 [84], Theta* + DWA 26 [89], G-RRT* 27 [83] 3 -Collision Avoidance DRL 28 [99], RRT [144], Fuzzy inference [13], [98], DWA [76], [159], [160], Particle Filter [161], AMARL 29 [162], VFH+ 30 [76], SND 31 [76], A-FGM 32 [85], CNN [163], [164] 4 -Navigation CNN + MGRL 33 [165], RL + APPL 34 [53], DWA [166], BDI 35 [79], [123], ANN 36 + DPP 37 [24], B-spline curves [82], Petri Nets [111], PID 38 controller + RANSAC 39 [117], DRL [37], PaCcET 40 [72], AMCL 41 [28], [175], [176] Navigation serves as an integral component, bridging path planning and control mechanisms by combining varied techniques to ensure robust movement within diverse environments. There are hybrid approaches to navigation, such as the combination of Convolutional Deep Neural Networks (CDNN) and Multi-Goal Reinforcement Learning (MGRL) [165], and the synergy between Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Dynamic Policy Programming (DPP) [24]. ...
... due to the property sgn(x) = sgn(αx), ∀α > 0, x ∈ R. If κ 2 and h are properly selected such that F > hκ 2 is satisfied, inspired by the work in [38], the mathematical equivalence (3) can be applicable to (16), leading to: ...
... . Denoting the real part and imaginary part at θ = θ m as x a = Re{z} and y a = Im{z}, then one has x a ∈ (−2 α cos α π 4−α , 0), y a > 0. For convenience, the relation between θ m and α can be learned by using the curves fitting tool of Matlab. Afterwards,x a andŷ a can be calculated by substituting θ =θ m into (5). ...
... Nevertheless, terminal direct interaction will increase the controllable configuration and programming for a Scrapy project, but this kind of project design structure will cause two main kinds of bad influences, one is the difficulty of usage operation, which can be address by using the visual project manage methods to make the operations on a GUI interface for a web crawler application [2]. This is a feasible research direction and will be easy and friendly for most of the users who have little relative usage experiences. ...
... Dynamic pendulum analysis on an elliptical trajectory has also been carried out [13]. Furthermore, modeling using pendulums was carried out on oscillations for slewing crane motion [14], pendulum-actuated spherical rolling robots [15], and anti-swing control on overhead cranes [16]. From these studies, this research will focus on creating repeating circular patterns close to the Batik Pendulum pattern currently made using the spherical pendulum trajectory equation approach. ...