Y. Aboussir's research while affiliated with Université de Montréal and other places

Publications (5)

We present the first nuclear mass table to be based entirely on microscopic forces. The calculations are performed using the extended Thomas—Fermi plus Strutinsky integral method, a semiclassical approximation to the Hartree—Fock method that includes full Strutinsky shell corrections; BCS pairing corrections are added. The eight active parameters o...
We summarize the main features of the first nuclear-mass table to be based entirely on microscopic interactions. A semi-classical approximation to the HF-BCS method is adopted, with full Strutinsky shell corrections included. The 9 parameters of the underlying Skyrme and δ-function pairing forces are fitted to all 1492 mass data for A ⩾ 36; the r.m...
Conference Paper
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After a brief summary of the extended Thomas-Fermi model with Strutinsky integral shell correction (ETFSI), the paper presents the fit of a Skyrme force to 1492 nuclear masses, giving a RMS deviation of 730 keV. Fairing correlations are treated in the BCS model with a delta pairing force. The model also reproduces nicely other nuclear properties li...
The ETFSI method, developed in two earlier papers, is here used to construct a complete mass table. Since the method allows for interpolation both in the (N, Z) plane and with respect to deformations, without losing the characteristic shell-model fluctuations, it is some 2000 times faster than the HF-BCS method for a given force. The present table...


... In addition, the height of the fission barrier in the triaxial path-2 is almost comparable with the second fission barrier of the axial one in the lighter isotopes but higher than that in the heavier isotopes. Furthermore, regarding the fission barrier height, the nuclei 296 119 It should be pointed out that other theoretical values are obtained based on the FY single-particle potential and the finite-range droplet model (FRDM), namely 'FFD' [75], the so-called 'heavy nuclei' (HN) model [13], the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (SHFB) approaches [76], the ETFSI methods [77], and the CDFT calculations [78]. Note that our calculated PESs are very soft near their ground-state equilibrium point. ...
... Notice that OF-DFT bears some resemblance to what have, in the nuclear physics context, been called the Thomas-Fermi (TF) or extended TF (ETF) approximations [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. In Ref. [ 10 ], it was demonstrated that the ETF appr oximation pr ovides a good description of the ground-state energy but it yields an incorrect tail for the density distribution (see also Ref. [ 18 ]). ...
... During the last decades, several efforts have been devoted to the systematic estimation of fission barriers [8][9][10][11][12][13], spontaneous fission half-lives [13][14][15], and fragment distributions [16][17][18][19][20] of r-process nuclei. However, due to the inherent complexities characterizing the theoretical description of the fission process [21], most of the available calculations resort to phenomenological approaches based on simplified assumptions. ...