Xiujuan Zhou's research while affiliated with Chinese Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (6)

Screening of SMF conditions. The Arabidopsis seedlings were grown on a square petri dish with a magnet attached to the back of the dish, and the root length and lateral root number of 7-day-old seedlings were examined under different magnetic field conditions. (A-H) Weak gradient magnetic fields were generated by cuboid permanent magnets with different thickness, and the magnetic field strength can reach to approximately 200 mT (A-D) or 5 mT (E-H) on the surface of the south (S) pole. (I-T) Gradient magnetic fields were produced by regular triangular prism magnets with different length: 10 cm (I-L) or 3 cm (M-P) long with the edge parallel to the direction of gravity, or 10 cm long with the edge perpendicular to the direction of gravity (Q-T). Arrows labeled “g” indicate the direction of gravity, while “S” and “N” respectively indicate that the edge of the magnet attaching to the square petri dish is the south pole (S) or the north pole (N). Data are shown means ± SD from three independent biological replicates (n = 20–24 seedlings), whereas the asterisk indicates significant (Student’s t test or one-way ANOVA, ns, no significance; **, p<0.01; ****, p<0.0001) differences between GMF and SMF.
The growth of Arabidopsis seedlings upon SMF treatment, iron stress or the combination of SMF treatment and iron stress. (A, B) Representative images of the seedlings after 7 days of SMF treatment (A), or the combination of SMF treatment and iron stress (B) and their controls. (C-F) The seedlings were subjected to analyses including total root length (C), number of lateral roots (D), fresh biomass of the whole plant (E) and relative shoot areas (F). Data are means ± SD of three independent experiments (n = 24 seedlings), whereas the asterisk indicated significant difference tested by one-way ANOVA, *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001; ****, p<0.0001.
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Arabidopsis upon SMF treatment, or iron stress, or the combination of SMF treatment and iron stress. (A, B) Principal component analysis (PCA) based on transcriptomic data of Shoot (A) and Root (B) in different conditions. The X-axis represents the first principal component (PC1), the Y-axis represents the second principal component (PC2). (C) Histogram showing the number of up- and downregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified in different conditions. (D-G) GO enrichment analysis of DEGs in the Shoot (D, F) and Root (E, G) between SMF and GMF, or between SMF with Fe and GMF with Fe, respectively. The X-axis is the rich factor, and the Y-axis represents the name of GO term. The bubble size represents the number of DEGs involved. The bubbles color indicates the enrichment degree of the pathway. The rich factor refers to the ratio of the number of genes enriched in the GO term to the number of annotated genes.
Transcriptional changes of DEGs involved in the plant hormone auxin biosynthesis and the auxin signal transduction in shoots and roots. (A) Schematic diagram of a magnetic field acting on Arabidopsis seedling. (B, C) Auxin biosynthesis and signal transduction gene expression in shoots (B) and roots (C).
Transcriptional changes in DEGs involved in iron metabolism. (A) Network analysis of metal ion binding, respond to iron ion and iron ion homeostasis-related genes. (B) Heatmaps of normalized expression level represented by transcripts per million reads (TPM) of DEGs mentioned in (A). (C-F) The comparison of TPM value of IRT1 (C), IRT2 (D), FRO2 (E) and CYP82C4 (F) in different conditions. The data were represented as mean ± SD of three biological replicates, whereas the asterisk indicated significant difference tested by one-way ANOVA, ns, no significance; **, p<0.01; ***, p<0.001.


Comparative transcriptomic analysis revealed important processes underlying the static magnetic field effects on Arabidopsis
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


14 Reads

Frontiers in Plant Science

Frontiers in Plant Science

Xiujuan Zhou


Lin Zhang


Peng Zhang




Static magnetic field (SMF) plays important roles in various biological processes of many organisms including plants, though the molecular mechanism remains largely unclear. Here in this study, we evaluated different magnetic setups to test their effects on growth and development on Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and discovered that plant growth was significantly enhanced by inhomogeneous SMF generated by a regular triangular prism magnet perpendicular to the direction of gravity. Comparative transcriptomic analysis revealed that auxin synthesis and signal transduction genes were upregulated by SMF exposure. SMF also facilitated plants to maintain the iron homeostasis. The expression of iron metabolism-related genes was downregulated by SMF, however, the iron content in plant tissues remains relatively unchanged. Furthermore, SMF exposure also helped the plants to reduce ROS level and synergistically maintain the oxidant balance by enhanced activity of antioxidant enzymes and accumulation of nicotinamide. Taken together, our data suggested that SMF is involved in regulating the growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana through maintaining iron homeostasis and balancing oxidative stress, which could be beneficial for plant survival and growth. The work presented here would extend our understanding of the mechanism and the regulatory network of how magnetic field affects the plant growth, which would provide insights into the development of novel plant synthetic biology technologies to engineer stress-resistant and high-yielding crops.


Figure 1 clMagR N-terminal sequence and its function in mitochondrial localization A: Sequence alignment of MagR from 10 representative prokaryotic and eukaryotic species. Residues with high similarity across species are shown in red and 100% conserved amino acids are shown in white with red background. Less conserved 25 amino acids in the N-terminal region of MagR are shown in the blue box. B: Confocal images of HeLa cells expressing wild-type clMagR fused with Flag-tag (clMagR WT -Flag) or N25-deleted clMagR fused with Flag-tag (clMagR ΔN25 -Flag) or N25 fused with EGFP (N25-EGFP) or EGFP. clMagR WT -Flag, clMagR ΔN25 -Flag, N25-EGFP, and EGFP shown as green with staining of anti-Flag antibodies or fluorescence of EGFP. Mitochondria were stained with antibodies against Tom20 and are shown in red. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Areas with yellow fluorescence in merged images denote co-localization of proteins within mitochondria. Scale bars represent 20 μm.
Figure 2 N25 was preserved in mature clMagR and did not affect protein assembly status A: Cell extracts were analyzed by immunoblotting for indicated clMagR proteins using anti-Flag-tag and anti-GAPDH antibodies. B: Schematic representation of plasmid construction for wild-type and N25-truncated clMagR and E. coli IscA with a Strep-tag fused on the N-terminal for expression in E. coli. C: Size-exclusion chromatography of wild-type (clMagR WT , black line) and N25-truncated clMagR (clMagR ΔN25 , red line) and IscA (blue line) on a Superose 6 Increase 10/300 chromatography column. SDS-PAGE of purified proteins is shown as insert. D: CD spectra of clMagR WT , clMagR ΔN25 and IscA, shown in same color as in (C). Proportion of secondary structures for each protein is shown as insert.
Figure 3 N25 affected iron-sulfur cluster and iron binding in clMagR A: UV-visible absorption spectra of clMagR WT (black), clMagR ΔN25 (red), and IscA (blue). Insert picture shows protein solution. B: Total iron content of purified clMagR WT (black), clMagR ΔN25 (red), and IscA (blue) measured by ferrozine assay and presented as the ratio of iron atoms in each protein. Student's t-test: ** : P<0.01; *** : P<0.001. Error bars represent standard error of the mean (SEM) calculated from three independent experiments. C, D: UV-visible absorption spectra of clMagR WT (C) and clMagR ΔN25 (D) after reconstitution with iron. E: Iron binding curves of clMagR WT (black) and clMagR ΔN25 (red). Amplitudes of absorption peak at 315 nm for proteins obtained from spectra in C and D. F: Total iron content of purified clMagR WT and clMagR ΔN25 proteins without and with reconstitution of 120 μmol/L iron measured by ferrozine assay as the ratio of iron atoms per protein monomer. Data are shown as mean±SEM calculated from three independent experiments. Student's t-test: ** : P<0.01; **** : P<0.0001.
Figure 4 N25 did not affect iron-sulfur cluster types in clMagR A: EPR spectra of clMagR WT , clMagR ΔN25 , and IscA recorded at 10 K. B: CD spectra of purified clMagR WT (black line), clMagR ΔN25 (red line), and IscA (blue line). C-H: X-band EPR spectra of as-purified clMagR WT (C, D), clMagR ΔN25 (E, F), and IscA (G, H). EPR experiments were performed both at oxidized (upper) and reduced states (bottom), and recorded at different temperatures (10 K, 25 K, 45 K, and 60 K).
Figure 5 Tandem affinity purification of clMagR/clCry complex A: Schematic showing co-expression and co-purification of clMagR/clCry complex based on interactions between cryptochrome (cyan) and MagR (brown). B: SDS-PAGE of purified clMagR, clCry4, and clMagR/clCry complexes. clMagR WT , clMagR ΔN25 , and clCry are indicated with arrows.
The mitochondrial targeting sequence of magnetoreceptor MagR: more than just targeting

May 2024


30 Reads


2 Citations


Iron-sulfur clusters are essential cofactors for proteins involved in various biological processes, such as electron transport, biosynthetic reactions, DNA repair, and gene expression regulation. Iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscA1 (or MagR) is found within the mitochondria of most eukaryotes. Magnetoreceptor (MagR) is a highly conserved A-type iron and iron-sulfur cluster-binding protein, characterized by two distinct types of iron-sulfur clusters, [2Fe-2S] and [3Fe-4S], each conferring unique magnetic properties. MagR forms a rod-like polymer structure in complex with photoreceptive cryptochrome (Cry) and serves as a putative magnetoreceptor for retrieving geomagnetic information in animal navigation. Although the N-terminal sequences of MagR vary among species, their specific function remains unknown. In the present study, we found that the N-terminal sequences of pigeon MagR, previously thought to serve as a mitochondrial targeting signal (MTS), were not cleaved following mitochondrial entry but instead modulated the efficiency with which iron-sulfur clusters and irons are bound. Moreover, the N-terminal region of MagR was required for the formation of a stable MagR/Cry complex. Thus, the N-terminal sequences in pigeon MagR fulfil more important functional roles than just mitochondrial targeting. These results further extend our understanding of the function of MagR and provide new insights into the origin of magnetoreception from an evolutionary perspective.

Filamentous morphology engineering of bacteria by iron metabolism modulation through MagR expression

April 2024


28 Reads

Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology

The morphology is the consequence of evolution and adaptation. Escherichia coli is rod-shaped bacillus with regular dimension of about 1.5 μm long and 0.5 μm wide. Many shape-related genes have been identified and used in morphology engineering of this bacteria. However, little is known about if specific metabolism and metal irons could modulate bacteria morphology. Here in this study, we discovered filamentous shape change of E. coli cells overexpressing pigeon MagR, a putative magnetoreceptor and extremely conserved iron-sulfur protein. Comparative transcriptomic analysis strongly suggested that the iron metabolism change and iron accumulation due to the overproduction of MagR was the key to the morphological change. This model was further validated, and filamentous morphological change was also achieved by supplement E. coli cells with iron in culture medium or by increase the iron uptake genes such as entB and fepA. Our study extended our understanding of morphology regulation of bacteria, and may also serves as a prototype of morphology engineering by modulating the iron metabolism.

Unexpected divergence in magnetoreceptor MagR from robin and pigeon linked to two sequence variations

January 2023


14 Reads


4 Citations


Birds exhibit extraordinary mobility and remarkable navigational skills, obtaining guidance cues from the Earth's magnetic field for orientation and long-distance movement. Bird species also show tremendous diversity in navigation strategies, with considerable differences even within the same taxa and among individuals from the same population. The highly conserved iron and iron-sulfur cluster binding magnetoreceptor (MagR) protein is suggested to enable animals, including birds, to detect the geomagnetic field and navigate accordingly. Notably, MagR is also implicated in other functions, such as electron transfer and biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters, raising the question of whether variability exists in its biochemical and biophysical features among species, particularly birds. In the current study, we conducted a comparative analysis of MagR from two different bird species, including the migratory European robin and the homing pigeon. Sequence alignment revealed an extremely high degree of similarity between the MagRs of these species, with only three sequence variations. Nevertheless, two of these variations underpinned significant differences in metal binding capacity, oligomeric state, and magnetic properties. These findings offer compelling evidence for the marked differences in MagR between the two avian species, potentially explaining how a highly conserved protein can mediate such diverse functions.

The rational design of iron-sulfur cluster binding site for prolonged stability in magnetoreceptor MagR

November 2022


142 Reads


1 Citation

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences

Iron-sulfur proteins play essential roles in a wide variety of cellular processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and magnetoreception. The stability of iron-sulfur clusters varies significantly between anaerobic and aerobic conditions due to their intrinsic sensitivity to oxygen. Iron-sulfur proteins are well suited to various practical applications as molecular redox sensors or molecular “wires” for electron transfer. Various technologies have been developed recently using one particular iron-sulfur protein, MagR, as a magnetic tag. However, the limited protein stability and low magnetic sensitivity of MagR hindered its wide application. Here in this study, the iron-sulfur binding site of pigeon clMagR was rationally re-designed. One such mutation, T57C in pigeon MagR, showed improved iron-sulfur binding efficiency and higher iron content, as well as prolonged thermostability. Thus, clMagRT57C can serve as a prototype for further design of more stable and sensitive magnetic toolbox for magnetogenetics in the future.

Towards magnetism in pigeon MagR: Iron- and iron-sulfur binding work indispensably and synergistically

January 2022


205 Reads


7 Citations


The ability to navigate long distances is essential for many animals to locate shelter, food, and breeding grounds. Magnetic sense has evolved in various migratory and homing species to orient them based on the geomagnetic field. A highly conserved iron-sulfur cluster assembly protein IscA is proposed as an animal magnetoreceptor (MagR). Iron-sulfur cluster binding is also suggested to play an essential role in MagR magnetism and is thus critical in animal magnetoreception. In the current study, we provide evidence for distinct iron binding and iron-sulfur cluster binding in MagR in pigeons, an avian species that relies on the geomagnetic field for navigation and homing. Pigeon MagR showed significantly higher total iron content from both iron- and iron-sulfur binding. Y65 in pigeon MagR was shown to directly mediate mononuclear iron binding, and its mutation abolished iron-binding capacity of the protein. Surprisingly, both iron binding and iron-sulfur binding demonstrated synergistic effects, and thus appear to be integral and indispensable to pigeon MagR magnetism. These results not only extend our current understanding of the origin and complexity of MagR magnetism, but also imply a possible molecular explanation for the huge diversity in animal magnetoreception.

Citations (4)

... (1) Pigeon MagR binds iron in the form of Fe 3+ and as Fe-S centres; the former requires the presence of a conserved tyrosine residue (Zhou et al., 2023). (2) The 25 Nterminal amino acid residues in pigeon MagR are essential for the stability of the MagR/Cry4 complex and enhance the Febinding efficiency of eukaryotic MagR relative to prokaryotic IscA (Zhang et al., 2024b). (3) There are only three sequence variations between the MagR proteins from (non-migratory) pigeon and (migratory) European robin. ...


Proteins as nanomagnets and magnetoreceptors
The mitochondrial targeting sequence of magnetoreceptor MagR: more than just targeting


... As a putative magnetoreceptor, one of the most important features of clMagR is its iron-sulfur cluster-binding properties, which play an essential role in its magnetism (Guo et al., 2021;Qin et al., 2016;Wang et al., 2024;Xie, 2022;Zhou et al., 2023). Interestingly, during the clMagR purification process, the colors of the purified clMagR ΔN25 and IscA proteins were markedly lighter than the dark brown clMagR WT proteins in solution when adjusted to equal concentrations ( Figure 3A). ...

Unexpected divergence in magnetoreceptor MagR from robin and pigeon linked to two sequence variations
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023


... This enables the sensing of both polarity and inclination of the geomagnetic field in a manner influenced by light and magnetic fields (Qin et al., 2016;Xie, 2022). Recent findings have unveiled the functional roles of the MagR/Cry complex, including the identification of two distinct iron-sulfur clusters, [2Fe-2S] and [3Fe-4S], each conferring unique magnetic properties (Guo et al., 2021), and the discovery of a separate mononuclear iron binding site in pigeon (Columba livia) MagR (clMagR), where iron and iron-sulfur binding collectively enhance protein magnetism (Zhou et al., 2023). Tetramers serve as the building block of MagR polymers, and the external magnetic field can induce MagR assembly in vitro (Arai et al., 2022(Arai et al., , 2023Yang et al., 2022). ...

Towards magnetism in pigeon MagR: Iron- and iron-sulfur binding work indispensably and synergistically


... CD spectroscopy was then applied to analyze the types of iron-sulfur clusters and their protein environments. All three proteins showed two positive peaks at 371 nm and 426 nm and two negative peaks at 396 nm and 463 nm ( Figure 4B), suggesting the binding of the [2Fe-2S] cluster (Azam et al., 2020) in the three proteins, consistent with previous studies (Guo et al., 2021;Tong et al., 2022b). ...

The rational design of iron-sulfur cluster binding site for prolonged stability in magnetoreceptor MagR

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences