Xing Wei's research while affiliated with Tsinghua University and other places

Publications (11)

A great nation has a great dream; a great country has a great dream. China's dream is to build a society of common prosperity and a world in which all people live together in peace and harmony. This book provides predictions up to 2030 regarding the future major developments and trends of both China and the world in general from a historical and wo...
Since the reform and opening up of China more than 30 years ago, the country has been actively involved in the world economy. China has become the biggest beneficiary of economic globalization and has rapidly grown to become the second largest trader (climbing from its original position of 29th place). China will soon overtake the United States to...
Fifty years ago, Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out prophetically, “The next fifty (2012) or hundred years (2062) from now will be an epic period of fundamental change in the social system of the world, an earth-shaking period, with which no past era can be compared.… Living in such a period, we must be prepared to carry out great struggles, differing...
The New China of the 1950s, not long after it was founded, was a backward, despised and wretched country. It was one of the poorest and most undeveloped countries in the world. It was at that time that Mao Zedong proudly told the delegates of the 8th National Party Congress:
This article examines China's major development contributions, looking at its wider impact on world development. In particular, the article examines the impact of China's development on the changing pattern between the North and South and the human development index. The factors and related regimes behind these phenomena are discussed and a concept...
A great nation has a great dream; a great country has a great dream. China’s dream is to build a society of common prosperity and a world in which all people live together in peace and harmony. China did not begin its journey toward this great dream until after the founding of the New China, more so after its reform and opening up. The Chinese peop...
The concept of “harmony between man and nature” embodies both the respect of nature and being close to nature—this is the highest pursuit of Chinese philosophy. Such philosophies are captured in the following verses
“The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history” (Mao Zedong 1991). ‘The people’ refers to both Chinese people and the people of the world. These people are the real heroes; they have created both Chinese and world history. These are our elementary views and perspectives concerning China and the rest of the wo...
The fundamental aim of China’s development is to improve the welfare of its population, providing not only a prosperous and decent life for all, but also higher levels of education, and a healthier and longer life.
International competition has become fiercer with the onset of the twenty-first century. The essence of this competition lies in the area of science and technology. Whoever scales the peak of global science and technology innovation will become the leader in global economic development. China is now becoming a forerunner in such areas. In 2006, the...
Since the beginning of human civilization, “equality for all and common prosperity” has been either the utopian dream of philosophers and poets or the grandiose rhetoric of politicians. However, the reality is quite different: “Behind the vermilion gates of the rich, meat and wine go to waste, but along the road are bones of the poor who have froze...


... In contrast, most of China has been steadily growing on all possible economic fronts. China was not only hit relatively less hard by the economic upheaval following the financial crisis, it also recovered more quickly and has maintained a relatively high growth pace compared to rest of the world (Hu et al., 2014). From 2008 to 2015, the national GDP grew from 3.195 × 10 13 to 6.891 × 10 13 yuan (RMB), and this in spite of the rate of economic growth recently becoming somewhat less spectacular. ...