Xiaofeng Lou's research while affiliated with Hunan University and other places

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Publications (7)

Engineering of a novel D-A type fluorophore with hydrogen bond-induced enhanced emission property for sensitively detecting endogenous HOCl in living cells and tissues
  • Article

January 2023


20 Reads


3 Citations

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Si-Min Wang


Xiaofeng Lou


Shuai Xu




Xiao-Bing Zhang

Fluorescence imaging has been widely employed for biomedical research and clinical diagnostics. With ease of synthesis and excellent photophysical properties, D-A type fluorophores are widely designed for fluorescence imaging. However, traditional D-A type fluorophores are solvatochromic which reduces the fluorescence brightness in the biological system. To solve this problem and build on our previous work, we devised a novel HIEE fluorophore MTC with typical anti-solvatochromic fluorescence. Furthermore, the activated fluorescent probe designed based on MTC showed excellent imaging performance. We believe that the strategy based on the fluorophores with typical anti-solvatohromic fluorescence can be a useful platform for designing fluorescent probes for high-brightness imaging in the biological system.


High-fidelity imaging of lysosomal enzyme through in situ ordered assembly of small molecular fluorescent probes

July 2022


21 Reads


8 Citations


As an organelle in cells, lysosomes play an important role in the degradation of biological macromolecules and pathogens. To elucidate the function of lysosomes in normal or disease states, recently, various fluorescent probes have been reported for imaging lysosomal analytes. However, because of the particularity of the lysosomal environment, most of the reported lysosomal fluorescent probes suffered from a series of practical issues such as easy diffusion, low detection signal-to-background ratio and false signal. To address these issues, based on an optimized in situ ordered assembly solid-state fluorophore HDPQ, we herein put forward a new strategy for the design of lysosomal enzymes probes. As a proof concept, we synthesized a fluorescent probe HDPQ-GLU for lysosomal enzyme β-glucuronidase (GLU). Experiment results displayed that compared with general lysosomal probe, the novel lysosomal probe not only exhibited excellent anti-pH interference ability and high signal-to-noise ratio in aqueous solution, but also has excellent long-term in situ imaging ability in the living system. Using this probe, we have realized high-fidelity and long-term in situ tracking GLU in lysosomes of living cells and evaluated the dynamic changes of GLU during the growth period of zebrafish. We anticipate that the new strategy based on the novel in situ ordered assembly solid-state fluorophore HDPQ may be a potential platform for developing fluorescent probes for high-fidelity imaging of lysosomal enzymes.

Imaging of Peroxynitrite in Drug‐Induced Acute Kidney Injury with a Near-Infrared Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Dual-Modal Molecular Probe

June 2020


103 Reads


48 Citations

Chemical Communications

A FRET-based probe for mapping the fluctuation of ONOO− in cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury was constructed. It exhibits ratiometric near infrared fluorescence and a dramatically decrease of its peak absorbance...

Citations (4)

... Zhang and co-workers created a new class of dual-state luminophores for the functionalization of β-galactoside. The designed sensors displayed tunable spectra, a large Stokes shift (>170 nm), and NIR emission, which enabled highly selective sensing of SA-β-Gal in senescent cells and liver metastasis with high contrast [47]. More recently, a dual-modal fluorescent/photoacoustic imaging sensor was developed [48], in which β-D-galactose was designed as the specific Figure 1. ...


Molecularly Targeted Fluorescent Sensors for Visualizing and Tracking Cellular Senescence
An Integration Strategy to Develop Dual-State Luminophores with Tunable Spectra, Large Stokes Shift and Activatable Fluorescence for High-Contrast Imaging
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

CCS Chemistry

... [8] Fluorescent probe has been widely used as a detection technology based on the unique properties of different fluorescent molecules, which can qualitatively or quantitatively analyze different analytes, such as enzymes, [9] proteins, [10] lipids, [11] through the change of fluorescence signal. [12] According to the specific principle that the signal changes after the fluorescent probe contacts the detector, the response mechanisms of the fluorescent probe can be classified into intramolecular charge transfer, [13] photoinduced electron transfer, [14] fluorescence resonance energy transfer, [15] and aggregation induced emission. [16] Various fluorescent probes have been reported, including organic small molecule probes, polymer probes, peptide probes and protein probes. ...

A Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe for Specific Imaging of Furin Activity in Living Cells and Tissues
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Acta Chimica Sinica

... ,均是药物 发现过程中有吸引力的工具。 荧光探针具有快速反应和体内实时检测等优点,是荧光分子成像技术之一, 在现代生物医学研究和诊断中发挥着不可或缺的作用 [3][4][5] 。荧光探针的多功能性 和特异性使其在从基础研究到临床诊断的各种应用必不可少。在近几年中,学者 们已经利用多种荧光探针来监测生理环境中的一些生物分子(图 1) [6,7] 。当目标 物结合探针并暴露于一定波长的光(称为激发光)时,探针发射另一特定波长的 光。发射的光或荧光可以被捕获和分析,以洞察目标物的位置、数量和活动。 图 1 荧光探针的典型分子结构 [8] (一)荧光探针的传感机制 在过去十年中,研究人员提出了一系列荧光探针传感机制。传感机制的研究 基于对探针分子与其目标分子之间的相互作用及其荧光性质的深入了解。荧光探 针可以通过"打开"或"关闭"荧光团的荧光来响应目标分子的存在 [9,10] 。 "关 闭"型荧光探针通常由三部分组成:荧光团(信号响应单元) 、识别基团(反应/ 标记单元)和桥接键;而"开启"型荧光探针由荧光团、猝灭剂识别基团和桥接 键组成 [8,11] 。识别基团决定了探针对不同分子的选择性,与目标分子响应后将识 别信号转换为荧光信号,从而实现对目标分子的检测 [12] 。 (二)荧光探针的应用 荧光探针广泛应用于细胞生物学、分子生物学、神经科学和医学诊断等各个 领域。荧光探针可用于多种实验,包括细胞染色、检测特定生物分析物和跟踪感 兴趣的生物分子 [13] 。在这些应用中,它们在促进我们对生物过程和疾病机制的理 解以及开发新的诊断和治疗策略方面发挥着关键作用。在细胞生物学中,荧光探 针用于研究细胞过程,如活细胞中的蛋白质定位和跟踪特定细胞成分的运动 [14,15] 。 在分子生物学中,荧光探针用于研究特定 DNA、RNA 和蛋白质分子的活性以及 相互作用。例如,它们可以用于监测特定蛋白质与 DNA 的结合,可视化 RNA 蛋 白质复合物的形成,或研究蛋白质的折叠和稳定性 [16][17][18] 。在神经科学中,荧光探 针被用来研究大脑中神经元的活动和连接性。例如在特定神经元中表达以可视化 其位置和活动或标记和追踪特定神经递质 [19] 。在医学诊断中,荧光探针用于检测 和量化体液、组织和细胞中的特定分析物,如活性氧和氮物种(RNS/ROS) [20] 、 金属离子 [21] 、 氨基酸 [22] 、酶 [23] 或蛋白质 [ 。 图 3 过氧亚硝酸盐合成方程式 [47] ONOO − 在信号转导中发挥作用,由于其强烈的氧化和硝化特性,它可以与 各种生物分子发生不可控制的反应 [48][49][50] 。人体内 ONOO − 的高水平与炎症疾病 [51,52] 、心血管疾病 [53] 、阿尔茨海默病 [54] 、帕金森病 [43] 、肺 [55] 、肾 [56] 和肝损伤 [57] 、 糖尿病 [58] 以及癌症有关 [59] 、金属络合物 [86] 和碳点 [87,88] 。其中,基于 CDs 的荧光探针具有高荧光强度、 高稳定性和低细胞毒性,广泛应用于生物成像等领域 [89] 。CDs 类型荧光探针的设 计策略为通过 Förster 共振能量转移(FRET) [90] 、光诱导电子转移(PET) [29] 、 分子内电荷转移(ICT) [91] 、内过滤效应(IFE) [92] 、聚集诱导猝灭(ACQ) [93] 和聚集-诱导发射(AIE) [94] 等机理使碳点荧光发生改变,而在与目标物发生反应 后碳点的荧光得以恢复,从而实现对目标物的检测(图 7)。 图 7 基于 CDs 在荧光探针中的传感机制 [12] 识别基团通过特定类型的化学反应识别特定分子,例如催化反应、氧化还原 反应、加成反应、保护和脱保护反应等。一些研究人员开发了基于 CDs 的荧光 探针,用于检测各种生物分子。例如,Liu B. 等人设计了掺氮 CDs 作为叶酸检测 的荧光探针 [95] 。Wang Q. 等人以 CDs 为原料制备了荧光探针,并将其用于活细 胞中硒醇的成像 [96] 。经查阅文献,目前基于 CDs 的荧光探针检测 ONOO − 的报道 相对较少。Shao J. 等人及其同事报道了一种基于 CDs 和藻蓝蛋白(PC)的比 率荧光探针,通过酰胺化反应检测 ONOO − ,检测限(LOD)为 0.5 µM,但未应 用于生物系统(图 8a) [97] 。Meng Y. 等人 [98] 以及 Zhu J. 等人 [99] ...

Imaging of Peroxynitrite in Drug‐Induced Acute Kidney Injury with a Near-Infrared Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Dual-Modal Molecular Probe
  • Citing Article
  • June 2020

Chemical Communications

... It was worth noting that there was a significant extension of the singlet state and triplet state under acidic conditions (inset of Fig. 2f, g). This is by reported results, that the PET process can cause fluorescence quenching and prohibit the occurrence of non-radiative transitions, thereby suppressing the generation of singlet oxygen 32,33 . ...

pH Stimuli-Disaggregated BODIPY: An Activated Photodynamic /Photothermal Sensitizer Applicable to Tumor Ablation
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

Chemical Communications