Wonho Kim's research while affiliated with University of Pennsylvania and other places

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Publications (8)

Development of HiDRO
a, The workflow for DNA HiDRO at two consecutive TADs (D1, D2) on chromosome 22:33.4–36.5 Mb. The solid white line after segmentation indicates the nuclear edge. Scale bars, 10 µm (field), 5 µm (nucleus), 1 µm (spots). The efficiency of each chromosome 22 spot was measured as the percentage of nuclei with one or more spots (right). Data are mean ± s.d. of six biological replicate wells and, for each replicate well, more than 2,000 alleles were measured. b, HiDRO with siRNA perturbations at chromosome 22 D1 and D2. The black wells were seeded with non-targeting control, the blue wells were seeded with NIPBL siRNA and the red wells were seeded with WAPL siRNA. Structure measurements quantify interdomain interactions, including the CCD and spatial overlap normalized to area of either D1 or D2. The solid white line indicates the nuclear edge. Scale bars, 5 µm (nucleus), 1 µm (spots). c, Robust z-scores for the D1–D2 CCD of control (n = 97 wells), NIPBL-KD (n = 112 wells) and WAPL-KD (n = 84 wells) cells across two biological replicates. d, Spatial overlap (normalized to D1 area) z-scores are shown for two biological replicates. e, Cumulative frequency plot for the spatial overlap from one well of DNA HiDRO data for each condition. The x axis shows the area of spatial overlap between D1 and D2 normalized to the D1 area and the y axis shows the fraction of alleles measured with that amount of overlap. n = 1,137 (control), n = 3,775 (NIPBL) and n = 2,648 (WAPL) alleles. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-tests; ****P < 0.0001.
HiDRO identifies regulators of genome folding
a, The workflow for the primary HiDRO screen of the human druggable genome siRNA library. b, Rank-ordered robust z-scores for the CCD for all of the genes tested. The z-scores are the average of two biological replicates. The dashed lines represent cut-offs of 1.5 (blue) or −1.5 (red). c, Rank-ordered robust z-scores for normalized spatial overlap. The z-scores are the average of two biological replicates. The dashed lines represent cut-offs of 1.5 (red) or −1.5 (blue). d, Genes that altered the CCD or spatial overlap. n = 337. e, Protein classes of primary hits that altered both the CCD and spatial overlap. n = 58. f, Phenotypic tree of 3,083 genes in the primary screen scored across five measurement categories. Red, increase; blue, decrease; grey, no significant change. Change is defined as a z-score ≥1.5 or ≤−1.5 across both replicates for any measurement in that category. g, The number of validation screen genes in that replicated overlap phenotype for individual siRNA duplexes. Blue genes decrease and red genes increase inter-TAD interactions. h, Heat map of image phenotypes for genes with at least three validated duplexes, rank-ordered by additive z-score (zadd; the sum of CCD, D1 overlap and D2 overlap z-scores). The asterisks indicate top-ten rank-ordered validated hits (Fig. 2i). i, STRING network clusters of validated hits exhibiting connections with at least two validated genes. Green, ubiquitin ligases and chromatin modifiers; red, GSK3 signalling; blue, calcium signalling. The asterisks indicate top-ten rank-ordered validated hits. j, Ideograms of Oligopaint probes to 13 TAD and sub-TAD boundaries. k, Representative DNA HiDRO images of chromosome 3 domains after RNAi KD of top druggable genome hits. The solid white line indicates the nuclear edge. Scale bars, 5 µm (nucleus), 1 µm (spots). l, The number of boundaries with significantly altered CCD after KD of top hits. n = 13 boundaries.
GSK3A has a noncanonical role in genome folding
a, Immunofluorescence (IF) analysis of GSK3A and GSK3B after GSK3A KD. The dotted white line indicates the nuclear edge determined by DAPI staining (not shown). Scale bar, 5 µm. b, Validation of HiDRO by high-resolution 3D DNA FISH at the chromosome 22 domains. c, Representative 3D DNA FISH images of chromosome 22 domains after GSK3A and/or GSK3B KD. The dotted white line indicates the nuclear edge. Scale bars, 5 µm (nucleus), 1 µm (spots). d, The fold change in the mean spatial overlap versus control. n = 696 (RNAi control), n = 461 (GSK3A), n = 636 (GSK3B) and n = 596 (GSK3A + GSK3B). Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-tests; NS, P > 0.05; **P < 0.01. P values versus control: 0.0015 (GSK3A), 0.7979 (GSK3B), 0.0015 (GSK3A + GSK3B); and for GSK3A versus GSK3A + GSK3B: 0.8901. e, Quantitative PCR with reverse transcription (RT–qPCR) analysis of the WNT targets AXIN2 and LGR5 after KD of GSK3A with or without GSK3B KD. Data are the mean of two biological replicates. Each biological replicate is the average of three technical replicates. DKD, double KD. f, DNA HiDRO testing varying concentrations of five GSK3 inhibitors for 24 h at chromosome 22 domains. g, Representative DNA HiDRO images of the chromosome 22 domains after 24 h GSK3A inhibition by CHIR99021 (data are shown in h). The solid white line indicates the nuclear edge. Scale bars, 5 µm (nucleus), 1 µm (spots). h–l, The difference in mean ± s.e.m. D1 overlap (treatment − control) for non-selective GSK3 inhibitors (CHIR99021 (h), lithium (i), LY2090314 (j)), a GSK3A-selective inhibitor (BRD0705 (k)) and a GSK3B-selective inhibitor (BRD3731 (l)). Four concentrations were tested for 24 h, with five biological replicates per concentration. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed t-tests; *P < 0.05; P values from left to right: 0.0239 (CHIR99021); 0.0191 and 0.0016 (lithium); 0.0284, 0.0031 and 0.0044 (LY2090314); and 0.0220 (BRD0705).
GSK3A restricts chromatin looping to promote TAD insulation
a, The log2-transformed difference (GSK3A KD − control) in contact probability at 100 kb resolution as a function of the genomic distance (log scale). The dotted line denotes 500 kb to show the phenotypic switch between short-range and long-range interactions. b, 3D pileup plots of Hi-C interactions in the control and GSK3A-KD cells at the control TAD boundaries. The log2-transformed fold change in interactions across TAD boundaries is shown (right). c, The insulation score pileup at control TAD boundaries in the control, GSK3A-KD, PDS5A-KD and WAPL-KD cells. d, Hi-C contact matrices for control, GSK3A KD and GSK3A − control at chromosome 7:81.5–85 Mb. Looping interactions are highlighted by black diamonds on the contact map and arcs below the contact map. For the subtraction map, red loops are gained in GSK3A-KD cells, and blue loops are lost. e, The number of loops lost, retained and gained in GSK3A-KD, PDS5A-KD and WAPL-KD cells versus control cells. f, Aggregate peak analysis of the Hi-C signal in control, GSK3A-KD, PDS5A-KD and WAPL-KD cells at chromatin loops that are gained in GSK3A-KD (n = 1,596) or lost in GSK3A-KD (n = 6,010) cells. g, The chromatin loop length (in kb) of different classes of loops. The solid line shows the median and the dotted lines show the 25th and 75th percentiles. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed Mann–Whitney U-tests. Data for the number of loops lost, gained and retained are from e. h, 3D pileup plot of control Hi-C and GSK3A-KD Hi-C, and the log2-transformed fold change of GSK3A/control at architectural stripes detected in the control sample.
GSK3A promotes WAPL recruitment to chromatin
a, Western blot analysis of the nucleoplasmic (N) and chromatin-bound (C) fractions of WAPL for control and GSK3A-KD cells. WAPL and HDAC2 were run on the same blot. Additional replicates are shown in Extended Data Fig. 6. The ratio of chromatin-bound to nucleoplasmic WAPL was quantified, normalized to the loading control (HDAC2). Data are the mean of three biological replicates for the control and two biological replicates for GSK3A KD. b, Co-immunoprecipitation analysis of the chromatin fraction of control and GSK3A-KD lysate. C, control; G, GSK3A KD. Proteins were labelled with HRP-linked antibodies. Biological replicates and quantification are shown in Extended Data Fig. 8. c, Western blot analysis after Turbo-ID proximity labelling for cohesin components, input lysate or lysate from biotin incubation with either a control construct (V5-BirA) or GSK3A-V5-BirA. Proteins were labelled with HRP-linked antibodies. A biological replicate is shown in Extended Data Fig. 8. d, The model for three states of cohesin including (1) an actively extruding and NIPBL-bound complex; (2) a PDS5-bound looping complex paused at CTCF sites; and (3) a WAPL-bound complex unloading from chromatin. GSK3A facilitates the transition between the stable and unloading complexes. e, Representative DNA HiDRO images at chromosome 22 D1 and D2 of NIPBL-KD and NIPBL + GSK3A-double-KD cells. The solid white line indicates the nuclear edge. Scale bars, 5 µm (nucleus), 1 µm (spots). f, The mean ± s.d. D1 overlap at chromosome 22 domains for control, NIPBL-KD and double KD of NIPBL and the indicated cohesin negative regulators. Statistical analysis was performed using two-tailed t-tests. n = 24 (control), n = 12 (NIPBL) and n = 9 (PDS5A + NIPBL, WAPL + NIPBL, GSK3A + NIPBL) biological replicate wells. g, Loss of GSK3A activity leads to overactive cohesin phenotypes, including accumulation of cohesin at CTCF sites, RAD21 aggregation on chromatin (vermicelli) and gain of long-range loops at the expense of short-range loops.
High-throughput Oligopaint screen identifies druggable 3D genome regulators
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

July 2023


265 Reads


12 Citations


Daniel S. Park



Randi Isenhart




The human genome functions as a three-dimensional chromatin polymer, driven by a complex collection of chromosome interactions1–3. Although the molecular rules governing these interactions are being quickly elucidated, relatively few proteins regulating this process have been identified. Here, to address this gap, we developed high-throughput DNA or RNA labelling with optimized Oligopaints (HiDRO)—an automated imaging pipeline that enables the quantitative measurement of chromatin interactions in single cells across thousands of samples. By screening the human druggable genome, we identified more than 300 factors that influence genome folding during interphase. Among these, 43 genes were validated as either increasing or decreasing interactions between topologically associating domains. Our findings show that genetic or chemical inhibition of the ubiquitous kinase GSK3A leads to increased long-range chromatin looping interactions in a genome-wide and cohesin-dependent manner. These results demonstrate the importance of GSK3A signalling in nuclear architecture and the use of HiDRO for identifying mechanisms of spatial genome organization.

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Abstract 15185: BRD4-Mediated Genome Folding Controls Fibroblast Cell State Transition

November 2022


1 Read


Introduction: Cardiac fibrosis is mediated by the activation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts, a cell state transition which involves the coordination of expression of hundreds of genes. Previous studies have demonstrated that inhibition of bromodomain and extra-terminal domain (BET) proteins attenuates fibrosis. We recently discovered a novel role of bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4), a BET family member, in maintaining genome folding by stabilizing the cohesin complex (necessary for genome-genome interactions). We hypothesize that BRD4-mediated genome folding is critical for maintaining the enhancer-promoter interactions at genes required for fibroblast activation. Methods: A cardiac fibroblast cell line was generated in which a degron epitope tag was appended biallelically to Brd4 to enable acute BRD4 degradation. Fibroblasts were activated via addition of TGFβ. Meox1 , a critical transcription factor mediating a broad fibrotic gene program, was used as a model locus to investigate chromatin looping. The proximity between the Meox1 enhancer and promoter, Meox1 expression, and protein occupancy at the locus were determined using DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization, RT-qPCR, and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-qPCR, respectively. Results: The proximity between the Meox1 enhancer and promoter and Meox1 expression increased upon TGFβ-induced activation. BRD4 occupancy was enriched at the enhancer of Meox1 upon activation, and BRD4 depletion reduced Meox1 expression and the co-localization of the Meox1 enhancer and promoter. BRD4 physically interacts with the cohesin agonist NIPBL, and we found that co-depletion of BRD4 and a cohesin antagonist normalizes the Meox1 enhancer and promoter proximity and Meox1 expression levels. Ongoing studies include genome-wide occupancy studies and expanding our findings to in vivo models of cardiac fibrosis. Conclusions: Our studies provide a mechanistic understanding of the functional relevance of genome organization during fibroblast activation. These studies will also expand our knowledge on how genome folding regulates cell plasticity and inform therapeutic approaches for targeting pathologic fibrotic remodeling.

High-throughput Oligopaint screen identifies druggable regulators of genome folding

April 2022


54 Reads


2 Citations

Although the molecular rules governing genome organization are being quickly elucidated, relatively few proteins regulating this process have been identified. To address this gap, we developed a fully automated imaging pipeline, called HiDRO (high-throughput DNA or RNA labeling with optimized Oligopaints), that permits quantitative measurement of chromatin interactions across a large number of samples. Using HiDRO, we screened the human druggable genome and identified >300 factors that regulate chromatin folding during interphase, including 43 validated hits that either increase or decrease interactions between topological associating domains (TADs). We discovered that genetic or chemical inhibition of the ubiquitous kinase GSK3A enhances long-range interactions by dysregulating cohesin-mediated chromatin looping. Collectively, these results highlight a noncanonical role for GSK3A signaling in nuclear architecture and underscore the broader utility of HiDRO-based screening to identify novel mechanisms that drive the spatial organization of the genome.

BRD4 orchestrates genome folding to promote neural crest differentiation

October 2021


339 Reads


48 Citations

Nature Genetics

Higher-order chromatin structure regulates gene expression, and mutations in proteins mediating genome folding underlie developmental disorders known as cohesinopathies. However, the relationship between three-dimensional genome organization and embryonic development remains unclear. Here we define a role for bromodomain-containing protein 4 (BRD4) in genome folding, and leverage it to understand the importance of genome folding in neural crest progenitor differentiation. Brd4 deletion in neural crest results in cohesinopathy-like phenotypes. BRD4 interacts with NIPBL, a cohesin agonist, and BRD4 depletion or loss of the BRD4–NIPBL interaction reduces NIPBL occupancy, suggesting that BRD4 stabilizes NIPBL on chromatin. Chromatin interaction mapping and imaging experiments demonstrate that BRD4 depletion results in compromised genome folding and loop extrusion. Finally, mutation of individual BRD4 amino acids that mediate an interaction with NIPBL impedes neural crest differentiation into smooth muscle. Remarkably, loss of WAPL, a cohesin antagonist, rescues attenuated smooth muscle differentiation resulting from BRD4 loss. Collectively, our data reveal that BRD4 choreographs genome folding and illustrates the relevance of balancing cohesin activity for progenitor differentiation.

BRD4 Interacts with GATA4 to Govern Mitochondrial Homeostasis in Adult Cardiomyocytes

October 2020


66 Reads


31 Citations


Background: Gene regulatory networks control tissue homeostasis and disease progression in a cell-type specific manner. Ubiquitously expressed chromatin regulators modulate these networks, yet the mechanisms governing how tissue-specificity of their function is achieved are poorly understood. BRD4, a member of the BET (Bromo- and Extra-Terminal domain) family of ubiquitously expressed acetyl-lysine reader proteins, plays a pivotal role as a coactivator of enhancer signaling across diverse tissue types in both health and disease, and has been implicated as a pharmacologic target in heart failure. However, the cell-specific role of BRD4 in adult cardiomyocytes remains unknown. Methods: We combined conditional mouse genetics, unbiased transcriptomic and epigenomic analyses, and classical molecular biology and biochemical approaches to understand the role of BRD4 in adult cardiomyocyte homeostasis. Results: Here, we show that cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of Brd4 in adult mice leads to acute deterioration of cardiac contractile function with mutant animals demonstrating a transcriptomic signature enriched for decreased expression of genes critical for mitochondrial energy production. Genome-wide occupancy data show that BRD4 enriches at many downregulated genes (including the master co-activators Ppargc1a , Ppargc1b , and their downstream targets) and preferentially co-localizes with GATA4, a lineage determining cardiac transcription factor not previously implicated in regulation of adult cardiac metabolism. BRD4 and GATA4 form an endogenous complex in cardiomyocytes and interact in a bromodomainindependent manner, revealing a new functional interaction partner for BRD4 that can direct its locus and tissue specificity. Conclusions: These results highlight a novel role for a BRD4-GATA4 module in cooperative regulation of a cardiomyocyte specific gene program governing bioenergetic homeostasis in the adult heart.

Picking Winners and Losers: Cell Competition in Tissue Development and Homeostasis

May 2020


32 Reads


15 Citations

Trends in Genetics

Viable cells with reduced fitness are often eliminated by neighboring cells with greater fitness. This phenomenon, called cell competition, is an important mechanism for maintaining a high-quality population of cells in tissues. Foundational studies characterizing cellular competition and its molecular underpinnings were first carried out utilizing Drosophila as a model system. More recently, competitive behavior studies have extended into mammalian cell types. In this review, we highlight recent advances in the field, focusing on new insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating competitive behavior in various cellular contexts and in cancer. Throughout the review, we highlight new avenues to expand our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of cell competition and its role in tissue development and homeostasis.

BRD4 Interacts with GATA4 to Govern Mitochondrial Homeostasis in Adult Cardiomyocytes

April 2020


68 Reads


1 Citation

Gene regulatory networks control tissue plasticity during basal homeostasis and disease in a cell-type specific manner. Ubiquitously expressed chromatin regulators modulate these networks, yet the mechanisms governing how tissue-specificity of their function is achieved are poorly understood. BRD4, a member of the BET (Bromo- and Extra-Terminal domain) family of ubiquitously expressed acetyl-lysine reader proteins, plays a pivotal role as a coactivator of enhancer signaling across diverse tissue types in both health and disease, and has been implicated as a pharmacologic target in heart failure. However, the cell-specific role of BRD4 in adult cardiomyocytes remains unknown. Here, we show that cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of BRD4 in adult mice leads to acute deterioration of cardiac contractile function with mutant animals demonstrating a transcriptomic signature enriched for decreased expression of genes critical for mitochondrial energy production. Genome-wide occupancy data show that BRD4 enriches at many downregulated genes and preferentially co-localizes with GATA4, a lineage determining cardiac transcription factor not previously implicated in regulation of adult cardiac metabolism. Co-immunoprecipitation assays demonstrate that BRD4 and GATA4 form a complex in a bromodomain-independent manner, revealing a new interaction partner for BRD4 that has functional consequences for target transactivation and may allow for locus and tissue specificity. These results highlight a novel role for a BRD4-GATA4 module in cooperative regulation of a cardiomyocyte specific gene program governing bioenergetic homeostasis in the adult heart.

Citations (6)

... Moreover, our model can be refined in combination with polymer modeling to depict genome organization at the scale of individual chromatin compartments, focusing on the expression and dynamics of specific gene loci. When coupled with imaging techniques such as FISH and Oligopaint probes and super-resolution imaging [59,60], our framework can identify genes affected by epigenetic regulation or chromatin-lamina interactions. These diagnostic capabilities hold promising applications in identifying broad therapeutic targets to modulate gene expression near the periphery or within the interior of the nucleus. ...


Revealing the Biophysics of Lamina-Associated Domain Formation by Integrating Theoretical Modeling and High-Resolution Imaging
High-throughput Oligopaint screen identifies druggable 3D genome regulators


... The Oligopaint probes spanned regions of different boundary strengths (defined by their insulation score), gene densities, and chromatin types. We used a recently developed highthroughput FISH platform, called HiDRO, to image at least four biological replicates of each FISH reaction in parallel [20]. We defined a contact cutoff of 250 nm based on the resolution of our microscope to quantify interactions across domain boundaries. ...

High-throughput Oligopaint screen identifies druggable regulators of genome folding

... A CdLS causative BRD4 bromodomain point mutation was Development • Accepted manuscript demonstrated in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to impact cell cycle and DNA damage response as opposed to transcription (Olley et al. 2021). Furthermore, BRD4 association with the NIPBL cohesin loading protein in ES cells was required for proper genome folding, DNA looping, and topologically associated domain (TAD) organization; however, abnormal gene transcription did not correlate well with alterations in DNA topology (Linares-Saldana et al. 2021). These results conflict with data demonstrating that BRD4 and NIPBL regulate the transcription of common gene sets in mouse embryonic carcinoma cell lines (Luna-Peláez et al. 2019). ...

BRD4 orchestrates genome folding to promote neural crest differentiation

Nature Genetics

... BRD4 is involved in the endothelial cytokine storm during severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection and the inflammatory response occurring in CMDs, affecting both cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelium [86,87]. In cardiomyocytes, BRD4 binding to acetylated RelA enhances activation of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFκB) signalling and BRD4 knockdown downregulates the natriuretic peptide A and natriuretic peptide B and reduce apoptosis [88,89]. In endothelial cells, it has been demonstrated the role of BRD4 as a coactivator of the NFκB RelA subunit, with the enrichment of RelA and BRD4 at the promoter and super-enhancer regions after proinflammatory stimuli [90]. ...

BRD4 Interacts with GATA4 to Govern Mitochondrial Homeostasis in Adult Cardiomyocytes
  • Citing Article
  • October 2020


... Over the past decade, insights gleaned from Drosophila studies have been largely validated in mammalian systems. The principles of cell competition and super-competition have been evolutionarily conserved, playing pivotal roles in eliminating lower fitness cells during embryonic development and maintaining homeostasis in mammalian systems [22]. Importantly, numerous instances of super-competition observed in mammalian systems involve signalling pathways often disrupted in cancer, including the N-MYC, TP53, NOTCH, WNT and HIPPO pathways [23][24][25]. ...

Picking Winners and Losers: Cell Competition in Tissue Development and Homeostasis
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020

Trends in Genetics

... Finally, JQ1 is dose titratable and reversible, allowing for partial and transient inhibitory effects in vivo, something that simply cannot be achieved by gene deletion. A clear difference between these approaches is highlighted by the observation that Brd4 deletion in adult mouse cardiomyocytes leads to decreased metabolic gene expression and progressive HF (15). In contrast, Auguste and colleagues find that JQ1 exerts beneficial effects on cardiomyocytes in their model of Lmna deficiency (3). ...

BRD4 Interacts with GATA4 to Govern Mitochondrial Homeostasis in Adult Cardiomyocytes
  • Citing Preprint
  • April 2020