Wiwin Luqna Hunaida's scientific contributions

Publications (7)

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This research discusses Islamic education policies in Indonesia and Russia. The importance of this study is based on the Islamic education policy process in countries with a majority Muslim population and countries with a majority non-Muslim population. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach, and data was collected from books, jou...
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This study aims to explore the role of religious moderation within Islamic Education as a unifying force in diverse societies. Employing a qualitative library research approach, this investigation delves into the concept and implementation of religious moderation, seeking to understand how it can foster moderate religious attitudes and mitigate ten...
This qualitative research focuses on the description of how the social and religious practices of the congregation of the Asy-Syahadatain tarekat make them unique compared to other tarekat. Observation was conducted in Munjul Village and Asy-Syahadatain Mosque Panguragan-Cirebon. Data collection was supported by in-depth interviews with a number of...
p>children and parents. Thus far, these two sacred texts have been used as the basis for a children’s obedience to their parents. In this sense, being obedient to both parents, whether the ordered is obligatory, sunnah or permissible, is a must. Likewise, if parents forbid from unlawful, makruh or permissible actions, the children are obliged to ob...
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Metode pembelajaran daring memang bisa menjadi solusi alternatif dari situasi pandemi, namun bukan berarti tanpa risiko yang mengintai. Risiko cyber bisa sangat bervariasi, mulai dari cyberbullying, victimization, kecanduan game, masalah privasi, konten berbahaya, hingga gangguan kesehatan mata. Risiko-risiko tersebut dapat menyebabkan hal serius,...
This qualitative research aims at finding the concept of marriage according to Ibn Sina and the synthesis of the concept of marriage by him with the concept of marriage in John Bradshaw's modern psychology through number of books they wrote. After examining a number of sources, the authors found that there are many areas of discussions that that Ib...