Wisitporn Ekwongmunkong's research while affiliated with King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi and other places

Publication (1)

In this paper, we present an automated system for the visual inspection of cubic zirconia (CZ) cut quality. In particular, we inspect the cut quality from pavilion facets of the CZ. For the hardware, the system includes a computerized-control mechanical part that performs both the task of feeding the CZ to the inspection station and the task of sep...


... In the field of artificial intelligence, CSP [1] is one of the key problems need to be tackled. Many practical problems can be modeled as it, such as machine vision [2,3], scheduling, pattern recognition [4,5] and resource allocation. This problem [19,20] can be defined as a tripe\X, D, C[ such that X is a finite set of variables, X = \X 1 , X 2 ,……, X n [; D is a function that combines each X i [ D i with its domain, D = \D 1 , D 2 ,……, D n [; and C is a set of constraints which restricts the set of values that the variables can simultaneously assume, C = \C 1 , C 2 ,……, C n [. ...