Will Slauter's research while affiliated with Université de Vincennes - Paris 8 and other places

Publications (7)

A satirical weekly paper called the Grub-Street Journal ( GSJ 1730–1737) offered an innovative approach to managing the flow of unverified and contradictory reports that accompanied the growth of newspapers in eighteenth-century London. Using the fictional persona of ‘Quidnunc’ (a contemporary term for news addicts), the editor Richard Russel compi...
The newspapers of the eighteenth-century Atlantic world copied, translated, and corrected each other. Part of the technology facilitating the transmission of international news was the paragraph, a textual unit that was easily removed from one source and inserted into another. In eighteenth-century London the paragraph became the basic unit of prin...
Résumé Dans le monde atlantique du XVIII e siècle, les gazettes et journaux politiques se copient, se traduisent, et se répondent. La technologie qui facilite le mouvement des informations à cette époque, c’est le paragraphe. Cette technologie de lecture ancienne devient au XVIII e siècle l’unité de base des nouvelles imprimées, à la fois véhicule...
Conference Paper
This paper explores how news became a form of private property in nineteenth century America. Combining approaches from legal history, journalism studies and history of the book, it considers changes in attitudes toward the authorship and copyright of news reports alongside changes in the way journalists worked with borrowed texts. By the 1840s, ma...


... The earliest newspapers in Europe and the United States borrowed freely and reciprocally from one another, with paragraphs of text migrating from paper to paper (Slauter, 2012). This form of direct news sharing persisted into the 19th century, supported by various commercial and legal mechanisms. ...
... Tal como se ha apuntado, son al menos dos los impresores sevillanos que publican los números de esta serie: Juan de Cabrera, al que nos hemos dedicado en mayor medida hasta ahora, y Simón Fajardo. En uno de los primeros impresos de la serie, publicado por Simón 23 Tal como ha demostrado Slauter, el parágrafo es la unidad mínima correspondiente a cada aviso o noticia, y su brevedad y concreción permiten la traducción, copia y circulación veloz entre periódicos de diferentes territorios en el periodismo de la Edad Moderna (Slauter, 2012); "Vino nueva en el Ordinario passado por la via de Flandes, en que por su pliego avisa…", en Rota qve el Emperador de Alemania tvvo con el general del enemigo llamado Albestad… (USTC 5001519). 24 Rota qve el Emperador de Alemania tvvo con el general del enemigo llamado Albestad… (USTC 5001519). ...
... 68 Here, the press reaction was very far from the wholesale speculation that has been analyzed by Will Slauter as a central feature of late eighteenth-century gazettes, which he saw hurrying the time-sense of audiences forward. 69 Later Stuart papers wished to stress they had no certain updates to relay, and they were easily frightened into waiting for absolutely confirmed reports. ...