Wenyue Xia's research while affiliated with China Electric Power Research Institute and other places

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Publications (6)

Intelligent Search and Recommendation of Power Grid Based on Data Lineage
  • Conference Paper

September 2023


1 Read

Xin Ning


Dapeng Li


Jiaqi Wang




Yan Wang

Research on Dynamic Resource Scheduling Technology of Dispatching and Control Cloud Platform Based on Container

January 2021


9 Reads


1 Citation

With the continuous advancement of dispatching and control cloud, traditional platform systems and virtualization technologies have been well supported in resource scheduling, flexible scaling, rapid migration deployment, the future availability and maintainability of these business systems will face enormous challenges. The rapid development of Docker container technology has solved the shortcomings of traditional PaaS platform based on virtual machine. In this paper, Docker container technology is used to build PaaS platform services of dispatching and control cloud. Through the analysis and verification of the flexible scaling, resource scheduling, container response and other performance aspects of the container, the experiment shows that the Docker-based PaaS platform has a good effect in the rational scheduling, rapid response and flexible scaling of resources.