Warta Dewi's research while affiliated with Universitas Padjadjaran and other places

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Publications (16)

-Effectiveness Test Results.
-Effectiveness Test Results based on Optimum pH.
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024



Warta Dewi




Ame Suciati

Thermophilic bacteria that live in hot springs are a potential source of valuable biochemical capable of producing antibacterial regarding its ability to produce antimicrobial peptide (AMP). The study aims to investigate how pH affects the antibacterial activity of a bacterium isolated from a mountain crater in West Java against Streptococcus mutans, the predominant bacterium in the creation of oral biofilms. According to Buchanan and Gibbons, samples collected from the water of Mount TangkubanPerahus crater were identified. The ideal pH and incubation duration were ascertained using a disc diffusion antibacterial test against S. mutansATCC 25175, considering the diameter of the inhibitory zone. The sample was determined to be a Gram-positive bacterium that, at its ideal pH, forms the highest inhibitory zone, indicating antibacterial activity against S. mutans. At an optimum pH of 6-8, thermophilic bacteria isolated from a mountain crater in West Java have antibacterial activity against S. mutans.


Pengaruh obat kumur herbal jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) terhadap penurunan indeks plak gigi murid

October 2019


400 Reads


2 Citations

Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students

Pendahuluan: Obat kumur herbal jeruk nipis dan klorheksidin dapat membantu menurunkan plak pada permukaan gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas obat kumur herbal dan klorheksidin terhadap penurunan nilai indeks plak. Metode: Jenis penelitian berupa eksperimental semu dengan metode intervensi. Populasi penelitian adalah 200 siswa kelas 1 dan 2 di MTs Ma’Arif Jatinangor Sumedang. Teknik pengambilan sampel melalui purposive sampling dan didapat 25 siswa yang memenuhi kriteria. Semua siswa menggunakan kedua obat kumur dengan periode washed out. Pemeriksaan indeks plak sebelum dan sesudah pemakaian obat kumur menggunakan metode Oral Hyigiene Index Simplified (OHIS). Hasil: Sampai penelitian ini selesai, jumlah siswa yang diperiksa indeks plak sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan obat kumur hanya 14 orang karena selama penelitian beberapa siswa tidak dapat hadir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks plak sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan obat kumur herbal terjadi penurunan dari 1,27 menjadi 1,09, sedangkan klorheksidin meningkat dari 1,14 menjadi 1,28. Anak-anak lebih memilih obat kumur klorheksidin (64%) karena rasa yang lebih dapat diterima. Simpulan: Obat kumur herbal jeruk nipis mempunyai efek lebih baik dalam menurunkan plak.

Pemanfaatan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai zat warna primer pada teknik pengecatan negatif kapsul bakteriUtilization of ethyl acetate extract of red fruit as primary negative staining substance for bacterial capsule

September 2018


1,407 Reads

Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Pendahuluan: Bakteri memiliki salah satu struktur sel yang penting untuk diamati dan dipelajari, yaitu kapsul. Kapsul merupakan salah satu struktur bakteri yang berkaitan erat dengan virulensinya pada manusia dan sel inang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa ekstrak etil asetat buah merah dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti zat warna primer pada teknik pengecatan negatif kapsul. Metode: Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan efektif atau tidaknya ekstrak etil asetat buah merah jika digunakan sebagai zat warna primer pada teknik pengecatan negatif kapsul. Hasil: Pewarnaan berhasil dilakukan. Hasil pewarnaan yang diperoleh selanjutnya disesuaikan dengan lembar degradasi warna berdasarkan RHS Colour Chart. Simpulan: Berdasarkan pengamatan diketahui bahwa penggunaan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah dapat mewarnai struktur bakteri dengan warna yang beragam dan mampu mendekati zat warna karbol fuksin. Kata kunci: Ekstrak etil asetat buah merah, teknik pengecatan negatif, kapsul bakteri, zat warna primer ABSTRACT Introduction: Bacteria have one of the important cell structures to be observed and studied, namely capsules. The capsule is a bacterial structure that is closely related to its virulence in humans and host cells. This study aims to prove that the red fruit ethyl acetate extract can be used as an alternative to primary dyes in the capsule negative staining technique. Methods: This study describes the effectiveness of the red fruit ethyl acetate extract if it is used as a primary dye in the capsule negative staining technique. Result: Coloring is successful. The coloring results obtained are then adjusted to the color degradation sheet based on the RHS Color Chart. Conclusion: Based on the observations it is known that the use of red fruit ethyl acetate extract can color the structure of bacteria with a variety of colors and is able to approach the fusion carbolic dye. Keywords: Ethyl acetate extract of red fruit, negative staining technique, bacterial capsule, primary staining substance

Pemanfaatan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai zat pengganti pewarna primer pada teknik pengecatan tunggal bakteri gram negatif batangUtilization of ethyl acetate extract of Pandanus conoideus lam. as substitution for simple staining techniques of gram-negative rods bacteria

September 2018


674 Reads


2 Citations

Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Pendahuluan: Buah merah merupakan salah satu buah yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia, terutama di daerah Papua. Buah merah (Pandanus conoideus Lam) mengandung karoten dan betakaroten yang menyebabkan warna merah yang sangat pekat pada buah merah. Tujuan penelitian untuk memanfaatkan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai pengganti zat pewarna primer bakteri gram negatif batang pada teknik pengecatan tunggal. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara deskripstif dengan cara melakukan teknik pengecatan tunggal. Pertama, dibuat biofilm tipis Escherichia coli sebagai objek penelitian pada kaca preparat, kemudian ekstrak etil asetat buah merah diteteskan diatasnya sebagai penganti zat warna karbol fuchsin (pewarna primer). Hasil: Hasil pengecatan tunggal dilihat di bawah mikroskop dan data hasil pengecatan di tabulasikan atau dicatat pada tabel. Ekstrak etil asetat buah merah tidak dapat mewarnai bakteri gram negatif batang. Simpulan: Ekstrak etil asetat buah merah tidak dapat digunakan sebagai zat warna pengganti pewarna primer pada proses pengecatan tunggal bakteri gram negatif batang. Kata kunci: Pandanus conoideus Lam, Escherichia coli, pengecatan tunggal. ABSTRACT Introduction: Red fruit is one of fruits in Indonesia, especially in the Papua region. Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) contains carotene and betacarotene which causes a very thick red color on the red fruit. The purpose of this study was to utilize ethyl acetate extract of red fruit as primary dye substitute for simple staining techniques of Gram-negative rod bacteria. Methods: The study was carried out descriptively by doing a simple staining technique. First, a thin biofilm of Escherichia coli as a study object was made on a object glass, then the ethyl acetate extract of red fruit was dripped over it as a substitute for fuchsin carbolic dye (primary dye). Results: The results of a simple staining are seen under a microscope and the results are tabulated or recorded in the table. Ethyl acetate extract of Red fruit cannot stain gram-negative rod bacteria. Conclusion: Ethyl acetate extract of red fruit cannot be used as a dye substitute for primary dye in the process of simple staining gram-negative rod bacteria. Keywords: Pandanus conoideus Lam, Escherichia coli, simple staining.

Gambar 1. Pemeriksaan Rongga Mulut Lansia Pemakai GTL Aakrilik di PSTW Budi Pertiwi Bandung; A. Kondisi rongga mulut pasien edentulous; B. Kondisi GT lepasan akrilik dengan endapan plak dan kalkulus; C. Lansia ketika diperiksa oleh operator. (dok. Penelitian HPKRD 2016 UNPAD)
Kebersihan Gigi Tiruan pada Lansia, Suatu Tinjauan Metode dan Bahan

August 2018


2,330 Reads


3 Citations

Jurnal Material Kedokteran Gigi

The use of removable dentures is one of the main approach to oral rehabilitation of partially or completely edentulous patient. Denture hygiene is an important things for the elderly as a vulnerable people. The purpose is to discribe both of the literature or recent study that related to denture hygiene in elderly. Removable denture got special attention cause accumulate food residue, bacterial biofilm, and calculus at the mucosa or denture interface. Recently, the presence of bacterial bioflim on denture was considered a risk factor for aspiration pneumonia in frail older people. In general, removable denture that is used acrylic based denture.The microporous surfaces of an acrylic denture provide a wide range of environments to support microorganisms that can threaten the health of patient. Knowing denture cleanser as apart of denture hygiene in elderly is an important things.

Figure 3. The two-fold dilution method
Figure 4. Sectoral implantation Table 1. Serial dilutions performed on three bacteria sample with three times repetitions
Antibacterial effect of pineapple (Ananas comosus) extract towards Staphylococcus aureus

March 2018


6,966 Reads


30 Citations

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the important medical pathogens which have been recognised for many years as a remedyfor a wide case of oral infections. Nowadays, the use of herbal remedy for reducing bacteria in the oral cavity has been implemented widely due to thefewer side effects. Therefore, researchershave been findingwaysto use pineapple in dentistry to prevent many cases of oral diseases. The purpose of this study was to prove that pineapple extract indifferent concentration had the potential as an antibacterial agent towards Staphylococcus aureus. Methods: The study was an experimental laboratory conducted by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration of pineapple (Ananas comosus) with thetwo-fold serial dilution methods. Results:The The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the pineapple extract was 1.56%-0.78%. Conclusion: The pineapple extract had anantibacterial effect towards Staphylococcus aureus due to the bromelain compound and its phytochemical factor such as Vitamin C and flavonoid.

Table 2 . Varians analysis 
Antibacterial effect of clove (Eugenia aromaticum) oil extracted from clove cigarettes towards Streptococcus mutans

January 2018


1,108 Reads


2 Citations

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

Streptococcus mutans is a commensal bacteria of the oral cavity, particularly found in dental plaque attached to the tooth surface, and can also found in the saliva, buccal mucosa, tongue, and the gingival sulcus. Clove cigarette contains the clove oil used worldwide as a herbal remedy for a variety of health disorders due to its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. The purpose of this study was to determined the antibacterial effect of the clove oil contained in the clove cigarette towards Streptococcus mutans as a cariogenic bacteria. The research was an experimental laboratory, which tested the sensitivity of the Streptococcus mutans bacteria taken from the saliva of 10 clove cigarette smokers towards the clove oil extract of the clove cigarette in-vitro by using the Kirby-Bauer method. The study showed that the clove oil extract of the clove cigarette which contained eugenol has antibacterial towards the growth of Streptococcus mutans, and there was a difference of the antibacterial activity between clove oil extracted from minced and combusted clove cigarette. The conclusion of this study was the clove oil extracted from minced clove cigarette had a better antibacterial effect than the combusted clove cigarette.

Anova Statistic Results from Average resistor area
Antibacterial efficacy of Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) flower extract against Streptococcus sanguis

March 2015


226 Reads


2 Citations

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

Introduction: Rosella is well known as health drink that contains anti bacterial compounds. The purpose of this research is to examine the anti bacterial potential of rosella calyx ethanol extract towards Streptococcus sanguis. Methods: Streptococcus sanguis was obtained from students’ saliva in the clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Padjadjaran. It was cultured in blood agar and incubated for 18 to 24 hours at 37°C in a facultative anaerobic environment. Streptococcus sanguis was isolated based on the characteristics of the colonies formed, Gram staining, inulin and rafinose fermentation tests. The anti bacterial test was performed using agar diffusion method (Kirby Bauer Method) by making agar holes in the agar and filling them with rosella extract with concentrations at 0.20 g/ml, 0.10 g/ml, 0.05 g/ml and 0.025 g/ml. Results: The results of this research show that there was anti bacterial activity from the ethanol extract of rosella calyx with the inhibition zones of 19.85 mm, 12.05 mm, 8.45 mm and 3.65 mm under rosellas’s extract’s concentration of at 0.20 g/ml, 0.10 g/ml, 0.05 g/ml and 0.025 g/ml respectively. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research is rosella calyx ethanol extract has the greatest anti bacterial activity at concentration 0.20 g/ml.

Shows the results of sectoral tests to determine minimum concentration inhibition
Shows that the average MRSA growth in gel extracts with a concentration of 12.5% lower from leaf extract with a
Antibacterial activity testing of ethanolic extract of aloe vera leaf and gel against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

July 2014


103 Reads

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

Introduction: The interest on Aloe vera based herbal products is fast growing during recent years, particularly in medication regarding their antibacterial properties which had a lot of active components such as saponin and anthraquinone. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has emerged as one of the most important human pathogens causing nosocomial infections and became the first priority as a consequence of their resistancy. The purpose of this study is to determine the minimum levels of ethanol extract of leaves and Aloe Vera gel that can inhibit MRSA and find out whether there are differences in antibacterial power between of ethanol extract of leaves and Aloe Vera gel. Methods: Ten isolates of MRSA were investigated for their sensitivity to Aloe vera leaf and gel extract using the serial dilution method by doing two times repetition and statistically analyzed according to t-test method. Result: The result shows that the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of Aloe vera leaf and gel extract each located at a concentration of 25% and 12,5%. There is a significant difference in antibacterial power between the ethanol extract of leaves and Aloe Vera gel in inhibiting MRSA with MIC values of 25% and 12.5% Conclusion: There was a difference between Aloe vera leaf and gel extract antibacterial activity, where the gel extract is more effective than leaf extract.

Successful test dry heat oven sterilizer on dental instruments sterilization in X Hospital

November 2013


575 Reads


2 Citations

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

Introduction: Instruments used for dental examinations and treatment often come into contact with fluids and soft tissues found in the oral cavity. The contact while the dental treatment procedures can cause contaminated and potentially mediates the displacement of microorganisms from the mouth of the patient to the operator or to other patients. Sterilization is the most effective process for the decontamination of reusable equipment. The objective of this study was testing the success of dry heat oven sterilizer to dental instruments sterilization in X Hospital. Methods: This study used descriptive method. Data was obtained by bacteriological examination, with a random sampling technique and obtained a sample of five instruments. Results: The results show there is a growing colony of bacteria in each sample after examination materials were incubated at 37 ºC for 18-24 hours. Conclusion: The conclusions of this study are dry heat oven sterilizer not belong to the success criteria for dental instrument sterilization process in X Hospital.

Citations (10)

... Andrea Tabi stated that a constant warming environment will give a good response in the population (sterilized material) [1]. In this case, according to Arrahmi Amir, sterilization is the most effective process for decontaminating reusable equipment [2]. Therefore, Ibraham. ...


Nine Channels Temperature Data Logger Design for Dry Sterilizer Calibration
Successful test dry heat oven sterilizer on dental instruments sterilization in X Hospital

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

... The chemical content of rosella flower petals consists of organic acids, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and anthocyanins [18]. Water extract of rosella petals at a concentration of 10% with the diffusion method was able to inhibit gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes [19]. Starfruit was used as comparative test material in this study, because they both contain bioactive compounds that can act as antibacterial agents. ...

Antibacterial efficacy of Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) flower extract against Streptococcus sanguis

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

... Presentase kehilangan gigi berdasarkan karateristik kelompok umur pada rentang usia 45-54 tahun yaitu 23,6%, sedangkan rentang umur 55-64 sebanyak 29%, dan meningkat pada umur 65 tahun ke atas yaitu 30,6%. 7,8 Data Riskesdas mencatat di Jawa Barat tahun 2018 sebanyak 24,58% penduduk Kota Bandung mengalami kehilangan gigi dan yang memakai gigi tiruan hanya 2,23%. 7,8 Hasil data dari Riskesdas dapat terlihat bahwa persentase kehilangan gigi akan meningkat seiring bertambahnya umur sehingga kebutuhan gigi tiruan semakin membesar, namun masyarakat yang memakai gigi tiruan masih sedikit. ...

Kebersihan Gigi Tiruan pada Lansia, Suatu Tinjauan Metode dan Bahan

Jurnal Material Kedokteran Gigi

... Mouthwash can contain synthetic or natural ingredients. Mouthwash can also provide freshness to the oral cavity (Gartika et al., 2019;Harnis et al., 2020). This study is very important to make effective and inexpensive oral health products for the middle socioeconomic community. ...

Pengaruh obat kumur herbal jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia) terhadap penurunan indeks plak gigi murid

Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students

... Senggani fruit has a purple dye that is difficult to remove from cloth or hands. Research on the use of red fruit ethyl acetate extract as a substitute for primary dyes as a substitute for primary dyes in the single staining technique of gram-negative rods, states that ethyl acetate extract cannot be used as a substitute for primary coloring in gram-negative bacteria [7], on the contrary. Research on the use of purple sweet potato peel extract as a natural dye for purslane stem (Puttulaca aleraceae) preparations gave good results where sweet potato peel extract could color the epidermis, parenchyma, xylem and phloem tissues of purslane stems [8]. ...

Pemanfaatan ekstrak etil asetat buah merah sebagai zat pengganti pewarna primer pada teknik pengecatan tunggal bakteri gram negatif batangUtilization of ethyl acetate extract of Pandanus conoideus lam. as substitution for simple staining techniques of gram-negative rods bacteria

Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

... a) Antimicrobial Activity: According to research conducted on pineapple (Ananas comosus) fruit extract, it demonstrated antimicrobial properties, particularly exhibiting antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus. This was attributed to bromelain as the active compound, alongside phytochemical factors like Vitamin C and flavonoids 35 . Another study focusing on the peel of Ananas comosus demonstrated its antimicrobial properties, suggesting its potential use in treating and preventing infectious diseases. ...

Antibacterial effect of pineapple (Ananas comosus) extract towards Staphylococcus aureus

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

... In their study, eugenol was characterized as as an active antimicrobial agent. Its activity against Streptococcus was observed, agreeing with several studies which reported its growth inhibitory activity in oral pathogens (Wazir bin Jumali et al., 2013). ...

Antibacterial effect of clove (Eugenia aromaticum) oil extracted from clove cigarettes towards Streptococcus mutans

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

... Hasil penelusuran pustaka memperlihatkan bahwa tanaman saga memiliki aktivitas antimikroba terhadap mikroba patogen pada sistem pencernaan. Adapun hasil pengujian dari aktivitas antimikroba pada tanaman saga dapat dilihat pada tabel 1. [19] Potensi tanaman saga sebagai antimikroba disebabkan oleh kandungan metabolit sekunder pada tanaman saga. Pada skrining fitokimia yang telah dilakukan, ekstrak tanaman saga memiliki senyawa metabolit sekunder golongan tanin, saponin flavonoid, terpenoid, fenolik, steroid dan alkaloid yang diduga memiliki aktivitas antimikroba [16]. ...

Anti-fungal capacity of Saga leaf (Abrus Precatorius L) towards Candida Albicans testing

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry

... The UV irradiation of the PLC surface was adjusted to 6 µW/cm 2 . This UV treatment was sufficient for UV irradiation (21,600 µW × s/cm 2 ) to kill 99% of bacteria [25]. The UV treatment conditions used in this experiment did not significantly influence the surface properties of the PLC films [22]. ...

Bactericidal Efficacy of Ultraviolet Irradiation on Staphylococcus aureus
  • Citing Article
  • September 2005

Asian Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery