W. von Reichenau's scientific contributions

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Publications (4)

Beiträge zur nähere Kenntnis fossiler Pferde aus deutschem Pleistozän
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20 Citations

W. Von Reichenau

Citations (4)

... The evo lu tion ary his tory of bears of the ge nus Ursus is a tradi tional topic of palaeontological stud ies (e.g., von Reichenau, 1904Reichenau, , 1906Freudenberg, 1914;Rode, 1931Rode, , 1935 be cause of the pres ence of abun dant and well-pre served ma te rial. The main in ter est fo cuses on the Late Pleis to cene, while there are many pa pers too deal ing with Mid dle Pleis to cene forms (e.g., Kurtén, 1956Kurtén, , 1959Musil, 1972Musil, , 1995Argant, 1991;Bishop, 1982;Torres, 1988;Tchernov and Tsoukala, 1997;Baryshnikov and Foronova, 2001;Baryshnikov and Kalmykov, 2005;Sher et al., 2011). ...


Fossil bear material from the oldest deposits in the Jasna Strzegowska cave (Silesia, southern Poland)
Ueber eine neue fossile Bären-Art Ursus deningeri mihi aus den fluviatilen Sanden von Mosbach
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... The Eurasian big cat, since its initial description as Felis spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810), has been referred to by various taxonomic names, including Panthera (Leo) spelaea cloueti (Filhol and Filhol, 1871), Panthera leo fossilis (Reichenau, 1906), Panthera leo spelaea (Kurten, 1985;Argant, 1991), and others. In the second half of the last century, Panthera (Leo) spelaea or Panthera spelaea (Dietrich, 1968) has been the commonly used name by authors for all lions of the Middle and Late Pleistocene. ...

Beiträge zur näheren Kenntnis der Carnivoren aus den Sanden von Mauer und Mosbach
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... Equus kiang holdereri and E. holdereri). The use of the generic designation Microhippus for the new race ("species") tafeli followed the palaeontologist REICHENAU (1915), who had transferred all hemiones into this genus. The rational to place specimens of the same Formenkreis from two geographically very closely adjacent areas into different genera reveals MATSCHIE's names (in this case) as being entirely utilitarian: Clearly the subtle discriminatory characters mentioned at best justify intraspecific taxa (demotaxa), let alone a new species. ...

Beiträge zur nähere Kenntnis fossiler Pferde aus deutschem Pleistozän
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... Tarpan (gmelini Antonius, sylvestris Brinken are synonyms), E. c. mexicanus ( Hibbard, 1955. American periglacial Horse), E. c. mosbachensis ( Von Reichenau, 1903, p. 583. Central European Horse), E. c. Przewalskii (Poliakov, 1881, p. 1. Przewalskii Horse, Mongolian Wild Horse), and E. c. pumpelli (Duerst, 1908, p. 397. ...

Ueber eine Unterkiefer von Equus stenonis Cocchi aus dem Pliopleistozän von Mosbach
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