W P Green's research while affiliated with National Veterinary Laboratory and other places

Publications (8)

Groups of parasite-free lambs and calves which were either housed and fed hay and concentrates or were grazing on pasture were dosed separately with the oral anthelmintics fenbendazole and ivermectin (lambs only). The plasma concentrations of the drugs and their major metabolites were monitored during the period of their metabolism and excretion. T...
Four groups of six parasite-naive calves were infected at seven day intervals with three doses of infective larvae of Dictyocaulus viviparus. Twenty-one days after the first dose three of the groups were treated either with an injectable formulation of ivermectin at a dose rate of 200 micrograms/kg bodyweight, or with pour-on preparations of levami...
Twenty parasite-naive calves aged approximately four months were divided randomly into four groups of five. Two groups were treated with oral lungworm vaccine. One immunised group plus another non-immunised group were put out to graze on May 1 on a pasture known to be contaminated with Dictyocaulus viviparus infective larvae during the previous aut...
Two groups of parasite-free calves, one of which had been treated with four doses of a homoeopathic oral vaccine for parasitic bronchitis due to Dictyocaulus viviparus and the other with a placebo, were infected at the rate of 25 infective larvae/kg bodyweight 18 days after the final dose. Both groups became severely affected by parasitic bronchiti...
A group of 12 winter-born calves was divided into two groups of six. During the following summer one group grazed on pasture infected with Dictyocaulus viviparus, and was treated with ivermectin injections at three, eight and 13 weeks after turn out. The other group remained housed. Both groups were housed during the winter and then together with a...
Forty four parasite free calves were divided into eight groups, four of six and four of five calves. Two of the groups of six were given a bolus containing 22 g of levamisole in a formulation designed to release the anthelmintic for ninety days. One group of treated calves was put out to graze at the beginning of May with one of the untreated large...
Three groups of calves were put out to graze on separate paddocks within a field known to be infected with Dictyocaulus viviparus and were also given a small initial trickle infection of the parasite. The first group were untreated controls, the second were immunised with live irradiated lungworm vaccine and the third were injected three times with...


... Numerous factors are known to influence pharmacokinetic behaviour of ML anthelmintics (Hennessy and Alvinerie, 2002) including feed intake (duration of drug-digesta passage) (Ali and Hennessey, 1996), breed of deer (Waldrup et al., 1998) and for pour-on administration, the weather (Oksanen et al., 1995;Sargent et al., 2009). Taylor et al. (1992) demonstrated increased availability, as estimated by areas under the plasma concentration-time curves, of ivermectin and fenbendazole when animals were housed on a diet of hay and concentrates compared to grazing pastures outdoors. Whether a difference between indoor and outdoor trials is contributing to the observed efficacies remains to be determined. ...
... In order to evaluate the effect of treatment on young adult worms and developing larvae of D. viviparus it was necessary to differentiate between the worms resulting from the first and second infection, respectively. This was done by measuring the worms as described by Taylor et at (6). The presence of eggs in the uteri of the female worms was also registered. ...
... The hitherto unprecedented broad spectrum macrocyclic lactone (ML) parasiticide ivermectin, first introduced in the early 1980s, which is effective against multiple genera of endo-and ecto-parasites, facilitated pure and applied research, not only into treatment and control, but also into various aspects of epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunity, host behaviour ( Figure 3) and diagnostics in a wide range of parasitic diseases, particularly in cattle. Examples include: z Parasitic gastroenteritis (Jacobs et al, 1987;Forbes et al, 2000) and lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) (Taylor et al, 1990) individually or collectively (Taylor et al, 1986;Jacobs et al, 1989) The macrocyclic lactones introduced after ivermectin have reinforced or added to our knowledge of ruminant parasitism, for example: z Doramectin and moxidectin in the control of sheep scab (Psoroptes ovis) (Bates et al, 1995;O'Brien et al, 1996) z Eprinomectin and parasitism in lactating dairy cows (Forbes et al, 2004;Rehbein et al, 2005;Fiedor et al, 2009;Charlier et al, 2009;Verschave et al, 2014). ...
... En otros ejemplos ilustrativos, los becerros con diarrea no muestran diferencias en el periodo de recuperación con animales tratados con agua o con preparados homeopáticos de podophyllum [122]; el uso profiláctico de preparados homeopáticos (oral vaccine) contra bronquitis parasitaria en becerras no dio resultados diferentes a los vistos con falta de tratamiento [123]; vacunas homeopáticas funcionan igual que el placebo en conteo celular en leche de vacas sanas [124]; la eficacia de la homeopatía en prevención-terapia de infecciones veterinarias no está sustentada en evidencia seria [125]; y casos de dermatitis atópica en perros [126] e hipertiroidismo en gatos [127] no mejoran luego del uso de remedios homeopáticos comerciales o individualizados. ...
... The hitherto unprecedented broad spectrum macrocyclic lactone (ML) parasiticide ivermectin, first introduced in the early 1980s, which is effective against multiple genera of endo-and ecto-parasites, facilitated pure and applied research, not only into treatment and control, but also into various aspects of epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunity, host behaviour ( Figure 3) and diagnostics in a wide range of parasitic diseases, particularly in cattle. Examples include: z Parasitic gastroenteritis (Jacobs et al, 1987;Forbes et al, 2000) and lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) (Taylor et al, 1990) individually or collectively (Taylor et al, 1986;Jacobs et al, 1989) The macrocyclic lactones introduced after ivermectin have reinforced or added to our knowledge of ruminant parasitism, for example: z Doramectin and moxidectin in the control of sheep scab (Psoroptes ovis) (Bates et al, 1995;O'Brien et al, 1996) z Eprinomectin and parasitism in lactating dairy cows (Forbes et al, 2004;Rehbein et al, 2005;Fiedor et al, 2009;Charlier et al, 2009;Verschave et al, 2014). ...
... Der Gräfner et al., 1965; Oakley, 1977; Eysker et al., 1992; Hertzberg und Eckert, 1996) ist aber wenig bedeutsam (Saatkamp et al., 1994;, 1962; Jørgensen et al., 1982; Somers et al., 1985; Taylor et al., 1988a). Die Larven werden mit den Sporangiophoren der Pilze mehrere Meter weit weggeschleudert, wo sie von den Kühen eher aufgenommen werden als in direkter Nähe zum Kothaufen (Pfeiffer und Supperer, 1980). ...
... La réaction immunitaire à l'égard de Dictyocaulus viviparus est d'apparition précoce (décelable dès 8 à 10 j), de performance appréciable mais de pérennité limitée. Plus précisément, elle se manifeste essentiellement vis-à-vis des stades larvaires 3 (notamment la gaine larvaire) et vis-à-vis des adultes (13,34) Le résultat de l'établissement de cette immunité est la limitation du développement (ou leur retardement) des stades larvaires, et une limitation de la durée de vie et des capacités reproductrices des parasites adultes (12,31). Ainsi, la période patente, phase où le parasite se reproduit, est limitée à un maximum de 75 jours. ...