Volodymyr Kulishov's research while affiliated with Kryvyi Rih National University and other places

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Publications (40)

  • Article

May 2024


6 Reads

SOCIETY INTEGRATION EDUCATION Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference


Hanna Purii


Maryna Baida




Volodymyr Kulishov

The development of partnerships between European countries in the field of cyber education is currently playing a significant role in enhancing countries’ cyber potential and comprehensive and systemic counteraction to cyber threats. The research aims to outline the main principles of implementing an integrated cyber education system in European countries. To solve the tasks set, the research uses the following methods: cognition methods to study theoretical foundations of digital education development; comparative and analytical methods to analyze National Cybersecurity Indices and Digital Development Level Indices of the EU and Ukraine; heuristic (expert) methods to formulate the goal, objectives, conclusions and recommendations to form a multilevel generalized model of cyber education; and logical and formalized methods to outline the relevance of cyber education to counter cyber threats. The research discusses the issue of digital education, presents National Cybersecurity Indices and Digital Development Level Indices of countries, explores the gaps between National Cybersecurity Indices and Digital Development Level Indices of the EU and Ukraine, and outlines the basic principles of the European Cybersecurity Taxonomy. The main research results are the proposed categorical apparatus of integrated cyber education in European countries and the multi-level generalized model of cyber education to gradually acquire skills and abilities to combat cyber threats introduced from primary school to adult education. Thus, a comprehensive acquisition of skills to combat cyber threats will help to develop knowledge, skills and abilities of European citizens in the field of cybersecurity and improve the cyber potential of European countries. The introduction of unified regulatory courses and methodological support developed in accordance with the best international practices and harmonized with the terminology of EU and NATO member states will enable effective cooperation in a single information and cyber space.



May 2024


10 Reads

SOCIETY INTEGRATION EDUCATION Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference

The article examines the modern paradigm of education diplomacy through the elements of public diplomacy instead of classical understanding of diplomacy, namely, the formation of the image of an educational institution, interpersonal relations of participants in the educational process and the definition of new content in the global educational space. Besides, a discourse analysis is conducted, the main tasks of education diplomacy are formulated and defined. The methodological foundations of education diplomacy functioning are considered basing on generalizations of the experience and observations covering this issue, which indicate the multi-vector nature and relevance of the proposed research. Ukraine takes an important place in the development of global education diplomacy, due to positioning itself as a country of cultural and educational values on the international arena. The expert opinions of scientists studying the issue of education diplomacy from the point of view of current development, advantages and challenges are given in the article. An integral part of education is scientific diplomacy, which has been gaining special relevance, since the publication and content of educational and scientific literature determine not only education in general, but also the educational and informational context of the country, in particular. Emphasizing positive trends and achievements in the field of education diplomacy, the authors, on the other hand, listed some problems and challenges in Ukraine, proposed relevant conclusions regarding the in-depth study of the issue. The result of the research was the proposed cluster model of educational diplomacy.

Methodology for Researching Digital Diplomacy in the New Era of Sustainable Development and Climate Change
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2023


12 Reads

The article examines into the contemporary theories and concepts surrounding the current landscape of digital diplomacy on both global and national scales. It explores the role of digital diplomacy in shaping the foreign policies of nations, with a specific focus on Ukraine's efforts in promoting and addressing international issues. The authors defines modern theoretical foundations of digital diplomacy, and disloses categorial discourse of digital diplomacy within terms of web-diplomacy, twiplomacy and others. The novelty of this work lies in the interpretation of digital diplomacy as a tool for supporting social and economic recovery, and the characterization of social media as a tool for digital diplomacy in the context of geopolitical challenges and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The authors set logical coherence between digital diplomacy and environmental diplomacy. Effective digital diplomacy relies on top-notch information and analytical efforts, demanding well-coordinated actions fueled by significantly enhanced information support and rigorous analytical processing. This approach is pivotal for advancing global challenges and achieving SDG. The contemporary information and communication infrastructure empowers diplomatic strategies to pivot towards climate objectives. Proposals are made to improve the system of digital diplomacy as a new paradigm of international relations, the level, possibilities and feasibility of implementing the use of digital diplomacy tools in Ukraine are determined. Authors substantiate the idea, that evolution of digital diplomacy encompasses critical areas such as advocating for climate-centric practices, bolstering digital inclusion and accessibility, resolving conflicts, advancing digital government and transparency, delivering diplomacy through digital channels, and driving cross-border humanitarian endeavors alongside sustainable infrastructure development.


Ansoff's growth strategy matrix.
M&A deals in Ukraine in 2021 by industry.
Merger and Acquisition Synergy Study: the Case of Ukraine

October 2023


2 Reads

The article examines theories and mechanisms of mergers and acquisitions, analyzes recent publications of international and national scholars and experts, provides various points of view on definition and interpretation of mergers and acquisitions, and offers the author's version of this concept. The article considers synergies that are competitive from an economic point of view, analyzes trends and the latest M&A schemes, suggests possible scenarios in the Ukrainian market, problems and ways to solve them, and draws certain conclusions. Merger and acquisition (M&A) have become a foremost strategic alliance for business, product and logistics in global environment. Using meta-literature review, a general analysis was carried out on M&A to assess motives, methods, financing sources, announcement effects, cross-border competitions, success-failure, valuation issues, and business strategies. It is highlighted in the study the main problems and weaknesses of Ukrainian companies that hinder effective IPOs are the following: a requirement on the part of domestic legislation to issue shares of companies in the national currency; prohibition by Ukrainian legislation to issue more than 25% of shares abroad; the need for the company to comply with all the requirements of a public company; the need to demonstrate stable and long-term dynamics of financial indicators and other components of financial statements; availability of financial resources to go through all stages of preparation and conduct of the IPO (5-20% of the placement amount); inconsistency of the provisions of national legislation with the requirements of foreign stock exchanges; differences in accounting and tax reporting with foreign companies. Despite the fairly widespread global use of M&A transactions in the corporate sector, Ukrainian market is not yet able to effectively use them as a tool for crisis management and preservation of the economic potential of companies due to serious legal gaps, economic problems of corporate and public administration, high political and financial risks of an unstable economy, low business culture and ethics.


July 2023


40 Reads

SOCIETY INTEGRATION EDUCATION Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference

The article examines systemic conditions and important determinants of the humanization of higher education in the light of crucial geopolitical challenges. Complex analysis of the international background of educational humanization is provided on the basis of world rankings given by international network of universities for European countries. The research discloses the most highlighting tendencies towards modern knowledge and education system in the conditions of innovation progress, digital transformation and sustainable development. The analysis reveals logical coherence between humanization, national education, and economic growth. The role of humanization of education is also considered, taking into account the requests of the world labor market, that shapes the most demanded personal criteria in different occupation areas. The concept of human-centrism of the educational system and its components are presented towards economic, geopolitical, digital and environmental discourse. It is concluded that higher education in EU and Ukraine quickly responds to crisis situations and becomes a necessary foundation for comprehensively overcoming the relevant challenges. The research represents authors’ vision on the issue of digital humanization of education and reveals its empiric model.


June 2023


26 Reads


2 Citations

Environment Technology Resources Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference

The research reveals practical side of a twin green and digital transition in terms of a global path to climate neutral economy. Digitalization is considered as a driving force behind the transition towards a low-carbon economy. The article focuses on wide international experience of IT implementation for industrial decarbonization. Analytical database of the research covers more than 200 different eco-digital projects in various areas of climate regulations given by international organizations. This allows to outline international framework of eco-digital projects based on geolocation, regional features, IT decisions, level of technological support and climate influence. International differentiation of climate-digital projects was established by region. Comprehensive analysis of these data is provided to identify the gap in digital capabilities and climate targets. The rating of IT applied in climate-digital projects was built. As a result, the research proposes key project ways of the twin green and digital transition that are the most attractive for achieving climate neutrality on a global scale.

Глобальна економіка

January 2023


13 Reads


1 Citation

У підручнику викладені основні теоретичні питання, категорії та проблеми становлення, трансформації та сучасні виклики глобальної економіки. Розглядаються тенденції процесу розвитку світогосподарських зв'язків, форми міжнародного співробітництва, формування та функціонування регіональних інтеграційних об'єднань в умовах глобалізації (слоубалізації). Підручник має системний характер, укладений відповідно до програми курсу "Глобальна економіка", який викладається студентам економічних спеціальностей. Розрахований на викладачів, студентів та докторантів факультетів економічного спрямування.

Мікро- макроекономіка: теорія і практика

July 2022


12 Reads

В підручнику викладені основні теоретичні проблеми мікро-макроекономічного аналізу. Підручник має системний характер, він укладений за нормативною програмою курсу «Мікроекономіка» та «Макроекономіка», які викладаються студентам економічних спеціальностей, забезпечує використання повного комплексу основних методів навчання: словесного, наочного та практичного. Розділи підручника містять схеми, таблиці, термінологічний словник, формули, розрахунки, тести, проблемні ситуації, практичні задачі та методику їх вирішення. Це дозволяє студентам краще засвоїти навчальний матеріал чи самостійно оволодіти ним. Розраховано на викладачів, студентів, аспірантів факультетів та відділень економічного напрямку. Може бути використаний в системі післядипломної освіти, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації практиків. Може бути корисним для учнів академічних ліцеїв, коледжів економічного профілю, а також для всіх, хто цікавиться економікою та робить перші кроки в її вивченні.

Макро- микроэкономика: теория и практика

April 2022


3 Reads

В учебнике отражены основные теоретические проблемы микро- макроэкономического анализа. Учебник носит системный характер и состав-лен по нормативной программе курса «Микроэкономика» и «Макроэкономи-ка», которые читаются студентам экономических специальностей. Обеспечи-вает использование полного комплекса основных методов обучения: словес-ного, наглядного и практического. Главы учебника содержат схемы, таблицы, терминологический словарь, формулы, расчёты, тесты, проблемные ситуации, практические задачи и методику их решения. Это позволяет студентам лучше усвоить учебный материал или самостоятельно овладеть им. Рассчитано на преподавателей, студентов и аспирантов факультетов и отделений экономического направления. Может быть использован в системе последипломного образования, переподготовки и повышения квалификации практических работников. Может быть полезным для учащихся академических лицеев, колле-джей, техникумов экономического профиля, а также для всех, кто интересует-ся экономикой и делает первые шаги в её изучении.

Citations (16)

... The research concerns Maksymova and Kurylyak (2022), plays a key role in achieving climate neutrality, allowing to optimise of production processes and reducing carbon emissions. The authors (Kulishov et al., 2023) note that the foundation for the development and implementation of digital solutions aimed at achieving an economy that doesn't affect the environment is the international structure of ecological digital projects. Javed et al. (2023) note that the development of infrastructure for renewable sources is critically important shortly. ...


Innovation In The Energy Sector: The Transition To Renewable Sources As A Strategic Step Towards Sustainable Development
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Environment Technology Resources Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference

... From an economic point of view, the M&A strategy acts as a tool to ensure competitive advantages of the merged company through the consolidation of its capital and more efficient and rational use of its opportunities in the market (Kulishov, 2023). There are several targets that characterize in one combination or another economic feasibility of mergers and acquisitionsoperational, financial, investment, strategic, and others (Arbidane et al., 2021). ...

Глобальна економіка
  • Citing Book
  • January 2023

...  Obidjon khamidov, Abdukhakim mamanazarov and Volodymyr kulishov (2021) [3] They attempt to give a paradigm of indications for the digitalization of Ukraine's financial market in their essay, which recognizes both positive and negative elements of the country's financial markets going digital. ...

  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Journal of European Economy

... Universities have focused on identifying ways to provide knowledge during the coronavirus pandemic. In a very short time they had to adapt educational processes for exclusively online teaching and learning Shevchuk et al., 2021). ...


The Journal of International Legal Communication

... All of them are based on the need to ensure the interests of the owners. However, the main reason for the implementation of integration processes is the desire of companies to obtain a synergistic effect: an integrated business creates more value for shareholders than each of its divisions separately (Botelho et al., 2021). For the purposes of corporate control, two main types of synergy are considered -operational and financial (Table 1). ...

  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Journal of European Economy

... In that case, researchers from 13 universities in Germany, Austria and Luxembourg developed the model of teachers' assessment competence that defines teachers' assessment competence [14]. Experimental work to define methodical competence formation was carried out based on vocational education institutions in Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava and Sumy regions of Ukraine and conducted in three main stages (conduction of a survey and development of educational electronic resources to exchange experience) [15]. ...

Development of Scientific and Methodical Competence of Teachers of Vocational Education Institutions
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Propósitos y Representaciones

... Klein and Richard [2] accentuate the phenomenon of the digital divide, which is conceived as 'a situation where some populations have access to ICTs while others have very little or no access at all which can impact negative on cognitive skills'. Mietule et al. [3] also assert that the use of ICTs in education is hoped to expand education to remote places and, consequently, help bridge the digital divide and thus enable positive metacognition, especially when adopting ICTs in teaching and learning. The twenty-first-century society is driven and shaped by computers, and thus, cognitive learning in chronicling ICT in teaching and learning is core. ...

  • Citing Article
  • May 2021

SOCIETY INTEGRATION EDUCATION Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference

... Promoting decent work and economic growth, building resilient infrastructure, fostering inclusive and sustainable industrialization and promoting innovation, and reducing inequalities within and between countries requires cybersecurity capacity development to strengthen processes, skills, resources, and research and development aimed at enhancing national capabilities (Arbidane et al., 2021). Cybersecurity capacity also strengthens the development of collective capabilities and the facilitation of international cooperation and partnerships to effectively respond to cybersecurity-related digital security challenges. ...

Digital Transformation Modelling in the Context of Slowbalization

SHS Web of Conferences

... To do business in e-commerce means dealing with a highly competitive market. That is why, e-commerce improvement is the key factor as it allows you to stand out among competitors, build trust, offer a better customer experience and increase conversion (Hushko et al., 2019). ...

  • Citing Article
  • May 2019

SOCIETY INTEGRATION EDUCATION Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference

... According Botelho & Kulishov (2018, 2019, after selecting a new market (country) based on EC and IC indexes and other variables of the Feitoria Model, the next step is to study the selected markets in order to choose the country with the best macroeconomic situation. The economic situation warns about economic risks that could inflict severe and long-lasting damage on development prospects. ...

A STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The Feitoria Prime Market Model – The Competitiveness Concept: MFN Tariff The bilateral trade opportunities Portugal – Poland and Portugal – Ukraine

Polonia University Scientific Journal