Vivien Midori Morikawa's research while affiliated with Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba and other places

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Publications (26)

Seropositivity for Toxocara spp. in Individuals with Animal Hoarding Disorder in Southern Brazil: An Alarm for Public Health
  • Article

March 2024


25 Reads

Acta Parasitologica


Louise Bach Kmetiuk





Alexander Welker Biondo

Animal hoarding has been associated with unhealthy human, animal and environmental conditions that predispose such individuals to serious life-threatening risks such as arson, malnutrition, cruelty and zoonosis. The study aimed to evaluate the presence of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies among individuals with animal hoarding disorder in Curitiba, Brazil. 65 residences with register of animal hoarder behavior were visited and 11 residences were included in the study, with a total of 19 individuals consenting participation. A short questionnaire was applied to gather information regarding hoarders and their dogs/cats, and serum samples were screened to detect antibodies (IgG) against antigens of Toxocara spp. Overall, 14/19 individuals (73.7%) presented anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies. In 8/11 (72.7%) households at least one person was seropositive. Seropositivity was higher among women (10/13; 76.9%) than men (4/6; 66.7%). A total of 442 dogs (14–30 dogs; average = 23.3 per household) and 31 cats (1–20 cats; average = 4.8 per household) were observed. To the authors’ knowledge, this was the first study to survey occurrences of toxocariasis among animal hoarders. The high population densities of dogs observed during visits, in conjunction with absence of veterinary care and unsanitary conditions, may indicate that situations of high levels of animal infection and soil contamination were present. In summary, the seroprevalence observed in this study indicated that there was a high risk of Toxocara spp. infection among individuals with animal hoarding disorder. Provision of educational programs to reduce the risk of infection in this population is warranted.


One Health approach for Brucella canis: Serological and molecular detection in animal-hoarding individuals and their dogs
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


50 Reads

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Animal hoarding disorder (AHD) is classified as a psychiatric obsessive-compulsive condition characterized by animal accumulation and often accompanied by unsanitary conditions and animal cruelty. Although AHD may increase pathogen transmission and spread, particularly for zoonotic diseases, human and dog exposure in such cases has yet to be fully established. Accordingly, this study aimed to assess Brucella canis in 19 individuals with AHD (11 households) and their 264 dogs (21 households) in Curitiba, the eighth largest city in Brazil, with approximately 1.8 million habitants. Anti- B . canis antibodies were detected by the 2-mercaptoethanol microplate agglutination test (2ME-MAT) and by a commercial lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), while molecular detection of previously positive seropositive samples was performed by conventional PCR. Although all the human samples were 2ME-MAT negative, 12/264 (4.5%, 95% Confidence Interval: 2.0–7.0%) dog samples were 2ME-MAT and LFIA positive, with 2ME-MAT titers ranging from 20 to 640. At least one dog in 4/21 (19.0%, 95% CI: 2.0–46.0%) households was seropositive. Despite the absence of seropositivity in individuals with AHD and the comparatively low seroprevalence in dogs, B . canis circulation and outbreaks should be considered in such human populations due to the high burden and recurrent character of B . canis exposure in high-density dog populations and the constant introduction of susceptible animals.


Community dogs – staying time and population in urban bus terminals and parks in the municipality of Curitiba, Paraná

January 2024


4 Reads

Clínica Veterinária

Dog overpopulation is a reality considered a public health issue. The Curitiba Animal Protection Network provides assistance in health management of dogs that live in bus terminals and parks. The objective was to monitorize the length of stay and the number of community dogs presented in Curitiba bus terminals. The study was based on the retrospective analysis of data on community dogs monitored by the City Hall through descriptive statistics. The collected data was distributed in a spreadsheet, and the total number of animals for each variable and the average length of stay were calculated. The average length of stay was 2 years. All were non-defined breed, 67.7% males, 73.8% large, 85.4% adults, 70% sterilized and 87.7% microchipped. Furthermore, 23% were adopted, 27% died and 47.3% disappeared. Permanent monitoring is a fundamental part of the Community Dog Program, offering essential information for effective public policies.

One Health Approach on Dog Bites: Demographic and Associated Socioeconomic Factors in Southern Brazil

March 2023


31 Reads


1 Citation

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease

Despite being an important public health issue, particularly due to rabies, dog bites and associated risk factors have rarely been assessed by health services from a One Health perspective. Accordingly, the present study aimed to assess dog biting and associated demographic and socioeconomic risk factors in Curitiba, the eighth-largest Brazilian city with approximately 1.87 million people, based on the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) rabies reports between January/2010 and December/2015. The total of 45,392 PEP reports corresponded to an average annual incidence of 4.17/1000 habitants, mainly affecting white (79.9%, 4.38/1000 population), males (53.1%, 4.81/1000 population), and children aged 0–9 years (20.1%, 6.9/1000 population), with severe accidents associated with older victims (p < 0.001) and mainly caused by dogs known to the victims. An increase of USD 100.00 in the median neighborhood income was associated with a 4.9% (95% CI: 3.8–6.1; p < 0.001) reduction in dog bites. In summary, dog biting occurrence was associated with victims’ low income, gender, race/color, and age; severe accidents were associated with elderly victims. As dog bites have been described as multifactorial events involving human, animal, and environmental factors, the characteristics presented herein should be used as a basis to define mitigation, control, and prevention strategies from a One Health perspective.

Figure 1. Ultrasonographic image of the right kidney indicating parasitism by Dioctophyma renale.
Figure 2. Second ultrassonographic image of the right kidney indicating parasitism by Dioctophyma renale.
Figure 3. Right kidney capsule containing Dioctophyma renale.
Figure 4. Dioctophyma renale parasite removed from the right kidney, leaving only the renal capsule.
Figure 5. Parque Náutico's area delimited in red.
Dioctophimosis in a community dog from a public park in the city of Curitiba-PR: a case report from the perspective of One Health

January 2023


8 Reads

Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine

The present study describes from the holistic One Health perspective a case report of dioctophimosis in a community dog (defined as stray dogs managed by the local community) residing in a park in the city of Curitiba-PR, considering the multispecies collectives directly affected by the dynamics of this dangerous zoonosis. The work underlines the importance of the community dog program of the Rede de Proteção Animal, demonstrating the health barrier function of these dogs. Despite being a cosmopolitan zoonosis, dioctophimosis is of particular importance in regions of the developing world, including Latin America, because of large populations of stray animals and social inequalities. Public policies focused on raising awareness among the general population about this parasitic disease and its risks and the restraint of actions that determine risks of infection for humans and companion animals are fundamental to a One Health approach to prevent this zoonosis.


March 2022


56 Reads

International Journal of Development Research

Para prevenir acidentes por mordeduras de cães que podem transmitir raiva ao ser humano, é necessárioobter dados epidemiológicos abrangentes que permitem a identificação de padrões de risco associados à sua ocorrência, considerando variáveis relacionadas à vítima, ao animal agressor e às circunstâncias em que ocorreu. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi propor indicadores adicionais importantes para a vigilância de mordeduras de cães nos serviços de saúde do Brasil para os casos de acidente por animal potencialmente transmissor da raiva (AAPTR), a fim de otimizar a análise sobre os fatores determinantes e condicionantes do agravo. Inicialmente, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica para embasar a indicação das variáveis de uma ficha de investigação de acidentes por mordeduras de cães a ser aplicada nos casos de AAPTR. Em seguida, estabeleceu-se as variáveis a serem incluídas nesta ficha de investigação, como proposta de vigilância aos serviços de saúde no Brasil. Finalmente, ressalta-se que a implementação de uma ficha de investigação específica para os acidentes por mordeduras de cães constitui importante instrumento para o aperfeiçoamento das ações de vigilância e prevenção da raiva no Brasil.

Unsanitary conditions in a household from an individual with animal hoarding disorder
Serological survey of anti‐Leptospira spp. antibodies in individuals with animal hoarding disorder and their dogs in a major city of Southern Brazil

March 2022


50 Reads


7 Citations

Background Individuals with hoarding disorder (HD) presented a persistent difficulty in detaching from objects and/or animals. Unhealthy conditions, frequently found in cases of animal HD (AHD), may favour environmental contamination and the spread of zoonotic pathogens. Despite that, only one study of zoonotic diseases in individuals with AHD and their companion animals has been conducted to date. Objectives This study aimed to assess the seroprevalence of anti‐Leptospira spp. antibodies in individuals with AHD and their dogs in a major city of Southern Brazil. Methods Blood samples were obtained from 264 dogs (21 households) and 19 individuals with AHD (11 households) and tested by microscopic agglutination test. Results All human samples were seronegative. Seropositivity was found in 16/264 (6.1%; CI 95% 3.3–9.6%) dogs from 11/21 (52.38%) households, with titres ranging from 100 up to 400, and Copenhageni (10/16; 62.5%) was the most frequent serovar. Surprisingly, seropositivity of hoarded dogs found herein was among the lowest reportedly observed in other dog populations of Brazil. Two epidemiological variables were significantly associated with seropositivity in dogs: the presence of cat hoarding (p = 0.004) and the report of flood occurrence in the household (p = 0.031). Conclusions No individuals with AHD were seropositive, and besides the lower seroprevalence of dogs, they probably had contact with Leptospira spp. at some point in their life. Since dogs can be considered potential sentinels in leptospirosis, public health programs must become aware of the risk of leptospirosis cases in households of individuals with AHD and nearby communities.


December 2020


127 Reads

Archives of Veterinary Science

A esporotricose é uma doença de caráter zoonótico causada por espécies fúngicas do complexo Sporothrix. Os felinos domésticos desempenham um importante papel na epidemiologia da doença, uma vez que carreiam elevadas quantidades de células leveduriformes nas lesões cutâneas, bem como nas unhas e cavidade oral (SBMT, 2020). Neste contexto, o Departamento de Vigilância Sanitária da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (DEVISA) da Prefeitura de Piraquara-PR monitora as notificações que chegam por meio de denúncias ou contato direto de tutores de animais suspeitos para a doença. Em 20 de fevereiro de 2018, foi atendido um paciente felino, fêmea, de dois anos de idade, não castrado e pesando 2,5 kg, que apresentava lesões avermelhadas, ulcerativas e com exsudato purulento na região facial, com extensão próxima à região orbitária. Apesar da evidência das lesões cutâneas o animal não apresentava outras manifestações clínicas ou alterações fisiológicas relevantes. Durante a anamnese, a tutora relatou que os sinais haviam surgido há cerca de sete dias e que não havia outros contactantes felinos na residência, apesar do animal ter acesso livre à rua. O diagnóstico da esporotricose foi clínico-epidemiológico, iniciando-se, imediatamente, o tratamento via oral com o antifúngico Itraconazol na dose de 100 mg por animal, uma vez ao dia, até a remissão total das lesões. Após 60 dias de tratamento, as lesões regrediram consideravelmente, confirmando o quadro sugestivo de esporotricose e, após quatro meses de tratamento, as lesões regrediram por completo. Entretanto, a fim de evitar recidivas, manteve-se a medicação por mais um mês, com alta em 23 de julho de 2018, sendo providenciada a castração pela Secretaria do Meio Ambiente da Prefeitura Municipal de Piraquara-PR. Após dois anos e dois meses de alta, a tutora notificou novamente o DEVISA, relatando novas lesões internas na região nasal, não por recidiva, considerando-se o tempo decorrido e a cura completa em 2018, mas pelo provável contato com outro animal infectado, uma vez que a tutora observou sinais de briga, pois o animal ainda possuía acesso livre à rua. Durante a avaliação clínica, constatou-se afecção do trato respiratório superior, com lesão tipo “nariz de anta”, característico de infecção por fungos do complexo Sporothrix. O caso está sendo acompanhando e o animal encontra-se, novamente, em tratamento desde o dia 14 de setembro de 2020, utilizando-se o Itraconazol em associação com o Iodeto de Potássio, na dose de 20 mg/kg, uma vez ao dia, tratamento este mais indicado por conta da afecção do trato respiratório superior (REIS, 2016). Apesar de laborioso, o tratamento precoce da esporotricose felina é eficiente, porém, animais com acesso livre à rua permanecem susceptíveis a reinfecções, como vem sendo observado pelo DEVISA - Piraquara. Apesar dos esforços para conscientizar a população, a partir de orientações e assinatura do Termo de Compromisso para Animais em Tratamento de Esporotricose, a doença tem tido aumento significativo no município, demandando ações educativas permanentes de guarda responsável de animais.

FIGURE 1. Locations of wild boars (Sus scrofa), hunting dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), and hunters from southern and central-western Brazil sampled for the presence of antibodies to Leptospira spp.
Leptospira spp. Antibody in Wild Boars ( Sus scrofa ), Hunting Dogs ( Canis lupus familiaris ), and Hunters of Brazil

September 2020


90 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Hunting activities are a potential risk factor for human infection with Leptospira spp. and, although wild boar seroprevalence has been studied, there are no concurrent serosurveys of wild boars ( Sus scrofa), hunting dogs ( Canis lupus familiaris), and hunters. The aim of our study was to assess the seroprevalence of Leptospira spp. antibodies in free-ranging wild boars, hunting dogs, and hunters, and risk factors associated with exposure in southern and central-western Brazil. Leptospira spp. antibodies were serologically detected using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), with a total 30 serovars. Overall, 12.2% (9/74) of wild boars and 10.6% (16/170) of hunting dogs were seropositive for at least one serovar and all hunters 0.0% (0/49) were seronegative for Leptospira spp. Seropositivity was statistically higher in 42.1% (8/19) wild boars from natural areas when compared to 2.4% (1/41) from anthropized areas ( P<0.001), with prevalence ratio of 17.14 (95% confidence interval: 2.29–128.36). Despite the limited sample size, our findings showed that hunters may be less exposed to Leptospira spp. than are wild boars, particularly in natural areas where Leptospira spp. may be maintained by wild reservoirs. In addition to acting as sentinels, hunting dogs may play a role in disease transmission of sylvatic leptospiral serovars.

Citations (19)

... Porém, a portaria foi revogada no mesmo ano através da promulgação da Portaria GM/MS nº 1.061, de 18 de maio de 2020 (BRASIL, 2020b). A revogação ocorreu devido à necessidade de estruturação da vigilância epidemiológica para esporotricose e outras micoses sistêmicas (TORRES et al., 2022). ...


Expansão urbana da Esporotricose Humana no Brasil: regulamentação e ocorrência regional

Archives of Veterinary Science

... Nonetheless, a disturbingly higher than usual number of human deaths by dog attacks was reported in 2022 in the USA, highlighting that unhealthy human-dog interactions worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, probably associated with inadequate breeding and rearing and inappropriate socialization (12). Not surprisingly, a recent study by our research group in Curitiba, Brazil has also shown that dog bites should also be approached from a One Health perspective, as such accidents involve human, animal, and environmental associated risk factors (13). ...

One Health Approach on Dog Bites: Demographic and Associated Socioeconomic Factors in Southern Brazil

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease

... Nonetheless, as the study herein was performed in high-risk areas, including historical flooding areas, active surveys could have provided at least seropositive asymptomatic cases. Despite restricted regional access and a low sample size, the study herein aimed to refine the survey on a local scale, with 10/133 (7.52) seropositive dogs for Leptospira interrogans, lower than a previous same-city report with 33 [10,[37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. Such fluctuation of anti-Leptospira spp. ...

Serological survey of anti‐Leptospira spp. antibodies in individuals with animal hoarding disorder and their dogs in a major city of Southern Brazil
Veterinary Medicine and Science

Veterinary Medicine and Science

... Wild boars have been indicated as hosts and reservoirs of several zoonotic diseases, including toxoplasmosis [17], salmonellosis [18], leptospirosis [19], brucellosis [20] and tuberculosis [21], enzootic pneumonia [22], Pneumocystis spp. pneumonia [23], hepatitis E virus, influenza A virus, trichinosis [24][25][26] and sarcocystosis [27] in Brazil and other South American countries [28]. ...

Leptospira spp. Antibody in Wild Boars ( Sus scrofa ), Hunting Dogs ( Canis lupus familiaris ), and Hunters of Brazil

Journal of Wildlife Diseases

... In the current investigation, a comprehensive spectrum of factors encompassing age categories, gender, function, housing arrangements, lifestyle, cohabitation with cats, and coprophagy habits was systematically scrutinized to discern and assess the risk factors intrinsically associated with T. gondii infection in dogs. Recent data available on T. gondii seroprevalence in dogs in different countries of the world are quite divergent, even in the context of the same country: in Brazil it varies from 7.9 to 48.8% [30,31], in China, T. gondii prevalence ranges from 4.4 to 40.3% [32,33]. Of owned dogs in Bangkok, Thailand, 7.9% were found to be T. gondii positive in 2021 [24]. ...

Spatial serosurvey of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in individuals with animal hoarding disorder and their dogs in Southern Brazil

... Castro(2015), de que as gestantes na terceira gestação (multigesta) têm 1,9 vezes mais probabilidade em adquirir a infecção pelo T. gondii quando comparadas às gestantes que estavam na primeira gestação (primigesta), podendo transcorrer devido ao curso da doença variar de acordo com a idade gestacional em que a soroconversão materna ocorre, com a cepa do parasita e da capacidade da resposta imunológica do hospedeiro(BRITO JUNIOR et al., 2020).Vale enfatizar o acompanhamento sorológico trimestral das gestantes iniciado no primeiro trimestre como crucial, aliado ao aumento da conscientização, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento, com alta prevalência de toxoplasmose e diversidade genotípica do parasita (OLIVEIRA et al., 2019; EVANGELISTA et al., 2020). A despeito da prevalência da toxoplasmose no Brasil, esta varia de acordo com cada região, visto que o país apresenta dimensões continentais e profundas diferenças étnicas e sociais, ressalta-se que a idade avançada das gestantes pode ser considerada, como um fator de suscetibilidade para o desenvolvimento da infecção, assim como, o nível de escolaridade e a presença de gatos em ambiente doméstico e na vizinhança (OLIVEIRA et al., 2019; SILVA; VINAUD; CASTRO, 2015; CÂMARA; SILVA; CASTRO, 2015; AVELAR et al., 2018).Tal perfil reflete a necessidade reforçar a educação em saúde voltada para doenças infecto parasitárias, onde os profissionais de saúde possuem responsabilidade na educação às mulheres sobre a importância do cuidado pré-natal e por melhorar a promoção da saúde, a prevenção e o tratamento de doenças durante a gravidez para atender às necessidades de saúde individuais e comunitárias, uma vez que a educação continuada acerca da toxoplasmose na Atenção Primária, tem potencial na prevenção da transmissão da doença e, por extensão, da toxoplasmose congênita(MOURA et al., 2019;SOUSA et al., 2017). ...


Archives of Veterinary Science

... Studies reporting tick parasitism and serological evidence of exposure to Rickettsia spp. in cats are very rare in Brazil because cats are not the primary hosts of any tick species and thus far have no importance in the epidemiological cycle of Rickettsiae. A study carried out by da Silva et al. (2007) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul reported parasitism of a cat by Amblyomma triste, while Mendes et al. (2019) reported parasitism by Amblyomma sculptum in the state of Rio de Janeiro; however, no diagnosis was made to prove exposure to agents from the Rickettsiae group. ...

Serosurvey of Rickettsia spp. in cats from a Brazilian spotted fever-endemic area

Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária

... Nonetheless, as the study herein was performed in high-risk areas, including historical flooding areas, active surveys could have provided at least seropositive asymptomatic cases. Despite restricted regional access and a low sample size, the study herein aimed to refine the survey on a local scale, with 10/133 (7.52) seropositive dogs for Leptospira interrogans, lower than a previous same-city report with 33 [10,[37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. Such fluctuation of anti-Leptospira spp. ...


International Journal of Development Research

... However, none of this happened to brown hares in Brazil, even when seroprevalence was higher in young animals, the statistical analyses of the overall results did not show differences in the evaluated categories. These results could indicate that T. gondii infection is not associated with the sex or age of the hosts and is uniformly distributed in the evaluated regions where other invasive mammals as wild boars are important to disease transmission (Machado et al. 2019;Machado et al. 2021). ...

Seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in wild boars (Sus scrofa), hunting dogs, and hunters of Brazil


... The potential risk of exposure to a contaminated environment by small mammals in these areas has been reported in some studies [17,19,53]. Moreover, the majority of studies have focused on a single host species, in particular brown rats [54], which are considered as the main reservoir of Leptospira spp. in urban area, rather than examining the whole community of small mammals. The levels of Leptospira spp. ...

Molecular detection of Leptospira spp. In rats as early spatial predictor for human disease in an endemic urban area