Virginie Nepote's research while affiliated with University of Geneva and other places

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Publications (18)

Figure 2. Conditional β-cell lineage tracing a, Transgenes. b, Proportion of YFP+ β-cells. Controls: 95.4±0.5% (n=4; 159-499 β-cells scored/mouse; 5-12 islets/individual). Two weeks and 1 month after DT, 80.6±2.9% and 7.6±1.8% β-cells were labeled, respectively (15 days: n=3 mice, 80-174 β-cells from 15-25 islets/mouse; 1 month: n=3 mice, 54-73 β-cells from 15-24 islets/mouse). *P<0.01. Oneway ANOVA (p=0.0181) and Dunn's multiple comparison test (* p<0.05). c-e, Most β-cells express YFP in controls. f-k, Few β-cells are YFP+ after one month (arrowhead) (f-h). In ik, 2 β-cells are shown (arrow: YFP-negative β-cell). l, glucagon+/insulin+ cells are YFPnegative (arrows); YFP+/insulin+ cells are glucagon-negative (arrowhead). Bars: 20 μm (ch); 10μm (i-l).
Figure 3: Transgenes used for the conditional α-cell lineage tracing. b–e, DOX-treated mice, without DT. f, Most α-cells are YFP+ in controls (88.1 ± 4.42%; n = 3 mice; 2,258 α-cells scored, 108 islets). Horizontal bars (in f and k) denote mean values. g–j, One month after DT, islets are mostly composed of YFP+α-cells. k, Proportion of YFP+/insulin+ cells in DOX-treated mice. DT-treated group: 63.6 ± 8.6% (511 β-cells from 239 islets; five mice). *P < 0.05. l–o, YFP+/insulin+/glucagon+ cell (arrowhead; 89.87 ± 3.04% of insulin+ cells). p–s, YFP+/insulin+ cells, not expressing glucagon (arrowheads). Scale bars, 20 μm (b–e, g–j) and 10 μm (l–o, p–s).
Figure 4: In control mice Nkx6.1 is expressed in β-cells. Scale bars, 20 μm. b, One month after ablation, 5.05 ± 0.8% of glucagon-expressing cells are Nkx6.1+ (2,855 cells in 277 islets, five mice, versus 0.37 ± 0.3% in controls; 674 α-cells in 39 islets, three mice; P = 0.035). Error bars denote s.e.m. c, Nkx6.1 expression in glucagon+ cells (top). Some cells also express insulin (middle). YFP+/insulin+/Nkx6.1+/glucagon- cell (bottom). DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Scale bars, 10 μm. d, Proposed reprogramming sequence. TF, transcription factors.
Conversion of Adult Pancreatic α-cells to β-cells After Extreme β-cell Loss
  • Article
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April 2010


671 Reads


1,047 Citations


Fabrizio Thorel


Virginie Népote


Isabelle Avril




Pancreatic insulin-producing beta-cells have a long lifespan, such that in healthy conditions they replicate little during a lifetime. Nevertheless, they show increased self-duplication after increased metabolic demand or after injury (that is, beta-cell loss). It is not known whether adult mammals can differentiate (regenerate) new beta-cells after extreme, total beta-cell loss, as in diabetes. This would indicate differentiation from precursors or another heterologous (non-beta-cell) source. Here we show beta-cell regeneration in a transgenic model of diphtheria-toxin-induced acute selective near-total beta-cell ablation. If given insulin, the mice survived and showed beta-cell mass augmentation with time. Lineage-tracing to label the glucagon-producing alpha-cells before beta-cell ablation tracked large fractions of regenerated beta-cells as deriving from alpha-cells, revealing a previously disregarded degree of pancreatic cell plasticity. Such inter-endocrine spontaneous adult cell conversion could be harnessed towards methods of producing beta-cells for diabetes therapies, either in differentiation settings in vitro or in induced regeneration.


An amylase/Cre transgene marks the whole endoderm but the primordia of liver and ventral pancreas

June 2006


29 Reads


8 Citations


Mice bearing a Cre-encoding transgene driven by a compound [SV40 small t antigen/mousealpha-amylase-2] promoter expressed the recombinase at early developmental stages broadly in the embryonic endoderm before the pancreas and lungs begin to outgrow, but not in other germ layers, as determined indirectly by beta-galactosidase and YFP reporter activity, indicating that the transgene is in fact an endodermic marker. Interestingly, the liver and ventral pancreas were excluded from this expression pattern, denoting that the chimerical alpha-amylase-2 promoter was not active in the anterior leading edge of the endoderm (the presumptive region from which liver and ventral pancreas form). These transgenics thus confirm, among other findings, that dorsal and ventral pancreatic primordia have different intrinsic transcriptional capabilities. In conclusion, we have generated a new transgenic mouse that should be useful to target endoderm at early stages, without affecting the liver or ventral pancreas before embryonic day E12.5.

Ret deficiency in mice impairs the development of A5 and A6 neurons and the functional maturation of the respiratory rhythm

December 2005


20 Reads


42 Citations

European Journal of Neuroscience

Although a normal respiratory rhythm is vital at birth, little is known about the genetic factors controlling the prenatal maturation of the respiratory network in mammals. In Phox2a mutant mice, which do not express A6 neurons, we previously hypothesized that the release of endogenous norepinephrine by A6 neurons is required for a normal respiratory rhythm to occur at birth. Here we investigated the role of the Ret gene, which encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor, in the maturation of norepinephrine and respiratory systems. As Ret-null mutants (Ret-/-) did not survive after birth, our experiments were performed in wild-type (wt) and Ret-/- fetuses exteriorized from pregnant heterozygous mice at gestational day 18. First, in wt fetuses, quantitative in situ hybridization revealed high levels of Ret transcripts in the pontine A5 and A6 areas. Second, in Ret-/- fetuses, high-pressure liquid chromatography showed significantly reduced norepinephrine contents in the pons but not the medulla. Third, tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry revealed a significantly reduced number of pontine A5 and A6 neurons but not medullary norepinephrine neurons in Ret-/- fetuses. Finally, electrophysiological and pharmacological experiments performed on brainstem 'en bloc' preparations demonstrated impaired resting respiratory activity and abnormal responses to central hypoxia and norepinephrine application in Ret-/- fetuses. To conclude, our results show that Ret gene contributes to the prenatal maturation of A6 and A5 neurons and respiratory system. They support the hypothesis that the normal maturation of the respiratory network requires afferent activity corresponding to the A6 excitatory and A5 inhibitory input balance.

Fig. 1. Strategy for isolation of the Fkbp25 gene expressed in proliferating telencephalon stem cells. (A) Diagram of the microdissection of mouse E10.5 embryos. One section isolates telencephalon and a second section isolates diencephalon plus mesencephalon at the level of the isthmus between mesencephalon and rhombomere 1. The experimental paradigm was performed in a two-step protocol: a selection step, using 400 ng of total RNAs, and a confirmation step, using 500 ng of total RNA. Abbreviations: D, diencephalon; ht, heart; M, mesencephalon; md, mandibular arch; mx, maxillary arch; Op, optic vesicle; ot, otic vesicle; Tel, telencephalon. (B) Representative differential display autoradiograph of mRNA from fibroblasts, telencephalon and mesencephalon plus diencephalon. Total RNA from these three regions was reverse-transcribed and amplified as described in Section 2. PCR was performed on two dilutions of each cDNA sample (except for the fibroblats) to minimize artifacts. The arrow indicates the cDNA band corresponding to the Fkbp25 fragment that was recovered from the gel and analyzed further. DCM, diencephalon plus mesencephalon; Tel, telencephalon; F, fibroblasts. (C) Validation of differential expression by radioactive RT-PCR. RT-PCR was performed with total RNA from telencephalon or diencephalon plus mesencephalon isolated on E10.5, in duplicate reactions, with two different concentrations, normalized with 18S RNA. Data were quantified with a phosphoImager.  
Fig. 2. Fkbp25 expression in mouse embryo. Northern blot analysis of mouse Fkbp25 mRNA in all tissues of mouse embryos (A) and various adult tissues (B). Membranes were probed with a 553 bp fragment of the Fkbp25 cDNA. Sequence data is available from GenBank under accession no. AF135595. (C) Wholemount view of a E9.5 embryo. Sagittal sections of E10.5, E13.5 and E15.5 embryos hybridized with Fkbp25 antisense probe. In E13.5 embryo, arrows indicate the lung and the gut that express the Fkbp25 gene. Scale bars: 400 mm. Abbreviations: drg, dorsal root ganglia; f, forelimb bud; ht, heart; lv, liver; md, mandibular arch; mes, mesencephalon; nc, nasal chamber; nt, neural tube; r, rib; s, somite; sc, spinal cord; tel, telencephalon.  
Fig. 3. Fkbp25 expression in mouse embryo central nervous system. (A–F) In situ hybridization during cortical neurogenesis on E10.5 (C, low magnification; E, high magnification) and on E15.5 (D, low magnification; F, high magnification) mouse embryos, probed with an Fkbp25 antisense probe. The Fkbp25 sense probe was used as a control at each stage of development (A for E10.5 and B for E15.5). Note the signal in the ventricular zone (VZ), in the cortical plate (CP) and in the mesencephalon (Mes) on E15.5. Scale bars: 500 mm (A–D) and 100 mm (E,F). (G,H) In situ hybridization during mouse cerebellum neurogenesis at E15.5 (G) and P0 (H). Scale bars: 100 mm. Abbreviations: EGL, external germinal layer; MZ, marginal zone; Mes, Mesencephalon; pCP, posterior choroid plexus; PGL, postmitotic granular cell layer; Rh, rhombic lip; SP, subplate; SVZ, subventricular zone; T, telencephalon.  
Fig. 4. Fkbp25 expression in mouse embryo non-neuronal structures. In situ hybridization of mouse sagittal section with Fkbp25 antisense probe. The Fkbp25 gene expression was detected in cardiac ventricle (A) and atrium (B) at E10.5, in the epithelia of the lung (C, arrows) and the gut (D, arrows) at E13.5, in vertebral cartilage (E,F: F is a high magnification of the area delimited in E), ribs (G) and hindlimb (H) chondrocytes at E15.5. Scale bars: 500 mm. Abbreviations: a, cardiac atrium; p, pericardium; v, cardiac ventricle.  
Fig. 5. Distribution of Fkbp25 protein in cultured telencephalon cells and their early postmitotic neuronal derivatives. (A) GFP-Fkbp25 transfected Cos cells. Fluorescent staining of GFP-Fkbp25 transfected Cos cells. (B) Proteins from the untransfected Cos cells (lane 1) or transfected with GFP-Fkbp25 expression vector Cos cells (lane2) were immunoblotted with antibodies specific to Fkbp25 and b-actin. Proteins amounts used were approximately equal and were normalized for the b-actin signal. Scale bar: 20 mm. (C) (Right insert) Western blotting with the anti-Fkbp25 antibody. We subjected 20 mg of protein from E10.5 mouse telencephalon to SDS-PAGE, transferred the resulting bands to a nitrocellulose membrane, and probed the membrane with a rabbit anti-bovine Fkbp25 polyclonal antibody. (C1–C9) Immunofluorescence analysis of Fkbp25 (C1,C4,C7), fibrillarin (C2,C5), Tuj-1 (C8) and merged images (C3,C6,C9) in telencephalon cells 6 h after plating (6h, C1–C3) or in postmitotic neuronal derivatives obtained after 3 days of culture (3d, C4–C9). Fkbp25 protein is shown in red; Fibrillarin and Tuj-1 are shown in green, as described in Section 2. Note that Fkbp25 is found both in the cytoplasm and the nucleus in cells cultured for 6 h but is restricted to the nucleus after neuronal differentiation. Scale bar: 5 mm in C1–C3 and 20 mm in C4–C9.  
Molecular cloning and expression pattern of the Fkbp25 gene during cerebral coritcal neurogenesis

July 2005


109 Reads


6 Citations

Gene Expression Patterns

Neocortical neurons are generated predominantly from the cells that proliferate in the ventricular zone of the telencephalon. In order to understand the nature of these expanding cortical neuronal progenitor cells, we selected by differential display some transcripts that were enriched in the telencephalon as compared to the more caudal regions (diencephalon/mesencephalon). This systematic screening revealed one of the differentially expressed transcripts, namely the Fkbp25 mRNA that encodes a member of the FK506 binding proteins (FKBPs). Northern blot analysis showed that the expression of the single 1.4kb Fkbp25 transcript reached a maximum level on embryonic day 11.5 at the start of cortical neurogenesis in the mouse and was followed by a weak basal expression in the adult brain. In the embryo, Fkbp25 gene was strongly expressed in the telencephalon ventricular zone but also in areas active in myogenesis (walls of the ventricle and the atrium) and chondrogenesis (the cartilage of the rib and the hindlimb). An increase in the transcript levels of the Fkbp25 gene was also observed during the two successive proliferation waves of the cerebellum development. Immunostaining on primary cultures of embryonic day 10.5 telencephalon stem cells showed that the Fkbp25 protein was present in the cytoplasm and nuclei of cells cultured for 6h but exclusively in the nuclei of the Tuj-1 immunoreactive neurons obtained after 3 days of culture (The sequence data reported here have been submitted to GenBank under accession no. AF135595.).

Survival motor neuron SMN1 and SMN2 gene promoters: Identical sequences and differential expression in neurons and non-neuronal cells

October 2004


131 Reads


46 Citations

European Journal of Human Genetics

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a recessive disorder involving the loss of motor neurons from the spinal cord. Homozygous absence of the survival of motor neuron 1 gene (SMN1) is the main cause of SMA, but disease severity depends primarily on the number of SMN2 gene copies. SMN protein levels are high in normal spinal cord and much lower in the spinal cord of SMA patients, suggesting neuron-specific regulation for this ubiquitously expressed gene. We isolated genomic DNA from individuals with SMN1 or SMN2 deletions and sequenced 4.6 kb of the 5' upstream regions of the these. We found that these upstream regions, one of which is telomeric and the other centromeric, were identical. We investigated the early regulation of SMN expression by transiently transfecting mouse embryonic spinal cord and fibroblast primary cultures with three transgenes containing 1.8, 3.2 and 4.6, respectively, of the SMN promoter driving beta-galactosidase gene expression. The 4.6 kb construct gave reporter gene expression levels five times higher in neurons than in fibroblasts, due to the combined effects of a general enhancer and a non-neuronal cell silencer. The differential expression observed in neurons and fibroblasts suggests that the SMN genes play a neuron-specific role during development. An understanding of the mechanisms regulating SMN promoter activity may provide new avenues for the treatment of SMA.

Replacement by a lacZ reporter gene assigns mouse connexin36, 45 and 43 to distinct cell types in pancreatic islets

April 2004


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64 Citations

Experimental Cell Research

Transcripts of three connexin isoforms (Cx36, Cx43 and Cx45) have been reported in rodent pancreatic islets, but the precise distribution of the cognate proteins is still unknown. We determined expression of Cx36 in a cell-autonomous manner using mice with a targeted replacement of the Cx36 coding region by a lacZ reporter gene. For cell-autonomous monitoring of Cx43 expression, we used the Cre/loxP system: Mice carrying the Cx43 coding region flanked by loxP sites (floxed) also carried an embedded lacZ gene that is activated after Cre-mediated recombination in cells with transcriptional activity of the Cx43 gene. Deletion of the Cx43 coding region in beta-cells did not result in the activation of the embedded lacZ reporter gene. Instead, Cx43 expression was found in endothelial cells of the islets of Langerhans in mice with endothelium-specific deletion. Ubiquitous deletion of Cx43 led to a similar endothelial lacZ expression, but again, activity of the reporter gene was not detected in beta-cells. Mice with targeted replacement of the Cx45 coding region by lacZ showed a vascular expression similar to Cx43. The data show that native insulin-producing cells express a connexin isoform (Cx36) which differs from those (Cx43 and Cx45) expressed by vascular islet cells.

Nestin expression in pancreatic exocrine cell lineages

February 2004


57 Reads


143 Citations

Mechanisms of Development

Expression of nestin has been suggested to be a characteristic of pancreatic islet stem cells. To determine whether nestin is indeed expressed in such putative cells during embryonic development, or in the adult pancreas after injury, we performed a cell lineage analysis using two independent lines of transgenic mice encoding Cre recombinase under the control of rat nestin cis-regulatory sequences, each crossed with loxP-bearing R26R mice. F1 animals produced the reporter molecule beta-galactosidase only upon Cre-mediated recombination, thus solely in cells using (or having used) the transgenic nestin promoter. In early pancreatic primordia, beta-galactosidase was observed in mesenchymal and epithelial cells. At later developmental stages or in adults, vast clusters of acinar cells and few ductal cells were labeled, in addition to fibroblasts and vascular cells, but no endocrine cells were tagged by beta-galactosidase. This correlated with the transient expression, observed with an anti-nestin antibody, of endogenous nestin in about 5% of epithelial cells during development (whether in cord-forming arrangements or in nascent acini), and in vascular and mesenchymal structures. After partial pancreatectomy, there was a transient increase of the number of anti-nestin-labeled endothelial cells, but again, no endocrine cells bore beta-galactosidase. Together, these findings show that nestin is expressed in the pancreatic exocrine cell lineage, and suggest that consistent nestin expression is not a major feature of islet endocrine progenitor cells.

Citations (13)

... As of the preparation of this manuscript, only three protocols have been established to direct pluripotent stem cell differentiation toward the α cell fate [24][25][26] , and no human model has been established to follow spatio-temporally ARX and PAX4 activity to decipher mechanistically how α vs β cell fate allocation occurs. Studies in mouse models proposed α-to-β cell fate conversion from residual or supernumerary α cells as a potential mechanism for β cell regeneration in T1D [27][28][29] . In the search for potential drugs promoting this mechanism, one study showed artemether as a trigger for α-to-β cell transdifferentiation both in vitro and in vivo 30 . ...


Resolving human α versus β cell fate allocation for the generation of stem cell-derived islets
Conversion of Adult Pancreatic α-cells to β-cells After Extreme β-cell Loss


... Importance of PNECs is confirmed by Mash1 ± mice that present about 50 % decrease in number of NEBs and a normal brain development. Although they survive, these mice show abnormal respiratory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia [31], suggesting that PNECs/NEBs chemosensitive activity is functional and essential from the first post-natal hours in wild-type animals. Because PNECs are also known to play, in fetus and newborn, an important role in the regulation of airway branching, growth, and maturation [32], the ventilation insufficiency reported in these transgenic mice might be explained by pulmonary structural and functional defects linked to the PNECs lack. ...

Ventilatory Responses to Hypercapnia and Hypoxia in Mash-1 Heterozygous Newborn and Adult Mice
  • Citing Article
  • December 1999

Pediatric Research

... In addition, RET, encoding a cadherin that plays a crucial role in NC development, is a candidate for Hirschsprung disease (OMIM# 142623;Edery et al., 1994) and is found to be differentially expressed after RUNX2 transfection in neuroblastoma cells (Kuhlwilm et al., 2013). RET is downstream ASCL1 (another candidate for Hirschsprung disease) in noradrenergic brain stem neurons important for respiratory rhythm modulation (Dauger et al., 2001). Likewise, ZIC1 is needed for NC development (along with PAX3) and plays a key role in craniofacial development (Milet et al., 2013;Plouhinec et al., 2014). ...

MASH-1/RET pathway involvement in development of brain stem control of respiratory frequency in newborn mice

Physiological Genomics

... The copyright holder for this preprint (which this version posted May 17, 2022. there are lines that target sensory ganglia 71,72 or subsets of primary afferents 12,73,74 , there are relatively fewer tools available to specifically target the spinal cord and DRG while sparing the brain. In order to determine spinal versus supraspinal contributions to pain, there is a constant need for the evolution of genetic tools to meet the demand of more specific manipulations. ...

Murine peripherin gene sequences direct Cre recombinase expression to peripheral neurons in transgenic mice
  • Citing Article
  • August 2002

... In patient 4, a pregnant woman with MSK complicated with double renal calculi, type 2 diabetes, and hypokalemia and has a baby with neonatal hypospadias. As not all patients with MSK have a family history of the disease [30], a genetic variant form of MSK were possible. MSK was often associated with renal or urinary tract abnormalities. ...

Glial Cell Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor is Expressed by Epithelia of Human Renal Dysplasia
  • Citing Article
  • January 2003

The Journal of Urology

... RIP-EYFP mice. To produce a mouse line with labeled beta cells for FACS purification, we crossed mice homozygous for loxP-flanked STOP sequence followed by the Enhanced Yellow Fluorescent Protein gene (EYFP) inserted into the Gt(ROSA)26Sor locus (B6.129X1-Gt(ROSA)26Sor tm1(EYFP)Cos , The Jackson laboratory stock number 006148) (Srinivas et al., 2001) with homozygous RIPcre mice (B6-Tg(Ins2-cre) Herr , kindly provided by P. Herrera (Herrera et al., 2002). Both lines were completely backcrossed onto a C57BL/ 6NCrl genetic background prior to intercrossing. ...

Pancreatic Cell Lineage Analyses in Mice
  • Citing Article
  • January 2003


... Given the important role of ASCL1 in the formation of specific neuronal patterns, it is possible that polymorphisms affecting ASCL1 activity could contribute to the cognitive and perceptual disturbances associated with SZ. To date, only two genetic variations potentially disrupting ASCL1 have been found (rs533680685 (a 15 bp deletion in the coding region of the gene) and rs267606667 (a missense variant, c.52C > A, p.Pro18Thr)) in patients with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome [60]. It is unknown whether these patients have reached adolescence and, if so, whether they suffer from any psychiatric disorders. ...

Noradrenergic neuronal development is impaired by mutation of the proneural HASH-1 gene in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (Ondine's curse)

Human Molecular Genetics

... However, given the recent evidence of the metabolic pitfalls such as a reduction in lean mass, body size and insulin insensitivity, alternative models are being sought 4 . Some of these effects come from altered GH signalling (body size) while others imply off-target effects of the Cre expression in other cell types such as the pancreas 25 . An alternative and specific pan-neuronal gene driver is required. ...

Nestin expression in pancreatic exocrine cell lineages
  • Citing Article
  • February 2004

Mechanisms of Development

... The homotypic gap junction consists of two identical connexin complexes in neighbouring cells to connect them to each other form a single channel, such as connexin 36 (Cx36) (which is highly expressed in β cells), Heterotypic gap junctions have been observed between endothelial (Cx43) and β (Cx36) cells, however, it is not known what impact these have on β cell behaviour (Fig. 2). 66,67 It has been observed that Cx36 expression is influenced by the spatial arrangement of cells. When β cells (MIN6) were cultured in a monolayer or as pseudoislets, cells in the latter had significantly up-regulated Cx36, resulting in 6-fold higher insulin secretion than in monolayer cultures. ...

Replacement by a lacZ reporter gene assigns mouse connexin36, 45 and 43 to distinct cell types in pancreatic islets
  • Citing Article
  • April 2004

Experimental Cell Research

... D10 base editing is highly efficient (99 ± 0.7%) with high on-target precision (82 ± 0.0%). The SMN2 gene arose from a duplication of the chromosomal region containing SMN1, and shares an identical promoter and >99.9% sequence identity with SMN1, including 100% DNA conservation of its protein-coding sequence other than exon 7 C6T (1,4,5). We performed RT-qPCR and quantified SMN2 mRNA levels in edited cells, confirming that SMN2 mRNA abundance is not affected by D10 base editing compared to untreated Δ7SMA mESCs or following ABE8e transfection with an unrelated sgRNA ( fig. ...

Survival motor neuron SMN1 and SMN2 gene promoters: Identical sequences and differential expression in neurons and non-neuronal cells

European Journal of Human Genetics