Virginia Olga Beattie Emery's research while affiliated with Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and other places

Publications (66)

This chapter explains the interaction of language and memory in major depression and senile dementia of Alzheimer's type. The chapter investigated the degree and kind of deficits found in language and memory processing in populations of SDAT, major depression without dementia and normal aging. Impact of the disease process of SDAT is significantly...
The affirmative position is argued in response to the question of whether intervention in the disease course of Alzheimer disease (AD) occurs too late. AD is not a singular, homogeneous disease, but rather a final common pathway or end-point that can be arrived at through multiple routes. As part of the affirmative argument, there is a delineation...
Vascular dementia is an overarching superordinate category of which multiinfarct vascular dementia is only one subtype. To contribute to the definition of vascular dementia, method involved investigation of mental status, oral language and comprehension in 81 consecutive vascular patients comprising two vascular samples: cerebral infarct sample (n=...
Vascular dementia is redefined so as to include noninfarct vascular dementia: vascular dementia caused by underlying vascular factors other than cerebral infarction. Data are presented that bring into focus the interface between vascular dementia and Alzheimer syndrome, and the ambiguous transition between multifocality and diffuse or generalized d...
Progressive memory impairment is the primary cognitive feature of Alzheimer's disease. Systematic attention to progressive language impairment is under-appreciated. The purpose of this article is to apply the semiotic language framework to organize the disparate findings on language impairment in DAT. The semiotic system is hierarchical, going from...
This review comprises a historical, clinical, and empirical examination of the dementia spectrum of depression. The primary focus of the article is to evaluate the usual dichotomy between depressive dementia as functional-reversible and degenerative dementia as organic-irreversible. It is proposed that depression, cognitive impairment, and degenera...
Contents:List of Contributors Acknowledgments List of Abbreviations IntroductionPART ONE: Background, Concepts, and Diagnostics1. Boundaries between Normal Aging and Dementia: Perspectives from Neuropsychological and Neuroimaging Investigations 2. The Spectrum of Dementias: Construct and Nosologic Validity 3. Diagnostic Procedures for Dementia PART...
This article focuses on some of the long-standing problems that exist in the classification of the vascular dementias. To clarify the definition of vascular dementia, mental status and other cognitive processes were investigated in 12 patients with a single cerebral infarct (mean age, 74.8 years), 17 patients with multiple cerebral infarcts (mean a...
This article focuses on some of the long-standing problems that exist in the classification of the vascular dementias. To clarify the definition of vascular dementia, mental status and other cognitive processes were investigated in 12 patients with a single cerebral infarct (mean age, 74.8 years), 17 patients with multiple cerebral infarcts (mean a...
The primary focus of this review is to examine the usual dichotomy between depressive dementia as functional and reversible and degenerative dementia as organic and irreversible. The authors propose viewing depression, cognitive impairment, and degenerative dementia as intersecting continua. They define five prototypical groups along these continua...
The conceptualization of predisposition to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders(PTSD) is summarized by three models: (1) predisposition due to preexisting psychopathology, (2) predisposition due to preexisting traits or characteristics considered normal, and (3) predisposition due to preexisting experience of specified stressors in family of origin. The...


... However, they often perform poorly on the total learning slope pertaining to trials 1 -5 and especially trials 2 -5. Patients with cortical dementia, such as those with AD or Ko- 6 Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2022; 16(2):e118139. ...
... Well-trained psychologist examiners administered all four tests in the same order to all the study patients. Depression was assessed by the Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15) [20], which is a global test of depression with scores ranging from 0 to 15. ...
... Researchers have endeavored to identify variables that heighten risk for PTSD, studying both who is most likely to be exposed to trauma and who among the trauma exposed is most likely to develop the disorder (Brewin, Andrews, & Valentine, 2000; Yehuda, 1999). ...
... MID 환자의 대면이름대기 능력은 HC보다 수행이 저하되나 (Chaves et al., 1999;Emery et al., 1996) (Alexander et al., 1986;Cummings et al., 1994;Ishii et al., 1986) ...
... Some individuals with dementia wander with agendas of escape, while others move aimlessly. The need to move results from heightened levels of anxiety, stemming from physiological, neurochemical or psychological sources (Emery and Oxman 2003, Dickinson and McLain-Kark 1998, Hope et al. 2001). These motives to move raise important questions about how architects design care environments to support or control wanderers. ...
... In addition, elderly patients with moderate to severe depression showing reversible cognitive impairment have a four-fold increased risk of subsequently developing dementia [49]. Several authors suggested renaming pseudodementia as 'predementia' or 'pre-permanent dementia,' underscoring the possible coexistence of depression and dementia and considering depressive pseudodementia as a prodromal or intermediate stage in the development of dementia [63][64][65]. ...
... Other examples of dysfunctions of language-control processing in AD can be found within the grammatical competence literature. Emery (1982Emery ( , 1985 examined syntactic deficits in AD and normal ageing. She administered a series of syntactic abilities tests to a sample of participants with AD and to age-matched and younger healthy controls. ...
... Sentence comprehension has been found to diminish in dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) patients in various tasks, such as sentence-picture matching (Rochon, Waters & Caplan, 1994), enactment (Emery, 1983(Emery, , 1988, or the Token Test (Tomoeda et al., 1990). Sentence comprehension is impaired even at the very early stage of the disease (Bates, Wulfeck & MacWhinney, 1991;Grober & Bang, 1995;Kempler et al., 1998;Kontiola et al., 1990;Leikin & Aharon Peretz, 1998;MacDonald et al., 1996;Rochon, Waters & Caplan, 1994;Small, Kemper & Lyons, 1997;Tomoeda et al., 1990). ...
... Bei der Analyse von Altersspezifik 5 müssen nach Fiehler/Thimm (2003: 9) Emery 1999, Obler et al. 1999, Sabat 1999 in einem von Heidi E. Hamilton 1999 herausgegebenen Sammelband zu »Language and Communication in Old Age«; vgl. hinsichtlich einer plötzlichen krankheitsbedingten Einschränkung der Sprachfähigkeit Goodwin 2017, der zeigt, wie ein durch einen Schlaganfall sprachlich extrem beeinträchtigter älterer Patient es dennoch schafft, in Ko-Operation mit seinen Gesprächspartner:innen ausschließlich mithilfe der drei Wörter »ja«, »nein« sowie »und« Interaktionen wechselseitig zu verfertigen). ...
... Previous studies have suggested that its impairment may be related to depression. [8][9][10][11][12][13] Parmelle et al. found that depression may be a risk factor for the development of cognitive decline, particularly among institutionalized elderly subjects. 14 Besides, according to Fitchter, institutionalized elderly subjects who remain mentally inactive have their intellectual potential reduced, their creativity affected and tend to show signs of mental impairment. ...